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Presented by:
Pritom Gogoi
Thinking skills in the age of globalization
Globalization is changing the way we work and live.
Globalization brings about an ever quickening pace of life.
Critical thinking skill and creativity.
Become a critical thinker and solve problems.
Ways to improve critical thinking
Learning the theory
Deliberate practice
Developing right attitude
Developing theoretical knowledge and actual ability
Key questions to think about ?
What does it
mean ?
How many
reasons and
Why is it
important or
Which are the other
possibilities to consider ?
5 Tips to make an effective presentation
What is
message &
why is it
the ideas
Different types of definition
•Reportive definition
•Stipulative definition
•Precising definition
Ways to provide a meaningful definition
Avoid verbal
and factual
•Definition of truth by , Aristotles
To say of what is that it is not ,or of what is not that it is , is
false , while
To say of what is that it is , and of what is not that it is not , is
•Analytical truth :- statement that is true in virtue of meaning of words
contained in the statement
•Empirical truth :- depends on contingent facts about the world fact that could
have been different if the history and physical laws of universe had been any
•Value truth :- is one about what is to be good or bad , what is morally right
or wrong , or what we should or should not do
Types of truth
•The core of logic is about consistency and deduction. It also
plays a special role in computer technology , as computers are
good at processing information because there processors can
perform a huge no. of logical information
Basic logic
An argument is a list of statements, one of which is the
conclusion and the others are the assumptions of the
argument. For example, it is raining so you should bring an
Consistency:- a statement is consistent when and only when it is
logically possible for all of them to be true in same situation otherwise
its inconsistent
Entailment:- if p1…..pn are all true then Q must also be true
logical equivalence :- if P entails Q and Q entails P then P and Q
are logically equivalent.
Concepts of logics
•An argument is valid if and only if there is no logically possible
situation in which the premises are true and the conclusion is false
•If an argument is valid and all the premises are true then it is called
sound argument. An argument that is not sound is unsound.
Validity and soundness
 Argument mapping is a way to visually show the logical structure of arguments.
 The purpose of mapping is to uncover the logical structure of arguments, identify
unstated assumptions, evaluate the support an argument offers for a conclusion,
and aid understanding of debates.
 Co premises are premises that work together to form a single argument for a
conclusion, where as independent premises offer distinct reasons for accepting the
 Objections represent opposing arguments from different slides.
Argument Mapping
 What is good argument ?
The premises are true or highly plausible.
The argument is deductively valid or inductively strong.
The premises are not question-begging.
All the premises are relevant to the conclusion.
 Four ways to attack an argument
1. Attack the premises.
2. Attack the reasoning.
3. Attack the arguments indirectly by attacking the
4. Give an analogous arguments that is obviously bad.
Argument Analysis
 Noteworthy features-based on evidence; hypothesis testing is fallible.
 Steps in Hypothesis testing:
a. Define the hypothesis to be tested.
b. Collect the evidence for an against the hypothesis.
c. List all the alternative hypothesis.
d. Rank them and pick the best one to accept.
 Mechanism is related to truthfulness.
 Two kinds of Coherence:
a. Logically consistent-a theory should be internally coherent.
b. Good theories should be consistent with other well-confirmed theories and facts.
Hypothesis-Core of scientific methodology
The method of
The method of
The method of
The joint method
1. The two cause might not be any of the
candidate causes.
2. The effect might have more than one cause.
3. Causation can be in deterministic.
Mill’s Methods
Good evidence for causation
 Accidental Correlation
 The Causal direction is reversed
 Hidden common causes
 A caution due to side effect
 Look for reliable model of causal
Look for covariation and
Causation is complicated
 Causes delevance
 casually necessary & sufficient
 Conditions
 Triggers
 Proximity
 Randomness & casual determinace
Why correlation is not causation ?
Diagrams Of Casual
Climate Change
Soil Erosion
Less Farmland
More Floods
Extreme Weather
Casual Networks
Fish Bone Diagram
Casual Factor #1 Casual Factor #3
Casual Factor #4Casual Factor #2
Dirty lens
Wrong lens
Wrong exposure
Out of focus
Wrong mode
Shaky hands
Not following
Subject moving too fast
Too dark
Reasons for blurry photo with a camera
Flow Chart
A flow chart is a diagram of the sequence of movements or actions of people or things
involved in a complex system or activity.
