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If you’re thinking of starting a business, you’re indeed a right place. Neusource has a very
rich experience of helping young entrepreneurs and business start-ups. Small & Medium
businesses are the most vital part of India’s GDP and government also provides many
benefits & run various schemes to help and support them out.
However, between your first flash of inspiration and starting an established business, there
are many decision points and hurdles. Just to bridge that gap we at neusource are ready to
help out you guys and wish your great success. You can ask any query/ doubt related to your
start-up business, to us at neusource and we shall provide you all crispy knowledge and
support. Apart from this we shall also be helping you & extending you our support for all
tax, accounting & management related problems.
About this guide
From drafting a business plan to finding the start-up money, this guide will help and explain
what you need to know and where you can find the information.
But any guide cannot be an exhaustive list of information – there are literally hundreds of
other information that you may need to check out, so use the Internet and visit your library
or bookstore to track down more information.
Keep this guide as your starting introduction towards starting & managing your business.
Keep faith in you and us as your accounting, taxation & management partner; and always
say that YES, I CAN DO IT.
Business Start-up




Market Analysis


Business Plan




Set up








Working from Home?


Defining your Market


Building Your Plan


Formal Structuring


Finding the Money


Learning the Ropes


“We understand worth of your

Getting Started

Getting the word out

10. Finding the Balance

“Getting Started”
You have a great idea, and you
wonder why no one thought of it
before. Before you start filling out
loan applications or renting office
space, ask yourself some tough
questions – and be prepared to do
your homework.
Just answer our introspection to start


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1. Do you have what it takes to be your own boss?
To manage a successful business, you’ll need:
 Passion for your idea and the ability to communicate it to others.
 Motivation to develop a plan and to work hard to carry it out.
 Problem-solving skills.
 Multi-tasking skills to handle a hundred details at once, as well as develop
and manage your business strategy.
 Self-confidence: trust in your decisions and people skills.
 Flexibility to recognize and adapt to change, opportunities and unforeseen
 Ability to sell yourself and your products or services.
 Persistence to see your idea through.
2. What’s your vision?
Why do you want to go into business? Is it to follow your passion, take control of your
life and career, achieve influence and success, or become financially independent? How
would a business help you achieve that? How do you expect things to look three years
down the road? See “Building Your Plan,” page 8.
3. Who might want to buy your product or service?
It’s all about people. Your decisions on everything from product to price to location need
to be based on the characteristics and needs of your potential customers. See “Defining
Your Market,” page 6.
4. How would you manage financially?
You may need money to pay for office space, supplies, equipment, inventory, and to
cover your personal income needs, perhaps for a year or more. See “Finding the Money,”
page 12.
5. What do you need to know to run a business?
Think multi-tasking: you will have to manage your space, inventory, suppliers, finances,
marketing and correspondence. Even if you hire professionals to help, you will need to
understand enough of what they do to oversee their work and apply it to your situation.
See “Learning the Ropes,” page 16.
6. How would a business affect your personal life?
The first three years in a new business are usually defined by a steep learning curve and
long hours. Many business owners put holidays and personal plans on hold until they
become established. Good organization, clear boundaries and the cooperation of family
members are critical to success. See “Finding the Balance,” page 20.

Working from Home?
You don’t have to run a full-fledged operation with inventory, a storefront and employees to
be a legitimate business. If you sell articles at an online portal or design websites from your
home, you own a business. It doesn’t matter that your office is a computer in the corner of
the bedroom or that it’s a part-time commitment.
Consultants and people who own cottage and hobby-oriented businesses will benefit from
taking their enterprise as seriously as a corporate CEO. No matter how big or small your
business, you’re investing time, money and intellectual capital to make it work. The good
news is that your business can be shaped to meet your needs. Keep it simple, or make it as
complex as you like. Whatever your style, consider the following advice.
First, get the financial facts
One of the biggest advantages of working from home is being able to deduct a portion of
your living expenses from business revenue for the purpose of your tax liability. Make an
appointment with a consultant from Neusource, who can explain how much of your rent,
utilities and car costs you can declare as business expenditure. We will also manage your
accounting on outsourcing basis where you don’t require to hire an accountant of your own.
Make sure you understand well about VAT/ Service Tax. If you sell more than ₹10, 00, 000/a year, it’s mandatory to charge it to your customers. But if you earn less, you have a choice
to opt out.
Set up a separate business identity and Bank accounts
Buy a separate phone and don’t let anyone else answer incoming calls. If you don’t want to
have two phone lines in your home, use a cell phone. Apply for a separate bank account in
the name of your business, and use it only for business transactions. Use it to deposit your
cheques and pay all business-related costs. Not only will you build your credit record, it’s a
good way to track and record business expenses. Pay the entire bill each month, from a line
of credit if necessary, to avoid high interest rates. If you qualify for a line of credit or
overdraft, attach it to this account. It will cover the gaps between sending an invoice and
receiving a cheque.

Defining Your Market
Every business decision you make, from the design, production and pricing of your product
or service, to the location of the store or office, to the way you choose to advertise will be
determined by two questions: who are your customers and what do they want? The more
you know about who your customers are, the more successful your business will be. Market
research is all about getting to know your service or product, potential customers, the
competition and your business environment. You can do your own research, or you can hire
a market research firm.
Primary research is gathered through formal or informal surveys. It helps determine how
potential customers feel about the products or services you plan to offer, what they like or
dislike about them, how much they’d pay, or if they’d drive across town to make the
Secondary research includes existing statistics about your industry and customers (like
geographic location, population), gathered from sources such as statistical data published by
govt. or different research NGO’s, Chambers of Commerce and associations. Getting
information can sometimes be challenging if you’re researching new industries, or doing
business in rural areas.
Your market research will answer key questions such as:
Who is your target market?
o How many potential customers do you have and what are their habits?
o Are they male or female?
o What are their ages, races, income, and education levels?
o Where do they live? What do they have in common?
o Explore every avenue for potential customers.

