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Community building on Zing Me
rule #1 |It all starts with a plan Think about the purpose of the page before you start. Is it to provide customers with another brand touch point, a customer service platform, or just a place to share brand related content and thoughts?
Goal Listen/research Plan Understand user Zing Me platform Moderate Measurement Keep conservation Offline event 1 2 3 Grow your fan base Content still is king Personal your fanpage Ecourage sharing Refresh your avatar Reward your fan
milestone 1 2 3
rule #2 |Understand Zing Me user Understand user to define the right way you could communicate with them through language, symbol, culture… Listen, obsever carefully all that you need.
Most of them are young, friendly, and active. Think quickly, act briefly Eager to reach new things Show their style everywhere through everyway Golden time: 11hAM-12hAM or after 21h PM
rule #3 |Content is still king Although Zing Me is a two way platform but content still is king  and that is the reason user become a fan, and then to remain a fan.. If you are silent, your fanpage will be the empry place which has no voice, purpose or point.  Content plans are useful as they keep focus on the goal and vision of the page. Try make the content as useful and interesting as possible and don’t only punt your brand…
If you are brand, be smart
Be smart , why? User need time to “know” your brand, they want to “talk” together first User often joins entertaiment/favourite page than brand page
So , content is not just about your brand. Question: How to intergrate brand message into content such as take care, social news, event?
Zing Me core apps  are available for your brand .
Minimum 01 status/day 01-03 blogs 01-02 links 01-03 photo albums Basic  frequency a week Content plan View example  here
rule #4 |Growing your fan base There are three ways you can gain fans on Zing Me: 1.  You can amaze them. 2.  You can recruit them from influencer/seeder or others community 3.  You can buy through advertising. .
My brand is going to run a campaign and I want to know When should we build community on Zing Me? before a month
The mini contest through blog: “Đoán tên Cách buộc dây giầy” Want to recruit 1000 fans after a day? 1 2 3 4 5
If your brand has no celebs, It is over?
No, you could “host” your page at their wall  Make friend/ ”like” them Interact with them Tag  them in your post
Will you be there?
seeder team from your fanpage friend/fans  Build Why Zing Me user want to make friend with page and would do something for page  How What Choose 20-30 active fans and send them the friend request  Chat, message with them and suggest  the action you want to seed
Some other sources from Banner in game/ application Banner on other sites, microsite Other sources(SEO, Forum…) Ads
rule #5 |Personal your page The key to building relationships with your fans is to be human.  Try make your posts and response as personal as possible. It’s important that the user knows there is a person behind the posts and responses, instead of an automated bot.
Avatar, brand name, badge http://me.zing.vn/apps/huyhieu
Background profile Music profile
Language Background profile Music profile Avatar & brand name, badge Brand personality
rule #6 |Encourage sharing If people are real fans (meaning they feel good about you and your organization), they would be willing to share what you have through messaging, tagging to their friends or posting to their profile. All you have to do is ask & challenge or create wow content for your brand.
“ We made the buttons on the screen look so good you'll want to lick them.”
app  Khảo sát & Hỏi Đáp
Blog contest about Transfomer student photo contest Promotion campaign Campaign & Contest
rule #7 |Refresh your avatar You can’t build a community if the page is the same every time people visit it. May be your  fanpage has had an incredible main image  But now try refreshing with a different image. Fans will take notice when they see the new image in their stream.
rule #8 |Reward your fans Reward your fans with special deals for them only, or special give aways to your most loyal and vocal fans. This will make your fans feel special, and will give them a reason to return.
For  friendship
For your  branding Host your brand here Promotion app
For your  driving action Hot virtual item in game Hot features,  music profile
rule #9 | Measure There are some ways  on Zing Me  to measure the results of your investment. You can quickly identify what’s working and what’s not. These reports let you see what types of content your fans prefer and how they like to engage with that content.
We offer it free everyweek by Zing Me insight More support, please contact us at openzing@vng . com.vn   Brand Impact Metrics Measurement Reach Impressions, fans  Impression Pageview number on Fan Page  Number of fans Engagement Clicks, Interactive actions Number of Comment on Feed Number of Like on Feed Number of  Click Number of Wall Post Action Clicks, entries CTR Number of contest entries Web traffic generated
rule #10 | Moderate Zing Me fanpage is a public space doesn’t mean that you can’t have rules set up for your section. You may want to have those rules  for your community .  You do that to be present and make sure people are playing nice
rule #11 | Keep conservation Having a large fan base is not the end goal, or though it is a nice added extra. In the end you want a fan base of loyal brand ambassadors who love your brand and don’t care who knows it. You want to foster a community of fans that interact with each other and with your brand. .
