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Leonie Meijerink & Martijn Ouwehand | Delft Extension School
Create your Open Course Design
A practical workshop on using Open Educational
Resources in designing a course
Except when otherwise noted, this work is licensed CC-BY 4.0. Please attribute TU Delft / Delft Extension School
Presentation adapted from OERAfrica and OER Educators Handbook, wikipedia. Image CC BY girlingearstudio
After this workshop you will be able to:
1. Describe what OER are
2. Reflect on why you could use them
3. Identify and find different types of OER
4. Come up with a few examples on how you could
integrate OER in your course design and delivery.
Why OER?
Characteristics of OER
OER in your course design
Why OER?
CC BY Open Bukola: https://youtu.be/cHQp33rbg5k CC BY SA werkstatt.bpb.de: https://youtu.be/H0aEFKmTmvA
What is OER?
Have you used OER?
Have you produced OER?
Open Education:
Open Education "...is the simple and powerful
idea that the world’s knowledge is a public
good and that technology in general and the
Worldwide Web in particular provide an
extraordinary opportunity for everyone to
share, use, and reuse knowledge."
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Open Educational Resources (OER)
“OER are teaching, learning, and research
that reside in the public domain or have been
released under an intellectual property license
that permits their free use and re-
purposing by others.
Open Educational Resources (OER)
Open educational resources include:
full courses, course materials, modules,
textbooks, streaming videos, tests,
software, and any other tools, materials,
or techniques used to support access to
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Why should you (not) use OER?
Why should you NOT do it?
•How do I assess the quality? (It’s free so can’t be good
•Takes more time than when I do it myself
•The context is often not relevant
•The level is often not good
•I am the expert in this area
•It is hard to find exactly what you are looking for
Why should you do it?
•Enhances quality
•Saves time
•Exposes me to new insights, I get Inspired
•It adds on to my own teaching
•OER can be usefull to fill a gap in entrylevels
•OER can be useful to re-explain the contents to students
•Saves money
•Why reinvent the wheel
•Avoid IP issues
•Spirit of openness and sharing-broadens access
•Build reputation/ marketing
•Builds networks/ collaboration
Open Educational Resources (OER)
Freely accessible, Open to (David Wiley):
Image CC BY SA Hulikal
Where to find them?
TU Delft relevant OER Portals
Open Textbooks
http://open.umn.edu http://open.bccampus.ca/ https://openstaxcollege.org/
Open Textbooks
Open Interactive simulations
Open Chemistry
Open Chemistry
“UCI is a member of Coursera. Why aren’t you offering these
courses on one or another MOOC platforms?
We think that Coursera is a great platform, but it may not be the
optimal platform for transfer of educational resources by other
universities or community colleges. By publishing the video lectures
with an open, Creative Commons license, another institution may
incorporate one, two or all of the video lectures as may fit their
needs. Furthermore, they don’t have to ask permission. Permission
is granted in advance through the license selection. Also, a learner
can access these resources regardless of course dates.”
http://ocw.mit.edu http://ocw.tudelft.nl
Search courses (OE Consortium)
http://edx.org http://coursera.org
Imace CC BY NC SA Maia Weinstock
Course Design
Learning objectives
By the end of
this course
students will
be able to…
Learning activities
What actions will
students perform to
meet the objectives?
Discussion, case-
study, exercises,
group work, quiz,
peer-review, etc.
What can I reuse?
What do I need to
Textbook, video,
animation, article,
website, etc.
How will
students be
Course Design
1. Define learning
2. Explore OER
3. Plan open
4. Select & adapt OER 5. Publish OCW
& students’ artefacts
Take Away Exercise
Activity: How could you integrate OER
in different stages of course
Everyone can ‘steal’ resources, objectives, images, video etc. But how
can you make use of these ‘OER’ to improve your education process?
Pick one course /topic (from your group) and try and come up with
examples on how you could use OER in the different stages of course
design and course delivery.
Finally, The Big Question is….
Will we be able to find an
OER produced by you/
your team next year?
