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Unit 1
Computer Systems and Organisation
Computer Science (083)
Board : CBSE
Unit I
Computer Systems and Organisation (CSO)
(10 Theory + 02 Practical)
Department of Computer Science, Sainik School Amaravathinagar)
Cell :9431453730
Email : praveenkumarjigajinni@gmail.com
Praveen M Jigajinni
DCSc & Engg,PGDCA,ADCA,MSc(IT),MCA,Mtech, MPhil (CS)
Prepared by
Courtesy CBSE
What you are going to study in this Unit II?
 Basic computer organisation: description of a
computer system and mobile
 system, CPU, memory, hard disk, I/O, battery.
 Types of software: application, System, utility.
 Memory Units: bit, byte, MB, GB, TB, and PB.
 Boolean logic: OR, AND, NAND, NOR, XOR, NOT,
truth tables, De Morgan’s laws
 Information representation: numbers in base 2,
8, 16, binary addition
What you are going to study in this Unit II?
 Strings: ASCII, UTF8, UTF32, ISCII (Indian script
code), Unicode
 Basic concepts of Flowchart
 Concept of Compiler & Interpreter
 Running a program: Notion of an operating
system, how an operating system
 runs a program, idea of loading, operating system
as a resource manager.
 Concept of cloud computing, cloud
(public/private), introduction to parallel
Courtesy CBSE
Computer Fundamentals
After studying this session students will be able to:
Learn about various generations of computer
Understand the basic operation of a computer
Study the functional components and their interconnections
Understand the concept of booting
Learn about classification of computers
What is Computer?
 A computer is a device that can
be instructed to carry out sequences
of arithmetic or logical operations
automatically. Modern computers have
the ability to follow generalized sets of
operations, called programs. These
programs enable computers to perform an
extremely wide range of tasks.
 Source Wikipedia
What is Data?
 Data. Data in a computer terminology mean
raw facts and figures.
 For ex-mohan,1977 etc.
What is Information?
means what we get after processing.
Data Vs. Information?
 you should understand that what goes in
the computers is data and what comes out
of them is information.
 This process of turning data into
information is also known as information
processing cycle.
Computer organisation refers to logical
structure of a computer how its
components are connected to one another
ALU Registers
Control Memory
Memory Memory Memory
Functional components of a Computer
Input Unit
The input unit consists of input
devices that are attached to the
These devices take input and convert
it into binary language that the
computer understands.
Some of the common input devices
are keyboard, mouse, joystick,
scanner etc.
Input Unit
Central Processing Unit(CPU)
Once the information is entered
into the computer by the input
device, the processor processes it.
The CPU is called the brain of the
computer because it is the control
centre of the computer.
 As the CPU is located on a small
chip, it is also called the
Central Processing Unit(CPU)
• The CPU has three main
components which are responsible for
different functions –
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
The ALU, as its name suggests
performs mathematical calculations
and takes logical decisions.
Arithmetic calculations include
addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division.
Logical decisions involve comparison
of two data items to see which
one is larger or smaller or equal.
Control Unit (CU)
The Control unit coordinates and
controls the data flow in and out
of CPU and also controls all the
operations of ALU, memory registers
and also input/output units.
It is also responsible for carrying out
all the instructions stored in the
Memory Registers
A register is a temporary unit of
memory in the CPU.
These receive data/information and
then this data/information is held in
them as per the requirement.
Output Unit
The output unit consists of output
devices that are attached with the
It converts the binary data coming
from CPU to human understandable
from. The
common output devices are monitor,
printer, plotter etc.
Classification of Computers
Classification of Computers
The computers can be classified
based on the technology being used as:
Digital Computers
 Analog Computers &
Hybrid Computers
Digital Computers
These computers are capable of
processing information in discrete
In digital technology data which can
be in the form of letters, symbols or
numbers is represented in binary form
i.e. 0s and 1s.
Digital Computers
Binary digits are easily expressed in a
digital computer by the presence (1) or
absence (0) of current or voltage.
It computes by counting and adding
Digital Computers
The digital computers are used in
industrial, business and scientific
They are quite suitable for large
volume data processing.
Digital Computers
Apple Macintosh
Digital watches etc
Analog Computers
An Analog computer works on
continuously changeable aspects of
physical phenomenon such as fluid
pressure, mechanical motion and
electrical quantities.
These computers measure changes in
continuous physical quantities say
current and voltage.
Analog Computers
These computers are used to process
data generated by ongoing physical
A thermometer is an example of an
analog computer since it measures the
change in mercury level continuously.
Analog Computers
Although the accuracy of an analog
computer is less as compared to digital
computers, yet it is used to process
data generated by changing physical
quantities especially when the
response to change is fast.
Analog Computers
Most present day Analog computers
are well suited to simulating systems. A
simulator helps to conduct
experiments repeatedly in real time
Some of the common examples are
simulations in aircrafts, nuclear power
plants, hydraulic and electronic
Analog Computers
 Thermometer.
