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2018 | Mumbai
An initiative by
Note from the CEO’s Desk
About WebEngage
Global Consumer Trends
Challenges Faced by Marketers
Across Industries
Opportunities with Marketing Cloud
The Stop Marketing, Start Engaging
The Story of EngageMint
Panel Discussion: Cross-channel
Marketing for the New World
Keynote: Growth is NOT Marketing,
the Airbnb Theory, by Mona Gandhi
Retentioneering Masterclass: The
Goibibo Way, by Vikalp Sahni
Skyrocketing Growth via Retention:
The Zomato Story, by Rahul Ganjoo
Fireside Chat with Rajan Anandan &
Karthik Reddy
EngageMint Retention Awards
Agenda: EngageMint 2018, Mumbai
Announcing Winners!
Workshop: Retention Marketing 101,
by Ankur Gattani & Avlesh Singh
WebEngage Next: Unveiling Ideas
Brewing in our Lab!
Introducing Panel Members23.
A Note from the CEO’s Desk
Welcome to EngageMint 2018, Mumbai.
I am delighted to have you at the first edition of
WebEngage’s Flagship Retention Conference. Ever
since we floated the idea of hosting this, we have been
met with inquisitiveness & an overwhelming response.
At WebEngage, we work closely with clients to help
optimize their engagement efforts. Over the years, we
have realized that there is a latent need for changing
the way businesses approach user retention.
With EngageMint, we intend to empower professionals
with a fresh perspective, helping them move towards
the goal of ‘Stop Marketing, Start Engaging’.
So stay hungry, & dig into the knowledge our notable
speakers bring along today.
Onwards and upwards!
Avlesh Singh
Co-founder & CEO at WebEngage
About WebEngage
WebEngage is a full stack marketing cloud which gives a 360°
view of your users, marketing efforts & everything else in
between. Loaded with cross platform & cross channel analytics,
the suite makes it possible to drive engagement & retention
with data driven, personalized campaigns through multiple
channels, including the revolutionary Journey Designer.
Trusted by 40,000+ companies worldwide, we seek to push
beyond our limits by enabling professionals with a fresh
perspective to tackle user engagement & retention challenges.
#EngageMint is just the beginning.
WebEngage Presents
a Marketer’s Overview
for the New World
Over the years, we have realized that there is a constant
friction within organizations to adapt to the fast evolving
behaviour of their customers.
New age user are constantly challenging the existing
dynamics of cross-channel & cross-platform engagement.
Herein lies an opportunity for growth & change. In this
section we present key metrics, to get you thinking on
the lines of; Stop Marketing, Start Engaging.
Global Consumer Trends
Challenges Faced by
Marketers Across Industries
Opportunities with
Marketing CloudAll data presented in the following slides under this section is for the
year 2017, taken from multiple sources including eMarketer, Inuit, KPMG
& WebEngage’s BI data.
Global Consumer Trends: Who are
they & How do they spend?
Online purchase behaviour of consumers between 15 - 70 years of age, across
50+ countries was analyzed for 2017
Generation X made
highest no. of transactions:
19 times, $190 avg.
transaction value
Baby Boomers were
highest spenders: $205
avg. transaction value
Baby Boomers (52 - 71 yrs. old)Generation X (36- 51 yrs. old)Millennials (16 - 35 yrs. old)
Global Consumer Trends: What
Makes Them Spend?
Best Price
Preferred Brand
Best Delivery Price
Stock Availability
Global online transactions
contributed by Asians
Asians were the largest
mobile shoppers globally
Cosmetics Fashion Electronics
Global Consumer Trends: What
Makes Them Spend?
Over 70% purchase decisions were made within 7 days, across categories.
Asians prefer buying
cosmetics & mobile
related products
25% 26%
29% 32% 41%
46% 42% 42%
< One Week
> One Week
The Same Day
Global Consumer Trends: What Drives
User Retention?
3 out of 4 drivers of
user retention need a
marketing automation
Exclusive Offers
Loyalty Program
Listen to Feedback
Customized Promotions
Baby Boomers Generation X Millennials
25% 28% 29%
47% 43%
Challenges Faced by Marketers Across
Industries: Keeping User Engaged
One of the biggest challenges faced by marketers is keeping users engaged with powerful
& contextually relevant content at regular intervals. When dealing with millions, manual
personalization becomes impossible - leads to higher churn & cart abandonment rates.
