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Create Your End User Adoption
Erica Toelle
Portals & Content Manager
1. What is End User Adoption?
2. How to Actually Drive End User Adoption
What is End User Adoption?
Benefits of OCM
Benefits of OCM
A systematic process that mitigates risks and leverages
change as a resource for project success
An actionable, process-driven effort with work streams
of activities and tasks
Has templates, forms, checklists and quality
measurements that drive the OCM process
What is OCM?
The Change Curve
Individual Change
Valley of
How people feel
Endings Transitions New Beginnings
Phases of Transition
The Kubler-Ross Change Curve
LevelofChangeEffortAdoption/Ownership occurs over time & with increasing effort
Awareness: Sponsors, Stakeholders, and End Users are aware of the
project objectives, activities, and timeline.
Understanding Shared Understanding: Sponsors, Stakeholders, and End Users
understand the project and how the change it will impact them.
Shared Commitment Shared Commitment: Sponsors, Stakeholders, and End
Users agree with the objectives of the project and express
their support for the change.
Adoption / Ownership
Adoption/Ownership: Sponsors, Stakeholders,
and End Users demonstrate their commitment
to the change initiative. They feel responsible
and accountable for the project’s success.
OCM Project Workstreams
Gain understanding and agreement from leadership and those
affected that the change is in their best interest. Have them follow
through on calls to action.
Support with the
Right Roles
Define how job descriptions change once the project is implemented.
This includes how the solution will be maintained and what training is
needed for whom.
Use existing communication channels to get the right message to the
right people at the right time.
Plan training on specific solutions and processes. Use a variety of
methods and timing.
OCM Work Stream Activities
Define Design Build Launch Operate
Leadership &
Training Plan
Stakeholder Meetings
Resistance to
Operations Plan
Ongoing Training
Create Training
Execute Training
Execute Communication Plan
Change Champion Execution
Change Inventory
and Role
Support with
the Right Roles
Leadership &
1. Run a change champion program
2. Strategically manage your stakeholders
3. Use the stakeholders and information from the
change champions to customize the training and
communications plan to the organization
How to Drive End User Adoption
Use for:
• Having a “go-to” person in each stakeholder group
• Owner level commitment to the change
• First place to ask questions
• Helps to identify and manage resistance to change
What it is:
• A person who is selected as a change champion
• Also known as a super user, power user, etc.
Change Champion Overview
• Be well networked within the organization and respected by peers
• Want to improve the organization
• Have the courage to speak up for what they believe in
• Be seen as ‘go to’ people and opinion makers
• Have a broad understanding of the organization and how it works
• Be able to translate the overall change vision into local 'what’s in it for me' scenarios
• Feel passionate about the change while being empathetic to the mindset and
behavior shift their colleagues will need to go through
• 'Tuned in' to the mood of the area they are in and able to pick up on resistance to
the change, lack of understanding of the change journey and communication gaps
between the business and the program
Change Champion Characteristics
Change Champion Program
Define Design Build Launch Operate
• Conduct interviews
with change
• Ask how they define
the business problem
• Ask about how they
would solve the
• Ask what success
would look like
• Ask about perceived
• Have champions
review wireframes,
prototypes, proof of
concepts, etc.
• Ask them to help
identify stakeholders
• Involve them in
creating the
communications and
training plans
• Think of them as a
sort of “steering
• Participate in key
sprint reviews; ask for
feedback as solution
is developed
• Help to “localize”
communications and
training materials to
their department
• Provide input to
launch plan
• Identify resistance to
change and help to
• Answer questions
about the project
• Help to deliver
training and
communications as
• Participate in
operations as
Stakeholder Management Overview
Define Design Build Launch Operate
• Inventory
• Understand their
current level of
commitment to the
• Determine the
desired level of future
commitment to the
• Develop strategy for
how you will move
stakeholders from
current level of
commitment to the
project to the future
• Conduct stakeholder
kick off meetings
• Continue to engage
the stakeholders
according to your
• Ask them to review
training and
communications plan
• Identify resistance to
change and help to
• Answer questions
about the project
• Help to deliver
communications as
• Participate in
operations as
16 Time
LevelofChangeEffortAdoption/Ownership occurs over time & with increasing effort
Awareness: Sponsors, Stakeholders, and End Users are aware of the
project objectives, activities, and timeline.
Understanding Shared Understanding: Sponsors, Stakeholders, and End Users
understand the project and how the change it will impact them.
