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IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP)
e-ISSN: 2278-4861.Volume 3, Issue 6 (May. - Jun. 2013), PP 33-41
www.iosrjournals.org 33 | Page
Structural and magnetic characterization of Co2+
nano structured Copper-Zinc spinel ferrite
Sindhu S1
, D. D. Birajdar2
GND Engineering College, Bidar, Karnataka State, India
B.S.S. Arts,Science and Commerce college Makani, Osmanabad (M.S.), India
Abstract : Nano particles of Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) synthesized through sol-gel auto combustion
method. Nitrates of elements and citric acid are used as starting materials. X-ray Diffraction, Thermo
Gravimetric Analysis and Vibrating Sample Magnetometer are used to analyze the properties. Effect of
variation in the Co substitution and its impact on particle size, lattice constant, density, cation distribution,
ferritization temperature, associated water content, magnetic properties like saturation magnetization(MS),
coercivity(HC) and remanent magnetization(Mr) is observed. Lattice parameter increases with increasing Co+2
concentration whereas X-ray density, bulk density decreases with the Co+2
content. In Cation distribution the
Co and Cu ion show preference towards octahedral B-site, Zn occupy A site whereas Fe occupy both A and B
site. Cation redistribution takes place for x > 0.3. Saturation magnetization increases from (x ≤ 0.3). For x >
0.3, Ms decreases suggesting that significant canting exists at B site. However, coercivity, magnetocrystalline
anisotropy and remanant magnetization increases with the Co2+
Keywords: Coercivity(HC), Remanent and Saturation Magnetization , Sol-gel synthesis, Thermo Gravimetric
Analysis and Vibrating Sample Magnetometer, X-ray Diffraction.
I. Introduction
substituted Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4 ferrites are commercially important magnetic materials and play
an important role in the production of magnetic recording media.The cation distribution in CuFe2O4 copper
ferrite can be represented by formula (Cu2+
O4. The parameter of inversion is (0 ≤ x
≤ 0.5). When the spinel is synthesized using classical ceramic technologies (high temperature treatment of the
initial oxides of the metal cations) with strict stoichiometry (x = 1), it has tetragonal structure with crystal cell
parameters a = 8.20 and c = 8.60; c/a = 1.05 [1]. The c/a ratio can be changed via decreasing the copper
concentration, or alternatively, by temperature treatments. Yokoyama et al. [2] observed changes in the crystal
structure of nanosized CuFe2O4 powders obtained by co-precipitation and subsequent annealing. According to
some other authors [3] a = 8.24, c = 8.68, but c/a is again 1.05. The structure of CuFe2O4 is considered as that of
a tetragonally deformed spinel stretched along the (0 1 1) direction. They proved that the copper spinel is cubic
at temperatures below 300°C and tetrahedral over 400°C. Further Co ferrite shows good magnetostrictive
properties, magnetocrystalline anisotropy, high coercivity and moderate saturation magnetization among all the
ferrite family [10]. Therefore, by keeping this composition in our mind, we have proposed the studies on
structural analysis, cation distribution and magnetic properties of nano-size Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5)
by sol-gel method.
II. Experimental:
2.1 Preparation method:
Sol-gel auto-combustion method is a novel method of preparing nano-materials [11] by which
nanocrystalline powder of Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) is prepared. It can save energy and avoid
agglomeration during the calcinations at high temperature. A.R. grade citric acid (C6H8O7)·H2O, copper nitrate
(Cu(NO3)2·3H2O, zinc nitrate (Zn(NO3)2·6H2O, cobalt nitrate (Co(NO3)2·3H2O and ferric nitrate
Fe(NO3)3·9H2O were used as starting materials. The metal nitrates were dissolved in a minimum amount of
double distilled water to get a clear solution and ammonia solution was slowly added to maintain the pH. The
mixed solution was kept on to a hot plate with continuous stirring. The solution became viscous and finally
formed a very viscous brown gel. When finally all water molecules were removed from the mixture, the viscous
gel began frothing. After few minutes, the gel automatically ignited and burnt with glowing flints. The auto-
combustion was completed within a minute, yielding the brown-colored ashes termed as a precursor. The
powder which is thus prepared, then annealed at 600 0
C for 4 hours.
2.2 Structural and magnetic characterization:
The dried gels were characterized by Thermo gravimetric analysis and differential thermal analysis at a
heating rate of 100
C/min in air atmosphere. The samples were powdered for X-ray investigations. Magnetic
Structural and magnetic characterization of Co2+
substituted nano structured Copper-Zinc spinel
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measurements were performed using the commercial PARC EG&G vibrating sample magnetometer VSM 4500.
Hysteresis curve loops were measured at room temperature with maximum applied magnetic fields. Magnetic
field sweep rate was 5 Oe/s for all measurements. Hence measurement of hysteresis loops with maximum field
of 0.7 T took about 2 hours. The samples prepared in powder form were fixed in paraffin in order to exclude the
motion of powder in a measuring cap.
