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Warren Kidd

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Putting the 'learning' in

The use of web, mobile
and digital technologies
  to enhance learning
      and teaching
Confusion 1

Why do we spend a lot of time supporting
literacy and numeracy – but take „netracy‟
for granted?
Confusion 2
Why do we ask learners to put away mobile
phones/ smart phones while we often moan
that we do not teach in classrooms with PCs
when we need them or have to wait for ages
to book the college‟s suite of laptops?
Confusion 3
Without supporting netracy why do we then
bemoan and criticize students who „cut and
paste‟ their way around an ever growing and
confusing online world?
Confusion 4
Why do we have written exams? At what
point in learners‟ lives will they ever have to
write like that, for that block of time?...
Confusion 5
… and … why do exam boards then take
written scripts and scan them in and
digitalize them for markers to share?
• Social media         • Micro blogging

• Social bookmarking   • Podcasting

• Weblogs              • Folksonomies

• Wiki                 • Collaborative filtering

• Social networking    • Web2.0

• Cloud computing      • Web3.0

• Tag clouds
Where is the profession with all this?

“The lack of pedagogical guidance about
integrating tools for collaboration and
communication into one‟s classroom or
training session leaves educators across
educational settings with mounting
dilemmas and confusion.”

Bonk, C. J. and Cunningham, D. J. (1998) URL:
“Homo Zappiens represents a generation that
was born with a PC mouse in its hands
and a computer screen as a window to the
world. This generation has grown up with
technology and learns through computer
screens, icons, sound, games, exploration, qu
estioning others, and show non-linear learning
behaviour…Homo Zappiens have learnt to deal
with information overload by clicking and
Prof. Wim Veen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Who are you?
    Who are your learners?

Digital natives?

Digital immigrants?

Are there other options?
Today‟s students have not just changed
incrementally from those of the past, nor simply
changed their slang, clothes, body adornments,
or styles, as has happened between generations
previously. A really big discontinuity has taken
place. One might even call it a “singularity” – an
event which changes things so fundamentally
that there is absolutely no going back. This so-
called “singularity” is the arrival and rapid
dissemination of digital technology in the last
decades of the 20th century.
(Prensky, M 2001 From On the Horizon (MCB University Press, Vol. 9 No. 5, October 2001)
“ What should we call these “new” students of today?
Some refer to them as the N-[for Net]-gen or D-[for
digital]-gen. But the most useful designation I have found
for them is Digital Natives. Our students today are all
“native speakers” of the digital language of
computers, video games and the Internet.
So what does that make the rest of us? Those of us who
were not born into the digital world but have, at some
later point in our lives, become fascinated by and
adopted many or most aspects of the new technology
are, and always will be compared to them, Digital

(Prensky, M 2001 From On the Horizon (MCB University Press, Vol. 9 No. 5, October 2001)
2 constructions of childhood
Childhood 1                  Childhood 2
• Construction of children   • Children as expert users.
  as in need of safety.      • Children surpassing adults
• To be protected from the     and teachers as digitally
  dangers of adults in an      competent.
  online world.              • (Uncomfortable) Re-
                               positioning of
                               teachers/parents/adults as
                             • Children as agents of
                             • Adults (teachers?) being left
Where are you with this?

How much are you a digital immigrant?

• What technology can you not live without?
• What technology scares and confuses you?
• What would you like to do/use, but
  havent/cant/dont think you can?
• What technology seduces you the most?

Activity: 3-5 minutes.
Elearning session for Secondary PGCE and GTP trainees
Elearning session for Secondary PGCE and GTP trainees
Can you provide a definition of the
term „e-learning‟?

Activity: 3 minutes
How much do we already know/use?

Define the key terms provided on the next slide.

TIP: say what they are (what they „do‟); not
examples (unless you have to)

Activity: 5 minutes
Delicious          Asynchronous
Tag                Bubbl.us
VLE                RSS feed
MLE                Drop box
Ning               Google.doc
Yammer             Vodcast
Wimbar             M Learning
Google Jockeying   Poll
Wordle             Rich media
Synchronous        Facebook
„backchanneling‟   Avatar
The „Flipped
E-Learning 2.0?
• The term e-Learning 2.0 is used to refer to new ways of
  thinking about e-learning inspired by the emergence of
  Web2.0 technologies and platforms and the rise of social
• This new e-learning places increased emphasis on
  social learning and use of social networking and social
  software such as blogs, wikis, podcasts and virtual
  worlds such as second life.
• elearning?

• M-learning?

• Blended learning?

• Ubiquitous learning?
Elearning session for Secondary PGCE and GTP trainees
Carr, 1999:
 “Without appropriate pedagogy, use of
 high capacity communication services
 cannot provide significant improvements in
 learning outcomes. In general, it is the
 pedagogy that provides for learning, not
 the technology or the software alone.”

