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Building your E-Portfolio: Web 2.0 and social networking tools (plus mobiles)Dr. Helen BarrettEIFEL ConferenceJuly 11, 2011electronicportfolios.org/slideshare.net/eportfolios/Hashtag: #eportfoliosAccount: @eportfolios
Key Concepts in WorkshopWhat? Context & DefinitionsWhy? Purpose ReflectionIdentity DevelopmentOnline BrandingHow? ToolsWeb 2.0 ToolsMobile DevicesQ & A
What are Interactive Portfolios?Portfolios using Web 2.0 tools to:  reflect on learning in multiple formats
 showcase work online to multiple audiences
 dialogue about learning artifacts/reflections
 provide feedback to improve learning Golden Circle        What?How?Why?4
Audio • Video • Text • ImagesWHAT?Digital RepositoryElectronic PortfolioSocial NetworksWorkspaceShowcaseReflective Journal
ResponsibilitiesSpecialty CasePortfolioOne Word, Many MeaningsWorkspaceShowcaseInvestmentsArt WorkCollection of Artifacts
Who was the first famous “folio” keeper?Definitions
Leonardo da Vinci’s Folio
What is a Portfolio?Dictionary definition: a flat, portable case for carrying loose papers, drawings, etc.Financial portfolio: document accumulation of fiscal capitalEducational portfolio: document development of human capital
+Electronicdigital artifacts organized online combining various media (audio/video/text/images) interactivity/conversation/feedback
Electronic Portfolios almost two decades (since 1991)used primarily in education to store documents reflect on learningfeedback for improvement showcase achievements for accountability or employment
Social networks last five years store documents and share experiences, showcase accomplishments, communicate and collaborate facilitate employment searches
Boundaries Blurring (between e-portfolios & social networks)Structured Accountability Systems?  or…Lifelong interactive portfoliosPicasaMash-upsFacebookFlickrblogsYouTubeNingwikisTwitter
Process/ProductePortfoliois both process and product”
Process: A series of events (time and effort) to produce a result- From Old French procesJourney
Product: the outcome/results or “thinginess” of an activity/processDestination
WiktionaryPortfolio as WorkspacePortfolio as Showcase
ProcessesSocial NetworkingConnect(“Friending”)Listen(Reading)Respond(Commenting)Share(linking/tagging)PortfolioCollectionSelectionReflectionDirection/GoalsPresentationFeedbackTechnologyArchivingLinking/ThinkingDigital Storytelling  Collaborating  Publishing15
Discuss!What are the Engagement Factors in Social networks?How can we build those factors into e-portfolios?
E-Portfolio ComponentsMultiple Portfolios for Multiple Purposes-Celebrating Learning-Personal Planning-Transition/entry to courses-Employment applications-Accountability/Assessment
Multiple Tools to Support Processes-Capturing & storing evidence-Reflecting-Giving & receiving feedback-Planning & setting goals-Collaborating-Presenting to an audience
Digital Repository(Becta, 2007; JISC, 2008)
Lifelong Context for ePortfolios
Multiple Purposes from Hidden AssumptionsWhat are yours?• Showcase • Assessment • Learning •http://www.rsc-northwest.ac.uk/acl/eMagArchive/RSCeMag2008/choosing%20an%20eportfolio/cool-cartoon-346082.png
Digital IdentityCreating a positive digital footprint
PurposeThe overarching purpose of portfolios is to create a sense of personal ownership over one’s accomplishments, because ownership engenders feelings of pride, responsibility, and dedication. (p.10)Paris, S & Ayres, L. (1994) Becoming Reflective Students and Teachers. American Psychological Association
Passion and Self-Directed LearningLisa Nielsen’s “The Innovative Educator” blog entries:Preparing Students for Successby Helping Them Discover and Develop Their Passions (Renzulli’s Total Talent Portfolio)10 Ways Technology Supports21st Century Learners in Being Self Directedhttp://theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com/
“Know Thyself”Temple at Delphi
Managing OneselfPeter Drucker, (2005) Harvard Business Review“Success in the knowledge economy comes to those who know themselves – their strengths, their values, and how best they perform.”Purpose: Use ePortfolios for managing knowledge workers' career developmentWhat are my strengths?How do I perform?What are my values?Where do I belong?What should I contribute?Responsibility for RelationshipsThe Second Half of your Life