What is their purchasing power?
o Buying habits?
o How much disposable income do your customers have?
o How much do they spend on products or services similar to yours?
o Do they value cost savings or time savings?
o Is convenience a decision point for them?
What’s the psychological makeup of your customers?
o What values and qualities do they hold near and dear?
o Are they swayed by low prices or high ethical standards?
o Are they impulse buyers or not?
o Will word of mouth and reputation influence them?
Who is your competition?
o What are your competitors’ marketing advantages? Disadvantages?
o Are there any niches you can fill?
o What can you do for your customers that your competition isn’t already doing?
What environmental factors are you dealing with?
o Are there any big-picture social or economic issues that could affect your
business? For example, is the local economy growing or stagnating?
o Will you suffer if the Indian Rupee drops or rises?
o Is your target market a certain age?
o What happens when they outgrow your product?
The information you collect will reveal trends, opportunities and vulnerabilities. You may
need to modify the design of your product or service, adjust your price, widen your territory
or carry a broader range of products. Or you may find that your inspiration was bang-on.

Building your Plan
If you’re serious about having a business, here’s where you start. Writing a business plan
will help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your idea, your resources and your
situation. It will help you decide if you should pursue your idea, and help keep you on track
as you grow. And if you’re looking for financing or investors, a business plan is essential.
You can hire Neusource to draft your plan, but if you can, it’s best to prepare it for yourself
and start getting to know your business inside and out. Take the time to review several
sample plans, and make use of one of the templates and models available online or in print.
A business plan can help you break the task into manageable chunks. Make sure you study
the financial reports, it will generate to learn how they work and relate to each other. You
will need to fully understand these reports to answer questions from lenders and investors
later on.
A typical business plan includes
- Company information: Sets out your company’s name, history, size, type of operation, legal
structure (sole proprietorship, partnership, incorporated company) and location. This part
also describes your intentions, which may be expressed in a vision or mission statement.
- Product or service information: Describes the nature of your product or service, its key
features and benefits and its competitive advantages.
- Management plan: Outlines the ownership and management structure of your business. It
includes division of responsibilities, resumes for yourself and your management team and
contact information for lawyers, bankers or chartered accountants.
- Market research and analysis: Describes the nature and size of the industry in which you will
operate, growth potential, common costs and profit, margins, current trends and future
prospects for your product or service. It identifies your potential customers or target market
(gender, interest group, location, income level, their buying trends). Explores market trends
and unique challenges of different regions in the province that could affect your plans.
Analyse your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses and how you measure up.

- Marketing plan: Describes how you intend to present your product or service to your
customers, and how will you spread the word: through advertising, trade shows, networking,
word of mouth, etc. Includes the pricing, sales and distribution strategy of your product or
- Operations plan: Describes where you will run your business (home, office, warehouse, etc.).
Lists licenses, permits and insurance you may need, along with materials, equipment, and
suppliers. Describes your plan for production, inventory and staffing, if applicable.
- Financial information: Analyse how much it will cost to run your business and how much
you will earn. Includes where you intend to get financing, and what the funds will be used
for. Provides essential financial statements you will need to get loans or investors – cash
flow projections, a starting balance sheet, a projection of anticipated income, and a breakeven analysis.
- Risk analysis: Identifies how key risk factors such as the economy, new competitors, supplier
problems, technologies, legal issues, personnel turnover – even weather trends – might affect
your business. Describes how you will manage those risks.
- Implementation plan: Sets out a schedule showing when each step will be completed –
financing, finding a location, finalizing licenses, acquiring equipment, hiring staff and
launching a marketing campaign, along with future milestones for measuring progress.
The elements of a business plan will vary depending on the nature of your business and in
some cases, your lender’s requirements. You may spend months writing your business plan,
but it will be worth it.
Start with the information you have and fill in the blanks as you learn more. The exercise of
preparing the plan will guide you to think about all aspects of operating your business, and
will go a long way to turning your idea into a reality.

Formal Structuring
Once you’ve completed your business plan, you are ready to take the following steps to
establish your business formally and legally.
Choose your business name and get it approved
This is the first step in registering or incorporating your business. For help you can hire
team neusource you can call on +91 987 348 9199 or visit www.neusourceindia.com
Forms of business organization
A business enterprise can be owned and organized in several forms. Each form of
organization has its own merits and demerits. The ultimate choice of the form of business
depends upon the balancing of the advantages and disadvantages of the various forms of
business. The right choice of the form of the business is very crucial because it determines
the power, control, risk and responsibility of the entrepreneur as well as the division of
profits and losses. Being a long term commitment, the choice of the form of business
should be made after considerable thought and deliberation. The choice of the form of
business is governed by several interrelated and interdependent factors.
Nature of Business
The nature of business is the most important factor. Businesses providing direct services
like tailors, restaurants and professional services like doctors, lawyers are generally
organised as proprietary concerns. While, businesses requiring pooling of skills and
funds like accounting firms are better organised as partnerships. Manufacturing
organisations of large size are more commonly set up as private and public companies.
Scale of operations
Volume of business (large, medium, small) and size of the market area (local, national,
international) served are the key factors. Large scale enterprises catering to national and
international markets can be organised more successfully as private or public companies.
Small and medium scale firms are generally set up as partnerships and proprietorship.

Similarly, where the area of operations is wide spread (national or international),
company ownership is appropriate. But if the area of operations is confined to a particular
locality, partnership or proprietorship will be a more suitable choice.
Control Mechanism
The degree of control desired by the owner(s). A person who desires direct control of
business, prefers proprietorship, because a company involves separation of ownership
and management. The volume of risks and liabilities as well as the willingness of the
owners to bear it, is also an important consideration.
Amount of capital required for the establishment and operation of a business. A
partnership may be converted into a company when it grows beyond the capacity and
resources of a few persons.
Tax liability & Statutory Compliances
Tax structure and ultimately tax outgo has also a greater degree of implication on the
choice for right form of business organisation. Government also put a greater control
over companies as compared to other forms of organisation.
Register your setup
Next you register your proprietorship or partnership, or incorporate your company. For
instructions, For help you can hire team neusource you can call on +91 987 348 9199 or
visit www.neusourceindia.com
Choose and register a Domain Name/ Trade Mark/ Copyright etc. (optional)
For help you can hire team neusource you can call on +91 987 348 9199 or visit

