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We will compute Your business
DiFrame is a team of specialists who gained experience when completing tasks in the following fields:
• Investment funds such as Private Equity and Venture Capital
• Start-up project management which resulted in the undertakings reaching break-even point
• Acquiring debt financing
• Business proces automation
about usWe will compute Your business
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
areas of activityFour pillars
Financial and business analysis
Market analyses, due diligence, company valuations and
Business Intelligence
Developing dashboard as well as reports which analyse
and visualise the current situation of the company.
Developing methods and analyses of numerous large
data sets which may be applied in business in various
Business plans and financial models
Analytical tools needed for investment projects and
business analyses.
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Description of two tools
developed for the
internet portal
Big Data
Business Intelligence
Description of business
models together with
Business Model
Examples of tools
Financial Analysis
The content has been divided into four sections which aim at describing the scope of
services on the basis of implementation examples and which include PrintScreen shots
containing the following effects:
excelThe most important tool
Excel is a universal tool which may be used for any analytical purpose. The
performance of CPU on which it is installed may constitute a limitation. In such cases we
use Excel installed on a virtual machine within Azure cloud.
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Option to import data from any database
Data preparation and export
Ease of use and simplicity of data visualisation
Use of DAX formulas
Relatively low licence cost
Examples of projects related to ”Big Data” analysis where various large data sets were combined
with a view to obtaining key information
Big Data - marketingUsing data for marketing purposes
The Project assumed the use of all available data in order to develop a tool
supporting marketing activities by means of predictive analysis of
advertisement content which is desirable by users.
Project Goal
Precise database segmentation
Exporting data to marketing channels
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Big Data - marketingData sources used
4 million records updated monthly
in a non-relational and rapid
MongoDB Database
25 GB of data recorded in a
Relational MySQL Database
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Big Data - marketingData for marketing channels
The most important marketing channels
With precise messages
The project required creating readymade lists of marketing content addressees in a quick
and precise manner so that said content may be forwarded to particular channels
Ad Server Double Click
Display-type campaigns
Email marketing
Big Data contributes to fundamental KPI
Facebook and Instagram
Reaching target groups by creating
precisely defined Custom
Google AdWords
HTML5 creative formats
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Big Data - marketingCharacteristics of data used
Users analysis with the use
of Facebook.com data sets
Data on the behaviours of
Playstation Network users
PlayStation Network
Users’ behavioural data
Declared and
behavioural data
pertaining to portal
Desirable data
downloaded and
put in the base
Google Analytics
Users’ data indicating their
shopping preferences and
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Big Data - marketingTools and methodology application diagram
Indicating target group
Specifying tagrger groups
Segmentation and
Processes designed to specify
particular accounts and their
Marketing campaign implementation
Developing messages and creative
Analysis of advertising campaign
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Big Data - trendsLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit
The project aimed at developing a complex analytical tool for a shop operating
on an auction platform among 330 000 users. The tool is intended to predict
the market demand and specify the sales and buying-in prices. The key data
are that the shop frequently exchanges new goods for used goods as a
means of transaction settlement.
