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2018 – 2019
IV B. Tech I Semester (JNTUA-R15)
Mrs. P.SNEHA, Assistant Professor
Chadalawada Nagar, Renigunta Road, Tirupati – 517 506
Department of Mechanical Engineering
“Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur, which can be defined as “one who
undertakes innovations, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into
economic goods.”
Entrepreneurship can create new organizations or develop a strategy to revitalize mature
organizations in response to a perceived opportunity.
The most obvious form of entrepreneurship is that of starting a new business also called As
“startup Company”. More recently, the term has evolved to include other types of
entrepreneurship such as:
• Social entrepreneurship that applies the “entrepreneurial principles to organize,
create and manage a venture to achieve social change” and
• Political entrepreneurship or “starting a new political project, group, or political
No society can exist without entrepreneurship. Every society depends on entrepreneurs.
Definition of 'Entrepreneur'
An individual who, rather than working as an employee, runs a small business and assumes all
the risk and reward of a given business venture, idea, or good or service offered for sale. The
entrepreneur is commonly seen as a business leader and innovator of new ideas and business
Who is an entrepreneur? What characteristics define an entrepreneur?
Dan Sullivan Says that:
“An entrepreneur is someone who does not expect compensation until he has created value for
someone else.”
Jean-Baptist Say, Says that:
“Entrepreneur is someone who takes resources from a lower level of productivity and raise them
to a higher level.”
What are the major obstacles in starting a company and becoming entrepreneur?
The life cycle of any business has four stages:
1. Starting a business
2. Staying in business
3. Growing a business
4. Exiting a business
And at every stage, companies and entrepreneurs face numerous obstacles. Each stage has
different challenges. For example, a player who is new to a sport will have different challenges a
player with 10 years of experience.
In the startup stage, a company might be dealing with issue like funding, pricing a product, or
strategies for service delivery. In the growing stage, the business look for new entry points or
acquire a competitor to gain a bigger market share.
Whatever the obstacles are in the life of an entrepreneur and a company, it is important to
identify them. The last thing anyone wants is to fight an unseen enemy.
The next step is to create a plan of action to overcome each of the obstacles. The most important
step is execution.
The rule of thumb is: Prioritize all of the challenges ahead of time. Plan to attack each one
starting from the most important to the least important.
Personal and business obstacles are also part of the game. Just like wind or rain are part
of a football game, obstacles are part of our lives. Entrepreneurs must accept this as a fact and
learn how to overcome whatever life presents.
Characteristics of an Entrepreneur:
The characteristics of entrepreneurs are numerous? a successful entrepreneur possesses a
combination of traits that show both innovation and leadership qualities. Scholars from around
the world have worked tirelessly to discover just what characteristics make a good entrepreneur;
what exactly makes up a business founder's x-factor? While a lot of the findings are still pretty
much open to debate, there's no questioning that great entrepreneurs have the following traits:
A good entrepreneur is driven to make something of himself. He knows what he wants,
and he sets a course to get it. His motivation to achieve something can sometimes be
overwhelming, and the urge to establish himself can be quite consuming. An entrepreneur's
ambition is often the key ingredient that gets him off of his chair and puts him into action,
turning his daydreams into reality.
Often coming hand-in-hand with ambition, enthusiasm plays a great role in the
entrepreneur's motivation. While ambition may be the key to the entrepreneur's ignition,
enthusiasm is the gas. Every successful entrepreneur has a positive outlook giving him the
energy to pursue his endeavors. Without enthusiasm, an entrepreneurial project will slowly
wither into inactivity and failure.
When problems do arise, you can count on creativity to bail you out. Creativity is
probably what led you to envision your company in the first place, and it'll be creativity that will
help you realize the possible solutions to any hitches that might come your way. Successful
entrepreneurs find inspiration throughout the entire process, and often discover ways to turn
roadblocks into opportunities.
Entrepreneurs call all the necessary shots. While their creativity makes them men of
ideas, it's their ability to make decisions that will make them men of action. The decisions that
entrepreneurs make will determine the fate of the company, and it's only through decision-
making that things will actually happen. An entrepreneur with poor decision-making skills will
have his company caught in a state of inactivity and degradation; good decision-making skills,
on the other hand, will ensure that the best possible measures in putting up the business will be
Perhaps the most important of all the characteristics of entrepreneurs is the ability to
withstand the troubles that come with starting a business. Beginning a new enterprise is an
immensely difficult task, and as an entrepreneur, you'll have to stick through the storms and
stress if you want your venture to be a success. It sometimes takes years for a good idea to start
making you money, but when it does, you'll be glad you stood strong in the face of adversity.
Entrepreneurial traits
1. Passionate
Strong and barely controllable emotion
You need to be driven by a clear sense of purpose and passion. Typically, that passion comes
from one of two sources: the topic of the business, or the game of business-building itself.
Why do you need passion? Simply because you’re likely to be working too hard, for too long, for
too little pay with no guarantee that it’ll work out… so you need to be motivated by something
intrinsic and not money-related.
2. Resilient
If you’re going to build a startup, you’ll need a spirit of determination coupled with a
high pain tolerance. You’ll need to be willing and able to learn from your mistakes – to get
knocked down repeatedly, get up, dust yourself off, and move forward with renewed motivation.
People will constantly tell you your baby’s ugly, that your business won’t work. Now,
you should listen carefully and be open to constructive criticism. But after a while, having the
door slammed in your face repeatedly can be withering, and the best entrepreneurs learn to feed
off the negativity and actually gain strength from it.
3. Self-Possessed
You need a strong sense of self. You can’t be threatened by being surrounded by talented,
driven people. To truly succeed, you’ll need the self-confidence to surround yourself with people
“who don’t look like you”… that is, people with skills, background and domain knowledge that
complement your own. And check your ego at the door: you shouldn’t be too proud to make
coffee for the team, empty the waste baskets, or do the bank runs.
4. Decisive
You’ll need to develop a comfort-level with uncertainly and ambiguity. Entrepreneurs
gather as much information as they can in a short period of time, and then MOVE, MOVE,
MOVE!! The attitude is that it’s not going to be perfect… We only have 9% or so of the data
from which to base our decision… but if we wait to have all the information, we’ll never get
moving… and be mired in indecision. (Big organizations are really good at this – the mired thing
– saying, We don’t have enough information, so let’s continue to study… form a committee or a
task force)
5. Fearless
On the sliding scale from “risk-averse” to “risk-seeking,” it shouldn't surprise
anyone that entrepreneurs tend to be closer to the latter. But you don’t need to be a nut-
case, the sort who bungee-jumps without a helmet. Smart entrepreneurs develop an
intuitive ability to sniff out and mitigate startup business risk. But you know you’re going
to fall down, and feel comfortable with that fact and that you’re going to learn from your
failures and adjust as you go.
6. Financially Prepared
You’ll need the right personal financial profile to make the leap. This doesn’t mean that
only the rich can be entrepreneurs. But unless and until you’ve got the personal financial
‘runway’ (ability to go without a steady paycheck and subsidized benefits) of at least 18 to 24
months (ideally longer), you might hold off on quitting your day job.
Consider launching the startup as a side-business if that’s possible, while continuing to
work the 8-to-5 shift to cover the bills. Or approach your boss about going part-time. Then, once
your business generating cash flow, you can dial back on your hours, or submit your resignation
and go full-time with your startup.
7. Flexible
I challenge you to find an entrepreneur running a startup four or more years old where
that business doesn’t differ dramatically from the vision sketched out in their original business
plan. The point is that the folks who stay on their feet are the ones who stay flexible and adjust to
new information and changing circumstances.
8. Zoom Lens-Equipped
You may not start out with a fool-proof gyroscope, but to survive as an entrepreneur,
you’ll need that strong sense of perspective. How to maintain simple, clear focus. How to be at
peace with, and learn from, a failure. Understanding that not all battles are worth winning, and
when to walk away. Knowing that most in your startup aren’t as entrepreneurial as you – that this
may be a very cool job for them, but it’s still a job. Knowing when to go home and give your
loved ones a hug. When to go for a run.
Can you ‘pan out’ to see a compelling big vision for your business, then ‘zoom in’ and
focus on near-term startup goals? Successful entrepreneurs can facilely move back and forth
between these two views. They’re able to articulate the big picture, while simultaneously
managing and executing to the ‘zoom-in’ picture.
9. Able to Sell
Whether you’re a born extrovert or introvert, as a founder/CEO, you’ll find yourself
always selling. You’ll be selling your vision to prospective partners and funding sources. You’ll
be selling prospective recruits on why they should quit their day jobs and join this startup they’ve
never heard of. You’ll be selling your products and services (yes, you’ll probably be personally
closing at least the first few sales). You’ll be selling your employees on why they should remain
calm and stay with the ship when the seas inevitably get rough.
10. Balanced
You may not start out with a fool-proof gyroscope, but to survive as an entrepreneur,
you’ll need that strong sense of perspective. How to maintain simple, clear focus. How to be at
peace with, and learn from, a failure. Understanding that not all battles are worth winning, and
when to walk away. Knowing that most in your startup aren’t as entrepreneurial as you – that this
may be a very cool job for them, but it’s still a job. Knowing when to go home and give your
loved ones a hug. When to go for a run.
Entrepreneur vs. manager:
The terms Entrepreneur and Manager are considered one and the same. But the two terms have
different meanings.
The following are some of the differences between a manager and an entrepreneur.
· The main reason for an entrepreneur to start a business enterprise is because he comprehends
the venture for his individual satisfaction and has personal stake in it where as a manager
provides his services in an enterprise established by someone.
· An entrepreneur and a manager differ in their standing, an entrepreneur is the owner of the
organization and he bears all the risk and uncertainties involved in running an organization
where as a manager is an employee and does not accept any risk.
· An entrepreneur and a manager differ in their objectives. Entrepreneur’s objective is to innovate
and create and he acts as a change agent where as a manager’s objective is to supervise and
create routines. He implements the entrepreneur’s plans and ideas.
· An entrepreneur is faced with more income uncertainties as his income is contingent on the
performance of the firm where as a manager’s compensation is less dependent on the
performance of the organization.
Intrapreneur vs. Entrepreneurs
Meaning of Intrapreneur:
“A person within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a
profitable finished product through assertive risk-taking and innovation”
• Entrepreneurs provide the spark. Intrapreneur keep the flame going.
• Entrepreneurs are found anywhere their vision takes them. Intrapreneur work within the
confines of an organization.
• Entrepreneurs face many hurdles, and are sometimes ridiculed and riddled with setbacks.
Intrapreneurs may sometimes have to deal with conflict within the organization.
• Entrepreneurs may find it difficult to get resources. Intrapreneurs have their resources
readily available to them.
• Entrepreneurs may lose everything when they fail. Intrapreneurs still have a paycheck to
look forward to (at least for now) if they fail.
• Entrepreneurs know the business on a macro scale. Intrapreneurs are highly skilled and
Entrepreneurial Decision Process:
• Entrepreneurial Decision Process is about deciding to become an entrepreneur by
leaving present activity i.e. a movement from the present lifestyle to forming a new
enterprise. The decision to start a new company occurs when an individual perceives
that forming a new enterprise is both desirable and possible.
The decision to become an entrepreneur to start a new business consist of several
sequential steps-
1. The decision to leave a present career or lifestyle (Pushing and pulling influences
active in the decision to leave a present career or lifestyle
2.The decision about desirability of new venture formation i.e. the aspects of a situation
that make it desirable to start a new venture and this relates to culture, subculture,
family, teachers and peers.
3. The decision about possibility of new venture formation i.e. factors making it possible
to create a new venture like government, background, marketing, financial, role models.
Desirability of New Venture Formation :- (Aspects of a situation that make it
desirable to start a new company)
1. The perception that starting a new company is desirable results from an individual’s
culture, subculture, family, teachers and peers.
On the other hand in some countries making money is not as valued and failure may be a
disgrace. The rate of business formation in these countries is not as high.
2. Many subcultures that shape value systems operate within a cultural framework.
These subcultures support and even promote entrepreneurship.
3. Studies indicate that a high percentage of founders of companies had fathers and/or
mothers who valued independence.
4. Encouragement to form a company is also gained from teachers, who can
significantly influence individuals.
5. An area having a strong educational base is also a requirement for entrepreneurial
6. Peers are important, also, as is an area with an entrepreneurial pool and peer-meeting
Possibility of New Venture Formation : - (Factors making it possible to create a new
 Although the desire of new venture formation derived from the individual’s culture,
subculture, family, teachers and peers needs to be present before any action is taken, the
second feature necessary centers around this question “What makes it possible to form a
new company?”
o He government contributes by providing the infrastructure to help a new venture.
o The India has the necessary roads, communication and transportation systems,
utilities, and Economic stability
 Formal education and previous business experience give a potential entrepreneur the
skills needed to form and manage a new enterprise.
 Although educational systems are important in providing the needed business
knowledge, individual will tend to be more successful in forming in fields in which they
have worked.
 The market must be large enough and the entrepreneur must have the marketing know-
how to put together the entire package.
 The entrepreneur must have the marketing know-how to put together the entire
 A role model can powerfully influence the perception of venture possibility.
 Finally, financial resources must be readily available.
o Although most start-up money comes from personal savings, credit, and friends,
but there is often a need for additional capital.
 Risk-capital availability plays an essential role in the development and growth of
entrepreneurial activity.
Role of Entrepreneurship in economic development
The entrepreneur who is a business leader looks for ideas and puts them into
effect in fostering economic growth and development. Entrepreneurship is one of the
most important input in the economic development of a country. The entrepreneur acts as
a trigger head to give spark to economic activities by his entrepreneurial decisions. He
plays a pivotal role not only in the development of industrial sector of a country but also
in the development of farm and service sector. The major roles played by an entrepreneur
in the economic development of an economy are discussed in a systematic and orderly
manner as follows.
(1) Promotes Capital Formation:
Entrepreneurs promote capital formation by mobilizing the idle savings of public.
They employ their own as well as borrowed resources for setting up their enterprises.
Such types of entrepreneurial activities lead to value addition and creation of wealth,
which is very essential for the industrial and economic development of the country.
(2) Creates Large-Scale Employment Opportunities:
Entrepreneurs provide immediate large-scale employment to the unemployed
which is a chronic problem of underdeveloped nations. With the setting up.of more and
more units by entrepreneurs, both on small and large-scale numerous job opportunities
are created for others. As time passes, these enterprises grow, providing direct and
indirect employment opportunities to many more. In this way, entrepreneurs play an
effective role in reducing the problem of unemployment in the country which in turn
clears the path towards economic development of the nation.
(3) Promotes Balanced Regional Development:
Entrepreneurs help to remove regional disparities through setting up of industries
in less developed and backward areas. The growth of industries and business in these
areas lead to a large number of public benefits like road transport, health, education,
entertainment, etc. Setting up of more industries lead to more development of backward
regions and thereby promotes balanced regional development.
(4) Reduces Concentration of Economic Power:
Economic power is the natural outcome of industrial and business activity.
Industrial developments normally lead to concentration of economic power in the hands
of a few individuals which results in the growth of monopolies. In order to redress this
problem a large number of entrepreneurs need to be developed, which will help reduce
the concentration of economic power amongst the population.
(5) Wealth Creation and Distribution:
It stimulates equitable redistribution of wealth and income in the interest of the
country to more people and geographic areas, thus giving benefit to larger sections of the
society. Entrepreneurial activities also generate more activities and give a multiplier
effect in the economy.
(6) Increasing Gross National Product and Per Capita Income:
Entrepreneurs are always on the look out for opportunities. They explore and
exploit opportunities,, encourage effective resource mobilization of capital and skill,
bring in new products and services and develops markets for growth of the economy. In
this way, they help increasing gross national product as well as per capita income of the
people in a country. Increase in gross national product and per capita income of the
people in a country, is a sign of economic growth.
A. The entrepreneur must establish a balance between ethical exigencies, economic expediency,
and social responsibility.
i. A manager’s attitudes concerning corporate responsibility tend to be supportive of laws
and professional codes of ethics.
ii. Entrepreneurs have few reference persons, role models, and developed internal ethics
iii. Entrepreneurs are particularly sensitive to peer pressure and social norms in the
community as well as pressures from their competitors.
iv. Internationally, U.S. managers have more individualistic and less communitarian values
than managers in European countries.
B. While ethics refers to the “study of whatever is right and good for humans,” business ethics
concerns itself with the investigation of business practices in light of human values.
i. “Business ethics” has emerged as an important topic.
ii. The word “ethics” stems from the Greek êthos, meaning custom and usage.
C. Development of Our Ethical Concepts.
i. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle provide the earliest writings dealing with ethical
conceptions; earlier writings involving moral codes can be found in both Judaism and
ii. American attitudes on ethics result from three principle influences:
a. Judeo-Christian heritage.
b. Belief in individualism.
c. Opportunities based on ability rather than social status.
D. Research on business ethics can be broken down into four broad classifications:
a. Pedagogically-oriented inquiry.
b. Theory-building without empirical testing.
c. Empirical research, measuring the attitudes and ethical beliefs of students and
academic faculty.
d. Empirical research within business environments.
Opportunities for entrepreneurs in India and abroad
There is certainly no formula to become a successful entrepreneur. Some may succeed
and make good profits, others sink along the way. Which are the most lucrative sectors for
entrepreneurs? Here's a list of 20 good opportunities entrepreneurs can look at...
1. Tourism
Tourism is a booming industry in India. With the number of domestic and international
tourists rising every year, this is one hot sector entrepreneurs must focus on. India with its
diverse culture and rich heritage has a lot to offer to foreign tourists. Beaches, hill stations,
heritage sites, wildlife and rural life, India has everything tourists are looking for.
But this sector is not well organized. India lacks trained professionals in the tourism and
hospitality sectors. Any business in this sector will thrive in the long run as the demand contuse
to grow every year. Foreign tourist arrivals during January-March were 15.63 lakh with a growth
rate of 12.8 percent, compared to 13.86 lakh during the first three months last year.