Register for VAT/ CST/ Service Tax/ Excise
If you buy goods for wholesale or retail sale, or provide taxable services, apply for a
suitable registration. For help you can hire team neusource you can call on +91 987 348
9199 or visit www.neusourceindia.com
Obtain an Import Export Code (IEC)/ PF/ ESI/ MSME Registration
You need an Import Export Code if you import or export gooods outside india. Further
there may be requirement of PF & ESI registration. You must enquire & obtain the
suitable registrations. For help you can hire team neusource you can call on +91 987 348
9199 or visit www.neusourceindia.com

“You just not need to obtain the registration but also
be vigilant & regular in payment of taxes & filing of
information to relevant departments”

Finding the Money
When you are figuring out how much money you will need, work out both business and
personal budgets. Then calculate how much revenue your business needs to generate to
cover both. You might want to take a course in financial management to learn how your
business finances and personal finances relate to each other.
Be Realistic
If you underestimate your costs and overestimate your revenue, a common mistake of startup businesses – you will run into problems almost immediately. You will need to develop
and understand key financial statements and tools, especially if you apply for a loan. You
can put these together with the assistance of a chartered accountant or you can hire team
neusource you can call on +91 987 348 9199 or visit www.neusourceindia.com
Key Financial Tools
Income Statement: A financial performance report lays out how much you expect to earn
(revenue), and the expenses you will incur during a specific timeframe. It is typically
developed along with a Balance Sheet.
Balance Sheet: A status report, or ‘snapshot’ of the financial state of your business at a given
point in time. It shows what your company owns (assets), what is owed (liabilities) and what
is left over for you (equity).
Cash Flow Statement: Shows the flow of cash into and out of your business during a specific
time frame. This includes when and where you will get your money and what you will spend
it on. This is the most realistic picture of your business, as it indicates how much cash you
will have available at any given time to keep your business running.
Break-even Analysis: This is the volume of sales you need to cover your costs. At the breakeven point, there is no loss or profi t to your business.

Getting the money
Generally, there are two sources of money:
- Investment (equity) financing from people who expect to share in the eventual benefits
of your business; and
- Debt financing (loans) from people and institutions who expect the money, plus interest,
repaid according to an agreed-upon schedule.
Once you’ve completed your business plan and financial statements, you will have a clear
picture of how much money you need to start and operate your business for the first critical
Most new businesses rely on a combination of personal savings, investments from friends
and family, and loans to get up and running. Ask other business people about their
experiences, and consult team neusource you can call on +91 987 348 9199 or visit
www.neusourceindia.com; to learn more about the types and sources of financing that will
work best for your situation.
Overdraft/ Cash Credit protection: Covers shortfalls in your business account up to an
approved limit. Interest is charged only on the amount you borrow and the rates are
Credit cards: Personal and small-business credit cards provide short-term loans for smaller
purchases, and they can be approved with little or no security. The interest rates are usually
higher than traditional loans, but there’s no interest if you pay off the balance every month.
But be careful: if you can’t pay off the outstanding balance, interest costs will accumulate
Term loans: These are longer-term loans, used to cover expensive items such as capital
equipment, real estate or renovations. They have established monthly paymentsor say EMIs,
so it’s easy to budget. The lender will ask you for security for the loan (equity in your home,
cash, equipment, etc.). Shop around for competitive interest rates for term loans. If you miss
a payment, the lender has a right to demand immediate repayment.

Equity investors: These provide financing in exchange for a share of ownership, or equity,
in your business, or simply a repayment of their investment. They can be public or private,
and are often family or close personal contacts. Because of that, interest is often nominal or
non-existent, and they may also be flexible in the repayment schedule. However, borrowing
money from friends and family can sometimes put a strain on the relationship. Public equity
investors generally only consider very large investments with large returns.
Venture capital: It comes from a pool of investors who are looking for a higher return. While
they are usually interested in more established companies, they will consider start-ups if the
potential is good. They generally seek a very high rate of return for their investment.
Angel investors: They look for higher risk investments with good growth potential. They
can be difficult to find, are generally attracted to technology related companies and often
have very specific requirements that must be met. Angel investors usually are interested in
long-term, high-return investments.
Grants: Governments have various schemes for start-ups and MSME. These are called
grants; they do not require repayment. The criteria are usually very specific, and the
application procedure can be long and time-consuming. Grants are more readily available
for specialized and high-tech industries. For more info you can consult team neusource you
can call on +91 987 348 9199 or visit www.neusourceindia.com

Learning the Ropes
If this is your first step into the business world, find a mentor. A mentor can provide
invaluable advice, insights and encouragement along the way to help you make thoughtful
choices. If you can, work alongside another business owner in the same industry to gain
some experience.
Your mentor does not have to be in the same industry as you are, but she or he usually has
more experience. Mentors can pass along valuable insights, making you think about things
that might never have occurred to you. They can talk about the business-building process,
industry trends, administration challenges, marketing strategies, what work is profitable –
and what is not.
Don’t confuse mentoring with free professional advice. For example, don’t ask a marketing
consultant to help you build your website. Instead ask them to give you tips about or what
to look for when hiring someone to do that.
Don’t be afraid to ask. You will be surprised by how many people are willing to help. Many
mentors want to give back or make a contribution to their industry or community, or to help
a person they respect. The nature of owning your own business is that you’re expected to
know it all ... even if you don’t. While you can’t be an expert in everything, you should
attempt to close gaps in your knowledge through a mentor, direct experience, or by taking
some courses.

If you only learn these

3 things …

Brush up on subjects that are applicable to your industry and business so you can make
informed decisions. You should also learn as much as you reasonably can about key
challenges that most entrepreneurs face, particularly in three areas that are considered
to be key success-makers or success-breakers:

Financial management: Even if you have a good accountant, make the
effort to learn how to correctly estimate costs and revenues, manage
purchasing and inventory, payment and collections, budgeting and
tracking. You’ve put a lot into this business: make sure you understand
the story your revenue and expense columns are telling you.


Business management: Some businesses stagnate and miss the boat,
while others grow so fast they explode. You should understand and
apply the essential theories of growth management and strategic
planning so that your business doesn’t burn out.


