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BIMarabia – Omar Selim
BIM Implementation:
There is a difference between the steps of teaching a person Revit program and the
steps of its application in a company and I made a study for each company in terms of
how to introduce BIM technology because each company differs from the other
company in characteristics. Here we will talk about the gradual steps of this change in
the next few lines:
The first step: Realize BIM, its idea, the difference between it and CAD system, its
advantages and its idea of organizing data
The second step: Open a project and take your time to study it
Download what you want from here:
The third step: Try to draw objects similar to what is drawn, draw walls, roofs, doors ...
The fourth step: Open a new project and draw it without concern from the beginning,
set a time to finish the project and show it to BIM expert.
The fifth step: Learn how to create worksheets and schedules
The sixth step: Learn how to work with an integrated teamwork
Now Let's realize the company's implementation plan:
Yes, we all hear that BIM is good. How do we apply BIM and benefit from its
advantages easily???
How can we change from CAD system to BIM system?
The change process is similar to the puzzle game. Collaboration is required to
create an integrated and clear image for us. If we ignore any part of the image,
the result will be confused. The change must be intelligent in learning and
changing devices so that we do not spend in what is not useful, with working on a
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
small project immediately after the course end and the presence of technical
support, in addition to the administration's conviction of the importance of the
change and many of the small parts of the change process.
We must understand well that BIM system is not a new version of CAD system. To make
BIM using effective in the project implementation process, the project team should
develop a BIM implementation plan at the early phases of the project and determine the
overall vision side by side with the implementation details to follow all project phases
which is usually determined at the beginning of the project and then the members of the
new project are assigned to accommodate their participation.
organization, staff, technologies, project workflows, consultants and clients
Cooperation between organization, staff,
technologies, project workflows, consultants
and clients and change in several fields at the
same time is required to apply and implement
BIM technology. In order to have a good work,
we must do the following:
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
 Coordination between designers and contractors
 Planning carefully details of how to use BIM with the contractor
 Maintaining BIM rules during all stages of design and construction
 Both parties are sharing its advantages, determining objectives, reducing
conflicts, etc.
 Once a preliminary plan is developed, it should be reviewed regularly
 Dealing with BIM protocol must be done
 The owner participate is important throughout the process
 The project team should consider the allocated time for planning to work with
BIM when the project schedule and the project budget are created
The BIM Implementation Plan helps members and employers in documenting the agreed
specifications of project, level of details and processes of the project and determining the
roles and responsibilities of project members to achieve them. By developing a clear
BIM implementation plan, the strategic objectives of BIM technology use in a project will
be understood and every member of the project can understand his role and
responsibility to create a good project model and determine the content and the level of
detail. In addition to providing the basic plan of the progress achieved at all stages of the
project, the extent of cooperation and maintenance applying.
Determining the required additional services in the contract
The content of the BIM implementation plan:
 Project information
 The roles of every project member, recruitment and efficiency
 BIM process and strategy
 BIM Exchange protocol and form of its submission
 Requirements of BIM data
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
 Cooperation procedures and how to deal with common models
 Quality control
 Infrastructure and technology programs
The BIM implementation plan is often appended to additional information and
continuously developed throughout the project lifecycle to facilitate changing project
needs with addition of participants at later stages. The BIM Implementation Plan cannot
be updated without permission of the employer or a manager who has a vision and
knowledge of BIM technology. BIM is not just a technology; it is a homogenous mix of
social relationships and software relations for having the highest degree of efficiency in
the field of construction. Everyone should realize the benefits that will occur through
adopting BIM.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
Now you are excited and if you are a manager, you will decide that all members’ office
will use BIM only, but this is not logical because in this case you isolate a small group-
for example, five individuals - from the office to learn one of BIM programs-for example,
Revit-. Actually, the best is the gradual change to BIM (gradual reform, not revolutionary
transition) and the change begins from the base with encouragement and understanding
from the top. During the training, the trainees must take courses or listen to videos, but if
they open the program and work without awareness, understanding and training in how
to implement BIM technique, they will work on it as a CAD system, take long time and
will not benefit from BIM advantages.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
Investing for Productivity:
You will invest to increase productivity, but the financial return will be double. Each
company has its own BIM plan; each company has its own status so each company
should make a suitable plan for it. We recommend the following for each company wants
to start implementing BIM:
 First, you should determine the project which you want to start with
SectionA: ProjectInformation
This section defines basic project information
1-Project Title: _____________________________________
2- Project Reference Number: __________________________
3- Contract Type / Delivery Method: _____________________
4- Brief Project Description & Address:___________________
You should determine the purpose of using BIM. Is it just a visualization, creating
simulation, detecting clashes, making site safety plans, a 4D animation , Or calculating
the cost of the project by entering the fifth dimension 5D...etc??