ReflectionSource: http://peterpappas.blogs.com/copy_paste/2010/01/taxonomy-reflection-critical-thinking-students-teachers-principals-.htmlBased on Bloom’s Taxonomy (Revised)
Self-Regulated LearningAbrami, P., et. al. (2008), Encouraging self-regulated learning through electronic portfolios. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, V34(3) Fall  2008.  http://www.cjlt.ca/index.php/cjlt/article/viewArticle/507/238 Captions/JournalsBlogMobilesWeb SitesBlog Pages
Deep Learninginvolves reflection,is developmental,is integrative,is self-directive, andis lifelongCambridge (2004)
The Learning CycleDavid Kolb from Dewey, Piaget, Lewin, adapted by Zull
Experiential Learning ModelLewin/Kolb with adaptations by Moon and ZullPracticeHave an  experienceReflect on the experienceTry out what you have learnedMetacognitionLearn from the experience
“metacognition lies at the root of all learning”“…self-knowledge, awareness of how and why we think as we do, and the ability to adapt and learn, are critical to our survival as individuals…”James Zull (2011) From Brain to Mind:Using Neuroscience to Guide Change in Education (Stylus Publishers)
Action -> Discovery -> JoyAction and Exploration lead to DiscoveryDiscovery leads to Joy  “The ultimate outcome of the journey is to understand our own understanding.”  (p.15)(metacognition)  “Emotional links generate motivation… The brain rewards itself with joy.” (p.17)Zull (2011) From Brain to Mind: Using Neuroscience to Guide Change in Education. Stylus Publishing
HOW?“Telling My Story”Digital StorytellingReflective JournalBlogging“Capture the Moment”MobilesE-Portfolios   inEvidenceMultimedia Artifacts
Balancing the Two Faces of E-PortfoliosPresentation Portfolio(s)Working PortfolioDocsDigital Archive (Repository of Artifacts)Collaboration SpaceReflective JournalPortfolio as ProcessWorkspaceThe “Story” or NarrativeMultiple Views (public/private)Varied Audiences & PurposesPortfolio as ProductShowcaseSitesBlog
Eifel2011 monam web2
Structure of E-Portfolio TypesPortfolio as Process/ WorkspaceOrganization: Chronological – Documenting growth over time for both internal and external audiencesPrimary Purpose: Learning or ReflectionReflection: immediate focus on artifact or learning experiencePortfolio as Product/ ShowcaseOrganization: Thematic – Documenting achievement of Standards, Goals or Learning Outcomes for primarily external audiencesPrimary Purpose: Accountability or Employment or ShowcaseReflection: retrospective focus on Standards, Goals or Learning Outcomes (Themes)blogwebsitemobiles
Tools?Expressive vs. Structured ModelsPurpose Drives Choice
Is the Future ofe-Portfolio Development in your pocket?“Capture the Moment” with iOS, Android devices
Categories of Toolshttp://electronicportfolios.org/categories.html
Matching Portfolio Purpose to Portfolio Tools
Mobile Touch: A Guide to Implementing Mobile E-learning in Your Organisation
Mobile Year in Review 2010http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mCkbrYKQyI
Capture the Moment with Mobile PhonesSMS messagesTwitter postsFacebook updatesCamera Still video
Why Mobile is a MustKids today are captivated by the personalization and socialization of online tools--the ability to build large networks of friends; share their thoughts, feelings, and goals; and communicate as they wish. …And not only is it possible, it's possible anytime and anywhere, via a plethora of devices and widely available cellular and WiFi networks.The upshot is, these digital natives now have in their hands the tools to shape their own education in once unimagined ways. They have the ability to interact with other learners at their convenience, with differences in time and place presenting no hurdle. They can research, on the spot, any topic of interest. And they can capture the moment, whether it's in a picture, a video, or a blog entry. -- Mary McCaffrey “Why Mobile is a Must” T.H.E. Journal http://thejournal.com/articles/2011/02/08/why-mobile-is-a-must.aspx
Posted on ePortfolio Conversations Google Group:Question: How to collect evidence of informal learning rather than formal education. Response: "Start with SMS [on mobile phones] - it’s the morse codeof the presentgeneration...and it works.”