Marketing: When you have a product or service to sell, it is essential you
get to know your market inside out. This includes learning how to
identify and reach your potential customers and acquiring competitive

Ideas for finding a mentor

Ask family and friends who are in business, retired, or have business


Research businesses and trade magazines in your community to find
respected business people.


Join the local chapter of professional association in your industry,
business networking organization or your local Chamber of Commerce.


Check the websites of business or professional organizations or you can
consult team neusource, you can call on +91 987 348 9199 or visit

Getting the Word Out
Your market research is the foundation of your marketing plan. It will determine how you
will deliver your product or service, how you will present yourself, (your ‘branding’), what
messages your customers will respond to best, and where you should concentrate your
advertising and promotional efforts to get the best response.
There are hundreds of ways to spend your advertising budget, from direct mail, e-mail
campaigns and trade shows to traditional radio, television, newspaper and magazine
advertising. Whatever you choose, if you can afford it, hire professionals to help develop
your support materials, logo, packaging, advertisements and sales messages.
Tried and true …
Networking is still one of the most powerful forms of marketing. The good news is that it
can be as informal as “seeing and being seen” at community events, networking groups,
industry associations or social gatherings.
Networking is great way to tap into the benefits of ‘word of mouth.’ People will get to know
and remember you, and refer your services to others.
… or relatively new
At the other end of the spectrum, a website works as an advertisement, a resume, or a virtual
storefront where you showcase products and services or sell them online. Invest in the
services of a web design company to develop a professional, appealing and user-friendly
website. They should offer technical programming, professional graphics and writing,
content design, and marketing science for your website.
If you want an effective web presence, you must also advertise your website, and that
includes paying for “web seeding” services. This will get you listed with major search
engines such as Google and Yahoo, so customers can find your site by typing in key words.
The whole process can be time consuming, but is essential in ensuring your website is an
effective and powerful marketing vehicle.

… or new horizons
One way to expand your customer base is to export your product or service outside our
country borders. New technologies make this especially attractive for knowledge-based

“Four Ps” of Marketing
Marketing plans are implemented through:
 Product/ Service: How it’s designed to meet your customers’ needs.
 Pricing: Relative to the competition, regulations and profi tability.
 Placement: Location and distribution channels.
 Promotion: Advertising, selling or publicity.

Finding the Balance…
Trying to find the balance between a healthy business and a happy home life is one of the
biggest challenges business owners face. This is especially true in the first few years of your
business, when your time commitment is so great, and your business is still developing its
own routines and rhythms.
When you’re starting, take a bit of time to figure out where you may want to draw the line.
Be prepared to make conscious choices about the trade-offs or investments of time and
energy you are willing to make to build your business.
It’s still about relationships: Feeling good about your life depends on the strength of all your
relationships – with customers, employees, partners, family, friends and community.
Consider how the time and financial implications of running a business will affect the people
in your life. Think about how your business needs will influence your family, and how time
with your family will affect the business. If you live in a small community, prepare for a
possible loss of privacy and a more public relationship with long-time residents and friends.
Enough is enough
Running a business will place great demands on your time and you will likely end up
juggling family commitments, vacations and free time. While the workload may seem like
it will never end, you can actively set some limits. Keep an open mind about hiring someone
to take the load off. Determine what time sacrifices you are prepared to make for your
business. Define the boundaries, and build your plans around them.
The financial investment
Will you use your home or nest egg as collateral for the business? How long before money
comes in? Can you still make ends meet? Address these kinds of questions early, so you can
work out the solutions long before they turn into problems for everyone involved.

Contact your local Chamber of Commerce/ MSME office/ Tax Consultants to find out about
benefit programs for small businesses. Talk to your bank or financial advisor about setting
up an retirement savings account. You can also consult team neusource, you can call on +91
987 348 9199 or visit www.neusourceindia.com.
Staying healthy
Taking the time to eat right, stay active and get enough rest is an investment in your business.
Don’t let your personal health and well-being slide. You should also have a contingency
plan that includes illnesses, pregnancy, care of children and elderly family members – not
to mention a bit of preventive rest and relaxation.
Manage your plan for work-life balance with as much vigour as you would your business
plan. No matter how busy you get, don’t forget to come up for air at least once a year to revisit and adjust your plan. Your success – and your happiness – may depend on it.