2. Automobile
India is now a hot spot for automobiles and auto-components. A cost-effective hub for
auto components sourcing for global auto makers, the automotive sector is potential sector for
entrepreneurs. The automobile industry recorded a 26 per cent growth in domestic sales in 2009-
The strong sales have made India the second fastest growing market after China. India
being one of the world's largest manufacturers of small cars with a strong engineering base and
expertise, there are many segments that entrepreneurs can focus on in India's automobile and
auto components sector.
3. Textiles
India is famous for its textiles. Each state has its unique style in terms of apparels. India
can grow as a preferred location for manufacturing textiles taking into account the huge demand
for garments. Places like Tripura and Ludhiana are now export hubs for textiles. A better
understanding of the markets and customers' needs can boost growth in this sector.
4. Social ventures
Many entrepreneurs are taking up social entrepreneurship. Helping the less privileged get
into employment and make a viable business is quite a challenge. There are many who have
succeeded in setting up social ventures. With a growing young population in rural areas who
have the drive and enthusiasm to work, entrepreneurs can focus on this segment.
5. Software
India's software and services exports are likely to rise with export revenue growth projected at 13
to 15 percent to hit about $57 billion by March 2011.
With one of the largest pool of software engineers, Indian entrepreneurs can set higher targets in
hardware and software development.
The information technology enabled services have contributed substantially to the economy.
With more companies outsourcing contracts to India, business to business solutions and services
would be required. Entrepreneurs can cash in on the rise in demand for these services with
innovative and cost effective solutions.
6. Engineering goods
India continues to be one of the fastest growing exporters of engineering goods, growing
at a rate of 30.1 per cent. The government has set a target of $110 billion by 2014 for total
engineering exports. Entrepreneurs must capitalize on the booming demand for products from
the engineering industry.
Woman as Entrepreneur
“Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur, which can be defined as “one who
undertakes innovations, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into
economic goods.”
Entrepreneurship can create new organizations or develop a strategy to revitalize mature
organizations in response to a perceived opportunity.
The most obvious form of entrepreneurship is that of starting a new business also called As
“startup Company”. More recently, the term has evolved to include other types of
entrepreneurship such as:
• Social entrepreneurship that applies the “entrepreneurial principles to organize,
create and manage a venture to achieve social change” and
• Political entrepreneurship or “starting a new political project, group, or political
No society can exist without entrepreneurship. Every society depends on entrepreneurs.
1. To identify information needs and sources for business planning.
2. To enhance awareness of the ability of the Internet as an information resource and
marketing tool
3. To present helpful questions for the entrepreneur at each stage of the planning process.
4. To understand how to monitor the business Plan
Before preparing a business plan, the entrepreneur should do a quick feasibility study to see if
there are possible barriers to success. The entrepreneur should clearly define the venture’s goals,
which provide a framework for the business plan. The business plan must reflect reasonable
Market Information
It is important to know the market potential for the product or service. The first step is to
define the market. A well-defined target market makes it easier to project market size and market
goals. To assess the total market potential, the entrepreneur can use trade associations,
government reports, and published studies.
Operations Information Needs
The entrepreneur may need information on:
Manufacturing operations
Raw materials
Labor skills
A. To define what the business plan is who prepares it, who reads it, and how it
is evaluated.
B. To understand the scope and value of the business plan to investors, lenders,
employees, suppliers, and customers.
Planning is a process that never ends. In the early stages, the entrepreneur should
prepare a preliminary plan. The plan will be finalized as the enterprise develops. Many
different types of plans may be part of any business operation-financial, marketing,
production, and sales plans. Plans may be short term or long term, or they may be strategic or
operational. All of these plans have one purpose: to provide guidance and structure to
management in a rapidly changing market environment.
What Is the Business Plan?
A business plan is a written document prepared by the entrepreneur that describes all
the relevant external and internal elements involved in starting a new venture. It addresses
both short- and long-term decision making. The business plan is like a road map for the
business’ development. The Internet also provides outlines for business planning.
Entrepreneurs can also hire or offer equity to another person to provide expertise in preparing
the business plan. In developing the business plan the entrepreneur can determine how much
money will be needed from new and existing sources.
The business plan should be prepared by the entrepreneur; however, he or she may
consult many sources. Lawyers, accountants, marketing consultants, and engineers are useful
supplemental sources. Other resources are the Small Business Administration, Service Core
of Retired Executives, Small Business Development Centers, universities, friends, and
relatives. To help determine whether to hire a consultant, the entrepreneur needs to make an
objective assessment of his or her own skills.
Because the business plan should address the needs of all the potential evaluators,
software packages and Internet samples should be used only to assist in preparation. As the
entrepreneur becomes aware of who will read the plan, changes will be necessary. Suppliers
may want to see a business plan before signing a contract to supply products or services.
Customers may also want to review the plan before buying the product. The business plan
should consider the needs of these constituencies. Potential suppliers of capital will vary in
their needs and requirements in the business plan. Lenders are primarily interested in the
ability of the new venture to pay back the debt and focus on the four C’s of credit:
 The entrepreneur’s credit history or character.
 Their ability to meet debt and interest payments (cash flow.)
 The collateral or tangible assets being secured.
It is often necessary for an entrepreneur to orally present the business plan to investors.
Typically the Entrepreneur provides a short (20-30 minutes) presentation of the business
plan. The entrepreneur must sell their business concept in a short time period. A venture
capitalist or angel group may also ask the entrepreneur to present the plan to their partners
before making a final decision.
Sources of New Ideas
There are mainly 5 Ways for Sources of New Ideas:
 Existing Companies
 Distribution Channels
 Research  Development.
1. Consumers– the potential consumer should be the final focal point of ideas for the
entrepreneurs. The attention to inputs from potential consumers can take the form of
informally monitoring potential ideas or needs or formally arranging for consumers to
have an opportunity to express their concerns. Care needs to be taken to ensure that the
new idea or the needs represents a large enough market to support a new venture.
2. Existing Companies– with the help of an established formal methods potential
entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs can evaluate competitive products  services on the
market which may result in new and more market appealing products and services.
3. Distribution channels– members of the distribution channels are familiar with the
needs of the market and hence can prove to be excellent sources of new ideas. Not only
do the channel members help in finding out unmet or partially met demands leading to
new products and services, they also help in marketing the offerings so developed.
4. Government– it can be a source of new product ideas in two ways firstly, the patent
office files contain numerous product possibilities that can assist entrepreneurs in
obtaining specific product information, and secondly, response to government regulations
can come in the form of new product ideas.
5. Research  development– Entrepreneur’s own RD is the largest source of new
idea. A formal and well-equipped research and development department enables the
entrepreneur to conceive and develop successful new product ideas.
Methods of generating new ideas for entrepreneurs
The following are some of the key methods to help generate end test new ideas:
1. Focus Groups – these are the groups of individuals providing information in a structural
format. A moderator leads a group of people through an open, in-depth discussion rather than
simply asking questions to solicit participant response. Such groups form comments in open-end
in-depth discussions for a new product area that can result in market success. In addition to
generating new ideas, the focus group is an excellent source for initially screening ideas and
2. Brainstorming – it is a group method for obtaining new ideas and solutions. It is based on the
fact that people can be stimulated to greater creativity by meeting with others and participating in
organized group experiences. The characteristics of this method are keeping criticism away;
freewheeling of idea, high quantity of ideas, combinations and improvements of ideas. Such type
of session should be fun with no scope for domination and inhibition. Brainstorming has a
greater probability of success when the effort focuses on specific product or market area.
3. Problem inventory analysis– it is a method for obtaining new ideas and solutions by focusing
on problems. This analysis uses individuals in a manner that is analogous to focus groups to
generate new product areas. However, instead of generating new ideas, the consumers are
provided with list of problems and then asked to have discussion over it and it ultimately results
in an entirely new product idea.
CreativeProblem Solving
Creative Problem Solving is a way of thinking and behaving. The following definitions allow
for a common understanding of some terms that are used as the foundation for this workbook.
Therefore, CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING or CPS is a process, method, or system
for approaching a problem in an imaginative way and resulting in effective action.
The Creative Problem Solving process presented in this workbook is known as the Osborn-
Parnes problem-solving model. This particular model uses the following steps:
1. Mess finding an effort to identify a situation that presents a challenge.
2. Data finding an effort to identify all known facts related to the situation; to
seek and identify information that is not known but essential to
the situation is identified and sought.
3. Problem Finding an effort to identify all the possible problem statements and
then to isolate the most important or underlying problem.
4. Idea finding an effort to identify as many solutions to the problem
statement as possible.
5. Solution finding using a list of selected criteria to choose the best solution(s)
for action.
6. Acceptance making every effort to gain acceptance for the solution, determine
Finding a plan of action, and implement the solution.
Although CPS can be applied individually, problems are often most effectively solved in a team,
where brainstorming allows for more ideas to be generated. Thinking of many ideas is critical to
effective problem solving using the Osborn-Parnes model.
Whole Brain Approach to Problem Solving
Situation and/or Objective
Plan of Action Follow Through
Mess Finding
State the Situation:
The first step in taking action is to identify a situation which presents a challenge… an
opportunity… or is a concern that you want to do something about or is an objective you
desire to attain.
When you recognize a messy situation, it is helpful to write a brief abstract that captures
the essence of what is happening right now--or what is not occurring that should be.
Write your concerns, thoughts, and the changes you would like to see in your situation.
LET YOUR THOUGHTS FLOW. Describe the situation in a three sentence overview.
Data Finding
List all the key facts associated with your situation or your desired objective as
you perceive them. Ask yourself:
Who is involved?
What is involved?
What are some examples of the problem?
What causes the problem?
When will it happen?
Where does it or will it happen?
How does it or will it happen?
Why does it happen?
Are there any more problems caused by the situation?
Problem Finding
Considering the data you have gathered about your situation during Fact Finding,
determine what you want to accomplish in more specific terms. Ask yourself the
following questions:
What is the real problem? What is my objective?
What do I want to accomplish? What are my concerns?
What is my challenge?
What wish would I like to fulfill?
This step involves DIVERGENT THINKING, so record as many different problem
statements as you can. Begin each statement with the phrase In What Ways Might
we… (IWWMW) or How Might I… (HMI...).
Idea Finding
Try to answer your problem statement with many ideas in as many different ways
as possible.
DIVERGENT THINKING, combined with deferred judgment, is critical in this step.
Your goal is to generate lots of ideas. It is often helpful to set a number goal before you
start listing ideas. Try for
50-75 ideas before you discuss each and become selective.
The essence of the deferred judgment principle is to allow a period of time for listing all
the ideas that come to mind without judging them. Quantity of ideas and complete
freedom of expression without any evaluation are key concepts. S-T-R-E-T-C-H your
mind to break old habits of thinking.
Feel free to combine or modify any ideas to produce additional ideas. Divergent behavior
must prevail.
Let your ideas flow freely without internal or external criticism. If time permits,
incubate--let the problem and ideas rest in your subconscious for a time--to generate
additional ideas.
Let your divergent process create ideas. Start listing them below--continue on additional
sheets of paper. RECORD ALL IDEAS.
Preliminary Judgment : Using your convergent skills, review all your ideas and circle
six to eight that seem to have the greatest potential.
Solution Finding
You must now decide what criteria, standards, or Yardsticks should be applied
to weigh the worth of your selected ideas. These criteria will be used to determine the
best solution(s) to your problem.
Your ideas affect cost, time, reliability, quality, morale, customers, legality, safety,
company practices and approvals, feasibility, timeliness, and ease of implementation.
Any or all of these, as well as others, can be considerations for criteria.
Let your DIVERGENT THINKING create a preliminary list of factors or criteria
that will be used to evaluate your ideas. Write the list below.
Selection of Criteria
Using your CONVERGENT THINKING, review your criteria listed above and
circles the five or six which you feel to be the most critical for evaluating your ideas.
Now, use a 10-point scale to weight your selected criteria (10 is high).
When you are satisfied with your criteria, record them on one axis of the decision
matrix on the following sheet. Then record your selected ideas on the other axis.
You are now ready to develop your plan of action. To ensure successful
implementation of your best idea(s), it is necessary to has little value until it is put to use
Acceptance Finding
You are now ready to develop your plan of action. To ensure successful
implementation of your best idea(s), it is necessary to has little value until it is put to use
gain maximum acceptance. Remember, an i.
Consider the following--How should you alter or modify your idea so it will be as
acceptable as possible to those it will affect and to those who will pass judgment on it?
Ask yourself the following questions along with others that are relevant.
Whom will my idea affect?
How might I gain their acceptance?
What resources are needed to implement my idea?
How might I best develop a return on investment?
What major obstacles will I confront?
How might I overcome any obstacles?
What might go wrong?
Why would something go wrong?
What can I do to prevent problems?
What opportunities might present themselves?
How might I best gain support for my idea?
How might I best present and sell my proposal?
What should I not do?
Product Planning and development Process:
New products are a vital part of a firm’s competitive growth strategy. Leaders of
successful firms know that it is not enough to develop new products on sporadic basis.
What a count is a climate of a products development that leads to one triumph after
another. It is Commonplace for major companies to have 50percent or more of their
current sales In Products introduced within the last 10 years.
Some Additional facts about new products are:
 Many new products are failures. Estimates of new product failures range from
33%- 90%, depending on industry.
 New product sales grow far more rapidly than sales of current products,
potentially providing a surprisingly large boost to a company’s growth rate;
 Companies vary widely in the effectiveness of their new products programs;
 A major obstacle to effectively predicting new product demand is limited vision;
 Common elements appear in the management practices that generally distinguish
the Relative degree of efficiency and success between companies.
In one recent year, almost 22 000 products were introduced in supermarkets, drugstores,
Mass merchandisers and health food stores.
Idea generation
Idea screening
Project planning
Product development
Test marketing
Idea Generation
Every product starts as an idea. But all new product aides do not equal merit or
potential for economic or commercial success. Some estimates indicate that as many as
60-70 ideas are necessary to yield one successful product. To develop a new product the
following step must be realized:
Idea screening
The primary function of the idea screening process is twofold: first, to eliminate
ideas for New products that could not be profitably marketed by the firm, and second, to
expand Viable ideas into full product concepts. New product ideas may be eliminated
either because They are outside the fields of the firm’s interest or because the firm does
not have the Necessary resources or technology to produce the product at a profit.
These three risk categories are:
1. Strategic risk – strategic risk involves the risk of not matching the role or purpose of a
new product with a specific strategic need or issue of the organization;
2. Market risk – market risk is the risk that a new product won’t meet a market need; As
Products are being developed, customer requirements change and new technologies
3. Internal risk – internal risk is the risk that a new product won’t be developed within
The desired time and budget;
Project planning
This stage of the process involves several steps. It is here that the new product
proposal is evaluated further and responsibility for the project is assigned to a project
team. The proposal is analyzed in terms of production, marketing, financial and
competitive factors. A development budget is established and some preliminary
marketing and technical research is undertaken. Alternative product features and
component specifications are outlined. Finally, a project plan is written up, which
includes estimates of future development, production and marketing costs along with
capital requirements and manpower needs. Project proposal is given to top management
for a go or no-go decision.
Various alternatives exist for creating and managing the project team. A key
component contributing to the success of many companies’ product development efforts
relates to the emphasis placed on creating cross-functional teams early in the
development process. Frequently, marketing and sales personnel are called in to lead the
Product development
At this juncture, the product idea has been evaluated from the standpoint of
engineering, Manufacturing, finance and marketing. If it has met all expectation, it is
considered a Candidate for further research and testing. A development report to
management is prepared That spells out in fine detail:
1. Results of the studies;
2. Required plan design;
3. Production facilities design;
4. Tooling requirements;
5. Marketing test plan;
6. Financial program survey and
7. estimated release data.
Test Marketing
Up until mow the product has been a company secret. Now
management goes outside the Company and submits the product candidate
for customers approval. Test marketing is a Controlled experiment in a
limited geographic area to test the new product or in some cases Certain
aspects of the marketing strategy, such as packaging or advertising.
The main goal of a test market is to evaluate and adjust the general
marketing strategy to be used and the appropriate marketing mix.
Throughout the test market process, findings are being analyzed and
forecasts of volume developed. Upon completion of a successful test market
phase, the marketing plan can be finalized and the product prepared for
This is the launching step in which the firm commits to introducing
the product into the marketplace. During this stage, heavy emphasis is
placed on the organization structure and management talent needed to
implement the marketing strategy. Emphasis is also given to following up on
such things as bugs in the design, production costs, quality control, and
inventory requirements.
Importance of time
Over the course of the last five years, companies have placed an increasing
emphasis on shortening their products’ time to market. Time to market can be defined as
the elapsed time between product definition and product availability. It has been well
documented that companies that are first in bringing their products to market enjoy a
competitive advantage both in terms of profits and market share.
Quality level
Consumers consider that the level of product quality when making purchase decisions is
both new and existing products. At minimum, buyers want product that will perform the
functions they are supposed to and do so reasonably well. Some customers are willing to
accept lower quality if product use is not demanding and the price is lower.
In designing new products, marketers must consider what criteria potential customer use
Determine their perceptions of quality. Eight general criteria are given below:
1. Performance – How well does the product do what it is supposed to do?
2. Features – Does the product have any unique features that are desirable?
3. Reliability – Is the product likely to function well and not break down over a
Reasonable time period
4. Conformance – Does the product conform to established standards for such things as
5. Durability – How long will the product last before it will be worn out and have to be
6. Serviceability – How quickly and easily can any problems be corrected?
7. Overall evaluation – Considering everything about the product, including its physical
Characteristics, manufacturer, brand image, packaging and price, how good is this
Product design
Many well-designed products are easy to use as intended and pleasing to the
senses. Designing new products with both ease of use and aesthetic appeal can be
difficult, but it can clearly differentiate a new product from competitors. Good design can
add great value to a new product.
