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Effective JavaFX
Architecture with

                  Presented by
               Srikanth Shenoy
         (Covers FxObjects 0.1)
   Who am I?
       A hands-on architect
       Experienced and very knowledgeable in Java and
        Java EE
       Authored a book on Struts
       Several articles on Java EE for leading journals
       Director of Enterprise Java Practice at
       Creator of FxObjects framework
   What is FxObjects? (Currently 0.1)
       An open source JavaFX application development
        framework (Apache License)
   Why FxObjects?
       Enterprise JavaFX architect/developer starts from
        scratch, reinventing the wheel, wasting time and
        repeating mistakes
       Enterprise JavaFX applications need a strategic
        and functional framework (not a point solution).
       FxObjects is that strategic functional framework !
   Learn FxObjects in 25 slides !
30K ft. Overview
   FxObjects is the end to end application
    development framework in the UI tier.
   Designed to simplify large JavaFX application
   Makes your application elegant by using
    proven patterns, principles and practices
   If you use FxObjects as defined in the user
    guide, your application becomes inherently
    test friendly
   FxObjects is Dependency Injection (DI)
    friendly from the grounds-up.
   Tested with Spring 2.5
   Dependency Injection + FxObjects makes a
    very powerful and agile programming model
   FxObjects makes TDD possible with JavaFX
    by using Model-View-Presenter (MVP)
   FxObjects is NOT a UI component library
    (and never intends to be).
(Passive View)

   Note the sequence of events in MVP passive
   Actual UI is lean, mean and clean 
   Presenter does the heavy lifting on the UI
    side. But Presenter is not really a UI !!
   Hence Presenter can be easily tested and
MVP with FxObjects
   NodePresenter is the FxObjects class.
   MyNodePresenter and MyNode are app
    classes & hold reference to each other
   When a event occurs, the MyNode simply
    calls doOnSearchButtonClick()
Presenter Code
   doSearchButtonClick method
       Validates UI (for mandatory fields)
       Calls the service asynchronously using FxObjects
        Command classes
       That’s it!
   You will see FxObjects Commands next
       For aiding the async service calls
       Update the UI when async calls return data
       Show error message when service call fails
Challenges in Service
   Async calls are fire and forget
   They should execute off the Event Dispatch
    Thread (EDT)
   All UI updates should then again occur ON
    the EDT.
   Can be confusing and errror-prone
   Swing provided SwingWorker
   JavaFX provides a async framework
       Slightly complex, but FXObjects simplifies this
JavaFX Async Framework
Challenges in Service
Invocation (contd.)
   HttpRequest (core JavaFX class) has some
    solution (async call is off-EDT & callbacks are
    on-EDT), but it is the foundation for a full
   FxObjects HttpCommands provide the
    missing pieces to make this simple
   How to easily go to another page v/s stay on
    same page after service invocation?
       FxObjects solves this, as we shall see soon
        (controller chain)
Command objects
   Command objects are configured first and
    then executed [with execute(..) method]
var cmd =   DefaultAsyncCommand      {
     runInBackground: function(modelObj:Object):Object {
         //call service here
     onSuccess:   function(resultObj:Object):Void {
         //update ui widgets here OR navigate to another UI
     onError: function(e:Exception):Void {
         //show the error
Automating XML to JavaFX
   No Xml tag handling code necessary
   Use XmlResponseBuilder
   Called ResponseBuilder since it was initially
    built to construct JavaFX objects from XML
    content (returned by REST services)
   Can handle XML of any type and of any
       Scales well for all kinds of xml
       Best suited for small JavaFX apps though
   Larger apps can use JAXBResponseBuilder
Automating JavaFX to XML
   No code necessary
   Use XmlRequestBuilder
   Called RequestBuilder since it was initially
    built to construct XML from JavaFX objects to
    be sent as request body to REST services
   Can handle JavaFX objects of any type and
    of any depth
       Scales well for JavaFX objects of any kind
       Best suited for small JavaFX apps
   Larger apps can use JAXBRequestBuilder
HttpCommands and Builders
   Just like DefaultAsyncCommand
   No runInBackground necessary. [Http
    GET/POST themselves run in background !!]