III. Results and discussion:
3.1 Structural properties:
The experimental observation showed that the nitrate–citrate gels with all three molar ratios of metal
nitrates to citric acid exhibited self-propagating combustion behavior. It was also observed that the combustion
rate is associated with the ratio of nitrates of citric acid. The TGA of the mid sample x = 0.3 decomposing in air
atmosphere in the temperature range 20 to 7000
C with a heating rate of 10 0
C/min is shown in Fig. 1.
The observed weight loss below 1000
C of x = 0.3 sample for Co is attributed to the loss of physically or
chemically absorbed OH groups. The weight loss around 350 0
C, which is ascribed to the vaporization of
absorbed water. The third weight loss around 350 to 600 0
C, which is associated with the residual organic matter
including citric acid. The weight loss below 600 0
C is due to the loss of absorbed water and the decomposition
of organic derivatives. Final weight loss above 600 0
C, due to weight loss of as received powder. The end-
products after decomposition were identified as single spinel phase Cu–Co–Zn ferrite. From the analysis of
their recorded XRD patterns (Fig. 2).
This proves the simultaneous completion of decomposition process of oxalate complex and ferritization. The
XRD patterns exhibit peaks corresponding to typical Cu–Co–Zn ferrites and the absence of any other impurity
phase. Substitution of Cu by Co increases the overall crystallinity of the spinel phase and all the peaks are
Structural and magnetic characterization of Co2+
substituted nano structured Copper-Zinc spinel
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indexed as reported on ASTM cards (cards 1-1121 and 3-0864). The variation of lattice constant with
composition x is shown in Fig. 3.
It is clear from Fig. 3 that lattice constant decreases with increase in x for x = 0.1. For x > 0.1 lattice constant
increases with composition x. Generally in a solid solution series, linear increase or decrease of lattice constant
within the miscibility range with composition is observed [12]. This may results into initial decrease in lattice
constant up to x = 0.1 beyond which it increases. This nonlinear behavior of lattice constant suggests that the
ferrite system is not completely normal or inverse. In the present series, Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5)
smaller Cu2+
(0.72Å) ions are replaced by larger Co2+
(0.745Å) [13]. Doping Co2+
ions in a spinel type structure
will induce uniform strain in the lattice as the material is elastically deformed. This effect causes the lattice
plane spacing to change and the diffraction peaks shift to a lower 2 position. Since each primitive unit cell of
the spinel structure contains eight molecules, the X-ray density, dX’ was determined according to the following
relation [14] 3
 where M is molecular weight of the particular ferrite, N is the
Avogadro’s number and a3
is the volume of the cubic unit cell and are shown in Fig.4.
From Fig. 4, it is observed that X-ray density ‘dx’ decreases with addition of Co2+
ion content, which may be
attributed to the ionic radii of constituent ions causing decrease in lattice parameter and the molecular weight of
cobalt ferrite (234.625) is lower than copper ferrite (239.23). The bulk density ‘dB’ of the specimens has been
determined by the hydro-static method. The values of the bulk density are shown in Fig. 4. The bulk density was
found to decrease with Co content x. These measurements show densities decreases with Co2+
which in accordance with the densities of pure Cu and Co ferrites, 8.95gm/cm3
and 5.29gm/cm3
, respectively.
Structural and magnetic characterization of Co2+
substituted nano structured Copper-Zinc spinel
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The broad peaks are seen in XRD indicates the nano particle size of the ferrite formed due to sol-gel
preparation. It is also evident from the crystallite size of 25-34 nm for all samples estimated from the most
intense peak (311) using the Scherrer equation, Dhkl = 0.9λ/Bcosθ, [15] where Dhkl, λ, B, and θ are the volume-
averaged particle diameter, X-ray wavelength, full width at half maximum (FWHM), and diffraction angle,
The present results in fig.5 depict that the increasing concentration of cobalt Co2+
decreases with the particle
size. This was probably due to the reaction condition, which favored the formation of new nuclei preventing
further growth of particles when the Co concentration was increased. This may be due to migration of small
number of Co2+
ions in the midst of Co3+
ions in B-sites. This observation is similar to that of Caltun et. al. [16]
for Co-Mn ferrite. The hopping length for tetrahedral A-site (LA) and octahedral B-sites (LB) are calculated
using the values of lattice constant. The variation of hopping lengths with Co content x is shown in Fig. 6 & 7.
It is observed from Fig. 6 & 7 that the distance between the magnetic ions (hopping length) increases as Co
content x increases. Using the experimental values of lattice constant ‘a’ and oxygen positional parameter ‘u’
and substituting it into equations discussed elsewhere [17]. Tetrahedral and octahedral bond length (dAx and dBx),
tetrahedral edge, shared and unshared octahedral edge (dAXE, dBXE and dBXEU) were calculated and the values are
given in Table 1
Structural and magnetic characterization of Co2+
substituted nano structured Copper-Zinc spinel
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Table 1
Tetrahedral bond (dAx), Octahedral bond (dBx), Tetra edge (dAxE) and octaedge (Shared dBXE and
unshared dBXEU). The error estimates is (± 0.002 Å).