What functions can be achieved with mobile phones for each of these processes? Capturing & storing evidence - this evidence of learning can be in the form of text, images, audio or video Reflecting - “the heart and soul of a portfolio” - this reflection could be captured in real time in different formats: writing, voice capture (and voice-to-text conversion), video capture and digital storiesGiving & receiving feedback - one of the most effective uses of a portfolio is to review a learner’s work and providing feedback for improvementPlanning & setting goals - a very important part of the portfolio process is personal development planning and setting goals for achievementCollaborating - learning is a social activity - technology provides new forms of collaborationPresenting to an audience - at specific points in the learning process, a learner may put together a presentation of their learning outcomes for an audience, either real or virtual
Mobile Web is becoming the Personal Learning Environment of the “Net Generation”Learning that is… Social and Participatory
Lifelong and Life Wide
Increasingly Self-Directed
Motivating and Engaging
… and Online all the time!
Speak-to-TweetSayNow.com bought by Google, January 25, 2011
Twittermicro-blogging“tiny bursts of learning”
Level 1 Workspace: Collection in the Cloud
With iOS (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) Text    Images   Audio  VideoCapture the Moment
Integrate file storage  with computer and websiteHyperlink to files in Public folder!Try it!
Dropbox AppsPlainTextDropVoxRecords audio (.m4a) and sends it directly  to your Dropbox accountCreates plain text file (.txt) and saves directly to Dropbox account. Can create folders.
Dragon DictationVoice recognitionShare in many ways
Level 2 Workspace: Learning/Reflection
Blogging* by eMail*the act of sharing yourselfTumblrPosterousSet up account on websiteSend email to: myaccount.tumblr.comiPhone AppCall in your posts for audio post to blogCross-post to Facebook & TwitterJust email to post@posterous.com iPhone AppCross-post to Facebook & Twitter
Reflection with WordPress App
Post to                           from Mobile PhonesSend email to pre-arranged email addressUse BlogPressiOS app ($2.99)Set up Blogger Mobile and send SMS
EvernoteOne Account, Many DevicesCapture AnythingAccess AnywhereFind Things FastCapture something in one place -- access it from anotherWeb page accessEmailing your memoriesEmail notes, snapshots, and audio directly into your account. Emailed notes will go directly into your default notebook.
EvernoteAll in one recording/saving to Evernote Account (email address)Grades 3-5, Trillium Charter School, Portland (see my blog)iPod Touch4 $239 & Lexmark Pinnacle Pro901 $199
Case Study: Grades 3-5Trillium Charter School, Portland, ORhttp://blog.helenbarrett.org/2011/06/evernote-for-intermediate-portfolios.htmliPod Touch 4
ShowcaseLevel 3: Primary Purpose: Showcase/Accountability
Web Authoring Tools that can be “branded” with your own domain (annually)Weebly.com ($40)Webs.com ($100)Yola.com ($100)Apps.google.com ($10+)Squarespace.com ($144+)WordPress.com ($12-$17)
Why?Integrated EcoSystemSingle Sign-OnWalled GardenTransferable
Creating an ePortfolio with GoogleAppsStorage = Google DocsReflective Journal = Blogger or Google Sites Announcements page type Presentation =Google Sites
Mobile Phone Apps for E-PortfoliosU.K. MetacognitivesMaharaPortfolioUP(more tools under development in N.Z)U Minnesota Duluth OSPI
iPhone App for PebblePad (U.K.)

