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Essay about Purpose of Assessment
PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT The primary purpose of assessment is for the learner to provide
evidence of learning by demonstrating the understanding of content and achievement of learning
outcomes. This gives an insight of their strengths and areas of development. Whereas for teacher, it
provides a moment to review their assessment strategies in terms of effectiveness and facilitate
progression by giving constructive feedback. It also informs the curriculum board, managers, and
relevant staff to evaluate learning programmes for any improvements.
Learners are assessed through various stages of learning journey by using variety of methods and
strategies. They are usually assessed formatively before or during the course and summatively near or
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Some teachers are predominantly concerned with cognitive learning with some use of psychomotor
skills but affective learning can be a useful tool in changing attitudes i.e. gender, culture etc. even if
it's not a requirement of a course.
Summative Assessment happens at the end of the course, unit etc. and is for grading and decision
purpose. It is used for informing employers, institutions etc. about learner's overall performance. It
does not however, give information about detailed abilities of learner and there is no feedback so it
is debated for its complete reliability and validity. (Scales, 2008 and Rust, 2002).
Learners are assessed summatively mostly by Examination, Assignments, Portfolios, and Essays.
They develop the skill levels of 'cognitive and psychomotor domains' depending on how
effectively they are set out and the type of course. 'MCQs' and 'Viva' for instance can provide
better coverage of syllabus as well as assessment of deeper knowledge whereas essays does not
serve the same purpose but assess higher levels of cognitive domain i.e. synthesis and evaluation.
Feedback is an important element of assessment and is directly related to motivation. In order to
accelerate learning process it has to be
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Assessment Tools Essay
Running head: ASSESSMENT TOOLS 1 Assessment Tools Paper Liberty University EDUC 307
June 1, 2016 Abstract The beauty in teaching is watching the brains of your scholars grow with
knowledge. As educators we frequently use various tools to assess the gains that our scholars make.
In order to successfully instruct intentional lessons, it is important to collect data about scholar
interests, ability/intellectual levels, achievement levels, and personality types. Through the use of
assessment tools like the Common Core Measures of Academic Progress (Common Core MAP), The
State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR), The Student
...show more content...
I will also strive to provide scholars the opportunity to research their cluster and help them narrow
down options for their future career. Ability/Intellectual Levels 1. The Brigance Early Childhood
Screens III assesses critical predictors of the scholar's school success including physical development,
language, academic/cognitive, self–help, and social–emotional skills (Curriculum Associates, 2016).
This is not an extensive screening. However, it helps educators: "Identify potential developmental
delays and giftedness with new cutoffs Reduce over–referrals with at–risk cutoffs, Determine each
child's specific strengths and needs, and assesses school readiness" (Curriculum Associates, 2016).
This paper–and–pencil Screens III is administered in only ten to fifteen minutes per child. The
Brigance Early Childhood Screens III assessment Kit is available for purchase online however, it
can not be viewed/downloaded via the internet. This assessment can be scored by the teacher. The
results of the Screens III will reveal to me the strengths and weaknesses of each scholar as it relates
to school readiness. I will use this information for designing lessons for my class by being able to
meet scholars where they are intellectually. Whether the scholar is still struggling with their letters,
numbers, or colors, I will have the most accurate
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A To E Assessment
An A to E assessment is the approach to access a deteriorating and critically I'll patients, each letter
stands for an assessment nurses will undertake A– airway B– breathing C– circulation D– disability
and E– exposure (Thim, Krarup, Grove, Rohde, & Lofgren, 2012). This essay will look at
disability in the A to E assessment of a critically ill patient which will focus on theGlasgow coma
scale. The essay will discuss what is the Glasgow coma scale?, Glasgow coma scale is the most
common source in monitoring and assessing the neurological statues of a critically ill patient,
despite the fact the Glasgow coma scale has limitations on execution it remains the main standard in
comprehensive neurological assessment of patients. It...show more content...
The Glasgow coma scale is the scoring system that monitors and assesses the level of
consciousness of a patient that has had a traumatic injury e.g. brain injury, car accident or sports
injury (Braine & cook, 2016). The Glasgow coma scale is a score between 3–15 with 3 being the
worst and 15 being the best. This scale is composed of 3 sections which are the best eye response
this assessment is important to assess the arousal of the patient which reflexes the integrity of
reticular activating system of the brain which assesses by 1. No eye opening 2. Opens to pain 3.