Project Goal
• Prediction of sales and buying-in prices
• Specifying a goods purchase limit and predicting the volume
• Predicting the market volume and the competition intensity
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Big data - trendsUsers’ preferences to be taken into account
This trend and therefore this factor has
a substantial influence on the prognoses
as the community independently
appraises the value of the products
Exchange with extra
It is a crucial factor due to the need to
estimate the number of users who prefer
to buy or exchange second-hand
products quickly and thus to estimate
the supply volume and the price of
second-hand products for the remaining
users of the portal
Selling second-hand
Some portal users use its functionalities
to buy a new product. This phenomenon
is of particular nature and periodicity
which is dependent on publishers’
decisions and their marketing activities,
irrespectively of the portal operator
Buying new
In principle, the portal users exchange
goods in one to one model. This group
of users competes with those for
whom selling on the portal is the main
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Big Data - trendsData sources
XBOX Live data show the purchasing
power of the portal users
Just as in the case of XBOX LIVE data,
the downloaded data indicate the users’
purchasing power and their preferences
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
The estimated number of competitors
for the shop
Persons interested in a given product
because of their preferences and
behaviours, some of them will want to
sell or exchange the product
Interested parties
Specifying the market volume which the
shop will be able to serve with buying-
Potential clients
Persons not interested in a given
product due to their preferences and
purchasing power. In future life-cycles of
the product some of them will show
Not-interested parties
Big Data - trendsUsers and competition segmentation
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Business Intelligence
Examples of projects related to Business Intelligence where reporting and analysing tools were developed
Business IntelligenceReporting
Universal format available for
Unique solutions
Specifying expected effects
and visualising the
performance of those
Rapid and legible reports improve
Clear data and KPI presentation
Reporting based on each data set
Option to search and indicate
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Business Intelligence
Online currency exchange office
Online currency exchange is a challenging undertaking due to
• Fierce competition
• Low margins
• Complicated processes of cash management which are spread over more than 100
bank accounts
• Necessity to predict client’s needs
Accuracy Promptness Automation
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Business Intelligence
Online currency exchange office
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Transactions analysis
Dealers’ effectiveness analysis
Margin analysis
Banking platforms analysis
„ BI is about providing the right data at
the right time to the right people so that
they can take the right decisions ”
Nic Smith
Microsoft BI Solutions Marketing
Business Intelligence
Accounting Systems
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Division of clients
Dealers’ effectiveness analysis 2
Margin analysis 2
Transactions analysis 3
Partners’ performance analysis
„ BI is about providing the right data at
the right time to the right people so that
they can take the right decisions”
Nic Smith
Microsoft BI Solutions Marketing
Business Intelligence
Accounting Systems
In every company
Online version Convenience Swiftness
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Control of costs and revenues is essential in each and every company. Numerous large
companies register hundreds or even thousands of invoices monthly, be it for costs or
Frequently, the accounting systems used render it difficult to view an indispensable
summary enabling the assessment of the profitability for particular projects.
The use of excel connected to the database of a chosen accounting system opens up
new possibilities for the management board in the scope of costs analysis and control of
Business Intelligence
Accounting Systems
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Contractor mapping
Segmentation of categories and subcategories
Expenditure history for each project
Visualisation of cost history
Cost analytics
Available data segmentations:
Business IntelligenceWork performance analysis
Performance analysis
Monitoring and analysing employees’ work
It’s really the people who make a company what it actually is and they are the true driving force
of its success. That is why employing the right persons with appropriate skills is so important,
and so is their work performance analysis.
Appropriate tool developed in Excel enables verification of effectiveness and skills of individual
employees as well as whole teams.
The project consisted in developing a system to analyse the employees’ work performance. It
was intended to assess their effectiveness when performing particular tasks and to predict
possible staff shortage.
The undertaking aimed at devising a tool to analyse the time of preforming given tasks by
employees, unexploited potential of the employees and staff shortage in particular tasks.
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Business Intelligence
Work performance analysis
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Tasks segmentation
Analysis of task performance time
Timeline analysis
Day View
Individual employee analysis
Business Intelligence
Web Analytics Dashboard
Statistical Report
Each internet portal which undertakes advertising activities and wishes to be
competitive, must have at its disposal a system for detailed analysis of its users.
Moreover, inquiries made by potential clients must be handled promptly and accurately.
A vast majority of portals uses data offered by Google Analytics.
A set of Dashboards was developed to connect to Google Analytics API and acquire
information which is not generally available from Google Analytics.
