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EFL Educators Workshop
Participants’ Countries
Educational Visits Professional Visits Academic Talks Bilingual School ESL Program with the SIOP Model  Lab School: learning disabilities ESL Adult Charter School Georgetown University Intensive English Program  Washington D.C. School Chancelor Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development U.S Department of State Learning Styles SIOP Model Research in 2nd Lg. Acquisition (Cancelled) = focus of this presentation
ESL Programs Pull-out Bilingual Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP)
50/50 two-way dual immersion bilingual model: Longitudinal studies have proven that students with a strong basis in their first language are more successful in learning a second language. http://www.oysterbilingualschool.com/
Each classroom has two teachers: one a native Spanish speaker, and the other one native English speaker. Each teacher is responsible for teaching language arts in his/her native language. They also share responsibility for teaching the content area subjects.
The project has defined a model of sheltered instruction based on the research of best practices, as well as on the experiences of the participating teachers and researchers. They collaborated in developing the observation tool being utilized in the study, the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP), which identifies the features of sheltered instruction that can enhance and expand teachers' instructional practice (Echevarria, Vogt, & Short, in press). The protocol is composed of 30 items grouped into 3 sections: Preparation, Instruction, and Review/Evaluation. Items are further clustered under Instruction: Building Background, Comprehensible Input, Strategies, Interaction, Practice/Application, and Lesson Delivery. Items are scored using a Likert scale with scores ranging from 4 to 0.
Lesson Plan Checklist for The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) I. Preparation 1. Write content objectives clearly for students: 2. Write language objectives clearly for students: 3. Choose content concepts appropriate for age and educational background level of students. 4. Identify supplementary materials to use (graphs, models, visuals). 5. Adapt content (e.g., text, assignment) to all levels of student proficiency. 6. Plan meaningful activities that integrate lesson concepts (e.g., surveys, letter writing, simulations, constructing models) with language practice opportunities for reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking.
II. Instruction Building Background 7. Explicitly link concepts to students’ backgrounds and experiences. 8. Explicitly link past learning and new concepts. 9. Emphasize key vocabulary (e.g., introduce, write, repeat, and highlight) for students. Comprehensible Input 10. Use speech appropriate for students’ proficiency level (e.g., slower rate, enunciation, and simple sentence structure for beginners). 11. Explain academic tasks clearly. 12. Use a variety of techniques to make content concepts clear (e.g., modeling, visuals, hands-on activities, demonstrations, gestures, body language).
Strategies 13. Provide ample opportunities for students to use strategies, (e.g., problem solving, predicting, organizing, summarizing, categorizing, evaluating, self-monitoring). 14. Use scaffolding techniques consistently (providing the right amount of support to move students from one level of understanding to a higher level) throughout lesson. 15. Use a variety of question types including those that promote higher-order thinking skills throughout the lesson (e.g., literal, analytical, and interpretive questions). Interaction 16. Provide frequent opportunities for interaction and discussion between teacher/student and among students about lessons concepts, and encourage elaborated responses. 17. Use group configurations that support language and content objectives of the lesson. 18. Provide sufficient wait time for student responses consistently. 19. Give ample opportunities for students to clarify key concepts in L1 as needed with aide, peer, or L1 text.
Practice/Application 20. Provide hands-on materials and/or manipulatives for students to practice using new content knowledge. 21. Provide activities for students to apply content and language knowledge in the classroom. 22. Provide activities that integrate all language skills (i.e., reading, writing, listening, and speaking). Lesson Delivery 23. Support content objectives clearly. 24. Support language objectives clearly. 25. Engage students approximately 90-100% of the period (most students taking part and on task throughout the lesson). 26. Pace the lesson appropriately to the students’ ability level.
III. Review/Evaluation 27. Give a comprehensive review of key vocabulary. 28. Give a comprehensive review of key content concepts. 29. Provide feedback to students regularly on their output (e.g., language, content, work). 30. Conduct assessments of student comprehension and learning throughout lesson on all lesson objectives (e.g., spot checking, group response).
Sugarland Elementary   Sterling, VA Principal:  Mrs. Angela Robinson http://cmsweb2.loudoun.k12.va.us/sugarland/site/default.asp Total: 437 students                                                                                                                                                                
More can be done to improve education by improving the effectiveness of teachers than by any other factor over which we have some control. What works in schools , Robert Manzano 2003 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEfUTYd2pjM
I see patterns and designs Chart it, graph it, then it’s mine. Add some color, shape and line It’s in my brain a long, long time... I move, I act, I bounce, I touch; By moving I can learn so much. If I can dance or make a mask You’ll see me handle any task... What works for me don’t work for you What works for you don’t work for me Both ways are good, you will agree It’s just that we learn DIFFERENTLY!