Opens to voice 4. Opens spontaneously, the best verbal response this assessment reflects the
integrity of higher cognitive and interpretive centres of the brain. The verbal response depends on
the language centre in the temporal lobe and in the frontal lobe which assess 1. No verbal response
2. Incomprehensive sounds 3. Inappropriate words 4. Confused 5. Orientated and best motor
response this assessment check the function ability of the cerebral cortex, the patient has to
understand the commands and perform the movement accordingly, they assess the upper
extremities by simple orders because they are more reliable than the lower extremities this is
assessed by 1. No motor response 2. Extension to pain 3. Flexion to pain 4. Withdrawals from pain
5. Localising pain 6. Obeys commands, these are the three sections that nurses needs to access
(Elliot, Aitken & Chaboyer,
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Educational Assessment Essay
Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs
undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development (Palomba & Banta,
1999). Educational assessments are carried out to measure the efficiency of the program, the quality
of instruction and progress of a child's learning. The purpose is to determine the growth and
development. There are several kinds of assessment carried out during a student's learning. These
include the placement assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment. Learners
coming into the kindergarten class are often given a pre test or a placement assessment to evaluate
what the learner may already know or think about content that is to be...show more content...
How much each child has improved over time, gives the educators an opportunity to recognize
what modifications are needed to improve the student's achievement. e.g. if a child knows the
uppercase and lowercase alphabets very well then the teacher can move on to sounds of the
alphabet. On the other hand if the child is struggling to identify the alphabets then the teacher has
to come up with alternate ideas to modify her lesson plans. The school carries out assessment
twice a year. The mid year and end of the year assessment shows that the expectations from the
kindergarteners are slowly raised keeping in mind the consistency of the curriculum and the
objectives. An end of the year assessment clearly shows the child's expected familiarity and
independency in the subject. Objectives for the assessment The assessment is used to identify
the various skill levels of learners. There are four levels of expected growth chosen to meet the
objectives. Each level has a set of criteria and standards linked to learning objectives and a scoring
system to align it. In the above table, being able to identify two rhyming words in 3 out of 5
sentences assesses the success of rhyming in a sentence and gives the learner the highest score of 4.
For a learner who is able to identify 6 rhyming pairs, produce 6 ending sounds gets a score of 3. A
learner who is able to recognize 6 rhyming pairs is given a
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Assessment Reflection Essay examples
As I reflect on my past assessment process, I realized how much my assessments have changed
over the years. In my early years, I used tests for informational recall as my assessments. I felt
these were appropriate guidelines in which I needed to follow in order to substantiate a student's
grade. Every assignment or tests was given a point value and then based on the amount of points, a
grade was given. Every student's assessment was exactly the same, and the assessments did not
contain any subjectivity. I felt confident in giving the grade based on a valid point system. However
reflecting back, I see that I did not include any performance–based assessments or individual learning
styles in my early assessment. I also did not take...show more content...
Part of my assessment philosophy is to assess students on a daily basis which also includes their
reaction to my class. Students come to school with so much baggage that if you only chose one day
a week, or four or five times a marking period to assess them, chances are, they may be having a bad
day. Therefore, these students may not demonstrate their true ability if given only a few attempts
during the marking period. Assessment needs to be a continuous process throughout the marking
period. Everyday my students are given an opportunity to demonstrate their learning whether it is an
observation, a quick answer or a one–on–one discussion or a group project. My assessments are
consistent, flexible and achievable. I adhere to the deadlines that I give my students as part of my
assessment process. I want to infuse in my students that the world has deadlines, and you must be
prepared to meet them.
Assessment for many students means failure instead of demonstrating what you know. Too many
students walk away from a test, a science lab, or any other learning experience and feel as if they
have failed. Students should walk away from these experiences with a feeling of curiosity. If
assessments are correctly used, students would want to experiment more and take additional risks
knowing that the end result would be a feeling of achievement instead of failure. Assessments
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Assessment for Learning Essay
It is widely recognized that the form and content of student assessment strongly influence students'
attitudes to study and quality of learning (Ramsden, 1997; Shepard, 2000). For most students,
assessment requirements literally define the curriculum. Current research suggests it is assessment
used in the right way, as part of teaching to support and enhance learning that has the most significant
impact on learning (Elwood and Klenowski, 2002). James and his colleagues (2002) argue that
carefully designed assessment is therefore a powerful tool for educators and caution that equally,
"poorly designed assessment has the potential to hinder learning or stifle curriculum development".
New forms of assessment The realization of the...show more content...
