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MARK 6:30-32
“And he said unto them, Come ye
yourselves apart into a desert place,
and rest a while: for there were many
coming and going, and they had no
leisure so much as to eat.” Mark 6:31
Jesus knew that a season of rest and
recreation, apart from the multitude
and the scene of their labors, would
revitalize Himself and His disciples
and so…
...He sought to withdraw His disciples
from the busy cities to a quiet resort
where they might have a season of
precious fellowship with Him and with
each other.
When Jesus said the harvest was great
and the laborers were few, He did not
urge upon His disciples the necessity
of ceaseless toil. He tells His disciples
that their strength has been severely
tried, and they will be unfitted for
future labor unless they rest awhile.
The disciples of Jesus needed to be
educated as to how they should labor
and how they should rest. Today there
is need that God's chosen workmen
should listen to the command of
Christ to go apart and rest awhile.
The Christian life is not made up of
unceasing activity, or of continual
meditation. Christians must work
earnestly for the salvation of…
…the lost, but, we must also take time
for contemplation, for prayer, for the
study of the Word of God, BUT most
importantly we must also take time to
“Amidst the hurrying throng, and the strain of life's
intense activities, he who is thus refreshed, will be
surrounded with an atmosphere of light and peace. He
will receive a new endowment of both physical and
mental strength. His life will breathe out a fragrance,
and will reveal a divine power that will reach men's
hearts. Ministry of Healing, p. 58.
• It simply means freedom from
anything that is tiring.
• Sleeping is the natural state of rest.
Sleeping is characterized by reduced
body movement and decreased
awareness of surroundings.
Many people in today’s hectic
society find it difficult to rest
due to the workload they face.
People have enormous
workload and hectic time
schedule such that they do not
have the time to sleep or even
to relax.
Fill your life with Celebrations 13
Full of fatigued
Striving to keep up in
the human “race”.
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
1. The heart beats 110,000 times.
2. We speak thousands of words.
3. We breathe 28,000 times.
4. We move major muscles hundreds of times.
5. We operate 15-20 billion brain cells.
All these organs need to rest
In just
one day . . .
Sleep is not a luxury. It is a necessity.
People die more quickly from lack of
sleep than they do from lack of food.
After ten days of total sleep
deprivation, death usually occurs.
However, sleep is tremendously
important for us.
We are in need of sleep as much as we are
in need of oxygen. Sleep is capable of
working wonders: it increases one's work
efficiency, extends one's lifespan, and
cures illnesses. The human body is
arranged that every organ needs time to
rest and recuperate.
During sleep our muscles relax, the nervous
system is relieved of the strain imposed upon
it by the rigors of the day’s activity.
This is the time when the body’s
repair and renewal program is at its
peak. Empirical research has
documented that, in humans, the
metabolic activity of the brain
decreases significantly after 24 hours
of sustained wakefulness.
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Sleep deprivation results in a
decrease in immune system
function, a decrease in the release
of growth hormone, and increased
heart rate.
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Rest is important
particularly for our
nervous systems.
Sleep deprivation
makes a person
drowsy and unable
to concentrate the
next day.
Sleep deprivation leads to the
impairment of memory, thereby
reducing physical performance and
the ability to carry out mathematical
calculations. If sleep deprivation
continues, hallucinations and mood
swings develops.
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Even a slight deprivation of night's sleep can
negatively affect one's health. It causes emotional
disturbances, and aggressiveness
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Sleep deprivation can also lead to
apathy. One can also experience pain in
the joints. People also lose their ability
to think straight and act quickly. Those
who have been deprived of sleep for
long, usually find it hard to finish a
sentence or find an appropriate word to
describe something.
Those people short term memory
tends to fail. Therefore, one should
never economize additional time for
sleep. A sleep deprived individual
does everything twice as slow.
The process of sleep, if given adequate
time and the proper environment,
provides tremendous power to the
body. It restores, rejuvenates and
energizes the body and the brain.
Appropriate sleep enhances our
alertness, energy, mood,
perception, thinking capacity,
reaction time, productivity,
performance, communication
skills, creativity, safety, good health,
That is why it is so important to get the
right quantity and quality of sleep.