Analog clock.
 Speedometer.
 Tire pressure gauge.
Analog Computers
Analog Computers
 Boeing B-29 Superfortress Central
Fire Control System
Kerrison Predictor
Leonardo Torres y Quevedo's
Analogue Calculating Machines based
on "fusee sans fin"
Librascope, aircraft weight and
balance computer
Analog Computers
Analog computer has come to refer to
devices and media that represent:
Store images
Sound, motion pictures, etc.
Analog Computers
 Analog computers can have a very
wide range of complexity.
Slide rules and monographs are the
simplest, while naval gun fire control
computers and large hybrid
digital/analog computers were among
the most complicated.
Analog Computers
Very complicated for containing
output for the users some time.
Hybrid Computers
These use both analog and digital
It has the speed of analog computer
and the accuracy of a digital computer.
 It may accept digital or analog
signals but an extensive conversion of
data from digital to analog and analog
to digital has to be done.
Hybrid Computers
Generally the analog components
provide efficient processing of
differential equations while the digital
part deals with logical operations of
the system.
Hence benefits of both analog and
digital computing are readily available.
Hybrid Computers
 Hybrid Computers are used as a cost
effective means for complex
Examples: Computer used in
hospitals to measure the heartbeat of
the patient. Devices used in petrol
Hybrid Computers
A hybrid computer exhibits features of
both analog computers and digital
computers. It applies the real-time
speed of the analog computer and the
accuracy of the digital computer to the
solution of problems that are beyond
the capabilities of either. An example
was the HYDAC 2400, a hybrid computer
released by EAI in 1963.
Hybrid Computers
An example was the HYDAC 2400, a hybrid computer
released by EAI in 1963.
Hybrid Computers
Classification of Digital Computers
 The digital computers are classified
according to their computing
Classification of Digital Computers
 The various types of digital
computers are :
Micro Computers
Mini Computers
Main Frames
Super Computers
Micro Computers
These are also known as Personal
Computers. These type of digital
computer uses a microprocessor (a
CPU on a single chip) and include both
desktops and laptops.
Micro Computers
These computers can work on small
volume of data, are very versatile and
can handle variety of applications.
These computers are being used as
work stations, CAD, multimedia and
advertising applications.
Micro Computers
Small portable computers such as
PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) and
tablets with wireless computing
technology are increasingly becoming
Micro Computers
Micro Computers
Micro Computers
Micro Computers
Mini Computers
These computers can support
multiple users working simultaneously
on the same machine.
These are mainly used in an
organization where computers
installed in various departments are
interconnected. These computers are
useful for small business organizations.
Mini Computers
Control Data's CDC 160A and CDC
DEC PDP and VAX series.
Data General Nova.
Hewlett-Packard HP 3000 series, HP
2100 series, HP1000 series.
Mini Computers
Honeywell-Bull DPS 6/DPS 6000 series.
IBM midrange computers.
Interdata 7/32 and 8/32.
Varian 620 100 series.
Mini Computers
Honeywell-Bull DPS 6/DPS 6000 series.
IBM midrange computers.
Interdata 7/32 and 8/32.
Varian 620 100 series.
Mainframe Computers
These computers are large and very
powerful computers with very high
memory capacity.
These can process huge databases
such as census at extremely fast rate.
They are suitable for big organizations,
banks, industries etc. and can support
hundreds of users simultaneously on
the network.
Mainframe Computers
History of IBM mainframes, 1952–
presentMarket name700/7000 series
IBM 308X
IBM 3090
zSeries 900, 800, 990, and 890
System z9
System z10
Mainframe Computers
History of IBM mainframes, 1952–
present Market name 700/7000 series
zEnterprise System (z196, zEC12, z13,
Super Computers
These are fastest and very expensive
They can execute billions of
instructions per second.
Super Computers
These are multiprocessor, parallel
systems suitable for specialized
complex scientific applications
involving huge amounts of
mathematical applications such as
weather forecasting.
Super Computers
The main difference between a
supercomputer and a mainframe is
that a supercomputer executes fewer
programs as fast as possible whereas a
mainframe executes many programs
Super Computers
Year Supercomputer Location
2016 Sunway TaihuLight Wuxi, China
2013 NUDT Tianhe-2 Guangzhou, China
2012 Cray Titan Oak Ridge, U.S.
2012 IBM Sequoia Livermore, U.S.
2011 Fujitsu K computer Kobe, Japan
2010 Tianhe-IA Tianjin, China
2009 Cray Jaguar Oak Ridge, U.S.
2008 IBM Roadrunner Los Alamos, U.S.
Hardware and Software
A computer consists of both hardware and
software and both are equally important for
the working of the computer system.
The electronic components of a computer
system that we can see and touch are called
Software is a general term used for
computer programs that control the
operations of the computer.
