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Connecting Connect
with Spring Boot
Atlassian Supported
Community Frameworks
A “vanilla” Spring web app
A “vanilla” Spring web app
1. Dependencies
Setup the right Maven dependencies
A “vanilla” Spring web app
1. Dependencies
Setup the right Maven dependencies
Setup your web.xml
A “vanilla” Spring web app
1. Dependencies
Setup the right Maven dependencies
Enable component scanning and mvc
annotation driven
Setup your web.xml
A “vanilla” Spring web app
1. Dependencies
Setup the right Maven dependencies
4. The actual controller
What you actually care about
Enable component scanning and mvc
annotation driven
Setup your web.xml
A “vanilla” Spring web app
5. Install Tomcat
And configure it as well
1. Dependencies
Setup the right Maven dependencies
4. The actual controller
What you actually care about
Enable component scanning and mvc
annotation driven
Setup your web.xml
A “vanilla” Spring web app
5. Install Tomcat
And configure it as well
6. It might work
You probably made a typo

1. Dependencies
Setup the right Maven dependencies
4. The actual controller
What you actually care about
Enable component scanning and mvc
annotation driven
Setup your web.xml
• Big cool statistic
• 2,56
• Add-Ons in Marketplace
Repeatable pattern
Spring Boot
Repeatable patterns for services
Fast Opinionated Auto Configured No code generation
Example: Hello world
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
Example: Hello world
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
Example: Hello world
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
Example: Hello world
package hello;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
public class HelloApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(HelloApplication.class, args);
Example: Hello world
package hello;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
public class HelloApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(HelloApplication.class, args);
public class HelloApplication {
Example: Hello world
package hello;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
public class HelloApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(HelloApplication.class, args);
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(HelloApplication.class, args);
Example: Hello world
package hello;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
public class HelloController {
public String index() {
return "Greetings from Spring Boot!";
Example: Hello world
package hello;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
public class HelloController {
public String index() {
return "Greetings from Spring Boot!";
public class HelloController {
Example: Hello world
package hello;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
public class HelloController {
public String index() {
return "Greetings from Spring Boot!";
public String index() {
return "Greetings from Spring Boot!";
Example: Hello world
$> mvn spring-boot:run
Example: Hello world
$> mvn spring-boot:run
$> curl http://localhost:8080/
Greetings from Spring Boot!
Provides production ready
Think health checks, metrics, security
and externalised configuration
Spring Boot Starters
Building blocks Out of the box Build your own
Building blocks for your service
Example: Consume a starter
Example: Consume a starter
Example: Consume a starter
$> mvn spring-boot:run
Example: Consume a starter
$> mvn spring-boot:run
$> curl http://localhost:8080/health
Available Starters
Out of the box
* as counted by myself at midnight
Three things every add-on requires
Lifecycle Descriptor JWT
Connecting Connect with Spring Boot
1: /atlassian-connect.json
1: /atlassian-connect.json
2: Descriptor JSON
1: /atlassian-connect.json
2: Descriptor JSON
3: /install
1: /atlassian-connect.json
2: Descriptor JSON
3: /install
4. Store tenant data
1: /atlassian-connect.json
2: Descriptor JSON
3: /install
5: Install OK / not OK
4. Store tenant data
"name": "Inception",
"description": “A page in a page",
"key": “com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp.inception”,
"baseUrl": “http://localhost:8080”,
"vendor": {
"name": "Atlassian",
"url": "http://www.atlassian.com"
"authentication": {
"type": "jwt"
"lifecycle": {
"installed": "/installed",
"uninstalled": "/uninstalled",
"enabled": "/enabled",
"disabled": "/disabled"
"apiVersion": 1,
"scopes": [
"modules": {
"name": "Inception",
"description": “A page in a page",
"key": “com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp.inception”,