Product safety
Clearly, new products must have a reasonable level of safety. Safety is both an
ethical and practical issue. Ethically, customers should not be harmed by using a product
as intended.
The practical issue is that when users get harmed by a product, they may stop
buying, tell Others about their experience, or sue the company.
Causes of New Product Failure
Many new products with satisfactory potential have failed to make the grade. Here is a
brief list of some of the more important causes of new product failures after the products
have been carefully screened, developed and marketed:
1. No competitive point of difference, unexpected reactions from competitors;
2. Poor positioning;
3. Poor quality of product;
4. Non-delivery of promised benefits of product;
5. Too little marketing support;
6. Poor perceived price/quality value;
7. Faulty estimates of market potential and other marketing research mistake;
8. Faulty estimates of production and marketing costs;
9. Improper channels of distribution and marketing costs;
10. Rapid change in the market after the product was introduced.
Need for research
The keystone activity of any new product planning system is research – nut just
marketing research, but technical research as well. This need will be more clearly
understood if some of the specific questions commonly raised in evaluating product ideas
are examined:
1. What is the anticipated market demand over time? Are the potential applications for
the product restricted?
2. Can the item be patented? Are there any antitrust problems?
3. Can the product be sold through present channels and sales force?
4. At different volume levels, what will be the unit of manufacturing costs?
5. What is the most appropriate package to use in terms of color, material, design and so
6. What is the estimated return on investment?
7. What is the appropriate pricing strategy?
What Is the Business Plan?
A business plan is a written document prepared by the entrepreneur that describes all
the relevant external and internal elements involved in starting a new venture. It addresses
both short- and long-term decision making. The business plan is like a road map for the
business’ development. The Internet also provides outlines for business planning.
Entrepreneurs can also hire or offer equity to another person to provide expertise in preparing
the business plan. In developing the business plan the entrepreneur can determine how much
money will be needed from new and existing sources.
The business plan must be comprehensive enough to address the concerns of employees,
investors, bankers, venture capitalists, suppliers, and customers.
Three perspectives need to be considered:
• The entrepreneur understands the new venture better than anyone.
• The marketing perspective considers the venture through the eyes of the customer.
• The investor looks for sound financial projections.
• The depth of the business plan depends on the size and scope of the proposed
The business plan is valuable to the entrepreneur and investors because:
1. It helps determine the viability of the venture in a designated market.
2. It gives guidance in organizing planning activities.
3. It serves as an important tool in obtaining financing.
Potential investors are very particular about what should be included in the plan. The process
of developing a business plan also provides a self-assessment of the entrepreneur. This self-
evaluation requires the entrepreneur to think through obstacles that might prevent the
venture’s success. It also allows the entrepreneur to plan ways to avoid such obstacles.
The business plan should be comprehensive enough to give a potential investor a
complete understanding of the venture.
Introductory Page
The title page provides a brief summary of the business plan's contents, and should include:
The name and address of the company
The name of the entrepreneur and a telephone number
A paragraph describing the company and the nature of the business
The amount of financing needed
A statement of the confidentiality of the report
It also sets out the basic concept that the entrepreneur is attempting to develop.
Executive Summary
This is prepared after the total plan is written. It should be three to four pages in
length and should highlight the key points in the business plan. The summary should
highlight in a concise manner the key Points in the business plan.
Issues that should be addressed include:
1. Brief description of the business concept
2. Any data that support the opportunity for the venture.
3. Statement of you this opportunity will be pursued.
4. Highlight some key financial results that can be achieved
5. Because of the limited scope of the summary, the entrepreneur should ascertain what
is important to the audience to whom the plan is directed.
Environmental and Industry Analysis
The entrepreneur should first conduct an environmental analysis to identify trends
and change occurring on a national and international level that may impact the new venture.
Examples of environmental factors are:
Legal concerns
All of the above external factors are generally uncontrollable. Next the entrepreneur should
conduct an industry analysis that focuses on specific industry trends Some examples of
industry factors include:
• Industry demand
• Competition
The last part of this section should focus on the specific market. This would include
such information as who the customer is and what the business environment is like. The
market should be segmented and the Target market identified.
Description of the Venture
The description of the venture should be detailed in this section. This should begin
with the mission Statement or company mission, which describes the nature of the business
and what the entrepreneur hopes to accomplish. The new venture should be described in
detail, including the product, location, personnel, background of entrepreneur, and history of
the venture. The emphasis placed on location is a function of the type of business. Maps that
locate customers, competitors, and alternative locations can be helpful. If the building or site
decision involves legal issues, the entrepreneur should hire a lawyer
Evaluating Business Plans:
The following areas are of interest to lenders and investors:
a) The purpose of the loan (expansion or startup business)
b) Sources and uses of the funds
c) Management of the business
d) Industry information
e) Financial analysis
f) Collateral (secured)
g) Personal debt/credit history of borrower
Technical Business Plans may be evaluated on the following:
1. Viability
2. Management background
3. Market advantage
4. Technology
A. Viability
The viability of a business is measured by its long-term survival, and its ability to
have sustainable profits over a period of time. If a business is viable, it is able to survive for
many years, because it continues to make a profit year after year. The longer a company can
stay profitable, the better its viability.
The small company showed its viability by making a profit every year of its existence.
B. Management Background
For every Business Plan we have to check the background of Management, because
for every business finance is very important without capital no business will run.
C. Market advantage
It means that if the product is giving less profit means Entrepreneur has to introduce
several offers and discounts to give pick up of the product. It means that taking the Market to
sell as they wish.
D. Technology
Technology gives to evaluate the Business Plans efficiently and fastly for better
output. Now a day’s technology plays a vital role in the business world.
Using and Implementing Business Plans:
The core of your business plan is your vision for the future. From this vision, you will
be able to set objectives for various parts of the business and these objectives will need to be
well communicated to all involved to ensure a coherent approach to the tasks in hand. Your
business objectives are statements about what you want individual parts of the business to
achieve. You may, for instance, have a series of objectives about the financial side of the
business, or about its products and services, or about your marketing. The objectives you set
create a 'strategy' for the business.
Business Plan Implementation
A vital stage in business planning:
Business plan implementation: Here is where the business plan implementation puts theory into
practice. If theory and practice do not come together, the plan will remain on the drawing board. The
business plan must be implemented with due regard to deadlines set. The responsibility of each
individual involved in the plan must be clearly delineated. The implementation plan must form an
integral part of the business plan. The manager must have a clear idea of the practical impact of his
business ideas.
Business Plan Implementation Steps
 Establishing the business objectives
 Defining and assigning the tasks needed to attain the objectives set
 Setting out a timescale
 Monitoring activities and progress
Business Plan Implementation Objectives
The objectives must be clearly and concisely set out, with the planning of key way stages.
They must at the same time be realistic, demanding but achievable.
The tasks must be listed with the individuals responsible for completing each task. They must be
simply and clearly stated, and need not be oppressive. The results envisaged should outweigh the time
and effort devoted to the tasks.
Each task, and its duration, must be framed within a clear timescale. The result clearly
displays all the activities necessary with their deadlines.
Monitoring Activity and Progress
During the monitoring process, delays must be highlighted. This stage identifies and rectifies
the delays. Within a business plan, several implementation plans will be needed for the particular
aspects of the business: product planning, marketing, financial problems and human resource
management (Business Plan Implementation).
1. To understand the differences between business planning, strategy plans, and market planning.
2. To describe the role of marketing research in determining market strategy for the marketing plan.
3. To illustrate an effective and feasible procedure for the entrepreneur to follow in engaging in a
market research study.
4. To define the steps in preparing the marketing plan.
5. To explain the marketing system and its key components.
6. To illustrate different creative strategies that may be used to differentiate or position the new
venture's products or services.
The marketing plan establishes how the entrepreneur will effectively compete and operate in the
marketplace. Marketing planning should be an annual activity focusing on decisions related to the
marketing mix variables. The marketingplan section should focus on strategies for the first three years of
the venture. For the first year, goals and strategies should be projected monthly. For years two and three,
market results should be projected based on longer-term goals. Preparing an annual marketing plan
becomes the basis for planning other aspects of the business.
Information for developing the marketing lan may require some marketing research. Marketing research
involves the gathering of data in order to determine such information as who will buy the product, what
price should be charged, and what is e most effective promotion strategy. Marketing research may be
conducted by the entrepreneur or by an external supplier or consultant. Market research begins with
definition of objectives. Many entrepreneurs don't know what they want
to accomplish from a research study.
Defining the Purpose or Objectives
One effective way to begin the marketing plan is to make a list of the information that will be needed to
prepare the marketing plan.
Possible objectives:
 Determine what people think of the product or service and if they would buy it.
 Determine how much customers would be willing to pay for the product.
 Determine where the customer would prefer to purchase the product.
 Determine where the customer would expect to hear about such a product or service.
Gathering Data from Sources
A secondary source interprets and analyzes primary sources. These sources are one or more steps
removed from the event. Secondary sources may have pictures, quotes or graphics of primary sources
in them. Some types of secondary sources include:
• PUBLICATIONS: Textbooks, magazine articles, histories, criticisms, commentaries,
Examples of secondary sources include:
• A journal/magazine article which interprets or reviews previous findings
a history textbook
An obvious source is data that already exists, or secondary data, found in trade magazines, libraries,
government agencies, and the Internet. The Internet can provide information on competitors and the
industry, plus can be used for primary research. Commercial data may also be available,but the cost
may be prohibitive. Free secondary information is available through:
 Census and the Department of Commerce.
 State departments of commerce, chambers of commerce, and local banks.
 Private sources of data, such as Predicates the Business Index
Development Publications can be found in a good business library.
An effective marketing plan should:
1. Provide a strategy to accomplish the company mission.
2. Be based on facts and valid assumptions.
3. Provide for the use of existing resources.
4. Describe an organization to implement the plan.
5. Provide for continuity.
6. Be simple and short.
7. Be flexible.
There are 5 Business plan to implement
 Marketing Planning
Finance Planning
 People Planning
 Product Planning
 Supply Planning
Marketing Planning:
From the analysis carried out, you will no doubt have set some objectives about marketing.
'Marketing' is a very broad area of the business - indeed there are likely to be marketing implications
associated with almost all your objectives.
Your marketing plan will include detail about:
 your products and /or services
 the place in which you sell them and the way that you distribute them
 the price you charge for them
 the promotion you undertake
These are commonly described as the '4Ps' of marketing.
The plan will show your intention of how you will undertake the full range of marketing
activities. It will be based on the data you collected about your competitors, your market places and
other areas discussed earlier. It will also reflect the potential you have identified through analysis for:
• adding or amending products and/or services to your range
• finding new customers or better satisfying the needs of existing customers.
• finding new markets
• taking advantage of changes in business environment, especially changes in existing market
• combating threats posed by competitors and taking advantage of their weaknesses
Finance Planning:
• A financial plan is often seen as the basis for many other parts of the business plan. This
particular plan, designed to meet the financial objectives you have set, is important in that it
pulls together the one common denominator of all other plans - and that is cash. The financial
plan for the business will have at its heart standard features:
• profit forecast
• cash flow forecast
• projected balance sheet
The financial plan you set should be tailored to meet your individual business needs. To do so, it
will refer to your particular business circumstances and may also include one or all of a range of
other financial tools, such as:
business funding structure
working capital analysis
sales forecast
returns achieved on sales
break-even analysis
contribution from production
stock analysis
Looking into these different forms of analysis will quickly show you that they individually serve
differing business requirements. You will need to decide which are most relevant to your business
situation and from which you will gain most advantage.
People Planning:
Having the right people with the right skills is vital to every business. A successful business
will recognize that, to be competitive in the 21st Century, it must be proactive in training and
developing its employees and it must have in place a strategy for achieving this.
The plan needs to concentrate on the objectives which arise from the business vision. It could
cover a wide range of business issues including the identification and satisfaction of training and
development needs to meet business and individual requirements. People planning can be crucial in
achieving longer term objectives by equipping employees with the right skills - and it is on those
skills that the business will be competitive in its market places. The plan will also cover broad
statements on recruitment, employment, induction, training and a range of other related business
The Employment Department's 'Investors in People' initiative centres on the proven fact that
concentration on 'people' issues can bring significant business benefits. Your local Training and
Enterprise Council in England or Wales, or your Local Enterprise Company in Scotland, will be able
to offer help and guidance on this matter.
Product Planning:
Throughout this guide, 'product' is taken to mean your product or - if you are a service
provider - your service. Whichever your areas of activity, today's changing business environment and
trends in customer buying patterns have to be closely monitored. The business needs to be able to
react quickly and effectively when changes occur. In addition, you will want to influence future
trends throughout your own marketing effort - but you need to carefully plan future product and
service developments to coincide with likely changes. The life cycle of a product or of a service can
be estimated and the various stages it goes through will determine its contribution to the business.
The effect of this is that your plans for improving or extending products and/or services are closely
linked to your marketing and financial plans.
Quality of your products and services is an important area within your plan. Closely linked to
your pricing strategy, the question of product development affects the whole of the business - and
everyone in it.
You set your quality standards to satisfy the needs and desires of your customers. Many
industries have acknowledged quality levels and the concept of 'benchmarking' is an innovative way
to create partnerships from which all parties benefit through exchange of information.
Supply Planning:
The relationships you develop with your suppliers and your customers are also important
influencing factors to be addressed when looking at your product plan. Associated with the issue of
quality, these relationships are crucial to future business success.
Financial Plan and the Organizational Plan:
Financial Plan:
Most people have heard of the benefits of personal financial planning and want to better
manage their personal finances. Yet it can seem so overwhelming. If you're not sure where to start,
this financial planning primer can help. It establishes priorities for anyone at any financial stage of
life and lays out, in eight simple steps, just how to take control of your finances.
1. Create and review a financial plan. Basically, a financial plan is a written set of goals,
strategies and timelines for accomplishing these goals: buying your first home, funding or managing
a retirement nest egg, funding your children's education, paying off debts, and so on. Writing out this
plan, whether on a yellow pad, a spreadsheet or with the help of a certified financial planner (CFP)
professional motivates you to be accountable and implement your to-do list of action steps. It
provides direction, gives you a benchmark from which to evaluate your progress, and helps you
prioritize the most efficient use of your financial resources.
Be sure to review your plan periodically to adjust for changing financial circumstances or desires, or
life events such as a change in marital status, job loss, retirement, the birth of a child, or a death in
the family.
2. Organize your financial records. It's much easier to successfully manage your finances if you
know what those finances are. So gather up the following financial records:
 investment accounts
 bank statements
 tax returns
 mortgage and credit card statements
 insurance policies
 estate planning documents
Then organize them so you can find and access them easily. By getting them all together, you'll
be able to more easily evaluate where you're at today and can set the stage for your goals and priories
going forward. And while you're at it, don't forget to inventory your personal possessions. This
documents not only their value for planning purposes but also provides a record for your insurance
company in the event your possessions are lost due to a theft or natural disaster.
3. Calculate your net worth. Once your financial records are organized, calculate your net worth.
This is simply a matter of figuring out what you own less what you owe. If your assets (house, bank
accounts, investments and so on) exceed your liabilities (mortgage, student loans, credit card debts,
etc.), then your net worth will be positive. On the other hand, if your liabilities exceed your assets,
you'll have a negative net worth.
Net worth is the best measurement of the state of your financial health and should be used as
the basis for any financial decisions you make. Your goal should be to increase your net worth on an
annual basis. At year-end, you should recalculate your net worth and compare it against last year's
benchmark. By doing this, you'll instantly be able to see your progress.
4. Establish a spending plan. A spending plan details where your money comes from and where it
goes. The inflows include your salary, bonus, interest income and any other source of income you
have. Inflow is the part that's generally easiest to recall. The outflow section is a detailed listing of
where your money goes. The most important outflow should be your savings. If you're living within your
means, then your inflow will equal your outflow.
Having a balanced spending plan should be a financial priority regardless of where you are in
life or what your net worth is. A spending plan identifies the key areas where you want your
resources to go and highlights wasted spending. It can also provide an early warning of impending
financial problems.
If this is your first time establishing a spending plan, consider using a software tool such as a
spreadsheet or a software package like Quicken to help you. These tools could significantly cut down
the amount of time and effort it takes to develop your plan.
5. Build an emergency fund. Ideally, you want to have enough cash on hand to cover three to six
months of basic living expenses should you lose your regular sources of income. Depending on your
job security, you may want to increase the number of months’ worth of reserves. For example, self-
employed individuals may want to have twelve months of reserves, especially if their income is
variable in nature.
6. Reduce or minimize consumer debt. Debt drags down the rest of your financial efforts like a heavy
anchor. If your consumer debt--credit cards, student loans, auto loans and personal loans--is eating up
15 to 20 percent or more of your monthly spending, make reducing it a priority. And why waste
funds paying what are most likely very high interest rates on your cards and loans?
7. Draft four, key estate-planning documents. Every adult should have (1) a will; (2) a durable power
of attorney, which appoints someone to handle your legal and financial affairs if you're unable to;
(3) a living will, which declares what life-sustaining medical treatments you want should you be
incapacitated; and (4) a health-care durable power of attorney, which appoints someone to oversee
your medical interests should you no longer be able to. Different states have different names for the
medical documents, but they're all critical to your smart financial planning.
8. Obtain adequate insurance. Managing risk is essential to your long-term financial security. The
point of having insurance, from medical and disability coverage to life, auto and homeowner's, is to
protect you from financial catastrophe. Simply stated, you buy insurance to cover expenses you
couldn't make out of your own pocket. It's imperative to keep in mind that you should buy insurance
when you don't need it, because when you do need it, you can't get it.