+91 954 000 3546

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Entrepreneurial guide

  • 2. “ENTREPRENEURS ARE OFTEN SO PASSIONATE ABOUT THEIR IDEAS, THEY CAN LOSE OBJECTIVITY.” —NANCY A. SHENKER Introduction If you’re thinking of starting a business, you’re indeed a right place. Neusource has a very rich experience of helping young entrepreneurs and business start-ups. Small & Medium businesses are the most vital part of India’s GDP and government also provides many benefits & run various schemes to help and support them out. However, between your first flash of inspiration and starting an established business, there are many decision points and hurdles. Just to bridge that gap we at neusource are ready to help out you guys and wish your great success. You can ask any query/ doubt related to your start-up business, to us at neusource and we shall provide you all crispy knowledge and support. Apart from this we shall also be helping you & extending you our support for all tax, accounting & management related problems. About this guide From drafting a business plan to finding the start-up money, this guide will help and explain what you need to know and where you can find the information. But any guide cannot be an exhaustive list of information – there are literally hundreds of other information that you may need to check out, so use the Internet and visit your library or bookstore to track down more information. Keep this guide as your starting introduction towards starting & managing your business. Keep faith in you and us as your accounting, taxation & management partner; and always say that YES, I CAN DO IT.
  • 3. Business Start-up STEPS TO YOUR BUSINESS START-UP 1. Vision 2. Market Analysis 3. Business Plan 4. Financing 5. Set up 6. Promotion 7. Management CONTENTS COVERED IN THIS GUIDE 1. 2. Introspection 3. Working from Home? 4. Defining your Market 5. Building Your Plan 6. Formal Structuring 7. Finding the Money 8. Learning the Ropes 9. “We understand worth of your Dreams” Getting Started Getting the word out 10. Finding the Balance “WE ARE IN THE BUSINESS OF HELPING BUSINESSES” —TEAM NEUSOURCE
  • 4. “Getting Started” You have a great idea, and you wonder why no one thought of it before. Before you start filling out loan applications or renting office space, ask yourself some tough questions – and be prepared to do your homework. Just answer our introspection to start with: Introspection Place Photo Here, Otherwise Delete Box 1. Do you have what it takes to be your own boss? To manage a successful business, you’ll need:  Passion for your idea and the ability to communicate it to others.  Motivation to develop a plan and to work hard to carry it out.  Problem-solving skills.  Multi-tasking skills to handle a hundred details at once, as well as develop and manage your business strategy.  Self-confidence: trust in your decisions and people skills.  Flexibility to recognize and adapt to change, opportunities and unforeseen developments.  Ability to sell yourself and your products or services.  Persistence to see your idea through.
  • 5. 2. What’s your vision? Why do you want to go into business? Is it to follow your passion, take control of your life and career, achieve influence and success, or become financially independent? How would a business help you achieve that? How do you expect things to look three years down the road? See “Building Your Plan,” page 8. 3. Who might want to buy your product or service? It’s all about people. Your decisions on everything from product to price to location need to be based on the characteristics and needs of your potential customers. See “Defining Your Market,” page 6. 4. How would you manage financially? You may need money to pay for office space, supplies, equipment, inventory, and to cover your personal income needs, perhaps for a year or more. See “Finding the Money,” page 12. 5. What do you need to know to run a business? Think multi-tasking: you will have to manage your space, inventory, suppliers, finances, marketing and correspondence. Even if you hire professionals to help, you will need to understand enough of what they do to oversee their work and apply it to your situation. See “Learning the Ropes,” page 16. 6. How would a business affect your personal life? The first three years in a new business are usually defined by a steep learning curve and long hours. Many business owners put holidays and personal plans on hold until they become established. Good organization, clear boundaries and the cooperation of family members are critical to success. See “Finding the Balance,” page 20. “ALWAYS CONSIDER WHO YOU’RE LEARNING FROM. DON’T LISTEN TO PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT EXPERIENCING THE SUCCESS YOU WANT.” ― EHAB ATALLA, THE SECRETS OF BUSINESS
  • 6. Working from Home? You don’t have to run a full-fledged operation with inventory, a storefront and employees to be a legitimate business. If you sell articles at an online portal or design websites from your home, you own a business. It doesn’t matter that your office is a computer in the corner of the bedroom or that it’s a part-time commitment. Consultants and people who own cottage and hobby-oriented businesses will benefit from taking their enterprise as seriously as a corporate CEO. No matter how big or small your business, you’re investing time, money and intellectual capital to make it work. The good news is that your business can be shaped to meet your needs. Keep it simple, or make it as complex as you like. Whatever your style, consider the following advice. First, get the financial facts One of the biggest advantages of working from home is being able to deduct a portion of your living expenses from business revenue for the purpose of your tax liability. Make an appointment with a consultant from Neusource, who can explain how much of your rent, utilities and car costs you can declare as business expenditure. We will also manage your accounting on outsourcing basis where you don’t require to hire an accountant of your own. Make sure you understand well about VAT/ Service Tax. If you sell more than ₹10, 00, 000/a year, it’s mandatory to charge it to your customers. But if you earn less, you have a choice to opt out. Set up a separate business identity and Bank accounts Buy a separate phone and don’t let anyone else answer incoming calls. If you don’t want to have two phone lines in your home, use a cell phone. Apply for a separate bank account in the name of your business, and use it only for business transactions. Use it to deposit your cheques and pay all business-related costs. Not only will you build your credit record, it’s a good way to track and record business expenses. Pay the entire bill each month, from a line of credit if necessary, to avoid high interest rates. If you qualify for a line of credit or overdraft, attach it to this account. It will cover the gaps between sending an invoice and receiving a cheque. “PERFECTION IS ACHIEVED, NOT WHEN THERE IS NOTHING MORE TO ADD, BUT WHEN THERE IS NOTHING LEFT TO TAKE AWAY.” - ANTOINE DE SAINT EXUPERY
  • 7. Defining Your Market Every business decision you make, from the design, production and pricing of your product or service, to the location of the store or office, to the way you choose to advertise will be determined by two questions: who are your customers and what do they want? The more you know about who your customers are, the more successful your business will be. Market research is all about getting to know your service or product, potential customers, the competition and your business environment. You can do your own research, or you can hire a market research firm. Primary research is gathered through formal or informal surveys. It helps determine how potential customers feel about the products or services you plan to offer, what they like or dislike about them, how much they’d pay, or if they’d drive across town to make the purchase. Secondary research includes existing statistics about your industry and customers (like geographic location, population), gathered from sources such as statistical data published by govt. or different research NGO’s, Chambers of Commerce and associations. Getting information can sometimes be challenging if you’re researching new industries, or doing business in rural areas. Your market research will answer key questions such as: Who is your target market? o How many potential customers do you have and what are their habits? o Are they male or female? o What are their ages, races, income, and education levels? o Where do they live? What do they have in common? o Explore every avenue for potential customers. “I TRY TO LEARN FROM THE PAST, BUT I PLAN FOR THE FUTURE BY FOCUSING EXCLUSIVELY ON THE PRESENT. THAT’S WHERE THE FUN IS.” ― DONALD TRUMP
