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Communicating UX.
           From ‘idea’ to ‘I agree’.

           Andrew Travers
           byekick.com | @byekick

Hi everyone,
Thanks for coming along

My name is Andrew Travers
Iʼm an independent user experience designer and strategist in London.
‘Designers sell their work. Designers get up
            in front of people and explain why they’ve
            made the decisions they’ve made.

            And if you can’t do that, you can’t call yourself
            a designer.’

            Mike Monteiro

            @byekick                                                                                    #uxlx
This talk is about ideas, and how we talk about them.

What Mike Monteiro had to say recently to designers, has particular resonance, I think, for UX designers.

Working at a strategic and conceptual level, our ability to communicate our ideas is especially important.
What we talk about when
           we talk about user experience

            @byekick                                 #uxlx
So, Iʼm want to share with you some thoughts on...

What we say,
and how we say it.
- Tell better stories
           - Improve understanding
           - Help our clients
           - Create better experiences

            @byekick                                                                             #uxlx
How we move beyond site maps and grey wireframes, to begin to tell better stories about our users and our work

How we can improve understanding by sharing our process

How we help clients to make informed decisions

And - ultimately - how, together, we create better user experiences
‘So, here’s the home page’

             @byekick                                                                                   #uxlx
Iʼd like to start by sharing a story with you.

It comes from a few years ago, where I was part of a project team, heading on an early morning train to a clientʼs offices to
present a design concept. In between the coffee and the croissants, weʼd all agreed about the need to ʻtell a storyʼ,

To share what weʼd found, the problems weʼd identified, and how we were going to go about tackling them.

And then, off the train, and into the meeting, our lead designer opened his Mac, fired up Photoshop and said...
'So here's the home page'...

Well, you can probably guess what came next. They ate him alive. A brutal hour of merciless critique, picking apart every
aspect of the design from structure, to typography; from colour, to why the funny text was in Latin.

So, why HAD he done it?
Resisting the big reveal

            @byekick                                                                                      #uxlx
There is - I think - a terrible temptation for us, in the manner of a modern-day Don Draper, to want to
open the red curtain and reveal our creations with a little panache.

Hoping for that moment where the client reels back,
astonished by our genius, our insight, our 'artistry'.

Perhaps weʼre just launching into the answer
before weʼve remembered to share what the question was in the first place.
Resisting the big reveal
            We’re not artists, we’re designers.
            We’re here to solve problems.

             @byekick                                                                      #uxlx
And, of course, we're not artists, we're designers and we're here to solve problems.

And if we canʼt define or describe the problem we're solving,
we can't expect our clients - or, for that matter, our fellow developers and designers -

to see our work in its true context,
to provide us with the critique we need,
and to work with us to find good solutions together.
‘If we believe design is such a valuable lens to
            view the world through and a fantastic mental
            mode for problem solving, we should open it
            up to everyone. Not doing so is double-speak.’
            Frank Chimero
            ‘Designers Poison’

            @byekick                                                                            #uxlx
I say ʻtogetherʼ, and I mean together.

This comes from Frank Chimeroʼs review of AIGAʼs recent One Day For Design round table on Twitter

If we know how great, how powerful design can be, donʼt we
have a duty to involve others?
Framing the scene

             @byekick                                                                                    #uxlx
Iʼd argue that this is at least as true for user experience designers as it is for any other designer.

Because weʼre still at that step remove from the design execution of a user interface...
Framing the scene
           Explain what has informed your work.
           And what your work will inform.

            @byekick                                                                    #uxlx
Weʼve a yet harder role to play in explaining not just what has informed our work -
the research, the design principles - but also what our work will inform:

Where it begins and where it ends.

Connecting the dots between ux, design, and development and how, together they evolve
Addressing the fear

             @byekick                                                                                      #uxlx
Before working with creative agencies, I used to sit on the other side of the table as a client.

And my theory - and my experience - is that clients often have a fear lurking at the back of their minds when they work with

And that fear goes something like this:

This designer doesnʼt really understand the unique and special nature of this business
This designer has already decided on a solution, and are going to give it to me whether I want it or not
This designer wants me to be their guinea pig for an untested idea

And the way I think we best counter this fear is by being humble and by being open.
Addressing the fear
           Humility isn’t a tactic, it’s a mindset.

            @byekick                                                                                  #uxlx
And I donʼt mean using humility as a tactic to disarm and flatter,
but as the fundamental underpinning to how we approach our work.

