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PowerPoint is an easy-to-use presentation tool – but, like with any tool,
               its use is only as effective as the presenter who is using it. In putting
               together your slideshow, you’ve obviously considered key elements such
               • Who is the audience?
               • What do they already know about the material?
               • What do you want them to learn by the end of the lecture?
               • Where will the presentation take place and under what conditions?
               Now that you’ve had a chance to learn about designing slides, let’s talk
               about what to do once you’ve finished putting your presentation slides
               together, you’ve got your computer plugged into the projector, and all
               eyes are on you in the classroom.

1. Think about goals and purpose of handouts.
                            Many instructors hand out PowerPoint presentations as
               ―thumbnails‖ before the lecture starts or make them available on
               Blackboard for students to print and bring to class as a note-taking
               tool. The handouts are useful to give students a structure to their note
               taking, but many students are over-reliant on the handouts and
               fail to write much down. Some students simply highlight text on
               the thumbnail. If you are distributing handouts of your slides
               before your lecture, be sure to discuss with students your goals
               for doing so and your expectations of what roles the handouts will
               serve for them. Those same goals will inform your decisions on
               how you format the pages for printing, as well.

2. Minimize the number of slides.
               Beginning users of PowerPoint
                           Tend to use too much text and too many
               slides, leaving their
               audience dazed and confused. Don't overwhelm your students
               with too many slides. Each slide should be displayed long
               for you to discuss what is keyed there – not simply to read a list
               or block of text. To discourage yourself from reading slides, use
               fewer slides with concise text.

3. Don't parrot PowerPoint. It’s tempting to simply read
                  the visual
                             Presentation to the class, and sometimes instructors
                  find themselves doing that, particularly when they are crunched
                  for time. But, not only is that redundant — almost like reading
                  out loud from the textbook! — it also makes for an
                  excruciatingly boring audience experience. PowerPoint is
                  intended to provide a visual element to spoken remarks that
                  augment and discuss what is displayed. And, keep in mind that
                  99% of the time, you should be looking at your students, not
                  the projection screen or your computer screen.

4. Hold up your end. Many students have stronger
                    visual skills
                                Than auditory skills, and so PowerPoint is effective
                    in holding their attention. Unfortunately, that can be a
                    problem. Students can easily ―zone out‖ and watch your slide
                    like a televisio slides.n while you are talking. Make sure that
                    you are in their foreground – that what you are saying and
                    how you are saying it is compelling enough to keep them
                    focused on you, and not on your

5. Time your talk. Keeping in mind student attention
                    and learning
                               Styles, remember that another potential problem
                    occurs when your important comments coincide precisely
                    with the appearance of a fresh PowerPoint slide. Having the
                    simultaneous visual and auditory input splits your students’
                    attention, and it’s likely that the visual input will win out.
                    Bring up a new slide, and then give your students a chance
                    to check it out before you begin verbally broadening and
                    amplifying what's on the screen.

6. Give it a rest. We can’t say it too often – PowerPoint is
                                  Effective as a visual accompaniment to the spoken
                    word, not as the vehicle for all of the content of a lecture.
                    Don’t be shy about blanking the screen on occasion when
                    you need your students to focus on you. You’ll find that blanking
                    the screen is an effective means by which to change the energy
                    from watching and listening to interaction, such as a group
                    discussion or a question-and answer session.

7. Make it interactive. It’s easy to get into a PowerPoint
                                  Outlining your notes and adding variety by
                       occasionally mixing up the background or throwing in a
                       video or hyperlink. But PowerPoint can be used interactively
                       as well. Ask students to anticipate information on an
                       upcoming slide, or use PowerPoint for interactive games
                       using action buttons, for instance.

8. Mix up the media. Putting a range of media into
                      your PowerPoint
                      presentations allows you to appeal to a wide variety of
                      learning styles. PowerPoint allows you to bring in many
                      different kinds of media -- including graphic
                      images, colored and ―textured‖
                      backgrounds, photographs, sound files, video
                      clips, animations, and, of course, text. You can also
                      hyperlink pages within the presentation to Web pages, as
                      well as to other pages within the presentation.