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
The amounts of sleep vary significantly
with age and even between individuals.
Newborns sleep the most—a newborn
baby sleeps between 17 and 18 hours a
day. This is because sleep plays an
important part in their growth. This
decreases to 14 or 15 hours by age one, 10
or 12 hours by age four, and less than 10
by age ten.
Eighty percent (80%) of the hormones
they need for growth is produced
during the deepest part of their sleep.
The average young adult needs about 8
hours of sleep per night to function
optimally during waking hours.
Some people, however, sleep just 6 or 7
hours a night, while others need more
than 9 hours to feel rested. The elderly
tend to lose their capacity for extended
sleep. They may sleep very little at
night but doze during the day.
Sleep rests the mind
and the body.
Serotonin has been
assumed to play a
role in promoting
sleep. Other
may also play a role
in sleep.
You are lying awake in bed with eyes
open, awake but relaxed. Your beta
brain waves indicate wakefulness.
Growing more tired, you shut your
eyes. Your brain activity slows down to
alpha waves. You are more relaxed,
yet still awake. You still exhibit alpha
brain waves.
Stage I (NREM)
Brain activity is like a
person that’s awake. After
several minutes in the alpha
stage, your breathing rate
and brain waves begin to
slow down. You are now
entering Stage 1 sleep, a
transitional stage of light
Subject is aware of
noises and sounds.
Your heart rate is lowered and your
breathing becomes shallow and
regular. As your muscles relax, you
might experience a sensation of falling,
causing you to awake momentarily.
Stage II (NREM)
Brain waves become
slower & larger.
As one becomes more
relaxed, it becomes more
difficult to awaken.
Your heart rate is lowered and your
breathing becomes shallow and
regular. As your muscles relax, you
might experience a sensation of falling,
causing you to awake momentarily.
Stage III (NREM)
Brain waves are large and
slow. Known as delta
Subject is completely
oblivious to what is going
on--sound asleep.
It’s now perhaps 20-30 minutes
since you first closed your eyes.
You begin to enter Stage 3 sleep, a
combination of theta and delta
(very low frequency, high-voltage)
brain waves.
Soon, the theta waves disappear
altogether, and you have arrived at
Stage 4, the deepest phase of sleep. If
you are awakened, you will feel
mentally tired for several minutes. You
will not be able to make much sense.
Your muscles are completely relaxed,
your blood pressure drops, your pulse
and respiration are slowed.
After 30-40 minutes of delta sleep, you
begin retracing your steps back through
Stages 3 and 2. It is now about 90 to 110
minutes since you fell asleep. At this
point, something dramatic happens.
Your sympathetic nervous system is
more active now than it is during
wakefulness. Blood flow to the brain
increases. Your pulse, respiration and
blood pressure increase and are
irregular. Your temperature rises.
Your eyes begin to dart back and forth,
as if you are scanning the environment.
Theta waves mingle with alpha waves,
indicating a state similar to
wakefulness. But you are not awake.
You have arrived at REM (Rapid Eye
Movement) sleep.
In REM sleep, your muscles are
completely relaxed and you are unable
to move, while your active brain is
dreaming. REM is the most frequent
dream phase. REM dreams are more
vivid and emotional. REM sleep plays
a major role in memory storage,
retention and organization.
After your first REM period you will fall
back to Stages 2, 3 and 4 sleep -- then move
back again through Stages 3 and 2 into
more REM sleep. This cycle repeats itself
every 90 to 110 minutes until you wake up.
Depending on the length of time you sleep,
you will travel between 4-6 of these cycles
before morning.
REM sleep is absolutely essential for
preparing the mind for peak daytime
performance. Whenever you have a
short night of sleep you are eliminating
the long REM periods that come
toward morning. This can impair your
daytime learning, thinking, memory
and performance. REM sleep prepares
your mind and body for success.
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
For example, most if not all
sedatives and tranquillizers
interferes wit REM sleep. More so,
REM sleep is decreased by
antidepressants, amphetamines
and alcohol.