The example below describes how a busy person ruthlessly deals with the flood of emails
in his inbox: Start
Reply Immediately
Reply later
 A fallacy is an argument that uses poor reasoning.
 An argument can be fallacious whether or not its conclusion is true.
 A fallacy can be either formal or informal.
Formal Fallacy: An error that stems from a poor logical form is sometimes called
a formal fallacy or simply an invalid argument.
Informal fallacy: It is an error in reasoning that does not originate in improper
logical form.
Cognitive biases is a common tendency to acquire and process information by
filtering it through one's own likes, dislikes, and experiences.
1. Memory Biases
2. Context Biases
3. Ego Biases
Cognitive Biases
Analogical Reasoning
 Is a method of processing information that compares similarities and understood concepts.
 It is form of inductive reasoning
Evaluating analogical arguments
 Truth
 Relevance
 Number & Diversity
 Disanalogy
• Think generally about how the decision should be made.
• Do some research
• Come up with a list of options.
• Evaluate their props and cons & pick the best option.
• Prepare for contingencies.
• Monitor progress and learn from results.
Typical Problems In Decision Making
Plunging in
No system
Decision paralysis and procrastition
Failure to execute
Framing bias
Over confidence
No learning
Sour grapes mentality
Obession with some cost
Creativity Cycle
Brain Storming and Group Creativity
Brain storming is a method for generating ideas in a group. It was 1st popularized by
Alex Osborn, an advertising executive around 1950’s.
Factors that diminish the
effectiveness of brain storming:
 Problem of production
 Group thinking
Measures that might be useful for more effective
brain storming:
An impartial group leader to structure the
discussion without introducing biases
A devil’s advocate to challenge assumptions
Consultations with outside experts
Critical thinking

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Critical thinking

  • 2. Thinking skills in the age of globalization Globalization is changing the way we work and live. Globalization brings about an ever quickening pace of life. Critical thinking skill and creativity. Become a critical thinker and solve problems.
  • 3. Ways to improve critical thinking Learning the theory Deliberate practice Developing right attitude Developing theoretical knowledge and actual ability
  • 4. Key questions to think about ? What does it mean ? How many supporting reasons and objectives? Why is it important or relevant? Which are the other possibilities to consider ?
  • 5. 5 Tips to make an effective presentation Know your audience What is your central message & why is it important? Organize the ideas Be simple and direct Rewrite, rewrite and rewrite
  • 7. Different types of definition 1 •Reportive definition 2 •Stipulative definition 3 •Precising definition
  • 8. Ways to provide a meaningful definition Avoid verbal and factual dispute Avoid circular definition Avoid obscurity Avoid persuasive definitions
  • 9. •Definition of truth by , Aristotles To say of what is that it is not ,or of what is not that it is , is false , while To say of what is that it is , and of what is not that it is not , is true. Truth
  • 10. •Analytical truth :- statement that is true in virtue of meaning of words contained in the statement •Empirical truth :- depends on contingent facts about the world fact that could have been different if the history and physical laws of universe had been any difference •Value truth :- is one about what is to be good or bad , what is morally right or wrong , or what we should or should not do Types of truth
  • 11. •The core of logic is about consistency and deduction. It also plays a special role in computer technology , as computers are good at processing information because there processors can perform a huge no. of logical information Basic logic
  • 12. An argument is a list of statements, one of which is the conclusion and the others are the assumptions of the argument. For example, it is raining so you should bring an umbrella Argument
  • 13. Consistency:- a statement is consistent when and only when it is logically possible for all of them to be true in same situation otherwise its inconsistent Entailment:- if p1…..pn are all true then Q must also be true logical equivalence :- if P entails Q and Q entails P then P and Q are logically equivalent. Concepts of logics
  • 14. •An argument is valid if and only if there is no logically possible situation in which the premises are true and the conclusion is false •If an argument is valid and all the premises are true then it is called sound argument. An argument that is not sound is unsound. Validity and soundness