Dashboards additionally serve as calculators and data presentations for potential
Online version Convenience Swiftness
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Business Intelligence
Web Analytics Dashboard
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Age / Gender / Voivodeship / City
UU / Voivodeship / City
Devices / Country / Voivodeship / City
Country / City / Provider / Devices
Day of the week / Time / Sessions and BR
See a sample report
Available data segmentations:
Business Intelligence
Sales prognoses on the basis of IMS and PharmaProm
Based on
A pharmaceutical company required tools and methodology for the analysis of sales
data acquired from PharmaProm and IMS.
On the basis of those analyses, sales prognoses were drawn up.
Service Convenience Swiftness
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Business Intelligence
Accounting system
Sales summary report
Regional sales value
Historical sales value
Product sales map
Sales trends viewed by regions
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Power BIAvailability
Reports directly
on your mobile
Thanks to Microsoft Power BI our dashboards are
always at your fingertips
Simple report adjustment in Excel for Power BI
Exceptionally low costs
Simple configuration
Possibility to connect additional data sources
Analysis of the factual use of the reports by employees
responsible for a given scope of activities
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Business Models
Examples of projects related to Business Intelligence involving the development of reporting tools
Business ModelsMobile App
Mobile application
International market
The project consisted in developing a business plan for an investment project which was to be
carried out in cooperation with an investment fund financed by the National Capital Fund.
The undertaking aimed at devising a mobile application using a car’s OBD 2 and launch it in
international market.
One of the substantial assumptions of the project was to use cloud architecture, the cost of
which could significantly influence the margin.
It was moreover crucial to ensure the possibility to run business simulations which would take
into account the following:
• Development delays and MVP
• Dividing the investment into stages
• Currency exchange rates and all costs
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Business ModelsMobile App
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
General parameters
Costs of AWS cloud support
Milestones for the development
Schedule of development tasks
Requirements related to the use of cloud resources
„ Business model is like architecture for
a product, service, and information flow,
together with the description of business
actors and their roles… ”
Maria Romanowska Piotr Wachowiak
Concepts and tools of strategic management
Warsaw School of Economics
Business ModelsMobile App
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Defining the moment of starting MVP
Parameters of marketing channels
Marketing schedule
Defining conversion trends
Analysis of consumers’ behaviours
„ Business model is a method for
conducting business which ensures that
the company will survive i.e. that it will
generate profits…”
Maria Romanowska Piotr Wachowiak
Concepts and tools of strategic management
Warsaw School of Economics
Business ModelsMobile App
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Defining clients’ loyalty
Analysis of currency-risk sensitivity
Dividing the investment into stages
Project timeline
Business ModelsMobile App
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Analytical tool – viewed by quarters
Analytical tool – viewed by years
Ratio analysis I
Ratio analysis II
Business Plan
Business ModelProfit Share
Profit Share Model
Cooperation of two entities
The project involved devising a tool for the purpose of performing financial simulations which
were carried out during negotiations concerning cooperation of two entities one of which
rendered advertising services whereas the other provided other services subject to 0% VAT
The subject matter of the negotiations included in particular:
• Discount level for advertising services
• Advertising campaign period
• Generated range of advertising targeted at a defined group
• Profit share in the percentage value together with specification whether it is gross/net value
• Additional parameter
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Business ModelsProfit Share
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Negotiated promotion parameters
Negotiated additional parameter
Negotiated Profit Share parameters
Performance analysis for one of the parties
Business Plan
Business ModelVoD Service
VoD Service
CableTV Operator
Business model created to analyse a project which consisted in expanding Video on Demand
services for one of the largest Polish operators to include European and American content.
The business plan had to provide for the differences in terms and conditions preferred by the
providers concerning transaction settlement and use of resources.
It was also essential to perform analyses related to the fluctuations of currency exchange rates.