   Url & query parameters are configurable with
    { } syntax
       e.g. http://server/app/search?zipCode={zipCode}
       The params in {} can be passed in a Map
       Otherwise reflection is used to query the object
   Need RequestBuilder and ResponseBuilder
       XML***Builder or JAXB***Builder
var respBuilder = new MyJAXBResponseBuilder();
var cmd = GetHttpCommand {
    urlTemplate: “http://.../Search?output=xml&zip={zipCode}&..
    responseBuilder: respBuilder
    onSuccess: function(resultData:Object) {
      var result = resultData as ResultSet;
      //update UI components here OR navigate to another UI
    onError: function(e:Exception) {
function doSearchButtonClick() {
  var paramMap = new HashMap();
  paramMap.put(“zipCode”, node.zipCodeTxtBox.text);
Custom JAXB Response
public class CafeSearchResponseBuilder extends
   JAXBResponseBuilder<ResultSet> {
  public ResultSet buildResponse(String serverResponse) {
    ResultSet rs =
    return rs;

    public ResultSet buildResponse(InputStream inputStream) {
      ResultSet rs = buildResponseObjectFromXml(inputStream);
      return rs;
   Use for PUT and POST
   Almost same as GetHttpCommand
   Additionally needs RequestBuilder
       To convert the presentation model object into
        format expected by server (Generaly XML)
   Optionally a content pre-processor
       To massage the output from the requestbuilder
        and before sending to server
Navigation challenges
   How to go to another page v/s stay on same
    page after service invocation succeeds?
   Default JavaFX model involves binding to a
    new scenegraph
       Couples the lower level UI to top level stage.
   No idioms for organizing the application into
   Who decides what is the default node to
   Solution: FxObjects ControllerChain
Controller Chain
Navigation with FxObjects
Controller Chain
   Each Application can hold many Presenters
   Each Application can have many Modules
   Each Module can hold many Presenters
   Application has a Application Controller
   Each Module has a Module Controller.
       Module Controller has a Id
   Each NodePresenter owns the Node
       Node Presenter has a Id
Navigation with FxObjects
Controller Chain (contd.)
public MyNodePresenter extends NodePresenter
  var cmd = DefaultAsyncCommand {
    runInBackground:function(modelObj:Object):Object {
      //call service here
    onSuccess: function(resultObj:Object):Void {
      //update ui here OR go to another page
    onError: function(e:Exception):Void {
      //show the error
changeNodePresenter(..) is defined in NodePresenter class (the parent)
FxObjects and Dependency
   FxObjects is built with Dependency Injection
    in mind.
       DI is optional, but recommended
   What can be wired
       ApplicationController, ModuleController
       NodePresenter (but not Nodes)
       Commands, Services (Service Proxies)
   Nodes should be maintained by Presenters.
       This lets presenters choose appropriate node
        handling strategy (cache, dispose after use etc.)
Bootstrapping FxObjects
var ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(“/your-spring.xml");
var appController =
        ctx.getBean("appController") as ApplicationController;

Stage {
  title: "FxObjects Example“
  scene: Scene {
    width: 600
    height: 400
    content: bind [
   Node presenter configured as default is shown at the beginning
   Every navigation call sets another NodePresenter as the “Current”
    NodePresenter and that gets bound to the scenegraph
What’s coming in 0.2?