  • 8. What is their purchasing power? o Buying habits? o How much disposable income do your customers have? o How much do they spend on products or services similar to yours? o Do they value cost savings or time savings? o Is convenience a decision point for them? What’s the psychological makeup of your customers? o What values and qualities do they hold near and dear? o Are they swayed by low prices or high ethical standards? o Are they impulse buyers or not? o Will word of mouth and reputation influence them? Who is your competition? o What are your competitors’ marketing advantages? Disadvantages? o Are there any niches you can fill? o What can you do for your customers that your competition isn’t already doing? What environmental factors are you dealing with? o Are there any big-picture social or economic issues that could affect your business? For example, is the local economy growing or stagnating? o Will you suffer if the Indian Rupee drops or rises? o Is your target market a certain age? o What happens when they outgrow your product? The information you collect will reveal trends, opportunities and vulnerabilities. You may need to modify the design of your product or service, adjust your price, widen your territory or carry a broader range of products. Or you may find that your inspiration was bang-on. “LISTEN TO THE EXPERTS. AVOID TOO MANY COOKS IN THE KITCHEN.” ― TEAM NEUSOURCE
  • 9. Building your Plan If you’re serious about having a business, here’s where you start. Writing a business plan will help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your idea, your resources and your situation. It will help you decide if you should pursue your idea, and help keep you on track as you grow. And if you’re looking for financing or investors, a business plan is essential. You can hire Neusource to draft your plan, but if you can, it’s best to prepare it for yourself and start getting to know your business inside and out. Take the time to review several sample plans, and make use of one of the templates and models available online or in print. A business plan can help you break the task into manageable chunks. Make sure you study the financial reports, it will generate to learn how they work and relate to each other. You will need to fully understand these reports to answer questions from lenders and investors later on. A typical business plan includes - Company information: Sets out your company’s name, history, size, type of operation, legal structure (sole proprietorship, partnership, incorporated company) and location. This part also describes your intentions, which may be expressed in a vision or mission statement. - Product or service information: Describes the nature of your product or service, its key features and benefits and its competitive advantages. - Management plan: Outlines the ownership and management structure of your business. It includes division of responsibilities, resumes for yourself and your management team and contact information for lawyers, bankers or chartered accountants. - Market research and analysis: Describes the nature and size of the industry in which you will operate, growth potential, common costs and profit, margins, current trends and future prospects for your product or service. It identifies your potential customers or target market (gender, interest group, location, income level, their buying trends). Explores market trends and unique challenges of different regions in the province that could affect your plans. Analyse your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses and how you measure up. “LISTEN TO THE EXPERTS. AVOID TOO MANY COOKS IN THE KITCHEN.” ― TEAM NEUSOURCE
  • 10. - Marketing plan: Describes how you intend to present your product or service to your customers, and how will you spread the word: through advertising, trade shows, networking, word of mouth, etc. Includes the pricing, sales and distribution strategy of your product or service. - Operations plan: Describes where you will run your business (home, office, warehouse, etc.). Lists licenses, permits and insurance you may need, along with materials, equipment, and suppliers. Describes your plan for production, inventory and staffing, if applicable. - Financial information: Analyse how much it will cost to run your business and how much you will earn. Includes where you intend to get financing, and what the funds will be used for. Provides essential financial statements you will need to get loans or investors – cash flow projections, a starting balance sheet, a projection of anticipated income, and a breakeven analysis. - Risk analysis: Identifies how key risk factors such as the economy, new competitors, supplier problems, technologies, legal issues, personnel turnover – even weather trends – might affect your business. Describes how you will manage those risks. - Implementation plan: Sets out a schedule showing when each step will be completed – financing, finding a location, finalizing licenses, acquiring equipment, hiring staff and launching a marketing campaign, along with future milestones for measuring progress. The elements of a business plan will vary depending on the nature of your business and in some cases, your lender’s requirements. You may spend months writing your business plan, but it will be worth it. Start with the information you have and fill in the blanks as you learn more. The exercise of preparing the plan will guide you to think about all aspects of operating your business, and will go a long way to turning your idea into a reality. “IF YOU CAN’T EXPLAIN IT SIMPLY, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND IT WELL ENOUGH.” ― ALBERT EINSTEIN
  • 11. Formal Structuring Once you’ve completed your business plan, you are ready to take the following steps to establish your business formally and legally. Choose your business name and get it approved This is the first step in registering or incorporating your business. For help you can hire team neusource you can call on +91 987 348 9199 or visit www.neusourceindia.com Forms of business organization A business enterprise can be owned and organized in several forms. Each form of organization has its own merits and demerits. The ultimate choice of the form of business depends upon the balancing of the advantages and disadvantages of the various forms of business. The right choice of the form of the business is very crucial because it determines the power, control, risk and responsibility of the entrepreneur as well as the division of profits and losses. Being a long term commitment, the choice of the form of business should be made after considerable thought and deliberation. The choice of the form of business is governed by several interrelated and interdependent factors. Nature of Business The nature of business is the most important factor. Businesses providing direct services like tailors, restaurants and professional services like doctors, lawyers are generally organised as proprietary concerns. While, businesses requiring pooling of skills and funds like accounting firms are better organised as partnerships. Manufacturing organisations of large size are more commonly set up as private and public companies. Scale of operations Volume of business (large, medium, small) and size of the market area (local, national, international) served are the key factors. Large scale enterprises catering to national and international markets can be organised more successfully as private or public companies. Small and medium scale firms are generally set up as partnerships and proprietorship. “IF YOU ARE BUSY MAKING EVERYTHING, HOW CAN YOU PERFECT ANYTHING?” ― APPLE COMMERCIAL
