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8 Canadian Studies…
Case Studies -  Red Bull KalTire AIM Trimark Dove Canadian Tire GM  RBC Molson
% Composition of Future Prospects by Media Exposure Base : Total sample Attracting New Users Through Online Actual figures and prospect definition not shown to maintain confidentiality
Key Metric Strengths Among Target Market   Index –  Target Market vs. Total  Sample (100) Identifying Areas For Improvement Strength amongst target Opportunity for Improvement
Impact of Online Advertising   Index – Exposed vs. Control (100) Base : Total sample On Its Own, Online Impacts Message Association Significant difference vs. control
Future Purchase Intent – Red Bull  Index vs. Pre-wave (100 ) Base : 18 to 34 year olds Significant difference vs. control TV Strengthens Future Purchase Intent
Aided Online Advertising Awareness – Red Bull  Index vs. Pre-wave (100 ) Base : 18 to 34 year olds Significant difference vs. control Radio Helps Online Drive Awareness of Online Ads
Significant difference vs. control Online Helps TV Enhance Brand Perceptions Impact on Brand Equity Statement – Red Bull   Index vs. Pre-wave (100 ) Base : Energy Drink Users
Online Supports Radio In Strengthening The Campaign Significant difference vs. control
As frequency increases Increased Online Frequency Drove Mentions Further Significant difference vs. control Unaided Mentions of Red Bull – First Mentions  Index vs. Pre-wave (100 )
Case Studies -  Red Bull KalTire AIM Trimark Dove Canadian Tire GM  RBC Molson
Rich Media Vs. Standard Ad Units Index:  Impact from Rich Media vs. Standard Units  Standard Unit index = 100 Indicates a significant difference at a 90% confidence level
Potential Change in Aided Advertising Awareness due to a $100,000 increase in… (Index vs. Actual Aided Advertising Awareness)
Case Studies -  Red Bull KalTire AIM Trimark Dove Canadian Tire GM  RBC Molson
During Canada’s busy RSP buying season (Jan.-Mar. 2005), AIM Trimark employed a multi-media brand-building campaign that included TV, Print and Online advertising.  The campaign was initiated to increase awareness and favourability of the brand.  A Cross Media Optimization Study (CMOST) was conducted by the Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada to assist AIM Trimark in gaining insight into the synergistic effects between Online and traditional media activities such as TV and Print.
The addition of Online to the Media Mix increased Purchase Intent by a full 18 points, showing Online has the potential to drive sales and impact advertiser’s bottom lines
Case Studies -  Red Bull KalTire AIM Trimark Dove Canadian Tire GM  RBC Molson
Dove - Online
Unilever wanted to quantify the impact of the cross-platform marketing campaign for Dove Sensitive Essentials. A multimedia campaign was run that included: TV  Online Print  Outdoor  Main Target:  Women 18-49 with sensitive facial skin.
Web  + TV + Print  VS.  TV Only   Further, the media were complementary in reaching across the wider demographic target *The forthcoming results of the econometrics work should help us understand the ROI by medium, given the vastly different levels of investment in this case (Online was by far the smallest spend) Total Sample 9.1% Lift in Aided Brand Awareness 32.3% Lift in Aided Ad Awareness 46.7% Lift in Purchase Intent Target Group 16.3% Lift in Aided Brand Awareness 33.4% Lift in Aided Ad Awareness An average of 15.6% Lift in key Attribute Statements
Aided Brand Awareness Total Sample Indexed Vs. Control (index: Control=100) With The Total Sample Online Only was As Effective As TV Only   +9.1% Aided Brand Awareness Target Group Indexed Vs. Target Group Control (index: Target Control=100) +16.3%
While Both Outdoor or Online (in addition to print) had similar effects – Outdoor spend  FAR EXCEEDED  Online spend   +32.3% +33.4% Aided Advertising Awareness Total Sample Indexed Vs. Control (index: Control=100) Aided Advertising Awareness Target Group Indexed Vs. Target Group Control (index: Target Control=100)
Purchase Intent Total Sample Indexed Vs. Control (index: Control=100) “ Online Only” Had More Impact on Purchase Intent Than “TV Only” +46.7% Control = 100 While Both Outdoor or Online (in addition to Print) had similar effects… Outdoor spend  FAR EXCEEDED   Online spend
Attribute Scores Total Sample Indexed Vs. Control (index: Control=100) Online had more impact with the Target Market  than with the Total Population Sample TV + Print + Outdoor TV + Print + Online TV Only Online Only Attribute Scores Target Group Indexed Vs. Control (index: Control=100)