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
1. Schedule your activities- most of
us think we have more things to
do in a day than we plan for and
so we neglect our sleep in order to
accomplish them.
2. Have a regular physical exercise
(Eccl 5:12). Those who have
structured exercise sleep more
deep than those who do not
exercise. When we exercise, slow
wave, deep sleep stages (physical
restoration) begins sooner and
last longer.
3. Have a fixed time for going to bed
and getting up in the morning
even on the weekend and
4. Observe regularity in all activities
of living as far as possible
including eating habits.
5. Avoid late meal- an overloaded
digestive system prevents peaceful
sleep. There should be 4-5 hours after
regular meal before you go to bed and
2 hours after a light meal of fruit.
6. Avoid alcohol, coffee, and drugs.-these
are stimulants which may lead to
chronic insomnia
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
7. End your day peacefully- avoid exciting
TV programs and argument
8. The bedroom should be cool, with good
ventilation, and as dark as possible.
9. No sleeping pill-they may knock out
REM stage of sleep
10.Relax your mind- the thoughts and
worries of the day can do more in
keeping you awake than anything
else. A bedside prayer and meditation
on a scriptural text can give you a
peace of mind and sweet sleep. Worry
keeps our minds in a spin and
prevents sleep from coming.
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
• Gen. 2:1-3- God in His infinite wisdom
after creation gave us a day out of the
week to rest. The Sabbath rest is for
both our spiritual and physical rest. If
we deprive ourselves sleep, in the long
term, it can negatively affect our career,
our health and our life.
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt
Exodus 20:8-11
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it
holy. Six days shall thou labor and do all
thy work. But the seventh day is the
Sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou
shall not do any work, thou, nor thy son,
nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy
maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy
stranger that is within thy gates.
For in six days the LORD made
heaven and earth, the sea, and all that
in them is, and rested the seventh
day: wherefore the LORD blessed the
Sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt

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Day 10 Rest and your Body.ppt

  • 2. “And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.” Mark 6:31 LISTENING TO THE VOICE OF JESUS CHRIST
  • 3. Jesus knew that a season of rest and recreation, apart from the multitude and the scene of their labors, would revitalize Himself and His disciples and so… LISTENING TO THE VOICE OF JESUS CHRIST
  • 4. ...He sought to withdraw His disciples from the busy cities to a quiet resort where they might have a season of precious fellowship with Him and with each other. LISTENING TO THE VOICE OF JESUS CHRIST
  • 5. When Jesus said the harvest was great and the laborers were few, He did not urge upon His disciples the necessity of ceaseless toil. He tells His disciples that their strength has been severely tried, and they will be unfitted for future labor unless they rest awhile. LISTENING TO THE VOICE OF JESUS CHRIST
  • 6. The disciples of Jesus needed to be educated as to how they should labor and how they should rest. Today there is need that God's chosen workmen should listen to the command of Christ to go apart and rest awhile. LISTENING TO THE VOICE OF JESUS CHRIST
  • 7. The Christian life is not made up of unceasing activity, or of continual meditation. Christians must work earnestly for the salvation of… LISTENING TO THE VOICE OF JESUS CHRIST
  • 8. LISTENING TO THE VOICE OF JESUS CHRIST …the lost, but, we must also take time for contemplation, for prayer, for the study of the Word of God, BUT most importantly we must also take time to rest.
  • 9. “Amidst the hurrying throng, and the strain of life's intense activities, he who is thus refreshed, will be surrounded with an atmosphere of light and peace. He will receive a new endowment of both physical and mental strength. His life will breathe out a fragrance, and will reveal a divine power that will reach men's hearts. Ministry of Healing, p. 58. ELLEN G. WHITE
  • 10. WHAT IS REST? • It simply means freedom from anything that is tiring. • Sleeping is the natural state of rest.
  • 11. Sleeping is characterized by reduced body movement and decreased awareness of surroundings.
  • 12. Many people in today’s hectic society find it difficult to rest due to the workload they face. People have enormous workload and hectic time schedule such that they do not have the time to sleep or even to relax.