Mission / Beliefs Our Mission  The Lab School of Washington Day School exists to educate intelligent, often gifted, children with moderate to severe learning disabilities, so they can return to the mainstream as soon as possible and become productive citizens. The goals of the institution are to:  provide a rigorous quality education for a lifetime of learning;  provide intensive remediation and teaching of strategies;  employ all the art forms as central to the educative process and treat the arts as scholarly pursuits;  bring multi-sensory and experiential learning into each classroom;  provide as many mainstream school experiences as possible structured to best facilitate learning;  support and educate parents in regard to school and home issues;  engage in research to facilitate excellent instruction  incorporate the latest technology into all Lab School programs;  keep staff highly challenged, in touch with brain research and its implications for teaching, designing new approaches to stay on the cutting edge of the field;  disseminate through workshops, lectures and seminars the result of its programs to others, including public and private schools that serve students who learn in both traditional and non-traditional ways;  replicate The Lab School model.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19SgRIQDMhA
Warm reception with a breakfast and a short talk about the school. We were also provided with materials.
School entrance hall: The Power of the Arts
A rain forest made by the students in a science project.
The labs
The Academic Clubs are a unique, multisensory approach designed in 1966. They use all the arts to systematically teach history, geography, civics, and reading readiness.
The Lab School of Washington is unique. Here, the arts are central to the educative process in the Primary, Elementary and Intermediate Divisions. Spending half the day in highly specialized, individualized classrooms and the other half in the arts, younger students with moderately to severe learning disabilities develop the basic skills necessary for their academic development. Social studies and humanities are taught through a unique program incorporating art, music, drama and hands-on learning experiences. At the Junior High and High School level up to 90 minutes a day may be devoted to the arts.
What the classrooms look like
Private tutoring of a student who’s gifted in math. A reading class
Looks familiar?
Our philosophy is based on the belief that a child’s failure to learn means that the teaching staff has not yet found a way to help him. It is up to the adults to seek out the routes by which each child learns, to discover his strengths and interests, and to experiment until effective techniques are foun d.
The D.C. Public Charter School Board (PCSB) was created in 1996 by an amendment to the D.C. School Reform Act of 1995 to provide additional public education opportunities for District of Columbia residents. Public charter schools authorized by the PCSB are independently operated by a non-profit board of trustees, and are monitored regularly by the PCSB.
In its 37 years as an institution in DC, the Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School has served over 50,000 students and has won numerous awards for its programs, including recognition by the U.S. Department of Education and by the National School Board Association for excellence in adult education. The Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School offers each year more than 2,000 immigrant students an array of programs and supportive services. The School   model combines evidence-based adult education practices with comprehensive supportive services. The Carlos Rosario School offers 3-hour classes in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings during the week and serves over 2,000 students annually http://voicethread.com/share/440816/
The Center for Language Education and Development (CLED) is part of the rich history of international education at Georgetown University.  CLED is a unit in Georgetown College, the University's liberal arts school, and is dedicated to enhancing the College's commitment to academic excellence and cross-cultural understanding as it delivers outstanding programs to international students, teachers, and scholars. CLED consists of two divisions:  English as a Foreign Language and Special Programs.  English as a Foreign Language offers high quality intensive English instruction to learners interested in pursuing academic study in the United States as well as instruction for those interested in improving their English skills for professional purposes.  Founded in the early 1950s, the EFL program is one of the oldest intensive language programs in the United States.  Dedicated to teaching excellence, the EFL program  provides courses that reflect the best of current teaching practices in second language learning.
The English for Heritage Language Speakers (EHLS) Program is designed for naturalized U.S. citizens to build up the communication skills needed for government careers. It is the first of its kind to combine Advanced English language training with Professional Communication skills and strategies. All accepted students receive full scholarships covering tuition and a living stipend from the National Security Education Program. This intensive 8-month program runs from January to August. Ob servation: EHLS Reading and Writing  Highly proficient and motivated students. Interactive class: peer collaboration, peer correction Book: Business Communication – Process and Product (Cengage Learning)

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EFL Educators Workshop

  • 3. Educational Visits Professional Visits Academic Talks Bilingual School ESL Program with the SIOP Model Lab School: learning disabilities ESL Adult Charter School Georgetown University Intensive English Program Washington D.C. School Chancelor Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development U.S Department of State Learning Styles SIOP Model Research in 2nd Lg. Acquisition (Cancelled) = focus of this presentation
  • 4. ESL Programs Pull-out Bilingual Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP)
  • 5.  