Image CC BY Jon Ashcroft

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Create your Open Course Design (OER)

  • 1. Leonie Meijerink & Martijn Ouwehand | Delft Extension School Create your Open Course Design A practical workshop on using Open Educational Resources in designing a course Except when otherwise noted, this work is licensed CC-BY 4.0. Please attribute TU Delft / Delft Extension School Presentation adapted from OERAfrica and OER Educators Handbook, wikipedia. Image CC BY girlingearstudio
  • 2. After this workshop you will be able to: 1. Describe what OER are 2. Reflect on why you could use them 3. Identify and find different types of OER 4. Come up with a few examples on how you could integrate OER in your course design and delivery. Goals
  • 3. Programme Introduction Why OER? Characteristics of OER Examples OER in your course design
  • 4. Why OER? CC BY Open Bukola: https://youtu.be/cHQp33rbg5k CC BY SA werkstatt.bpb.de: https://youtu.be/H0aEFKmTmvA
  • 5. What is OER? Have you used OER? Have you produced OER?
  • 6. Open Education: Open Education "...is the simple and powerful idea that the world’s knowledge is a public good and that technology in general and the Worldwide Web in particular provide an extraordinary opportunity for everyone to share, use, and reuse knowledge." The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
  • 7. Open Educational Resources (OER) “OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re- purposing by others.
  • 8. Open Educational Resources (OER) Open educational resources include: full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge.” The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
  • 9. Why should you (not) use OER?
  • 10. Why should you NOT do it? •How do I assess the quality? (It’s free so can’t be good enough) •Takes more time than when I do it myself •The context is often not relevant •The level is often not good •I am the expert in this area •It is hard to find exactly what you are looking for
  • 11. Why should you do it? •Enhances quality •Saves time •Exposes me to new insights, I get Inspired •It adds on to my own teaching •OER can be usefull to fill a gap in entrylevels •OER can be useful to re-explain the contents to students •Saves money •Why reinvent the wheel •Avoid IP issues •Spirit of openness and sharing-broadens access •Build reputation/ marketing •Builds networks/ collaboration •…
  • 12. Open Educational Resources (OER) Freely accessible, Open to (David Wiley): Retain Reuse Revise Remix Redistribute Image CC BY SA Hulikal
  • 13. Where to find them? TU Delft relevant OER Portals Image CC BY NC SA ToNToN CoPT
  • 18. Open Chemistry http://ocw.uci.edu/collections/open_chemistry.html “UCI is a member of Coursera. Why aren’t you offering these courses on one or another MOOC platforms? We think that Coursera is a great platform, but it may not be the optimal platform for transfer of educational resources by other universities or community colleges. By publishing the video lectures with an open, Creative Commons license, another institution may incorporate one, two or all of the video lectures as may fit their needs. Furthermore, they don’t have to ask permission. Permission is granted in advance through the license selection. Also, a learner can access these resources regardless of course dates.” http://ocw.uci.edu/collections/open_chemistry.html
  • 20. Search courses (OE Consortium) http://www.oeconsortium.org/courses/
  • 22. Imace CC BY NC SA Maia Weinstock
  • 23. Course Design Learning objectives By the end of this course students will be able to… Learning activities What actions will students perform to meet the objectives? Discussion, case- study, exercises, group work, quiz, peer-review, etc. Resources What can I reuse? What do I need to produce? Textbook, video, animation, article, website, etc. Assessment How will students be assessed?
  • 24. Course Design 1. Define learning objectives 2. Explore OER 3. Plan open activities 4. Select & adapt OER 5. Publish OCW & students’ artefacts
  • 25. Take Away Exercise Activity: How could you integrate OER in different stages of course design/delivery Everyone can ‘steal’ resources, objectives, images, video etc. But how can you make use of these ‘OER’ to improve your education process? Pick one course /topic (from your group) and try and come up with examples on how you could use OER in the different stages of course design and course delivery.
  • 26. Finally, The Big Question is…. Will we be able to find an OER produced by you/ your team next year?
  • 27. Image CC BY Jon Ashcroft