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New Teacher Training & Emerging Technologies in  Our Classrooms Karen Brooks 11/4/09
Scrambling for Classroom Resources
Eight Highly Effective Habits of the 21 st  Century Teacher From  http://www.nz-interface.co.nz/articles.cfm?c_id=10&id=28 1. Adapting -  Harnessed as we are to an assessment-focused education model, the 21st century educator must be able to adapt the curriculum and the requirements to teach to the curriculum in imaginative ways. They must also be able to adapt software and hardware designed for a business model into tools to be used by a variety of age groups and abilities. They must also be able to adapt to a dynamic teaching experience. When it all goes wrong in the middle of a class, when the technologies fail, the show must go on. 2. Being visionary -  Imagination is a crucial component of the educator of today and tomorrow. They must look across the disciplines and through the curricula; they must see the potential in the emerging tools and Web technologies, grasp these and manipulate them to serve their needs. If we look at the technologies we currently see emerging, how many are developed for education? The visionary teacher can look at others’ ideas and envisage how they would use these in their class. 3. Collaborating -  Blogger, Wikispaces, Bebo, MSN, MySpace, Second life, Twitter, RSS – as an educator we must be able to leverage these collaborative tools to enhance and captivate our learners. We, too, must be collaborators; sharing, contributing, adapting and inventing. 4. Taking risks -  There’s so much to learn. How can you as an educator know all these things? You must take risks and sometimes surrender yourself to the students’ knowledge. Have a vision of what you want and what the technology can achieve, identify the goals and facilitate the learning. Use the strengths of the digital natives to understand and navigate new products, have them teach each other. Trust your students. 5. Learning  - We expect our students to be life-long learners. Teachers, must continue to absorb experiences and knowledge, as well. We must endeavour to stay current. I wonder how many people are still using their lesson and unit plans from five years ago. To be a teacher, you must learn and adapt as the horizons and landscapes change.  6. Communicating -  To have anywhere, anytime learning, the teacher must be anywhere and anytime. The 21st century teacher is fluent in tools and technologies that enable communication and collaboration. They go beyond learning just how to do it; they also know how to facilitate it, stimulate and control it, moderate and manage it. 7. Modelling behaviour  - There is an expectation that teachers will teach values, so we must model the behaviors that we expect from our students. We are often the most consistent part of their life, seeing them more often, for longer and more reliably than even their parents. The 21st century educator also models tolerance, global awareness, and reflective practice, whether it’s the quiet, personal inspection of their teaching and learning, or through blogs, twitter and other media, effective educators look both inwards and outwards. 8. Leading -  Whether they are a champion of the process of ICT integration, a quiet technology coach, the 21st century educator is a leader. Like clear goals and objectives, leadership is crucial to the success or failure of any project.
Teaching in Virtual Worlds Online  Learning 24/7  Resource Center Mobile Learning iPod Cart Web 2.0 Gaming Social Networking
Virtual Worlds and Gaming
What is a Virtual World? MUVE  (plural MUVEs) refers to online, multi-user virtual environments, sometimes called virtual worlds. an extension of our real world that exists only online. A virtual world is a computer-based simulated environment intended for its users to inhabit and interact via avatars. What are some big MUVEs?
Game Based Learning Theory   http://serc.carleton.edu/introgeo/games/   Game based learning (GBL) is a branch of serious games that deals with applications that have defined learning outcomes. It uses simulation and MUVEs as the teaching tool. GBL uses competitive exercises, either pitting the students against each other or getting them to challenge themselves in order to motivate them to learn better. Games often have a fantasy element that engages players in a learning activity through a storyline. In order to create a truly educational game, the instructor needs to make sure that learning the material is essential to scoring and winning.
Why use GBL? Motivates students to learn  Immerses them in the material so they learn more effectively  Encourages them to learn from their mistakes It uses environments they consider fun and are currently using. Computers that gaming can be used are becoming more economical. More gaming platforms are becoming web-based.
Trends in Virtual Worlds Increase in 5-15 year olds who use Virtual Worlds in 2009 Increase in girls using Virtual Worlds in 2009 An explosion of Virtual Worlds on the Internet in 2008 Teen-focused virtual worlds are huge.
