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Essential Leadership Skills for
    Quality Professionals
Self Assessment Test

Area of Strength- Identify which domain had the highest average score.

Identify weaknesses- If you scored lower than 3 in any one of the items,

identify how you might build your competency in this area.

These rules provide structure and guidance to help you know what to do
to be a better individual leader and how to build better leadership in your

Effective leadership is getting the right results in the right way

by enabling others to do the right work right.

Leadership can be developed though

• Education
• Experience /job assignment
• Mentorship/coaching

Most leaders begin their careers by demonstrating
an expertise in a certain area- halo effect


50-80% of leadership characteristics were shared across

effective leaders.


85% of the competencies in various competency models

appear to be the same.

According to researched body of knowledge accumulated
by multiple generations of leadership experts
the following leadership rules represent 60-70%
of what makes an effective leader:


Rule #1- Strategist
Be clear about where you want to go andwhere
you are going.

• Combine vision and analytics
Understand organization’s current core competencies,
capabilities, financial and technological resources.

• Benchmark to learn what the best do find ways to do
it better. Be aware that past success may not predict
the future.

•   Don’t just focus on small improvements that avoid ris
Strategy may require bold innovative thinking.

Connect with leading thinkers- c  ustomers, employees,
Competitors, investors. Have weak ties with people
who are not like you to gain insight.

Make technology your friend

Read broadly and frequently

Put yourself in your customers’, competitors’ shoes

Do something unique that your customers value.

Get them involved, solicit feedback.
Customer involvement -
May lead to increased customer/market share

Employee involvement  -
Have employees actively participate in deciding
Where you are going, they will help you make
a better decision and help to make sure you get there.

Make sure employees at all levels understand where
the company is going, and know what to do to make it
happen. Employees need to believe and have an
emotional connection to the strategy at a very personal
Strategy should concentrate organizational resources
and employee attention on a few key priorities.

Strategic leader needs to translate external customer
expectations into organization’s culture.

Strategist must constantly be shaping both the strategy
and organization at the same time, starting at the
outside demands and working toward the inside.

Rule #2-Execution

Make things happen Strategy without execution is
unfounded hope

Execution is the ability to turn what we know into
what we do.

Connect short term to long term, present to the future.

•   Manage your time well

•   Engage and motivate others

• Ensure accountability and consequences for delivering
on time

•   Accept responsibility

•   Do what needs to be done

•   Develop a convincing track record for delivering result

•   Ensure technical proficiency

• Build a case for change –communicate reasons.

• Have a clear direction for the change.

• As a change agent assign top talent to key initiatives.

• Have them spend 20
                   -     3 of their time on this project

• Define success in measurable, trackable and
clear terms.

• Break up change in smaller chunks that are doable in
short time frames.

• Make sure support functions align their practices
for change to happen.

• Monitor change with periodic checkups to find
out what is not working.

• Make change last Help others see change as an
Opportunity not a problem c mmunicate issues.
                        -  o

• What is the decision that needs to be made? Look at top
two or three options. Focus on key choices not all choices.
Making a good decision based primarily on quality
requires involving key people in the process of
making the decision who have the knowledge
and capability to meet the quality threshold.

Outcomes need to be monitored so learning can occur.
Use small failures as opportunities to learn rather than
criticize and punish.

Build teams The teams collective commitment can
progress the agenda.

Clarify expectations, establish accountability with
standards (specific goals and measures), consequences
and feedback for ongoing learning.                  15
Structured Feedback
What did we set out to do?

What did we do?

What did we do well?

What could we have done better?

What did we learn from this experience?

What will we continue to do?

What will we do better or differently?
Rule #3-Develop and Manage Talent
Effective leaders have enough personal confidence to
surround themselves with people who are gifted and
make use of other’s gifts.

• Communicate, communicate, communicate to
engage others at their highest level of commitment.
Focus on only a few priorities and explain why they are

• Share your emotions.

• Share both bad and good news openly and directly.

• Help people connect their personal career best
to the goals of the organization.

• Overcome tendency to encircle yourself with
people who are like you.

• Put the right person in the right job with the
right skills at the right time.

• Provide resources to help employees cope with high

As a talent manager and developer set high
expectations on your employees to stretch them
so they can grow. Help them access resources
to meet these demands.

People thrive in positive atmosphere where the
focus is on what is right not what is wrong.

Lead with kindness.

Have fun at work. Humor, events, celebration,
contests, rewards, fitness centers.
•   Map the workforce, determine critical positions

•   Mentor

•   Delegate and empower

•   Encourage networks

Rule #4-Invest in yourself

1. Practice Clear Thinking Combination of intellect and
Intuition, reason and emotion.
See the broader picture, don’t get lost in details.

