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Entity Framework Today

         Julie Lerman
               The Data Farm
            twitter @julielerman
       Presented at Dotnet-zentral.ch
                May 2, 2012
Julie Lerman
Microsoft MVP, INETA Speaker,
ASPInsider, MCP, VTdotNET Leader,
Pluralsight video author
book web site
Plan A
• Entity Framework Overview
• “Getting Started” Code
• Focus on some features
• Non-”DemoWare” Solution

LINQ to Entities
Entity SQL
Entity Data Model
EDMX                          EDM

(XML)               System.Data.Metadata.Edm

Code + Code First
EF4.x              EntityFramework.dll

Code First DbContext
Model-less EF                      Simpler Access
 POCOPOCOPOCOPOCO                   Find, Local, Validation, etc…

Entity Framework 4

                                                              Visual Studio 2010
                                                                EDM Designer
                   (in .NET 4)
 (Object Services API (ObjectContext) & EntityClient API)
EF 5.x              EntityFramework.dll

Code First DbContext
Model-less EF                      Simpler Access
 POCOPOCOPOCOPOCO                   Find, Local, Validation, etc…

 Entity Framework

                                                                             Visual Studio 11

                                                              EDM Designer
                 (in .NET 4.5)
 (Object Services API (ObjectContext) & EntityClient API)
  New: Enum support, Geo Data, auto query cache etc.
Getting Started
                      Pick your modeling workflow
                         DB First, Model First, Code First

                    Use DbContext for new projects
                    ObjectContext accessible if you need it

                 Existing or let Code First/Model First create it

                       Database or Model Changes
          Model Updates & DB Updates (“migrations”) supported

                            Consider architecture
*Separate projects for model, context, etc   *Repositories, UOW, automated tests, etc.
Shall we code?
Feature Demos
More on migrations
No-tracking queries (performance)
Managing disconnected state
Data layer validations
My favorite small DbContext features
T4Scaffolding to gen context & repo
 Service Layer
  Bus Layer
 Repo/UoW LINQ
Data Layer EF
                                               Metadata &
           Fake Context & DataA              Object/DbContext
      Context & Data B

                            Unit of Work
Some “controversies”

EF &Repository/Unit of Work

Abstracting ORMs
•   MSDN Developer Center: msdn.com/data/ef
•   EF Team: blogs.msdn.com/adonet
•   Rowan Miller Blog: romiller.com
•   Arthur Vickers: blog.oneunicorn.com
•   Julie Lerman: thedatafarm.com/blog
•   LearnEntityFramework.com
•   Pluralsight.com videos
•   MSDN Magazine Data Points Column
    – http://JulieL.me/datapointscolumn
Julie Lerman
Microsoft MVP, INETA Speaker,
ASPInsider, MCP, VTdotNET Leader
book web site
•   MSDN Developer Center: msdn.com/data/ef
•   EF Team: blogs.msdn.com/adonet
•   Rowan Miller Blog: romiller.com
•   Arthur Vickers: blog.oneunicorn.com
•   Julie Lerman: thedatafarm.com/blog
•   LearnEntityFramework.com
•   Pluralsight.com videos
•   MSDN Magazine Data Points Column
    – http://JulieL.me/datapointscolumn
Julie Lerman
Microsoft MVP, INETA Speaker,
ASPInsider, MCP, VTdotNET Leader
book web site

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Entity Framework Today (May 2012)

  • 1. Entity Framework Today Julie Lerman The Data Farm jlerman@thedatafarm.com twitter @julielerman Presented at Dotnet-zentral.ch May 2, 2012
  • 2. Julie Lerman consultant/mentor Microsoft MVP, INETA Speaker, ASPInsider, MCP, VTdotNET Leader, Pluralsight video author contact jlerman@theDataFarm.com www.thedatafarm.com blog theDataFarm.com/blog twitter @julielerman book web site LearnEntityFramework.com
  • 3. Plan A • Entity Framework Overview • “Getting Started” Code • Focus on some features • Non-”DemoWare” Solution
  • 4. Object Relational Mapper LINQ to Entities Entity SQL
  • 5. Entity Data Model Runtime EDMX EDM (XML) System.Data.Metadata.Edm .EntityType .EdmProperty .AssociationType .EdmType .Facet Code + Code First
  • 6. EF4.x EntityFramework.dll Code First DbContext Model-less EF Simpler Access POCOPOCOPOCOPOCO Find, Local, Validation, etc… Entity Framework 4 Visual Studio 2010 EDM Designer “Core” (in .NET 4) (Object Services API (ObjectContext) & EntityClient API)
  • 7. EF 5.x EntityFramework.dll Code First DbContext Model-less EF Simpler Access POCOPOCOPOCOPOCO Find, Local, Validation, etc… Entity Framework Visual Studio 11 Core EDM Designer (in .NET 4.5) (Object Services API (ObjectContext) & EntityClient API) New: Enum support, Geo Data, auto query cache etc.
  • 9. Getting Started Pick your modeling workflow DB First, Model First, Code First Use DbContext for new projects ObjectContext accessible if you need it Database? Existing or let Code First/Model First create it Database or Model Changes Model Updates & DB Updates (“migrations”) supported Consider architecture *Separate projects for model, context, etc *Repositories, UOW, automated tests, etc.
  • 11. Feature Demos More on migrations No-tracking queries (performance) Managing disconnected state Data layer validations My favorite small DbContext features T4Scaffolding to gen context & repo
  • 13. UI Service Layer Bus Layer Repo/UoW LINQ Data Layer EF Database
  • 14. Testable Classes System.Data.Entity Fake Object/DbSet Fake Metadata & Fake Context & DataA Object/DbContext Context & Data B Class Class Class Repositories Class Repositories Tests Repositories Repositories Unit of Work UI
  • 16. Resources • MSDN Developer Center: msdn.com/data/ef • EF Team: blogs.msdn.com/adonet • Rowan Miller Blog: romiller.com • Arthur Vickers: blog.oneunicorn.com • Julie Lerman: thedatafarm.com/blog • LearnEntityFramework.com • Pluralsight.com videos • MSDN Magazine Data Points Column – http://JulieL.me/datapointscolumn
  • 17. Julie Lerman consultant/mentor Microsoft MVP, INETA Speaker, ASPInsider, MCP, VTdotNET Leader contact jlerman@theDataFarm.com www.thedatafarm.com blog theDataFarm.com/blog twitter @julielerman book web site LearnEntityFramework.com
  • 18. Resources • MSDN Developer Center: msdn.com/data/ef • EF Team: blogs.msdn.com/adonet • Rowan Miller Blog: romiller.com • Arthur Vickers: blog.oneunicorn.com • Julie Lerman: thedatafarm.com/blog • LearnEntityFramework.com • Pluralsight.com videos • MSDN Magazine Data Points Column – http://JulieL.me/datapointscolumn
  • 19. Julie Lerman consultant/mentor Microsoft MVP, INETA Speaker, ASPInsider, MCP, VTdotNET Leader contact jlerman@theDataFarm.com www.thedatafarm.com blog theDataFarm.com/blog twitter @julielerman book web site LearnEntityFramework.com