Carr, J. (1990) The Future is already Here. URL: http://www.educationau.edu.au/archieves/Broadband/Report.htm
2009 OfSTED report

„Virtual learning environments: an evaluation
of their development in a sample of
educational settings‟
Virtually no
See the 31 resources and activities here:


 22 things to explore in the above post…
… and a further 9 more in this one below…

1 of 12 Bit.ly

2 of 12 Wordle

3 of 12 Text2mind

4 of 12 AudioBoo

5 of 12 SoundCloud

6 of 12 Delicious

7 of 12 Yammer

8 of 12 kaywa

9 of 12 Spiderscribe

10 of 12 Bubbl.us

11 of 12 Interloc

12 of 12 Pininterest

You are required to produce a
written answer to the following

Identify and critically evaluate the
adoption of a new or emerging
technology to enhance learning in
the classroom or beyond.
This module seeks to extend
your knowledge of New and
Emerging Technologies and
how these might be used to
develop and enhance
teaching and learning in
your professional context.
For the purpose of this assignment, „New and Emerging Technologies‟
might be considered to include a wide range of Mobile, Online and
Web2.0 tools and platforms:

•Learning platforms (MLE/VLE e.g. Moodle or Fronter which are        similar
to UEL Plus but used by many schools)
•Mobile technologies
•Survey software (e.g. surveymonkey)
•Social Bookmarking (e.g. Diigo)
•RSS (using aggregators such as Google Reader)
•Wikis (e.g. pbworks)
•Google docs
•Video conferencing
•Performance Analysis software
•Digital cameras
•Blogs (e.g. Edublog) and microblogging (e.g. Yammer)
•Music technologies

...and there will be many others that could be added to this list.
The „new and emerging technology‟ in
question that you chose to focus upon for
this assignment could be a piece of
hardware (such as a video camera or a
mobile/smart phone), a Web2.0 tool (such
as a wiki or a blog), an online managed
environment/platform (such as a Virtual
Learning Environment (VLE)) or a form of
connectivity (such as the use of Geo-
Tagging or Really Simple Syndication
(RSS) feeds).
Beetham and Sharpe (2007)

          “Pedagogy before
Beetham, H. and Sharpe, R. (2007) Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age: Designing and Delivering e-Learning.
London: Routledge.

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Elearning session for Secondary PGCE and GTP trainees