Shared Commitment Shared Commitment: Sponsors, Stakeholders, and End
Users agree with the objectives of the project and express
their support for the change.
Adoption / Ownership
Adoption/Ownership: Sponsors, Stakeholders,
and End Users demonstrate their commitment
to the change initiative. They feel responsible
and accountable for the project’s success.
Use for:
• Understanding who is impacted by the change
• Understanding the current and future levels of commitment
What it is:
• A way for the OCM resources and project team to accomplish the to-be
state in a structured manner
• The basis of the communications plan
Stakeholder Inventory
Stakeholder Inventory
Individuals or
Commitment Level
Group Name
Senior Executive High Awareness
Sales Managers Medium Unaware Awareness Low
Workflow users
High Unaware Ownership Medium
Impact on Project – High, Medium, Low
Current Commitment Level – Unaware, Awareness, Shared Understanding, Shared
Commitment, Ownership
Future Commitment Level – Unaware, Awareness, Shared Understanding, Shared
Commitment, Ownership
Project Risk – Risk if they don’t reach commitment level: High, Medium, Low
Use for:
• Creating awareness, buy-in and / or ownership among project
stakeholders (depending on desired outcome)
• Clearly communicating project information and asks
• Provides an opportunity for two way communication
What it is:
• A meeting or series of in person meetings
Stakeholder Kick off Meeting
1. Review project objectives
• Gain agreement with stakeholder
2. Review project timeline
3. Explain expected impact to their group / employees
4. Asks / Feedback
• Make sure they understand their importance to making the change
• Ask for their participation in the stakeholder strategy
Example Kick off Meeting Agenda
Example Stakeholder Asks
Awareness Shared
Buy-In Ownership
Knowledge of project and objectives X
Stakeholder Agrees with project objectives X
An understanding of how the change will impact their group X
Awareness of groups policies to which you must adhere X
Knowledge of existing processes that will be impacted X
Introduction to other stakeholders you may have missed X
Knowledge of competing initiatives and “busy times” X
Knowledge of preferred communication channels X
Identification of change champions X X
Awareness of existing materials that can be leveraged by the
Contribution of resources, budget, etc. X
Stakeholder agrees to send project communications X
Use for:
• Creating shared understanding with the team about who we are telling
what, when, how, and why
• Informing stakeholders about how you will communicate with them
going forward & what they can expect
• Execution of the communications plan should create shared
understanding & commitment with stakeholders
What it is:
• The master plan of who you are telling what
• Consists of a communication plan and channel plan
Communications Plan
Communications Plan
Channel Frequency Purpose
Status call and email
Discuss key accomplishments, upcoming
milestones, issues / risks, and action
John Doe Jane Doe
CFO Update Monthly
Provide credibility to the project and
create awareness and shared
understanding through updates.
John Doe Jane Doe
Leadership Monthly
Continually evangelize work and
highlight project “wins”.
John Doe Jane Doe
End Users Web Portal Weekly Updates
Update on project efforts with links to
supporting detail.
John Doe Jane Doe
Status call
And email recap
Discuss key accomplishments, upcoming
milestones, issues / risks, and action
John Doe Jane Doe
segmentation and
pipeline meeting
Provide visibility into the business impact
of the project. Ask questions as
John Doe Jane Doe
Weekly Account
Wins Newsletter
Will submit content
on a bi-weekly
The role-targeted newsletter will
aggregate many messages currently sent
through email and other newsletters
John Doe Jane Doe
Web Portal Weekly Updates
Update on project efforts with links to
supporting detail.
John Doe Jane Doe
Communication Channel List
Weekly Newsletter Web Portal
Audience Content should be directed to weekly newsletter if it is actionable,
timely, and helps the field meet revenue goals or other
This is the primary source for all non-actionable messages for the field.
Product updates, contests, and other kinds of useful information.
Content The content is organized by role groups and sent via email as
an imbedded XML document. Based on user-profile, employee
receives weekly newsletter that includes broad information as
well as specific content segmented by role.
weekly newsletter articles should be actionable, clearly stating
what the reader should do and what benefit the action has for
the reader.
Articles may be up to 1,500 characters and must be submitted
in the form of a plain text file (.txt).
ThePortal offers broad information, as well as role-targeted
You may submit content at any time, either as an update to a page
that already exists or you may request a new page be created.