The Organizational Plan:
Organizational planning should include long-term and short-term planning. The plan should
predict where the organization will be in two or five years, listing specific, measurable goals and
results. The plan should also include a specific to-do list that keeps everyone informed of the
necessary actions and resources, as well as listing who is responsible for the all the tasks. It should
also include a reasonable time frame for these tasks to be accomplished. Failure to plan will damage
the effectiveness of the organization and can even lead to complete break-down.
Material Resources
Lack of planning is certain to result in shortages or delays of necessary materials. Without an
analysis of how often resources need to be replenished, these necessities will not be found where and
when needed. The necessary resource might be something as small as staples for the stapler, or as
essential as running out of the raw material needed to manufacture the product that is sold. In all
cases, a business a cannot flourish if the management of its resources is not being monitored and
planned for.
Cash flow issues are bound to occur if the organization does not plan properly for where and
when the finances are needed. Late payments are likely to result in suppliers becoming unreliable or
cutting off the supply of their goods or services. Late payments can also result in additional interest
payments or other financial penalties that cut into profits. Cash flow problems can go so far as to
result in the inability to pay employees on time. This is bound to have a negative impact on employee
loyalty and retention.
Human Resources -- Productivity
Without planning, there will be no mission statement and no vision. Employees are most
productive when they understand the bigger picture behind what they are doing, so productivity will
decrease. There is also likely to be much wasted time, as some workers will be duplicating the work
of others, while some essential tasks will be overlooked. This is all likely to result in the need for
crisis management. Workers will spend a great deal of time putting out fires caused by the fact that
no one is able to anticipate the problems that will regularly occur. In addition, larger projects will
take longer than necessary, or may never reach completion, because no one did the planning
necessary to break them down into more manageable segments.
Human Resources -- Morale
Employees in organizations suffering from lack of planning are likely to experience low
morale. The workers will be aware of their disorganized environment, and will suffer stress and
frustration because they will have difficulty executing their assigned tasks. There likely will be a
high staff turnover rate, which leads to lowered productivity. Some employees might be laid off
because of lowered profits and this will further diminish morale. Other employees might feel
unappreciated and over-worked as the organization will be under-staffed. This will exacerbate the
downward spiral and the business is likely to fail.
What formalities must you complete?
Before you launch your new firm, you must deal with a few formalities and register your firm with
the following authorities:
Health insurance
The statutory health-insurance fund needs to be informed about the move to self-
employment. The fund will then examine whether this is a “full-time” activity. Here, a role is played
by the hours worked and the likely level of income.
Tax office
If you are offering a professional service (i.e. are a member of the “Freie Berufe”, such as tax
adviser, doctor, journalist), you only need to apply for a tax number from the tax office.
Trade office
Anyone else setting up a business must register their project with the trade office of the
municipality in which the firm is opened.
To do so, you need:
a valid ID or passport
a residence permit
depending on the sector (e.g. catering), a permit or authorization
a craft card if you are setting up in business in the craft sector
a trade card for activities similar to the craft sector
and between ten and forty Euros for the registration fee
The trade office automatically informs the following authorities with which you also have to be
registered: tax office; accident insurance fund; chamber of industry and commerce or chamber of
crafts; local court (trade register); trade supervisory office (responsible for the health and safety of
your employees and customers; it checks ovens, drinks dispensers, etc.). Play safe and check whether
all of these bodies have actually received the information.
Health office
Depending on which sector you are working in, you may need a permit or a certificate of
non-objection from the health office. This applies, for example, to new businesses in catering and the
sale of foodstuffs. In the case of start-ups in catering or childcare, the health office and the trade
supervisory office (varies from region to region) will also examine the standards of hygiene in your
rooms. Also, you will need a certificate of good conduct from the police and confirmation from the
chamber of industry and commerce that you have participated in a seminar on hygiene and the
handling of food.
Construction Office
If you wish to use rooms previously used for other purposes as your future operational rooms,
you need to apply for a change in use from the relevant Construction Office. The planning of
rebuilding work and of new buildings for commercial purposes must also be co-ordinate in good time
with the construction office.
Trade supervisory office
Find out in good time before operations commence whether the rooms you plan to use meet
statutory requirements.
Commercial register
Apart from very small businesses and companies organized as a GBR (Gesellschaft burger
lichen Rechts), all companies must be entered in the electronic commercial register at the local court
The electronic commercial register is public and provides information about the company (name of
company, name of owner, personally liable shareholder, etc.)
Finance is one of the important prerequisite to start an enterprise or capital is work as
lubricant in a production process. The success of new venture is very much depend on availability of
finance or capital.
This taken by the entrepreneur well in advance Regarding the future financial aspects of
his/her enterprise is called financial planning or it deals with following questions like Amount of
money needed, Sources of money, Time when money required.
Finance/capital can be arranged from two major Sources:
 Internal Source: Refer to the owner’s own money known as equity. This amount fulfill very
limited requirement of enterprise or it is very thin.
 External source : Arranged from financial Complete requirement of enterprise and generally
taken for long period.
 Fixed Capital: The money invested in current assets like raw material, finished goods,
machinery, equipment, furniture etc.
 Working Capital: Money required for day to day operations of business/enterprise.
 Long Term Capital: Money whose repayment is arranged for more than five years in future.
 Short Term Capital: Borrowed capital/money that is to be repaid within one year.
 Retained Profit: Profit earned by entrepreneur may be used to finance the future needs of
 Reducing Working Capital: By judging the exact requirement, part of working capital may
be used For financing the enterprise.
 Sale of Assets: By selling fixed assets which are of little use, fund may obtained.
 Personal Savings of the Owner: Like PF, insurance policy, investment, building may be
used for fund.
Deferred Credit: goods, machine, plant may be taken on credit basis for a particular time
period by giving bank security to supplier.
 Deposits or borrowings from Friend/Relatives
 Credit facilities from commercial banks
 Terms loans from financial institutions.
 Mortgage loans against fixed assets
 By issuing Shares or Debentures
 Public Deposits (Govt. Bonds etc.)
 Venture Capital
Not having enough capital is the cause of many small business failures. Adequate capital is
needed to start up the business, operate through hard times, and provide a good chance to become a
profitable enterprise.
There is no one best method of raising capital. Financing methods will vary as a result of
legal, legislative and economic changes. Variations among lending institutions can affect your ability
to raise funds. Your success in raising funds for a new business depends on good planning, realistic
forecasting, and knowing what sources of capital are available.
To raise capital for your new business, you should be able to answer four questions.
1. How much capital will I need?
2. How much of my own capital can I put in the business?
3. How much capital can I get from someone else?
4. How can I convince someone to provide me with capital?
Planning your financial needs
Your ability to plan the financial needs of your new venture will play a big part in how much
capital you will be able to raise. Prepare a loan package that includes your business plans, market
analysis, projected balance sheet, profit and loss projections, and cash flow projections. Lenders
prefer these financial projections monthly for at least one year, and then annually for three years.
The amount of detail and research needed in the financial projections is directly related to the
amount of outside capital you hope to secure. In addition, a loan package must include the amount of
the loan, how the loan money will be used, when the money will be needed, when the loan will be
repaid, the source of repayment funds, and the amount of collateral you have to secure the loan. You
should also include the amount of equity capital you are personally investing in the business venture.
Another part of the loan package should be personal information about you and anyone else
involved directly or indirectly in the new business. Don’t assume the potential lender knows this
information. Even if you have known each other for years, the lender may not have an accurate
picture of your personal history and current financial situation.
The personal information included in the loan package should include education, work
history and business experience of everyone involved in the new business. You should also include
credit references, personal income tax statements for three years and updated financial statements.
Information about the nature of the loan and personal histories of those involved may be a major
factor in getting the loan.
If you seek professional help with the financial projections and loan package, it is vital that
you be totally familiar with the financial information. Your knowledge and understanding of the loan
package will be important when the lender evaluates it.
The five Cs of credit
What do lenders look for in a loan package? You, the borrower, provide part of the
information, but the potential lenders will also use their own credit files and outside sources. A
traditional, time-tested checklist is the five Cs of credit: character, capacity, collateral, conditions and
capital. By understanding each of these from the lender’s viewpoint, you can anticipate your strong
and weak points as they may appear to a potential lender.
1. Character
To the potential lender, character means that you will make every possible effort to repay the
loan. You must be a good manager, be honest, and have a good reputation as perceived by the lender.
Therefore, it is important to be honest about your personal strengths and weaknesses.
2. Capacity
Will your new business generate the cash flow to repay the loan? Do you have the capacity to
repay the loan? Lenders not only look at the business’s financial projections, but also your ability to
repay the loan if the business does not work out as planned. Do you have outside income
(investments, a working spouse)? Would you be able to return to your present job? Do you have
other skills that could produce income? Be prepared to provide solid answers to these questions and
be able to offer real evidence.
3. Collateral
In case the new venture is not successful and the lender must foreclose, will the collateral
cover the loan? Is the collateral adequately insured? Is the collateral marketable? In the past, a co-
signer (someone who signs the loan along with you) has been used as collateral for many small
business ventures. However, banks and traditional lending institutions now look less favorably at co-
signers as collateral. Collecting from co-signers is becoming increasingly hard, and bankers then lose
not one, but two customers. You can use your home or other real estate, cash value of life insurance
policies or marketable securities as collateral for business loans. However, before borrowing against
these items, consider carefully the consequences of the worst possible situation in your business if
you are forced to liquidate.
4. Conditions
Conditions are those factors over which you have little or no control. The lender will look at
the conditions, or trends, in the overall business economy, the trends in your community, the seasonal
character of your business, and the nature of your product or service. Other factors entering the
decision-making process are whether the lender may have already invested in a competing business
and how much competition there is in your market. Be prepared to tell the lender how you plan to
deal with these conditions, how you have assessed the market, and how your business will weather
economic changes.
5. Capital
Knowledgeable lenders will not put money into a new business unless they have concrete
evidence that you have personally made a sizable financial commitment to the business. They know
from experience that if the venture turns bad it will be easier for you to back out if you do not have
your own money at risk. From your personal resources, you should try to provide as much of the
needed capital as you can afford to put at risk. Depending on the capital needs, you cannot expect
any lender to loan 80 percent or more of the capital, as they may for a home or investment real estate.
New small businesses fail at a rapid rate and when they do fail, the assets cannot be easily turned into
cash for payment of the loan. Therefore, a new business is a much higher risk for them than a home
loan. You should expect to invest a much higher percentage of the needed capital for your new
Different types of small businesses require different amounts and types of capital to get
started. In some cases, the new businesses may only need capital for short periods of time for
inventory purchases or salaries. In other cases, facilities and equipment must be bought or leased,
inventory purchased, and you must have enough cash left over to run the business until revenue can
support the needed cash flow. Knowing the type and amounts of capital needed will help you figure
out the best source of capital for your new venture.
Equity versus debt capital
If you do not have enough personal capital, you can sell equity or you can incur debt. If
shares of equity are sold in a partnership or corporation, the capital is not repaid, but the investor
takes an ownership interest in the business and receives a portion of the business’ profits. Even
though equity capital does not burden a new business with loan repayments and interest charges, it
reduces the primary owner’s share of the profits. Debt must be repaid with interest, but normally the
lender has no ownership control. Borrowing money at the very start of a new business will drain off
income to make the debt payments.
Commercial loans
There are three types of commercial loans that are usually defined in terms of the length of time the
loan is made.
• Short-term commercial loans (30 to 90 days) are the most common loans made to a small
business. They usually cover business operation expenses such as rent, insurance,
advertising, inventory or salaries. Short-term loans are often unsecured and repayment is
usually a lump sum, including interest when the loan matures.
• Intermediate-term loans are for one to five years to purchase business equipment, buy fixed
assets or provide working capital. Intermediate-term loans are usually secured by the new
equipment or business assets. They sometimes have low monthly payments, with a large
balloon payment at the end of the term.
• A long-term commercial loan is for five years or more to purchase an existing business, buy
real estate, or construct or improve a building or facility. The long-term loan is always
secured by the assets for which the loan was made, usually requires constant monthly
payments and often has a variable interest rate.
Ten sources of capital
With your new business plan, financial projections and financing knowledge, you are now
ready to secure outside capital for your new venture. The following 10 types of financing sources are
ranked according to amount of preparation required and ease of securing the outside capital. Less
preparation to secure a loan does not mean it is the best source, nor the least expensive source of
capital. Of course, there will be exceptions to these general statements about each financial source.
1. Trade or supplier credit
Payment terms offered by your suppliers are a potential source of credit. Study the discounts
for early payment and the penalty for late payment to determine the true cost of the credit. While
some suppliers will extend credit only to well-established, proven firms, many will extend limited
credit to new businesses to encourage another outlet for their merchandise. Planning for use of trade
credit is essential. To establish good trade credit, a new business must make timely payments as
agreed. Trade credit is effectively used by large businesses to buy products at lower cost than small
firms. Do not depend too much on trade credit from one supplier. If repayment problems arise, you
may find your major source for supplies cut off when you need it the most.
2. Life insurance policies
A standard feature of most life insurance policies (except term insurance) is the owner’s
ability to borrow against the cash value of the policy. The money can be used for any business or
personal need. It normally takes two years for a policy to accumulate sufficient cash value. You may
borrow up to 95 percent of the cash value of the policy for an indefinite period of time. As long as
you continue to pay the insurance premiums, the interest can frequently be deferred indefinitely. The
policy loan will reduce the dollar value of the policy and, in case of death, the loan is repaid first and
then the beneficiaries receive the remainder. Some older life insurance policies guarantee very
favorable interest rates.
3. Friends and relatives
It is best not to borrow from friends and relatives, but many people do. If you must borrow
from a friend or relative, do it on a business basis by putting the agreement in writing. Check with a
lawyer if you want a binding, legal agreement. You may also get a sample business loan contract
form from a bank or lending institution. Use it as a basis for a written agreement that both parties
find acceptable. Unrealistic and/or naive investment expectations have ruined many friendships and
family relationships.
4. Customers
When customers pay for work in installments as it is completed or provide some of the
materials, they are, in effect, financing the business. For example, a carpenter reduces capital
requirements when the customer purchases the building materials for a remodeling project. In
addition, it is not uncommon to request a deposit from customers when ordering items, particularly
special items.
5. Leasing companies
Leasing business equipment is another way to reduce capital needs. Everything from office
furniture to food processing equipment can be obtained from leasing companies or commercial
finance companies. Leasing is generally more expensive than bank financing and is limited to items
that have a long serviceable life, widespread use, and are easily repossessed in the event of default. In
many cases, you have the option to buy the equipment for an agreed upon amount at the end of the
lease period.
6. Commercial finance companies
Commercial finance companies are generally seen as the place to go when you are unable to
secure financing from a bank. Commercial finance companies, like banks, are concerned with your
ability to repay the loan; however, they are more willing to rely on the quality of the collateral rather
than your track record or profit projections. If you do not have substantial personal assets or
collateral, a commercial finance company may not be the best place to secure start-up capital for a
business. Commercial finance company capital is usually several percentage points higher than bank
7. Commercial banks
Commercial banks are by far the most visible lenders and make the greatest number and
variety of loans. However, banks are generally conservative lenders. Although they accept collateral
for business loans, loan approval rests on your ability to repay the loan as shown by your profit
projections, management skills and your personal record. Strive to establish and keep a good working
relationship with your banker. It may help to involve the banker in the planning process for your new
business. Avoiding the banker until you need money may make a loan harder to get because the
banker is unfamiliar with the business and its history.
8. Small Business Administration
The Small Business Administration (SBA) is an independent government agency formed in
1953 to help small businesses. The SBA provides loan guarantees, participates with bank loans, and,
if funds are available, makes a limited number of direct loans. To receive financial help from SBA, a
business must be unable to secure reasonable financing from other sources. A business must also fit
the SBA’s generalized criteria for a small business, which vary for different types of businesses.
SBA loan interest rates vary from year to year based on the cost of money to the government.
Also, the maturity of a SBA loan is limited to 10 years, except for the purchase or construction of
buildings that may have a maturity of 20 years. A loan proposal for the SBA is generally more
complex and more documented than one for banks. Unlike commercial lenders, the SBA will
sometimes ignore a losing track record if a business shows signs of improvement with a healthy
future. For more information, contact the SBA office in Maine:
9. Small Business Investment Companies
Small Business Investment Companies (SBIC) are privately owned companies that are
licensed and regulated by the SBA. SBICs were created to supply equity capital, long-term loan
funds and management help to small businesses. There are investment companies in Maine that are
ready to help businesses with excellent potential. Most investment companies prefer to lend to
established companies or finance purchases of existing businesses. The SBA or your local bank can
assist you in contacting one of the SBICs in Maine.
10. Rural Economic and Community Development Agency
The Rural Economic and Community Development Agency (RECD) will guarantee term
loans to non-farming businesses in rural areas. The guarantees can cover up to 90 percent of the total
loan from a private lending institution, and there is no loan limit for one company. The RECD
requires the same extensive loan documentation as the SBA. However, RECD’s goal is to improve
rural areas and, therefore, the agency requires more detail on number of jobs to be created and the
impact the new business would have on overall employment in an area.
Venture Capital is defined as providing seed, start-up and first stage finance to companies and
also funding expansion of companies that have demonstrated business potential but do not have
access to public securities market or other credit oriented funding institutions.
Venture Capital is generally provided to firms with the following characteristics:
• Newly floated companies that do not have access to sources such as equity capital
and/or other related instruments.
• Firms, manufacturing products or services that have vast growth potential.
• Firms with above average profitability.
• Novel products that are in the early stages of their life cycle.
• Projects involving above-average risk.
• Turnaround of companies
Venture Capital derives its value from the brand equity, professional image, constructive
criticism, domain knowledge, industry contacts; they bring to table at a significantly lower
management agency cost.
A Venture Capital Fund (VCF) strives to provide entrepreneurs with the support they need to
create up-scalable business with sustainable growth, while providing their contributors with
outstanding returns on investment, for the higher risks they assume.