Hardware and Software
Hardware and Software
A program is a sequence of instructions
that perform a particular task. A set of
programs form a software.
It is the software which gives hardware its
Hardware is of no use without software
and software cannot be used without
Types of Software
Software can be broadly are
categorized as:
System Software
Application Software
Utility Software
Types of Software
System Software
System Software is the software that
is directly related to coordinating
computer operations and performs
tasks associated with controlling and
utilizing computer hardware. These
programs assist in running application
programs and are designed to control
the operation of a computer system.
System Software
System software directs the computer
what to do, when to do and how to
do. System software can be further
categorized into:-
Operating System
Language Translators
Operating System
 An Operating system is the most
important system software.
It is a set of programs that control
and supervise the hardware of a
computer and also provide services to
application software, programmers
and users. Ex :-
Operating System
Some of the popular operating
systems used in personal computers
are DOS, Windows, Unix, Linux,
Solaris, etc.
Its a translator used to convert HLL to MLL
and vice versa.
Its a translator used to convert HLL to MLL
and vice versa.
Its a translator used to convert HLL to MLL
and vice versa.
Its a translator used to convert HLL to MLL
and vice versa.
An application software is bought by
the user to perform specific
applications or tasks.
Say for example making a document
or making a presentation or handling
inventory or managing the employee
Application Software
 An application software can be of
two types:
General Purpose Application
Software &
Customized Application software.
Application Software
 Some of the application software is
made for the common users for day to
day applications and uses.
These are also referred as Office
 The users may use them in the
manner they want.
Application Software - General Purpose
Application Software
 Some of the popular types of general
purpose application software are:
Word Processor
Presentation Tools
Spreadsheet Packages
Database Management System
Application Software - General Purpose
Application Software
Customized Software is one which is
tailor made as per the user’s
requirement. Such type of software is
customer specific.
 It is made keeping in mind the
individual needs of the user and so are
also referred as Domain Specific Tools
Application Software - Customized
Inventory Management System &
Purchasing System
School Management System
Payroll System
Financial Accounting
Hotel Management
Reservation System
Weather Forecasting system
Application Software - Customized
Memory is one of the most
important components of a
computer system as it stores data
and instructions.
Every memory chip contains
thousands of memory locations. In
the computer, the data is stored in
the form of bits and bytes.
A bit is the smallest storage unit of
memory. A nibble is a collection of 4
bits. Eight bits combined together to
form a single byte, which in turn
represents a single character
Memory Units
Memory Units
Level 1
Level 2
rnet Storage
Storage areas
Temporary Storage areas
Types of Memories
The computer memories can be
divided into following categories:
Primary Memory
Cache Memory
Secondary memory
Primary Memory
Primary memory or main
memory is a Metal Oxide
Semiconductor (MOS) memory
used for storing program and
data during the execution of the
program. It is directly accessible
to CPU.
Primary Memory
Broadly primary memory
can be of two types :–
1. RAM (Random Access Memory)
2. ROM (Read only memory).
Random Access Memory (RAM)
the memory can be accessed from
any desired location randomly.
The instructions and data that we
input into the computer are stored in
the RAM of the Computer.
It is a read/write memory, so data
can be both read from and written to
the RAM.
Random Access Memory (RAM)
It is a volatile memory and loses its
contents when the power is switched
off or interrupted.
Nowadays RAMs are available in
gigabytes. The normal memory
access time of a RAM is 20-80 ns.
Random Access Memory (RAM)
RAM can be broadly classified into
two categories:
Dynamic RAM (DRAM) and
 Static RAM (SRAM).
Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
It consists of a transistor and a
capacitor that stores electric charge.
The DRAMs are physically smaller,
cheaper and slower memories. They
are slower because the data stored in
them needs to continuously
refreshed and this consumes lot of
processor time.
Each refresh operation takes
several CPU cycles to complete. This
is because a capacitor tends to loose
charge over a period of time which
needs to be refreshed again and
Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
This type of RAM is large in physical
size but is an expensive and faster
It is faster because it is made up of
flip flops to store data and these flip
flops do not require any refreshing.
Static RAM
Static RAM is also volatile and is
easier to use as compared to dynamic
RAM. These are used in specialized
Static RAM
DRAM Vs. Static RAM
Its non volatile memory, ie, the
information stored in it, is not lost
even if the power supply goes off. It’s
used for the permanent storage of
information. It also posses random
access property. Information can not
be written into a ROM by the
users/programmers. In other words
the contents of ROMs are decided by
the manufactures.
(i) PROM : It’s programmable ROM. Its
contents are decided by the user. The
user can store permanent programs,
data etc in a PROM. The data is fed
into it using a PROM programs.