Customers feel annoyed about
incorrect personalization
Users uninstall app after 2-3 push
notifications within first week
Marketers struggle with
personalization due to lack of data
Challenges Faced by Marketers
Across Industries: Internal Resistance
to Adopting Marketing Technology
Internal resistance to change & lack of prior experience with using
marketing automation platforms are the top most barriers faced
by marketers globally. This problem is further fueled by the lack of
availability of tools with simplified on-boarding processes. For most
companies, a marketing automation tool is a means to send out mass-
blast communications with minimal personalization. (You guessed it -
First Name)
Billion spent on procuring user
data for mass-blast campaigns
Opportunities with Marketing Cloud:
Cross-channel User Engagement
One of the biggest opportunities presented by marketing automation is its ability
to unify cross-platform & cross channel user engagement. Making it possible for
you to create a seamless product experience.
Marketers feel marketing tech will
help uplift customer loyalty
Advanced marketing automation
techniques are under utilised
Marketers feel marketing tech will
help uplift lead generation rates
Opportunities with Marketing Cloud:
AI Driven Marketing
By integrating your business with a marketing cloud, you can leverage the power of AI.
Allowing you to put recurring & transactional communications in auto-mode - creating
delightful moments for your users.
• Create Consistent User Experiences
• Automate A/B Testing Results
• Automate Data Driven Engagement
• Create Contextually Relevant,
Hyper-personalized Campaigns
• Rely on AI to Decide Best Time to
Interact with Users
Opportunities with Marketing Cloud:
Organisational Efficiency
Marketing Budgets will
be invested in marketing
technology alone by 2025
One of the best aspects of adopting marketing
automation is the efficiency it offers. Marketers
around the globe are increasingly exploring
ways to drive contextual communication through
AI. This need to adopt martech is fueled by
rapidly evolving needs & expectations of users
- having a consistent cross-platform & cross-
channel experience being the most important.
Introducing the Stop Marketing,
Start Engaging Ideology
Given the vast challenges presented by evolved
customer behaviour, there is a dire need to change the
way we interact with them. Given the constant friction
between teams to drive growth via user retention,
there is a latent need for a fresh perspective of
approaching user engagement.
Marketing your product to users is passé. The only way
to achieve sustainable growth for online consumer
businesses today, is by engaging users with the right
message, at the right time.
‘Stop Marketing, Start Engaging’, is a thought
leadership campaign, spearheaded by WebEngage to
get the ball rolling in this direction. With this ideology,
we aim at changing the underlying thought with which
marketers currently approach user engagement &
retention challenges.
The Story of EngageMint
It’s not easy to change the way people think. Especially
when millions of marketers have been solving user
engagement & retention problems with strategies
which bring in results.
But with #StopMarketingStartEngaging, we intend to
introduce a fresh perspective - one which allows you to
bring in 10x better results!
EngageMint is an initiative in this direction. By bringing
revolutionary thought leaders under the same roof,
we intend to create a platform looked upon by
marketing pioneers, product geeks & innovators
alike for inspiration, room to experiment & exchange
We sincerely hope that you leave this conference
today, a marketer reborn.
Your Day at
2018 | Mumbai
Growth is not a marketing strategy. It needs
to be a fundamental part of your product’s
experience. And we couldn’t think of a better
person than Airbnb’s first female engineer,
Mona Gandhi to show you how you can steer
growth by making it a part of the architecture
of your user experience.
Keynote: Growth is
NOT Marketing, the
Airbnb Theory
Mona Gandhi
Founding Member of Growth
Team at Airbnb
With 9+ years of experience spread across
product engineering, growth hacking & data
analysis, Mona has paved the way for female
engineers in India. As the Keynote speaker
today, she will share her learnings on what
true growth really means.
‘A Retentioneer is the new Growth Hacker’.
Let’s break this down for you - merging re-
tention with product engineering is the only
way to take your business to the next level.
And we couldn’t think of a better person than
Vikalp Sahni to show you how it works.
Masterclass: The
Goibibo Way
Vikalp Sahni
CTO at Goibibo
One of the leading tech entrepreneurs of
India, Vikalp has set a high benchmark for
retentioneers across the world, with the
success of Goibibo. Today, we are relying on
his hands-on experience to apprise you with a
fresh perspective of retention.