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
 Second, you should determine the programs which you will use
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
 You should determine files names
Owners - Architects - Engineers- Construction Managers-
Subcontractors - Facility Managers
 You shoulddetermine whoshouldworkonBIM?
 Project Information
This section defines basic project reference information and determined
project milestones.
1. Project Owner:______________________________________
2. Project Name: _______________________________________
3. Project Location and Address:__________________________
4. Contract Type / Delivery Method: _______________________
5. Brief Project Description: ______________________________
6. Additional Project Description: _________________________
7. Project Numbers: ____________________________________
8. Project Schedule / Stages / Milestones: ___________________
Include BIM milestones, pre-design activities, major design reviews,
stakeholder reviews, and any other major events which occur during the
project lifecycle.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
Formation a successful teamwork to be able to produce and achieve the desired targets
such as modeling a building requires great effort. The main purpose of COLLABORATE
WORK is unifying the methods and mechanisms of work and information exchange
between various parties (designer, contractor, etc.) during work stages.
Axiomsat the beginningofformationteamwork:
 The teamwork should be aware of their duties and work sequence
 The teamwork should have a common vision for work outcome.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
 The teamwork needs a project time plan as a whole, as well as for each phase
 Dividing work groups and duties into precise tasks requires knowing the potential
of each member of work group.
 Every member should get adequate training and experience to face work
 The factors that keep the teamwork (adequate salaries, good treatment,
providing suitable hardware and software for work volume) should be verified
 The used terminology in the exchange of data and information (language,
concept of each term, appropriate method for naming different files, etc.) should
be unified
 Periodic meetings for coordination between the project parties (such as reviewing
schedules , solving usual problems, etc.) should be held
 An effective system for making the documentary cycle forexchange of project
documents effective should be implemented, as well as electronic libraries for
rapid restoration of various types of documents (families, tools, software, add-in
programs, etc.) should be established
But if the project is large or composed of more than one building and more than
company (specialized branches) execute the project, the teamwork increases according
to the project needs. For example, if more than one company works on the same the
project, but in different disciplines (architectural, electrical, mechanical, structural, etc.),
each group has a BIM Chief who works in coordination with BIM Manager.
If the project consists of more than one building, each building is executed by different
company and each building contains all disciplines (architectural, electromechanical,
structural ... etc), there is a BIM Champion or BIM Specialist who represent the key to
implementing the BIM strategy throughout the organization.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
If the work is more complex, the need to distribute roles and work to more team member
increases. For example, in large projects, we may need a BIM Chief to help the BIM
Champion who is also assistant to BIM Manager.
Required committees for establishing BIM Unit:
Defining roles and responsibilities and identifying the persons responsible for
implementing these roles and responsibilities to achieve maximum optimization and the
highest possible quality are preliminary steps for implementing BIM in a certain project or
at the level of the engineering entity that should be clarified at the beginning.
The roles and responsibilities in BIM are divided into three main levels which are as
BIM Consultants, BIM Application Expert, BIM Specialists, or BIM
A group of people located in a high level of administration or ownership (owners,
partners, managers, heads of departments, ...) who have the right to make strategic
decisions at the company level or the entire engineering establishment. This committee
clearly defines strategic aims to advance the engineering entity to a higher level of
efficiency; therefore, it recruits specialists such as
BIM Consultants, BIM Application Expert, BIM Specialists, or BIM Advisors
to clarify recent innovation in BIM field and how to be applied strategically without
involvement in technical details. Appropriate decisions for implementation are made by
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
knowing whether these aims can be implemented with the available resources or these
resources should be increased to achieve the aims.
Here, some responsibilities that were not previously known are arisen such as BIM
Manager, BIM Management Director, or Corporate BIM Manager. The BIM Management
Director is responsible for studying and planning BIM implementation at the level of
company or whole engineering institution and he is a member of the BIM Steering
BIM Steering Committee
BIM Coordinator ‫أو‬BIM Job Captain .
A group of individuals are responsible for BIM implementing in the project and they
follow the strategy developed by the BIM Steering Committee.
The BIM Coordinator or BIM Job Captain is appointed to implement BIM in project and
he is responsible for all departments.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
Project Steering Committee
In most companies, some of the above-mentioned persons are devoted to doing one or
some unit roles. While in some large companies and institutions, roles and
responsibilities are separated and specialists in these fields are recruited without
involvement in BIM implementation at the level of the engineering entity or at the level of
the projects. They do their work through scientific researches, studying practical
application and setting standard to be used by the BIM Steering Committee and the
Project Steering Committee as their reference and doing the technical support to
implement BIM at the level of engineering entity or projects. This process is called
Research and Developing Tracks and BIM Project Support. Those members have the
following technical descriptions:
 BIM Researcher is the expert who works in universities, research institutes, or
organizations. He coordinates and develops researches about BIM.