% Age Distribution By Exposure  Internet Skewed Younger Than T.V. The Effect of Both Mediums Together is Complementary, allowing for a slightly younger reach (considering low Online spend levels)
Econometric modeling produces a mathematical model representing actual media spend and the target outcome (Aided Advertising Awareness). -  The resulting model is used as the basis of a Scenario (what if) analysis.   A Scenario (what if) analysis is used to measure the impact of various spending mix options for the purpose identifying the optimal media mix -  The optimal media mix is one which produces the greatest level of Aided    Advertising Awareness for the allocated budget The media mix that maximizes ROI is derived via a series of analyses consisting of the following steps: New Insights from  Econometrics Analysis
Maximized Aided Advertising Awareness A shift in spending towards Online from TV and OOH would have potentially increased Aided Advertising Awareness from 49% to 52% Media Mix Scenario Analysis
Relationship between Advertising Expenditure and Aided Advertising Awareness The Online channel is more sensitive to changes in spending levels than the other media channels Online OOH TV Magazine Impact of a $100,000 increase in spending by Channel
Case Studies -  Red Bull KalTire AIM Trimark Dove Canadian Tire GM  RBC Molson
Canadian Tire - Online
Canadian Tire ran a campaign focused around Father’s Day comprising two themes: A promotional contest  Certain price promotional features A multimedia campaign was run during a two week period:  Radio  (30 second spots) Online Flyers  (national drop and e-flyer)  Support on the canadiantire.ca site Main Target:  Adults 25-54
Web  + Radio  VS. Radio Only  Women had a better recall to the online advertising compared to radio which resonated with men Further, Comscore data showed increases in the CanadianTire.ca website activity – particularly among women Females 16.7 %  Lift   in Unaided Advertising Awareness  5.9% Lift in Brand Favourability Total Sample 5.8% Lift in Aided Advertising Awareness:   +7.5% among English speaking respondents An average Lift of 8.4% across the Key Attribute Statements shown in this case study
  The addition of Online with Radio produced the largest overall increase  This was accentuated even more among English speaking respondents +5.8% +7.5% Control = 100
Canadian Tire Brand  Attribute Scores - Total Sample Index. Vs. Control Control=100 83 101 101 99 98 105 103 104 106 111 113 114 Key Attribute D Key Attribute C Key Attribute B Key Attribute A The combination of Radio and Online produced significant increases across the majority of relevant Brand Attributes.   +9.6% +9.4% +5.9% +8.6% Control = 100 Web + Radio Radio Only Web Only
The combination of Online and Radio was particularly effective against women.  The campaign resonated with  females, but had messaging that was relevant to the total adult market.   +16.7% +5.9% Control = 100
The campaign was effective in driving website traffic, to the highest % of total internet unique visitors in 2 years   Source: Mediametrix Comscore Data
Case Studies -  Red Bull KalTire AIM Trimark Dove Canadian Tire GM  RBC Molson
GM Envoy - Online
GM - Magazine
GM was promoting the introduction of a new model of SUV, the Envoy “XUV” (which has a special retractable roof). GM ran a multimedia campaign with: TV Magazine  (heavy & targeted) Online  Out of Home  (in a few key selected markets only)
TV  + Magazine +  Web together  VS.  TV  + Magazine O nly Econometric Modeling Results: The Internet medium had a straight-line relationship between media weight and ad awareness  The other mediums showed diminishing returns curves Total Sample 8% Lift in Aided Brand Awareness 16% Lift in Aided Advertising Awareness  –24% Lift if they were exposed 4+ times to the Web “ Those Consumers Who Were In The Market For A Vehicle” 11% Lift in Aided Brand Awareness  30 %  Lift   Aided Advertising Awareness
Online impacted Aided Brand Awareness for the Total Sample (+8%)  But had even more impact with those who were actually in the market for a vehicle (+11%) Control = 100 Total Sample Index Vs. Control “ In Market Group” Index Vs. Control Aided Brand Awareness +11% +8%
We see that the addition of Web increased Advertising Awareness by 16% for the Total sample and 30% for the “In-Market Group” Control = 100 Total Sample Index Vs. Control “ In Market Group” Index Vs. Control Aided Advertising Awareness +16% +30%