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Eifel2011 monam web2

  • 1. Building your E-Portfolio: Web 2.0 and social networking tools (plus mobiles)Dr. Helen BarrettEIFEL ConferenceJuly 11, 2011electronicportfolios.org/slideshare.net/eportfolios/Hashtag: #eportfoliosAccount: @eportfolios
  • 2. Key Concepts in WorkshopWhat? Context & DefinitionsWhy? Purpose ReflectionIdentity DevelopmentOnline BrandingHow? ToolsWeb 2.0 ToolsMobile DevicesQ & A
  • 3. What are Interactive Portfolios?Portfolios using Web 2.0 tools to: reflect on learning in multiple formats
  • 4. showcase work online to multiple audiences
  • 5. dialogue about learning artifacts/reflections
  • 6. provide feedback to improve learning Golden Circle What?How?Why?4
  • 7. Audio • Video • Text • ImagesWHAT?Digital RepositoryElectronic PortfolioSocial NetworksWorkspaceShowcaseReflective Journal
  • 8. ResponsibilitiesSpecialty CasePortfolioOne Word, Many MeaningsWorkspaceShowcaseInvestmentsArt WorkCollection of Artifacts
  • 9. Who was the first famous “folio” keeper?Definitions
  • 11. What is a Portfolio?Dictionary definition: a flat, portable case for carrying loose papers, drawings, etc.Financial portfolio: document accumulation of fiscal capitalEducational portfolio: document development of human capital
  • 12. +Electronicdigital artifacts organized online combining various media (audio/video/text/images) interactivity/conversation/feedback
  • 13. Electronic Portfolios almost two decades (since 1991)used primarily in education to store documents reflect on learningfeedback for improvement showcase achievements for accountability or employment
  • 14. Social networks last five years store documents and share experiences, showcase accomplishments, communicate and collaborate facilitate employment searches
  • 15. Boundaries Blurring (between e-portfolios & social networks)Structured Accountability Systems? or…Lifelong interactive portfoliosPicasaMash-upsFacebookFlickrblogsYouTubeNingwikisTwitter
  • 17. Process: A series of events (time and effort) to produce a result- From Old French procesJourney
  • 18. Product: the outcome/results or “thinginess” of an activity/processDestination
  • 22. Discuss!What are the Engagement Factors in Social networks?How can we build those factors into e-portfolios?
  • 23. E-Portfolio ComponentsMultiple Portfolios for Multiple Purposes-Celebrating Learning-Personal Planning-Transition/entry to courses-Employment applications-Accountability/Assessment
  • 24. Multiple Tools to Support Processes-Capturing & storing evidence-Reflecting-Giving & receiving feedback-Planning & setting goals-Collaborating-Presenting to an audience
  • 27. Lifelong Context for ePortfolios
  • 28. Multiple Purposes from Hidden AssumptionsWhat are yours?• Showcase • Assessment • Learning •http://www.rsc-northwest.ac.uk/acl/eMagArchive/RSCeMag2008/choosing%20an%20eportfolio/cool-cartoon-346082.png
  • 29. Digital IdentityCreating a positive digital footprint
  • 30. PurposeThe overarching purpose of portfolios is to create a sense of personal ownership over one’s accomplishments, because ownership engenders feelings of pride, responsibility, and dedication. (p.10)Paris, S & Ayres, L. (1994) Becoming Reflective Students and Teachers. American Psychological Association
  • 31. Passion and Self-Directed LearningLisa Nielsen’s “The Innovative Educator” blog entries:Preparing Students for Successby Helping Them Discover and Develop Their Passions (Renzulli’s Total Talent Portfolio)10 Ways Technology Supports21st Century Learners in Being Self Directedhttp://theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com/
  • 33. Managing OneselfPeter Drucker, (2005) Harvard Business Review“Success in the knowledge economy comes to those who know themselves – their strengths, their values, and how best they perform.”Purpose: Use ePortfolios for managing knowledge workers' career developmentWhat are my strengths?How do I perform?What are my values?Where do I belong?What should I contribute?Responsibility for RelationshipsThe Second Half of your Life
  • 35. Self-Regulated LearningAbrami, P., et. al. (2008), Encouraging self-regulated learning through electronic portfolios. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, V34(3) Fall 2008. http://www.cjlt.ca/index.php/cjlt/article/viewArticle/507/238 Captions/JournalsBlogMobilesWeb SitesBlog Pages
  • 36. Deep Learninginvolves reflection,is developmental,is integrative,is self-directive, andis lifelongCambridge (2004)
  • 37. The Learning CycleDavid Kolb from Dewey, Piaget, Lewin, adapted by Zull