Types of ROM
(ii) EPROM : An EPROM is an erasable
PROM. The stored data in EPROM’s
can be erased by exposing it to UV
light for about 20 min. It’s not easy to
erase it because the EPROM IC has to
be removed from the computer and
exposed to UV light. The entire data is
erased and not selected portions by
the user. EPROM’s are cheap and
Types of ROM
(iii) EEPROM (Electrically Erasable
PROM) : The chip can be erased &
reprogrammed on the board easily
byte by byte. It can be erased with in
a few milliseconds. There is a limit on
the number of times the EEPROM’s
can be reprogrammed, i.e.; usually
around 10,000 times.
Types of ROM
Its an electrically erasable &
programmable permanent type
memory. It uses one transistor
memory all resulting in high packing
density, low power consumption,
lower cost & higher reliability. Its used
in all power, digital cameras, MP3
players etc.
Flash Memory
 Cache memory is a special high
speed memory made up of high speed
static RAMs.
It is used to hold frequently
accessed data and instructions.
We know that the processing speed
of CPU is much more than the main
memory access time of the computer.
Cache Memory
This means the CPU has to wait for
a substantial amount of time.
Alternatively we have the cache
memory which is a small, expensive
but fast memory that is placed
between the CPU and the main
Cache Memory
Whenever some data is required,
the CPU first looks into cache.
If data is found, we call it a cache hit
and the information is transferred to
the CPU.
In case of a miss, the main memory
is accessed.
Cache Memory
There are two types of cache
Cache Memory
L1 cache: It is small and is built inside
the CPU. It is fast as compared to L2
L2 cache: It is large but slower and is
mounted on the motherboard
Secondary Memory
Secondary Memory
The major limitation of primary
memory is that it has limited storage
capacity and is volatile.
To overcome this limitation we have
secondary memory storage devices.
This type of memory is also called
external memory. For example Floppy
disk, hard disk, USB drives, CD/DVDs
Chapter 1 computer  fundamentals
Hard disk
A hard disk consists of one or more
circular disks called platters which are
mounted on a common spindle. Each
surface of a platter is coated with a
magnetic material. Both surfaces of
each disk are capable of storing data
except the top and bottom disk where
only the inner surface is used.
Hard disk
The information is recorded on the
surface of the rotating disk by magnetic
read/write heads. These heads are
joined to a common arm known as
access arm. This arm moves over the
surface of the rotating disk as shown in
the figure (next slide)
Rotating Arm of Hard disk
Hard disk
Information is recorded on each of
these disks in the form of concentric
circles called tracks which are further
divided into sectors. Hard drives
however, are not very portable and are
primarily used internally in a computer
system. But external hard disks are also
available as a substitute for portable
storage. Today the hard disks have the
storage capacity of several gigabytes to
An optical disk is primarily used as a portable
and secondary storage device. It can store more data
than the previous generation of magnetic storage
media, and has a relatively longer lifespan. Compact
disks (CD), digital versatile/video disks (DVD) and Blu-
ray disks are currently the most commonly used
forms of optical disks. These disks are generally used
Distribute software to customers.
Store large amounts of data such as music, images
and videos.
Transfer data to different computers or devices.
Back up data from a local machine.
A battery is a device consisting of one or
more electrochemical cells with external
connections provided to power electrical devices
such as flashlights, smartphones, and electric
cars. When a battery is supplying electric power,
its positive terminal is the cathode and its
negative terminal is the anode.
What is battery? Courtesy: Wikipedia
Computer Batteries
Computer Batteries
There are three computer batteries types used
with computers
1. Backup Battery (CMOS)
2. Bridge Battery
3. Main Battery
The Complementary Metal-Oxide
Semiconductor chip usually abbreviated as
CMOS chip is powered by the CMOS battery.
The CMOS battery, unlike the other battery
types is present in each and every computer.
They are small in size (coin-sized) and generally
the lifetime of the motherboard (say 10 years).
The actual function of this CMOS battery is to
power the CMOS chip which stores the clock
settings and hardware settings.
1. Backup Battery (CMOS)
The Bridge battery is not part of every
computer. It is only limited to the laptops and
that too not in all of them. So as the name
suggests, it is an auxiliary power source which
keeps laptop alive when the main battery is
replaced. It is not as big or powerful as main
battery but can take care of the power
requirements in that short span of time. Most
people know it by the name, backup battery.
2. Bridge Battery
The Main battery is the ultimate alternative
source that makes laptops portable. It has the
capacity to store charge and supply it to the
components whenever required. These are made of
several distinct battery technologies and here are a
few popular technologies among the lot:
1. Nickel Cadmium (NiCd)
2. Lithium Ion (Li-ion)
3. Main Battery
3. Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH)
4. Lithium Ion Polymer (Li-ion polymer)
Most of the present laptops are equipped
with Lithium ion and Lithium Polymer batteries.