The three primary characteristics of venture capital funds which make them eminently suitable
as a source of risk finance are:
 That it is equity or quasi equity investment
 It is long term investment and
 It is an active form of investment.
When someone refers to venture capitalist, the image that comes in mind is Mr. Money
bags. We all think of venture capitalists as someone who is sitting on millions of dollars and who
with the wave of his magic wand turns your dreams into reality. Well, if that’s what you think is all
about why run after him – “play Santa yourself”
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Entreprenuer ship

  • 1. LECTURE NOTES ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2018 – 2019 IV B. Tech I Semester (JNTUA-R15) Mrs. P.SNEHA, Assistant Professor CHADALAWADA RAMANAMMA ENGINEERING COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) Chadalawada Nagar, Renigunta Road, Tirupati – 517 506 Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • 2. UNIT – I Entrepreneurship “Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur, which can be defined as “one who undertakes innovations, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into economic goods.” Entrepreneurship can create new organizations or develop a strategy to revitalize mature organizations in response to a perceived opportunity. The most obvious form of entrepreneurship is that of starting a new business also called As “startup Company”. More recently, the term has evolved to include other types of entrepreneurship such as: • Social entrepreneurship that applies the “entrepreneurial principles to organize, create and manage a venture to achieve social change” and • Political entrepreneurship or “starting a new political project, group, or political party.” No society can exist without entrepreneurship. Every society depends on entrepreneurs. Definition of 'Entrepreneur' An individual who, rather than working as an employee, runs a small business and assumes all the risk and reward of a given business venture, idea, or good or service offered for sale. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as a business leader and innovator of new ideas and business processes. Who is an entrepreneur? What characteristics define an entrepreneur? Dan Sullivan Says that: “An entrepreneur is someone who does not expect compensation until he has created value for someone else.” Jean-Baptist Say, Says that: “Entrepreneur is someone who takes resources from a lower level of productivity and raise them to a higher level.” What are the major obstacles in starting a company and becoming entrepreneur? The life cycle of any business has four stages:
  • 3. 1. Starting a business 2. Staying in business 3. Growing a business 4. Exiting a business And at every stage, companies and entrepreneurs face numerous obstacles. Each stage has different challenges. For example, a player who is new to a sport will have different challenges a player with 10 years of experience. In the startup stage, a company might be dealing with issue like funding, pricing a product, or strategies for service delivery. In the growing stage, the business look for new entry points or acquire a competitor to gain a bigger market share. Whatever the obstacles are in the life of an entrepreneur and a company, it is important to identify them. The last thing anyone wants is to fight an unseen enemy. The next step is to create a plan of action to overcome each of the obstacles. The most important step is execution. The rule of thumb is: Prioritize all of the challenges ahead of time. Plan to attack each one starting from the most important to the least important. Personal and business obstacles are also part of the game. Just like wind or rain are part of a football game, obstacles are part of our lives. Entrepreneurs must accept this as a fact and learn how to overcome whatever life presents.
  • 4. Characteristics of an Entrepreneur: The characteristics of entrepreneurs are numerous? a successful entrepreneur possesses a combination of traits that show both innovation and leadership qualities. Scholars from around the world have worked tirelessly to discover just what characteristics make a good entrepreneur; what exactly makes up a business founder's x-factor? While a lot of the findings are still pretty much open to debate, there's no questioning that great entrepreneurs have the following traits: Ambition A good entrepreneur is driven to make something of himself. He knows what he wants, and he sets a course to get it. His motivation to achieve something can sometimes be overwhelming, and the urge to establish himself can be quite consuming. An entrepreneur's ambition is often the key ingredient that gets him off of his chair and puts him into action, turning his daydreams into reality. Enthusiasm Often coming hand-in-hand with ambition, enthusiasm plays a great role in the entrepreneur's motivation. While ambition may be the key to the entrepreneur's ignition, enthusiasm is the gas. Every successful entrepreneur has a positive outlook giving him the energy to pursue his endeavors. Without enthusiasm, an entrepreneurial project will slowly wither into inactivity and failure. Creativity When problems do arise, you can count on creativity to bail you out. Creativity is probably what led you to envision your company in the first place, and it'll be creativity that will help you realize the possible solutions to any hitches that might come your way. Successful entrepreneurs find inspiration throughout the entire process, and often discover ways to turn roadblocks into opportunities. Decision-making Entrepreneurs call all the necessary shots. While their creativity makes them men of ideas, it's their ability to make decisions that will make them men of action. The decisions that entrepreneurs make will determine the fate of the company, and it's only through decision- making that things will actually happen. An entrepreneur with poor decision-making skills will have his company caught in a state of inactivity and degradation; good decision-making skills, on the other hand, will ensure that the best possible measures in putting up the business will be enforced. Perseverance Perhaps the most important of all the characteristics of entrepreneurs is the ability to withstand the troubles that come with starting a business. Beginning a new enterprise is an
  • 5. immensely difficult task, and as an entrepreneur, you'll have to stick through the storms and stress if you want your venture to be a success. It sometimes takes years for a good idea to start making you money, but when it does, you'll be glad you stood strong in the face of adversity. Entrepreneurial traits 1. Passionate Strong and barely controllable emotion You need to be driven by a clear sense of purpose and passion. Typically, that passion comes from one of two sources: the topic of the business, or the game of business-building itself. Why do you need passion? Simply because you’re likely to be working too hard, for too long, for too little pay with no guarantee that it’ll work out… so you need to be motivated by something intrinsic and not money-related. 2. Resilient If you’re going to build a startup, you’ll need a spirit of determination coupled with a high pain tolerance. You’ll need to be willing and able to learn from your mistakes – to get knocked down repeatedly, get up, dust yourself off, and move forward with renewed motivation. People will constantly tell you your baby’s ugly, that your business won’t work. Now, you should listen carefully and be open to constructive criticism. But after a while, having the door slammed in your face repeatedly can be withering, and the best entrepreneurs learn to feed off the negativity and actually gain strength from it. 3. Self-Possessed You need a strong sense of self. You can’t be threatened by being surrounded by talented, driven people. To truly succeed, you’ll need the self-confidence to surround yourself with people “who don’t look like you”… that is, people with skills, background and domain knowledge that complement your own. And check your ego at the door: you shouldn’t be too proud to make coffee for the team, empty the waste baskets, or do the bank runs. 4. Decisive You’ll need to develop a comfort-level with uncertainly and ambiguity. Entrepreneurs gather as much information as they can in a short period of time, and then MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!! The attitude is that it’s not going to be perfect… We only have 9% or so of the data from which to base our decision… but if we wait to have all the information, we’ll never get moving… and be mired in indecision. (Big organizations are really good at this – the mired thing – saying, We don’t have enough information, so let’s continue to study… form a committee or a task force) 5. Fearless On the sliding scale from “risk-averse” to “risk-seeking,” it shouldn't surprise anyone that entrepreneurs tend to be closer to the latter. But you don’t need to be a nut-
  • 6. case, the sort who bungee-jumps without a helmet. Smart entrepreneurs develop an intuitive ability to sniff out and mitigate startup business risk. But you know you’re going to fall down, and feel comfortable with that fact and that you’re going to learn from your failures and adjust as you go. 6. Financially Prepared You’ll need the right personal financial profile to make the leap. This doesn’t mean that only the rich can be entrepreneurs. But unless and until you’ve got the personal financial ‘runway’ (ability to go without a steady paycheck and subsidized benefits) of at least 18 to 24 months (ideally longer), you might hold off on quitting your day job. Consider launching the startup as a side-business if that’s possible, while continuing to work the 8-to-5 shift to cover the bills. Or approach your boss about going part-time. Then, once your business generating cash flow, you can dial back on your hours, or submit your resignation and go full-time with your startup. 7. Flexible I challenge you to find an entrepreneur running a startup four or more years old where that business doesn’t differ dramatically from the vision sketched out in their original business plan. The point is that the folks who stay on their feet are the ones who stay flexible and adjust to new information and changing circumstances. 8. Zoom Lens-Equipped You may not start out with a fool-proof gyroscope, but to survive as an entrepreneur, you’ll need that strong sense of perspective. How to maintain simple, clear focus. How to be at peace with, and learn from, a failure. Understanding that not all battles are worth winning, and when to walk away. Knowing that most in your startup aren’t as entrepreneurial as you – that this may be a very cool job for them, but it’s still a job. Knowing when to go home and give your loved ones a hug. When to go for a run. Can you ‘pan out’ to see a compelling big vision for your business, then ‘zoom in’ and focus on near-term startup goals? Successful entrepreneurs can facilely move back and forth between these two views. They’re able to articulate the big picture, while simultaneously managing and executing to the ‘zoom-in’ picture. 9. Able to Sell Whether you’re a born extrovert or introvert, as a founder/CEO, you’ll find yourself always selling. You’ll be selling your vision to prospective partners and funding sources. You’ll be selling prospective recruits on why they should quit their day jobs and join this startup they’ve never heard of. You’ll be selling your products and services (yes, you’ll probably be personally closing at least the first few sales). You’ll be selling your employees on why they should remain calm and stay with the ship when the seas inevitably get rough.
  • 7. 10. Balanced You may not start out with a fool-proof gyroscope, but to survive as an entrepreneur, you’ll need that strong sense of perspective. How to maintain simple, clear focus. How to be at peace with, and learn from, a failure. Understanding that not all battles are worth winning, and when to walk away. Knowing that most in your startup aren’t as entrepreneurial as you – that this may be a very cool job for them, but it’s still a job. Knowing when to go home and give your loved ones a hug. When to go for a run. Entrepreneur vs. manager: The terms Entrepreneur and Manager are considered one and the same. But the two terms have different meanings. The following are some of the differences between a manager and an entrepreneur. · The main reason for an entrepreneur to start a business enterprise is because he comprehends the venture for his individual satisfaction and has personal stake in it where as a manager provides his services in an enterprise established by someone. · An entrepreneur and a manager differ in their standing, an entrepreneur is the owner of the organization and he bears all the risk and uncertainties involved in running an organization where as a manager is an employee and does not accept any risk. · An entrepreneur and a manager differ in their objectives. Entrepreneur’s objective is to innovate and create and he acts as a change agent where as a manager’s objective is to supervise and create routines. He implements the entrepreneur’s plans and ideas. · An entrepreneur is faced with more income uncertainties as his income is contingent on the performance of the firm where as a manager’s compensation is less dependent on the performance of the organization. Intrapreneur vs. Entrepreneurs Meaning of Intrapreneur: “A person within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product through assertive risk-taking and innovation” • Entrepreneurs provide the spark. Intrapreneur keep the flame going. • Entrepreneurs are found anywhere their vision takes them. Intrapreneur work within the confines of an organization. • Entrepreneurs face many hurdles, and are sometimes ridiculed and riddled with setbacks. Intrapreneurs may sometimes have to deal with conflict within the organization.
  • 8. • Entrepreneurs may find it difficult to get resources. Intrapreneurs have their resources readily available to them. • Entrepreneurs may lose everything when they fail. Intrapreneurs still have a paycheck to look forward to (at least for now) if they fail. • Entrepreneurs know the business on a macro scale. Intrapreneurs are highly skilled and specialized. Entrepreneurial Decision Process: • Entrepreneurial Decision Process is about deciding to become an entrepreneur by leaving present activity i.e. a movement from the present lifestyle to forming a new enterprise. The decision to start a new company occurs when an individual perceives that forming a new enterprise is both desirable and possible. The decision to become an entrepreneur to start a new business consist of several sequential steps- 1. The decision to leave a present career or lifestyle (Pushing and pulling influences active in the decision to leave a present career or lifestyle 2.The decision about desirability of new venture formation i.e. the aspects of a situation that make it desirable to start a new venture and this relates to culture, subculture, family, teachers and peers. 3. The decision about possibility of new venture formation i.e. factors making it possible to create a new venture like government, background, marketing, financial, role models. Desirability of New Venture Formation :- (Aspects of a situation that make it desirable to start a new company) 1. The perception that starting a new company is desirable results from an individual’s culture, subculture, family, teachers and peers. On the other hand in some countries making money is not as valued and failure may be a disgrace. The rate of business formation in these countries is not as high. 2. Many subcultures that shape value systems operate within a cultural framework. These subcultures support and even promote entrepreneurship. 3. Studies indicate that a high percentage of founders of companies had fathers and/or mothers who valued independence. 4. Encouragement to form a company is also gained from teachers, who can significantly influence individuals. 5. An area having a strong educational base is also a requirement for entrepreneurial activity.
  • 9. 6. Peers are important, also, as is an area with an entrepreneurial pool and peer-meeting place. Possibility of New Venture Formation : - (Factors making it possible to create a new venture) Although the desire of new venture formation derived from the individual’s culture, subculture, family, teachers and peers needs to be present before any action is taken, the second feature necessary centers around this question “What makes it possible to form a new company?” o He government contributes by providing the infrastructure to help a new venture. o The India has the necessary roads, communication and transportation systems, utilities, and Economic stability Formal education and previous business experience give a potential entrepreneur the skills needed to form and manage a new enterprise. Although educational systems are important in providing the needed business knowledge, individual will tend to be more successful in forming in fields in which they have worked. The market must be large enough and the entrepreneur must have the marketing know- how to put together the entire package. The entrepreneur must have the marketing know-how to put together the entire package. A role model can powerfully influence the perception of venture possibility. Finally, financial resources must be readily available. o Although most start-up money comes from personal savings, credit, and friends, but there is often a need for additional capital. Risk-capital availability plays an essential role in the development and growth of entrepreneurial activity. Role of Entrepreneurship in economic development The entrepreneur who is a business leader looks for ideas and puts them into effect in fostering economic growth and development. Entrepreneurship is one of the most important input in the economic development of a country. The entrepreneur acts as a trigger head to give spark to economic activities by his entrepreneurial decisions. He plays a pivotal role not only in the development of industrial sector of a country but also in the development of farm and service sector. The major roles played by an entrepreneur in the economic development of an economy are discussed in a systematic and orderly manner as follows. (1) Promotes Capital Formation: Entrepreneurs promote capital formation by mobilizing the idle savings of public. They employ their own as well as borrowed resources for setting up their enterprises.
  • 10. Such types of entrepreneurial activities lead to value addition and creation of wealth, which is very essential for the industrial and economic development of the country. (2) Creates Large-Scale Employment Opportunities: Entrepreneurs provide immediate large-scale employment to the unemployed which is a chronic problem of underdeveloped nations. With the setting up.of more and more units by entrepreneurs, both on small and large-scale numerous job opportunities are created for others. As time passes, these enterprises grow, providing direct and indirect employment opportunities to many more. In this way, entrepreneurs play an effective role in reducing the problem of unemployment in the country which in turn clears the path towards economic development of the nation. (3) Promotes Balanced Regional Development: Entrepreneurs help to remove regional disparities through setting up of industries in less developed and backward areas. The growth of industries and business in these areas lead to a large number of public benefits like road transport, health, education, entertainment, etc. Setting up of more industries lead to more development of backward regions and thereby promotes balanced regional development. (4) Reduces Concentration of Economic Power: Economic power is the natural outcome of industrial and business activity. Industrial developments normally lead to concentration of economic power in the hands of a few individuals which results in the growth of monopolies. In order to redress this problem a large number of entrepreneurs need to be developed, which will help reduce the concentration of economic power amongst the population. (5) Wealth Creation and Distribution: It stimulates equitable redistribution of wealth and income in the interest of the country to more people and geographic areas, thus giving benefit to larger sections of the society. Entrepreneurial activities also generate more activities and give a multiplier effect in the economy. (6) Increasing Gross National Product and Per Capita Income: Entrepreneurs are always on the look out for opportunities. They explore and exploit opportunities,, encourage effective resource mobilization of capital and skill, bring in new products and services and develops markets for growth of the economy. In this way, they help increasing gross national product as well as per capita income of the people in a country. Increase in gross national product and per capita income of the people in a country, is a sign of economic growth.
  • 11. ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF ENTREPRENEUR: A. The entrepreneur must establish a balance between ethical exigencies, economic expediency, and social responsibility. i. A manager’s attitudes concerning corporate responsibility tend to be supportive of laws and professional codes of ethics. ii. Entrepreneurs have few reference persons, role models, and developed internal ethics codes. iii. Entrepreneurs are particularly sensitive to peer pressure and social norms in the community as well as pressures from their competitors. iv. Internationally, U.S. managers have more individualistic and less communitarian values than managers in European countries. B. While ethics refers to the “study of whatever is right and good for humans,” business ethics concerns itself with the investigation of business practices in light of human values. i. “Business ethics” has emerged as an important topic. ii. The word “ethics” stems from the Greek êthos, meaning custom and usage. C. Development of Our Ethical Concepts. i. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle provide the earliest writings dealing with ethical conceptions; earlier writings involving moral codes can be found in both Judaism and Hinduism. ii. American attitudes on ethics result from three principle influences: a. Judeo-Christian heritage. b. Belief in individualism. c. Opportunities based on ability rather than social status. D. Research on business ethics can be broken down into four broad classifications: a. Pedagogically-oriented inquiry. b. Theory-building without empirical testing. c. Empirical research, measuring the attitudes and ethical beliefs of students and academic faculty. d. Empirical research within business environments. Opportunities for entrepreneurs in India and abroad There is certainly no formula to become a successful entrepreneur. Some may succeed and make good profits, others sink along the way. Which are the most lucrative sectors for entrepreneurs? Here's a list of 20 good opportunities entrepreneurs can look at... 1. Tourism Tourism is a booming industry in India. With the number of domestic and international tourists rising every year, this is one hot sector entrepreneurs must focus on. India with its diverse culture and rich heritage has a lot to offer to foreign tourists. Beaches, hill stations, heritage sites, wildlife and rural life, India has everything tourists are looking for.