  • 38. Experiential Learning ModelLewin/Kolb with adaptations by Moon and ZullPracticeHave an experienceReflect on the experienceTry out what you have learnedMetacognitionLearn from the experience
  • 39. “metacognition lies at the root of all learning”“…self-knowledge, awareness of how and why we think as we do, and the ability to adapt and learn, are critical to our survival as individuals…”James Zull (2011) From Brain to Mind:Using Neuroscience to Guide Change in Education (Stylus Publishers)
  • 40. Action -> Discovery -> JoyAction and Exploration lead to DiscoveryDiscovery leads to Joy “The ultimate outcome of the journey is to understand our own understanding.” (p.15)(metacognition) “Emotional links generate motivation… The brain rewards itself with joy.” (p.17)Zull (2011) From Brain to Mind: Using Neuroscience to Guide Change in Education. Stylus Publishing
  • 41. HOW?“Telling My Story”Digital StorytellingReflective JournalBlogging“Capture the Moment”MobilesE-Portfolios inEvidenceMultimedia Artifacts
  • 42. Balancing the Two Faces of E-PortfoliosPresentation Portfolio(s)Working PortfolioDocsDigital Archive (Repository of Artifacts)Collaboration SpaceReflective JournalPortfolio as ProcessWorkspaceThe “Story” or NarrativeMultiple Views (public/private)Varied Audiences & PurposesPortfolio as ProductShowcaseSitesBlog
  • 45. Structure of E-Portfolio TypesPortfolio as Process/ WorkspaceOrganization: Chronological – Documenting growth over time for both internal and external audiencesPrimary Purpose: Learning or ReflectionReflection: immediate focus on artifact or learning experiencePortfolio as Product/ ShowcaseOrganization: Thematic – Documenting achievement of Standards, Goals or Learning Outcomes for primarily external audiencesPrimary Purpose: Accountability or Employment or ShowcaseReflection: retrospective focus on Standards, Goals or Learning Outcomes (Themes)blogwebsitemobiles
  • 47. Tools?Expressive vs. Structured ModelsPurpose Drives Choice
  • 48. Is the Future ofe-Portfolio Development in your pocket?“Capture the Moment” with iOS, Android devices
  • 50. Matching Portfolio Purpose to Portfolio Tools
  • 51. Mobile Touch: A Guide to Implementing Mobile E-learning in Your Organisation
  • 52. Mobile Year in Review 2010http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mCkbrYKQyI
  • 53. Capture the Moment with Mobile PhonesSMS messagesTwitter postsFacebook updatesCamera Still video
  • 54. Why Mobile is a MustKids today are captivated by the personalization and socialization of online tools--the ability to build large networks of friends; share their thoughts, feelings, and goals; and communicate as they wish. …And not only is it possible, it's possible anytime and anywhere, via a plethora of devices and widely available cellular and WiFi networks.The upshot is, these digital natives now have in their hands the tools to shape their own education in once unimagined ways. They have the ability to interact with other learners at their convenience, with differences in time and place presenting no hurdle. They can research, on the spot, any topic of interest. And they can capture the moment, whether it's in a picture, a video, or a blog entry. -- Mary McCaffrey “Why Mobile is a Must” T.H.E. Journal http://thejournal.com/articles/2011/02/08/why-mobile-is-a-must.aspx
  • 55. Posted on ePortfolio Conversations Google Group:Question: How to collect evidence of informal learning rather than formal education. Response: "Start with SMS [on mobile phones] - it’s the morse codeof the presentgeneration...and it works.”
  • 56. What functions can be achieved with mobile phones for each of these processes? Capturing & storing evidence - this evidence of learning can be in the form of text, images, audio or video Reflecting - “the heart and soul of a portfolio” - this reflection could be captured in real time in different formats: writing, voice capture (and voice-to-text conversion), video capture and digital storiesGiving & receiving feedback - one of the most effective uses of a portfolio is to review a learner’s work and providing feedback for improvementPlanning & setting goals - a very important part of the portfolio process is personal development planning and setting goals for achievementCollaborating - learning is a social activity - technology provides new forms of collaborationPresenting to an audience - at specific points in the learning process, a learner may put together a presentation of their learning outcomes for an audience, either real or virtual
  • 57. Mobile Web is becoming the Personal Learning Environment of the “Net Generation”Learning that is… Social and Participatory
  • 61. … and Online all the time!