How Are Kids Currently Using Virtual Worlds?
Lively by Google http://www.lively.com/dr?rid=816945116627555151
So How Can They Be Educational?
They can visit places in virtual worlds that they are learning about in class and may  never get the chance to see in real life. http://www.beyondspaceandtime.org/FCBSTWeb/web/index.html#link =
They can work collaboratively in virtual world using problem based learning to solve  real life problems as in Harvard’s River City project. http://muve.gse.harvard.edu/rivercityproject/
http://muveb.gse.harvard.edu/~muvers/rivercityvideos/H264%20web/RC%20Project-pro-RC%20Full%20Sequence.mov More Videos:  http://muve.gse.harvard.edu/rivercityproject/view/rc_videos.html
They can develop virtual worlds for their own learning experiences and to teach others. http://teen.secondlife.com/
The Pioneer School District in Teen SL.  http://rampoislands.blogspot.com/ http://rampoislands.blogspot.com/
Active Worlds   http://www.activeworlds.com/edu/
Active Worlds – Cornell University Active Worlds –  http://www.activeworlds.com/ Current Participants -  http://edu.activeworlds.com/participants/index.html   Self-Guided –   http://edu.activeworlds.com/tour/worlds.html Monthly Newsletter – http://www.activeworlds.com/newsletter/1009/index.html
Other Virtual Worlds to Explore They may be educational or social http://www.virtualworldsreview.com/info/categories.shtml   http://www.zanpo.com/  Create a Virtual City http://www.byond.com/games/  Can create your own games – 2D http://www.myminilife.com/  Create your own mini life – social network http://www.multiverse.net/index.html
Simulations to Check Out for Education http://www.mcvideogame.com/index-eng.html  Run the McDonalds Company http://www.3rdworldfarmer.com/  Third World Farmer http://www.electrocity.co.nz/  Build a City – it needs a Mayor http://www.digital-humans.org/main.htm  Virtual Soldier http://www.socialstudiescentral.com/?q=node/88  SS Simulations http://www.globalisland.nu/pages_intro/en/index.php?lang=en  Global Island http://www.chemcollective.org/applets/vlab.php  ChemCollective
Continued Using Virtual Worlds to create lessons -  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Math_Girl http://www.eduweb.com/portfolio/designsatellite/  Design Your Own Satellite Social Studies Games  http://www.playinghistory.org   Lure of the Labyrinth -  http://labyrinth.thinkport.org/www/
Teaching in Virtual Worlds Online  Learning 24/7  Resource Center Mobile Learning iPod Cart Web 2.0 Gaming Social Networking
iPod and the Classroom AKA: iPod Learning Labs Enrollment Code: 2009
FREE Applications (APPS) Classroom Response Systems - polling file Using iTouch as a Name Tag file WhiteBoard file Dictionary file Comic Touch for pictures file Talking Heads file Math Drills file Sum It Up file Common Sense by Thomas Paine file Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin file Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Anderson file Constitution file Chemical Touch - Lite Edition file Periodic Table file World Wiki file Wiki Quiz on Popular Culture file U.S. Presidents file Password and Data Vault file Evernote file Basic Math file Mathematical Formulas file ABC Pocket Phonics file Vocabulary Exam Builder file Vocal Zoo file Write Now iSeismometer file Stars file History - Maps of the World file The 3D Brain file Equation Solver file Essay Writing Wizard file Legal Aid Videos - Police Interaction file My Schedule file School Organizer file Study Pacer file Stick Boy Piano file Finger Piano Lite file Learn SMART Medical Terminology file Touch Calculator - Scientific file Talk Recorder file Classic Hangman file Shakespeare file Classics to go lite file World Traffic Cameras file Compass file iSpy Camera's file Flashlight file Offender Locator file Stanley Level file Units of Measurement file Google Earth file DropBox file Fountain pen file Write Now
Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68KgAcx_9jU   Trend -   http://www.wirenode.com/
Teaching in Virtual Worlds Online  Learning 24/7  Resource Center Mobile Learning iPod Cart Web 2.0 Gaming Social Networking
Social Networks Social network sites (SNSs) such as such as Facebook, CyWorld, and MySpace allow individuals to present themselves, articulate their social networks, and establish or maintain connections with others.  This is especially true in business and education.