   Lifecycle
   Event
   Event Bus
   Security
   JSON to JavaFX round-tripping
   Suggestions welcome (Please post in the
    discussion forums)
   Timeframe: September 2010
FxObjects Summary
   Enterprise JavaFX applications are inherently
       Architecting such apps is art and science
       FxObjects can help
   The more complex the application, the more
    value you get from FxObjects
   End to end programming model for the UI
   Does not force any programming model for
    the server
   Project site – https://fxobjects/dev.java.net
   Not a single person open source project
       FxObjects is developed and supported by
        ObjectSource (http://www.objectsource.com)
   Download, use, extend, redistribute, OEM
   Discussion Forums on project site
       We will answer your questions
   Participation welcome
       Post ideas, questions, concerns, comments
       Contribute code

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Effective JavaFX architecture with FxObjects

  • 1. Effective JavaFX Architecture with Presented by Srikanth Shenoy ObjectSource (Covers FxObjects 0.1)
  • 2. Introduction  Who am I?  A hands-on architect  Experienced and very knowledgeable in Java and Java EE  Authored a book on Struts  Several articles on Java EE for leading journals  Director of Enterprise Java Practice at ObjectSource  Creator of FxObjects framework
  • 3. Introduction  What is FxObjects? (Currently 0.1)  An open source JavaFX application development framework (Apache License)  Why FxObjects?  Enterprise JavaFX architect/developer starts from scratch, reinventing the wheel, wasting time and repeating mistakes  Enterprise JavaFX applications need a strategic and functional framework (not a point solution).  FxObjects is that strategic functional framework !  Learn FxObjects in 25 slides !
  • 5. Introduction  FxObjects is the end to end application development framework in the UI tier.  Designed to simplify large JavaFX application development  Makes your application elegant by using proven patterns, principles and practices  If you use FxObjects as defined in the user guide, your application becomes inherently test friendly
  • 6. Introduction  FxObjects is Dependency Injection (DI) friendly from the grounds-up.  Tested with Spring 2.5  Dependency Injection + FxObjects makes a very powerful and agile programming model  FxObjects makes TDD possible with JavaFX by using Model-View-Presenter (MVP)  FxObjects is NOT a UI component library (and never intends to be).
  • 7. Model-View-Presenter (Passive View)  Note the sequence of events in MVP passive View  Actual UI is lean, mean and clean   Presenter does the heavy lifting on the UI side. But Presenter is not really a UI !!  Hence Presenter can be easily tested and asserted
  • 8. MVP with FxObjects  NodePresenter is the FxObjects class.  MyNodePresenter and MyNode are app classes & hold reference to each other  When a event occurs, the MyNode simply calls doOnSearchButtonClick()
  • 9. Presenter Code  doSearchButtonClick method  Validates UI (for mandatory fields)  Calls the service asynchronously using FxObjects Command classes  That’s it!  You will see FxObjects Commands next  For aiding the async service calls  Update the UI when async calls return data  Show error message when service call fails
  • 10. Challenges in Service Invocation  Async calls are fire and forget  They should execute off the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT)  All UI updates should then again occur ON the EDT.  Can be confusing and errror-prone  Swing provided SwingWorker  JavaFX provides a async framework  Slightly complex, but FXObjects simplifies this
  • 12. Challenges in Service Invocation (contd.)  HttpRequest (core JavaFX class) has some solution (async call is off-EDT & callbacks are on-EDT), but it is the foundation for a full solution  FxObjects HttpCommands provide the missing pieces to make this simple  How to easily go to another page v/s stay on same page after service invocation?  FxObjects solves this, as we shall see soon (controller chain)
  • 13. Command objects  Command objects are configured first and then executed [with execute(..) method] var cmd = DefaultAsyncCommand { runInBackground: function(modelObj:Object):Object { //call service here } onSuccess: function(resultObj:Object):Void { //update ui widgets here OR navigate to another UI } onError: function(e:Exception):Void { //show the error } }
  • 14. Automating XML to JavaFX  No Xml tag handling code necessary  Use XmlResponseBuilder  Called ResponseBuilder since it was initially built to construct JavaFX objects from XML content (returned by REST services)  Can handle XML of any type and of any depth  Scales well for all kinds of xml  Best suited for small JavaFX apps though  Larger apps can use JAXBResponseBuilder