Taras outlines three conditions that must be met for effective formative feedback to take place: 1.a
knowledge of standards – students must have access to the tutors' knowledge and assumptions 2.the
necessity to compare these standards to one's own work – met through practice on the part of the
student and guidance from the tutor 3.taking action to close the gap – requires learners to use this
new information at the same time as producing. Black and William (1998) reviewed 250 research
articles on teachers' assessment practices, from pre–schools to colleges, and found that there is
strong evidence to show that improving formative assessment produces significant and often
substantial learning gains. However, they suggest that the current practice of formative assessment
could be improved and identified five key ways to enhance formative assessment: 1.feedback to any
student should relate to the qualities of the work with advice on what the student can do to improve
and should avoid comparisons with other students 2.students should be trained in self–assessment so
that they can understand the main purposes of their learning and thereby grasp what they need to do
to achieve 3.opportunities for students to express their understanding should be designed into any
piece of teaching, for this will initiate the interaction whereby formative assessment aids learning
4.the dialogue between students and a teacher should be thoughtful, reflective
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Performance Assessment Essay
Performance Assessment
Not since the development of the objective paper and pencil test early in the century has an
assessment method hit the American educational scene with such force as has performance
assessment methodology in the 1990s. Performance assessment relies on teacher observation and
professional judgment to draw inferences about student achievement. The reasons for the intense
interest in an assessment methodology can be summarized as follows: During the 1980s important
new curriculum research and development efforts at school district, state, national and university
levels began to provide new insights into the complexity of some of our most valued achievement
targets. We came to understand the multidimensionality...show more content...
The purpose of this digest is to provide a summary of those attributes of sound assessments and the
rules of evidence for using them well. The various ways the reader might take advantage of this
information also are detailed.
The basic ingredients of a performance assessment may be described in three parts (Stiggins,
1984): (1) the specification of a performance to be evaluated, (2) the development of exercises or
tasks used to elicit that performance and (3) the design of a scoring and recording scheme for
results. Each contains sub– elements within it. For example, in defining the performance to be
evaluated, assessment developers must decide where or how evidence of academic proficiency will
manifest itself. Is the examinee to demonstrate the ability to reason effectively, carry out other skills
proficiently or create a tangible product? Next, the developer must analyze skills or products to
identify performance criteria upon which to judge achievement. This requires the identification of
the critical elements of performance that come together to make it sound or effective. In addition,
performance assessors must define each criterion and articulate the range of achievement that any
particular examinee's work might reflect, from outstanding to very poor performance. And finally,
users can contribute immensely to student academic
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Essay On Assessment

  • 1. Essay about Purpose of Assessment PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT The primary purpose of assessment is for the learner to provide evidence of learning by demonstrating the understanding of content and achievement of learning outcomes. This gives an insight of their strengths and areas of development. Whereas for teacher, it provides a moment to review their assessment strategies in terms of effectiveness and facilitate progression by giving constructive feedback. It also informs the curriculum board, managers, and relevant staff to evaluate learning programmes for any improvements. Learners are assessed through various stages of learning journey by using variety of methods and strategies. They are usually assessed formatively before or during the course and summatively near or ...show more content... Some teachers are predominantly concerned with cognitive learning with some use of psychomotor skills but affective learning can be a useful tool in changing attitudes i.e. gender, culture etc. even if it's not a requirement of a course. Summative Assessment happens at the end of the course, unit etc. and is for grading and decision purpose. It is used for informing employers, institutions etc. about learner's overall performance. It does not however, give information about detailed abilities of learner and there is no feedback so it is debated for its complete reliability and validity. (Scales, 2008 and Rust, 2002). Learners are assessed summatively mostly by Examination, Assignments, Portfolios, and Essays. They develop the skill levels of 'cognitive and psychomotor domains' depending on how effectively they are set out and the type of course. 