2. Learn to Prioritize focus on what matters most

3. Do not shy away from making tough decisions (51/49
problems). Identify it, study it and make the decision.

4. Know your limitations

5. Learn to tolerate and manage stress
5. Demonstrate learning agility Learn to speed read,
develop the ability to see the important points, patterns
from past experiences. Read, talk and pay attention to
new information. Surround yourself with people who see
the world differently.

6. Be disciplined about continuous improvement.

7. Be unique and creative IQ, EQ, CQ (clarity quotient)

8. Take care of yourself
   Physically (nutrition, physical exercise)
   Emotionally b optimist, develop sense of humor
              -   e
   Socially s rround yourself with allies and friends 22
9. Develop your communication skills

Join Toastmasters international or other club. Take
advantage of every opportunity to speak.

  DESIRE        » To speak well

                » To become an outstanding speaker

                » To plan, prepare and deliver talks and
 DISCIPLINE       presentations on an ongoing basis

                » To persist and persevere in spite
                  of any obstacles, setbacks or
                  major embarrassment .
Make sure your audience receives your
                   message the way you want

                                           55%                Your communication
                                      Body Language                  impact
                  Tone of Voice

              » HAVE YOUR             » FOCUS ON HOW
                TONE OF YOUR            YOU CAN BEST
                VOICE MATCH             EXPRESS
                YOUR MESSAGE:           COMMITMENT TO,
                                        AND ENTHUSIASM
              »   Be authoritative      FOR, WHAT YOU
                                                         7%-38%-55% Rule
              »   Commanding            ARE SAYING
              »   Persuasive            THROUGH YOUR
              »   Entertaining etc.     FACIAL
                  depending on your     EXPERESSIONS,
                  objective             POSTURES AND

     Based on research conducted by Professor Dr. Albert Mahrabian, at
               University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA)

VOLUME- Develop a strong, confident voice. Don’t
scream or yell, just speak up. Speak after taking a
breathe to create more volume will less effort.

INFLECTION- A monotone voice will significantly
shorten the attention span of the audience

PACING/TEMPO- Speak , pause, breathe, speak

Non verbal communication helps you
 adjust, monitor and enhance your
          persuasive style

It is impossible to not communicate.
                                     Paul Watzlawick
 Studies show that a
              facial expressions,
              increased mirroring,
              changes in the eyes,
              specific questions asked
   all dictate that your audience is being persuaded or
    ready to buy your proposal or product.

 95% of all persuasion is subconscious.




(Physically involved)

Knowing your and your listener’s primary intake
pathway, (verbal, aural or kinesthetic) and
organizing yourself and your material accordingly
will help increase their retention and your impact.


              INTAKE PATHWAY
        Eyes give powerful clues to the way we are thinking
        and the kind of thinking that is going on in our
        VISUAL CLUES- Always up

                                     » Visual
                                       images seen
» Visual
  images not seen

            INTAKE PATHWAY
       AUDITORY CLUES-Always looking toward ears

                                     » Auditory
                                     » remembering
                                       sounds heard
» Auditory
» Creating a sound
  we have never
  heard before

              INTAKE PATHWAY

» External feelings
  and emotions-
» This is where we
  look when we
                            Having digital, inner
                            » Asking questions
                              in your head

Men and Women wired differently

»Men             »Women
                 »higher threshold of
“What is the
                  tolerance for taking
 point?”          in multiple thoughts
    or            or details.
“What is the
                 »Often ask questions
                  and request for
Can he fix it?
Look at which eye?
»Look at listener’s left      »Look at listener’s
 eye if                        right eye if

»To convey that your          »You want to issue a
 message is genuine,           challenge or convey
 trustworthy, sincere, etc.    that what you are
                               saying is not
» To increase their            negotiable.
 reception to, and
 acceptance of your           »To make them realize
                               that their compliance
                               is mandatory.
Benefits of joining Toastmasters:

•   Increased self-confidence and self-esteem
•   Effective listening, thinking and speaking skills
•   Leadership training
•   Parliamentary procedure skills to conduct meetings
•   Friendly, supportive environment
•   Professionally prepared educational material
•   Minimal costs