Sounds easy, but when weʼre very often the most expensive person at the table, itʼs easier said than done.
It can take confidence and guts.
De ning the problem

            @byekick                                                                                     #uxlx
Whether weʼre starting from an expert evaluation, field research, analytics, or stakeholder interviews,
itʼs really important we ʻshowʼ rather than ʻtellʼ what we understand the design problem to be.
De ning the problem
            There’s a di erence between showing
            and telling.

            @byekick                                                                                      #uxlx
And that we donʼt take sole ownership of what that problem is, but share our understanding of it.

And sometimes we can do this best by just getting out of the way,
and putting the client and user closer in touch with one another.

Hereʼs how Leisa Reichelt did this, on a project we worried on together last year for an charity called ʻStartHereʼ.
‘D. is 19 and is currently homeless and has
            been since his care home ‘refused care’ of him.
            He sleeps on friends’ sofas but manages to
            attend college. He’s had problems with drug
            use in the past and has been in prison for shop
            lifting and assault. He is bi-polar which
            a ects his con dence very much. He avoids
            social networking sites as in the past his peers
            have been abusive towards him.’

Start Here is a charity that helps the most vulnerable in society - those with the poorest literary skills, and difficult personal
circumstances - get access to information they need, when they need it.

Leisa presented a series of slides like this one in near-silence - letting the experience of our interviewees come through
directly to those in the room.

And it was all the more powerful - and moving - for Leisa having that confidence to resist the temptation to translate and
interpret, and instead let them get closer to the difficult and complex lives of their users all by themselves.

The stories that we tell in explaining our work help put the focus where it should be. Not on us, but on the end user.
Establishing a lingua franca

             @byekick                                                                                 #uxlx
How we tell these stories matters.

A shared, common language matters -
respecting both the language and conventions of the clientʼs business, and
bridging the gap between the clientʼs world and ours.

Two years ago at EuroIA, Scott Thomas - the design director for Barack Obamaʼs extraordinary presidential campaign - talked
about the limitations of wireframes and their disconnect with the language of the political campaign staff he was working

So, for the Obama site, he split the strategic wireframes from the functional - those that contained the component building
blocks of a set of pages, and the purpose or story they were there to tell.

In other words...
Secondary nav Placeholder Search Carousel

             @byekick                                                                                      #uxlx
In other words, he explained their rationale not in - this - the arcane language of the information architect, but in this
Persuade Represent Educate Activate

            @byekick                                                                #uxlx
The argot of the politician

Making it easier for his campaign staff to engage,
easier to imagine how this would translate in execution and with their messaging,
and where and how they could best contribute.
Showing our working

            @byekick                                                       #uxlx
When weʼre building our argument, rather than presenting a fait accompli
we need to show our working

To take our client on the journey with that we ourselves embarked upon:
where we started,
how our thinking evolved,
the ideas we tried and discounted.

Showing our working
            Understand what didn’t work
            to inform what might.

             @byekick                                                                                     #uxlx
Iʼd argue that we should spend almost as much time showing what didnʼt work as much as what did.

Because itʼs in collectively understanding what didnʼt work, that we inform our understanding of what might,
and that we counter the ʻfearʼ I mentioned earlier of the imposed design, the impossible notion of the single ʻrightʼ solution.
Explaining our thinking

             @byekick                                                            #uxlx
Itʼs in this sharing of our thinking, that we let clients in

- where we turn from being the anointed expert - in heavy quotation marks -
to collaborating directly with a group of people to reach a shared conclusion.
Explaining our thinking
           This isn’t about language and style
           but method and mindset.

            @byekick                                                                                   #uxlx
This isnʼt, I think, about just language and style, but method and mindset
about how we see our role in relation to our colleagues and our clients,
and in amplifying the voice of the user.

That isnʼt about just involving them at the research stage, but sketching and analysing together, removing the client/agency
barrier wherever its possible to do so.

So, a word on what our end point of that might look like.

In a piece for Johnny Holland, Jared Spool talked about the danger of expert-led recommendations.

Hereʼs what he had to say...
‘Making recommendations is the easy way
            out, so it feels like the best path. But, in the
            long run, it’s a trap. The house odds are
            against you and eventually, it will all come
            crumbling down.’
            Jared Spool

             @byekick                                                                                #uxlx
Rather than ʻmaking recommendationsʼ, he argues that what the best UX teams do, is to ʻsuggest experimentationʼ,
a more collaborative, exploratory, agile approach.

And - for me - thatʼs it right there.