  • 1. Warren Kidd Follow me… Allthingspcet @ Twitter see my blog – Google my name and „allthingsteachereducation‟ -
  • 2. Putting the 'learning' in elearning: The use of web, mobile and digital technologies to enhance learning and teaching
  • 3. Confusion 1 Why do we spend a lot of time supporting literacy and numeracy – but take „netracy‟ for granted?
  • 4. Confusion 2 Why do we ask learners to put away mobile phones/ smart phones while we often moan that we do not teach in classrooms with PCs when we need them or have to wait for ages to book the college‟s suite of laptops?
  • 5. Confusion 3 Without supporting netracy why do we then bemoan and criticize students who „cut and paste‟ their way around an ever growing and confusing online world?
  • 6. Confusion 4 Why do we have written exams? At what point in learners‟ lives will they ever have to write like that, for that block of time?...
  • 7. Confusion 5 … and … why do exam boards then take written scripts and scan them in and digitalize them for markers to share?
  • 8. • Social media • Micro blogging • Social bookmarking • Podcasting • Weblogs • Folksonomies • Wiki • Collaborative filtering • Social networking • Web2.0 • Cloud computing • Web3.0 • Tag clouds
  • 9. Where is the profession with all this? “The lack of pedagogical guidance about integrating tools for collaboration and communication into one‟s classroom or training session leaves educators across educational settings with mounting dilemmas and confusion.” Bonk, C. J. and Cunningham, D. J. (1998) URL: http://www.vpaa.uillinois.edu/tid/report/tid_report.html
  • 10. HOMO ZAPPIENS “Homo Zappiens represents a generation that was born with a PC mouse in its hands and a computer screen as a window to the world. This generation has grown up with technology and learns through computer screens, icons, sound, games, exploration, qu estioning others, and show non-linear learning behaviour…Homo Zappiens have learnt to deal with information overload by clicking and zapping.” Prof. Wim Veen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • 11. Who are you? Who are your learners? Digital natives? Digital immigrants? Are there other options?
  • 12. Today‟s students have not just changed incrementally from those of the past, nor simply changed their slang, clothes, body adornments, or styles, as has happened between generations previously. A really big discontinuity has taken place. One might even call it a “singularity” – an event which changes things so fundamentally that there is absolutely no going back. This so- called “singularity” is the arrival and rapid dissemination of digital technology in the last decades of the 20th century. (Prensky, M 2001 From On the Horizon (MCB University Press, Vol. 9 No. 5, October 2001) http://www.marcprensky.com/writing/prensky%20-%20digital%20natives,%20digital%20immigrants%20-%20part1.pdf
  • 13. “ What should we call these “new” students of today? Some refer to them as the N-[for Net]-gen or D-[for digital]-gen. But the most useful designation I have found for them is Digital Natives. Our students today are all “native speakers” of the digital language of computers, video games and the Internet. So what does that make the rest of us? Those of us who were not born into the digital world but have, at some later point in our lives, become fascinated by and adopted many or most aspects of the new technology are, and always will be compared to them, Digital Immigrants.” (Prensky, M 2001 From On the Horizon (MCB University Press, Vol. 9 No. 5, October 2001) http://www.marcprensky.com/writing/prensky%20-%20digital%20natives,%20digital%20immigrants%20-%20part1.pdf
  • 14. 2 constructions of childhood Childhood 1 Childhood 2 • Construction of children • Children as expert users. as in need of safety. • Children surpassing adults • To be protected from the and teachers as digitally dangers of adults in an competent. online world. • (Uncomfortable) Re- positioning of teachers/parents/adults as learners. • Children as agents of change? • Adults (teachers?) being left behind?
  • 16. Where are you with this? How much are you a digital immigrant? • What technology can you not live without? • What technology scares and confuses you? • What would you like to do/use, but havent/cant/dont think you can? • What technology seduces you the most? Activity: 3-5 minutes.
  • 20. Task Can you provide a definition of the term „e-learning‟? Activity: 3 minutes
  • 21. Task How much do we already know/use? Define the key terms provided on the next slide. TIP: say what they are (what they „do‟); not examples (unless you have to) Activity: 5 minutes
  • 22. Delicious Asynchronous Tag Bubbl.us VLE RSS feed MLE Drop box Ning Google.doc Yammer Vodcast Wimbar M Learning Google Jockeying Poll Wordle Rich media Synchronous Facebook „backchanneling‟ Avatar AudioBoo Prezi
  • 24. E-Learning 2.0? • The term e-Learning 2.0 is used to refer to new ways of thinking about e-learning inspired by the emergence of Web2.0 technologies and platforms and the rise of social media. • This new e-learning places increased emphasis on social learning and use of social networking and social software such as blogs, wikis, podcasts and virtual worlds such as second life.
  • 26. • elearning? • M-learning? • Blended learning? • Ubiquitous learning?
  • 28. Warnings Carr, 1999: “Without appropriate pedagogy, use of high capacity communication services cannot provide significant improvements in learning outcomes. In general, it is the pedagogy that provides for learning, not the technology or the software alone.” Carr, J. (1990) The Future is already Here. URL: http://www.educationau.edu.au/archieves/Broadband/Report.htm
  • 29. 2009 OfSTED report „Virtual learning environments: an evaluation of their development in a sample of educational settings‟
  • 31. See the 31 resources and activities here: http://allthingsteachereducation.blogspot.c o.uk/2012/10/elearning-ideas.html 22 things to explore in the above post… … and a further 9 more in this one below… http://allthingsteachereducation.blogspot.co. uk/2013/01/further-elearning-ideas- another-9.html
  • 32. 1 of 12 Bit.ly https://bitly.com/
  • 33. 2 of 12 Wordle http://www.wordle.net/
  • 34. 3 of 12 Text2mind http://www.text2mindmap.com/
  • 35. 4 of 12 AudioBoo http://audioboo.fm/
  • 36. 5 of 12 SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/
  • 37. 6 of 12 Delicious http://delicious.com/
  • 38. 7 of 12 Yammer https://www.yammer.com/
  • 39. 8 of 12 kaywa http://qrcode.kaywa.com/
  • 40. 9 of 12 Spiderscribe http://www.spiderscribe.net/
  • 41. 10 of 12 Bubbl.us https://bubbl.us/
  • 42. 11 of 12 Interloc http://www.interloc.org.uk/index.htm
  • 43. 12 of 12 Pininterest http://pinterest.com/
  • 44. You are required to produce a written answer to the following question: Identify and critically evaluate the adoption of a new or emerging technology to enhance learning in the classroom or beyond.
  • 45. This module seeks to extend your knowledge of New and Emerging Technologies and how these might be used to develop and enhance teaching and learning in your professional context.
  • 46. For the purpose of this assignment, „New and Emerging Technologies‟ might be considered to include a wide range of Mobile, Online and Web2.0 tools and platforms: •Learning platforms (MLE/VLE e.g. Moodle or Fronter which are similar to UEL Plus but used by many schools) •Mobile technologies •Podcasts •Survey software (e.g. surveymonkey) •Social Bookmarking (e.g. Diigo) •RSS (using aggregators such as Google Reader) •Wikis (e.g. pbworks) •Google docs •Video conferencing •Performance Analysis software •Digital cameras •Blogs (e.g. Edublog) and microblogging (e.g. Yammer) •Gaming •Music technologies •GPS ...and there will be many others that could be added to this list.
  • 47. The „new and emerging technology‟ in question that you chose to focus upon for this assignment could be a piece of hardware (such as a video camera or a mobile/smart phone), a Web2.0 tool (such as a wiki or a blog), an online managed environment/platform (such as a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)) or a form of connectivity (such as the use of Geo- Tagging or Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds).
  • 48. Beetham and Sharpe (2007) “Pedagogy before technology” Beetham, H. and Sharpe, R. (2007) Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age: Designing and Delivering e-Learning. London: Routledge.