 BIM Analyst is the person in charge of analysis and simulation for BIM models.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
 BIM Application Developer or BIM Software Developer is responsible for
development and customization programs to support integration and add-ins to
make it easy for BIM users.
 BIM Facilitator or BIM Support is responsible for training and assisting new BIM
 BIM Technician is responsible for helping the team to do some tasks which are
based on repeating without interference of experts.
BIM Unit
When roles and responsibilities are clearly determined at the beginning of each project,
it will be a good opportunity to expect better outcomes such as saving time and cost,
increasing efficiency and striving for more comprehensive success, not just individual
success at a time when competency measurement has become linked to project
success. This helps in developing safeguards to ensure that decisions are not made in
favor of private aims at the expense of the overall results of the projects.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
Bim roles and responsibility
The BIM manager:
The BIM Manager is responsible for the model at the meetings, he determines its needs
and tells us what's new in development stages of the Project Life Cycle and he is
responsible for:
 Developing the overall context of guiding BIM projects at the level of the
company or the whole engineering institution
 Communicating with company administrative leaders ensure that BIM is
implemented as mentioned in the strategic objectives.
 Developing required BIM implementation plans and its follow up
 Dividing objectives and setting an appropriate schedule for their implementation
 Reporting the level of engineering entity in BIM implementation and following the
plan and the schedule
 Defining required resources for implementing BIM at the level of company or
engineering institution
 85
 Clarifying the latest scientific updates and practical implementation of BIM
 Clarifying the engineering entity's capabilities and presenting the quality level of
the product which is offered to customers using BIM
 Selecting BIM Platforms that reflect his vision of work execution
 Facility Management is his main responsibility throughout the construction phase
 Cooperating with Procurement Section to prepare and print lists of materials and
equipments which are purchased periodically.
Procurement Requisites and Material Delivering- (Supply Chain)
 Following up and improving model implementation schedules
 Developing specific schedules to improve qualifications of modelers through
training, development and keeping them up to date with the latest technologies in
their field
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
 Applying Quality control on the model and all team members ( Coordinators &
Modeler )
 Collecting different project information from all sections and disciplines (design,
modeling, implementation, procurement, etc.)
 He must be able to solve technical problems, so he must be well aware of
various engineering disciplines (architectural, structural, electromechanical)
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
Coordinator is the responsible for coordination between various engineering disciplines
to detect Clashes between them and connect each service to its allocated place safely
achieving the expected result of the design (implementation of safe design) and he is
also responsible for the following:
 Determining objectives and BIM uses in the project
 Determining and clarifying the appropriate evaluation standard which should be
followed in the project
 Improving the BIM Project Execution Plan
 Ensuring that the project is proceeding as required and with planned efficiency
 Controlling project quality and reviewing permanently
 presenting the level of quality which the project reached
 Converting all instructions and information coming from senior management to
executive tools that are easier for the modeler’s team to implement. For example,
converting specifications and materials information to families that achieve these
specifications and are easy to use
 Reporting on the work progress, what executed from objectives and the status of
work implementation on the model being implemented
 He is the general coordinator between the development of the site, its
requirements and model level development. He is also responsible for converting
these requirements into a visual form on the computer
 He is responsible for developing the model’s tools, determining the software and
tools needed and developing painters’ or modelers’ skills permanently
 Maintenance and safety of the model in general
 Distributing tasks of the model
 BIM Coordinator .
The BIM Manager is sometimes assigned at the project level because the company
contracted to do this project only using BIM. However, it was not a strategic objective of
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
the company to implement BIM in all its projects. It is a special requirement for this
project only and in this case he has the same roles and responsibilities of the BIM
The person who is assigned at the project level to implement BIM but only for his
department (architecture, construction, electricity, mechanics, health) is called the Model
Coordinator or the Model Manager. Some of his roles and responsibilities are as
 Achieving the objectives that were determined at his department level
 Reviewing the project quality according to the specified standards
 Finding solutions to the technical problems of his department
 Cooperating in coordination and clash detection between departments
Modelers are responsible for transforming the concept of design, whether it is an idea,
some level of level of development of the model LOD, paperwork or AutoCAD design
into an executable model (modeling). Therefore, they must follow BIM Content
Standards & Development Procedures. They are also responsible for implementing the
model according to each discipline in a coordinated manner and to be easy for printing
and converting to known formats (PDF. DWF. DWG. IFC. ... Etc.)