"baseUrl": “http://localhost:8080”,
"vendor": {
"name": "Atlassian",
"url": "http://www.atlassian.com"
"authentication": {
"type": "jwt"
"lifecycle": {
"installed": "/installed",
"uninstalled": "/uninstalled",
"enabled": "/enabled",
"disabled": "/disabled"
"apiVersion": 1,
"scopes": [
"modules": {
"name": "Inception",
"description": “A page in a page",
"key": “com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp.inception”,
"baseUrl": “http://localhost:8080”,
"vendor": {
"name": "Atlassian",
"url": "http://www.atlassian.com"
"name": "Inception",
"description": “A page in a page",
"key": “com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp.inception”,
"baseUrl": “http://localhost:8080”,
"vendor": {
"name": "Atlassian",
"url": "http://www.atlassian.com"
"authentication": {
"type": "jwt"
"lifecycle": {
"installed": "/installed",
"uninstalled": "/uninstalled",
"enabled": "/enabled",
"disabled": "/disabled"
"apiVersion": 1,
"scopes": [
"modules": {
"lifecycle": {
"installed": "/installed",
"uninstalled": "/uninstalled",
"enabled": "/enabled",
"disabled": "/disabled"
"name": "Inception",
"description": “A page in a page",
"key": “com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp.inception”,
"baseUrl": “http://localhost:8080”,
"vendor": {
"name": "Atlassian",
"url": "http://www.atlassian.com"
"authentication": {
"type": "jwt"
"lifecycle": {
"installed": "/installed",
"uninstalled": "/uninstalled",
"enabled": "/enabled",
"disabled": "/disabled"
"apiVersion": 1,
"scopes": [
"modules": {
"modules": {
"key": “com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp.inception”,
"clientKey": "Confluence:5358671948",
"publicKey": "MIGf....ZRWzwIDAQAB",
"sharedSecret": "fda9e230-ba1b-4e8d-a76e-c9e4e6c28ea8",
"serverVersion": "6437",
"pluginsVersion": "1.1.81",
"baseUrl": “http://vincentkok.atlassian.net",
"productType": "confluence",
"description": "Atlassian Confluene at https://example.atlassian.net",
"eventType": "INSTALLED"
"key": “com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp.inception”,
"clientKey": "Confluence:5358671948",
"publicKey": "MIGf....ZRWzwIDAQAB",
"sharedSecret": "fda9e230-ba1b-4e8d-a76e-c9e4e6c28ea8",
"serverVersion": "6437",
"pluginsVersion": "1.1.81",
"baseUrl": “http://vincentkok.atlassian.net",
"productType": "confluence",
"description": "Atlassian Confluene at https://example.atlassian.net",
"eventType": "INSTALLED"
"key": “com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp.inception”,
"clientKey": "Confluence:5358671948",
"key": “com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp.inception”,
"clientKey": "Confluence:5358671948",
"publicKey": "MIGf....ZRWzwIDAQAB",
"sharedSecret": "fda9e230-ba1b-4e8d-a76e-c9e4e6c28ea8",
"serverVersion": "6437",
"pluginsVersion": "1.1.81",
"baseUrl": “http://vincentkok.atlassian.net",
"productType": "confluence",
"description": "Atlassian Confluene at https://example.atlassian.net",
"eventType": "INSTALLED"
"sharedSecret": "fda9e230-ba1b-4e8d-a76e-c9e4e6c28ea8",
"key": “com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp.inception”,
"clientKey": "Confluence:5358671948",
"publicKey": "MIGf....ZRWzwIDAQAB",
"sharedSecret": "fda9e230-ba1b-4e8d-a76e-c9e4e6c28ea8",
"serverVersion": "6437",
"pluginsVersion": "1.1.81",
"baseUrl": “http://vincentkok.atlassian.net",
"productType": "confluence",
"description": "Atlassian Confluene at https://example.atlassian.net",
"eventType": "INSTALLED"
} “eventType": "INSTALLED",
<base64url-encoded header>.
<base64url-encoded claims>.
<base64url-encoded signature>
"iss": "confluence:1314039",
"iat": 1300819370,
"exp": 1300819380,
"qsh": "8063ff4ca1e41df7bc90c8ab6d0f6207d491cf6dad7c66ea797b4614b71922e9",
"sub": "alana",
"context": {
"user": {
"userKey": "alana",
"username": "aaware",
"displayName": "Bruce Wayne"
"iss": "confluence:1314039",
"iat": 1300819370,
"exp": 1300819380,
"qsh": "8063ff4ca1e41df7bc90c8ab6d0f6207d491cf6dad7c66ea797b4614b71922e9",
"sub": "alana",
"context": {
"user": {
"userKey": "alana",
"username": "aaware",
"displayName": "Bruce Wayne"
"iss": "confluence:1314039",
"iat": 1300819370,
"exp": 1300819380,
"qsh": "8063ff4ca1e41df7bc90c8ab6d0f6207d491cf6dad7c66ea797b4614b71922e9",
"sub": "alana",
"context": {
"user": {
"userKey": "alana",
"username": "aaware",
"displayName": "Bruce Wayne"
"iss": "confluence:1314039",
"iat": 1300819370,
"exp": 1300819380,
"qsh": “8063ff4…2e9”,
"sub": "alana",
Authenticated requests
Authenticated requests
e"Authorization" : "JWT eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJl..."