3. Main Battery
Time: 40 Min Max Marks: 20
1. Write a types of softwares 05
2. Write a note on battery 05
3. Write a note on Hard disk 05
4. Explain the types of memories 05
Thank You

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Chapter 1 computer fundamentals

  • 1. CHAPTER – 01 COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS Unit 1 Computer Systems and Organisation (CSO) XI Computer Science (083) Board : CBSE
  • 2. Unit I Computer Systems and Organisation (CSO) (10 Theory + 02 Practical) Department of Computer Science, Sainik School Amaravathinagar) Cell :9431453730 Email : praveenkumarjigajinni@gmail.com Praveen M Jigajinni DCSc & Engg,PGDCA,ADCA,MSc(IT),MCA,Mtech, MPhil (CS) Prepared by Courtesy CBSE
  • 3. What you are going to study in this Unit II?  Basic computer organisation: description of a computer system and mobile  system, CPU, memory, hard disk, I/O, battery.  Types of software: application, System, utility.  Memory Units: bit, byte, MB, GB, TB, and PB.  Boolean logic: OR, AND, NAND, NOR, XOR, NOT, truth tables, De Morgan’s laws  Information representation: numbers in base 2, 8, 16, binary addition
  • 4. What you are going to study in this Unit II?  Strings: ASCII, UTF8, UTF32, ISCII (Indian script code), Unicode  Basic concepts of Flowchart  Concept of Compiler & Interpreter  Running a program: Notion of an operating system, how an operating system  runs a program, idea of loading, operating system as a resource manager.  Concept of cloud computing, cloud (public/private), introduction to parallel computing
  • 5. Courtesy CBSE Computer Fundamentals After studying this session students will be able to: Learn about various generations of computer Understand the basic operation of a computer Study the functional components and their interconnections Understand the concept of booting Learn about classification of computers
  • 6. What is Computer?  A computer is a device that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. Modern computers have the ability to follow generalized sets of operations, called programs. These programs enable computers to perform an extremely wide range of tasks.  Source Wikipedia
  • 7. What is Data?  Data. Data in a computer terminology mean raw facts and figures.  For ex-mohan,1977 etc. What is Information? means what we get after processing.
  • 8. Data Vs. Information?  you should understand that what goes in the computers is data and what comes out of them is information.  This process of turning data into information is also known as information processing cycle.
  • 10. BASIC COMPUTER ORGANISATION Computer organisation refers to logical structure of a computer how its components are connected to one another ALU Registers Control Memory Memory Memory Memory
  • 12. Input Unit The input unit consists of input devices that are attached to the computer. These devices take input and convert it into binary language that the computer understands. Some of the common input devices are keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner etc.
  • 14. Central Processing Unit(CPU) Once the information is entered into the computer by the input device, the processor processes it. The CPU is called the brain of the computer because it is the control centre of the computer.  As the CPU is located on a small chip, it is also called the Microprocessor.
  • 15. Central Processing Unit(CPU) • The CPU has three main components which are responsible for different functions –
  • 16. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) The ALU, as its name suggests performs mathematical calculations and takes logical decisions. Arithmetic calculations include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Logical decisions involve comparison of two data items to see which one is larger or smaller or equal.
  • 17. Control Unit (CU) The Control unit coordinates and controls the data flow in and out of CPU and also controls all the operations of ALU, memory registers and also input/output units. It is also responsible for carrying out all the instructions stored in the program.
  • 18. Memory Registers A register is a temporary unit of memory in the CPU. These receive data/information and then this data/information is held in them as per the requirement.
  • 19. Output Unit The output unit consists of output devices that are attached with the computer. It converts the binary data coming from CPU to human understandable from. The common output devices are monitor, printer, plotter etc.
  • 21. Classification of Computers The computers can be classified based on the technology being used as: Digital Computers  Analog Computers & Hybrid Computers
  • 22. Digital Computers These computers are capable of processing information in discrete form. In digital technology data which can be in the form of letters, symbols or numbers is represented in binary form i.e. 0s and 1s.
  • 23. Digital Computers Binary digits are easily expressed in a digital computer by the presence (1) or absence (0) of current or voltage. It computes by counting and adding operations.
  • 24. Digital Computers The digital computers are used in industrial, business and scientific applications. They are quite suitable for large volume data processing.
  • 25. Digital Computers EXAMPLES: IBM PC, HP, LENOVO, DELL, ...etc Apple Macintosh Calculators Digital watches etc
  • 26. Analog Computers An Analog computer works on continuously changeable aspects of physical phenomenon such as fluid pressure, mechanical motion and electrical quantities. These computers measure changes in continuous physical quantities say current and voltage.
  • 27. Analog Computers These computers are used to process data generated by ongoing physical processes. A thermometer is an example of an analog computer since it measures the change in mercury level continuously.
  • 28. Analog Computers Although the accuracy of an analog computer is less as compared to digital computers, yet it is used to process data generated by changing physical quantities especially when the response to change is fast.
  • 29. Analog Computers Most present day Analog computers are well suited to simulating systems. A simulator helps to conduct experiments repeatedly in real time environment. Some of the common examples are simulations in aircrafts, nuclear power plants, hydraulic and electronic networks.