'MCQs' and 'Viva' for instance can provide better coverage of syllabus as well as assessment of deeper knowledge whereas essays does not serve the same purpose but assess higher levels of cognitive domain i.e. synthesis and evaluation. Feedback is an important element of assessment and is directly related to motivation. In order to accelerate learning process it has to be Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. Assessment Tools Essay Running head: ASSESSMENT TOOLS 1 Assessment Tools Paper Liberty University EDUC 307 June 1, 2016 Abstract The beauty in teaching is watching the brains of your scholars grow with knowledge. As educators we frequently use various tools to assess the gains that our scholars make. In order to successfully instruct intentional lessons, it is important to collect data about scholar interests, ability/intellectual levels, achievement levels, and personality types. Through the use of assessment tools like the Common Core Measures of Academic Progress (Common Core MAP), The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR), The Student ...show more content... I will also strive to provide scholars the opportunity to research their cluster and help them narrow down options for their future career. Ability/Intellectual Levels 1. The Brigance Early Childhood Screens III assesses critical predictors of the scholar's school success including physical development, language, academic/cognitive, self–help, and social–emotional skills (Curriculum Associates, 2016). This is not an extensive screening. However, it helps educators: "Identify potential developmental delays and giftedness with new cutoffs Reduce over–referrals with at–risk cutoffs, Determine each child's specific strengths and needs, and assesses school readiness" (Curriculum Associates, 2016). This paper–and–pencil Screens III is administered in only ten to fifteen minutes per child. The Brigance Early Childhood Screens III assessment Kit is available for purchase online however, it can not be viewed/downloaded via the internet. This assessment can be scored by the teacher. The results of the Screens III will reveal to me the strengths and weaknesses of each scholar as it relates to school readiness. I will use this information for designing lessons for my class by being able to meet scholars where they are intellectually. Whether the scholar is still struggling with their letters, numbers, or colors, I will have the most accurate Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. A To E Assessment Introduction An A to E assessment is the approach to access a deteriorating and critically I'll patients, each letter stands for an assessment nurses will undertake A– airway B– breathing C– circulation D– disability and E– exposure (Thim, Krarup, Grove, Rohde, & Lofgren, 2012). This essay will look at disability in the A to E assessment of a critically ill patient which will focus on theGlasgow coma scale. The essay will discuss what is the Glasgow coma scale?, Glasgow coma scale is the most common source in monitoring and assessing the neurological statues of a critically ill patient, despite the fact the Glasgow coma scale has limitations on execution it remains the main standard in comprehensive neurological assessment of patients. It...show more content... The Glasgow coma scale is the scoring system that monitors and assesses the level of consciousness of a patient that has had a traumatic injury e.g. brain injury, car accident or sports injury (Braine & cook, 2016). The Glasgow coma scale is a score between 3–15 with 3 being the worst and 15 being the best. This scale is composed of 3 sections which are the best eye response this assessment is important to assess the arousal of the patient which reflexes the integrity of reticular activating system of the brain which assesses by 1. No eye opening 2. Opens to pain 3. Opens to voice 4. Opens spontaneously, the best verbal response this assessment reflects the integrity of higher cognitive and interpretive centres of the brain. The verbal response depends on the language centre in the temporal lobe and in the frontal lobe which assess 1. No verbal response 2. Incomprehensive sounds 3. Inappropriate words 4. Confused 5. Orientated and best motor response this assessment check the function ability of the cerebral cortex, the patient has to understand the commands and perform the movement accordingly, they assess the upper extremities by simple orders because they are more reliable than the lower extremities this is assessed by 1. No motor response 2. Extension to pain 3. Flexion to pain 4. Withdrawals from pain 5. Localising pain 6. Obeys commands, these are the three sections that nurses needs to access (Elliot, Aitken & Chaboyer, Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. Educational Assessment Essay Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development (Palomba & Banta, 1999). Educational assessments are carried out to measure the efficiency of the program, the quality of instruction and progress of a child's learning. The purpose is to determine the growth and development. There are several kinds of assessment carried out during a student's learning. These include the placement assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment. Learners coming into the kindergarten class are often given a pre test or a placement assessment to evaluate what the learner may already know or think about content that is to be...show more content... How much each child has improved over time, gives the educators an opportunity to recognize what modifications are needed to improve the student's achievement. e.g. if a child knows the uppercase and lowercase alphabets very well then the teacher can move on to sounds of the alphabet. On the other hand if the child is struggling to identify the alphabets then the teacher has to come up with alternate ideas to modify her lesson plans. The school carries out assessment twice a year. The mid year and end of the year assessment shows that the expectations from the kindergarteners are slowly raised keeping in mind the consistency of the curriculum and the objectives. An end of the year assessment clearly shows the child's expected familiarity and independency in the subject. Objectives for the assessment The assessment is used to identify the various skill levels of learners. There are four levels of expected growth chosen to meet the objectives. Each level has a set of criteria and standards linked to learning objectives and a scoring system to align it. In the above table, being able to identify two rhyming words in 3 out of 5 sentences assesses the success of rhyming in a sentence and gives the learner the highest score of 4. For a learner who is able to identify 6 rhyming pairs, produce 6 ending sounds gets a score of 3. A learner who is able to recognize 6 rhyming pairs is given a Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. Assessment Reflection Essay examples As I reflect on my past assessment process, I realized how much my assessments have changed over the years. In my early years, I used tests for informational recall as my assessments. I felt these were appropriate guidelines in which I needed to follow in order to substantiate a student's grade. Every assignment or tests was