  • 62. Speak-to-TweetSayNow.com bought by Google, January 25, 2011
  • 64. Level 1 Workspace: Collection in the Cloud
  • 65. With iOS (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) Text Images Audio VideoCapture the Moment
  • 66. Integrate file storage with computer and websiteHyperlink to files in Public folder!Try it!
  • 67. Dropbox AppsPlainTextDropVoxRecords audio (.m4a) and sends it directly to your Dropbox accountCreates plain text file (.txt) and saves directly to Dropbox account. Can create folders.
  • 69. Level 2 Workspace: Learning/Reflection
  • 70. Blogging* by eMail*the act of sharing yourselfTumblrPosterousSet up account on websiteSend email to: myaccount.tumblr.comiPhone AppCall in your posts for audio post to blogCross-post to Facebook & TwitterJust email to post@posterous.com iPhone AppCross-post to Facebook & Twitter
  • 72. Post to from Mobile PhonesSend email to pre-arranged email addressUse BlogPressiOS app ($2.99)Set up Blogger Mobile and send SMS
  • 73. EvernoteOne Account, Many DevicesCapture AnythingAccess AnywhereFind Things FastCapture something in one place -- access it from anotherWeb page accessEmailing your memoriesEmail notes, snapshots, and audio directly into your account. Emailed notes will go directly into your default notebook.
  • 74. EvernoteAll in one recording/saving to Evernote Account (email address)Grades 3-5, Trillium Charter School, Portland (see my blog)iPod Touch4 $239 & Lexmark Pinnacle Pro901 $199
  • 75. Case Study: Grades 3-5Trillium Charter School, Portland, ORhttp://blog.helenbarrett.org/2011/06/evernote-for-intermediate-portfolios.htmliPod Touch 4
  • 76. ShowcaseLevel 3: Primary Purpose: Showcase/Accountability
  • 77. Web Authoring Tools that can be “branded” with your own domain (annually)Weebly.com ($40)Webs.com ($100)Yola.com ($100)Apps.google.com ($10+)Squarespace.com ($144+)WordPress.com ($12-$17)
  • 79. Creating an ePortfolio with GoogleAppsStorage = Google DocsReflective Journal = Blogger or Google Sites Announcements page type Presentation =Google Sites
  • 80. Mobile Phone Apps for E-PortfoliosU.K. MetacognitivesMaharaPortfolioUP(more tools under development in N.Z)U Minnesota Duluth OSPI
  • 81. iPhone App for PebblePad (U.K.)
  • 83. Learning is a Conversation!E-portfolios should be more Conversationthan PresentationBecause Conversation transforms!