Thank You

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Essential Leadership Skills

  • 1. Essential Leadership Skills for Quality Professionals
  • 2. Self Assessment Test Area of Strength- Identify which domain had the highest average score. Identify weaknesses- If you scored lower than 3 in any one of the items, identify how you might build your competency in this area. These rules provide structure and guidance to help you know what to do to be a better individual leader and how to build better leadership in your organization. 1
  • 3. Effective leadership is getting the right results in the right way by enabling others to do the right work right. 2
  • 4. Leadership can be developed though • Education • Experience /job assignment • Mentorship/coaching Most leaders begin their careers by demonstrating an expertise in a certain area- halo effect 3
  • 5. COMMON CHARACTERISTICS OF LEADERS: 50-80% of leadership characteristics were shared across effective leaders. 4
  • 6. SELECTED COMPETENCIES OF COMPETENCY MODELS 85% of the competencies in various competency models appear to be the same. 5
  • 7. According to researched body of knowledge accumulated by multiple generations of leadership experts the following leadership rules represent 60-70% of what makes an effective leader: 1. STRATEGIST 2. EXECUTION 3. DEVELOP AND MANAGE TALENT 4. PERSONAL PROFICIENCY 6
  • 8. Rule #1- Strategist Be clear about where you want to go andwhere you are going. • Combine vision and analytics Understand organization’s current core competencies, capabilities, financial and technological resources. • Benchmark to learn what the best do find ways to do it better. Be aware that past success may not predict the future. • Don’t just focus on small improvements that avoid ris Strategy may require bold innovative thinking. 7
  • 9. SUGGESTIONS Connect with leading thinkers- c ustomers, employees, Competitors, investors. Have weak ties with people who are not like you to gain insight. Make technology your friend Read broadly and frequently Put yourself in your customers’, competitors’ shoes Do something unique that your customers value. Get them involved, solicit feedback. 8
  • 10. Customer involvement - May lead to increased customer/market share Employee involvement - Have employees actively participate in deciding Where you are going, they will help you make a better decision and help to make sure you get there. Make sure employees at all levels understand where the company is going, and know what to do to make it happen. Employees need to believe and have an emotional connection to the strategy at a very personal level. 9
  • 11. Strategy should concentrate organizational resources and employee attention on a few key priorities. Strategic leader needs to translate external customer expectations into organization’s culture. Strategist must constantly be shaping both the strategy and organization at the same time, starting at the outside demands and working toward the inside. 10
  • 12. Rule #2-Execution Make things happen Strategy without execution is - unfounded hope Execution is the ability to turn what we know into what we do. Connect short term to long term, present to the future. 11
  • 13. Manage your time well • Engage and motivate others • Ensure accountability and consequences for delivering on time • Accept responsibility • Do what needs to be done • Develop a convincing track record for delivering result • Ensure technical proficiency 12
  • 14. MANAGE CHANGE • Build a case for change –communicate reasons. • Have a clear direction for the change. • As a change agent assign top talent to key initiatives. • Have them spend 20 - 3 of their time on this project 0% • Define success in measurable, trackable and clear terms. 13
  • 15. • Break up change in smaller chunks that are doable in short time frames. • Make sure support functions align their practices for change to happen. • Monitor change with periodic checkups to find out what is not working. • Make change last Help others see change as an - Opportunity not a problem c mmunicate issues. - o • What is the decision that needs to be made? Look at top two or three options. Focus on key choices not all choices. 14
  • 16. Making a good decision based primarily on quality requires involving key people in the process of making the decision who have the knowledge and capability to meet the quality threshold. Outcomes need to be monitored so learning can occur. Use small failures as opportunities to learn rather than criticize and punish. Build teams The teams collective commitment can - progress the agenda. Clarify expectations, establish accountability with standards (specific goals and measures), consequences and feedback for ongoing learning. 15
  • 17. Structured Feedback What did we set out to do? What did we do? What did we do well? What could we have done better? What did we learn from this experience? What will we continue to do? What will we do better or differently? 16
  • 18. Rule #3-Develop and Manage Talent Effective leaders have enough personal confidence to surround themselves with people who are gifted and make use of other’s gifts. • Communicate, communicate, communicate to engage others at their highest level of commitment. Focus on only a few priorities and explain why they are important. • Share your emotions. • Share both bad and good news openly and directly. 17