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Business ModelsVoD Service
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
EUR content parameters
Product parameters - second segment
Analysis of EUR currency-risk sensitivity
Analysis of USD currency-risk sensitivity
Performance analysis
Business ModelsVoD Service
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
Liquidity dynamics
Ratio analysis
Simulation version 1
Simulation version 2
Simulation version 3
About us
Marcin Mazur
CEO & Founder
Graduated from Warsaw School of Economics. His
career in Poland began in 2009 when he worked for
TVN S.A. carrying out internet projects related to VoD
He worked for Supernova IDM Fund S.A. (private
equity) investment fund in the fields of:
• analyses and developing investment projects,
• performing due diligence on internet companies in
Poland and Ukraine
Marcin Mazur himself established a start-up company
Kantorino Sp. z o.o. which operates kantoris.pl website
rendering such services as B2B foreign exchange. The
main tasks in this project included:
• Negotiating cooperation terms with banks,
• Developing a business model,
• Designing and implementing an online foreign
exchange platform,
• Devising numerous processes and tools which
automated operational activities.
Thanks to him the company reached break event point
with total revenues exceeding PLN 2 500 000 000
His experience extends also over the following fields:
• managing a company cooperating with Orange
Polska in the scope of providing technologies
supporting over a million decoders,
• managing a website with over 330 000 active
• supporting internet marketing channels,
• developing creative formats.
He is friends with Excel.
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
About us
Cezary Olszewski
Over 15 years of professional experience in the domain
of analyses and finances (worked for investment funds,
National Investment Fund, Private Equity).
Cooperated, among others, with:
• Simple SA,
• ERG-System SA,
• Imagis SA,
• Emapa SA,
• Supernova IDM Fund SA,
• Impera Capital SA,
• Calatrava Capital SA,
• Polmos Szczecin SA,
• Tell SA,
• Bioplanet SA,
• Fundacja Komunalna Sp. z o.o. [Communal
• Elkom trade Sp z o.o.,
• Mago SA,
• Setanta S.A.,
• Spartan Capital SA,
• Elemental Holding SA,
• Mex Polska SA, F
• First Class SA,
• Rubicon Partners Dom Maklerski SA [Brokerage
• Zachodni Fundusz Inwestycyjny NFI SA [Western
Investment Fund]
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
About us
Jacek Skłodowski
Graduated from Warsaw University of Technology,
Faculty of Transport and is also a holder of diploma
granted by Business School at Warsaw University of
He has 20 years of professional experience in business
consulting, corporate restructuring and finances. He
started gaining experience in the area of business
consulting when working for A&E Consult Sp. z o.o.
(current company name: PKF Consult) where he started
as a Consultant and eventually became the Director of
Economic and Financial Analysis Department. His key
clients were Poczta Polska [Polish Post Office], Daewoo
Group, Guyomarc’h G.N.A from France, to name just a
As a member of management boards he conducted
restructurization of companies for a few years.
Restructuring processes conducted for Polmozbyt
companies, Polmozbyt Toruń Holding S.A. or Autonika
Holding S.A. as the President of the Management
Board, and Andropol textile group companies as the
Financial Director, count among his most prominent
successes. Moreover, he was appointed a Liquidator for
such companies as Polmozbyt Auto Sp. z o.o. or
Tkalnia Beskidzka Sp. z o.o. [Beskid Region Weaving
For many years, he was the Financial Director for
companies of various sectors, for instance Polskie
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Kartograficznych im. E.
Romera S.A. [Polish Enterprise for Cartographic
Publishing Houses], DT-4 Sp. z o.o. (road construction
company), Supernova IDM Fund S.A. (private equity
fund), IQ Partners S.A. (fund investing in innovative
start-up companies).
DiFrame Sp. z o.o.

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DiFrame Presentation.