• Big cool statistic
• 2,56
• Add-Ons in Marketplace
Atlassian Supported
Community Frameworks
Atlassian Supported
Community Frameworks
• Big cool statistic
• 2,56
• Add-Ons in Marketplace
Let’s build a Connect add-on
from scratch
• Big cool statistic
• 2,56
• Add-Ons in Marketplace
A page in a page
Connecting Connect with Spring Boot
1: inception-macro?pageId=5&jwt=eyJhbGciOiJIUz
1: inception-macro?pageId=5&jwt=eyJhbGciOiJIUz
1: inception-macro?pageId=5&jwt=eyJhbGciOiJIUz
3: Page content as JSON
1: inception-macro?pageId=5&jwt=eyJhbGciOiJIUz
3: Page content as JSON
4: Rendered macro HTML
Create a project
$> mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.atlassian.labs.atlascamp
-DartifactId=inception -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-
quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
Create a project
$ ls inception

Add dependencies
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
Add dependencies
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
Add dependencies
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
Create the application
package com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
public class InceptionApplication {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
SpringApplication.run(InceptionApplication.class, args);
Create the application
package com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
public class InceptionApplication {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
SpringApplication.run(InceptionApplication.class, args);
public class InceptionApplication {
Create the application
package com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
public class InceptionApplication {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
SpringApplication.run(InceptionApplication.class, args);
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(InceptionApplication.class, args);
$> touch src/main/resources/atlassian-connect.json
"name": "Inception",
"description": “A page in a page",
"key": “com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp.inception”,
"baseUrl": “http://localhost:8080”,
"vendor": {
"name": "Atlassian",
"url": "http://www.atlassian.com"
"authentication": {
"type": "jwt"
"lifecycle": {
"installed": "/installed",
"uninstalled": "/uninstalled",
"enabled": "/enabled",
"disabled": "/disabled"
"apiVersion": 1,
"scopes": [
"modules": {
"name": "Inception",
"description": “A page in a page",
"key": “com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp.inception”,
"baseUrl": “http://localhost:8080”,
"vendor": {
"name": "Atlassian",
"url": "http://www.atlassian.com"
"authentication": {
"type": "jwt"
"lifecycle": {
"installed": "/installed",
"uninstalled": "/uninstalled",
"enabled": "/enabled",
"disabled": "/disabled"
"apiVersion": 1,
"scopes": [
"modules": {
"name": "Inception",
"description": “A page in a page",
"key": “com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp.inception”,
"baseUrl": “https://1c12a2cd.ngrok.io”,
"vendor": {
"name": "Atlassian",
"url": "http://www.atlassian.com"
"name": "Inception",
"description": “A page in a page",
"key": “com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp.inception”,
"baseUrl": “http://localhost:8080”,
"vendor": {
"name": "Atlassian",
"url": "http://www.atlassian.com"
"authentication": {
"type": "jwt"
"lifecycle": {
"installed": "/installed",
"uninstalled": "/uninstalled",
"enabled": "/enabled",
"disabled": "/disabled"
"apiVersion": 1,
"scopes": [
"modules": {
"modules": {
"modules": {
"dynamicContentMacros": [ {
"url": "/inception-macro?pageId={page.id}",
"description": {
"value": "A page in a page"
"name": {
"value": "Inception"
"categories": [
"outputType": "block",
"bodyType": "none",
"aliases": [
"featured": true,
"parameters": [],
"key": "inception-macro"
"modules": {
"dynamicContentMacros": [ {
"url": "/inception-macro?pageId={page.id}",
"description": {
"value": "A page in a page"
"name": {
"value": "Inception"
"categories": [
"outputType": "block",
"bodyType": "none",
"aliases": [
"featured": true,
"parameters": [],
"key": "inception-macro"
"dynamicContentMacros": [ {
"url": "/inception-macro?pageId={page.id}",
"description": {
"value": "A page in a page"
Tenant storage
HHH000227: Running hbm2ddl schema export
Tenant storage
Macro template
Macro template
Macro template
$> touch src/main/resources/templates/inception-macro.html
Macro template