It is observed that the allied parameter increases as from its starting value with Co content x increases. This
could be related to the larger radius of Co2+
ions as compared to Cu3+
ions and the site occupancy of the
constituent ions in the present ferrite system.
3.2 Cation distribution:
The cation distribution in the present system was obtained from the analysis of X-ray diffraction
patterns. In this method the observed intensity ratios were compared with the calculated intensity ratios. In the
present study Bertaut method [18] is used to determine the cation distribution. This method selects a few pairs of
reflections according to the expression
 (1)
hklI and
hklI are the observed and calculated intensities for reflection (hkl), respectively. If an
agreement factor (R) is defined as in Eq. (2), the best-simulated structure which matches the actual structure of
the sample will lead to a minimum value of R and the corresponding cation distribution is obtained for each hkl
and lkh '' reflection pair considered.
 .
R (2)
The intensities of these are nearly independent of the oxygen parameters. To determine the cation
distribution and its variation with composition, it is necessary to calculate for each composition the above
mentioned intensity ratios expected for given arrangements of the cations and compare them with the
experimental values.
Phklhkl LPFI 
where, F is structure factor, P is multiplicity factor, LP the Lorentz polarization factor and
PL (4)
The atomic scattering factor for various ions was taken from the literature [19]. It The cation distribution for
each concentration and the site preferences of cations distributed among tetrahedral A-site and octahedral B-site
showing the fraction of Cu2+
and Fe3+
ions on either sites are listed in Table 2.
Table 2
Cation distribution of Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4
Cation distribution
A-site B-site
0.0 (Zn0.39Fe0.61) [Cu0.61Fe1.39] O4
0.1 (Cu0.06Zn0.39Fe0.55) [Cu0.45Co0.1Fe1.45] O4
0.2 (Cu0.075Zn0.39Fe0.535) [Cu0.425Co0.2Fe1.375] O4
0.3 (Cu0.08Zn0.39Fe0.53) [Cu0.32Co0.3Fe1.38] O4
0.4 (Cu0.09Co0.05Zn0.25Fe0.61) [Cu0.21Co0.35Zn0.05Fe1.39] O4
0.5 (Cu0.1Co0.09Zn0.21Fe0.60) [Cu0.1Co0.41Zn0.09Fe1.40] O4
Tetra edge (Å) Octa edge (Å)
0 1.907 2.054 3.113 2.831 2.981
0.1 1.904 2.050 3.106 2.820 2.973
0.2 1.905 2.051 3.109 2.825 2.974
0.3 1.907 2.053 3.113 2.828 2.978
0.4 1.909 2.055 3.116 2.831 2.982
0.5 1.911 2.057 3.121 2.835 2.985
Structural and magnetic characterization of Co2+
substituted nano structured Copper-Zinc spinel
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The variation of mean ionic radius of the A-site (rA) and of the B-site (rB) with Co is shown in Fig. 8 &
9. The rA increases up to x ≤ 0.3, this is due the increase in migration of larger Cu2+
(0.72 Å) ions from B site to
A site which replaces smaller Fe3+
(0.67 Å) ions at B site.
0A R3a
ur 
 (5)
Fig. 10 shows the increase in the theoretical value of lattice constant ath with Co cotent &Fig. 11 shows
decreasing value of oxygen positional parameter ‘u’ from 0.387 to 0.386 (Å). However, in the present work
u>0.375 may be due to anion displacement from the ideal situation so that it forms a expanded tetrahedral
interstices. The lattice disturbance is confirmed from the data for lattice constant and the oxygen positional
parameter u. The theoretical lattice parameter ‘ath’ was calculated using the values of tetrahedral and octahedral
reading (rA, rB) and is given by the following relation,
    0B0Ath Rr3Rr
a  (6)
where, rA and rB are radii of tetrahedral (A) site and octahedral [B] site, R0 is radius of oxygen i.e. (R0= 1.32 Å).
It is noticed that ath is higher than a at lower concentration of Co2+
, and becomes closer at higher Co content.