9. Hide your pointer. Since PowerPoint can easily steal
                  the show,
                  you want to make sure that you do everything you can to keep
                  distractions to a minimum. Some students are easily distracted
                  when the pointer (the arrow) moves across the screen during
                  the presentation. (This happens when you move the mouse in
                  the Slide Show View.) To circumvent this problem, use the
                  arrow keys to navigate slides or hide the pointer. To hide the
                  pointer, once the Slide Show View is started, press the Ctrl-L
                  key combination. This hides the pointer even if the mouse
                  moves. If you need to display the pointer during the
                  presentation, press the Ctrl-A key combination.

10. Rehearse before presenting. Even if you’ve given a
                   lecture a
                   thousand times without PowerPoint, it’s going to go a little
                   differently when you use a PowerPoint presentation.
                   Practicing your presentation in the slideshow view in your
                   office will help you anticipate any glitches that you didn’t see
                   when you were focused on getting content onto your slides.

In addition to being a smooth presenter, you’ll
                      need to make sure you know the basic keyboarding
                      techniques for technically moving through your
                      presentation. Different presenters use different key
                      options. Find the ones that work well for you, and
                      soon they’ll be second nature.

Go to the next slide
                              • Click the mouse
                              • Press spacebar or enter
                              • Click the forward arrow
                              • Right-click, and on the shortcut
                              menu, click next

Go to the previous slide
                              • Press backspace
                              • Click the back arrow
                              • Right-click, and on the
                              shortcut menu, click

Go to a specific slide
                              • Type the slide number, and
                              then press return
                              • Right-click, point to go on the
                              shortcut menu, then point to
                              title and click the slide you

See previously viewed
                              • Right-click, point to go
                              on the shortcut menu, and
                              then click
                              Previously Viewed.

Temporarily black out the screen
                              during a presentation
                              • Press the B key - This turns the
                              audience's monitor black

To resume the slide show
                              • Press the B key again to return to
                              the current slide
                              • Press any of the keys listed above
                              to move to the next screen
                              • Press any of the keys listed above
                              to return to the screen
                              previously displayed


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Effective Use of PowerPoint As Presentation Tool