  • 19. • Help people connect their personal career best to the goals of the organization. • Overcome tendency to encircle yourself with people who are like you. • Put the right person in the right job with the right skills at the right time. • Provide resources to help employees cope with high demands. 18
  • 20. As a talent manager and developer set high expectations on your employees to stretch them so they can grow. Help them access resources to meet these demands. People thrive in positive atmosphere where the focus is on what is right not what is wrong. Lead with kindness. Have fun at work. Humor, events, celebration, contests, rewards, fitness centers. 19
  • 21. Map the workforce, determine critical positions • Mentor • Delegate and empower • Encourage networks 20
  • 22. Rule #4-Invest in yourself 1. Practice Clear Thinking Combination of intellect and - Intuition, reason and emotion. See the broader picture, don’t get lost in details. 2. Learn to Prioritize focus on what matters most - 3. Do not shy away from making tough decisions (51/49 problems). Identify it, study it and make the decision. 4. Know your limitations 5. Learn to tolerate and manage stress 21
  • 23. 5. Demonstrate learning agility Learn to speed read, - develop the ability to see the important points, patterns from past experiences. Read, talk and pay attention to new information. Surround yourself with people who see the world differently. 6. Be disciplined about continuous improvement. 7. Be unique and creative IQ, EQ, CQ (clarity quotient) - 8. Take care of yourself Physically (nutrition, physical exercise) Emotionally b optimist, develop sense of humor - e Socially s rround yourself with allies and friends 22 -u
  • 24. 9. Develop your communication skills Join Toastmasters international or other club. Take advantage of every opportunity to speak. 23
  • 25. FOUR THINGS YOU NEED TO HAVE TO BECOME AN OUTSTANDING SPEAKER DESIRE » To speak well » To become an outstanding speaker DECISION & COMMITMENT » To plan, prepare and deliver talks and DISCIPLINE presentations on an ongoing basis » To persist and persevere in spite of any obstacles, setbacks or DETERMINATION major embarrassment . 24
  • 26. Make sure your audience receives your message the way you want 55% Your communication 38% 7% Body Language impact Tone of Voice Words » HAVE YOUR » FOCUS ON HOW » CHOOSE TONE OF YOUR YOU CAN BEST LANGUAGE VOICE MATCH EXPRESS THAT IS YOUR MESSAGE: COMMITMENT TO, PRECISE, Called AND ENTHUSIASM COLORFUL » Be authoritative FOR, WHAT YOU AND 7%-38%-55% Rule » Commanding ARE SAYING CONCISE » Persuasive THROUGH YOUR » Entertaining etc. FACIAL depending on your EXPERESSIONS, objective POSTURES AND GESTURES Based on research conducted by Professor Dr. Albert Mahrabian, at University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) 25
  • 27. THE DYNAMICS OF VOICE VOLUME- Develop a strong, confident voice. Don’t scream or yell, just speak up. Speak after taking a breathe to create more volume will less effort. INFLECTION- A monotone voice will significantly shorten the attention span of the audience PACING/TEMPO- Speak , pause, breathe, speak 26
  • 28. Non verbal communication helps you adjust, monitor and enhance your persuasive style It is impossible to not communicate. Paul Watzlawick Studies show that a facial expressions, increased mirroring, changes in the eyes, specific questions asked all dictate that your audience is being persuaded or ready to buy your proposal or product. 95% of all persuasion is subconscious. 27
  • 29. CONSIDER LISTENERS’ PRIMARY INTAKE PATHWAY VISUALS BEST LEARN BY SEEING AUDITORY PEOPLE BEST LEARN BY HEARING KINESTHETIC PEOPLE LEARN BEST BY DOING (Physically involved) Knowing your and your listener’s primary intake pathway, (verbal, aural or kinesthetic) and organizing yourself and your material accordingly will help increase their retention and your impact. 28
  • 31. CONSIDER LISTENERS’ PRIMARY INTAKE PATHWAY Eyes give powerful clues to the way we are thinking and the kind of thinking that is going on in our head. VISUAL CLUES- Always up » Visual remembering images seen before » Visual constructing images not seen before 30
  • 32. CONSIDER LISTENERS’ PRIMARY INTAKE PATHWAY AUDITORY CLUES-Always looking toward ears » Auditory » remembering sounds heard before » Auditory » Creating a sound we have never heard before 31
  • 33. CONSIDER LISTENERS’ PRIMARY INTAKE PATHWAY KINESTHETIC CLUES » External feelings and emotions- » This is where we look when we experience feelings Having digital, inner dialog » Asking questions in your head 32
  • 34. Men and Women wired differently »Men »Women diffuse-focus. Single-Focus »higher threshold of “What is the tolerance for taking point?” in multiple thoughts or or details. “What is the »Often ask questions problem?” and request for details. Can he fix it? 33
  • 35. Look at which eye? »Look at listener’s left »Look at listener’s eye if right eye if »To convey that your »You want to issue a message is genuine, challenge or convey trustworthy, sincere, etc. that what you are saying is not » To increase their negotiable. reception to, and acceptance of your »To make them realize that their compliance message. is mandatory. 34
  • 36. Benefits of joining Toastmasters: • Increased self-confidence and self-esteem • Effective listening, thinking and speaking skills • Leadership training • Parliamentary procedure skills to conduct meetings • Friendly, supportive environment • Professionally prepared educational material • Minimal costs 35