  • 12. But this sector is not well organized. India lacks trained professionals in the tourism and hospitality sectors. Any business in this sector will thrive in the long run as the demand contuse to grow every year. Foreign tourist arrivals during January-March were 15.63 lakh with a growth rate of 12.8 percent, compared to 13.86 lakh during the first three months last year. 2. Automobile India is now a hot spot for automobiles and auto-components. A cost-effective hub for auto components sourcing for global auto makers, the automotive sector is potential sector for entrepreneurs. The automobile industry recorded a 26 per cent growth in domestic sales in 2009- 10. The strong sales have made India the second fastest growing market after China. India being one of the world's largest manufacturers of small cars with a strong engineering base and expertise, there are many segments that entrepreneurs can focus on in India's automobile and auto components sector. 3. Textiles India is famous for its textiles. Each state has its unique style in terms of apparels. India can grow as a preferred location for manufacturing textiles taking into account the huge demand for garments. Places like Tripura and Ludhiana are now export hubs for textiles. A better understanding of the markets and customers' needs can boost growth in this sector. 4. Social ventures Many entrepreneurs are taking up social entrepreneurship. Helping the less privileged get into employment and make a viable business is quite a challenge. There are many who have succeeded in setting up social ventures. With a growing young population in rural areas who have the drive and enthusiasm to work, entrepreneurs can focus on this segment. 5. Software India's software and services exports are likely to rise with export revenue growth projected at 13 to 15 percent to hit about $57 billion by March 2011. With one of the largest pool of software engineers, Indian entrepreneurs can set higher targets in hardware and software development. The information technology enabled services have contributed substantially to the economy. With more companies outsourcing contracts to India, business to business solutions and services would be required. Entrepreneurs can cash in on the rise in demand for these services with innovative and cost effective solutions.
  • 13. 6. Engineering goods India continues to be one of the fastest growing exporters of engineering goods, growing at a rate of 30.1 per cent. The government has set a target of $110 billion by 2014 for total engineering exports. Entrepreneurs must capitalize on the booming demand for products from the engineering industry. Woman as Entrepreneur “Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur, which can be defined as “one who undertakes innovations, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into economic goods.” Entrepreneurship can create new organizations or develop a strategy to revitalize mature organizations in response to a perceived opportunity. The most obvious form of entrepreneurship is that of starting a new business also called As “startup Company”. More recently, the term has evolved to include other types of entrepreneurship such as: • Social entrepreneurship that applies the “entrepreneurial principles to organize, create and manage a venture to achieve social change” and • Political entrepreneurship or “starting a new political project, group, or political party.” No society can exist without entrepreneurship. Every society depends on entrepreneurs. CREATING AND STARTING THE VENTURE LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. To identify information needs and sources for business planning. 2. To enhance awareness of the ability of the Internet as an information resource and marketing tool 3. To present helpful questions for the entrepreneur at each stage of the planning process. 4. To understand how to monitor the business Plan INFORMATION NEEDS Before preparing a business plan, the entrepreneur should do a quick feasibility study to see if there are possible barriers to success. The entrepreneur should clearly define the venture’s goals, which provide a framework for the business plan. The business plan must reflect reasonable goals. Market Information It is important to know the market potential for the product or service. The first step is to
  • 14. define the market. A well-defined target market makes it easier to project market size and market goals. To assess the total market potential, the entrepreneur can use trade associations, government reports, and published studies. Operations Information Needs The entrepreneur may need information on: Location Manufacturing operations Raw materials Equipment Labor skills Space Overhead LEARNING OBJECTIVES A. To define what the business plan is who prepares it, who reads it, and how it is evaluated. B. To understand the scope and value of the business plan to investors, lenders, employees, suppliers, and customers. PLANNING AS PART OF THE BUSINESS OPERATION Planning is a process that never ends. In the early stages, the entrepreneur should prepare a preliminary plan. The plan will be finalized as the enterprise develops. Many different types of plans may be part of any business operation-financial, marketing, production, and sales plans. Plans may be short term or long term, or they may be strategic or operational. All of these plans have one purpose: to provide guidance and structure to management in a rapidly changing market environment. What Is the Business Plan? A business plan is a written document prepared by the entrepreneur that describes all the relevant external and internal elements involved in starting a new venture. It addresses both short- and long-term decision making. The business plan is like a road map for the business’ development. The Internet also provides outlines for business planning. Entrepreneurs can also hire or offer equity to another person to provide expertise in preparing the business plan. In developing the business plan the entrepreneur can determine how much money will be needed from new and existing sources. WHO SHOULD WRITE THE PLAN The business plan should be prepared by the entrepreneur; however, he or she may consult many sources. Lawyers, accountants, marketing consultants, and engineers are useful supplemental sources. Other resources are the Small Business Administration, Service Core of Retired Executives, Small Business Development Centers, universities, friends, and relatives. To help determine whether to hire a consultant, the entrepreneur needs to make an objective assessment of his or her own skills.
  • 15. HOW DO POTENTIAL LENDERS AND INVESTORS EVALUATE THE PLAN Because the business plan should address the needs of all the potential evaluators, software packages and Internet samples should be used only to assist in preparation. As the entrepreneur becomes aware of who will read the plan, changes will be necessary. Suppliers may want to see a business plan before signing a contract to supply products or services. Customers may also want to review the plan before buying the product. The business plan should consider the needs of these constituencies. Potential suppliers of capital will vary in their needs and requirements in the business plan. Lenders are primarily interested in the ability of the new venture to pay back the debt and focus on the four C’s of credit: The entrepreneur’s credit history or character. Their ability to meet debt and interest payments (cash flow.) The collateral or tangible assets being secured. PRESENTING THE PLAN It is often necessary for an entrepreneur to orally present the business plan to investors. Typically the Entrepreneur provides a short (20-30 minutes) presentation of the business plan. The entrepreneur must sell their business concept in a short time period. A venture capitalist or angel group may also ask the entrepreneur to present the plan to their partners before making a final decision. Sources of New Ideas There are mainly 5 Ways for Sources of New Ideas: Consumers Existing Companies Distribution Channels Government Research Development. 1. Consumers– the potential consumer should be the final focal point of ideas for the entrepreneurs. The attention to inputs from potential consumers can take the form of informally monitoring potential ideas or needs or formally arranging for consumers to have an opportunity to express their concerns. Care needs to be taken to ensure that the new idea or the needs represents a large enough market to support a new venture. 2. Existing Companies– with the help of an established formal methods potential entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs can evaluate competitive products services on the market which may result in new and more market appealing products and services. 3. Distribution channels– members of the distribution channels are familiar with the needs of the market and hence can prove to be excellent sources of new ideas. Not only do the channel members help in finding out unmet or partially met demands leading to new products and services, they also help in marketing the offerings so developed.
  • 16. 4. Government– it can be a source of new product ideas in two ways firstly, the patent office files contain numerous product possibilities that can assist entrepreneurs in obtaining specific product information, and secondly, response to government regulations can come in the form of new product ideas. 5. Research development– Entrepreneur’s own RD is the largest source of new idea. A formal and well-equipped research and development department enables the entrepreneur to conceive and develop successful new product ideas. Methods of generating new ideas for entrepreneurs The following are some of the key methods to help generate end test new ideas: 1. Focus Groups – these are the groups of individuals providing information in a structural format. A moderator leads a group of people through an open, in-depth discussion rather than simply asking questions to solicit participant response. Such groups form comments in open-end in-depth discussions for a new product area that can result in market success. In addition to generating new ideas, the focus group is an excellent source for initially screening ideas and concept. 2. Brainstorming – it is a group method for obtaining new ideas and solutions. It is based on the fact that people can be stimulated to greater creativity by meeting with others and participating in organized group experiences. The characteristics of this method are keeping criticism away; freewheeling of idea, high quantity of ideas, combinations and improvements of ideas. Such type of session should be fun with no scope for domination and inhibition. Brainstorming has a greater probability of success when the effort focuses on specific product or market area. 3. Problem inventory analysis– it is a method for obtaining new ideas and solutions by focusing on problems. This analysis uses individuals in a manner that is analogous to focus groups to generate new product areas. However, instead of generating new ideas, the consumers are provided with list of problems and then asked to have discussion over it and it ultimately results in an entirely new product idea. CreativeProblem Solving Creative Problem Solving is a way of thinking and behaving. The following definitions allow for a common understanding of some terms that are used as the foundation for this workbook. Therefore, CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING or CPS is a process, method, or system for approaching a problem in an imaginative way and resulting in effective action. The Creative Problem Solving process presented in this workbook is known as the Osborn-
  • 17. Parnes problem-solving model. This particular model uses the following steps: 1. Mess finding an effort to identify a situation that presents a challenge. 2. Data finding an effort to identify all known facts related to the situation; to seek and identify information that is not known but essential to the situation is identified and sought. 3. Problem Finding an effort to identify all the possible problem statements and then to isolate the most important or underlying problem. 4. Idea finding an effort to identify as many solutions to the problem statement as possible. 5. Solution finding using a list of selected criteria to choose the best solution(s) for action. 6. Acceptance making every effort to gain acceptance for the solution, determine Finding a plan of action, and implement the solution. Although CPS can be applied individually, problems are often most effectively solved in a team, where brainstorming allows for more ideas to be generated. Thinking of many ideas is critical to effective problem solving using the Osborn-Parnes model.
  • 18. Whole Brain Approach to Problem Solving Situation and/or Objective Da ta Findi ng Divergent Thinking Proble m Findi ng Id ea Findi ng Soluti on Findi ng Convergent Thinking Acceptan ce Findi ng Plan of Action Follow Through
  • 19. Mess Finding State the Situation: The first step in taking action is to identify a situation which presents a challenge… an opportunity… or is a concern that you want to do something about or is an objective you desire to attain. When you recognize a messy situation, it is helpful to write a brief abstract that captures the essence of what is happening right now--or what is not occurring that should be. Write your concerns, thoughts, and the changes you would like to see in your situation. LET YOUR THOUGHTS FLOW. Describe the situation in a three sentence overview. Data Finding List all the key facts associated with your situation or your desired objective as you perceive them. Ask yourself: Who is involved? What is involved? What are some examples of the problem? What causes the problem? When will it happen? Where does it or will it happen? How does it or will it happen? Why does it happen? Are there any more problems caused by the situation? Problem Finding Considering the data you have gathered about your situation during Fact Finding, determine what you want to accomplish in more specific terms. Ask yourself the following questions: What is the real problem? What is my objective? What do I want to accomplish? What are my concerns? What is my challenge? What wish would I like to fulfill? This step involves DIVERGENT THINKING, so record as many different problem statements as you can. Begin each statement with the phrase In What Ways Might we… (IWWMW) or How Might I… (HMI...).
  • 20. Idea Finding Try to answer your problem statement with many ideas in as many different ways as possible. DIVERGENT THINKING, combined with deferred judgment, is critical in this step. Your goal is to generate lots of ideas. It is often helpful to set a number goal before you start listing ideas. Try for 50-75 ideas before you discuss each and become selective. The essence of the deferred judgment principle is to allow a period of time for listing all the ideas that come to mind without judging them. Quantity of ideas and complete freedom of expression without any evaluation are key concepts. S-T-R-E-T-C-H your mind to break old habits of thinking. Feel free to combine or modify any ideas to produce additional ideas. Divergent behavior must prevail. Let your ideas flow freely without internal or external criticism. If time permits, incubate--let the problem and ideas rest in your subconscious for a time--to generate additional ideas. Let your divergent process create ideas. Start listing them below--continue on additional sheets of paper. RECORD ALL IDEAS. Preliminary Judgment : Using your convergent skills, review all your ideas and circle six to eight that seem to have the greatest potential. Solution Finding You must now decide what criteria, standards, or Yardsticks should be applied to weigh the worth of your selected ideas. These criteria will be used to determine the best solution(s) to your problem. Your ideas affect cost, time, reliability, quality, morale, customers, legality, safety, company practices and approvals, feasibility, timeliness, and ease of implementation. Any or all of these, as well as others, can be considerations for criteria. Let your DIVERGENT THINKING create a preliminary list of factors or criteria that will be used to evaluate your ideas. Write the list below.
  • 21. Selection of Criteria Using your CONVERGENT THINKING, review your criteria listed above and circles the five or six which you feel to be the most critical for evaluating your ideas. Now, use a 10-point scale to weight your selected criteria (10 is high). When you are satisfied with your criteria, record them on one axis of the decision matrix on the following sheet. Then record your selected ideas on the other axis. You are now ready to develop your plan of action. To ensure successful implementation of your best idea(s), it is necessary to has little value until it is put to use Acceptance Finding You are now ready to develop your plan of action. To ensure successful implementation of your best idea(s), it is necessary to has little value until it is put to use gain maximum acceptance. Remember, an i. Consider the following--How should you alter or modify your idea so it will be as acceptable as possible to those it will affect and to those who will pass judgment on it? Ask yourself the following questions along with others that are relevant. Whom will my idea affect? How might I gain their acceptance? What resources are needed to implement my idea? How might I best develop a return on investment? What major obstacles will I confront? How might I overcome any obstacles? What might go wrong? Why would something go wrong? What can I do to prevent problems? What opportunities might present themselves? How might I best gain support for my idea? How might I best present and sell my proposal? What should I not do? Product Planning and development Process: New products are a vital part of a firm’s competitive growth strategy. Leaders of successful firms know that it is not enough to develop new products on sporadic basis.
  • 22. What a count is a climate of a products development that leads to one triumph after another. It is Commonplace for major companies to have 50percent or more of their current sales In Products introduced within the last 10 years. Some Additional facts about new products are: Many new products are failures. Estimates of new product failures range from 33%- 90%, depending on industry. New product sales grow far more rapidly than sales of current products, potentially providing a surprisingly large boost to a company’s growth rate; Companies vary widely in the effectiveness of their new products programs; A major obstacle to effectively predicting new product demand is limited vision; Common elements appear in the management practices that generally distinguish the Relative degree of efficiency and success between companies. In one recent year, almost 22 000 products were introduced in supermarkets, drugstores, Mass merchandisers and health food stores. Idea generation Idea screening Project planning Product development Test marketing Commercialization Idea Generation Every product starts as an idea. But all new product aides do not equal merit or potential for economic or commercial success. Some estimates indicate that as many as 60-70 ideas are necessary to yield one successful product. To develop a new product the following step must be realized: Idea screening The primary function of the idea screening process is twofold: first, to eliminate ideas for New products that could not be profitably marketed by the firm, and second, to expand Viable ideas into full product concepts. New product ideas may be eliminated either because They are outside the fields of the firm’s interest or because the firm does not have the Necessary resources or technology to produce the product at a profit. These three risk categories are:
  • 23. 1. Strategic risk – strategic risk involves the risk of not matching the role or purpose of a new product with a specific strategic need or issue of the organization; 2. Market risk – market risk is the risk that a new product won’t meet a market need; As Products are being developed, customer requirements change and new technologies Evolve; 3. Internal risk – internal risk is the risk that a new product won’t be developed within The desired time and budget; Project planning This stage of the process involves several steps. It is here that the new product proposal is evaluated further and responsibility for the project is assigned to a project team. The proposal is analyzed in terms of production, marketing, financial and competitive factors. A development budget is established and some preliminary marketing and technical research is undertaken. Alternative product features and component specifications are outlined. Finally, a project plan is written up, which includes estimates of future development, production and marketing costs along with capital requirements and manpower needs. Project proposal is given to top management for a go or no-go decision. Various alternatives exist for creating and managing the project team. A key component contributing to the success of many companies’ product development efforts relates to the emphasis placed on creating cross-functional teams early in the development process. Frequently, marketing and sales personnel are called in to lead the teams. Product development At this juncture, the product idea has been evaluated from the standpoint of engineering, Manufacturing, finance and marketing. If it has met all expectation, it is considered a Candidate for further research and testing. A development report to management is prepared That spells out in fine detail: 1. Results of the studies; 2. Required plan design; 3. Production facilities design; 4. Tooling requirements; 5. Marketing test plan; 6. Financial program survey and 7. estimated release data.
  • 24. Test Marketing Up until mow the product has been a company secret. Now management goes outside the Company and submits the product candidate for customers approval. Test marketing is a Controlled experiment in a limited geographic area to test the new product or in some cases Certain aspects of the marketing strategy, such as packaging or advertising. The main goal of a test market is to evaluate and adjust the general marketing strategy to be used and the appropriate marketing mix. Throughout the test market process, findings are being analyzed and forecasts of volume developed. Upon completion of a successful test market phase, the marketing plan can be finalized and the product prepared for launch. Commercialization This is the launching step in which the firm commits to introducing the product into the marketplace. During this stage, heavy emphasis is placed on the organization structure and management talent needed to implement the marketing strategy. Emphasis is also given to following up on such things as bugs in the design, production costs, quality control, and inventory requirements. Importance of time Over the course of the last five years, companies have placed an increasing emphasis on shortening their products’ time to market. Time to market can be defined as the elapsed time between product definition and product availability. It has been well documented that companies that are first in bringing their products to market enjoy a competitive advantage both in terms of profits and market share. Quality level Consumers consider that the level of product quality when making purchase decisions is both new and existing products. At minimum, buyers want product that will perform the functions they are supposed to and do so reasonably well. Some customers are willing to accept lower quality if product use is not demanding and the price is lower.