User retention is not just about good
messaging & engagement. Hear the
Zomato story of how incorporating retention
strategies into their product helped them
capture the international market.
Skyrocketing Growth
via Retention: The
Zomato Story
Rahul Ganjoo
VP Product at Zomato
A Passionate product guy with 10+ years of
experience to back him up - we are eagerly
looking forward to hearing how he incorporated
user empathy as an attitude within his team,
translating into retention, seeded within the
When you put two industry stalwarts on the
same table, interesting things are bound
to happen. A fiery session loaded with key
insights into entrepreneurship, customer
success and building lasting brands - this
will undoubtedly be the most insightful
segment of the conference!
Fireside Chat with
Rajan Anandan &
Karthik Reddy
Rajan Anandan
VP Southeast Asia & India at Google
Karthik Reddy
Managing Partner at Blume Ventures
Featuring entrepreneurs from leading startups of India, this
one’s a complete package! Featuring intense talks around
retention, engagement, tech & everything else in between -
the session packs a punch with flavours from Ed-tech, FnB,
OTT & Ecommerce. With each panel member coming from a
completely different background, we are sure you are going
to love the depth & expanse of their conversations.
Panel Discussion: Cross-
channel Marketing for the
New World
Introducing Panel Members
Manav Sethi
CMO at ALT Balaji
Naiyya Saggi
Founder & CEO
at BabyChakra
Narendra Agarwal
Co-founder at
Ankur Gattani
Co-founder & CEO
at Frooters
Retention Awards
The EngageMint Retention Awards are
an initiative by WebEngage to cele-
brate individuals who have created
new benchmarks of user engage-
ment and retention in their respective
domains. With the first edition, we will
be recognising the top three retention
strategists from the industry.
Rising EngageMint Star
Cross-channel EngageMint Superstar
EngageMint CMO of the Year
Rising EngageMint Star
Aniket Thakkar, VP Marketing at Coverfox
Winners of
Retention Awards! EngageMint CMO of the Year!
Divyang Bhardwaj, Sr. Director Marketing, Goibibo
Cross-channel EngageMint Star
Kushal Salecha, Business Analyst at Testbook.com
Ankur Gattani
Co-founder & CEO at Frooters
Avlesh Singh
Co-founder & CEO at WebEngage
Marketing 101
Having two industry leaders host a workshop
is a sure-shot way to make it a success!
Valuable insights & great hands-on learning,
with a dash of entertainment is what you can
expect from this specially curated workshop
today. Presented by Ankur Gattani, in
collaboration with Avlesh Singh.
Something very special has been brewing at WebEngage HQ. Presented by
Avlesh Singh, Co-founder & CEO at WebEngage, here’s what you can expect:
Broadcast: Ability to Build
One-to-Many Workflows
AI Powered Segments, Journeys &
Predictive Delivery of Campaigns
Introduction of Facebook &
Google Ads as Channels
Benchmarks: Compare & Optimize
Campaign Metrics
WebEngage Next: Unveiling Ideas
Brewing in our Lab!
Agenda for EngageMint 2018, Mumbai
9:45 am
Conference Begins with Welcome
10:00 am Keynote: Growth is NOT Marketing,
the Airbnb Theory
10:45 am Retentioneering Masterclass: The
Goibibo Story
11:45 am Skyrocketing Growth via Retention:
The Zomato Story
12:30 pm Fireside Chat with Rajan Anandan
& Karthik Reddy
1:15 pm Lunch and Networking Session
2:00 pm Panel Discussion: Cross-channel Marketing
for the New World
3:00 pm Workshop: Retention Marketing 101
4:15 pm EngageMint Retention Awards
4:35 pm WebEngage Next: Unveiling Ideas
Brewing in our Lab!
5:00 pm
Networking Session
Time Sessions
EngageMint is a flagship initiative of WebEngage.
With EngageMint, we aspire to provide a platform
looked upon by marketing pioneers for pure
exchange of practical knowledge around retention
and growth marketing and equip business leaders
with fresh new ways of thinking.
WebEngage, a SaaS based marketing cloud that
helps consumer businesses engage and retain their
existing users. It helps automate cross-channel
workflows across web app, mobile, email, SMS and
other digital channels with ease.