  • 1. We will compute Your business
  • 2. DiFrame is a team of specialists who gained experience when completing tasks in the following fields: • Investment funds such as Private Equity and Venture Capital • Start-up project management which resulted in the undertakings reaching break-even point • Acquiring debt financing • Business proces automation about usWe will compute Your business 2 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 3. areas of activityFour pillars Financial and business analysis Market analyses, due diligence, company valuations and prospectus. 01 Business Intelligence Developing dashboard as well as reports which analyse and visualise the current situation of the company. 03 BIG DATA Developing methods and analyses of numerous large data sets which may be applied in business in various ways.04 Business plans and financial models Analytical tools needed for investment projects and business analyses. 02 3 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 4. DiFrame Sp. z o.o. presentation Description of two tools developed for the internet portal Big Data Characteristics Business Intelligence Description of business models together with visualisations Business Model Examples of tools Financial Analysis The content has been divided into four sections which aim at describing the scope of services on the basis of implementation examples and which include PrintScreen shots containing the following effects: Content 4
  • 5. excelThe most important tool Simple Effective Available Excel is a universal tool which may be used for any analytical purpose. The performance of CPU on which it is installed may constitute a limitation. In such cases we use Excel installed on a virtual machine within Azure cloud. 5 DiFrame Sp. z o.o. Option to import data from any database Data preparation and export Ease of use and simplicity of data visualisation Use of DAX formulas Relatively low licence cost
  • 6. BIG DATA Examples of projects related to ”Big Data” analysis where various large data sets were combined with a view to obtaining key information
  • 7. Big Data - marketingUsing data for marketing purposes The Project assumed the use of all available data in order to develop a tool supporting marketing activities by means of predictive analysis of advertisement content which is desirable by users. Project Goal Precise database segmentation Exporting data to marketing channels Requirements 7 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 8. Big Data - marketingData sources used 4 million records updated monthly in a non-relational and rapid MongoDB Database MongoDB 25 GB of data recorded in a Relational MySQL Database MySQL 8 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 9. Big Data - marketingData for marketing channels Supporting The most important marketing channels With precise messages The project required creating readymade lists of marketing content addressees in a quick and precise manner so that said content may be forwarded to particular channels Ad Server Double Click Display-type campaigns Email marketing Big Data contributes to fundamental KPI boost Facebook and Instagram Reaching target groups by creating precisely defined Custom Audiences Google AdWords HTML5 creative formats 9 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 10. Big Data - marketingCharacteristics of data used Users analysis with the use of Facebook.com data sets Facebook Data on the behaviours of Playstation Network users PlayStation Network Users’ behavioural data Mixpanel Declared and behavioural data pertaining to portal users MySQL Desirable data downloaded and put in the base Google Analytics Users’ data indicating their shopping preferences and XBOX Live 10 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 11. Big Data - marketingTools and methodology application diagram Indicating target group Specifying tagrger groups Segmentation and analysis Processes designed to specify particular accounts and their preferences Delivery Marketing campaign implementation Marketing Developing messages and creative formats Verification Analysis of advertising campaign performance 11 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 12. Big Data - trendsLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit The project aimed at developing a complex analytical tool for a shop operating on an auction platform among 330 000 users. The tool is intended to predict the market demand and specify the sales and buying-in prices. The key data are that the shop frequently exchanges new goods for used goods as a means of transaction settlement. Project Goal • Prediction of sales and buying-in prices • Specifying a goods purchase limit and predicting the volume • Predicting the market volume and the competition intensity Requirements 12 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 13. Big data - trendsUsers’ preferences to be taken into account This trend and therefore this factor has a substantial influence on the prognoses as the community independently