The deviation may be due to the formation of Co3+
in tetrahedral sites which has lower radius than Co2+
Structural and magnetic characterization of Co2+
substituted nano structured Copper-Zinc spinel
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3.3 Magnetic properties:
Room temperature hysteresis loops with the field of 7 kOe, for all the samples are shown in Fig. 12. Fig. 12
shows the variation of saturation magnetization with Co2+
content x. These plots show that an increase in Co2+
doping yields monotonic increase in the saturation magnetization of Cu-Co-Zn ferrite (for x ≤ 0.3), which may
be due to the substitution of Cu2+
ions by Co2+
ions on the octahedral sites. The magnetic moment µB per ion for
ions (3 µB) is more than that for Cu2+
(1 µB). Therefore, the increasing Co2+
concentration (x) on the
octahedral sites may result in an increasing magnetic moment per formula of and Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4 (0 ≤ x ≤
0.5) an enhancement of magnetization .Magnetization decreases for x > 0.3 this may be due to the following
As the percentage of Co2+
increases from 0.3 to 1, the Ms value gets decreased. Similarly, an increase
of a and or b shift the magnetization value to lower side explains low Ms value for x ≤ 0.3. The net magnetic
moment (nB Cal.) is given by the sum of the magnetic moments of A and B sublattices, i.e., MS = MB-MA. For
substituted Cu-Zn ferrite, Co+2
substitution for Cu2+
ions at B site, leading to a increase in the B site
sublattice magnetization. Moreover, the Fe3+
(5µB) ions are replaced by less magnetic Cu2+
(1µB) ions of A-site,
leading to a decrease in the A site sublattice magnetization, which leads to a increase in the net magnetization.
For example, we use the known magnetic moments for Cu2+
(1µB), Zn2+
(0µB), and Fe3+
(5µB). In this study, the
cationic distribution, Zn2+
(0µB) ions are non-magnetic and do not contribute to the sublattice magnetization.
For Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4. ABS MMM  = (0.7 × 5)µB- (0.7 × 1 + 1.3 × 5)µB = 3.7 µB. The observed
magnetic moment (nB Obs.) per formula unit in Bohr magneton (µB) was calculated by using the relation [30].
n S
where nB is the magnetic moment of the samples expressed in Bohr magneton. Ms is the saturation
magnetization. The values of (nB) are shown in Fig. 12 & 13.
Structural and magnetic characterization of Co2+
substituted nano structured Copper-Zinc spinel
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Both of them increase up to x = 0.3 and then decrease with the increase in Co concentration. Similar reports for
saturation magnetization have been quoted by others [31].
nB = (6 + x) cos αY−K −5 (1− x) (5)
where x represents Co concentration. The values of Y–K angles are demonstrated in Fig. 10. It increases
exponentially with the increase in Co concentration for x > 0.3. This shows that in the present system of ferrites,
randomness increases as Co is substituted in these Cu ferrites and shows a significant departure from Néel
collinear model. The coercive force (Hc) is an independent parameter, which can be altered by
magnetocrystalline anisotropy, particle size, porosity, heat deformation and hence is not dependent on saturation
magnetization. In this study, the coercive forces tend to rise in increasing Co2+
substitution content, in which the
values of coercive force varied in the range 100.21- 268.83 Oe (Fig. 15 & 16)
The strong magnetocrystalline anisotropy of the octahedral Co2+
ions contributed to the strengthening of the
coercive force. There will be a dependence of anisotropy constant K on the Co2+
ion concentration x, which can
be evaluated by using the relation [37]
For all the concentrations Co2+
ions system may be considered as isolated Because of the strong dependence of
the anisotropy on the location of cations, the measurement of coercivity is a sensitive probe for following cation
migrations after increasing Co2+
ions. Furthermore, the distortion of the unit cell, the directional order of the
octahedral Co2+
ions, and the shape anisotropy of the particles combine to render Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4 ferrite
powders to become hard magnetic materials with increasing coercivities [38]. The remanent magnetization (Mr)
is also an independent parameter since it is not wholly dependent on saturation magnetization (Ms) and coercive
force (Hc). The values of remanent magnetization increases from 8.11 to 19.67 emu/gm. Our samples have
significance in magnetic recording media, because recording media requires a high saturation magnetization and
a moderately high coercivity [39].
IV. Conclusions:
The main conclusions that are derived from the obtained results are:
 Copper nitrate, Cobalt nitrate, zinc nitrate and interacted with ferric nitrate at temperatures starting from
600 0
C yielding Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4.
 The particle size estimated showed a decreasing trend with the increase in the Co concentration though the
preparation condition was identical for all the samples.
 The cation distribution suggests that Co2+
and Cu+2
both have strong preference towards octahedral B-site,
also occupy B site by very small amount, whereas Fe3+
occupy both A and B site.
 Magnetic measurements shows an increase in Ms value for x ≤ 0.3 and for x > 0.3 shows decreasing trend
which suggests, redistribution of cations is occurred at higher Co2+
substitution, which ultimately result
preferential filling of Co and/or Cu ions in the tetrahedral site.
 Samples have significance in magnetic recording media.
