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Carbon credits and carbon footprints
                  • CARBON CREDITS
  A permit that allows a country or organization to produce a
 certain amount of carbon emissions which can be traded if
               the full allowance is not used
                • CARBON FOOTPRINTS
A carbon footprint is "the total set of greenhouse gases (GHG)
emissions caused by an organization, event or product" . For
 simplicity of reporting, it is often expressed in terms of the
 amount of carbon dioxide, or its equivalent of other GHGs,

The concept of carbon credits came into existence as a result of increasing
awareness of the need for pollution control.

Carbon credits were one of the outcomes of the Kyoto Protocol, an
international agreement between 169 countries. The Kyoto Protocol created
legally binding emission targets for developing nations. To meet these targets,
nations must limit C02 emissions. It was enforced from Feb’05.

The very phase “Kyoto Protocol” has become synonymous with the idea of
saving the planet from the global meltdown.
This can be accomplished by either reducing emissions or by absorbing
emissions through processes such as tree-planting and sequestration.
Under the Kyoto Protocol, developed countries are required to limit
their greenhouse gas emissions according to the following formula:

Actual emissions must be less than or equal to the assigned amount
+/- carbon sinks and Kyoto emissions.
They are a measure devised by the Kyoto Protocol to reduce world
Greenhouse Gas emissions, and hence fight climate change.

Carbon credits are certificates awarded to countries that are successful
in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases such as water vapour,
carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone.
• In modern times the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and
    natural gas – in which carbon has been stored for millions
    of years – combined with accelerated land clearance has
                                led to:
        exceptional levels of greenhouse gas emissions
  enhanced greenhouse effect which will result in very rapid
                    warming of the world’s climate
   The results are likely to include intensified droughts and
          floods, changed weather patterns, agricultural
       breakdown, ecosystem disruption, rising sea levels,
   epidemics, and social breakdowns that ultimately threaten
     the lives or livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people
encourages       provide incentives
  compliance and         to emitters to
financial managers    develop the means    stop the increase
   to pursue cost     by which emissions   of carbon dioxide
 effective emission    can inexpensively       emissions
      reduction           be reduced.
• Buying carbon credits is not a charitable donation, but a
  retail action. Trade in carbon credits has the potential to
      make forestry more profitable and to sustain the
                environment at the same time.

 • One of the primary solutions for climate change being
  thought by global warming alarmists is the purchase and
  sale of carbon credits. For trading purposes, one credit is
   considered equivalent to one tonne of CO2 emissions.
  Credits can be exchanged between businesses or bought
  and sold in international markets at the prevailing market
 • Carbon credits create a market for reducing greenhouse
     emissions by giving a monetary value to the cost of
                       polluting the air
• Carbon credits are measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide.
                 1 credit = 1 tonne of CO2.
  Each carbon credit represents one metric ton of C02 either
      removed from the atmosphere or saved from being
 • The carbon credit market creates a monetary value for
       carbon credits and allows the credits to be traded.
     • For each tonne of carbon dioxide that is saved or
   sequestered carbon credit producers may sell one carbon
    Many types of activities can generate carbon offsets.
         • Renewable energy such as wind farms or
installations of solar, small hydro, geothermal, and biomass
  • Other types of offsets available for sale on the market
    include those resulting from energy efficiency projects,
   methane capture from landfills or livestock, destruction of
  potent greenhouse gases such as halocarbons, and carbon
   sequestration projects (such as reforestation) that absorb
             carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
           • carbon footprint is a
           measure of the impact our
              activities have on the
              environment, and in
          particular climate change. It
            relates to the amount of
          greenhouse gases produced
             in our day-to-day lives
          through burning fossil fuels
           for electricity, heating and
               transportation etc.
• as calculating the total carbon footprint is impossible due
              to the large amount of data required
• Wright, Kemp, and Williams define it as , “A measure of the
   total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4)
     emissions of a defined population, system or activity,
   considering all relevant sources, sinks and storage within
     the spatial and temporal boundary of the population,
                  system or activity of interest”.
 • Calculated as carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) using the
    relevant 100-year global warming potential(GWP100 )
• Once the size of a carbon footprint is known, a strategy can
         be devised to reduce it, e.g. by technological
          developments, better process and product
        management, changed Green Public or Private
      Procurement (GPP), carbon capture, consumption
                     strategies, and others.
     • The mitigation of carbon footprints through the
  development of alternative projects, such as solar or wind
  energy or reforestation, represents one way of reducing a
   carbon footprint and is often known as Carbon offsetting
Adani Power's Mundra
                   plant to earn Rs 600 crore
                       in carbon credits
Adani Group announced that the phase III of its power plant in Mundra, Gujarat,
consisting of two units of 660 MW each, has received carbon credits under the
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