About EngageMint About WebEngage

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EngageMint by WebEngage | Mumbai 2018

  • 1. 2018 | Mumbai An initiative by
  • 2. Note from the CEO’s Desk About WebEngage Global Consumer Trends Challenges Faced by Marketers Across Industries Opportunities with Marketing Cloud The Stop Marketing, Start Engaging Ideology The Story of EngageMint 2. 3. 6. 10. 12. 15. 16. Panel Discussion: Cross-channel Marketing for the New World Keynote: Growth is NOT Marketing, the Airbnb Theory, by Mona Gandhi Retentioneering Masterclass: The Goibibo Way, by Vikalp Sahni Skyrocketing Growth via Retention: The Zomato Story, by Rahul Ganjoo Fireside Chat with Rajan Anandan & Karthik Reddy 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. EngageMint Retention Awards Agenda: EngageMint 2018, Mumbai Announcing Winners! Workshop: Retention Marketing 101, by Ankur Gattani & Avlesh Singh WebEngage Next: Unveiling Ideas Brewing in our Lab! Introducing Panel Members23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Index
  • 3. 2 A Note from the CEO’s Desk Welcome to EngageMint 2018, Mumbai. I am delighted to have you at the first edition of WebEngage’s Flagship Retention Conference. Ever since we floated the idea of hosting this, we have been met with inquisitiveness & an overwhelming response. At WebEngage, we work closely with clients to help optimize their engagement efforts. Over the years, we have realized that there is a latent need for changing the way businesses approach user retention. With EngageMint, we intend to empower professionals with a fresh perspective, helping them move towards the goal of ‘Stop Marketing, Start Engaging’. So stay hungry, & dig into the knowledge our notable speakers bring along today. Onwards and upwards! Avlesh Singh Co-founder & CEO at WebEngage
  • 4. 3 About WebEngage WebEngage is a full stack marketing cloud which gives a 360° view of your users, marketing efforts & everything else in between. Loaded with cross platform & cross channel analytics, the suite makes it possible to drive engagement & retention with data driven, personalized campaigns through multiple channels, including the revolutionary Journey Designer. Trusted by 40,000+ companies worldwide, we seek to push beyond our limits by enabling professionals with a fresh perspective to tackle user engagement & retention challenges. #EngageMint is just the beginning.
  • 5. 4 WebEngage Presents a Marketer’s Overview for the New World
  • 6. 5 Preface Over the years, we have realized that there is a constant friction within organizations to adapt to the fast evolving behaviour of their customers. New age user are constantly challenging the existing dynamics of cross-channel & cross-platform engagement. Herein lies an opportunity for growth & change. In this section we present key metrics, to get you thinking on the lines of; Stop Marketing, Start Engaging. Global Consumer Trends Challenges Faced by Marketers Across Industries Opportunities with Marketing CloudAll data presented in the following slides under this section is for the year 2017, taken from multiple sources including eMarketer, Inuit, KPMG & WebEngage’s BI data.
  • 7. 6 Global Consumer Trends: Who are they & How do they spend? Online purchase behaviour of consumers between 15 - 70 years of age, across 50+ countries was analyzed for 2017 Generation X made highest no. of transactions: 19 times, $190 avg. transaction value Baby Boomers were highest spenders: $205 avg. transaction value Baby Boomers (52 - 71 yrs. old)Generation X (36- 51 yrs. old)Millennials (16 - 35 yrs. old)
  • 8. 7 Global Consumer Trends: What Makes Them Spend? Best Price Preferred Brand Best Delivery Price Stock Availability 36% 30% 17% 14% Global online transactions contributed by Asians Asians were the largest mobile shoppers globally 22% 19%
  • 9. 8 Cosmetics Fashion Electronics Global Consumer Trends: What Makes Them Spend? Over 70% purchase decisions were made within 7 days, across categories. Asians prefer buying cosmetics & mobile related products online 25% 26% 17% 29% 32% 41% 46% 42% 42% < One Week > One Week The Same Day
  • 10. 9 Global Consumer Trends: What Drives User Retention? 3 out of 4 drivers of user retention need a marketing automation solution Exclusive Offers Loyalty Program Listen to Feedback Customized Promotions Baby Boomers Generation X Millennials 45% 35% 36% 25% 28% 29% 39% 36% 37% 35% 47% 43%
  • 11. 10 Challenges Faced by Marketers Across Industries: Keeping User Engaged One of the biggest challenges faced by marketers is keeping users engaged with powerful & contextually relevant content at regular intervals. When dealing with millions, manual personalization becomes impossible - leads to higher churn & cart abandonment rates. Customers feel annoyed about incorrect personalization 25% Users uninstall app after 2-3 push notifications within first week 31% Marketers struggle with personalization due to lack of data 66%
