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February 2, 2017
Data Lake vs. Data Warehouse
Topics	for	Today’s	Webinar
pg 2© 2017 First San Francisco Partners www.firstsanfranciscopartners.com
§ Defining	the	Data	Lake	and	Data	Warehouse
§ Key	differences	between	the	Data	Lake	and	Data	Warehouse
§ How	to	optimize	the	Data	Lake
§ How	to	optimize	the	Data	Warehouse
§ Sample	Data	Lake	and	Data	Warehouse	architectures	(+	use	cases)
§ How	a	Data	Lake	can	solve	the	problems	of	a	Data	Warehouse
§ Key	findings	and	takeaways
§ Wrap-up
Which	type	of	data repository	does	your	organization	currently	have	and	actively	use?
§ Data	Lake
§ Data	Warehouse
§ Both	a	Data	Lake	and	Data	Warehouse
§ Neither

If	your	organization	has	a	data	repository,	are	there	plans	to	enhance	(i.e.,	improve,	
streamline	and/or	upgrade	or	replace)	it	in	2017?

§ Yes,	we	will	likely	make	some	changes	this	year.
§ No,	we	are	not	likely	to	make	any	changes	this	year.
§ Not	sure	what	we'll	do	this	year.
pg 3© 2017 First San Francisco Partners www.firstsanfranciscopartners.com
pg 4
Defining	the	Data	Lake	and	Data	Warehouse	(Gartner)
§ A Data	Warehouse is	a	storage	
architecture	designed	to	hold	
data	extracted	from	transaction	
systems,	operational	data	stores	
and	external	sources.	The	
warehouse	then	combines	that	
data	in	an	aggregate,	summary	
form	suitable	for	enterprise-
wide	data	analysis	and	reporting	
for	predefined	business	needs.	
§ A	Data	Lake	is	a	collection	of	
storage	instances	of	various	
data	assets.	These	assets	are	
stored	in	a	near-exact,	or	
even	exact,	copy	of	the	
source	format	and	are	in	
addition	to	the	originating	
data	stores.
© 2017 First San Francisco Partners www.firstsanfranciscopartners.com
Defining	the	Data	Lake	and	Data	Warehouse
Think	of	a	Data	Mart	as	a	store	of	
bottled	water—it’s	cleansed,	packaged,	
and	structured	for	easy	consumption.	
The	Data	Lake,	meanwhile,	is	a	large	
body	of	water	in	a	more	natural	state.	
The	contents	of	the	Data	Lake	stream	
in	from	a	source	to	fill	the	lake,	and	
various	users	of	the	lake	can	come	to	
examine,	dive	in	or	take	samples.	
pg 5© 2017 First San Francisco Partners www.firstsanfranciscopartners.com
Pentaho	CTO	and	
creator	of	the	
term	Data	Lake
Key	Differences	Between	the	Data	Lake	and	Data	Warehouse
pg 6© 2017 First San Francisco Partners www.firstsanfranciscopartners.com
Analysis Source: “A Big Data Cheat Sheet: What Marketers Want to Know” by Tamara Dull
Data	Lake	Challenges
pg 7© 2017 First San Francisco Partners www.firstsanfranciscopartners.com
TBD	text
Limited	#	of	
not	built	in
in	capabilities
Traditional	Enterprise	Data	Warehouse	Challenges	
BI	/	Analytical	Tools
Mart	1
Mart	2
Mart	3
Mart	4
Mart	n
EDWIdeally	based	on	an	enterprise	model,	
which	has	proven	difficult	
Source	 Adding	new	data	and	subjects
takes	a	long	time		
When	the	desired	number	of	users	is	
achieved,	performance	Is	not	acceptable	
Without	a	lot	of	governance,	usability	
rarely	meets	expectations	
Without	a	the	new	data	I	need,	I	am	
better	off	gathering	and	storing	it	myself	
Scalability	is	limited	w/o	significant	
investment	in	migration	and	
HADOOP	requires	training
and	tends	to	silo
Use	Cases:	Business	Strategy	Drives	Everything	in	the	Data	Lake*
pg 9© 2017 First San Francisco Partners www.firstsanfranciscopartners.com Proprietary and Confidential
§ Cost	Center	(i.e.	not	
designed	for	revenue	
− Analytical	tools	for	internal	use
− Elastic	computing	for	internal	
infrastructure	optimization
§ Operational	Differentiator	
(i.e.	technology	is	used	to	
differentiate	offering)	
− Cloud	and	analytics	are	supporting	
the	product	offering
− Analytics	are	used	to	provide	
differentiating	features	
Example:	Johnson	and	Johnson
§ Revenue	Multiplier	(i.e.	cloud	and	
Big	Data	analytics	integrated	into	
the	business	offerings)
− Elastic	infrastructure	is	offered	to	others	
companies	as	an	infrastructure	service	
(marketing	analysis,	back-up,	analytics	
testing,	etc.)		
− Big	Data	analytics	are	sold	as	a	data	service		
Example:	eBay,	Netflix Example:	NY	Stock	Exchange
Starting point for the roles and responsibility is to decide the purpose of the Data Lake *Orbis Technologies
Large	Medical	Device	
Use	Case:	Data	Warehouse	Architecture	to	Address
Massive	Market	Changes	