will be updated… More infomation, please contact us at openzing@vng . com.vn
Apendix #1 |  Content plan CONTENT A  Số Brand  Message Topic Tool 1 Những Sản Phẩm Của A Truyền tải thông tin tin về nhãn hàng A đến User Blog Cập nhật những mẫu mới ra của A tại A.com.vn Photo Khào sát các mặt hàng nào của A mà user sử dụng nhiều nhất Khảo Sát 2 Giá Của A Thảo luận vì sau user không sử dụng hàng chính hãng ? Xem thử ý kiến của user về giá của A như thế nào ? Stt thảo luận, Photo360 Truyền đạt thông tin về các chương trình giảm giá, khuyến mãi của A Blog, stt 3 Chất Lượng Của A Làm sau phân biệt được hàng thật, hàng giả ?  Stt thảo luận, Blog Chế độ bảo hành, cách bảo quản giày của Convere. Photo 4 Địa Điểm Phân Phối A Cung cấp các thông tin các chuỗi cửa hàng bán hàng chính hãng  Blog Các chế độ khuyến mâi, từng của hàng Stt Kêu gọi user muồn mua 1 đôi giày A chính hãng, chất lượng thì nên ra các đại lý chính thức Stt, MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Những Sản Phẩm Của A Địa Điểm Chất Lượng Địa Điểm Những Sản Phẩm Của A Giá Giá Những Sản Phẩm Của A Địa Điểm Giá Chất Lượng Địa Điểm Chất Lượng Giá Những Sản Phẩm Của A Chất Lượng Địa Điểm Chất Lượng
Apendix #2 |  Fanpage background We offer it free.  More support, please contact us at openzing@vng . com.vn   980 pixel Up to you Up to you Photo size maximum is only 50kb
Apendix #3 |  Photo contest in fanpage Icon menu 16x16 pixel (gif,png,jpg) Interact with core apps of  Zing Me platform Photo, link, blog… 749 pixel Easy to attract user join and ‘tell” with your brand
Apendix #4 |  blog contest It has more space for design and communication  You could change background, text color/font, title menu. Structure is fixed  Your contest will be located at tab “sự kiện” (out of your page) and blogger community easy to find and join
Apendix #5 |  Promotion app in fanpage Icon menu 16x16 pixel (gif,png,jpg) Brand could build more options for app belong to its goal. It is hosted out site  749 pixel Easy to attract user join and ‘tell” with your brand
Icon menu 16x16 pixel (gif,png,jpg) Brand could build more options for app belong to its goal. It is hosted  out site  749 pixel Easy to attract user join and ‘tell” with your brand  Apendix #5 |  Promotion app in fanpage

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Community building on Zing Me

  • 2. rule #1 |It all starts with a plan Think about the purpose of the page before you start. Is it to provide customers with another brand touch point, a customer service platform, or just a place to share brand related content and thoughts?
  • 3. Goal Listen/research Plan Understand user Zing Me platform Moderate Measurement Keep conservation Offline event 1 2 3 Grow your fan base Content still is king Personal your fanpage Ecourage sharing Refresh your avatar Reward your fan
  • 5. rule #2 |Understand Zing Me user Understand user to define the right way you could communicate with them through language, symbol, culture… Listen, obsever carefully all that you need.
  • 6. Most of them are young, friendly, and active. Think quickly, act briefly Eager to reach new things Show their style everywhere through everyway Golden time: 11hAM-12hAM or after 21h PM
  • 7. rule #3 |Content is still king Although Zing Me is a two way platform but content still is king and that is the reason user become a fan, and then to remain a fan.. If you are silent, your fanpage will be the empry place which has no voice, purpose or point. Content plans are useful as they keep focus on the goal and vision of the page. Try make the content as useful and interesting as possible and don’t only punt your brand…
  • 8. If you are brand, be smart
  • 9. Be smart , why? User need time to “know” your brand, they want to “talk” together first User often joins entertaiment/favourite page than brand page
  • 10. So , content is not just about your brand. Question: How to intergrate brand message into content such as take care, social news, event?
  • 11. Zing Me core apps are available for your brand .
  • 12. Minimum 01 status/day 01-03 blogs 01-02 links 01-03 photo albums Basic frequency a week Content plan View example here
  • 13. rule #4 |Growing your fan base There are three ways you can gain fans on Zing Me: 1. You can amaze them. 2. You can recruit them from influencer/seeder or others community 3. You can buy through advertising. .
  • 14. My brand is going to run a campaign and I want to know When should we build community on Zing Me? before a month
  • 15. The mini contest through blog: “Đoán tên Cách buộc dây giầy” Want to recruit 1000 fans after a day? 1 2 3 4 5
  • 16.  
  • 17. If your brand has no celebs, It is over?
  • 18. No, you could “host” your page at their wall Make friend/ ”like” them Interact with them Tag them in your post
  • 19. Will you be there?
  • 20. seeder team from your fanpage friend/fans Build Why Zing Me user want to make friend with page and would do something for page How What Choose 20-30 active fans and send them the friend request Chat, message with them and suggest the action you want to seed
  • 21. Some other sources from Banner in game/ application Banner on other sites, microsite Other sources(SEO, Forum…) Ads
  • 22. rule #5 |Personal your page The key to building relationships with your fans is to be human.  Try make your posts and response as personal as possible. It’s important that the user knows there is a person behind the posts and responses, instead of an automated bot.