Future Campaigns should consider distributing media weights across mediums  Magazine, OOH and TV show have diminishing returns curve relationships The Internet medium has a straight-line relationship between weight levels and ad awareness.  From: Econometric Modeling Results
Case Studies -  Red Bull KalTire AIM Trimark Dove Canadian Tire GM  RBC Molson
RBC Insurance - Online Super Banners Boxes Skyscrapers
RBC Insurance was promoting multiple insurance products  Using a variety of online creative formats.  RBC Insurance  wished to  understand: The impact  of Internet on key brand metrics against defined customer targets
When people were exposed to the Internet campaign vs. unexposed there was a: 53% lift in awareness of RBC’s “expertise in insurance”  37% lift amongst key segments in brand  f avourability 54% of those who were exposed identified themselves as key decision makers for buying insurance
Vs. The Key Target Group:  The Internet advertising campaign was effective across the brand metrics and attributes.  There was a 53% lift in RBC Insurance  &quot;Provides Insurance Expertise&quot;  For each of the following insurance brands, please indicate  which statements, if any, you think describes it. % Who Agreed RBC  –  Provides Insurance Expertise Key Target Group Exposed Indexed Vs.  Target Group Control (index: Control=100) Control = 100
Brand Favourability saw a lift of 37% key target group exposed vs. unexposed.  How would you describe your overall opinion about  each of the following brands of insurance? Brand Favourability Key Target Group Exposed Indexed Vs.  Target Group Control (index: Control=100) Control = 100
What is your role in making insurance decisions for your household? I am the Primary decision-maker I share this responsibility with   someone   else Someone else makes the insurance decisions for my household 54 % of the online audience were key insurance decision makers
The Internet was very effective   in  permit ting RBC to  accurate ly  target  the Key Decision makers. The Internet proved effective in delivering the key messages.
Case Studies -  Red Bull KalTire AIM Trimark Dove Canadian Tire GM  RBC Molson
Molson Seize The Day - Online
Molson launched a major new advertising campaign called “Seize the Day”. Molson ran an online advertising campaign which supported the main TV message: TV  Online    Molson sponsored “The Rolling Stones Toronto concert” at the same time
For the campaign when TV and Web were used together vs. TV only there was a -    27% Lift in online advertising awareness 48%  Lift  in tagline association 16%  Lift  in key brand relevance metric 35%  Lift  in event sponsorship association
Online Advertising Awareness Indexed Vs. Control An increase in Online Ad Awareness among key targets   Control = 100
Tagline Association Indexed Vs. TV Only Online Ad Awareness and Message Association are strongly impacted by the addition of online advertising   - Dynamic Logic Database (>800 campaigns) TV Only = 100
The target group showed an affinity for the campaign when exposed to online advertising. Demonstrated by a positive lift in  “Advertising I could relate to” score.  “ A beer with advertising I can relate to” Index   Vs. Control Control = 100
Online advertising is an especially effective medium for reinforcing sponsorships to consumers. This measure compared to other norms has the largest average lift vs. baseline. - Dynamic Logic Database (>800 campaigns) Event Sponsorship Association  Indexed Vs. Control Control = 100
The Internet was a strong complementary medium Best Practices were learned regarding online creative  Logo should appear throughout all frames  Creative should not be too cluttered  Ad Logos on Skyscrapers should not appear “below the fold”
Source: Dynamic Logic Strongest relative impact of various media occurred at different points in the purchase funnel
Online is now a traditional media channel (among the big 3!) Leverage new Online ad technologies to stay ahead of the game Online has proven to work synergistically with all media channels Rich media out-performs static advertising Online is very effective at communicating sponsorship messages Online is very efficient at driving advertising awareness Online impacts key stages in the purchase funnel Creative messaging needs to be consistent across channels Leverage Online to precisely target your consumers Online branded content is attracting consumer attention CMOST Top Ten Take-aways…

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  • 2. Research Design Launch Control Online + Media 1 (Online Exposed) Media 1 Only (Online Unexposed) Pre-Launch Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Score Electronic Cookie Tracking