After reviewing: the managing editor or community owners determine
that the content you submitted should be displayed differently than
you indicated on your original submission, you will be notified via
email of those changes prior to the content being published.
Deadline for
Content must be submitted by end of day Wednesday to be
included in the following Monday publication.
Location of
Web-based form is at the following link: Click here to complete
Email content to:
Cadence Weekly On as needed basis: generally expect a 24-48 hour turnaround time to
Review Process Review and editing process conducted by the communication
team and the community owners.
All portal content submissions will go through a review process
conducted by the communication team and the community owners.
Who Owns Communication team:
Specific name
Communication team:
Specific name
 Use preferred senders to deliver the communication
 Use multiple voices and channels to communicate
 Honesty is the only policy
 Communicate clearly and predictably
 Answer “why is this change happening” and “what is the risk of not changing”
 Answer “What’s in it for me”
 Don’t have communications come from the project team or project leaders
 Use face to face communication
 Repeat key messages 5-7 times
 Create opportunities for two way communication
 Evaluate the effectiveness of your communications
Communications Checklist
Use for:
• Providing the knowledge stakeholders and users will need to obtain
buy-in or ownership level of adoption
What it is:
• The master plan of what training will be provided, by role and
stakeholder group
Training Plan
Training Options
27 Cost
1:1 Training
Fast Track
Customized for
Training Tools
Quick Start
Communications Plan
Audience Sub Audience Training Method Frequency
1:1 training One time
In-context training Ongoing
End Users In-context training Ongoing
Account Managers
Custom Video Ongoing
Classroom training One time
Quick start guides Ongoing
Webinar Offered weekly for four weeks
1. Run a change champion program
2. Strategically manage your stakeholders
3. Use the stakeholders and information from the
change champions to customize the training and
communications plan to the organization
How to Drive End User Adoption
Erica Toelle

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Chapter 6 - Test Tools Considerations V4.0
Neeraj Kumar Singh

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Create Your End User Adoption Strategy

  • 1. Create Your End User Adoption Strategy Erica Toelle Portals & Content Manager
  • 2. 1. What is End User Adoption? 2. How to Actually Drive End User Adoption Agenda 2
  • 3. What is End User Adoption? 3
  • 6. A systematic process that mitigates risks and leverages change as a resource for project success An actionable, process-driven effort with work streams of activities and tasks Has templates, forms, checklists and quality measurements that drive the OCM process What is OCM? 6
  • 7. The Change Curve 7 Individual Change Valley of Despair How people feel Endings Transitions New Beginnings Phases of Transition The Kubler-Ross Change Curve MoraleandCompetence Time Shock Denial Frustration Depression Experiment Decision Integration
  • 8. 8 Time LevelofChangeEffortAdoption/Ownership occurs over time & with increasing effort Awareness Awareness: Sponsors, Stakeholders, and End Users are aware of the project objectives, activities, and timeline. Shared Understanding Shared Understanding: Sponsors, Stakeholders, and End Users understand the project and how the change it will impact them. Shared Commitment Shared Commitment: Sponsors, Stakeholders, and End Users agree with the objectives of the project and express their support for the change. Adoption / Ownership Adoption/Ownership: Sponsors, Stakeholders, and End Users demonstrate their commitment to the change initiative. They feel responsible and accountable for the project’s success.
  • 9. OCM Project Workstreams 9 Stakeholder Understanding Communication Training Gain understanding and agreement from leadership and those affected that the change is in their best interest. Have them follow through on calls to action. Support with the Right Roles Define how job descriptions change once the project is implemented. This includes how the solution will be maintained and what training is needed for whom. Use existing communication channels to get the right message to the right people at the right time. Plan training on specific solutions and processes. Use a variety of methods and timing.