Thatʼs the point we stop being the mythical designer-as-artist, the Don Draper
and become the more mature, trusted, designer-as-consultant.

It seems to me that
Itʼs worth sacrificing a little bit of short-term ʻwowʼ for the longer-term understanding
- and increasing the chances of our work being sustained long after weʼve concluded our engagement

...So, Iʼm going to pick out five points to wrap up.
   Our role is, in part, to reconnect clients with their
   audience, not to prove how clever we are. Don’t get in the
   way, it’s not about us.
...So, Iʼm going to pick out five points to wrap up.

1. We share, not tell.

We need to help bring clients closer to their users.
And to resist inserting ourselves inbetween them.

We share experiences to improve an experience.
  We need to share what we learn as designers, to act as a
  guide and facilitator. However ‘expert’ we might be, the
  best solutions come with the active contribution of others.
2. Donʼt own the problem to the exclusion of others.

The more we involve the people weʼre working with - designers, developers, clients -
the better informed and more robust our approach is likely to be.
   We need to connect our work to not just the priorities, but
   the language of our clients too. We shouldn’t leave it to
   them to join the dots between our theory and their practice.
3. Mind your language

If we can adapt and reflect our clientsʼ world back at them, we avoid leaving it to them to translate our world into theirs -

And the end result is more effective critique of our work,
because that IS we want that, RIGHT?
  From preparatory sketches to discarded ideas - we deepen
  our client’s appreciation of our thinking. Our openness
  gives permission for them to be open too.
4. Showing our working

By removing the mystique and barriers to understanding our work,
the more we allow the client to be a fuller, more engaged part of the design process with us -
and to understand: our role and why we are proposing what we are proposing.

Thereʼs a bit of pragmatism here too -
weʼre dealing with the common ʻbut, what ifʼs?ʼ up front, and
testing the assumptions our work is based upon,
rather the putting up our design proposals to be shot down
   By moving from ‘conveyancing’ to ‘collaboration’, we share
   together, we learn together, we make things better, together.

And lastly, ʻBe Spool, not Draperʼ.

Suggest and collaborate rather than make recommendations.
Thatʼs got to be a richer experience for our clients, but for us too.

Sharing together,
learning together,
Making things better, together.