  • 12. Similarly, where the area of operations is wide spread (national or international), company ownership is appropriate. But if the area of operations is confined to a particular locality, partnership or proprietorship will be a more suitable choice. Control Mechanism The degree of control desired by the owner(s). A person who desires direct control of business, prefers proprietorship, because a company involves separation of ownership and management. The volume of risks and liabilities as well as the willingness of the owners to bear it, is also an important consideration. Capital Amount of capital required for the establishment and operation of a business. A partnership may be converted into a company when it grows beyond the capacity and resources of a few persons. Tax liability & Statutory Compliances Tax structure and ultimately tax outgo has also a greater degree of implication on the choice for right form of business organisation. Government also put a greater control over companies as compared to other forms of organisation. Register your setup Next you register your proprietorship or partnership, or incorporate your company. For instructions, For help you can hire team neusource you can call on +91 987 348 9199 or visit www.neusourceindia.com Choose and register a Domain Name/ Trade Mark/ Copyright etc. (optional) For help you can hire team neusource you can call on +91 987 348 9199 or visit www.neusourceindia.com “AN ENTREPRENEUR ISN’T SOMEONE WHO OWNS A BUSINESS, IT’S SOMEONE WHO MAKES THINGS HAPPEN.” ― TIM FERRISS
  • 13. Register for VAT/ CST/ Service Tax/ Excise If you buy goods for wholesale or retail sale, or provide taxable services, apply for a suitable registration. For help you can hire team neusource you can call on +91 987 348 9199 or visit www.neusourceindia.com Obtain an Import Export Code (IEC)/ PF/ ESI/ MSME Registration You need an Import Export Code if you import or export gooods outside india. Further there may be requirement of PF & ESI registration. You must enquire & obtain the suitable registrations. For help you can hire team neusource you can call on +91 987 348 9199 or visit www.neusourceindia.com “You just not need to obtain the registration but also be vigilant & regular in payment of taxes & filing of information to relevant departments” “BE MORE TOLERANT OF THE DIFFICULT PEOPLE. THEY’RE THE CREATIVE ONES. THEY’RE NOT HAPPY WITH THE STATUS QUO.” ― TERRY LEAHY, FORMER CEO OF TESCO
  • 14. Finding the Money When you are figuring out how much money you will need, work out both business and personal budgets. Then calculate how much revenue your business needs to generate to cover both. You might want to take a course in financial management to learn how your business finances and personal finances relate to each other. Be Realistic If you underestimate your costs and overestimate your revenue, a common mistake of startup businesses – you will run into problems almost immediately. You will need to develop and understand key financial statements and tools, especially if you apply for a loan. You can put these together with the assistance of a chartered accountant or you can hire team neusource you can call on +91 987 348 9199 or visit www.neusourceindia.com Key Financial Tools Income Statement: A financial performance report lays out how much you expect to earn (revenue), and the expenses you will incur during a specific timeframe. It is typically developed along with a Balance Sheet. Balance Sheet: A status report, or ‘snapshot’ of the financial state of your business at a given point in time. It shows what your company owns (assets), what is owed (liabilities) and what is left over for you (equity). Cash Flow Statement: Shows the flow of cash into and out of your business during a specific time frame. This includes when and where you will get your money and what you will spend it on. This is the most realistic picture of your business, as it indicates how much cash you will have available at any given time to keep your business running. Break-even Analysis: This is the volume of sales you need to cover your costs. At the breakeven point, there is no loss or profi t to your business. “I’D SAY MOST STARTUPS FAIL BECAUSE THE FOUNDERS AND TEAMS DON’T LEARN AND PIVOT FAST ENOUGH FROM WHAT DOESN’T WORK.” ― ANDREW HYDE, STARTUP WEEKEND
  • 15. Getting the money Generally, there are two sources of money: - Investment (equity) financing from people who expect to share in the eventual benefits of your business; and - Debt financing (loans) from people and institutions who expect the money, plus interest, repaid according to an agreed-upon schedule. Once you’ve completed your business plan and financial statements, you will have a clear picture of how much money you need to start and operate your business for the first critical year. Most new businesses rely on a combination of personal savings, investments from friends and family, and loans to get up and running. Ask other business people about their experiences, and consult team neusource you can call on +91 987 348 9199 or visit www.neusourceindia.com; to learn more about the types and sources of financing that will work best for your situation. Overdraft/ Cash Credit protection: Covers shortfalls in your business account up to an approved limit. Interest is charged only on the amount you borrow and the rates are competitive. Credit cards: Personal and small-business credit cards provide short-term loans for smaller purchases, and they can be approved with little or no security. The interest rates are usually higher than traditional loans, but there’s no interest if you pay off the balance every month. But be careful: if you can’t pay off the outstanding balance, interest costs will accumulate quickly. Term loans: These are longer-term loans, used to cover expensive items such as capital equipment, real estate or renovations. They have established monthly paymentsor say EMIs, so it’s easy to budget. The lender will ask you for security for the loan (equity in your home, cash, equipment, etc.). Shop around for competitive interest rates for term loans. If you miss a payment, the lender has a right to demand immediate repayment. “SUCCESS IS NEVER GETTING TO THE BOTTOM OF YOUR TO-DO LIST.” ― MARISSA MAYER
  • 16. Equity investors: These provide financing in exchange for a share of ownership, or equity, in your business, or simply a repayment of their investment. They can be public or private, and are often family or close personal contacts. Because of that, interest is often nominal or non-existent, and they may also be flexible in the repayment schedule. However, borrowing money from friends and family can sometimes put a strain on the relationship. Public equity investors generally only consider very large investments with large returns. Venture capital: It comes from a pool of investors who are looking for a higher return. While they are usually interested in more established companies, they will consider start-ups if the potential is good. They generally seek a very high rate of return for their investment. Angel investors: They look for higher risk investments with good growth potential. They can be difficult to find, are generally attracted to technology related companies and often have very specific requirements that must be met. Angel investors usually are interested in long-term, high-return investments. Grants: Governments have various schemes for start-ups and MSME. These are called grants; they do not require repayment. The criteria are usually very specific, and the application procedure can be long and time-consuming. Grants are more readily available for specialized and high-tech industries. For more info you can consult team neusource you can call on +91 987 348 9199 or visit www.neusourceindia.com “MOVE FAST. SPEED IS ONE OF YOUR MAIN ADVANTAGES OVER LARGE COMPANIES.” ― SAM ALTMAN
  • 17. Learning the Ropes If this is your first step into the business world, find a mentor. A mentor can provide invaluable advice, insights and encouragement along the way to help you make thoughtful choices. If you can, work alongside another business owner in the same industry to gain some experience. Your mentor does not have to be in the same industry as you are, but she or he usually has more experience. Mentors can pass along valuable insights, making you think about things that might never have occurred to you. They can talk about the business-building process, industry trends, administration challenges, marketing strategies, what work is profitable – and what is not. Don’t confuse mentoring with free professional advice. For example, don’t ask a marketing consultant to help you build your website. Instead ask them to give you tips about or what to look for when hiring someone to do that. Don’t be afraid to ask. You will be surprised by how many people are willing to help. Many mentors want to give back or make a contribution to their industry or community, or to help a person they respect. The nature of owning your own business is that you’re expected to know it all ... even if you don’t. While you can’t be an expert in everything, you should attempt to close gaps in your knowledge through a mentor, direct experience, or by taking some courses. “YOU CANNOT MANDATE PRODUCTIVITY, YOU MUST PROVIDE THE TOOLS TO LET PEOPLE BECOME THEIR BEST.” ― STEVE JOBS