given a point value and then based on the amount of points, a grade was given. Every student's assessment was exactly the same, and the assessments did not contain any subjectivity. I felt confident in giving the grade based on a valid point system. However reflecting back, I see that I did not include any performance–based assessments or individual learning styles in my early assessment. I also did not take...show more content... Part of my assessment philosophy is to assess students on a daily basis which also includes their reaction to my class. Students come to school with so much baggage that if you only chose one day a week, or four or five times a marking period to assess them, chances are, they may be having a bad day. Therefore, these students may not demonstrate their true ability if given only a few attempts during the marking period. Assessment needs to be a continuous process throughout the marking period. Everyday my students are given an opportunity to demonstrate their learning whether it is an observation, a quick answer or a one–on–one discussion or a group project. My assessments are consistent, flexible and achievable. I adhere to the deadlines that I give my students as part of my assessment process. I want to infuse in my students that the world has deadlines, and you must be prepared to meet them. Assessment for many students means failure instead of demonstrating what you know. Too many students walk away from a test, a science lab, or any other learning experience and feel as if they have failed. Students should walk away from these experiences with a feeling of curiosity. If assessments are correctly used, students would want to experiment more and take additional risks knowing that the end result would be a feeling of achievement instead of failure. Assessments Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 6. Assessment for Learning Essay It is widely recognized that the form and content of student assessment strongly influence students' attitudes to study and quality of learning (Ramsden, 1997; Shepard, 2000). For most students, assessment requirements literally define the curriculum. Current research suggests it is assessment used in the right way, as part of teaching to support and enhance learning that has the most significant impact on learning (Elwood and Klenowski, 2002). James and his colleagues (2002) argue that carefully designed assessment is therefore a powerful tool for educators and caution that equally, "poorly designed assessment has the potential to hinder learning or stifle curriculum development". New forms of assessment The realization of the...show more content... Taras outlines three conditions that must be met for effective formative feedback to take place: 1.a knowledge of standards – students must have access to the tutors' knowledge and assumptions 2.the necessity to compare these standards to one's own work – met through practice on the part of the student and guidance from the tutor 3.taking action to close the gap – requires learners to use this new information at the same time as producing. Black and William (1998) reviewed 250 research articles on teachers' assessment practices, from pre–schools to colleges, and found that there is strong evidence to show that improving formative assessment produces significant and often substantial learning gains. However, they suggest that the current practice of formative assessment could be improved and identified five key ways to enhance formative assessment: 1.feedback to any student should relate to the qualities of the work with advice on what the student can do to improve and should avoid comparisons with other students 2.students should be trained in self–assessment so that they can understand the main purposes of their learning and thereby grasp what they need to do to achieve 3.opportunities for students to express their understanding should be designed into any piece of teaching, for this will initiate the interaction whereby formative assessment aids learning 4.the dialogue between students and a teacher should be thoughtful, reflective Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 7. Performance Assessment Essay Performance Assessment Not since the development of the objective paper and pencil test early in the century has an assessment method hit the American educational scene with such force as has performance assessment methodology in the 1990s. Performance assessment relies on teacher observation and professional judgment to draw inferences about student achievement. The reasons for the intense interest in an assessment methodology can be summarized as follows: During the 1980s important new curriculum research and development efforts at school district, state, national and university levels began to provide new insights into the complexity of some of our most valued achievement targets. We came to understand the multidimensionality...show more content... The purpose of this digest is to provide a summary of those attributes of sound assessments and the rules of evidence for using them well. The various ways the reader might take advantage of this information also are detailed. THE BASIC METHODOLOGY The basic ingredients of a performance assessment may be described in three parts (Stiggins, 1984): (1) the specification of a performance to be evaluated, (2) the development of exercises or tasks used to elicit that performance and (3) the design of a scoring and recording scheme for results. Each contains sub– elements within it. For example, in defining the performance to be evaluated, assessment developers must decide where or how evidence of academic proficiency will manifest itself. Is the examinee to demonstrate the ability to reason effectively, carry out other skills proficiently or create a tangible product? Next, the developer must analyze skills or products to identify performance criteria upon which to judge achievement. This requires the identification of the critical elements of performance that come together to make it sound or effective. In addition, performance assessors must define each criterion and articulate the range of achievement that any particular examinee's work might reflect, from outstanding to very poor performance. And finally, users can contribute immensely to student academic Get more content on HelpWriting.net