             Red curtain by Pietroizzo, licensed under Creative Commons

Thanks for listening.
Communicating UX

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Communicating UX

  • 1. Communicating UX. From ‘idea’ to ‘I agree’. Andrew Travers byekick.com | @byekick Hi everyone, Thanks for coming along My name is Andrew Travers Iʼm an independent user experience designer and strategist in London.
  • 2. ‘Designers sell their work. Designers get up in front of people and explain why they’ve made the decisions they’ve made. And if you can’t do that, you can’t call yourself a designer.’ Mike Monteiro 5by5.tv/pipeline/43 @byekick #uxlx This talk is about ideas, and how we talk about them. What Mike Monteiro had to say recently to designers, has particular resonance, I think, for UX designers. Working at a strategic and conceptual level, our ability to communicate our ideas is especially important.
  • 3. What we talk about when we talk about user experience @byekick #uxlx So, Iʼm want to share with you some thoughts on... What we say, and how we say it.
  • 4. - Tell better stories - Improve understanding - Help our clients - Create better experiences @byekick #uxlx How we move beyond site maps and grey wireframes, to begin to tell better stories about our users and our work How we can improve understanding by sharing our process How we help clients to make informed decisions And - ultimately - how, together, we create better user experiences
  • 5. ‘So, here’s the home page’ @byekick #uxlx Iʼd like to start by sharing a story with you. It comes from a few years ago, where I was part of a project team, heading on an early morning train to a clientʼs offices to present a design concept. In between the coffee and the croissants, weʼd all agreed about the need to ʻtell a storyʼ, To share what weʼd found, the problems weʼd identified, and how we were going to go about tackling them. And then, off the train, and into the meeting, our lead designer opened his Mac, fired up Photoshop and said... 'So here's the home page'... Well, you can probably guess what came next. They ate him alive. A brutal hour of merciless critique, picking apart every aspect of the design from structure, to typography; from colour, to why the funny text was in Latin. So, why HAD he done it?
  • 6. Resisting the big reveal @byekick #uxlx There is - I think - a terrible temptation for us, in the manner of a modern-day Don Draper, to want to open the red curtain and reveal our creations with a little panache. Hoping for that moment where the client reels back, astonished by our genius, our insight, our 'artistry'. Perhaps weʼre just launching into the answer before weʼve remembered to share what the question was in the first place.
  • 7. Resisting the big reveal We’re not artists, we’re designers. We’re here to solve problems. @byekick #uxlx And, of course, we're not artists, we're designers and we're here to solve problems. And if we canʼt define or describe the problem we're solving, we can't expect our clients - or, for that matter, our fellow developers and designers - to see our work in its true context, to provide us with the critique we need, and to work with us to find good solutions together.
  • 8. ‘If we believe design is such a valuable lens to view the world through and a fantastic mental mode for problem solving, we should open it up to everyone. Not doing so is double-speak.’ Frank Chimero ‘Designers Poison’ blog.frankchimero.com @byekick #uxlx I say ʻtogetherʼ, and I mean together. This comes from Frank Chimeroʼs review of AIGAʼs recent One Day For Design round table on Twitter If we know how great, how powerful design can be, donʼt we have a duty to involve others?
  • 9. Framing the scene @byekick #uxlx Iʼd argue that this is at least as true for user experience designers as it is for any other designer. Because weʼre still at that step remove from the design execution of a user interface...
  • 10. Framing the scene Explain what has informed your work. And what your work will inform. @byekick #uxlx Weʼve a yet harder role to play in explaining not just what has informed our work - the research, the design principles - but also what our work will inform: Where it begins and where it ends. Connecting the dots between ux, design, and development and how, together they evolve
  • 11. Addressing the fear @byekick #uxlx Before working with creative agencies, I used to sit on the other side of the table as a client. And my theory - and my experience - is that clients often have a fear lurking at the back of their minds when they work with designers. And that fear goes something like this: This designer doesnʼt really understand the unique and special nature of this business This designer has already decided on a solution, and are going to give it to me whether I want it or not This designer wants me to be their guinea pig for an untested idea And the way I think we best counter this fear is by being humble and by being open. ...
  • 12. Addressing the fear Humility isn’t a tactic, it’s a mindset. @byekick #uxlx And I donʼt mean using humility as a tactic to disarm and flatter, but as the fundamental underpinning to how we approach our work. Sounds easy, but when weʼre very often the most expensive person at the table, itʼs easier said than done. It can take confidence and guts.
  • 13. De ning the problem @byekick #uxlx Whether weʼre starting from an expert evaluation, field research, analytics, or stakeholder interviews, itʼs really important we ʻshowʼ rather than ʻtellʼ what we understand the design problem to be.
  • 14. De ning the problem There’s a di erence between showing and telling. @byekick #uxlx And that we donʼt take sole ownership of what that problem is, but share our understanding of it. And sometimes we can do this best by just getting out of the way, and putting the client and user closer in touch with one another. Hereʼs how Leisa Reichelt did this, on a project we worried on together last year for an charity called ʻStartHereʼ.
  • 15. ‘D. is 19 and is currently homeless and has been since his care home ‘refused care’ of him. He sleeps on friends’ sofas but manages to attend college. He’s had problems with drug use in the past and has been in prison for shop lifting and assault. He is bi-polar which a ects his con dence very much. He avoids social networking sites as in the past his peers have been abusive towards him.’ Start Here is a charity that helps the most vulnerable in society - those with the poorest literary skills, and difficult personal circumstances - get access to information they need, when they need it. Leisa presented a series of slides like this one in near-silence - letting the experience of our interviewees come through directly to those in the room. And it was all the more powerful - and moving - for Leisa having that confidence to resist the temptation to translate and interpret, and instead let them get closer to the difficult and complex lives of their users all by themselves. The stories that we tell in explaining our work help put the focus where it should be. Not on us, but on the end user.