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//aui-cdn.atlassian.com/aui.min.css" media="all"/>
<script th:src=“${js-all-url}” type="text/javascript"></script>
<section id="content" class="ac-content">
<p th:utext="${body}"/>
Macro template
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//aui-cdn.atlassian.com/aui.min.css" media="all"/>
<script th:src=“${js-all-url}” type="text/javascript"></script>
<section id="content" class="ac-content">
<p th:utext="${body}"/>
<script th:src=“${js-all-url}” type="text/javascript"></script>
Macro template
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//aui-cdn.atlassian.com/aui.min.css" media="all"/>
<script th:src=“${js-all-url}” type="text/javascript"></script>
<section id="content" class="ac-content">
<p th:utext="${body}"/>
<section id="content" class="ac-content">
<p th:utext="${body}"/>
package com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp;
public class InceptionController {
private static final String PAGE_URL = "%s/rest/api/content/%s?expand=body.export_view";
private static final String JS_URL = "%s/atlassian-connect/all.js";
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
@RequestMapping(value = "/inception-macro")
public String render(@RequestParam long pageId,
@AuthenticationPrincipal AtlassianHostUser hostUser, Model model) {
final String baseURL = hostUser.getHost().getBaseUrl();
final String contentUrl = String.format(PAGE_URL, baseURL, pageId);
final String pageContent = restTemplate.getForObject(contentUrl, String.class);
final String pageBody = extractPageBody(pageContent);
model.addAttribute("body", pageBody);
model.addAttribute("jsurl", String.format(JS_URL, baseURL));
return "inception-macro";
package com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp;
public class InceptionController {
private static final String PAGE_URL = "%s/rest/api/content/%s?expand=body.export_view";
private static final String JS_URL = "%s/atlassian-connect/all.js";
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
@RequestMapping(value = "/inception-macro")
public String render(@RequestParam long pageId,
@AuthenticationPrincipal AtlassianHostUser hostUser, Model model) {
final String baseURL = hostUser.getHost().getBaseUrl();
final String contentUrl = String.format(PAGE_URL, baseURL, pageId);
final String pageContent = restTemplate.getForObject(contentUrl, String.class);
final String pageBody = extractPageBody(pageContent);
model.addAttribute("body", pageBody);
model.addAttribute("jsurl", String.format(JS_URL, baseURL));
return "inception-macro";
public class InceptionController {
package com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp;
public class InceptionController {
private static final String PAGE_URL = "%s/rest/api/content/%s?expand=body.export_view";
private static final String JS_URL = "%s/atlassian-connect/all.js";
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
@RequestMapping(value = "/inception-macro")
public String render(@RequestParam long pageId,
@AuthenticationPrincipal AtlassianHostUser hostUser, Model model) {
final String baseURL = hostUser.getHost().getBaseUrl();
final String contentUrl = String.format(PAGE_URL, baseURL, pageId);
final String pageContent = restTemplate.getForObject(contentUrl, String.class);
final String pageBody = extractPageBody(pageContent);
model.addAttribute("body", pageBody);
model.addAttribute("jsurl", String.format(JS_URL, baseURL));
return "inception-macro";
private static final String PAGE_URL
private static final String JS_URL
package com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp;
public class InceptionController {
private static final String PAGE_URL = "%s/rest/api/content/%s?expand=body.export_view";
private static final String JS_URL = "%s/atlassian-connect/all.js";
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
@RequestMapping(value = "/inception-macro")
public String render(@RequestParam long pageId,
@AuthenticationPrincipal AtlassianHostUser hostUser, Model model) {
final String baseURL = hostUser.getHost().getBaseUrl();
final String contentUrl = String.format(PAGE_URL, baseURL, pageId);
final String pageContent = restTemplate.getForObject(contentUrl, String.class);
final String pageBody = extractPageBody(pageContent);
model.addAttribute("body", pageBody);
model.addAttribute("jsurl", String.format(JS_URL, baseURL));
return "inception-macro";
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
package com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp;