  • 30. Analog Computers Examples  Thermometer. Analog clock.  Speedometer.  Tire pressure gauge.
  • 32. Analog Computers  Boeing B-29 Superfortress Central Fire Control System Deltar Kerrison Predictor Leonardo Torres y Quevedo's Analogue Calculating Machines based on "fusee sans fin" Librascope, aircraft weight and balance computer
  • 33. Analog Computers ADVANTAGES: Analog computer has come to refer to devices and media that represent: Store images Sound, motion pictures, etc.
  • 34. Analog Computers DISADVANTAGES:  Analog computers can have a very wide range of complexity. Slide rules and monographs are the simplest, while naval gun fire control computers and large hybrid digital/analog computers were among the most complicated.
  • 35. Analog Computers DISADVANTAGES: Very complicated for containing output for the users some time.
  • 36. Hybrid Computers These use both analog and digital technology. It has the speed of analog computer and the accuracy of a digital computer.  It may accept digital or analog signals but an extensive conversion of data from digital to analog and analog to digital has to be done.
  • 37. Hybrid Computers Generally the analog components provide efficient processing of differential equations while the digital part deals with logical operations of the system. Hence benefits of both analog and digital computing are readily available.
  • 38. Hybrid Computers  Hybrid Computers are used as a cost effective means for complex simulations. Examples: Computer used in hospitals to measure the heartbeat of the patient. Devices used in petrol pump.
  • 39. Hybrid Computers A hybrid computer exhibits features of both analog computers and digital computers. It applies the real-time speed of the analog computer and the accuracy of the digital computer to the solution of problems that are beyond the capabilities of either. An example was the HYDAC 2400, a hybrid computer released by EAI in 1963.
  • 40. Hybrid Computers An example was the HYDAC 2400, a hybrid computer released by EAI in 1963.
  • 42. Classification of Digital Computers  The digital computers are classified according to their computing capabilities.
  • 43. Classification of Digital Computers  The various types of digital computers are : Micro Computers Mini Computers Main Frames Super Computers
  • 44. Micro Computers These are also known as Personal Computers. These type of digital computer uses a microprocessor (a CPU on a single chip) and include both desktops and laptops.
  • 45. Micro Computers These computers can work on small volume of data, are very versatile and can handle variety of applications. These computers are being used as work stations, CAD, multimedia and advertising applications.
  • 46. Micro Computers Small portable computers such as PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) and tablets with wireless computing technology are increasingly becoming popular.
  • 51. Mini Computers These computers can support multiple users working simultaneously on the same machine. These are mainly used in an organization where computers installed in various departments are interconnected. These computers are useful for small business organizations.
  • 52. Mini Computers Examples Control Data's CDC 160A and CDC 1700. DEC PDP and VAX series. Data General Nova. Hewlett-Packard HP 3000 series, HP 2100 series, HP1000 series.
  • 53. Mini Computers Examples Honeywell-Bull DPS 6/DPS 6000 series. IBM midrange computers. Interdata 7/32 and 8/32. Varian 620 100 series.
  • 54. Mini Computers Examples Honeywell-Bull DPS 6/DPS 6000 series. IBM midrange computers. Interdata 7/32 and 8/32. Varian 620 100 series.
  • 55. Mainframe Computers These computers are large and very powerful computers with very high memory capacity. These can process huge databases such as census at extremely fast rate. They are suitable for big organizations, banks, industries etc. and can support hundreds of users simultaneously on the network.
  • 56. Mainframe Computers History of IBM mainframes, 1952– presentMarket name700/7000 series System/360 System/370 IBM 308X IBM 3090 System/390 zSeries 900, 800, 990, and 890 System z9 System z10
  • 57. Mainframe Computers History of IBM mainframes, 1952– present Market name 700/7000 series zEnterprise System (z196, zEC12, z13, z14) ArchitectureSystem/360 System/370 S/370-XA ESA/370 ESA/390 z/Architecture
  • 58. Super Computers These are fastest and very expensive computers. They can execute billions of instructions per second.
  • 59. Super Computers These are multiprocessor, parallel systems suitable for specialized complex scientific applications involving huge amounts of mathematical applications such as weather forecasting.
  • 60. Super Computers The main difference between a supercomputer and a mainframe is that a supercomputer executes fewer programs as fast as possible whereas a mainframe executes many programs concurrently.
  • 61. Super Computers Year Supercomputer Location 2016 Sunway TaihuLight Wuxi, China 2013 NUDT Tianhe-2 Guangzhou, China 2012 Cray Titan Oak Ridge, U.S. 2012 IBM Sequoia Livermore, U.S. 2011 Fujitsu K computer Kobe, Japan 2010 Tianhe-IA Tianjin, China 2009 Cray Jaguar Oak Ridge, U.S. 2008 IBM Roadrunner Los Alamos, U.S.