Structural and magnetic characterization of Co2+
substituted nano structured Copper-Zinc spinel
www.iosrjournals.org 41 | Page
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  • 1. IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) e-ISSN: 2278-4861.Volume 3, Issue 6 (May. - Jun. 2013), PP 33-41 www.iosrjournals.org www.iosrjournals.org 33 | Page Structural and magnetic characterization of Co2+ substituted nano structured Copper-Zinc spinel ferrite Sindhu S1 , D. D. Birajdar2 1 GND Engineering College, Bidar, Karnataka State, India 2 B.S.S. Arts,Science and Commerce college Makani, Osmanabad (M.S.), India Abstract : Nano particles of Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) synthesized through sol-gel auto combustion method. Nitrates of elements and citric acid are used as starting materials. X-ray Diffraction, Thermo Gravimetric Analysis and Vibrating Sample Magnetometer are used to analyze the properties. Effect of variation in the Co substitution and its impact on particle size, lattice constant, density, cation distribution, ferritization temperature, associated water content, magnetic properties like saturation magnetization(MS), coercivity(HC) and remanent magnetization(Mr) is observed. Lattice parameter increases with increasing Co+2 concentration whereas X-ray density, bulk density decreases with the Co+2 content. In Cation distribution the Co and Cu ion show preference towards octahedral B-site, Zn occupy A site whereas Fe occupy both A and B site. Cation redistribution takes place for x > 0.3. Saturation magnetization increases from (x ≤ 0.3). For x > 0.3, Ms decreases suggesting that significant canting exists at B site. However, coercivity, magnetocrystalline anisotropy and remanant magnetization increases with the Co2+ substitution. Keywords: Coercivity(HC), Remanent and Saturation Magnetization , Sol-gel synthesis, Thermo Gravimetric Analysis and Vibrating Sample Magnetometer, X-ray Diffraction. I. Introduction Co2+ substituted Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4 ferrites are commercially important magnetic materials and play an important role in the production of magnetic recording media.The cation distribution in CuFe2O4 copper ferrite can be represented by formula (Cu2+ x+Fe3+ 1-x)A [Cu2+ 1-x+Fe3+ 1+x]B O4. The parameter of inversion is (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5). When the spinel is synthesized using classical ceramic technologies (high temperature treatment of the initial oxides of the metal cations) with strict stoichiometry (x = 1), it has tetragonal structure with crystal cell parameters a = 8.20 and c = 8.60; c/a = 1.05 [1]. The c/a ratio can be changed via decreasing the copper concentration, or alternatively, by temperature treatments. Yokoyama et al. [2] observed changes in the crystal structure of nanosized CuFe2O4 powders obtained by co-precipitation and subsequent annealing. According to some other authors [3] a = 8.24, c = 8.68, but c/a is again 1.05. The structure of CuFe2O4 is considered as that of a tetragonally deformed spinel stretched along the (0 1 1) direction. They proved that the copper spinel is cubic at temperatures below 300°C and tetrahedral over 400°C. Further Co ferrite shows good magnetostrictive properties, magnetocrystalline anisotropy, high coercivity and moderate saturation magnetization among all the ferrite family [10]. Therefore, by keeping this composition in our mind, we have proposed the studies on structural analysis, cation distribution and magnetic properties of nano-size Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) by sol-gel method. II. Experimental: 2.1 Preparation method: Sol-gel auto-combustion method is a novel method of preparing nano-materials [11] by which nanocrystalline powder of Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) is prepared. It can save energy and avoid agglomeration during the calcinations at high temperature. A.R. grade citric acid (C6H8O7)·H2O, copper nitrate (Cu(NO3)2·3H2O, zinc nitrate (Zn(NO3)2·6H2O, cobalt nitrate (Co(NO3)2·3H2O and ferric nitrate Fe(NO3)3·9H2O were used as starting materials. The metal nitrates were dissolved in a minimum amount of double distilled water to get a clear solution and ammonia solution was slowly added to maintain the pH. The mixed solution was kept on to a hot plate with continuous stirring. The solution became viscous and finally formed a very viscous brown gel. When finally all water molecules were removed from the mixture, the viscous gel began frothing. After few minutes, the gel automatically ignited and burnt with glowing flints. The auto- combustion was completed within a minute, yielding the brown-colored ashes termed as a precursor. The powder which is thus prepared, then annealed at 600 0 C for 4 hours. 2.2 Structural and magnetic characterization: The dried gels were characterized by Thermo gravimetric analysis and differential thermal analysis at a heating rate of 100 C/min in air atmosphere. The samples were powdered for X-ray investigations. Magnetic