  • 5. Case Studies - Red Bull KalTire AIM Trimark Dove Canadian Tire GM RBC Molson
  • 6. % Composition of Future Prospects by Media Exposure Base : Total sample Attracting New Users Through Online Actual figures and prospect definition not shown to maintain confidentiality
  • 7. Key Metric Strengths Among Target Market Index – Target Market vs. Total Sample (100) Identifying Areas For Improvement Strength amongst target Opportunity for Improvement
  • 8. Impact of Online Advertising Index – Exposed vs. Control (100) Base : Total sample On Its Own, Online Impacts Message Association Significant difference vs. control
  • 9. Future Purchase Intent – Red Bull Index vs. Pre-wave (100 ) Base : 18 to 34 year olds Significant difference vs. control TV Strengthens Future Purchase Intent
  • 10. Aided Online Advertising Awareness – Red Bull Index vs. Pre-wave (100 ) Base : 18 to 34 year olds Significant difference vs. control Radio Helps Online Drive Awareness of Online Ads
  • 11. Significant difference vs. control Online Helps TV Enhance Brand Perceptions Impact on Brand Equity Statement – Red Bull Index vs. Pre-wave (100 ) Base : Energy Drink Users
  • 12. Online Supports Radio In Strengthening The Campaign Significant difference vs. control
  • 13. As frequency increases Increased Online Frequency Drove Mentions Further Significant difference vs. control Unaided Mentions of Red Bull – First Mentions Index vs. Pre-wave (100 )
  • 14. Case Studies - Red Bull KalTire AIM Trimark Dove Canadian Tire GM RBC Molson
  • 15. Rich Media Vs. Standard Ad Units Index: Impact from Rich Media vs. Standard Units Standard Unit index = 100 Indicates a significant difference at a 90% confidence level
  • 16. Potential Change in Aided Advertising Awareness due to a $100,000 increase in… (Index vs. Actual Aided Advertising Awareness)
  • 17. Case Studies - Red Bull KalTire AIM Trimark Dove Canadian Tire GM RBC Molson
  • 18. During Canada’s busy RSP buying season (Jan.-Mar. 2005), AIM Trimark employed a multi-media brand-building campaign that included TV, Print and Online advertising. The campaign was initiated to increase awareness and favourability of the brand. A Cross Media Optimization Study (CMOST) was conducted by the Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada to assist AIM Trimark in gaining insight into the synergistic effects between Online and traditional media activities such as TV and Print.
  • 19. The addition of Online to the Media Mix increased Purchase Intent by a full 18 points, showing Online has the potential to drive sales and impact advertiser’s bottom lines
  • 20. Case Studies - Red Bull KalTire AIM Trimark Dove Canadian Tire GM RBC Molson
  • 22. Unilever wanted to quantify the impact of the cross-platform marketing campaign for Dove Sensitive Essentials. A multimedia campaign was run that included: TV Online Print Outdoor Main Target: Women 18-49 with sensitive facial skin.
  • 23. Web + TV + Print VS. TV Only Further, the media were complementary in reaching across the wider demographic target *The forthcoming results of the econometrics work should help us understand the ROI by medium, given the vastly different levels of investment in this case (Online was by far the smallest spend) Total Sample 9.1% Lift in Aided Brand Awareness 32.3% Lift in Aided Ad Awareness 46.7% Lift in Purchase Intent Target Group 16.3% Lift in Aided Brand Awareness 33.4% Lift in Aided Ad Awareness An average of 15.6% Lift in key Attribute Statements
  • 24. Aided Brand Awareness Total Sample Indexed Vs. Control (index: Control=100) With The Total Sample Online Only was As Effective As TV Only +9.1% Aided Brand Awareness Target Group Indexed Vs. Target Group Control (index: Target Control=100) +16.3%
  • 25. While Both Outdoor or Online (in addition to print) had similar effects – Outdoor spend FAR EXCEEDED Online spend +32.3% +33.4% Aided Advertising Awareness Total Sample Indexed Vs. Control (index: Control=100) Aided Advertising Awareness Target Group Indexed Vs. Target Group Control (index: Target Control=100)
  • 26. Purchase Intent Total Sample Indexed Vs. Control (index: Control=100) “ Online Only” Had More Impact on Purchase Intent Than “TV Only” +46.7% Control = 100 While Both Outdoor or Online (in addition to Print) had similar effects… Outdoor spend FAR EXCEEDED Online spend
  • 27. Attribute Scores Total Sample Indexed Vs. Control (index: Control=100) Online had more impact with the Target Market than with the Total Population Sample TV + Print + Outdoor TV + Print + Online TV Only Online Only Attribute Scores Target Group Indexed Vs. Control (index: Control=100)