appraises the value of the products Exchange with extra payment It is a crucial factor due to the need to estimate the number of users who prefer to buy or exchange second-hand products quickly and thus to estimate the supply volume and the price of second-hand products for the remaining users of the portal Selling second-hand Some portal users use its functionalities to buy a new product. This phenomenon is of particular nature and periodicity which is dependent on publishers’ decisions and their marketing activities, irrespectively of the portal operator Buying new In principle, the portal users exchange goods in one to one model. This group of users competes with those for whom selling on the portal is the main goal Exchange 13 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 14. Big Data - trendsData sources XBOX Live data show the purchasing power of the portal users XBOX Live Just as in the case of XBOX LIVE data, the downloaded data indicate the users’ purchasing power and their preferences PSN 14 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 15. The estimated number of competitors for the shop Competition Databases Persons interested in a given product because of their preferences and behaviours, some of them will want to sell or exchange the product Interested parties Specifying the market volume which the shop will be able to serve with buying- in/sales Potential clients Persons not interested in a given product due to their preferences and purchasing power. In future life-cycles of the product some of them will show interest. Not-interested parties Big Data - trendsUsers and competition segmentation 15 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 16. Business Intelligence Examples of projects related to Business Intelligence where reporting and analysing tools were developed
  • 17. Business IntelligenceReporting Excel Universal format available for everyone Unique solutions Specifying expected effects and visualising the performance of those effects Productivity Rapid and legible reports improve productivity Visualisation Clear data and KPI presentation Databases Reporting based on each data set Analysis Option to search and indicate 17 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 18. Business Intelligence Online currency exchange office Precise Business Reports Online currency exchange is a challenging undertaking due to • Fierce competition • Low margins • Complicated processes of cash management which are spread over more than 100 bank accounts • Necessity to predict client’s needs Accuracy Promptness Automation 18 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 19. Business Intelligence Online currency exchange office 19 DiFrame Sp. z o.o. Transactions analysis Dealers’ effectiveness analysis Margin analysis Banking platforms analysis Trends „ BI is about providing the right data at the right time to the right people so that they can take the right decisions ” Nic Smith Microsoft BI Solutions Marketing
  • 20. Business Intelligence Accounting Systems 20 DiFrame Sp. z o.o. Division of clients Dealers’ effectiveness analysis 2 Margin analysis 2 Transactions analysis 3 Partners’ performance analysis „ BI is about providing the right data at the right time to the right people so that they can take the right decisions” Nic Smith Microsoft BI Solutions Marketing
  • 21. Business Intelligence Accounting Systems Report Indispensable In every company Online version Convenience Swiftness 21 DiFrame Sp. z o.o. Control of costs and revenues is essential in each and every company. Numerous large companies register hundreds or even thousands of invoices monthly, be it for costs or revenues. Frequently, the accounting systems used render it difficult to view an indispensable summary enabling the assessment of the profitability for particular projects. The use of excel connected to the database of a chosen accounting system opens up new possibilities for the management board in the scope of costs analysis and control of expenditure.
  • 22. Business Intelligence Accounting Systems 22 DiFrame Sp. z o.o. Contractor mapping Segmentation of categories and subcategories Expenditure history for each project Visualisation of cost history Cost analytics Available data segmentations:
  • 23. Business IntelligenceWork performance analysis Performance analysis Monitoring and analysing employees’ work It’s really the people who make a company what it actually is and they are the true driving force of its success. That is why employing the right persons with appropriate skills is so important, and so is their work performance analysis. Appropriate tool developed in Excel enables verification of effectiveness and skills of individual employees as well as whole teams. The project consisted in developing a system to analyse the employees’ work performance. It was intended to assess their effectiveness when performing particular tasks and to predict possible staff shortage. The undertaking aimed at devising a tool to analyse the time of preforming given tasks by employees, unexploited potential of the employees and staff shortage in particular tasks. 23 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 24. Business Intelligence Work performance analysis 24 DiFrame Sp. z o.o. Tasks segmentation Analysis of task performance time Timeline analysis Day View Individual employee analysis