  • 2. Structural and magnetic characterization of Co2+ substituted nano structured Copper-Zinc spinel www.iosrjournals.org 34 | Page measurements were performed using the commercial PARC EG&G vibrating sample magnetometer VSM 4500. Hysteresis curve loops were measured at room temperature with maximum applied magnetic fields. Magnetic field sweep rate was 5 Oe/s for all measurements. Hence measurement of hysteresis loops with maximum field of 0.7 T took about 2 hours. The samples prepared in powder form were fixed in paraffin in order to exclude the motion of powder in a measuring cap. III. Results and discussion: 3.1 Structural properties: The experimental observation showed that the nitrate–citrate gels with all three molar ratios of metal nitrates to citric acid exhibited self-propagating combustion behavior. It was also observed that the combustion rate is associated with the ratio of nitrates of citric acid. The TGA of the mid sample x = 0.3 decomposing in air atmosphere in the temperature range 20 to 7000 C with a heating rate of 10 0 C/min is shown in Fig. 1. The observed weight loss below 1000 C of x = 0.3 sample for Co is attributed to the loss of physically or chemically absorbed OH groups. The weight loss around 350 0 C, which is ascribed to the vaporization of absorbed water. The third weight loss around 350 to 600 0 C, which is associated with the residual organic matter including citric acid. The weight loss below 600 0 C is due to the loss of absorbed water and the decomposition of organic derivatives. Final weight loss above 600 0 C, due to weight loss of as received powder. The end- products after decomposition were identified as single spinel phase Cu–Co–Zn ferrite. From the analysis of their recorded XRD patterns (Fig. 2). This proves the simultaneous completion of decomposition process of oxalate complex and ferritization. The XRD patterns exhibit peaks corresponding to typical Cu–Co–Zn ferrites and the absence of any other impurity phase. Substitution of Cu by Co increases the overall crystallinity of the spinel phase and all the peaks are
  • 3. Structural and magnetic characterization of Co2+ substituted nano structured Copper-Zinc spinel www.iosrjournals.org 35 | Page indexed as reported on ASTM cards (cards 1-1121 and 3-0864). The variation of lattice constant with composition x is shown in Fig. 3. It is clear from Fig. 3 that lattice constant decreases with increase in x for x = 0.1. For x > 0.1 lattice constant increases with composition x. Generally in a solid solution series, linear increase or decrease of lattice constant within the miscibility range with composition is observed [12]. This may results into initial decrease in lattice constant up to x = 0.1 beyond which it increases. This nonlinear behavior of lattice constant suggests that the ferrite system is not completely normal or inverse. In the present series, Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) smaller Cu2+ (0.72Å) ions are replaced by larger Co2+ (0.745Å) [13]. Doping Co2+ ions in a spinel type structure will induce uniform strain in the lattice as the material is elastically deformed. This effect causes the lattice plane spacing to change and the diffraction peaks shift to a lower 2 position. Since each primitive unit cell of the spinel structure contains eight molecules, the X-ray density, dX’ was determined according to the following relation [14] 3 8 )( aN M Ferritedx   where M is molecular weight of the particular ferrite, N is the Avogadro’s number and a3 is the volume of the cubic unit cell and are shown in Fig.4. From Fig. 4, it is observed that X-ray density ‘dx’ decreases with addition of Co2+ ion content, which may be attributed to the ionic radii of constituent ions causing decrease in lattice parameter and the molecular weight of cobalt ferrite (234.625) is lower than copper ferrite (239.23). The bulk density ‘dB’ of the specimens has been determined by the hydro-static method. The values of the bulk density are shown in Fig. 4. The bulk density was found to decrease with Co content x. These measurements show densities decreases with Co2+ substitution which in accordance with the densities of pure Cu and Co ferrites, 8.95gm/cm3 and 5.29gm/cm3 , respectively.
  • 4. Structural and magnetic characterization of Co2+ substituted nano structured Copper-Zinc spinel www.iosrjournals.org 36 | Page The broad peaks are seen in XRD indicates the nano particle size of the ferrite formed due to sol-gel preparation. It is also evident from the crystallite size of 25-34 nm for all samples estimated from the most intense peak (311) using the Scherrer equation, Dhkl = 0.9λ/Bcosθ, [15] where Dhkl, λ, B, and θ are the volume- averaged particle diameter, X-ray wavelength, full width at half maximum (FWHM), and diffraction angle, respectively. The present results in fig.5 depict that the increasing concentration of cobalt Co2+ decreases with the particle size. This was probably due to the reaction condition, which favored the formation of new nuclei preventing further growth of particles when the Co concentration was increased. This may be due to migration of small number of Co2+ ions in the midst