  • 6. 50/50 two-way dual immersion bilingual model: Longitudinal studies have proven that students with a strong basis in their first language are more successful in learning a second language. http://www.oysterbilingualschool.com/
  • 7. Each classroom has two teachers: one a native Spanish speaker, and the other one native English speaker. Each teacher is responsible for teaching language arts in his/her native language. They also share responsibility for teaching the content area subjects.
  • 8.  
  • 10. The project has defined a model of sheltered instruction based on the research of best practices, as well as on the experiences of the participating teachers and researchers. They collaborated in developing the observation tool being utilized in the study, the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP), which identifies the features of sheltered instruction that can enhance and expand teachers' instructional practice (Echevarria, Vogt, & Short, in press). The protocol is composed of 30 items grouped into 3 sections: Preparation, Instruction, and Review/Evaluation. Items are further clustered under Instruction: Building Background, Comprehensible Input, Strategies, Interaction, Practice/Application, and Lesson Delivery. Items are scored using a Likert scale with scores ranging from 4 to 0.
  • 11. Lesson Plan Checklist for The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) I. Preparation 1. Write content objectives clearly for students: 2. Write language objectives clearly for students: 3. Choose content concepts appropriate for age and educational background level of students. 4. Identify supplementary materials to use (graphs, models, visuals). 5. Adapt content (e.g., text, assignment) to all levels of student proficiency. 6. Plan meaningful activities that integrate lesson concepts (e.g., surveys, letter writing, simulations, constructing models) with language practice opportunities for reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking.
  • 12. II. Instruction Building Background 7. Explicitly link concepts to students’ backgrounds and experiences. 8. Explicitly link past learning and new concepts. 9. Emphasize key vocabulary (e.g., introduce, write, repeat, and highlight) for students. Comprehensible Input 10. Use speech appropriate for students’ proficiency level (e.g., slower rate, enunciation, and simple sentence structure for beginners). 11. Explain academic tasks clearly. 12. Use a variety of techniques to make content concepts clear (e.g., modeling, visuals, hands-on activities, demonstrations, gestures, body language).
  • 13. Strategies 13. Provide ample opportunities for students to use strategies, (e.g., problem solving, predicting, organizing, summarizing, categorizing, evaluating, self-monitoring). 14. Use scaffolding techniques consistently (providing the right amount of support to move students from one level of understanding to a higher level) throughout lesson. 15. Use a variety of question types including those that promote higher-order thinking skills throughout the lesson (e.g., literal, analytical, and interpretive questions). Interaction 16. Provide frequent opportunities for interaction and discussion between teacher/student and among students about lessons concepts, and encourage elaborated responses. 17. Use group configurations that support language and content objectives of the lesson. 18. Provide sufficient wait time for student responses consistently. 19. Give ample opportunities for students to clarify key concepts in L1 as needed with aide, peer, or L1 text.
  • 14. Practice/Application 20. Provide hands-on materials and/or manipulatives for students to practice using new content knowledge. 21. Provide activities for students to apply content and language knowledge in the classroom. 22. Provide activities that integrate all language skills (i.e., reading, writing, listening, and speaking). Lesson Delivery 23. Support content objectives clearly. 24. Support language objectives clearly. 25. Engage students approximately 90-100% of the period (most students taking part and on task throughout the lesson). 26. Pace the lesson appropriately to the students’ ability level.
  • 15. III. Review/Evaluation 27. Give a comprehensive review of key vocabulary. 28. Give a comprehensive review of key content concepts. 29. Provide feedback to students regularly on their output (e.g., language, content, work). 30. Conduct assessments of student comprehension and learning throughout lesson on all lesson objectives (e.g., spot checking, group response).
  • 16. Sugarland Elementary Sterling, VA Principal: Mrs. Angela Robinson http://cmsweb2.loudoun.k12.va.us/sugarland/site/default.asp Total: 437 students                                                                                                                                                                
  • 17. More can be done to improve education by improving the effectiveness of teachers than by any other factor over which we have some control. What works in schools , Robert Manzano 2003 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEfUTYd2pjM
  • 18.  