  • 16. Establishing a lingua franca @byekick #uxlx How we tell these stories matters. A shared, common language matters - respecting both the language and conventions of the clientʼs business, and bridging the gap between the clientʼs world and ours. Two years ago at EuroIA, Scott Thomas - the design director for Barack Obamaʼs extraordinary presidential campaign - talked about the limitations of wireframes and their disconnect with the language of the political campaign staff he was working alongside. So, for the Obama site, he split the strategic wireframes from the functional - those that contained the component building blocks of a set of pages, and the purpose or story they were there to tell. In other words...
  • 17. Secondary nav Placeholder Search Carousel @byekick #uxlx In other words, he explained their rationale not in - this - the arcane language of the information architect, but in this
  • 18. Persuade Represent Educate Activate @byekick #uxlx The argot of the politician Making it easier for his campaign staff to engage, easier to imagine how this would translate in execution and with their messaging, and where and how they could best contribute.
  • 19. Showing our working @byekick #uxlx When weʼre building our argument, rather than presenting a fait accompli we need to show our working To take our client on the journey with that we ourselves embarked upon: where we started, how our thinking evolved, the ideas we tried and discounted. ...
  • 20. Showing our working Understand what didn’t work to inform what might. @byekick #uxlx Iʼd argue that we should spend almost as much time showing what didnʼt work as much as what did. Because itʼs in collectively understanding what didnʼt work, that we inform our understanding of what might, and that we counter the ʻfearʼ I mentioned earlier of the imposed design, the impossible notion of the single ʻrightʼ solution.
  • 21. Explaining our thinking @byekick #uxlx Itʼs in this sharing of our thinking, that we let clients in - where we turn from being the anointed expert - in heavy quotation marks - to collaborating directly with a group of people to reach a shared conclusion.
  • 22. Explaining our thinking This isn’t about language and style but method and mindset. @byekick #uxlx This isnʼt, I think, about just language and style, but method and mindset about how we see our role in relation to our colleagues and our clients, and in amplifying the voice of the user. That isnʼt about just involving them at the research stage, but sketching and analysing together, removing the client/agency barrier wherever its possible to do so. So, a word on what our end point of that might look like. In a piece for Johnny Holland, Jared Spool talked about the danger of expert-led recommendations. Hereʼs what he had to say...
  • 23. ‘Making recommendations is the easy way out, so it feels like the best path. But, in the long run, it’s a trap. The house odds are against you and eventually, it will all come crumbling down.’ Jared Spool @byekick #uxlx Rather than ʻmaking recommendationsʼ, he argues that what the best UX teams do, is to ʻsuggest experimentationʼ, a more collaborative, exploratory, agile approach. And - for me - thatʼs it right there. Thatʼs the point we stop being the mythical designer-as-artist, the Don Draper and become the more mature, trusted, designer-as-consultant. It seems to me that Itʼs worth sacrificing a little bit of short-term ʻwowʼ for the longer-term understanding - and increasing the chances of our work being sustained long after weʼve concluded our engagement ...So, Iʼm going to pick out five points to wrap up.
  • 24. 1. SHARE, NOT TELL Our role is, in part, to reconnect clients with their audience, not to prove how clever we are. Don’t get in the way, it’s not about us. ...So, Iʼm going to pick out five points to wrap up. 1. We share, not tell. We need to help bring clients closer to their users. And to resist inserting ourselves inbetween them. We share experiences to improve an experience.
  • 25. 2. DON’T BE A ‘ROCKSTAR’. ROCKSTARS ARE WANKERS. We need to share what we learn as designers, to act as a guide and facilitator. However ‘expert’ we might be, the best solutions come with the active contribution of others. 2. Donʼt own the problem to the exclusion of others. The more we involve the people weʼre working with - designers, developers, clients - the better informed and more robust our approach is likely to be.
  • 26. 3. MIND YOUR LANGUAGE We need to connect our work to not just the priorities, but the language of our clients too. We shouldn’t leave it to them to join the dots between our theory and their practice. 3. Mind your language If we can adapt and reflect our clientsʼ world back at them, we avoid leaving it to them to translate our world into theirs - And the end result is more effective critique of our work, because that IS we want that, RIGHT?
  • 27. 4. SHOW YOUR WORKING From preparatory sketches to discarded ideas - we deepen our client’s appreciation of our thinking. Our openness gives permission for them to be open too. 4. Showing our working By removing the mystique and barriers to understanding our work, the more we allow the client to be a fuller, more engaged part of the design process with us - and to understand: our role and why we are proposing what we are proposing. Thereʼs a bit of pragmatism here too - weʼre dealing with the common ʻbut, what ifʼs?ʼ up front, and testing the assumptions our work is based upon, rather the putting up our design proposals to be shot down
  • 28. 5. BE SPOOL, NOT DRAPER By moving from ‘conveyancing’ to ‘collaboration’, we share together, we learn together, we make things better, together. And lastly, ʻBe Spool, not Draperʼ. Suggest and collaborate rather than make recommendations. Thatʼs got to be a richer experience for our clients, but for us too. Sharing together, learning together, Making things better, together.
  • 29. Thanks. Credits Red curtain by Pietroizzo, licensed under Creative Commons ickr.com/photos/pietroizzo/3450744881/ Thanks for listening.