  • 12. 11 Challenges Faced by Marketers Across Industries: Internal Resistance to Adopting Marketing Technology Internal resistance to change & lack of prior experience with using marketing automation platforms are the top most barriers faced by marketers globally. This problem is further fueled by the lack of availability of tools with simplified on-boarding processes. For most companies, a marketing automation tool is a means to send out mass- blast communications with minimal personalization. (You guessed it - First Name) Billion spent on procuring user data for mass-blast campaigns $3.53
  • 13. 12 Opportunities with Marketing Cloud: Cross-channel User Engagement One of the biggest opportunities presented by marketing automation is its ability to unify cross-platform & cross channel user engagement. Making it possible for you to create a seamless product experience. Marketers feel marketing tech will help uplift customer loyalty 50% Advanced marketing automation techniques are under utilised 65% Marketers feel marketing tech will help uplift lead generation rates 25%
  • 14. 13 Opportunities with Marketing Cloud: AI Driven Marketing By integrating your business with a marketing cloud, you can leverage the power of AI. Allowing you to put recurring & transactional communications in auto-mode - creating delightful moments for your users. • Create Consistent User Experiences • Automate A/B Testing Results • Automate Data Driven Engagement • Create Contextually Relevant, Hyper-personalized Campaigns • Rely on AI to Decide Best Time to Interact with Users
  • 15. 14 Opportunities with Marketing Cloud: Organisational Efficiency Marketing Budgets will be invested in marketing technology alone by 2025 25% One of the best aspects of adopting marketing automation is the efficiency it offers. Marketers around the globe are increasingly exploring ways to drive contextual communication through AI. This need to adopt martech is fueled by rapidly evolving needs & expectations of users - having a consistent cross-platform & cross- channel experience being the most important.
  • 16. 15 Introducing the Stop Marketing, Start Engaging Ideology Given the vast challenges presented by evolved customer behaviour, there is a dire need to change the way we interact with them. Given the constant friction between teams to drive growth via user retention, there is a latent need for a fresh perspective of approaching user engagement. Marketing your product to users is passé. The only way to achieve sustainable growth for online consumer businesses today, is by engaging users with the right message, at the right time. ‘Stop Marketing, Start Engaging’, is a thought leadership campaign, spearheaded by WebEngage to get the ball rolling in this direction. With this ideology, we aim at changing the underlying thought with which marketers currently approach user engagement & retention challenges.
  • 17. 16 The Story of EngageMint It’s not easy to change the way people think. Especially when millions of marketers have been solving user engagement & retention problems with strategies which bring in results. But with #StopMarketingStartEngaging, we intend to introduce a fresh perspective - one which allows you to bring in 10x better results! EngageMint is an initiative in this direction. By bringing revolutionary thought leaders under the same roof, we intend to create a platform looked upon by marketing pioneers, product geeks & innovators alike for inspiration, room to experiment & exchange knowledge. We sincerely hope that you leave this conference today, a marketer reborn.
  • 19. 18 Growth is not a marketing strategy. It needs to be a fundamental part of your product’s experience. And we couldn’t think of a better person than Airbnb’s first female engineer, Mona Gandhi to show you how you can steer growth by making it a part of the architecture of your user experience. Keynote: Growth is NOT Marketing, the Airbnb Theory Mona Gandhi Founding Member of Growth Team at Airbnb With 9+ years of experience spread across product engineering, growth hacking & data analysis, Mona has paved the way for female engineers in India. As the Keynote speaker today, she will share her learnings on what true growth really means.
  • 20. 19 ‘A Retentioneer is the new Growth Hacker’. Let’s break this down for you - merging re- tention with product engineering is the only way to take your business to the next level. And we couldn’t think of a better person than Vikalp Sahni to show you how it works. Retentioneering Masterclass: The Goibibo Way Vikalp Sahni CTO at Goibibo One of the leading tech entrepreneurs of India, Vikalp has set a high benchmark for retentioneers across the world, with the success of Goibibo. Today, we are relying on his hands-on experience to apprise you with a fresh perspective of retention.