  • 13. Fill your life with Celebrations 13 Full of fatigued individuals. Striving to keep up in the human “race”.
  • 17. 1. The heart beats 110,000 times. 2. We speak thousands of words. 3. We breathe 28,000 times. 4. We move major muscles hundreds of times. 5. We operate 15-20 billion brain cells. All these organs need to rest In just one day . . .
  • 18. Sleep is not a luxury. It is a necessity. People die more quickly from lack of sleep than they do from lack of food. After ten days of total sleep deprivation, death usually occurs. However, sleep is tremendously important for us. THE NECESSITY OF SLEEP?
  • 19. We are in need of sleep as much as we are in need of oxygen. Sleep is capable of working wonders: it increases one's work efficiency, extends one's lifespan, and cures illnesses. The human body is arranged that every organ needs time to rest and recuperate. THE NECESSITY OF SLEEP?
  • 20. During sleep our muscles relax, the nervous system is relieved of the strain imposed upon it by the rigors of the day’s activity.
  • 21. This is the time when the body’s repair and renewal program is at its peak. Empirical research has documented that, in humans, the metabolic activity of the brain decreases significantly after 24 hours of sustained wakefulness. THE NECESSITY OF SLEEP?
  • 23. Sleep deprivation results in a decrease in immune system function, a decrease in the release of growth hormone, and increased heart rate. SLEEP DEPRIVATION
  • 25. Rest is important particularly for our nervous systems. Sleep deprivation makes a person drowsy and unable to concentrate the next day. REST AND THE NERVOUS SYSTEM REST AND THE NERVOUS SYSTEM
  • 26. Sleep deprivation leads to the impairment of memory, thereby reducing physical performance and the ability to carry out mathematical calculations. If sleep deprivation continues, hallucinations and mood swings develops.
  • 29. Even a slight deprivation of night's sleep can negatively affect one's health. It causes emotional disturbances, and aggressiveness
  • 32. Sleep deprivation can also lead to apathy. One can also experience pain in the joints. People also lose their ability to think straight and act quickly. Those who have been deprived of sleep for long, usually find it hard to finish a sentence or find an appropriate word to describe something.
  • 33. Those people short term memory tends to fail. Therefore, one should never economize additional time for sleep. A sleep deprived individual does everything twice as slow.
  • 34. The process of sleep, if given adequate time and the proper environment, provides tremendous power to the body. It restores, rejuvenates and energizes the body and the brain.
  • 35. Appropriate sleep enhances our alertness, energy, mood, perception, thinking capacity, reaction time, productivity, performance, communication skills, creativity, safety, good health, longevity. That is why it is so important to get the right quantity and quality of sleep.
  • 37. The amounts of sleep vary significantly with age and even between individuals. Newborns sleep the most—a newborn baby sleeps between 17 and 18 hours a day. This is because sleep plays an important part in their growth. This decreases to 14 or 15 hours by age one, 10 or 12 hours by age four, and less than 10 by age ten.
  • 38. Eighty percent (80%) of the hormones they need for growth is produced during the deepest part of their sleep. The average young adult needs about 8 hours of sleep per night to function optimally during waking hours.
  • 39. Some people, however, sleep just 6 or 7 hours a night, while others need more than 9 hours to feel rested. The elderly tend to lose their capacity for extended sleep. They may sleep very little at night but doze during the day.
  • 40. Sleep rests the mind and the body. Serotonin has been assumed to play a role in promoting sleep. Other neurotransmitters may also play a role in sleep.
  • 41. STAGES OF SLEEP You are lying awake in bed with eyes open, awake but relaxed. Your beta brain waves indicate wakefulness. Growing more tired, you shut your eyes. Your brain activity slows down to alpha waves. You are more relaxed, yet still awake. You still exhibit alpha brain waves.
  • 42. Stage I (NREM) Brain activity is like a person that’s awake. After several minutes in the alpha stage, your breathing rate and brain waves begin to slow down. You are now entering Stage 1 sleep, a transitional stage of light sleep. Subject is aware of noises and sounds.