  • 19. I see patterns and designs Chart it, graph it, then it’s mine. Add some color, shape and line It’s in my brain a long, long time... I move, I act, I bounce, I touch; By moving I can learn so much. If I can dance or make a mask You’ll see me handle any task... What works for me don’t work for you What works for you don’t work for me Both ways are good, you will agree It’s just that we learn DIFFERENTLY!
  • 20. Mission / Beliefs Our Mission The Lab School of Washington Day School exists to educate intelligent, often gifted, children with moderate to severe learning disabilities, so they can return to the mainstream as soon as possible and become productive citizens. The goals of the institution are to: provide a rigorous quality education for a lifetime of learning; provide intensive remediation and teaching of strategies; employ all the art forms as central to the educative process and treat the arts as scholarly pursuits; bring multi-sensory and experiential learning into each classroom; provide as many mainstream school experiences as possible structured to best facilitate learning; support and educate parents in regard to school and home issues; engage in research to facilitate excellent instruction incorporate the latest technology into all Lab School programs; keep staff highly challenged, in touch with brain research and its implications for teaching, designing new approaches to stay on the cutting edge of the field; disseminate through workshops, lectures and seminars the result of its programs to others, including public and private schools that serve students who learn in both traditional and non-traditional ways; replicate The Lab School model. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19SgRIQDMhA
  • 21. Warm reception with a breakfast and a short talk about the school. We were also provided with materials.
  • 22. School entrance hall: The Power of the Arts
  • 23. A rain forest made by the students in a science project.
  • 25. The Academic Clubs are a unique, multisensory approach designed in 1966. They use all the arts to systematically teach history, geography, civics, and reading readiness.
  • 26. The Lab School of Washington is unique. Here, the arts are central to the educative process in the Primary, Elementary and Intermediate Divisions. Spending half the day in highly specialized, individualized classrooms and the other half in the arts, younger students with moderately to severe learning disabilities develop the basic skills necessary for their academic development. Social studies and humanities are taught through a unique program incorporating art, music, drama and hands-on learning experiences. At the Junior High and High School level up to 90 minutes a day may be devoted to the arts.
  • 27. What the classrooms look like
  • 28. Private tutoring of a student who’s gifted in math. A reading class
  • 30. Our philosophy is based on the belief that a child’s failure to learn means that the teaching staff has not yet found a way to help him. It is up to the adults to seek out the routes by which each child learns, to discover his strengths and interests, and to experiment until effective techniques are foun d.
  • 31. The D.C. Public Charter School Board (PCSB) was created in 1996 by an amendment to the D.C. School Reform Act of 1995 to provide additional public education opportunities for District of Columbia residents. Public charter schools authorized by the PCSB are independently operated by a non-profit board of trustees, and are monitored regularly by the PCSB.
  • 32. In its 37 years as an institution in DC, the Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School has served over 50,000 students and has won numerous awards for its programs, including recognition by the U.S. Department of Education and by the National School Board Association for excellence in adult education. The Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School offers each year more than 2,000 immigrant students an array of programs and supportive services. The School model combines evidence-based adult education practices with comprehensive supportive services. The Carlos Rosario School offers 3-hour classes in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings during the week and serves over 2,000 students annually http://voicethread.com/share/440816/
  • 33.  
  • 34. The Center for Language Education and Development (CLED) is part of the rich history of international education at Georgetown University. CLED is a unit in Georgetown College, the University's liberal arts school, and is dedicated to enhancing the College's commitment to academic excellence and cross-cultural understanding as it delivers outstanding programs to international students, teachers, and scholars. CLED consists of two divisions: English as a Foreign Language and Special Programs. English as a Foreign Language offers high quality intensive English instruction to learners interested in pursuing academic study in the United States as well as instruction for those interested in improving their English skills for professional purposes. Founded in the early 1950s, the EFL program is one of the oldest intensive language programs in the United States. Dedicated to teaching excellence, the EFL program provides courses that reflect the best of current teaching practices in second language learning.
  • 35. The English for Heritage Language Speakers (EHLS) Program is designed for naturalized U.S. citizens to build up the communication skills needed for government careers. It is the first of its kind to combine Advanced English language training with Professional Communication skills and strategies. All accepted students receive full scholarships covering tuition and a living stipend from the National Security Education Program. This intensive 8-month program runs from January to August. Ob servation: EHLS Reading and Writing Highly proficient and motivated students. Interactive class: peer collaboration, peer correction Book: Business Communication – Process and Product (Cengage Learning)