  • 21. 20 User retention is not just about good messaging & engagement. Hear the Zomato story of how incorporating retention strategies into their product helped them capture the international market. Skyrocketing Growth via Retention: The Zomato Story Rahul Ganjoo VP Product at Zomato A Passionate product guy with 10+ years of experience to back him up - we are eagerly looking forward to hearing how he incorporated user empathy as an attitude within his team, translating into retention, seeded within the product.
  • 22. 21 When you put two industry stalwarts on the same table, interesting things are bound to happen. A fiery session loaded with key insights into entrepreneurship, customer success and building lasting brands - this will undoubtedly be the most insightful segment of the conference! Fireside Chat with Rajan Anandan & Karthik Reddy Rajan Anandan VP Southeast Asia & India at Google Karthik Reddy Managing Partner at Blume Ventures
  • 23. 22 Featuring entrepreneurs from leading startups of India, this one’s a complete package! Featuring intense talks around retention, engagement, tech & everything else in between - the session packs a punch with flavours from Ed-tech, FnB, OTT & Ecommerce. With each panel member coming from a completely different background, we are sure you are going to love the depth & expanse of their conversations. Panel Discussion: Cross- channel Marketing for the New World
  • 24. 23 Introducing Panel Members Manav Sethi CMO at ALT Balaji Naiyya Saggi Founder & CEO at BabyChakra Narendra Agarwal Co-founder at Testbook.com Ankur Gattani Co-founder & CEO at Frooters
  • 25. 24 EngageMint Retention Awards The EngageMint Retention Awards are an initiative by WebEngage to cele- brate individuals who have created new benchmarks of user engage- ment and retention in their respective domains. With the first edition, we will be recognising the top three retention strategists from the industry. Rising EngageMint Star Cross-channel EngageMint Superstar EngageMint CMO of the Year
  • 26. 25 Rising EngageMint Star Aniket Thakkar, VP Marketing at Coverfox Announcing Winners of EngageMint Retention Awards! EngageMint CMO of the Year! Divyang Bhardwaj, Sr. Director Marketing, Goibibo Cross-channel EngageMint Star Kushal Salecha, Business Analyst at Testbook.com
  • 27. 26 Ankur Gattani Co-founder & CEO at Frooters Avlesh Singh Co-founder & CEO at WebEngage Retention Marketing 101 Having two industry leaders host a workshop is a sure-shot way to make it a success! Valuable insights & great hands-on learning, with a dash of entertainment is what you can expect from this specially curated workshop today. Presented by Ankur Gattani, in collaboration with Avlesh Singh.
  • 28. 27 Something very special has been brewing at WebEngage HQ. Presented by Avlesh Singh, Co-founder & CEO at WebEngage, here’s what you can expect: Broadcast: Ability to Build One-to-Many Workflows AI Powered Segments, Journeys & Predictive Delivery of Campaigns Introduction of Facebook & Google Ads as Channels Benchmarks: Compare & Optimize Campaign Metrics WebEngage Next: Unveiling Ideas Brewing in our Lab!
  • 29. 28 Agenda for EngageMint 2018, Mumbai Time 9:45 am Sessions Conference Begins with Welcome Note 10:00 am Keynote: Growth is NOT Marketing, the Airbnb Theory 10:45 am Retentioneering Masterclass: The Goibibo Story 11:45 am Skyrocketing Growth via Retention: The Zomato Story 12:30 pm Fireside Chat with Rajan Anandan & Karthik Reddy 1:15 pm Lunch and Networking Session 2:00 pm Panel Discussion: Cross-channel Marketing for the New World 3:00 pm Workshop: Retention Marketing 101 4:15 pm EngageMint Retention Awards 4:35 pm WebEngage Next: Unveiling Ideas Brewing in our Lab! 5:00 pm onwards Networking Session Time Sessions
  • 30. 30 EngageMint is a flagship initiative of WebEngage. With EngageMint, we aspire to provide a platform looked upon by marketing pioneers for pure exchange of practical knowledge around retention and growth marketing and equip business leaders with fresh new ways of thinking. WebEngage, a SaaS based marketing cloud that helps consumer businesses engage and retain their existing users. It helps automate cross-channel workflows across web app, mobile, email, SMS and other digital channels with ease. About EngageMint About WebEngage www.webengage.com