  • 25. Business Intelligence Web Analytics Dashboard Exceptional Online Statistical Report Each internet portal which undertakes advertising activities and wishes to be competitive, must have at its disposal a system for detailed analysis of its users. Moreover, inquiries made by potential clients must be handled promptly and accurately. A vast majority of portals uses data offered by Google Analytics. A set of Dashboards was developed to connect to Google Analytics API and acquire information which is not generally available from Google Analytics. Dashboards additionally serve as calculators and data presentations for potential clients. Online version Convenience Swiftness 25 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 26. Business Intelligence Web Analytics Dashboard 26 DiFrame Sp. z o.o. Age / Gender / Voivodeship / City UU / Voivodeship / City Devices / Country / Voivodeship / City Country / City / Provider / Devices Day of the week / Time / Sessions and BR See a sample report Available data segmentations:
  • 27. Business Intelligence Sales prognoses on the basis of IMS and PharmaProm Prognoses Based on Data A pharmaceutical company required tools and methodology for the analysis of sales data acquired from PharmaProm and IMS. On the basis of those analyses, sales prognoses were drawn up. Service Convenience Swiftness 27 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 28. Business Intelligence Accounting system 28 Sales summary report Regional sales value Historical sales value Product sales map Sales trends viewed by regions DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 29. Power BIAvailability Reports directly on your mobile Thanks to Microsoft Power BI our dashboards are always at your fingertips Simple report adjustment in Excel for Power BI Exceptionally low costs Simple configuration Possibility to connect additional data sources Analysis of the factual use of the reports by employees responsible for a given scope of activities 29 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 30. Business Models Examples of projects related to Business Intelligence involving the development of reporting tools
  • 31. Business ModelsMobile App Mobile application International market The project consisted in developing a business plan for an investment project which was to be carried out in cooperation with an investment fund financed by the National Capital Fund. The undertaking aimed at devising a mobile application using a car’s OBD 2 and launch it in international market. One of the substantial assumptions of the project was to use cloud architecture, the cost of which could significantly influence the margin. It was moreover crucial to ensure the possibility to run business simulations which would take into account the following: • Development delays and MVP • Dividing the investment into stages • Currency exchange rates and all costs 31 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 32. Business ModelsMobile App 32 DiFrame Sp. z o.o. General parameters Costs of AWS cloud support Milestones for the development Schedule of development tasks Requirements related to the use of cloud resources „ Business model is like architecture for a product, service, and information flow, together with the description of business actors and their roles… ” Maria Romanowska Piotr Wachowiak Concepts and tools of strategic management Warsaw School of Economics
  • 33. Business ModelsMobile App 33 DiFrame Sp. z o.o. Defining the moment of starting MVP Parameters of marketing channels Marketing schedule Defining conversion trends Analysis of consumers’ behaviours „ Business model is a method for conducting business which ensures that the company will survive i.e. that it will generate profits…” Maria Romanowska Piotr Wachowiak Concepts and tools of strategic management Warsaw School of Economics
  • 34. Business ModelsMobile App 34 DiFrame Sp. z o.o. Defining clients’ loyalty Analysis of currency-risk sensitivity OPEX Dividing the investment into stages Project timeline
  • 35. Business ModelsMobile App 35 DiFrame Sp. z o.o. Analytical tool – viewed by quarters Analytical tool – viewed by years Ratio analysis I Ratio analysis II Business Plan
  • 36. Business ModelProfit Share Profit Share Model Cooperation of two entities The project involved devising a tool for the purpose of performing financial simulations which were carried out during negotiations concerning cooperation of two entities one of which rendered advertising services whereas the other provided other services subject to 0% VAT rate. The subject matter of the negotiations included in particular: • Discount level for advertising services • Advertising campaign period • Generated range of advertising targeted at a defined group • Profit share in the percentage value together with specification whether it is gross/net value • Additional parameter 36 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 37. Business ModelsProfit Share 37 DiFrame Sp. z o.o. Negotiated promotion parameters Negotiated additional parameter Negotiated Profit Share parameters Performance analysis for one of the parties Business Plan