  • 43. Your heart rate is lowered and your breathing becomes shallow and regular. As your muscles relax, you might experience a sensation of falling, causing you to awake momentarily.
  • 44. Stage II (NREM) Brain waves become slower & larger. As one becomes more relaxed, it becomes more difficult to awaken.
  • 45. Your heart rate is lowered and your breathing becomes shallow and regular. As your muscles relax, you might experience a sensation of falling, causing you to awake momentarily.
  • 46. Stage III (NREM) Brain waves are large and slow. Known as delta waves. Subject is completely oblivious to what is going on--sound asleep.
  • 47. STAGE 3 It’s now perhaps 20-30 minutes since you first closed your eyes. You begin to enter Stage 3 sleep, a combination of theta and delta (very low frequency, high-voltage) brain waves.
  • 48. STAGE 4 Soon, the theta waves disappear altogether, and you have arrived at Stage 4, the deepest phase of sleep. If you are awakened, you will feel mentally tired for several minutes. You will not be able to make much sense. Your muscles are completely relaxed, your blood pressure drops, your pulse and respiration are slowed.
  • 49. REM STAGE OF SLEEP. After 30-40 minutes of delta sleep, you begin retracing your steps back through Stages 3 and 2. It is now about 90 to 110 minutes since you fell asleep. At this point, something dramatic happens.
  • 50. REM STAGE OF SLEEP. Your sympathetic nervous system is more active now than it is during wakefulness. Blood flow to the brain increases. Your pulse, respiration and blood pressure increase and are irregular. Your temperature rises.
  • 51. Your eyes begin to dart back and forth, as if you are scanning the environment. Theta waves mingle with alpha waves, indicating a state similar to wakefulness. But you are not awake. You have arrived at REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep.
  • 52. REM SLEEP In REM sleep, your muscles are completely relaxed and you are unable to move, while your active brain is dreaming. REM is the most frequent dream phase. REM dreams are more vivid and emotional. REM sleep plays a major role in memory storage, retention and organization.
  • 53. YOUR NIGHTLY CYCLE After your first REM period you will fall back to Stages 2, 3 and 4 sleep -- then move back again through Stages 3 and 2 into more REM sleep. This cycle repeats itself every 90 to 110 minutes until you wake up. Depending on the length of time you sleep, you will travel between 4-6 of these cycles before morning.
  • 54. REM sleep is absolutely essential for preparing the mind for peak daytime performance. Whenever you have a short night of sleep you are eliminating the long REM periods that come toward morning. This can impair your daytime learning, thinking, memory and performance. REM sleep prepares your mind and body for success.
  • 57. For example, most if not all sedatives and tranquillizers interferes wit REM sleep. More so, REM sleep is decreased by antidepressants, amphetamines and alcohol.
  • 59. HOW DO WE PROMOTE GOOD SLEEP? 1. Schedule your activities- most of us think we have more things to do in a day than we plan for and so we neglect our sleep in order to accomplish them.
  • 60. 2. Have a regular physical exercise (Eccl 5:12). Those who have structured exercise sleep more deep than those who do not exercise. When we exercise, slow wave, deep sleep stages (physical restoration) begins sooner and last longer.
  • 61. 3. Have a fixed time for going to bed and getting up in the morning even on the weekend and holidays. 4. Observe regularity in all activities of living as far as possible including eating habits.
  • 62. 5. Avoid late meal- an overloaded digestive system prevents peaceful sleep. There should be 4-5 hours after regular meal before you go to bed and 2 hours after a light meal of fruit. 6. Avoid alcohol, coffee, and drugs.-these are stimulants which may lead to chronic insomnia
  • 64. 7. End your day peacefully- avoid exciting TV programs and argument 8. The bedroom should be cool, with good ventilation, and as dark as possible. 9. No sleeping pill-they may knock out REM stage of sleep
  • 65. 10.Relax your mind- the thoughts and worries of the day can do more in keeping you awake than anything else. A bedside prayer and meditation on a scriptural text can give you a peace of mind and sweet sleep. Worry keeps our minds in a spin and prevents sleep from coming.