This achievement makes the Mundra plant the world's first coal fired power project
to receive carbon credits. With this measure,

The plant is expected to generate about 1.8 million Certified Emission Reductions
(CERs) each year. Adani Power is expected to earn Rs 600 crore by trading these
carbon credits during the first 10 years of its operations.
Solid Solar signs MOU with Bank
 of India to facilitate financing of
           solar systems
Solid Solar by Gautam Polymers, India's largest solar lights
manufacturer with Bank of India for financing of solar systems
through its network of banks across the country.

This MOU would enable bank financing on solid solar home systems
and solar power plants through bank of India's extensive network and
popularise the usage in rural and urban areas.

The recent Northern Power Grid failure and rising diesel costs has
given rise to a growing demand of renewable energy sources as
power backup.
Get discounts on branded goods
 by slashing carbon footprint
             • We now can get hefty
               discounts on trendy apparel
               and other major branded
               goods . Following
               international trends, stores
               in India are waking up to
               'carbon neutral' stores in
               which customers are able to
               redeem "credits"
               accumulated through the
               purchase of environment
               friendly products for
Woodland is all set to go "carbon
 neutral" in 80 of its stores in
  Delhi-NCR and Karnataka
                 • Being carbon neutral means
                   having a net zero carbon
                   footprint, or achieving net zero
                   carbon emissions by balancing
                   a measured amount of carbon
                   released with an equivalent
                   amount offset, or buying
                   enough carbon credits
                   (tradable certificate or permit
                   representing the right to emit
                   1 tonne of CO2) to make up
                   the difference.
United Nations Framework
   Convention on Climate Change
    issues carbon credit to ONGC
• The World's number 2 exploration & production company
  ONGC is scoring well on environment performance as well.
  The United Nations body on Climate Change (UNFCCC - United
  Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) has
  issued a massive kitty of 121,207 carbon credits to ONGC's 51
  Megawatt Wind Power project at Bhuj (Gujarat), on 7th June
  2012. This is the first issuance of credits from this project
Carbon credits and carbon footprints
A non-binding target has been given to India to cut its
emission intensity by 20-25% by 2020. This does not
include agriculture. To meet this target and to adapt to
climate change without sacrificing growth, India has
articulated the National Action Plan for Climate Change
(NAPCC) with eight programmes
About 65% of Indian population depends directly on
agriculture and it accounts for around 22% of GDP.
Agriculture derives its importance from the fact that it
has vital supply and demand links with the manufacturing
• Faster growth will raise energy demand by about five times,
  from 725 billion units now to 3,600 billion units by 2030
• Energy is the biggest polluter, contributing
 greenhouse gas emissions (58%)
 industry (22%)
 agriculture (18%)
 Within energy, power generation by thermal stations is the
  worst polluter
 Land use, land use changes and forestry (LULUCF) is a net sink
  that sequesters carbon
• Within agriculture, livestock is the largest contributor of
  greenhouse gas emissions (63%), followed by paddy
  cultivation (21%). Agriculture contributes 90% to nitrous oxide
  emissions from fertiliser and irrigated paddycultivation.
    We can cut farm emissions in many ways.
•   One, by changing paddy cultivation practices by intermittent
    drying, direct seeded rice and so on.
•   Two, changing livestock breeds or feeding practices with feed
•   Three, through conservation agriculture.
•   And, four, site-specific use of nitrogen and nitrification
• Livestock is still a household activity, so there is little
  one can do to cut their emissions, but major
  reductions can come from shifts in paddy cultivation
  practices and cropping systems in Punjab, Haryana
  and southern India. This will require large-scale
  extension work, possibly through a tripartite
  agreement between farmer groups, state extension
  agencies and the private sector engaged in extension
Carbon credits and carbon footprints