  • 15. Automating JavaFX to XML  No code necessary  Use XmlRequestBuilder  Called RequestBuilder since it was initially built to construct XML from JavaFX objects to be sent as request body to REST services  Can handle JavaFX objects of any type and of any depth  Scales well for JavaFX objects of any kind  Best suited for small JavaFX apps  Larger apps can use JAXBRequestBuilder
  • 16. HttpCommands and Builders  Just like DefaultAsyncCommand  No runInBackground necessary. [Http GET/POST themselves run in background !!]  Url & query parameters are configurable with { } syntax  e.g. http://server/app/search?zipCode={zipCode}  The params in {} can be passed in a Map  Otherwise reflection is used to query the object  Need RequestBuilder and ResponseBuilder  XML***Builder or JAXB***Builder
  • 17. GetHttpCommand var respBuilder = new MyJAXBResponseBuilder(); respBuilder.setSchema(…); var cmd = GetHttpCommand { urlTemplate: “http://.../Search?output=xml&zip={zipCode}&.. responseBuilder: respBuilder onSuccess: function(resultData:Object) { var result = resultData as ResultSet; //update UI components here OR navigate to another UI } onError: function(e:Exception) { .. } } .. function doSearchButtonClick() { var paramMap = new HashMap(); paramMap.put(“zipCode”, node.zipCodeTxtBox.text); cmd.execute(paramMap); }
  • 18. Custom JAXB Response Builder public class CafeSearchResponseBuilder extends JAXBResponseBuilder<ResultSet> { @Override public ResultSet buildResponse(String serverResponse) { ResultSet rs = buildResponseObjectFromXml(serverResponse); return rs; } @Override public ResultSet buildResponse(InputStream inputStream) { ResultSet rs = buildResponseObjectFromXml(inputStream); return rs; } }
  • 19. BodyHttpCommand  Use for PUT and POST  Almost same as GetHttpCommand  Additionally needs RequestBuilder  To convert the presentation model object into format expected by server (Generaly XML)  Optionally a content pre-processor  To massage the output from the requestbuilder and before sending to server
  • 20. Navigation challenges  How to go to another page v/s stay on same page after service invocation succeeds?  Default JavaFX model involves binding to a new scenegraph  Couples the lower level UI to top level stage.  No idioms for organizing the application into modules  Who decides what is the default node to display?  Solution: FxObjects ControllerChain
  • 22. Navigation with FxObjects Controller Chain  Each Application can hold many Presenters  Each Application can have many Modules  Each Module can hold many Presenters  Application has a Application Controller  Each Module has a Module Controller.  Module Controller has a Id  Each NodePresenter owns the Node  Node Presenter has a Id
  • 23. Navigation with FxObjects Controller Chain (contd.) public MyNodePresenter extends NodePresenter var cmd = DefaultAsyncCommand { runInBackground:function(modelObj:Object):Object { //call service here } onSuccess: function(resultObj:Object):Void { //update ui here OR go to another page this.changeNodePresenter(“someNodePresenterId”); } onError: function(e:Exception):Void { //show the error } } changeNodePresenter(..) is defined in NodePresenter class (the parent)
  • 24. FxObjects and Dependency Injection  FxObjects is built with Dependency Injection in mind.  DI is optional, but recommended  What can be wired  ApplicationController, ModuleController  NodePresenter (but not Nodes)  Commands, Services (Service Proxies)  Nodes should be maintained by Presenters.  This lets presenters choose appropriate node handling strategy (cache, dispose after use etc.)
  • 25. Bootstrapping FxObjects var ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(“/your-spring.xml"); var appController = ctx.getBean("appController") as ApplicationController; Stage { title: "FxObjects Example“ scene: Scene { width: 600 height: 400 content: bind [ appController.currentNodePresenter.getNode() ] } }  Node presenter configured as default is shown at the beginning  Every navigation call sets another NodePresenter as the “Current” NodePresenter and that gets bound to the scenegraph
  • 26. What’s coming in 0.2?  Lifecycle  Event  Event Bus  Security  JSON to JavaFX round-tripping  Suggestions welcome (Please post in the discussion forums)  Timeframe: September 2010
  • 27. FxObjects Summary  Enterprise JavaFX applications are inherently complex.  Architecting such apps is art and science  FxObjects can help  The more complex the application, the more value you get from FxObjects  End to end programming model for the UI  Does not force any programming model for the server
  • 28. Links  Project site – https://fxobjects/dev.java.net  Not a single person open source project  FxObjects is developed and supported by ObjectSource (http://www.objectsource.com)  Download, use, extend, redistribute, OEM  Discussion Forums on project site  We will answer your questions  Participation welcome  Post ideas, questions, concerns, comments  Contribute code