  • 28. % Age Distribution By Exposure Internet Skewed Younger Than T.V. The Effect of Both Mediums Together is Complementary, allowing for a slightly younger reach (considering low Online spend levels)
  • 29. Econometric modeling produces a mathematical model representing actual media spend and the target outcome (Aided Advertising Awareness). - The resulting model is used as the basis of a Scenario (what if) analysis. A Scenario (what if) analysis is used to measure the impact of various spending mix options for the purpose identifying the optimal media mix - The optimal media mix is one which produces the greatest level of Aided Advertising Awareness for the allocated budget The media mix that maximizes ROI is derived via a series of analyses consisting of the following steps: New Insights from Econometrics Analysis
  • 30. Maximized Aided Advertising Awareness A shift in spending towards Online from TV and OOH would have potentially increased Aided Advertising Awareness from 49% to 52% Media Mix Scenario Analysis
  • 31. Relationship between Advertising Expenditure and Aided Advertising Awareness The Online channel is more sensitive to changes in spending levels than the other media channels Online OOH TV Magazine Impact of a $100,000 increase in spending by Channel
  • 32. Case Studies - Red Bull KalTire AIM Trimark Dove Canadian Tire GM RBC Molson
  • 33. Canadian Tire - Online
  • 34. Canadian Tire ran a campaign focused around Father’s Day comprising two themes: A promotional contest Certain price promotional features A multimedia campaign was run during a two week period: Radio (30 second spots) Online Flyers (national drop and e-flyer) Support on the canadiantire.ca site Main Target: Adults 25-54
  • 35. Web + Radio VS. Radio Only Women had a better recall to the online advertising compared to radio which resonated with men Further, Comscore data showed increases in the CanadianTire.ca website activity – particularly among women Females 16.7 % Lift in Unaided Advertising Awareness 5.9% Lift in Brand Favourability Total Sample 5.8% Lift in Aided Advertising Awareness: +7.5% among English speaking respondents An average Lift of 8.4% across the Key Attribute Statements shown in this case study
  • 36.   The addition of Online with Radio produced the largest overall increase This was accentuated even more among English speaking respondents +5.8% +7.5% Control = 100
  • 37. Canadian Tire Brand Attribute Scores - Total Sample Index. Vs. Control Control=100 83 101 101 99 98 105 103 104 106 111 113 114 Key Attribute D Key Attribute C Key Attribute B Key Attribute A The combination of Radio and Online produced significant increases across the majority of relevant Brand Attributes. +9.6% +9.4% +5.9% +8.6% Control = 100 Web + Radio Radio Only Web Only
  • 38. The combination of Online and Radio was particularly effective against women. The campaign resonated with females, but had messaging that was relevant to the total adult market. +16.7% +5.9% Control = 100
  • 39. The campaign was effective in driving website traffic, to the highest % of total internet unique visitors in 2 years Source: Mediametrix Comscore Data
  • 40. Case Studies - Red Bull KalTire AIM Trimark Dove Canadian Tire GM RBC Molson
  • 41. GM Envoy - Online
  • 43. GM was promoting the introduction of a new model of SUV, the Envoy “XUV” (which has a special retractable roof). GM ran a multimedia campaign with: TV Magazine (heavy & targeted) Online Out of Home (in a few key selected markets only)
  • 44. TV + Magazine + Web together VS. TV + Magazine O nly Econometric Modeling Results: The Internet medium had a straight-line relationship between media weight and ad awareness The other mediums showed diminishing returns curves Total Sample 8% Lift in Aided Brand Awareness 16% Lift in Aided Advertising Awareness –24% Lift if they were exposed 4+ times to the Web “ Those Consumers Who Were In The Market For A Vehicle” 11% Lift in Aided Brand Awareness 30 % Lift Aided Advertising Awareness
  • 45. Online impacted Aided Brand Awareness for the Total Sample (+8%) But had even more impact with those who were actually in the market for a vehicle (+11%) Control = 100 Total Sample Index Vs. Control “ In Market Group” Index Vs. Control Aided Brand Awareness +11% +8%
  • 46. We see that the addition of Web increased Advertising Awareness by 16% for the Total sample and 30% for the “In-Market Group” Control = 100 Total Sample Index Vs. Control “ In Market Group” Index Vs. Control Aided Advertising Awareness +16% +30%