An Overview of Facebook Created in 2004, by 2007 Facebook was reported to have more than 21 million registered members generating 1.6 billion page views each day (Needham & Company, 2007). The site is tightly integrated into the daily media practices of its users: The typical user spends about 20 minutes a day on the site, and two-thirds of users log in at least once a day (Cassidy, 2006; Needham & Company, 2007).
The Effects of Computer-Mediated Teacher Self-Disclosure on Student Motivation, Affective Learning, and Classroom Climate Communication Education , Volume 56, Number 1, January 2007 , pp. 1-17(17)   Participants who accessed the Facebook website of a teacher high in self-disclosure anticipated higher levels of motivation and affective learning and a more positive classroom climate.  Study offers recommendations for teachers regarding the use of Facebook and other weblog services.
Facebook – Pros and Cons Professional Use – Some people have a personal and professional account. Professional samples: Jane Hart Kathy Schrock Karen Vitek Karen Brooks Cons – can be seen by the number of teachers suspended from work and or terminated because of postings. http://www.delicious.com/dembe01/facebook
Teaching in Virtual Worlds Online  Learning 24/7  Resource Center Mobile Learning iPod Cart Web 2.0 Gaming Social Networking
Resources Math –  http://delicious.com/dembe01/math Science -  http://delicious.com/dembe01/science SS  http://delicious.com/dembe01/ss ELA -  http://delicious.com/dembe01/ELA Web2.0 -  http://delicious.com/dembe01/web20   New and Cool Sites http://tell.schoolwires.net/16621065151648627/blank/browse.asp?A=383&BMDRN=2000&BCOB=0&C=55162
Technology Use  Developed by K. Brooks
Results 18-20  – You technologically totally understand your students and are on the same page. 15-18  – You are a technology pioneer in your school and people probably come to you for support 10-14  – You use technology, but require assistance and new technologies scare you. Under 10  – You are computer literate, but do not like using technology in your classroom.
Some Great Sites to Know About http://www.xtranormal.com http://www.wolframalpha.com/   http://storybird.com/ http://www.voki.com http://www.chacha.com http://www.kgb.com http://www.zoho.com http://moodle.ucboces.org http://www.jogtheweb.com http://www.voicethread.com
Where to find Web2.0 Cool Web Tools for the Classroom Top Learning Tools for 2009 Must Know Web2.0  2008-2009 Web 2.0 Directory All My Faves
24/7 Resource Center – Looking at a few in different stages For both teachers and students – iPod in the Classroom Resource Center 8 th  Grade English -    http://www.newpaltz.k12.ny.us/1563201114112625443/site/default.asp 10 th  Grade English -  http://www.newpaltz.k12.ny.us/1563201114112619317/blank/browse.asp?A=383&BMDRN=2000&BCOB=0&C=56841
8 th  Grade SS -  http://www.newpaltz.k12.ny.us/1563201114112621910/site/default.asp 8 th  Grade Math -  http://www.newpaltz.k12.ny.us/1563201114112618647/site/default.asp
Must Know Resources 2 cents worth by David Warlick CogDogBlog by Alan Levine CoolCatTeacher by Viki Davis EdTechTalk Podcasts EDU Blog by Ewen McIntosh Educational Technology Jane's E-Pick of the Day by Jane Hart LeaderTalk by School Admin Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer ReadWriteWeb TechSavvyEducator by Ben Rimes Weblogg-ed by Will Richardson http://www.karenbrooksucboces.blogspot.com http://www.delicious.com   http://oedb.org/blogs/ilibrarian/ http://www.slideshare.net/kbrooks http://www.wikispaces.com/site/for/teachers
Contact me with question:  [email_address] Presentation at  http://www.slideshare.net/kbrooks

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Emerging Technologies For New Teachers

  • 1. New Teacher Training & Emerging Technologies in Our Classrooms Karen Brooks 11/4/09