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Carbon credits and carbon footprints

  • 2. INTRODUCTION • CARBON CREDITS A permit that allows a country or organization to produce a certain amount of carbon emissions which can be traded if the full allowance is not used • CARBON FOOTPRINTS A carbon footprint is "the total set of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions caused by an organization, event or product" . For simplicity of reporting, it is often expressed in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide, or its equivalent of other GHGs, emitted.
  • 3. BACKGROUND The concept of carbon credits came into existence as a result of increasing awareness of the need for pollution control. Carbon credits were one of the outcomes of the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement between 169 countries. The Kyoto Protocol created legally binding emission targets for developing nations. To meet these targets, nations must limit C02 emissions. It was enforced from Feb’05. The very phase “Kyoto Protocol” has become synonymous with the idea of saving the planet from the global meltdown. This can be accomplished by either reducing emissions or by absorbing emissions through processes such as tree-planting and sequestration.
  • 4. Under the Kyoto Protocol, developed countries are required to limit their greenhouse gas emissions according to the following formula: Actual emissions must be less than or equal to the assigned amount +/- carbon sinks and Kyoto emissions. They are a measure devised by the Kyoto Protocol to reduce world Greenhouse Gas emissions, and hence fight climate change. Carbon credits are certificates awarded to countries that are successful in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases such as water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone.
  • 6. • In modern times the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas – in which carbon has been stored for millions of years – combined with accelerated land clearance has led to:  exceptional levels of greenhouse gas emissions  enhanced greenhouse effect which will result in very rapid warming of the world’s climate  The results are likely to include intensified droughts and floods, changed weather patterns, agricultural breakdown, ecosystem disruption, rising sea levels, epidemics, and social breakdowns that ultimately threaten the lives or livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people
  • 7. encourages provide incentives compliance and to emitters to financial managers develop the means stop the increase to pursue cost by which emissions of carbon dioxide effective emission can inexpensively emissions reduction be reduced. strategies
  • 8. TRADING OF CARBON CREDITS • Buying carbon credits is not a charitable donation, but a retail action. Trade in carbon credits has the potential to make forestry more profitable and to sustain the environment at the same time. • One of the primary solutions for climate change being thought by global warming alarmists is the purchase and sale of carbon credits. For trading purposes, one credit is considered equivalent to one tonne of CO2 emissions. Credits can be exchanged between businesses or bought and sold in international markets at the prevailing market price
  • 9. VALUE OF CARBON CREDITS • Carbon credits create a market for reducing greenhouse emissions by giving a monetary value to the cost of polluting the air • Carbon credits are measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide. 1 credit = 1 tonne of CO2. Each carbon credit represents one metric ton of C02 either removed from the atmosphere or saved from being emitted. • The carbon credit market creates a monetary value for carbon credits and allows the credits to be traded. • For each tonne of carbon dioxide that is saved or sequestered carbon credit producers may sell one carbon credit.
  • 10. GENERATION OF CARBON CREDITS  Many types of activities can generate carbon offsets. • Renewable energy such as wind farms or installations of solar, small hydro, geothermal, and biomass energy • Other types of offsets available for sale on the market include those resulting from energy efficiency projects, methane capture from landfills or livestock, destruction of potent greenhouse gases such as halocarbons, and carbon sequestration projects (such as reforestation) that absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
  • 11. CARBON FOOTPRINTS • carbon footprint is a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced in our day-to-day lives through burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transportation etc.
  • 12. • as calculating the total carbon footprint is impossible due to the large amount of data required • Wright, Kemp, and Williams define it as , “A measure of the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions of a defined population, system or activity, considering all relevant sources, sinks and storage within the spatial and temporal boundary of the population, system or activity of interest”. • Calculated as carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) using the relevant 100-year global warming potential(GWP100 )