  • 10. OCM Work Stream Activities 10 Define Design Build Launch Operate Organizational Culture Assessment Change Magnitude Assessment Leadership & Stakeholder Assessment Communication Plan Training Plan Stakeholder Meetings Manage Resistance to Change Operations Plan Ongoing Training Create Training Execute Training Execute Communication Plan Change Champion Interviews Change Champion Execution Change Inventory and Role Mapping Support with the Right Roles Stakeholder Understanding Communication Training Leadership & Stakeholder Strategy
  • 11. 1. Run a change champion program 2. Strategically manage your stakeholders 3. Use the stakeholders and information from the change champions to customize the training and communications plan to the organization How to Drive End User Adoption 11
  • 12. Use for: • Having a “go-to” person in each stakeholder group • Owner level commitment to the change • First place to ask questions • Helps to identify and manage resistance to change What it is: • A person who is selected as a change champion • Also known as a super user, power user, etc. Change Champion Overview 12
  • 13. • Be well networked within the organization and respected by peers • Want to improve the organization • Have the courage to speak up for what they believe in • Be seen as ‘go to’ people and opinion makers • Have a broad understanding of the organization and how it works • Be able to translate the overall change vision into local 'what’s in it for me' scenarios • Feel passionate about the change while being empathetic to the mindset and behavior shift their colleagues will need to go through • 'Tuned in' to the mood of the area they are in and able to pick up on resistance to the change, lack of understanding of the change journey and communication gaps between the business and the program Change Champion Characteristics 13
  • 14. Change Champion Program 14 Define Design Build Launch Operate • Conduct interviews with change champions • Ask how they define the business problem • Ask about how they would solve the problem • Ask what success would look like • Ask about perceived blockers • Have champions review wireframes, prototypes, proof of concepts, etc. • Ask them to help identify stakeholders • Involve them in creating the communications and training plans • Think of them as a sort of “steering committee” • Participate in key sprint reviews; ask for feedback as solution is developed • Help to “localize” communications and training materials to their department • Provide input to launch plan • Identify resistance to change and help to mitigate • Answer questions about the project • Help to deliver training and communications as appropriate • Participate in operations as appropriate
  • 15. Stakeholder Management Overview 15 Define Design Build Launch Operate • Inventory stakeholders • Understand their current level of commitment to the project • Determine the desired level of future commitment to the project • Develop strategy for how you will move stakeholders from current level of commitment to the project to the future level • Conduct stakeholder kick off meetings • Continue to engage the stakeholders according to your plan • Ask them to review training and communications plan • Identify resistance to change and help to mitigate • Answer questions about the project • Help to deliver communications as appropriate • Participate in operations as appropriate
  • 16. 16 Time LevelofChangeEffortAdoption/Ownership occurs over time & with increasing effort Awareness Awareness: Sponsors, Stakeholders, and End Users are aware of the project objectives, activities, and timeline. Shared Understanding Shared Understanding: Sponsors, Stakeholders, and End Users understand the project and how the change it will impact them. Shared Commitment Shared Commitment: Sponsors, Stakeholders, and End Users agree with the objectives of the project and express their support for the change. Adoption / Ownership Adoption/Ownership: Sponsors, Stakeholders, and End Users demonstrate their commitment to the change initiative. They feel responsible and accountable for the project’s success.
  • 17. Use for: • Understanding who is impacted by the change • Understanding the current and future levels of commitment What it is: • A way for the OCM resources and project team to accomplish the to-be state in a structured manner • The basis of the communications plan Stakeholder Inventory 17
  • 18. Stakeholder Inventory 18 Individuals or Groups Impact Current Commitment Level Future Commitment Level Project Risk Stakeholder Group Name Senior Executive High Awareness Shared Commitment High Sales Managers Medium Unaware Awareness Low Finance Workflow users High Unaware Ownership Medium Legend: Impact on Project – High, Medium, Low Current Commitment Level – Unaware, Awareness, Shared Understanding, Shared Commitment, Ownership Future Commitment Level – Unaware, Awareness, Shared Understanding, Shared Commitment, Ownership Project Risk – Risk if they don’t reach commitment level: High, Medium, Low
  • 19. Use for: • Creating awareness, buy-in and / or ownership among project stakeholders (depending on desired outcome) • Clearly communicating project information and asks • Provides an opportunity for two way communication What it is: • A meeting or series of in person meetings Stakeholder Kick off Meeting 19
  • 20. Agenda: 1. Review project objectives • Gain agreement with stakeholder 2. Review project timeline 3. Explain expected impact to their group / employees 4. Asks / Feedback • Make sure they understand their importance to making the change happen • Ask for their participation in the stakeholder strategy Example Kick off Meeting Agenda 20