  • 62. Hardware and Software A computer consists of both hardware and software and both are equally important for the working of the computer system. The electronic components of a computer system that we can see and touch are called hardware. Software is a general term used for computer programs that control the operations of the computer.
  • 64. Hardware and Software A program is a sequence of instructions that perform a particular task. A set of programs form a software. It is the software which gives hardware its capability. Hardware is of no use without software and software cannot be used without hardware.
  • 65. Types of Software Software can be broadly are categorized as: System Software Application Software Utility Software
  • 67. System Software System Software is the software that is directly related to coordinating computer operations and performs tasks associated with controlling and utilizing computer hardware. These programs assist in running application programs and are designed to control the operation of a computer system.
  • 68. System Software System software directs the computer what to do, when to do and how to do. System software can be further categorized into:- Operating System Language Translators
  • 69. Operating System  An Operating system is the most important system software. It is a set of programs that control and supervise the hardware of a computer and also provide services to application software, programmers and users. Ex :-
  • 70. Operating System Some of the popular operating systems used in personal computers are DOS, Windows, Unix, Linux, Solaris, etc.
  • 72. COMPILER Its a translator used to convert HLL to MLL and vice versa.
  • 73. COMPILER Its a translator used to convert HLL to MLL and vice versa.
  • 74. INTERPRETER Its a translator used to convert HLL to MLL and vice versa.
  • 75. INTERPRETER Its a translator used to convert HLL to MLL and vice versa.
  • 76. An application software is bought by the user to perform specific applications or tasks. Say for example making a document or making a presentation or handling inventory or managing the employee database. Application Software
  • 77.  An application software can be of two types: General Purpose Application Software & Customized Application software. Application Software
  • 78.  Some of the application software is made for the common users for day to day applications and uses. These are also referred as Office Tools.  The users may use them in the manner they want. Application Software - General Purpose Application Software
  • 79.  Some of the popular types of general purpose application software are: Word Processor Presentation Tools Spreadsheet Packages Database Management System Application Software - General Purpose Application Software
  • 80. Customized Software is one which is tailor made as per the user’s requirement. Such type of software is customer specific.  It is made keeping in mind the individual needs of the user and so are also referred as Domain Specific Tools Application Software - Customized Software
  • 81. Examples: Inventory Management System & Purchasing System School Management System Payroll System Financial Accounting Hotel Management Reservation System Weather Forecasting system Application Software - Customized Software
  • 83. Memory is one of the most important components of a computer system as it stores data and instructions. Every memory chip contains thousands of memory locations. In the computer, the data is stored in the form of bits and bytes. Memory
  • 84. A bit is the smallest storage unit of memory. A nibble is a collection of 4 bits. Eight bits combined together to form a single byte, which in turn represents a single character Memory
  • 88. Types of Memories The computer memories can be divided into following categories: Primary Memory Cache Memory Secondary memory
  • 89. Primary Memory Primary memory or main memory is a Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) memory used for storing program and data during the execution of the program. It is directly accessible to CPU.
  • 90. Primary Memory Broadly primary memory can be of two types :– 1. RAM (Random Access Memory) 2. ROM (Read only memory).
  • 91. Random Access Memory (RAM) the memory can be accessed from any desired location randomly. The instructions and data that we input into the computer are stored in the RAM of the Computer. It is a read/write memory, so data can be both read from and written to the RAM.
  • 92. Random Access Memory (RAM) It is a volatile memory and loses its contents when the power is switched off or interrupted. Nowadays RAMs are available in gigabytes. The normal memory access time of a RAM is 20-80 ns.
  • 93. Random Access Memory (RAM) RAM can be broadly classified into two categories: Dynamic RAM (DRAM) and  Static RAM (SRAM).
  • 94. Dynamic RAM (DRAM) It consists of a transistor and a capacitor that stores electric charge. The DRAMs are physically smaller, cheaper and slower memories. They are slower because the data stored in them needs to continuously refreshed and this consumes lot of processor time.