  • 38. Business ModelVoD Service VoD Service CableTV Operator Business model created to analyse a project which consisted in expanding Video on Demand services for one of the largest Polish operators to include European and American content. The business plan had to provide for the differences in terms and conditions preferred by the providers concerning transaction settlement and use of resources. It was also essential to perform analyses related to the fluctuations of currency exchange rates. 38 DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 39. Business ModelsVoD Service 39 DiFrame Sp. z o.o. EUR content parameters Product parameters - second segment Analysis of EUR currency-risk sensitivity Analysis of USD currency-risk sensitivity Performance analysis
  • 40. Business ModelsVoD Service 40 DiFrame Sp. z o.o. Liquidity dynamics Ratio analysis Simulation version 1 Simulation version 2 Simulation version 3
  • 41. Team 41 About us Marcin Mazur CEO & Founder Graduated from Warsaw School of Economics. His career in Poland began in 2009 when he worked for TVN S.A. carrying out internet projects related to VoD market. He worked for Supernova IDM Fund S.A. (private equity) investment fund in the fields of: • analyses and developing investment projects, • performing due diligence on internet companies in Poland and Ukraine Marcin Mazur himself established a start-up company Kantorino Sp. z o.o. which operates kantoris.pl website rendering such services as B2B foreign exchange. The main tasks in this project included: • Negotiating cooperation terms with banks, • Developing a business model, • Designing and implementing an online foreign exchange platform, • Devising numerous processes and tools which automated operational activities. Thanks to him the company reached break event point with total revenues exceeding PLN 2 500 000 000 His experience extends also over the following fields: • managing a company cooperating with Orange Polska in the scope of providing technologies supporting over a million decoders, • managing a website with over 330 000 active accounts, • supporting internet marketing channels, • developing creative formats. He is friends with Excel. DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 42. Team 42 About us Cezary Olszewski Founder Over 15 years of professional experience in the domain of analyses and finances (worked for investment funds, National Investment Fund, Private Equity). Cooperated, among others, with: • Simple SA, • ERG-System SA, • Imagis SA, • Emapa SA, • Supernova IDM Fund SA, • Impera Capital SA, • Calatrava Capital SA, • Polmos Szczecin SA, • Tell SA, • Bioplanet SA, • Fundacja Komunalna Sp. z o.o. [Communal Foundation], • Elkom trade Sp z o.o., • Mago SA, • Setanta S.A., • Spartan Capital SA, • Elemental Holding SA, • Mex Polska SA, F • First Class SA, • Rubicon Partners Dom Maklerski SA [Brokerage House], • Zachodni Fundusz Inwestycyjny NFI SA [Western Investment Fund] DiFrame Sp. z o.o.
  • 43. Team 43 About us Jacek Skłodowski Expert Graduated from Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport and is also a holder of diploma granted by Business School at Warsaw University of Technology. He has 20 years of professional experience in business consulting, corporate restructuring and finances. He started gaining experience in the area of business consulting when working for A&E Consult Sp. z o.o. (current company name: PKF Consult) where he started as a Consultant and eventually became the Director of Economic and Financial Analysis Department. His key clients were Poczta Polska [Polish Post Office], Daewoo Group, Guyomarc’h G.N.A from France, to name just a few. As a member of management boards he conducted restructurization of companies for a few years. Restructuring processes conducted for Polmozbyt companies, Polmozbyt Toruń Holding S.A. or Autonika Holding S.A. as the President of the Management Board, and Andropol textile group companies as the Financial Director, count among his most prominent successes. Moreover, he was appointed a Liquidator for such companies as Polmozbyt Auto Sp. z o.o. or Tkalnia Beskidzka Sp. z o.o. [Beskid Region Weaving Plant]. For many years, he was the Financial Director for companies of various sectors, for instance Polskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Kartograficznych im. E. Romera S.A. [Polish Enterprise for Cartographic Publishing Houses], DT-4 Sp. z o.o. (road construction company), Supernova IDM Fund S.A. (private equity fund), IQ Partners S.A. (fund investing in innovative start-up companies). DiFrame Sp. z o.o.