of Co3+ ions in B-sites. This observation is similar to that of Caltun et. al. [16] for Co-Mn ferrite. The hopping length for tetrahedral A-site (LA) and octahedral B-sites (LB) are calculated using the values of lattice constant. The variation of hopping lengths with Co content x is shown in Fig. 6 & 7. It is observed from Fig. 6 & 7 that the distance between the magnetic ions (hopping length) increases as Co content x increases. Using the experimental values of lattice constant ‘a’ and oxygen positional parameter ‘u’ and substituting it into equations discussed elsewhere [17]. Tetrahedral and octahedral bond length (dAx and dBx), tetrahedral edge, shared and unshared octahedral edge (dAXE, dBXE and dBXEU) were calculated and the values are given in Table 1
  • 5. Structural and magnetic characterization of Co2+ substituted nano structured Copper-Zinc spinel www.iosrjournals.org 37 | Page Table 1 Tetrahedral bond (dAx), Octahedral bond (dBx), Tetra edge (dAxE) and octaedge (Shared dBXE and unshared dBXEU). The error estimates is (± 0.002 Å). It is observed that the allied parameter increases as from its starting value with Co content x increases. This could be related to the larger radius of Co2+ ions as compared to Cu3+ ions and the site occupancy of the constituent ions in the present ferrite system. 3.2 Cation distribution: The cation distribution in the present system was obtained from the analysis of X-ray diffraction patterns. In this method the observed intensity ratios were compared with the calculated intensity ratios. In the present study Bertaut method [18] is used to determine the cation distribution. This method selects a few pairs of reflections according to the expression . ''' . . ''' . Calc lkh Calc hkl Obs lkh Obs hkl I I I I  (1) where, .Obs hklI and .Calc hklI are the observed and calculated intensities for reflection (hkl), respectively. If an agreement factor (R) is defined as in Eq. (2), the best-simulated structure which matches the actual structure of the sample will lead to a minimum value of R and the corresponding cation distribution is obtained for each hkl and lkh '' reflection pair considered.                   . ''' . . ''' . Calc lkh Calc hkl Obs lkh Obs hkl I I I I R (2) The intensities of these are nearly independent of the oxygen parameters. To determine the cation distribution and its variation with composition, it is necessary to calculate for each composition the above mentioned intensity ratios expected for given arrangements of the cations and compare them with the experimental values. Phklhkl LPFI  2 (3) where, F is structure factor, P is multiplicity factor, LP the Lorentz polarization factor and   2cossin 2cos1 2 2  PL (4) The atomic scattering factor for various ions was taken from the literature [19]. It The cation distribution for each concentration and the site preferences of cations distributed among tetrahedral A-site and octahedral B-site showing the fraction of Cu2+ and Fe3+ ions on either sites are listed in Table 2. Table 2 Cation distribution of Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4 X Cation distribution A-site B-site 0.0 (Zn0.39Fe0.61) [Cu0.61Fe1.39] O4 0.1 (Cu0.06Zn0.39Fe0.55) [Cu0.45Co0.1Fe1.45] O4 0.2 (Cu0.075Zn0.39Fe0.535) [Cu0.425Co0.2Fe1.375] O4 0.3 (Cu0.08Zn0.39Fe0.53) [Cu0.32Co0.3Fe1.38] O4 0.4 (Cu0.09Co0.05Zn0.25Fe0.61) [Cu0.21Co0.35Zn0.05Fe1.39] O4 0.5 (Cu0.1Co0.09Zn0.21Fe0.60) [Cu0.1Co0.41Zn0.09Fe1.40] O4 X dAX (Å) dBX (Å) Tetra edge (Å) Octa edge (Å) dAXE dBXE dBXEU 0 1.907 2.054 3.113 2.831 2.981 0.1 1.904 2.050 3.106 2.820 2.973 0.2 1.905 2.051 3.109 2.825 2.974 0.3 1.907 2.053 3.113 2.828 2.978 0.4 1.909 2.055 3.116 2.831 2.982 0.5 1.911 2.057 3.121 2.835 2.985
  • 6. Structural and magnetic characterization of Co2+ substituted nano structured Copper-Zinc spinel www.iosrjournals.org 38 | Page The variation of mean ionic radius of the A-site (rA) and of the B-site (rB) with Co is shown in Fig. 8 & 9. The rA increases up to x ≤ 0.3, this is due the increase in migration of larger Cu2+ (0.72 Å) ions from B site to A site which replaces smaller Fe3+ (0.67 Å) ions at B site. 0A R3a 4 1 ur        (5) Fig. 10 shows the increase in the theoretical value of lattice constant ath with Co cotent &Fig. 11 shows decreasing value of oxygen positional parameter ‘u’ from 0.387 to 0.386 (Å). However, in the present work u>0.375 may be due to anion displacement from the ideal situation so that it forms a expanded tetrahedral interstices. The lattice disturbance is confirmed from the data for lattice constant and the oxygen positional parameter u. The theoretical lattice parameter ‘ath’ was calculated using the values of tetrahedral and octahedral reading (rA, rB) and is given by the following relation,     0B0Ath Rr3Rr 33 8 a  (6) where, rA and rB are radii of tetrahedral (A) site and octahedral [B] site, R0 is radius of oxygen i.e. (R0= 1.32 Å). It is noticed that ath is higher than a at lower concentration of Co2+ , and becomes closer at higher Co content. The deviation may be due to the formation of Co3+ in tetrahedral sites which has lower radius than Co2+ .