  • 3. Eight Highly Effective Habits of the 21 st Century Teacher From http://www.nz-interface.co.nz/articles.cfm?c_id=10&id=28 1. Adapting - Harnessed as we are to an assessment-focused education model, the 21st century educator must be able to adapt the curriculum and the requirements to teach to the curriculum in imaginative ways. They must also be able to adapt software and hardware designed for a business model into tools to be used by a variety of age groups and abilities. They must also be able to adapt to a dynamic teaching experience. When it all goes wrong in the middle of a class, when the technologies fail, the show must go on. 2. Being visionary - Imagination is a crucial component of the educator of today and tomorrow. They must look across the disciplines and through the curricula; they must see the potential in the emerging tools and Web technologies, grasp these and manipulate them to serve their needs. If we look at the technologies we currently see emerging, how many are developed for education? The visionary teacher can look at others’ ideas and envisage how they would use these in their class. 3. Collaborating - Blogger, Wikispaces, Bebo, MSN, MySpace, Second life, Twitter, RSS – as an educator we must be able to leverage these collaborative tools to enhance and captivate our learners. We, too, must be collaborators; sharing, contributing, adapting and inventing. 4. Taking risks - There’s so much to learn. How can you as an educator know all these things? You must take risks and sometimes surrender yourself to the students’ knowledge. Have a vision of what you want and what the technology can achieve, identify the goals and facilitate the learning. Use the strengths of the digital natives to understand and navigate new products, have them teach each other. Trust your students. 5. Learning - We expect our students to be life-long learners. Teachers, must continue to absorb experiences and knowledge, as well. We must endeavour to stay current. I wonder how many people are still using their lesson and unit plans from five years ago. To be a teacher, you must learn and adapt as the horizons and landscapes change. 6. Communicating - To have anywhere, anytime learning, the teacher must be anywhere and anytime. The 21st century teacher is fluent in tools and technologies that enable communication and collaboration. They go beyond learning just how to do it; they also know how to facilitate it, stimulate and control it, moderate and manage it. 7. Modelling behaviour - There is an expectation that teachers will teach values, so we must model the behaviors that we expect from our students. We are often the most consistent part of their life, seeing them more often, for longer and more reliably than even their parents. The 21st century educator also models tolerance, global awareness, and reflective practice, whether it’s the quiet, personal inspection of their teaching and learning, or through blogs, twitter and other media, effective educators look both inwards and outwards. 8. Leading - Whether they are a champion of the process of ICT integration, a quiet technology coach, the 21st century educator is a leader. Like clear goals and objectives, leadership is crucial to the success or failure of any project.
  • 5. Teaching in Virtual Worlds Online Learning 24/7 Resource Center Mobile Learning iPod Cart Web 2.0 Gaming Social Networking
  • 8. What is a Virtual World? MUVE (plural MUVEs) refers to online, multi-user virtual environments, sometimes called virtual worlds. an extension of our real world that exists only online. A virtual world is a computer-based simulated environment intended for its users to inhabit and interact via avatars. What are some big MUVEs?
  • 9. Game Based Learning Theory http://serc.carleton.edu/introgeo/games/ Game based learning (GBL) is a branch of serious games that deals with applications that have defined learning outcomes. It uses simulation and MUVEs as the teaching tool. GBL uses competitive exercises, either pitting the students against each other or getting them to challenge themselves in order to motivate them to learn better. Games often have a fantasy element that engages players in a learning activity through a storyline. In order to create a truly educational game, the instructor needs to make sure that learning the material is essential to scoring and winning.
  • 10. Why use GBL? Motivates students to learn Immerses them in the material so they learn more effectively Encourages them to learn from their mistakes It uses environments they consider fun and are currently using. Computers that gaming can be used are becoming more economical. More gaming platforms are becoming web-based.
  • 11.  
  • 12. Trends in Virtual Worlds Increase in 5-15 year olds who use Virtual Worlds in 2009 Increase in girls using Virtual Worlds in 2009 An explosion of Virtual Worlds on the Internet in 2008 Teen-focused virtual worlds are huge.