  • 18. If you only learn these 3 things … Brush up on subjects that are applicable to your industry and business so you can make informed decisions. You should also learn as much as you reasonably can about key challenges that most entrepreneurs face, particularly in three areas that are considered to be key success-makers or success-breakers:  Financial management: Even if you have a good accountant, make the effort to learn how to correctly estimate costs and revenues, manage purchasing and inventory, payment and collections, budgeting and tracking. You’ve put a lot into this business: make sure you understand the story your revenue and expense columns are telling you.  Business management: Some businesses stagnate and miss the boat, while others grow so fast they explode. You should understand and apply the essential theories of growth management and strategic planning so that your business doesn’t burn out.  Marketing: When you have a product or service to sell, it is essential you get to know your market inside out. This includes learning how to identify and reach your potential customers and acquiring competitive intelligence. Ideas for finding a mentor  Ask family and friends who are in business, retired, or have business contacts.  Research businesses and trade magazines in your community to find respected business people.  Join the local chapter of professional association in your industry, business networking organization or your local Chamber of Commerce.  Check the websites of business or professional organizations or you can consult team neusource, you can call on +91 987 348 9199 or visit www.neusourceindia.com. “DON’T PLAY GAMES THAT YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND, EVEN IF YOU SEE LOTS OF OTHER PEOPLE MAKING MONEY FROM THEM.” ― TONY HSIEH
  • 19. Getting the Word Out Your market research is the foundation of your marketing plan. It will determine how you will deliver your product or service, how you will present yourself, (your ‘branding’), what messages your customers will respond to best, and where you should concentrate your advertising and promotional efforts to get the best response. There are hundreds of ways to spend your advertising budget, from direct mail, e-mail campaigns and trade shows to traditional radio, television, newspaper and magazine advertising. Whatever you choose, if you can afford it, hire professionals to help develop your support materials, logo, packaging, advertisements and sales messages. Tried and true … Networking is still one of the most powerful forms of marketing. The good news is that it can be as informal as “seeing and being seen” at community events, networking groups, industry associations or social gatherings. Networking is great way to tap into the benefits of ‘word of mouth.’ People will get to know and remember you, and refer your services to others. … or relatively new At the other end of the spectrum, a website works as an advertisement, a resume, or a virtual storefront where you showcase products and services or sell them online. Invest in the services of a web design company to develop a professional, appealing and user-friendly website. They should offer technical programming, professional graphics and writing, content design, and marketing science for your website. If you want an effective web presence, you must also advertise your website, and that includes paying for “web seeding” services. This will get you listed with major search engines such as Google and Yahoo, so customers can find your site by typing in key words. The whole process can be time consuming, but is essential in ensuring your website is an effective and powerful marketing vehicle. “CARE ABOUT YOUR CUSTOMERS MORE THAN ABOUT YOURSELF, AND YOU’LL DO WELL.” ― DEREK SIVERS
  • 20. … or new horizons One way to expand your customer base is to export your product or service outside our country borders. New technologies make this especially attractive for knowledge-based industries. “Four Ps” of Marketing Marketing plans are implemented through:  Product/ Service: How it’s designed to meet your customers’ needs.  Pricing: Relative to the competition, regulations and profi tability.  Placement: Location and distribution channels.  Promotion: Advertising, selling or publicity. “QUALITY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN QUANTITY. ONE HOME RUN IS MUCH BETTER THAN TWO DOUBLES.” ― STEVE JOBS
  • 21. Finding the Balance… Trying to find the balance between a healthy business and a happy home life is one of the biggest challenges business owners face. This is especially true in the first few years of your business, when your time commitment is so great, and your business is still developing its own routines and rhythms. When you’re starting, take a bit of time to figure out where you may want to draw the line. Be prepared to make conscious choices about the trade-offs or investments of time and energy you are willing to make to build your business. It’s still about relationships: Feeling good about your life depends on the strength of all your relationships – with customers, employees, partners, family, friends and community. Consider how the time and financial implications of running a business will affect the people in your life. Think about how your business needs will influence your family, and how time with your family will affect the business. If you live in a small community, prepare for a possible loss of privacy and a more public relationship with long-time residents and friends. Enough is enough Running a business will place great demands on your time and you will likely end up juggling family commitments, vacations and free time. While the workload may seem like it will never end, you can actively set some limits. Keep an open mind about hiring someone to take the load off. Determine what time sacrifices you are prepared to make for your business. Define the boundaries, and build your plans around them. The financial investment Will you use your home or nest egg as collateral for the business? How long before money comes in? Can you still make ends meet? Address these kinds of questions early, so you can work out the solutions long before they turn into problems for everyone involved. “THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS THAT YOU ACTUALLY CARE, THAT YOU DO SOMETHING TO THE VERY BEST OF YOUR ABILITY.” ― JONY IVE, APPLE
  • 22. Contact your local Chamber of Commerce/ MSME office/ Tax Consultants to find out about benefit programs for small businesses. Talk to your bank or financial advisor about setting up an retirement savings account. You can also consult team neusource, you can call on +91 987 348 9199 or visit www.neusourceindia.com. Staying healthy Taking the time to eat right, stay active and get enough rest is an investment in your business. Don’t let your personal health and well-being slide. You should also have a contingency plan that includes illnesses, pregnancy, care of children and elderly family members – not to mention a bit of preventive rest and relaxation. Manage your plan for work-life balance with as much vigour as you would your business plan. No matter how busy you get, don’t forget to come up for air at least once a year to revisit and adjust your plan. Your success – and your happiness – may depend on it. “YOUR WORK IS GOING TO FILL A LARGE PART OF YOUR LIFE, AND THE ONLY WAY TO BE TRULY SATISFIED IS TO DO WHAT YOU BELIEVE IS GREAT WORK. AND THE ONLY WAY TO DO GREAT WORK IS TO LOVE WHAT YOU DO.” ― STEVE JOBS
  • 23. NEUSOURCE PROCESS OUTSOURCE PRIVATE LIMITED +91 954 000 3546 info@neusourceindia.com www.neusourceindia.com