  • 7. Structural and magnetic characterization of Co2+ substituted nano structured Copper-Zinc spinel www.iosrjournals.org 39 | Page 3.3 Magnetic properties: Room temperature hysteresis loops with the field of 7 kOe, for all the samples are shown in Fig. 12. Fig. 12 shows the variation of saturation magnetization with Co2+ content x. These plots show that an increase in Co2+ doping yields monotonic increase in the saturation magnetization of Cu-Co-Zn ferrite (for x ≤ 0.3), which may be due to the substitution of Cu2+ ions by Co2+ ions on the octahedral sites. The magnetic moment µB per ion for Co2+ ions (3 µB) is more than that for Cu2+ (1 µB). Therefore, the increasing Co2+ concentration (x) on the octahedral sites may result in an increasing magnetic moment per formula of and Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) an enhancement of magnetization .Magnetization decreases for x > 0.3 this may be due to the following fact. As the percentage of Co2+ increases from 0.3 to 1, the Ms value gets decreased. Similarly, an increase of a and or b shift the magnetization value to lower side explains low Ms value for x ≤ 0.3. The net magnetic moment (nB Cal.) is given by the sum of the magnetic moments of A and B sublattices, i.e., MS = MB-MA. For Co2+ substituted Cu-Zn ferrite, Co+2 substitution for Cu2+ ions at B site, leading to a increase in the B site sublattice magnetization. Moreover, the Fe3+ (5µB) ions are replaced by less magnetic Cu2+ (1µB) ions of A-site, leading to a decrease in the A site sublattice magnetization, which leads to a increase in the net magnetization. For example, we use the known magnetic moments for Cu2+ (1µB), Zn2+ (0µB), and Fe3+ (5µB). In this study, the cationic distribution, Zn2+ (0µB) ions are non-magnetic and do not contribute to the sublattice magnetization. For Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4. ABS MMM  = (0.7 × 5)µB- (0.7 × 1 + 1.3 × 5)µB = 3.7 µB. The observed magnetic moment (nB Obs.) per formula unit in Bohr magneton (µB) was calculated by using the relation [30]. 5585 Mwt.Mol n S B   where nB is the magnetic moment of the samples expressed in Bohr magneton. Ms is the saturation magnetization. The values of (nB) are shown in Fig. 12 & 13.
  • 8. Structural and magnetic characterization of Co2+ substituted nano structured Copper-Zinc spinel www.iosrjournals.org 40 | Page Both of them increase up to x = 0.3 and then decrease with the increase in Co concentration. Similar reports for saturation magnetization have been quoted by others [31]. nB = (6 + x) cos αY−K −5 (1− x) (5) where x represents Co concentration. The values of Y–K angles are demonstrated in Fig. 10. It increases exponentially with the increase in Co concentration for x > 0.3. This shows that in the present system of ferrites, randomness increases as Co is substituted in these Cu ferrites and shows a significant departure from Néel collinear model. The coercive force (Hc) is an independent parameter, which can be altered by magnetocrystalline anisotropy, particle size, porosity, heat deformation and hence is not dependent on saturation magnetization. In this study, the coercive forces tend to rise in increasing Co2+ substitution content, in which the values of coercive force varied in the range 100.21- 268.83 Oe (Fig. 15 & 16) The strong magnetocrystalline anisotropy of the octahedral Co2+ ions contributed to the strengthening of the coercive force. There will be a dependence of anisotropy constant K on the Co2+ ion concentration x, which can be evaluated by using the relation [37] S C M K98.0 H   For all the concentrations Co2+ ions system may be considered as isolated Because of the strong dependence of the anisotropy on the location of cations, the measurement of coercivity is a sensitive probe for following cation migrations after increasing Co2+ ions. Furthermore, the distortion of the unit cell, the directional order of the octahedral Co2+ ions, and the shape anisotropy of the particles combine to render Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4 ferrite powders to become hard magnetic materials with increasing coercivities [38]. The remanent magnetization (Mr) is also an independent parameter since it is not wholly dependent on saturation magnetization (Ms) and coercive force (Hc). The values of remanent magnetization increases from 8.11 to 19.67 emu/gm. Our samples have significance in magnetic recording media, because recording media requires a high saturation magnetization and a moderately high coercivity [39]. IV. Conclusions: The main conclusions that are derived from the obtained results are:  Copper nitrate, Cobalt nitrate, zinc nitrate and interacted with ferric nitrate at temperatures starting from 600 0 C yielding Cu0.61-xCoxZn0.39Fe2O4.  The particle size estimated showed a decreasing trend with the increase in the Co concentration though the preparation condition was identical for all the samples.  The cation distribution suggests that Co2+ and Cu+2 both have strong preference towards octahedral B-site, Zn2+ also occupy B site by very small amount, whereas Fe3+ occupy both A and B site.  Magnetic measurements shows an increase in Ms value for x ≤ 0.3 and for x > 0.3 shows decreasing trend which suggests, redistribution of cations is occurred at higher Co2+ substitution, which ultimately result preferential filling of Co and/or Cu ions in the tetrahedral site.  Samples have significance in magnetic recording media.
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