  • 110. • Gen. 2:1-3- God in His infinite wisdom after creation gave us a day out of the week to rest. The Sabbath rest is for both our spiritual and physical rest. If we deprive ourselves sleep, in the long term, it can negatively affect our career, our health and our life.
  • 112. Exodus 20:8-11 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shall thou labor and do all thy work. But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shall not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates.
  • 113. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.

Editor's Notes

  1. Genesis 2:1-3: “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work,…”
  2. “…which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made…”
  3. “…And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it; because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.” ●Notice–Bible says God “sanctified” the seventh day. That means He made it holy. –He set–apart for–holy use
  4. Bible says–Exodus 20:8-11: “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
  5. “…but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work:…”
  6. “…you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates.”
  7. ●Why worship him on that day? “For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them and rested the seventh day….”
  8. “… Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.”
  9. Luke 4:16 says: “And He [Jesus] came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up; and, as His custom was,...”
  10. “...He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up for to read.” ●Sabbath–Jesus announced He was the Messiah –reading from Isaiah Wouldn’t Jesus have done away with Sabbath–in His life –if He–planned to destroy the law –OR–introduce a new day–worship?
  11. Remember–story of crucifixion–Luke 23:54-56z; “That day [the day Christ was crucified] was the preparation, and the Sabbath drew near.” ●Christ–crucified–day–Bible calls –preparation day ●Bible says:
  12. “And the women who had come with Him from Galilee followed after, and they observed the tomb and how his body was laid...”
  13. “...Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils.”
  14. Bible continues, “and they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment.” ●Preparation day, the day Christ died ●Next day–Sabbath–rested –Ladies wouldn’t–embalm His body –Obvious–commandments weren’t nailed–cross Closest followers–rested –according to commandment –Christ rested on Sabbath in life –rested on Sabbath in death
  15. Bible describes–happened–third day “Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them,...”
  16. “...came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared...”
  17. “...But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb.”
  18. Now notice - Friday –preparation day–the day Jesus died
  19. Next day –Sabbath day–Saturday –women rested–Christ rested –according to the commandment
  20. First day–Sunday –Christ rose from the dead –You have three days in succession ●Do we know what day Jesus died? –We call it “Good Friday”–preparation day ●Next day–women rested –Sabbath day–English–called Saturday ●First day–Sunday–third day ●Sabbath–day between–Friday and Sunday ●Bible clear–so are most common dictionaries
  21. Dictionaries...say: “The seventh day, Saturday, is the seventh day of the week.”
  22. ●True! Scriptures teach Sabbath observance. –Cardinal Peter Gierman–Converts Catechism: Q: Which is the Sabbath day? A: Saturday is the Sabbath day.
  23. Q: Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday? A: Because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday. ●Catechism is clear. It says –church transferred–solemnity –from Saturday – Sunday.
  24. ●In 1988, Karl Keating–one of the foremost Catholic authors–United States wrote about Protestants–said: “...fundamentalists meet for worship on Sunday, yet there is no evidence in the Bible that corporate worship was to be made on Sundays. The Jewish Sabbath or day of rest, …”
  25. “…was, of course, Saturday It was the Catholic church that decided Sunday should be the day of worship for Christians in honor of the resurrection.” ●Keeting says–church changed–day of worship ●The Controversial Catechism by Reverand Stephen Keenan –uses–fact to raise–unpleasant questions –for Sunday keeping Protestants:
  26. ● “Q. When Protestants do profane work on Saturday, or the seventh day of the week, do they follow the scripture as their only rule of faith?
  27. A. On the contrary. They have only the authority of tradition for this practice. In profaning Saturday they violate one of God’s Commandments,
  28. which, on their principles, has never been abrogated: ‘Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. (Exodus 20:8)’” ●Medieval church says, We have the authority –We can change the Sabbath. ●They say to Protestants: –If you are going by the Bible, –keep Saturday–Bible’s Sabbath –If you keep Sunday –you accept–authority–Roman Church.