  • 95. Each refresh operation takes several CPU cycles to complete. This is because a capacitor tends to loose charge over a period of time which needs to be refreshed again and again. Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
  • 96. This type of RAM is large in physical size but is an expensive and faster memory. It is faster because it is made up of flip flops to store data and these flip flops do not require any refreshing. Static RAM
  • 97. Static RAM is also volatile and is easier to use as compared to dynamic RAM. These are used in specialized applications. Static RAM
  • 99. Its non volatile memory, ie, the information stored in it, is not lost even if the power supply goes off. It’s used for the permanent storage of information. It also posses random access property. Information can not be written into a ROM by the users/programmers. In other words the contents of ROMs are decided by the manufactures. ROM
  • 100. (i) PROM : It’s programmable ROM. Its contents are decided by the user. The user can store permanent programs, data etc in a PROM. The data is fed into it using a PROM programs. Types of ROM
  • 101. (ii) EPROM : An EPROM is an erasable PROM. The stored data in EPROM’s can be erased by exposing it to UV light for about 20 min. It’s not easy to erase it because the EPROM IC has to be removed from the computer and exposed to UV light. The entire data is erased and not selected portions by the user. EPROM’s are cheap and reliable. Types of ROM
  • 102. (iii) EEPROM (Electrically Erasable PROM) : The chip can be erased & reprogrammed on the board easily byte by byte. It can be erased with in a few milliseconds. There is a limit on the number of times the EEPROM’s can be reprogrammed, i.e.; usually around 10,000 times. Types of ROM
  • 103. Its an electrically erasable & programmable permanent type memory. It uses one transistor memory all resulting in high packing density, low power consumption, lower cost & higher reliability. Its used in all power, digital cameras, MP3 players etc. Flash Memory
  • 104.  Cache memory is a special high speed memory made up of high speed static RAMs. It is used to hold frequently accessed data and instructions. We know that the processing speed of CPU is much more than the main memory access time of the computer. Cache Memory
  • 105. This means the CPU has to wait for a substantial amount of time. Alternatively we have the cache memory which is a small, expensive but fast memory that is placed between the CPU and the main memory. Cache Memory
  • 106. Whenever some data is required, the CPU first looks into cache. If data is found, we call it a cache hit and the information is transferred to the CPU. In case of a miss, the main memory is accessed. Cache Memory
  • 107. There are two types of cache memory: Cache Memory L1 cache: It is small and is built inside the CPU. It is fast as compared to L2 cache L2 cache: It is large but slower and is mounted on the motherboard
  • 109. Secondary Memory The major limitation of primary memory is that it has limited storage capacity and is volatile. To overcome this limitation we have secondary memory storage devices. This type of memory is also called external memory. For example Floppy disk, hard disk, USB drives, CD/DVDs
  • 111. Hard disk A hard disk consists of one or more circular disks called platters which are mounted on a common spindle. Each surface of a platter is coated with a magnetic material. Both surfaces of each disk are capable of storing data except the top and bottom disk where only the inner surface is used.
  • 112. Hard disk The information is recorded on the surface of the rotating disk by magnetic read/write heads. These heads are joined to a common arm known as access arm. This arm moves over the surface of the rotating disk as shown in the figure (next slide)
  • 113. Rotating Arm of Hard disk
  • 114. Hard disk Information is recorded on each of these disks in the form of concentric circles called tracks which are further divided into sectors. Hard drives however, are not very portable and are primarily used internally in a computer system. But external hard disks are also available as a substitute for portable storage. Today the hard disks have the storage capacity of several gigabytes to terabytes.
  • 116. OPTICAL DISKS An optical disk is primarily used as a portable and secondary storage device. It can store more data than the previous generation of magnetic storage media, and has a relatively longer lifespan. Compact disks (CD), digital versatile/video disks (DVD) and Blu- ray disks are currently the most commonly used forms of optical disks. These disks are generally used to: Distribute software to customers. Store large amounts of data such as music, images and videos. Transfer data to different computers or devices. Back up data from a local machine.
  • 118. Batteries A battery is a device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells with external connections provided to power electrical devices such as flashlights, smartphones, and electric cars. When a battery is supplying electric power, its positive terminal is the cathode and its negative terminal is the anode. What is battery? Courtesy: Wikipedia
  • 120. Computer Batteries There are three computer batteries types used with computers 1. Backup Battery (CMOS) 2. Bridge Battery 3. Main Battery
  • 121. The Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor chip usually abbreviated as CMOS chip is powered by the CMOS battery. The CMOS battery, unlike the other battery types is present in each and every computer. They are small in size (coin-sized) and generally the lifetime of the motherboard (say 10 years). The actual function of this CMOS battery is to power the CMOS chip which stores the clock settings and hardware settings. 1. Backup Battery (CMOS)
  • 122. The Bridge battery is not part of every computer. It is only limited to the laptops and that too not in all of them. So as the name suggests, it is an auxiliary power source which keeps laptop alive when the main battery is replaced. It is not as big or powerful as main battery but can take care of the power requirements in that short span of time. Most people know it by the name, backup battery. 2. Bridge Battery
  • 123. The Main battery is the ultimate alternative source that makes laptops portable. It has the capacity to store charge and supply it to the components whenever required. These are made of several distinct battery technologies and here are a few popular technologies among the lot: 1. Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) 2. Lithium Ion (Li-ion) 3. Main Battery
  • 124. 3. Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 4. Lithium Ion Polymer (Li-ion polymer) Most of the present laptops are equipped with Lithium ion and Lithium Polymer batteries. 3. Main Battery
  • 126. CLASS TEST Time: 40 Min Max Marks: 20 1. Write a types of softwares 05 2. Write a note on battery 05 3. Write a note on Hard disk 05 4. Explain the types of memories 05