  • 23. Avatar, brand name, badge http://me.zing.vn/apps/huyhieu
  • 26. Language Background profile Music profile Avatar & brand name, badge Brand personality
  • 27. rule #6 |Encourage sharing If people are real fans (meaning they feel good about you and your organization), they would be willing to share what you have through messaging, tagging to their friends or posting to their profile. All you have to do is ask & challenge or create wow content for your brand.
  • 28. “ We made the buttons on the screen look so good you'll want to lick them.”
  • 29. app Khảo sát & Hỏi Đáp
  • 30. Blog contest about Transfomer student photo contest Promotion campaign Campaign & Contest
  • 31. rule #7 |Refresh your avatar You can’t build a community if the page is the same every time people visit it. May be your fanpage has had an incredible main image But now try refreshing with a different image. Fans will take notice when they see the new image in their stream.
  • 32.  
  • 33. rule #8 |Reward your fans Reward your fans with special deals for them only, or special give aways to your most loyal and vocal fans. This will make your fans feel special, and will give them a reason to return.
  • 34.  
  • 36. For your branding Host your brand here Promotion app
  • 37. For your driving action Hot virtual item in game Hot features, music profile
  • 38. rule #9 | Measure There are some ways on Zing Me to measure the results of your investment. You can quickly identify what’s working and what’s not. These reports let you see what types of content your fans prefer and how they like to engage with that content.
  • 39. We offer it free everyweek by Zing Me insight More support, please contact us at openzing@vng . com.vn Brand Impact Metrics Measurement Reach Impressions, fans Impression Pageview number on Fan Page Number of fans Engagement Clicks, Interactive actions Number of Comment on Feed Number of Like on Feed Number of Click Number of Wall Post Action Clicks, entries CTR Number of contest entries Web traffic generated
  • 40. rule #10 | Moderate Zing Me fanpage is a public space doesn’t mean that you can’t have rules set up for your section. You may want to have those rules  for your community . You do that to be present and make sure people are playing nice
  • 41. rule #11 | Keep conservation Having a large fan base is not the end goal, or though it is a nice added extra. In the end you want a fan base of loyal brand ambassadors who love your brand and don’t care who knows it. You want to foster a community of fans that interact with each other and with your brand. .
  • 42. will be updated… More infomation, please contact us at openzing@vng . com.vn
  • 43. Apendix #1 | Content plan CONTENT A Số Brand Message Topic Tool 1 Những Sản Phẩm Của A Truyền tải thông tin tin về nhãn hàng A đến User Blog Cập nhật những mẫu mới ra của A tại A.com.vn Photo Khào sát các mặt hàng nào của A mà user sử dụng nhiều nhất Khảo Sát 2 Giá Của A Thảo luận vì sau user không sử dụng hàng chính hãng ? Xem thử ý kiến của user về giá của A như thế nào ? Stt thảo luận, Photo360 Truyền đạt thông tin về các chương trình giảm giá, khuyến mãi của A Blog, stt 3 Chất Lượng Của A Làm sau phân biệt được hàng thật, hàng giả ? Stt thảo luận, Blog Chế độ bảo hành, cách bảo quản giày của Convere. Photo 4 Địa Điểm Phân Phối A Cung cấp các thông tin các chuỗi cửa hàng bán hàng chính hãng Blog Các chế độ khuyến mâi, từng của hàng Stt Kêu gọi user muồn mua 1 đôi giày A chính hãng, chất lượng thì nên ra các đại lý chính thức Stt, MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Những Sản Phẩm Của A Địa Điểm Chất Lượng Địa Điểm Những Sản Phẩm Của A Giá Giá Những Sản Phẩm Của A Địa Điểm Giá Chất Lượng Địa Điểm Chất Lượng Giá Những Sản Phẩm Của A Chất Lượng Địa Điểm Chất Lượng
  • 44. Apendix #2 | Fanpage background We offer it free. More support, please contact us at openzing@vng . com.vn 980 pixel Up to you Up to you Photo size maximum is only 50kb
  • 45. Apendix #3 | Photo contest in fanpage Icon menu 16x16 pixel (gif,png,jpg) Interact with core apps of Zing Me platform Photo, link, blog… 749 pixel Easy to attract user join and ‘tell” with your brand
  • 46. Apendix #4 | blog contest It has more space for design and communication You could change background, text color/font, title menu. Structure is fixed Your contest will be located at tab “sự kiện” (out of your page) and blogger community easy to find and join
  • 47. Apendix #5 | Promotion app in fanpage Icon menu 16x16 pixel (gif,png,jpg) Brand could build more options for app belong to its goal. It is hosted out site 749 pixel Easy to attract user join and ‘tell” with your brand
  • 48. Icon menu 16x16 pixel (gif,png,jpg) Brand could build more options for app belong to its goal. It is hosted out site 749 pixel Easy to attract user join and ‘tell” with your brand Apendix #5 | Promotion app in fanpage