  • 15.  Argument mapping is a way to visually show the logical structure of arguments.  The purpose of mapping is to uncover the logical structure of arguments, identify unstated assumptions, evaluate the support an argument offers for a conclusion, and aid understanding of debates.  Co premises are premises that work together to form a single argument for a conclusion, where as independent premises offer distinct reasons for accepting the conclusion.  Objections represent opposing arguments from different slides. Argument Mapping
  • 16.  What is good argument ? The premises are true or highly plausible. The argument is deductively valid or inductively strong. The premises are not question-begging. All the premises are relevant to the conclusion.  Four ways to attack an argument 1. Attack the premises. 2. Attack the reasoning. 3. Attack the arguments indirectly by attacking the conclusion. 4. Give an analogous arguments that is obviously bad. Argument Analysis
  • 17.  Noteworthy features-based on evidence; hypothesis testing is fallible.  Steps in Hypothesis testing: a. Define the hypothesis to be tested. b. Collect the evidence for an against the hypothesis. c. List all the alternative hypothesis. d. Rank them and pick the best one to accept.  Mechanism is related to truthfulness.  Two kinds of Coherence: a. Logically consistent-a theory should be internally coherent. b. Good theories should be consistent with other well-confirmed theories and facts. Hypothesis-Core of scientific methodology
  • 18. The method of agreement The method of concomitant variations The method of residues The joint method Mill’s Methods Limitations: 1. The two cause might not be any of the candidate causes. 2. The effect might have more than one cause. 3. Causation can be in deterministic. Mill’s Methods
  • 19. Good evidence for causation  Accidental Correlation  The Causal direction is reversed  Hidden common causes  A caution due to side effect  Look for reliable model of causal mechanism Look for covariation and manipulability Causation is complicated  Causes delevance  casually necessary & sufficient  Conditions  Triggers  Proximity  Randomness & casual determinace Why correlation is not causation ?
  • 21. Climate Change Soil Erosion Less Farmland More Floods Deforestation Industrialization Extreme Weather Casual Networks
  • 22. Fish Bone Diagram Problem or Effect Casual Factor #1 Casual Factor #3 Casual Factor #4Casual Factor #2
  • 23. Blurry Photo HARDWARE METHOD ENVIRONMENT USER Dirty lens Wrong lens Wrong exposure Out of focus Wrong mode Shaky hands Not following instructions Subject moving too fast Too dark Reasons for blurry photo with a camera
  • 24. Flow Chart A flow chart is a diagram of the sequence of movements or actions of people or things involved in a complex system or activity. The example below describes how a busy person ruthlessly deals with the flood of emails in his inbox: Start Important Urgent Reply Immediately End End End Reply later Delete
  • 25. Fallacies  A fallacy is an argument that uses poor reasoning.  An argument can be fallacious whether or not its conclusion is true.  A fallacy can be either formal or informal. Formal Fallacy: An error that stems from a poor logical form is sometimes called a formal fallacy or simply an invalid argument. Informal fallacy: It is an error in reasoning that does not originate in improper logical form.
  • 26. Cognitive biases is a common tendency to acquire and process information by filtering it through one's own likes, dislikes, and experiences. TYPES: 1. Memory Biases 2. Context Biases 3. Ego Biases Cognitive Biases
  • 27. Analogical Reasoning  Is a method of processing information that compares similarities and understood concepts.  It is form of inductive reasoning Evaluating analogical arguments  Truth  Relevance  Number & Diversity  Disanalogy
  • 28. 1 • Think generally about how the decision should be made. • Do some research 2 • Come up with a list of options. • Evaluate their props and cons & pick the best option. 3 • Prepare for contingencies. • Monitor progress and learn from results.
  • 29. Typical Problems In Decision Making Plunging in No system Decision paralysis and procrastition Failure to execute Framing bias Over confidence No learning Sour grapes mentality Obession with some cost
  • 31. Brain Storming and Group Creativity Brain storming is a method for generating ideas in a group. It was 1st popularized by Alex Osborn, an advertising executive around 1950’s. Factors that diminish the effectiveness of brain storming:  Problem of production blocking  Group thinking Measures that might be useful for more effective brain storming: An impartial group leader to structure the discussion without introducing biases A devil’s advocate to challenge assumptions Consultations with outside experts