  • 25. In designing new products, marketers must consider what criteria potential customer use to Determine their perceptions of quality. Eight general criteria are given below: 1. Performance – How well does the product do what it is supposed to do? 2. Features – Does the product have any unique features that are desirable? 3. Reliability – Is the product likely to function well and not break down over a Reasonable time period 4. Conformance – Does the product conform to established standards for such things as Safety? 5. Durability – How long will the product last before it will be worn out and have to be Replaced? 6. Serviceability – How quickly and easily can any problems be corrected? 7. Overall evaluation – Considering everything about the product, including its physical Characteristics, manufacturer, brand image, packaging and price, how good is this Product? Product design Many well-designed products are easy to use as intended and pleasing to the senses. Designing new products with both ease of use and aesthetic appeal can be difficult, but it can clearly differentiate a new product from competitors. Good design can add great value to a new product. Product safety Clearly, new products must have a reasonable level of safety. Safety is both an ethical and practical issue. Ethically, customers should not be harmed by using a product as intended. The practical issue is that when users get harmed by a product, they may stop buying, tell Others about their experience, or sue the company. Causes of New Product Failure Many new products with satisfactory potential have failed to make the grade. Here is a brief list of some of the more important causes of new product failures after the products have been carefully screened, developed and marketed: 1. No competitive point of difference, unexpected reactions from competitors; 2. Poor positioning; 3. Poor quality of product; 4. Non-delivery of promised benefits of product; 5. Too little marketing support;
  • 26. 6. Poor perceived price/quality value; 7. Faulty estimates of market potential and other marketing research mistake; 8. Faulty estimates of production and marketing costs; 9. Improper channels of distribution and marketing costs; 10. Rapid change in the market after the product was introduced. Need for research The keystone activity of any new product planning system is research – nut just marketing research, but technical research as well. This need will be more clearly understood if some of the specific questions commonly raised in evaluating product ideas are examined: 1. What is the anticipated market demand over time? Are the potential applications for the product restricted? 2. Can the item be patented? Are there any antitrust problems? 3. Can the product be sold through present channels and sales force? 4. At different volume levels, what will be the unit of manufacturing costs? 5. What is the most appropriate package to use in terms of color, material, design and so Forth? 6. What is the estimated return on investment? 7. What is the appropriate pricing strategy?
  • 27. UNIT – II What Is the Business Plan? A business plan is a written document prepared by the entrepreneur that describes all the relevant external and internal elements involved in starting a new venture. It addresses both short- and long-term decision making. The business plan is like a road map for the business’ development. The Internet also provides outlines for business planning. Entrepreneurs can also hire or offer equity to another person to provide expertise in preparing the business plan. In developing the business plan the entrepreneur can determine how much money will be needed from new and existing sources. SCOPE AND VALUE OF THE BUSINESS PLAN The business plan must be comprehensive enough to address the concerns of employees, investors, bankers, venture capitalists, suppliers, and customers. Three perspectives need to be considered: • The entrepreneur understands the new venture better than anyone. • The marketing perspective considers the venture through the eyes of the customer. • The investor looks for sound financial projections. • The depth of the business plan depends on the size and scope of the proposed venture. The business plan is valuable to the entrepreneur and investors because: 1. It helps determine the viability of the venture in a designated market. 2. It gives guidance in organizing planning activities. 3. It serves as an important tool in obtaining financing. Potential investors are very particular about what should be included in the plan. The process of developing a business plan also provides a self-assessment of the entrepreneur. This self- evaluation requires the entrepreneur to think through obstacles that might prevent the venture’s success. It also allows the entrepreneur to plan ways to avoid such obstacles. WRITING THE BUSINESS PLAN The business plan should be comprehensive enough to give a potential investor a complete understanding of the venture. Introductory Page The title page provides a brief summary of the business plan's contents, and should include: The name and address of the company The name of the entrepreneur and a telephone number A paragraph describing the company and the nature of the business The amount of financing needed
  • 28. A statement of the confidentiality of the report It also sets out the basic concept that the entrepreneur is attempting to develop. Executive Summary This is prepared after the total plan is written. It should be three to four pages in length and should highlight the key points in the business plan. The summary should highlight in a concise manner the key Points in the business plan. Issues that should be addressed include: 1. Brief description of the business concept 2. Any data that support the opportunity for the venture. 3. Statement of you this opportunity will be pursued. 4. Highlight some key financial results that can be achieved 5. Because of the limited scope of the summary, the entrepreneur should ascertain what is important to the audience to whom the plan is directed. Environmental and Industry Analysis The entrepreneur should first conduct an environmental analysis to identify trends and change occurring on a national and international level that may impact the new venture. Examples of environmental factors are: Economy Culture Technology Legal concerns All of the above external factors are generally uncontrollable. Next the entrepreneur should conduct an industry analysis that focuses on specific industry trends Some examples of industry factors include: • Industry demand • Competition The last part of this section should focus on the specific market. This would include such information as who the customer is and what the business environment is like. The market should be segmented and the Target market identified. Description of the Venture The description of the venture should be detailed in this section. This should begin with the mission Statement or company mission, which describes the nature of the business and what the entrepreneur hopes to accomplish. The new venture should be described in detail, including the product, location, personnel, background of entrepreneur, and history of the venture. The emphasis placed on location is a function of the type of business. Maps that locate customers, competitors, and alternative locations can be helpful. If the building or site decision involves legal issues, the entrepreneur should hire a lawyer Evaluating Business Plans: The following areas are of interest to lenders and investors: a) The purpose of the loan (expansion or startup business)
  • 29. b) Sources and uses of the funds c) Management of the business d) Industry information e) Financial analysis f) Collateral (secured) g) Personal debt/credit history of borrower Technical Business Plans may be evaluated on the following: 1. Viability 2. Management background 3. Market advantage 4. Technology A. Viability Definition: The viability of a business is measured by its long-term survival, and its ability to have sustainable profits over a period of time. If a business is viable, it is able to survive for many years, because it continues to make a profit year after year. The longer a company can stay profitable, the better its viability. Example The small company showed its viability by making a profit every year of its existence. B. Management Background For every Business Plan we have to check the background of Management, because for every business finance is very important without capital no business will run. C. Market advantage It means that if the product is giving less profit means Entrepreneur has to introduce several offers and discounts to give pick up of the product. It means that taking the Market to sell as they wish. D. Technology Technology gives to evaluate the Business Plans efficiently and fastly for better output. Now a day’s technology plays a vital role in the business world. Using and Implementing Business Plans: The core of your business plan is your vision for the future. From this vision, you will be able to set objectives for various parts of the business and these objectives will need to be well communicated to all involved to ensure a coherent approach to the tasks in hand. Your business objectives are statements about what you want individual parts of the business to
  • 30. achieve. You may, for instance, have a series of objectives about the financial side of the business, or about its products and services, or about your marketing. The objectives you set create a 'strategy' for the business. Business Plan Implementation A vital stage in business planning: Business plan implementation: Here is where the business plan implementation puts theory into practice. If theory and practice do not come together, the plan will remain on the drawing board. The business plan must be implemented with due regard to deadlines set. The responsibility of each individual involved in the plan must be clearly delineated. The implementation plan must form an integral part of the business plan. The manager must have a clear idea of the practical impact of his business ideas. Business Plan Implementation Steps Establishing the business objectives Defining and assigning the tasks needed to attain the objectives set Setting out a timescale Monitoring activities and progress Business Plan Implementation Objectives The objectives must be clearly and concisely set out, with the planning of key way stages. They must at the same time be realistic, demanding but achievable. Tasks The tasks must be listed with the individuals responsible for completing each task. They must be simply and clearly stated, and need not be oppressive. The results envisaged should outweigh the time and effort devoted to the tasks.
  • 31. Timescale Each task, and its duration, must be framed within a clear timescale. The result clearly displays all the activities necessary with their deadlines. Monitoring Activity and Progress During the monitoring process, delays must be highlighted. This stage identifies and rectifies the delays. Within a business plan, several implementation plans will be needed for the particular aspects of the business: product planning, marketing, financial problems and human resource management (Business Plan Implementation). THE MARKETING PLAN LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. To understand the differences between business planning, strategy plans, and market planning. 2. To describe the role of marketing research in determining market strategy for the marketing plan. 3. To illustrate an effective and feasible procedure for the entrepreneur to follow in engaging in a market research study. 4. To define the steps in preparing the marketing plan. 5. To explain the marketing system and its key components. 6. To illustrate different creative strategies that may be used to differentiate or position the new venture's products or services. PURPOSE AND TIMING OF THE MARKETING PLAN The marketing plan establishes how the entrepreneur will effectively compete and operate in the marketplace. Marketing planning should be an annual activity focusing on decisions related to the marketing mix variables. The marketingplan section should focus on strategies for the first three years of the venture. For the first year, goals and strategies should be projected monthly. For years two and three, market results should be projected based on longer-term goals. Preparing an annual marketing plan becomes the basis for planning other aspects of the business. MARKET RESEARCH FOR THE NEW VENTURE Information for developing the marketing lan may require some marketing research. Marketing research involves the gathering of data in order to determine such information as who will buy the product, what price should be charged, and what is e most effective promotion strategy. Marketing research may be conducted by the entrepreneur or by an external supplier or consultant. Market research begins with definition of objectives. Many entrepreneurs don't know what they want to accomplish from a research study. Defining the Purpose or Objectives One effective way to begin the marketing plan is to make a list of the information that will be needed to prepare the marketing plan.
  • 32. Possible objectives: Determine what people think of the product or service and if they would buy it. Determine how much customers would be willing to pay for the product. Determine where the customer would prefer to purchase the product. Determine where the customer would expect to hear about such a product or service. Gathering Data from Sources A secondary source interprets and analyzes primary sources. These sources are one or more steps removed from the event. Secondary sources may have pictures, quotes or graphics of primary sources in them. Some types of secondary sources include: • PUBLICATIONS: Textbooks, magazine articles, histories, criticisms, commentaries, encyclopedias Examples of secondary sources include: • A journal/magazine article which interprets or reviews previous findings a history textbook An obvious source is data that already exists, or secondary data, found in trade magazines, libraries, government agencies, and the Internet. The Internet can provide information on competitors and the industry, plus can be used for primary research. Commercial data may also be available,but the cost may be prohibitive. Free secondary information is available through: Census and the Department of Commerce. State departments of commerce, chambers of commerce, and local banks. Private sources of data, such as Predicates the Business Index Development Publications can be found in a good business library. CHARACTERISTICS OF A MARKETING PLAN An effective marketing plan should: 1. Provide a strategy to accomplish the company mission. 2. Be based on facts and valid assumptions. 3. Provide for the use of existing resources. 4. Describe an organization to implement the plan. 5. Provide for continuity. 6. Be simple and short. 7. Be flexible. There are 5 Business plan to implement Marketing Planning
  • 33. Finance Planning People Planning Product Planning Supply Planning Marketing Planning: From the analysis carried out, you will no doubt have set some objectives about marketing. 'Marketing' is a very broad area of the business - indeed there are likely to be marketing implications associated with almost all your objectives. Your marketing plan will include detail about: your products and /or services the place in which you sell them and the way that you distribute them the price you charge for them the promotion you undertake These are commonly described as the '4Ps' of marketing. The plan will show your intention of how you will undertake the full range of marketing activities. It will be based on the data you collected about your competitors, your market places and other areas discussed earlier. It will also reflect the potential you have identified through analysis for: • adding or amending products and/or services to your range • finding new customers or better satisfying the needs of existing customers. • finding new markets • taking advantage of changes in business environment, especially changes in existing market places • combating threats posed by competitors and taking advantage of their weaknesses Finance Planning: • A financial plan is often seen as the basis for many other parts of the business plan. This particular plan, designed to meet the financial objectives you have set, is important in that it pulls together the one common denominator of all other plans - and that is cash. The financial plan for the business will have at its heart standard features: • profit forecast • cash flow forecast • projected balance sheet The financial plan you set should be tailored to meet your individual business needs. To do so, it will refer to your particular business circumstances and may also include one or all of a range of other financial tools, such as: business funding structure working capital analysis sales forecast returns achieved on sales
  • 34. break-even analysis contribution from production stock analysis Looking into these different forms of analysis will quickly show you that they individually serve differing business requirements. You will need to decide which are most relevant to your business situation and from which you will gain most advantage. People Planning: Having the right people with the right skills is vital to every business. A successful business will recognize that, to be competitive in the 21st Century, it must be proactive in training and developing its employees and it must have in place a strategy for achieving this. The plan needs to concentrate on the objectives which arise from the business vision. It could cover a wide range of business issues including the identification and satisfaction of training and development needs to meet business and individual requirements. People planning can be crucial in achieving longer term objectives by equipping employees with the right skills - and it is on those skills that the business will be competitive in its market places. The plan will also cover broad statements on recruitment, employment, induction, training and a range of other related business functions. The Employment Department's 'Investors in People' initiative centres on the proven fact that concentration on 'people' issues can bring significant business benefits. Your local Training and Enterprise Council in England or Wales, or your Local Enterprise Company in Scotland, will be able to offer help and guidance on this matter. Product Planning: Throughout this guide, 'product' is taken to mean your product or - if you are a service provider - your service. Whichever your areas of activity, today's changing business environment and trends in customer buying patterns have to be closely monitored. The business needs to be able to react quickly and effectively when changes occur. In addition, you will want to influence future trends throughout your own marketing effort - but you need to carefully plan future product and service developments to coincide with likely changes. The life cycle of a product or of a service can be estimated and the various stages it goes through will determine its contribution to the business. The effect of this is that your plans for improving or extending products and/or services are closely linked to your marketing and financial plans. Quality of your products and services is an important area within your plan. Closely linked to your pricing strategy, the question of product development affects the whole of the business - and everyone in it. You set your quality standards to satisfy the needs and desires of your customers. Many industries have acknowledged quality levels and the concept of 'benchmarking' is an innovative way to create partnerships from which all parties benefit through exchange of information.
  • 35. Supply Planning: The relationships you develop with your suppliers and your customers are also important influencing factors to be addressed when looking at your product plan. Associated with the issue of quality, these relationships are crucial to future business success. Financial Plan and the Organizational Plan: Financial Plan: Most people have heard of the benefits of personal financial planning and want to better manage their personal finances. Yet it can seem so overwhelming. If you're not sure where to start, this financial planning primer can help. It establishes priorities for anyone at any financial stage of life and lays out, in eight simple steps, just how to take control of your finances. 1. Create and review a financial plan. Basically, a financial plan is a written set of goals, strategies and timelines for accomplishing these goals: buying your first home, funding or managing a retirement nest egg, funding your children's education, paying off debts, and so on. Writing out this plan, whether on a yellow pad, a spreadsheet or with the help of a certified financial planner (CFP) professional motivates you to be accountable and implement your to-do list of action steps. It provides direction, gives you a benchmark from which to evaluate your progress, and helps you prioritize the most efficient use of your financial resources. Be sure to review your plan periodically to adjust for changing financial circumstances or desires, or life events such as a change in marital status, job loss, retirement, the birth of a child, or a death in the family. 2. Organize your financial records. It's much easier to successfully manage your finances if you know what those finances are. So gather up the following financial records: investment accounts bank statements tax returns mortgage and credit card statements insurance policies estate planning documents Then organize them so you can find and access them easily. By getting them all together, you'll be able to more easily evaluate where you're at today and can set the stage for your goals and priories going forward. And while you're at it, don't forget to inventory your personal possessions. This documents not only their value for planning purposes but also provides a record for your insurance company in the event your possessions are lost due to a theft or natural disaster. 3. Calculate your net worth. Once your financial records are organized, calculate your net worth. This is simply a matter of figuring out what you own less what you owe. If your assets (house, bank accounts, investments and so on) exceed your liabilities (mortgage, student loans, credit card debts, etc.), then your net worth will be positive. On the other hand, if your liabilities exceed your assets, you'll have a negative net worth. Net worth is the best measurement of the state of your financial health and should be used as the basis for any financial decisions you make. Your goal should be to increase your net worth on an
  • 36. annual basis. At year-end, you should recalculate your net worth and compare it against last year's benchmark. By doing this, you'll instantly be able to see your progress. 4. Establish a spending plan. A spending plan details where your money comes from and where it goes. The inflows include your salary, bonus, interest income and any other source of income you have. Inflow is the part that's generally easiest to recall. The outflow section is a detailed listing of where your money goes. The most important outflow should be your savings. If you're living within your means, then your inflow will equal your outflow. Having a balanced spending plan should be a financial priority regardless of where you are in life or what your net worth is. A spending plan identifies the key areas where you want your resources to go and highlights wasted spending. It can also provide an early warning of impending financial problems. If this is your first time establishing a spending plan, consider using a software tool such as a spreadsheet or a software package like Quicken to help you. These tools could significantly cut down the amount of time and effort it takes to develop your plan. 5. Build an emergency fund. Ideally, you want to have enough cash on hand to cover three to six months of basic living expenses should you lose your regular sources of income. Depending on your job security, you may want to increase the number of months’ worth of reserves. For example, self- employed individuals may want to have twelve months of reserves, especially if their income is variable in nature. 6. Reduce or minimize consumer debt. Debt drags down the rest of your financial efforts like a heavy anchor. If your consumer debt--credit cards, student loans, auto loans and personal loans--is eating up 15 to 20 percent or more of your monthly spending, make reducing it a priority. And why waste funds paying what are most likely very high interest rates on your cards and loans? 7. Draft four, key estate-planning documents. Every adult should have (1) a will; (2) a durable power of attorney, which appoints someone to handle your legal and financial affairs if you're unable to; (3) a living will, which declares what life-sustaining medical treatments you want should you be incapacitated; and (4) a health-care durable power of attorney, which appoints someone to oversee your medical interests should you no longer be able to. Different states have different names for the medical documents, but they're all critical to your smart financial planning. 8. Obtain adequate insurance. Managing risk is essential to your long-term financial security. The point of having insurance, from medical and disability coverage to life, auto and homeowner's, is to protect you from financial catastrophe. Simply stated, you buy insurance to cover expenses you couldn't make out of your own pocket. It's imperative to keep in mind that you should buy insurance when you don't need it, because when you do need it, you can't get it. The Organizational Plan: Organizational planning should include long-term and short-term planning. The plan should predict where the organization will be in two or five years, listing specific, measurable goals and results. The plan should also include a specific to-do list that keeps everyone informed of the necessary actions and resources, as well as listing who is responsible for the all the tasks. It should also include a reasonable time frame for these tasks to be accomplished. Failure to plan will damage the effectiveness of the organization and can even lead to complete break-down.