  • 2. PowerPoint is an easy-to-use presentation tool – but, like with any tool, its use is only as effective as the presenter who is using it. In putting together your slideshow, you’ve obviously considered key elements such as: • Who is the audience? • What do they already know about the material? • What do you want them to learn by the end of the lecture? • Where will the presentation take place and under what conditions? Now that you’ve had a chance to learn about designing slides, let’s talk about what to do once you’ve finished putting your presentation slides together, you’ve got your computer plugged into the projector, and all eyes are on you in the classroom. http://eglobiotraining.com/
  • 3. 1. Think about goals and purpose of handouts. Many instructors hand out PowerPoint presentations as ―thumbnails‖ before the lecture starts or make them available on Blackboard for students to print and bring to class as a note-taking tool. The handouts are useful to give students a structure to their note taking, but many students are over-reliant on the handouts and fail to write much down. Some students simply highlight text on the thumbnail. If you are distributing handouts of your slides before your lecture, be sure to discuss with students your goals for doing so and your expectations of what roles the handouts will serve for them. Those same goals will inform your decisions on how you format the pages for printing, as well. http://eglobiotraining.com/
  • 4. 2. Minimize the number of slides. Beginning users of PowerPoint Tend to use too much text and too many slides, leaving their audience dazed and confused. Don't overwhelm your students with too many slides. Each slide should be displayed long enough for you to discuss what is keyed there – not simply to read a list or block of text. To discourage yourself from reading slides, use fewer slides with concise text. http://eglobiotraining.com/
  • 5. 3. Don't parrot PowerPoint. It’s tempting to simply read the visual Presentation to the class, and sometimes instructors find themselves doing that, particularly when they are crunched for time. But, not only is that redundant — almost like reading out loud from the textbook! — it also makes for an excruciatingly boring audience experience. PowerPoint is intended to provide a visual element to spoken remarks that augment and discuss what is displayed. And, keep in mind that 99% of the time, you should be looking at your students, not the projection screen or your computer screen. http://eglobiotraining.com/
  • 6. 4. Hold up your end. Many students have stronger visual skills Than auditory skills, and so PowerPoint is effective in holding their attention. Unfortunately, that can be a problem. Students can easily ―zone out‖ and watch your slide like a televisio slides.n while you are talking. Make sure that you are in their foreground – that what you are saying and how you are saying it is compelling enough to keep them focused on you, and not on your http://eglobiotraining.com/
  • 7. 5. Time your talk. Keeping in mind student attention and learning Styles, remember that another potential problem occurs when your important comments coincide precisely with the appearance of a fresh PowerPoint slide. Having the simultaneous visual and auditory input splits your students’ attention, and it’s likely that the visual input will win out. Bring up a new slide, and then give your students a chance to check it out before you begin verbally broadening and amplifying what's on the screen. http://eglobiotraining.com/
  • 8. 6. Give it a rest. We can’t say it too often – PowerPoint is most Effective as a visual accompaniment to the spoken word, not as the vehicle for all of the content of a lecture. Don’t be shy about blanking the screen on occasion when you need your students to focus on you. You’ll find that blanking the screen is an effective means by which to change the energy from watching and listening to interaction, such as a group discussion or a question-and answer session. http://eglobiotraining.com/
  • 9. 7. Make it interactive. It’s easy to get into a PowerPoint rut, Outlining your notes and adding variety by occasionally mixing up the background or throwing in a video or hyperlink. But PowerPoint can be used interactively as well. Ask students to anticipate information on an upcoming slide, or use PowerPoint for interactive games using action buttons, for instance. http://eglobiotraining.com/
  • 10. 8. Mix up the media. Putting a range of media into your PowerPoint presentations allows you to appeal to a wide variety of learning styles. PowerPoint allows you to bring in many different kinds of media -- including graphic images, colored and ―textured‖ backgrounds, photographs, sound files, video clips, animations, and, of course, text. You can also hyperlink pages within the presentation to Web pages, as well as to other pages within the presentation. http://eglobiotraining.com/
  • 11. 9. Hide your pointer. Since PowerPoint can easily steal the show, you want to make sure that you do everything you can to keep distractions to a minimum. Some students are easily distracted when the pointer (the arrow) moves across the screen during the presentation. (This happens when you move the mouse in the Slide Show View.) To circumvent this problem, use the arrow keys to navigate slides or hide the pointer. To hide the pointer, once the Slide Show View is started, press the Ctrl-L key combination. This hides the pointer even if the mouse moves. If you need to display the pointer during the presentation, press the Ctrl-A key combination. http://eglobiotraining.com/
  • 12. 10. Rehearse before presenting. Even if you’ve given a lecture a thousand times without PowerPoint, it’s going to go a little differently when you use a PowerPoint presentation. Practicing your presentation in the slideshow view in your office will help you anticipate any glitches that you didn’t see when you were focused on getting content onto your slides. http://eglobiotraining.com/
  • 13. In addition to being a smooth presenter, you’ll need to make sure you know the basic keyboarding techniques for technically moving through your presentation. Different presenters use different key options. Find the ones that work well for you, and soon they’ll be second nature. http://eglobiotraining.com/
  • 14. Go to the next slide • Click the mouse • Press spacebar or enter • Click the forward arrow • Right-click, and on the shortcut menu, click next http://eglobiotraining.com/
  • 15. Go to the previous slide • Press backspace • Click the back arrow • Right-click, and on the shortcut menu, click previous http://eglobiotraining.com/
  • 16. Go to a specific slide • Type the slide number, and then press return • Right-click, point to go on the shortcut menu, then point to by title and click the slide you want. http://eglobiotraining.com/
  • 17. See previously viewed slide • Right-click, point to go on the shortcut menu, and then click Previously Viewed. http://eglobiotraining.com/
  • 18. Temporarily black out the screen during a presentation • Press the B key - This turns the audience's monitor black http://eglobiotraining.com/
  • 19. To resume the slide show • Press the B key again to return to the current slide • Press any of the keys listed above to move to the next screen • Press any of the keys listed above to return to the screen previously displayed http://eglobiotraining.com/