  • 21. Example Stakeholder Asks Awareness Shared Understanding Buy-In Ownership Knowledge of project and objectives X Stakeholder Agrees with project objectives X An understanding of how the change will impact their group X Awareness of groups policies to which you must adhere X Knowledge of existing processes that will be impacted X Introduction to other stakeholders you may have missed X Knowledge of competing initiatives and “busy times” X Knowledge of preferred communication channels X Identification of change champions X X Awareness of existing materials that can be leveraged by the project X Contribution of resources, budget, etc. X Stakeholder agrees to send project communications X
  • 22. Use for: • Creating shared understanding with the team about who we are telling what, when, how, and why • Informing stakeholders about how you will communicate with them going forward & what they can expect • Execution of the communications plan should create shared understanding & commitment with stakeholders What it is: • The master plan of who you are telling what • Consists of a communication plan and channel plan Communications Plan 22
  • 23. Communications Plan 23 Audience Sub Audience Channel Frequency Purpose Content Developer Sender Finance Managers Status call and email recap Weekly Discuss key accomplishments, upcoming milestones, issues / risks, and action items. John Doe Jane Doe CFO Update Monthly Provide credibility to the project and create awareness and shared understanding through updates. John Doe Jane Doe Leadership Monthly Calls Monthly Continually evangelize work and highlight project “wins”. John Doe Jane Doe End Users Web Portal Weekly Updates Update on project efforts with links to supporting detail. John Doe Jane Doe Sales Account Managers Status call And email recap Weekly Discuss key accomplishments, upcoming milestones, issues / risks, and action items. John Doe Jane Doe Account segmentation and pipeline meeting Weekly Provide visibility into the business impact of the project. Ask questions as necessary. John Doe Jane Doe Account Team Weekly Account Wins Newsletter Will submit content on a bi-weekly basis The role-targeted newsletter will aggregate many messages currently sent through email and other newsletters John Doe Jane Doe Web Portal Weekly Updates Update on project efforts with links to supporting detail. John Doe Jane Doe
  • 24. Communication Channel List 24 Weekly Newsletter Web Portal Audience Content should be directed to weekly newsletter if it is actionable, timely, and helps the field meet revenue goals or other commitments. This is the primary source for all non-actionable messages for the field. Product updates, contests, and other kinds of useful information. Content The content is organized by role groups and sent via email as an imbedded XML document. Based on user-profile, employee receives weekly newsletter that includes broad information as well as specific content segmented by role. weekly newsletter articles should be actionable, clearly stating what the reader should do and what benefit the action has for the reader. Articles may be up to 1,500 characters and must be submitted in the form of a plain text file (.txt). ThePortal offers broad information, as well as role-targeted information. You may submit content at any time, either as an update to a page that already exists or you may request a new page be created. After reviewing: the managing editor or community owners determine that the content you submitted should be displayed differently than you indicated on your original submission, you will be notified via email of those changes prior to the content being published. Deadline for submission Content must be submitted by end of day Wednesday to be included in the following Monday publication. N/A Location of submission Web-based form is at the following link: Click here to complete form Email content to: email@email.com Cadence Weekly On as needed basis: generally expect a 24-48 hour turnaround time to publication Review Process Review and editing process conducted by the communication team and the community owners. All portal content submissions will go through a review process conducted by the communication team and the community owners. Who Owns Communication team: Specific name Communication team: Specific name
  • 25.  Use preferred senders to deliver the communication  Use multiple voices and channels to communicate  Honesty is the only policy  Communicate clearly and predictably  Answer “why is this change happening” and “what is the risk of not changing”  Answer “What’s in it for me”  Don’t have communications come from the project team or project leaders  Use face to face communication  Repeat key messages 5-7 times  Create opportunities for two way communication  Evaluate the effectiveness of your communications Communications Checklist 25
  • 26. Use for: • Providing the knowledge stakeholders and users will need to obtain buy-in or ownership level of adoption What it is: • The master plan of what training will be provided, by role and stakeholder group Training Plan 26
  • 27. Training Options 27 Cost SizeofAudience 1:1 Training Office.com Materials Fast Track Materials Classroom Training Videos Customized for Solution In-Context Training Tools Webinars Quick Start Guides Written Instructions
  • 28. Communications Plan 28 Audience Sub Audience Training Method Frequency Finance Managers 1:1 training One time In-context training Ongoing End Users In-context training Ongoing Sales Account Managers Custom Video Ongoing Classroom training One time Account Team Quick start guides Ongoing Webinar Offered weekly for four weeks
  • 29. 1. Run a change champion program 2. Strategically manage your stakeholders 3. Use the stakeholders and information from the change champions to customize the training and communications plan to the organization How to Drive End User Adoption 29