  • 37. Material Resources Lack of planning is certain to result in shortages or delays of necessary materials. Without an analysis of how often resources need to be replenished, these necessities will not be found where and when needed. The necessary resource might be something as small as staples for the stapler, or as essential as running out of the raw material needed to manufacture the product that is sold. In all cases, a business a cannot flourish if the management of its resources is not being monitored and planned for. Finances Cash flow issues are bound to occur if the organization does not plan properly for where and when the finances are needed. Late payments are likely to result in suppliers becoming unreliable or cutting off the supply of their goods or services. Late payments can also result in additional interest payments or other financial penalties that cut into profits. Cash flow problems can go so far as to result in the inability to pay employees on time. This is bound to have a negative impact on employee loyalty and retention. Human Resources -- Productivity Without planning, there will be no mission statement and no vision. Employees are most productive when they understand the bigger picture behind what they are doing, so productivity will decrease. There is also likely to be much wasted time, as some workers will be duplicating the work of others, while some essential tasks will be overlooked. This is all likely to result in the need for crisis management. Workers will spend a great deal of time putting out fires caused by the fact that no one is able to anticipate the problems that will regularly occur. In addition, larger projects will take longer than necessary, or may never reach completion, because no one did the planning necessary to break them down into more manageable segments. Human Resources -- Morale Employees in organizations suffering from lack of planning are likely to experience low morale. The workers will be aware of their disorganized environment, and will suffer stress and frustration because they will have difficulty executing their assigned tasks. There likely will be a high staff turnover rate, which leads to lowered productivity. Some employees might be laid off because of lowered profits and this will further diminish morale. Other employees might feel unappreciated and over-worked as the organization will be under-staffed. This will exacerbate the downward spiral and the business is likely to fail. What formalities must you complete? Before you launch your new firm, you must deal with a few formalities and register your firm with the following authorities:
  • 38. Health insurance The statutory health-insurance fund needs to be informed about the move to self- employment. The fund will then examine whether this is a “full-time” activity. Here, a role is played by the hours worked and the likely level of income. Tax office If you are offering a professional service (i.e. are a member of the “Freie Berufe”, such as tax adviser, doctor, journalist), you only need to apply for a tax number from the tax office. Trade office Anyone else setting up a business must register their project with the trade office of the municipality in which the firm is opened. To do so, you need: a valid ID or passport a residence permit depending on the sector (e.g. catering), a permit or authorization a craft card if you are setting up in business in the craft sector a trade card for activities similar to the craft sector and between ten and forty Euros for the registration fee The trade office automatically informs the following authorities with which you also have to be registered: tax office; accident insurance fund; chamber of industry and commerce or chamber of crafts; local court (trade register); trade supervisory office (responsible for the health and safety of your employees and customers; it checks ovens, drinks dispensers, etc.). Play safe and check whether all of these bodies have actually received the information. Health office Depending on which sector you are working in, you may need a permit or a certificate of non-objection from the health office. This applies, for example, to new businesses in catering and the sale of foodstuffs. In the case of start-ups in catering or childcare, the health office and the trade supervisory office (varies from region to region) will also examine the standards of hygiene in your rooms. Also, you will need a certificate of good conduct from the police and confirmation from the chamber of industry and commerce that you have participated in a seminar on hygiene and the handling of food.
  • 39. Construction Office If you wish to use rooms previously used for other purposes as your future operational rooms, you need to apply for a change in use from the relevant Construction Office. The planning of rebuilding work and of new buildings for commercial purposes must also be co-ordinate in good time with the construction office. Trade supervisory office Find out in good time before operations commence whether the rooms you plan to use meet statutory requirements. Commercial register Apart from very small businesses and companies organized as a GBR (Gesellschaft burger lichen Rechts), all companies must be entered in the electronic commercial register at the local court The electronic commercial register is public and provides information about the company (name of company, name of owner, personally liable shareholder, etc.)
  • 40. UNIT-III FINANCING AND MANAGING THE NEW VENTURE Finance is one of the important prerequisite to start an enterprise or capital is work as lubricant in a production process. The success of new venture is very much depend on availability of finance or capital. This taken by the entrepreneur well in advance Regarding the future financial aspects of his/her enterprise is called financial planning or it deals with following questions like Amount of money needed, Sources of money, Time when money required. SOURCES OF FINANCE Finance/capital can be arranged from two major Sources: Internal Source: Refer to the owner’s own money known as equity. This amount fulfill very limited requirement of enterprise or it is very thin. External source : Arranged from financial Complete requirement of enterprise and generally taken for long period. CLASSIFICATION OF FINANCIAL NEEDS ON THE BASIS OF EXTENT of PERFORMANCE Fixed Capital: The money invested in current assets like raw material, finished goods, machinery, equipment, furniture etc. Working Capital: Money required for day to day operations of business/enterprise. ON THE BASIS OF PERIOD OF USE: Long Term Capital: Money whose repayment is arranged for more than five years in future. Short Term Capital: Borrowed capital/money that is to be repaid within one year. INTERNAL SOURCE Retained Profit: Profit earned by entrepreneur may be used to finance the future needs of firm. Reducing Working Capital: By judging the exact requirement, part of working capital may be used For financing the enterprise. Sale of Assets: By selling fixed assets which are of little use, fund may obtained. Personal Savings of the Owner: Like PF, insurance policy, investment, building may be used for fund.
  • 41. Deferred Credit: goods, machine, plant may be taken on credit basis for a particular time period by giving bank security to supplier. EXTERNAL SOURCE: Deposits or borrowings from Friend/Relatives Credit facilities from commercial banks Terms loans from financial institutions. Mortgage loans against fixed assets By issuing Shares or Debentures Public Deposits (Govt. Bonds etc.) Venture Capital CAPITAL SOURCES FOR YOUR BUSINESS Not having enough capital is the cause of many small business failures. Adequate capital is needed to start up the business, operate through hard times, and provide a good chance to become a profitable enterprise. There is no one best method of raising capital. Financing methods will vary as a result of legal, legislative and economic changes. Variations among lending institutions can affect your ability to raise funds. Your success in raising funds for a new business depends on good planning, realistic forecasting, and knowing what sources of capital are available. To raise capital for your new business, you should be able to answer four questions. 1. How much capital will I need? 2. How much of my own capital can I put in the business? 3. How much capital can I get from someone else? 4. How can I convince someone to provide me with capital? Planning your financial needs Your ability to plan the financial needs of your new venture will play a big part in how much capital you will be able to raise. Prepare a loan package that includes your business plans, market
  • 42. analysis, projected balance sheet, profit and loss projections, and cash flow projections. Lenders prefer these financial projections monthly for at least one year, and then annually for three years. The amount of detail and research needed in the financial projections is directly related to the amount of outside capital you hope to secure. In addition, a loan package must include the amount of the loan, how the loan money will be used, when the money will be needed, when the loan will be repaid, the source of repayment funds, and the amount of collateral you have to secure the loan. You should also include the amount of equity capital you are personally investing in the business venture. Another part of the loan package should be personal information about you and anyone else involved directly or indirectly in the new business. Don’t assume the potential lender knows this information. Even if you have known each other for years, the lender may not have an accurate picture of your personal history and current financial situation. The personal information included in the loan package should include education, work history and business experience of everyone involved in the new business. You should also include credit references, personal income tax statements for three years and updated financial statements. Information about the nature of the loan and personal histories of those involved may be a major factor in getting the loan. If you seek professional help with the financial projections and loan package, it is vital that you be totally familiar with the financial information. Your knowledge and understanding of the loan package will be important when the lender evaluates it. The five Cs of credit What do lenders look for in a loan package? You, the borrower, provide part of the information, but the potential lenders will also use their own credit files and outside sources. A traditional, time-tested checklist is the five Cs of credit: character, capacity, collateral, conditions and capital. By understanding each of these from the lender’s viewpoint, you can anticipate your strong and weak points as they may appear to a potential lender. 1. Character To the potential lender, character means that you will make every possible effort to repay the loan. You must be a good manager, be honest, and have a good reputation as perceived by the lender. Therefore, it is important to be honest about your personal strengths and weaknesses.
  • 43. 2. Capacity Will your new business generate the cash flow to repay the loan? Do you have the capacity to repay the loan? Lenders not only look at the business’s financial projections, but also your ability to repay the loan if the business does not work out as planned. Do you have outside income (investments, a working spouse)? Would you be able to return to your present job? Do you have other skills that could produce income? Be prepared to provide solid answers to these questions and be able to offer real evidence. 3. Collateral In case the new venture is not successful and the lender must foreclose, will the collateral cover the loan? Is the collateral adequately insured? Is the collateral marketable? In the past, a co- signer (someone who signs the loan along with you) has been used as collateral for many small business ventures. However, banks and traditional lending institutions now look less favorably at co- signers as collateral. Collecting from co-signers is becoming increasingly hard, and bankers then lose not one, but two customers. You can use your home or other real estate, cash value of life insurance policies or marketable securities as collateral for business loans. However, before borrowing against these items, consider carefully the consequences of the worst possible situation in your business if you are forced to liquidate. 4. Conditions Conditions are those factors over which you have little or no control. The lender will look at the conditions, or trends, in the overall business economy, the trends in your community, the seasonal character of your business, and the nature of your product or service. Other factors entering the decision-making process are whether the lender may have already invested in a competing business and how much competition there is in your market. Be prepared to tell the lender how you plan to deal with these conditions, how you have assessed the market, and how your business will weather economic changes. 5. Capital Knowledgeable lenders will not put money into a new business unless they have concrete evidence that you have personally made a sizable financial commitment to the business. They know from experience that if the venture turns bad it will be easier for you to back out if you do not have your own money at risk. From your personal resources, you should try to provide as much of the
  • 44. needed capital as you can afford to put at risk. Depending on the capital needs, you cannot expect any lender to loan 80 percent or more of the capital, as they may for a home or investment real estate. New small businesses fail at a rapid rate and when they do fail, the assets cannot be easily turned into cash for payment of the loan. Therefore, a new business is a much higher risk for them than a home loan. You should expect to invest a much higher percentage of the needed capital for your new business. Different types of small businesses require different amounts and types of capital to get started. In some cases, the new businesses may only need capital for short periods of time for inventory purchases or salaries. In other cases, facilities and equipment must be bought or leased, inventory purchased, and you must have enough cash left over to run the business until revenue can support the needed cash flow. Knowing the type and amounts of capital needed will help you figure out the best source of capital for your new venture. Equity versus debt capital If you do not have enough personal capital, you can sell equity or you can incur debt. If shares of equity are sold in a partnership or corporation, the capital is not repaid, but the investor takes an ownership interest in the business and receives a portion of the business’ profits. Even though equity capital does not burden a new business with loan repayments and interest charges, it reduces the primary owner’s share of the profits. Debt must be repaid with interest, but normally the lender has no ownership control. Borrowing money at the very start of a new business will drain off income to make the debt payments. Commercial loans There are three types of commercial loans that are usually defined in terms of the length of time the loan is made. • Short-term commercial loans (30 to 90 days) are the most common loans made to a small business. They usually cover business operation expenses such as rent, insurance, advertising, inventory or salaries. Short-term loans are often unsecured and repayment is usually a lump sum, including interest when the loan matures. • Intermediate-term loans are for one to five years to purchase business equipment, buy fixed assets or provide working capital. Intermediate-term loans are usually secured by the new equipment or business assets. They sometimes have low monthly payments, with a large balloon payment at the end of the term.
  • 45. • A long-term commercial loan is for five years or more to purchase an existing business, buy real estate, or construct or improve a building or facility. The long-term loan is always secured by the assets for which the loan was made, usually requires constant monthly payments and often has a variable interest rate. Ten sources of capital With your new business plan, financial projections and financing knowledge, you are now ready to secure outside capital for your new venture. The following 10 types of financing sources are ranked according to amount of preparation required and ease of securing the outside capital. Less preparation to secure a loan does not mean it is the best source, nor the least expensive source of capital. Of course, there will be exceptions to these general statements about each financial source. 1. Trade or supplier credit Payment terms offered by your suppliers are a potential source of credit. Study the discounts for early payment and the penalty for late payment to determine the true cost of the credit. While some suppliers will extend credit only to well-established, proven firms, many will extend limited credit to new businesses to encourage another outlet for their merchandise. Planning for use of trade credit is essential. To establish good trade credit, a new business must make timely payments as agreed. Trade credit is effectively used by large businesses to buy products at lower cost than small firms. Do not depend too much on trade credit from one supplier. If repayment problems arise, you may find your major source for supplies cut off when you need it the most. 2. Life insurance policies A standard feature of most life insurance policies (except term insurance) is the owner’s ability to borrow against the cash value of the policy. The money can be used for any business or personal need. It normally takes two years for a policy to accumulate sufficient cash value. You may borrow up to 95 percent of the cash value of the policy for an indefinite period of time. As long as you continue to pay the insurance premiums, the interest can frequently be deferred indefinitely. The policy loan will reduce the dollar value of the policy and, in case of death, the loan is repaid first and then the beneficiaries receive the remainder. Some older life insurance policies guarantee very favorable interest rates.
  • 46. 3. Friends and relatives It is best not to borrow from friends and relatives, but many people do. If you must borrow from a friend or relative, do it on a business basis by putting the agreement in writing. Check with a lawyer if you want a binding, legal agreement. You may also get a sample business loan contract form from a bank or lending institution. Use it as a basis for a written agreement that both parties find acceptable. Unrealistic and/or naive investment expectations have ruined many friendships and family relationships. 4. Customers When customers pay for work in installments as it is completed or provide some of the materials, they are, in effect, financing the business. For example, a carpenter reduces capital requirements when the customer purchases the building materials for a remodeling project. In addition, it is not uncommon to request a deposit from customers when ordering items, particularly special items. 5. Leasing companies Leasing business equipment is another way to reduce capital needs. Everything from office furniture to food processing equipment can be obtained from leasing companies or commercial finance companies. Leasing is generally more expensive than bank financing and is limited to items that have a long serviceable life, widespread use, and are easily repossessed in the event of default. In many cases, you have the option to buy the equipment for an agreed upon amount at the end of the lease period. 6. Commercial finance companies Commercial finance companies are generally seen as the place to go when you are unable to secure financing from a bank. Commercial finance companies, like banks, are concerned with your ability to repay the loan; however, they are more willing to rely on the quality of the collateral rather than your track record or profit projections. If you do not have substantial personal assets or collateral, a commercial finance company may not be the best place to secure start-up capital for a business. Commercial finance company capital is usually several percentage points higher than bank financing.
  • 47. 7. Commercial banks Commercial banks are by far the most visible lenders and make the greatest number and variety of loans. However, banks are generally conservative lenders. Although they accept collateral for business loans, loan approval rests on your ability to repay the loan as shown by your profit projections, management skills and your personal record. Strive to establish and keep a good working relationship with your banker. It may help to involve the banker in the planning process for your new business. Avoiding the banker until you need money may make a loan harder to get because the banker is unfamiliar with the business and its history. 8. Small Business Administration The Small Business Administration (SBA) is an independent government agency formed in 1953 to help small businesses. The SBA provides loan guarantees, participates with bank loans, and, if funds are available, makes a limited number of direct loans. To receive financial help from SBA, a business must be unable to secure reasonable financing from other sources. A business must also fit the SBA’s generalized criteria for a small business, which vary for different types of businesses. SBA loan interest rates vary from year to year based on the cost of money to the government. Also, the maturity of a SBA loan is limited to 10 years, except for the purchase or construction of buildings that may have a maturity of 20 years. A loan proposal for the SBA is generally more complex and more documented than one for banks. Unlike commercial lenders, the SBA will sometimes ignore a losing track record if a business shows signs of improvement with a healthy future. For more information, contact the SBA office in Maine: 9. Small Business Investment Companies Small Business Investment Companies (SBIC) are privately owned companies that are licensed and regulated by the SBA. SBICs were created to supply equity capital, long-term loan funds and management help to small businesses. There are investment companies in Maine that are ready to help businesses with excellent potential. Most investment companies prefer to lend to established companies or finance purchases of existing businesses. The SBA or your local bank can assist you in contacting one of the SBICs in Maine. 10. Rural Economic and Community Development Agency The Rural Economic and Community Development Agency (RECD) will guarantee term loans to non-farming businesses in rural areas. The guarantees can cover up to 90 percent of the total
  • 48. loan from a private lending institution, and there is no loan limit for one company. The RECD requires the same extensive loan documentation as the SBA. However, RECD’s goal is to improve rural areas and, therefore, the agency requires more detail on number of jobs to be created and the impact the new business would have on overall employment in an area. VENTURE CAPITAL Meaning: Venture Capital is defined as providing seed, start-up and first stage finance to companies and also funding expansion of companies that have demonstrated business potential but do not have access to public securities market or other credit oriented funding institutions. Venture Capital is generally provided to firms with the following characteristics: • Newly floated companies that do not have access to sources such as equity capital and/or other related instruments. • Firms, manufacturing products or services that have vast growth potential. • Firms with above average profitability. • Novel products that are in the early stages of their life cycle. • Projects involving above-average risk. • Turnaround of companies Venture Capital derives its value from the brand equity, professional image, constructive criticism, domain knowledge, industry contacts; they bring to table at a significantly lower management agency cost. A Venture Capital Fund (VCF) strives to provide entrepreneurs with the support they need to create up-scalable business with sustainable growth, while providing their contributors with outstanding returns on investment, for the higher risks they assume. The three primary characteristics of venture capital funds which make them eminently suitable as a source of risk finance are: That it is equity or quasi equity investment It is long term investment and It is an active form of investment. VENTURE CAPITALISTS When someone refers to venture capitalist, the image that comes in mind is Mr. Money bags. We all think of venture capitalists as someone who is sitting on millions of dollars and who with the wave of his magic wand turns your dreams into reality. Well, if that’s what you think is all about why run after him – “play Santa yourself”