  • 13. • Once the size of a carbon footprint is known, a strategy can be devised to reduce it, e.g. by technological developments, better process and product management, changed Green Public or Private Procurement (GPP), carbon capture, consumption strategies, and others. • The mitigation of carbon footprints through the development of alternative projects, such as solar or wind energy or reforestation, represents one way of reducing a carbon footprint and is often known as Carbon offsetting
  • 15. Adani Power's Mundra plant to earn Rs 600 crore in carbon credits Adani Group announced that the phase III of its power plant in Mundra, Gujarat, consisting of two units of 660 MW each, has received carbon credits under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This achievement makes the Mundra plant the world's first coal fired power project to receive carbon credits. With this measure, The plant is expected to generate about 1.8 million Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) each year. Adani Power is expected to earn Rs 600 crore by trading these carbon credits during the first 10 years of its operations.
  • 16. Solid Solar signs MOU with Bank of India to facilitate financing of solar systems Solid Solar by Gautam Polymers, India's largest solar lights manufacturer with Bank of India for financing of solar systems through its network of banks across the country. This MOU would enable bank financing on solid solar home systems and solar power plants through bank of India's extensive network and popularise the usage in rural and urban areas. The recent Northern Power Grid failure and rising diesel costs has given rise to a growing demand of renewable energy sources as power backup.
  • 17. Get discounts on branded goods by slashing carbon footprint • We now can get hefty discounts on trendy apparel and other major branded goods . Following international trends, stores in India are waking up to 'carbon neutral' stores in which customers are able to redeem "credits" accumulated through the purchase of environment friendly products for discounts.
  • 18. Woodland is all set to go "carbon neutral" in 80 of its stores in Delhi-NCR and Karnataka • Being carbon neutral means having a net zero carbon footprint, or achieving net zero carbon emissions by balancing a measured amount of carbon released with an equivalent amount offset, or buying enough carbon credits (tradable certificate or permit representing the right to emit 1 tonne of CO2) to make up the difference.
  • 19. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change issues carbon credit to ONGC • The World's number 2 exploration & production company ONGC is scoring well on environment performance as well. The United Nations body on Climate Change (UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) has issued a massive kitty of 121,207 carbon credits to ONGC's 51 Megawatt Wind Power project at Bhuj (Gujarat), on 7th June 2012. This is the first issuance of credits from this project
  • 21. SUMMARY A non-binding target has been given to India to cut its emission intensity by 20-25% by 2020. This does not include agriculture. To meet this target and to adapt to climate change without sacrificing growth, India has articulated the National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC) with eight programmes
  • 22. DID YOU KNOW ? ? ? About 65% of Indian population depends directly on agriculture and it accounts for around 22% of GDP. Agriculture derives its importance from the fact that it has vital supply and demand links with the manufacturing sector
  • 23. PROBLEM AREAS • Faster growth will raise energy demand by about five times, from 725 billion units now to 3,600 billion units by 2030 • Energy is the biggest polluter, contributing  greenhouse gas emissions (58%)  industry (22%)  agriculture (18%)  Within energy, power generation by thermal stations is the worst polluter  Land use, land use changes and forestry (LULUCF) is a net sink that sequesters carbon
  • 24. • Within agriculture, livestock is the largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions (63%), followed by paddy cultivation (21%). Agriculture contributes 90% to nitrous oxide emissions from fertiliser and irrigated paddycultivation.
  • 25. SOLUTIONS We can cut farm emissions in many ways. • One, by changing paddy cultivation practices by intermittent drying, direct seeded rice and so on. • Two, changing livestock breeds or feeding practices with feed additives. • Three, through conservation agriculture. • And, four, site-specific use of nitrogen and nitrification additives.
  • 26. IN MY OPINION !!! • Livestock is still a household activity, so there is little one can do to cut their emissions, but major reductions can come from shifts in paddy cultivation practices and cropping systems in Punjab, Haryana and southern India. This will require large-scale extension work, possibly through a tripartite agreement between farmer groups, state extension agencies and the private sector engaged in extension