  • 13. How Are Kids Currently Using Virtual Worlds?
  • 14. Lively by Google http://www.lively.com/dr?rid=816945116627555151
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  • 43. So How Can They Be Educational?
  • 44. They can visit places in virtual worlds that they are learning about in class and may never get the chance to see in real life. http://www.beyondspaceandtime.org/FCBSTWeb/web/index.html#link =
  • 46. They can work collaboratively in virtual world using problem based learning to solve real life problems as in Harvard’s River City project. http://muve.gse.harvard.edu/rivercityproject/
  • 48. They can develop virtual worlds for their own learning experiences and to teach others. http://teen.secondlife.com/
  • 50. The Pioneer School District in Teen SL. http://rampoislands.blogspot.com/ http://rampoislands.blogspot.com/
  • 51. Active Worlds http://www.activeworlds.com/edu/
  • 52. Active Worlds – Cornell University Active Worlds – http://www.activeworlds.com/ Current Participants - http://edu.activeworlds.com/participants/index.html Self-Guided – http://edu.activeworlds.com/tour/worlds.html Monthly Newsletter – http://www.activeworlds.com/newsletter/1009/index.html
  • 54. Other Virtual Worlds to Explore They may be educational or social http://www.virtualworldsreview.com/info/categories.shtml http://www.zanpo.com/ Create a Virtual City http://www.byond.com/games/ Can create your own games – 2D http://www.myminilife.com/ Create your own mini life – social network http://www.multiverse.net/index.html
  • 55. Simulations to Check Out for Education http://www.mcvideogame.com/index-eng.html Run the McDonalds Company http://www.3rdworldfarmer.com/ Third World Farmer http://www.electrocity.co.nz/ Build a City – it needs a Mayor http://www.digital-humans.org/main.htm Virtual Soldier http://www.socialstudiescentral.com/?q=node/88 SS Simulations http://www.globalisland.nu/pages_intro/en/index.php?lang=en Global Island http://www.chemcollective.org/applets/vlab.php ChemCollective
  • 56. Continued Using Virtual Worlds to create lessons - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Math_Girl http://www.eduweb.com/portfolio/designsatellite/ Design Your Own Satellite Social Studies Games http://www.playinghistory.org Lure of the Labyrinth - http://labyrinth.thinkport.org/www/
  • 57. Teaching in Virtual Worlds Online Learning 24/7 Resource Center Mobile Learning iPod Cart Web 2.0 Gaming Social Networking
  • 58. iPod and the Classroom AKA: iPod Learning Labs Enrollment Code: 2009
  • 59. FREE Applications (APPS) Classroom Response Systems - polling file Using iTouch as a Name Tag file WhiteBoard file Dictionary file Comic Touch for pictures file Talking Heads file Math Drills file Sum It Up file Common Sense by Thomas Paine file Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin file Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Anderson file Constitution file Chemical Touch - Lite Edition file Periodic Table file World Wiki file Wiki Quiz on Popular Culture file U.S. Presidents file Password and Data Vault file Evernote file Basic Math file Mathematical Formulas file ABC Pocket Phonics file Vocabulary Exam Builder file Vocal Zoo file Write Now iSeismometer file Stars file History - Maps of the World file The 3D Brain file Equation Solver file Essay Writing Wizard file Legal Aid Videos - Police Interaction file My Schedule file School Organizer file Study Pacer file Stick Boy Piano file Finger Piano Lite file Learn SMART Medical Terminology file Touch Calculator - Scientific file Talk Recorder file Classic Hangman file Shakespeare file Classics to go lite file World Traffic Cameras file Compass file iSpy Camera's file Flashlight file Offender Locator file Stanley Level file Units of Measurement file Google Earth file DropBox file Fountain pen file Write Now
  • 60. Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68KgAcx_9jU Trend - http://www.wirenode.com/
  • 61. Teaching in Virtual Worlds Online Learning 24/7 Resource Center Mobile Learning iPod Cart Web 2.0 Gaming Social Networking
  • 62. Social Networks Social network sites (SNSs) such as such as Facebook, CyWorld, and MySpace allow individuals to present themselves, articulate their social networks, and establish or maintain connections with others. This is especially true in business and education.