pg 10© 2017 First San Francisco Partners www.firstsanfranciscopartners.com
Data “Warehouse”
Agent	and	Policyholder	Retention
Independent	Agents	-
Easy	to	switch	
Sales	and	
Customer	- Widely	
changing	demographics	
and	markets	
But	This	is	Not	About	Choosing	
pg 11© 2017 First San Francisco Partners www.firstsanfranciscopartners.com
Usage basis
Why did it
What will
Make it
happen by
What do I
want to
should we
do next?
Reporting Analyzing Predictive
Adaptive Foresight
Capability Survival Defined
Characteristics Batch ETL ETL / EAI
Managed Optimized / Automous
Data Insight Maturity
But	This	is	Not	About	Choosing	
pg 12© 2017 First San Francisco Partners www.firstsanfranciscopartners.com
Usage basis
Why did it
What will
Make it
happen by
What do I
want to
should we
do next?
Reporting Analyzing Predictive
Adaptive Foresight
Capability Survival Defined
Characteristics Batch ETL ETL / EAI
Managed Optimized / Automous
Data Insight Maturity
“DW-ish” “DL-ish”
How	to	Optimize	the	Data	Lake
§ Design	for	rapid	and	scalable	ingestion.	
§ Know,	govern	and	protect	your	data.
§ Remove	data	silos	and	mitigate	chaos	with	pervasive	data	quality/management.
§ Ensure	your	Data	Lake	is	not	isolated	or	crudely	bolted	onto	existing	infrastructure.	
§ Monitor	performance	(ensure	no	degrading).	
§ Assess	your	users’	capabilities	and	identify	gaps	and	critical	skills	required	to	
expertly	swim	in	the	lake.	Then	create	a	skills	development	program	to	cultivate	
required	skills	and	bridge	any	gaps.	
pg 13© 2017 First San Francisco Partners www.firstsanfranciscopartners.com
How	to	Optimize	the	Data	Warehouse			
§ Understand	and	reinforce	the	strengths	of	the	four	essential	components	
of	the	Data	Warehouse,	including:
− Focus	on	supporting	self-service	and	ease	of	use	of	Metadata
− Strengthen	the	Structure	by	boosting	consistency	and	understanding	
of	performance
− Establish	trust	by	ensuring	Quality	
− Improve	accuracy	and	reduce	risk with	Governance	
pg 14© 2017 First San Francisco Partners www.firstsanfranciscopartners.com
Data	Warehouse						 blended	with						 Data	Lake	
How	a	Data	Lake	Can	Solve	the	Problems	of	a	Data	Warehouse
pg 15© 2017 First San Francisco Partners www.firstsanfranciscopartners.com
§ Lack	of	agility
§ Performance	
§ Hard	to	extend	
§ Structured	data	only
§ Enables	experimentation
§ Satisfies	timing	and	
turnaround	issues
§ Allows	unstructured	data
Data	Warehouse						 blended	with						 Data	Lake	
How	a	Data	Lake	Can	Solve	the	Problems	of	a	Data	Warehouse
pg 16© 2017 First San Francisco Partners www.firstsanfranciscopartners.com
§ Lack	of	agility
§ Performance	
§ Hard	to	extend	
§ Structured	data	only
§ Enables	experimentation
§ Satisfies	timing	and	
turnaround	issues
§ Allows	unstructured	data
Data	Lake	technology																																					to	leap	frog																																									Data	Warehouse	
Organizations	without	
data	warehouse	simply	
start	with	a	Data	Lake	
Or	organizations	that	need	to	
evolve	their	warehouse	replace	
it	with	a	Data	Lake
Key	Findings	and	Takeaways
§ Over	time,	this	is	not	an	“either/or”	debate.
§ Understand	your	overall	requirements	(based	on	
business	needs)	and	BLEND Data	Warehouse	and	Data	
Lake	capabilities,	as	well	as	the	other	structures	related	
to	these,	for	a	best	fit	or	logical	data	warehouse.
pg 17© 2017 First San Francisco Partners www.firstsanfranciscopartners.com
Sample	Architecture	 pg 18
Wrap-up	– When	in	Doubt	…
Operational Managerial Analysis Analytics
Ad hoc
Alert s
Sample	Architecture	
pg 19
Wrap-up	– When	in	Doubt	…
Operational Managerial Analysis Analytics
Ad hoc
Alert s
Document	the	business	needs,	
drivers,	metadata	and	actions	
around	data.	
Analyze	the	characteristics,	
patterns	and	classify	if	the	lake	
or	warehouse	or	???	supports	
the	need.
Gather	together	the	various	
groupings	of	how	you	can	
satisfy	your	data	insights	needs.
Craft	your	version	of	
the	best	fit	“logical	
Data	Warehouse.”
Q	&	A
pg 20© 2017 First San Francisco Partners www.firstsanfranciscopartners.com
pg 21
Thank	you!
See	you	Thursday,	March	2 for	the	next	webinar,
Descriptive,	Prescriptive	and	Predictive	Analytics
John	Ladley			@jladley
Kelle	O’Neal			@kellezoneal
© 2016 First San Francisco Partners www.firstsanfranciscopartners.com

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