  • 84. Help students findtheir Purpose and Passionthrough Reflection & Goal-Setting inE-Portfolio Development
  • 87. Student examplesHunter Park Kindergarten & Abigail's E-Profile (NZ) – BloggerKim Cofino’s 6th graders (Japan) - BloggerPt. England School (NZ) - BloggerRyan’s Senior Project (US) – Google SitesMy Google Sites Presentation Portfolio
  • 89. Initial Online Courses PlannedOverview of Student-Centered Electronic Portfolios in K-12 Education (tool-neutral – focus on “Portfolio” Reflection Process & Feedback)Implement Electronic Portfolios with K-12 Students using Google Apps (Docs, Sites, Blogger, YouTube, Picasa, Digication, Teacher Dashboard) (focus on “Electronic”)Add Voice to E-Portfolios with Digital StorytellingCreate Your Professional Portfolio (tool neutral)
  • 90. My Final Wish… Your e-portfolios become dynamic celebrations & stories of deep learningacross the lifespan.Thank You!80
  • 91. Dr. Helen BarrettResearcher & ConsultantElectronic Portfolios & Digital Storytelling for Lifelong and Life Wide LearningFounding FacultyREAL*ePortfolio Academy for K-12 Teachers*Reflection, Engagement, Assessment for Learningeportfolios@gmail.comhttp://electronicportfolios.org/Twitter: @eportfolioshttp://slideshare.net/eportfolios

Editor's Notes

  1. Adjectives to describe purpose
  2. Electronic Portfolios have been with us for almost two decades (since 1991) used primarily in education to store documents and reflect on learning, provide feedback for improvement, and showcase achievements for accountability or employment.As defined in a JISC publication, Effective Practices with e-portfolios: The e-portfolio is the central and common point for the student experience… It is a reflection of the student as a person undergoing continuous personal development, not just a store of evidence. (Geoff Rebbeck, e-Learning Coordinator, Thanet College, quoted in JISC, 2008, Effective Practice with e-Portfolios)
  3. How is social networking impacting ePortfolio development? It is having a huge impact on our social and political world!Social networks have emerged over the last five years, and are used by individuals and groups to store documents and share experiences, showcase accomplishments, communicate and collaborate with friends and family, and, in some cases, facilitate employment searches.[Erin’s story – Messiah – feedback immediate.]
  4. The boundaries are blurring between eportfolios and social networks. As we consider the potential of lifelong e-portfolios, will they resemble the structured accountability systems that are currently being implemented in many educational institutions? Or are we beginning to see lifelong interactive portfolios emerging as… mash-ups in the Web 2.0 cloud, using Blogs or wikis or Twitter, Facebook or Ning, Flickr or Picasa or YouTube, etc.?
  5. So I’d like you to think: What are the engagement factors that drive the use of social networks and how can we incorporate those factors into ePortfolios?
  6. Portfolios in Formal Education: Exploring Personal and Professional IdentityBuilding a Professional Online Brand.
  7. Who knows what this means?
  8. Success in the knowledge economy comes to those who know themselves – their strengths, their values, and how best they perform.
  9. Reflection = higher retention (SPU’s iTunesU videos)
  10. In his newest book still to be released, called From Brain to Mind: Using Neuroscience to Guide Change in Education, coming out in May
  11. How do we implement ePortfolios in a manner that engages students and helps achieve the purposes?
  12. Japanese!
  13. We have witnessed a revolution in mobile computing this year with the iPad. But most of the world has plain mobile phone.
  14. Common Tools vs. Proprietary systems
  15. I’m not convinced that deep reflection can be represented in 140-160 characters of a tweet or SMS message. But this format can be an effective way to document process over time --to capture the moment-- and can later be aggregated and analyzed for deeper understanding. As a current example, the tweets that were coming out of Egypt prior to February 11 told a very compelling story of the revolution as it was happening (as curated and retweeted by PBS’s Andy Carvin [@acarvin] - an incredible service!). We have seen the power of digital media in social change; it can also be part of individual transformation through understanding oneself and showcasing achievements in reflective portfolios. “tiny bursts of learning”: http://chrisbetcher.com/2011/04/1483/
  16. Collection -- Creating the Digital Archive (regularly – weekly/monthly)Digital Conversion (Collection)Artifacts represent integration of technology in one curriculum area (i.e., Language Arts) Stored in GoogleDocs
  17. Level 2Collection/Reflection (Immediate Reflection on Learning &amp; Artifacts in Collection) (regularly) organized chronologically (in a blog?)Captions (Background Information on assignment, Response)Artifacts represent integration of technology in most curriculum areas (i.e., Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Math) (in GoogleDocs?)
  18. Grade 3-5 classroom in Portland using Evernote. Scanner wirelessly emails documents to each student’s Evernote account. Use of tags, software recognizes text in scanned docs.
  19. Level 3Selection/Reflection and Direction (each semester? End of year?) organized thematically (in web pages or wiki)Why did I choose these pieces? What am I most proud to highlight about my work?What do they show about my learning? What more can I learn (Goals for the Future)?Presentation (annually)
  20. BUT! “Portfolios should be less about tellingand more about talking!” Julie Hughes, University of WolverhamptonLearning is a Conversation. (Chris Betcher)