  • 63. An Overview of Facebook Created in 2004, by 2007 Facebook was reported to have more than 21 million registered members generating 1.6 billion page views each day (Needham & Company, 2007). The site is tightly integrated into the daily media practices of its users: The typical user spends about 20 minutes a day on the site, and two-thirds of users log in at least once a day (Cassidy, 2006; Needham & Company, 2007).
  • 64. The Effects of Computer-Mediated Teacher Self-Disclosure on Student Motivation, Affective Learning, and Classroom Climate Communication Education , Volume 56, Number 1, January 2007 , pp. 1-17(17) Participants who accessed the Facebook website of a teacher high in self-disclosure anticipated higher levels of motivation and affective learning and a more positive classroom climate. Study offers recommendations for teachers regarding the use of Facebook and other weblog services.
  • 65. Facebook – Pros and Cons Professional Use – Some people have a personal and professional account. Professional samples: Jane Hart Kathy Schrock Karen Vitek Karen Brooks Cons – can be seen by the number of teachers suspended from work and or terminated because of postings. http://www.delicious.com/dembe01/facebook
  • 66. Teaching in Virtual Worlds Online Learning 24/7 Resource Center Mobile Learning iPod Cart Web 2.0 Gaming Social Networking
  • 68. Resources Math – http://delicious.com/dembe01/math Science - http://delicious.com/dembe01/science SS http://delicious.com/dembe01/ss ELA - http://delicious.com/dembe01/ELA Web2.0 - http://delicious.com/dembe01/web20 New and Cool Sites http://tell.schoolwires.net/16621065151648627/blank/browse.asp?A=383&BMDRN=2000&BCOB=0&C=55162
  • 69. Technology Use Developed by K. Brooks
  • 70. Results 18-20 – You technologically totally understand your students and are on the same page. 15-18 – You are a technology pioneer in your school and people probably come to you for support 10-14 – You use technology, but require assistance and new technologies scare you. Under 10 – You are computer literate, but do not like using technology in your classroom.
  • 71.  
  • 72. Some Great Sites to Know About http://www.xtranormal.com http://www.wolframalpha.com/ http://storybird.com/ http://www.voki.com http://www.chacha.com http://www.kgb.com http://www.zoho.com http://moodle.ucboces.org http://www.jogtheweb.com http://www.voicethread.com
  • 73. Where to find Web2.0 Cool Web Tools for the Classroom Top Learning Tools for 2009 Must Know Web2.0 2008-2009 Web 2.0 Directory All My Faves
  • 74. 24/7 Resource Center – Looking at a few in different stages For both teachers and students – iPod in the Classroom Resource Center 8 th Grade English - http://www.newpaltz.k12.ny.us/1563201114112625443/site/default.asp 10 th Grade English - http://www.newpaltz.k12.ny.us/1563201114112619317/blank/browse.asp?A=383&BMDRN=2000&BCOB=0&C=56841
  • 75. 8 th Grade SS - http://www.newpaltz.k12.ny.us/1563201114112621910/site/default.asp 8 th Grade Math - http://www.newpaltz.k12.ny.us/1563201114112618647/site/default.asp
  • 76. Must Know Resources 2 cents worth by David Warlick CogDogBlog by Alan Levine CoolCatTeacher by Viki Davis EdTechTalk Podcasts EDU Blog by Ewen McIntosh Educational Technology Jane's E-Pick of the Day by Jane Hart LeaderTalk by School Admin Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer ReadWriteWeb TechSavvyEducator by Ben Rimes Weblogg-ed by Will Richardson http://www.karenbrooksucboces.blogspot.com http://www.delicious.com http://oedb.org/blogs/ilibrarian/ http://www.slideshare.net/kbrooks http://www.wikispaces.com/site/for/teachers
  • 77. Contact me with question: [email_address] Presentation at http://www.slideshare.net/kbrooks