  • 47. Future Campaigns should consider distributing media weights across mediums Magazine, OOH and TV show have diminishing returns curve relationships The Internet medium has a straight-line relationship between weight levels and ad awareness. From: Econometric Modeling Results
  • 48. Case Studies - Red Bull KalTire AIM Trimark Dove Canadian Tire GM RBC Molson
  • 49. RBC Insurance - Online Super Banners Boxes Skyscrapers
  • 50. RBC Insurance was promoting multiple insurance products Using a variety of online creative formats. RBC Insurance wished to understand: The impact of Internet on key brand metrics against defined customer targets
  • 51. When people were exposed to the Internet campaign vs. unexposed there was a: 53% lift in awareness of RBC’s “expertise in insurance” 37% lift amongst key segments in brand f avourability 54% of those who were exposed identified themselves as key decision makers for buying insurance
  • 52. Vs. The Key Target Group: The Internet advertising campaign was effective across the brand metrics and attributes. There was a 53% lift in RBC Insurance &quot;Provides Insurance Expertise&quot; For each of the following insurance brands, please indicate which statements, if any, you think describes it. % Who Agreed RBC – Provides Insurance Expertise Key Target Group Exposed Indexed Vs. Target Group Control (index: Control=100) Control = 100
  • 53. Brand Favourability saw a lift of 37% key target group exposed vs. unexposed. How would you describe your overall opinion about each of the following brands of insurance? Brand Favourability Key Target Group Exposed Indexed Vs. Target Group Control (index: Control=100) Control = 100
  • 54. What is your role in making insurance decisions for your household? I am the Primary decision-maker I share this responsibility with someone else Someone else makes the insurance decisions for my household 54 % of the online audience were key insurance decision makers
  • 55. The Internet was very effective in permit ting RBC to accurate ly target the Key Decision makers. The Internet proved effective in delivering the key messages.
  • 56. Case Studies - Red Bull KalTire AIM Trimark Dove Canadian Tire GM RBC Molson
  • 57. Molson Seize The Day - Online
  • 58. Molson launched a major new advertising campaign called “Seize the Day”. Molson ran an online advertising campaign which supported the main TV message: TV Online   Molson sponsored “The Rolling Stones Toronto concert” at the same time
  • 59. For the campaign when TV and Web were used together vs. TV only there was a -   27% Lift in online advertising awareness 48% Lift in tagline association 16% Lift in key brand relevance metric 35% Lift in event sponsorship association
  • 60. Online Advertising Awareness Indexed Vs. Control An increase in Online Ad Awareness among key targets Control = 100
  • 61. Tagline Association Indexed Vs. TV Only Online Ad Awareness and Message Association are strongly impacted by the addition of online advertising - Dynamic Logic Database (>800 campaigns) TV Only = 100
  • 62. The target group showed an affinity for the campaign when exposed to online advertising. Demonstrated by a positive lift in “Advertising I could relate to” score. “ A beer with advertising I can relate to” Index Vs. Control Control = 100
  • 63. Online advertising is an especially effective medium for reinforcing sponsorships to consumers. This measure compared to other norms has the largest average lift vs. baseline. - Dynamic Logic Database (>800 campaigns) Event Sponsorship Association Indexed Vs. Control Control = 100
  • 64. The Internet was a strong complementary medium Best Practices were learned regarding online creative Logo should appear throughout all frames Creative should not be too cluttered Ad Logos on Skyscrapers should not appear “below the fold”
  • 65. Source: Dynamic Logic Strongest relative impact of various media occurred at different points in the purchase funnel
  • 66. Online is now a traditional media channel (among the big 3!) Leverage new Online ad technologies to stay ahead of the game Online has proven to work synergistically with all media channels Rich media out-performs static advertising Online is very effective at communicating sponsorship messages Online is very efficient at driving advertising awareness Online impacts key stages in the purchase funnel Creative messaging needs to be consistent across channels Leverage Online to precisely target your consumers Online branded content is attracting consumer attention CMOST Top Ten Take-aways…