public class InceptionController {
private static final String PAGE_URL = "%s/rest/api/content/%s?expand=body.export_view";
private static final String JS_URL = "%s/atlassian-connect/all.js";
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
@RequestMapping(value = "/inception-macro")
public String render(@RequestParam long pageId,
@AuthenticationPrincipal AtlassianHostUser hostUser, Model model) {
final String baseURL = hostUser.getHost().getBaseUrl();
final String contentUrl = String.format(PAGE_URL, baseURL, pageId);
final String pageContent = restTemplate.getForObject(contentUrl, String.class);
final String pageBody = extractPageBody(pageContent);
model.addAttribute("body", pageBody);
model.addAttribute("jsurl", String.format(JS_URL, baseURL));
return "inception-macro";
@RequestMapping(value = "/inception-macro")
public String render(@RequestParam long pageId,
package com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp;
public class InceptionController {
private static final String PAGE_URL = "%s/rest/api/content/%s?expand=body.export_view";
private static final String JS_URL = "%s/atlassian-connect/all.js";
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
@RequestMapping(value = "/inception-macro")
public String render(@RequestParam long pageId,
@AuthenticationPrincipal AtlassianHostUser hostUser, Model model) {
final String baseURL = hostUser.getHost().getBaseUrl();
final String contentUrl = String.format(PAGE_URL, baseURL, pageId);
final String pageContent = restTemplate.getForObject(contentUrl, String.class);
final String pageBody = extractPageBody(pageContent);
model.addAttribute("body", pageBody);
model.addAttribute("jsurl", String.format(JS_URL, baseURL));
return "inception-macro";
@AuthenticationPrincipal AtlassianHostUser hostUser, Model model) {
final String baseURL = hostUser.getHost().getBaseUrl();
package com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp;
public class InceptionController {
private static final String PAGE_URL = "%s/rest/api/content/%s?expand=body.export_view";
private static final String JS_URL = "%s/atlassian-connect/all.js";
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
@RequestMapping(value = "/inception-macro")
public String render(@RequestParam long pageId,
@AuthenticationPrincipal AtlassianHostUser hostUser, Model model) {
final String baseURL = hostUser.getHost().getBaseUrl();
final String contentUrl = String.format(PAGE_URL, baseURL, pageId);
final String pageContent = restTemplate.getForObject(contentUrl, String.class);
final String pageBody = extractPageBody(pageContent);
model.addAttribute("body", pageBody);
model.addAttribute("jsurl", String.format(JS_URL, baseURL));
return "inception-macro";
final String pageContent = restTemplate.getForObject(contentUrl, String.class);
final String pageBody = extractPageBody(pageContent);
package com.atlassian.connect.atlascamp;
public class InceptionController {
private static final String PAGE_URL = "%s/rest/api/content/%s?expand=body.export_view";
private static final String JS_URL = "%s/atlassian-connect/all.js";
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
@RequestMapping(value = "/inception-macro")
public String render(@RequestParam long pageId,
@AuthenticationPrincipal AtlassianHostUser hostUser, Model model) {
final String baseURL = hostUser.getHost().getBaseUrl();
final String contentUrl = String.format(PAGE_URL, baseURL, pageId);
final String pageContent = restTemplate.getForObject(contentUrl, String.class);
final String pageBody = extractPageBody(pageContent);
model.addAttribute("body", pageBody);
model.addAttribute("jsurl", String.format(JS_URL, baseURL));
return "inception-macro";
model.addAttribute("body", pageBody);
model.addAttribute("jsurl", String.format(JS_URL, baseURL));
return "inception-macro";
$> mvn spring-boot:run
$> mvn spring-boot:run
$> curl http://localhost:8080/inception-macro
$> npm install -g ngrok
$> ngrok http 8080
Forwarding https://1c12a2cd.ngrok.io -> localhost:8080
$> mvn spring-boot:run
$> curl http://localhost:8080/inception-macro
$> mvn spring-boot:run
$> curl http://localhost:8080/inception-macro
Executed requests
HTTP Requests
GET /inception-macro 200 OK
POST /installed 204 No Content
GET /atlassian-connect.json 200 OK
Connecting Atlassian Connect with Spring Boot
Why again?
Leverage skills Fast DRY Care free Connect
Thank you!

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