The following picture summarizes their tasks in any project (Skills Matrix):
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
Skills Matrix)
Change steps from CAD to BIM:
The change step from CAD system to BIM system is more important than the change
step from drawing on paper to drawing on CAD.
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
AEC (UK) CAD &BIM Standards Site
Unified standard for the Architectural, Engineering and Construction
Industry in the UK
Project members, Details of BIM manager, Contact, Contact name, Title,
Company, Email, Phone, ….etc.
We can summarize some important points from personal experiences of this
change as follows:
 Getting BIM programs, you will need to try and ask to know the most important
BIM programs in your work
 You should know where are you? Where do you stand? What are the most
important points of your strength? and Who can learn BIM in your team?
 You should not allow the IT Manager to manage BIM. With our great respect for
him, BIM is a philosophy will continue for many years so IT should not take this
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
responsibility and we should determine another expert in BIM programs with
coordination with the IT Manager and Officer.
 Holding a meeting to develop the change plan between the two systems and
each company must have its own plan which differs from any other company
plan. The manager should meet with the BIM manager and heads of
departments for studying the change plan from CAD system to BIM system.
 You can start a project that does not have a fixed time; it will take a long time so
you should choose a project that will not be delivered soon.
 A small set (two or three persons from each department) should work on the
project and not the whole company. When they gain experience , they will
support the rest of the department
 Commitment to internationally agreed names will save a lot of time and effort.
You can check out :
AEC (UK) CAD &BIM Standards Site
Unified standard for the Architectural, Engineering and Construction
Industry in the UK
 You should expect that everyone who works in the company will not have the
same enthusiasm and passion for the new and the idea of implementing a
new system will not be acceptable enough, so you should not treat all people
in one way.
 It is preferable not to start training unless there is already plan for work. If the
companies purchase the programs, they do not work on them, training is
done and the course plan is separate from the project plan, the experiment
does not succeed. Therefore, a good synchronization between training and
practical application should be planned without a gap that can be up to years.
 BIM programs provided tools to facilitate communication between project
members so there is no need to use e-mail as a communication tool between
users to coordinate BIM work.
 You should stop buying cheap devices on the pretext of saving expenses; it
leads to experiment failure from the beginning because it will waste a long
time, which means huge sums later. With our great respect, the usual devices
BIMarabia – Omar Selim
are for secretarial works and web browsing but BIM needs workstation. you
can recognize the difference between them through the following link:
 From the beginning, you must determine the team and the responsibility of
each person and provide all available information about the company such as
Project members, Details of BIM manager, Contact, Contact name, Title,
Company, Email, Phone, ….etc.
 You must determine the type of the required final output accurately, is the
required just a three-dimensional model or knowing bill of quantaties or
providing detailed drawings .... and others?, and you must know from the
beginning how you will accomplish the project.
 The team members should understand well the technique of BIM technology
so that they can exploit its services well by understanding the relationship
between files of different disciplines
BIMarabia – Omar Selim

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Bim implementation

  • 1. BIMarabia – Omar Selim BIM Implementation: There is a difference between the steps of teaching a person Revit program and the steps of its application in a company and I made a study for each company in terms of how to introduce BIM technology because each company differs from the other company in characteristics. Here we will talk about the gradual steps of this change in the next few lines: The first step: Realize BIM, its idea, the difference between it and CAD system, its advantages and its idea of organizing data The second step: Open a project and take your time to study it Download what you want from here: http://draftsman.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/upload/ The third step: Try to draw objects similar to what is drawn, draw walls, roofs, doors ... etc The fourth step: Open a new project and draw it without concern from the beginning, set a time to finish the project and show it to BIM expert. The fifth step: Learn how to create worksheets and schedules The sixth step: Learn how to work with an integrated teamwork Now Let's realize the company's implementation plan: Yes, we all hear that BIM is good. How do we apply BIM and benefit from its advantages easily??? How can we change from CAD system to BIM system? The change process is similar to the puzzle game. Collaboration is required to create an integrated and clear image for us. If we ignore any part of the image, the result will be confused. The change must be intelligent in learning and changing devices so that we do not spend in what is not useful, with working on a
  • 2. BIMarabia – Omar Selim small project immediately after the course end and the presence of technical support, in addition to the administration's conviction of the importance of the change and many of the small parts of the change process. We must understand well that BIM system is not a new version of CAD system. To make BIM using effective in the project implementation process, the project team should develop a BIM implementation plan at the early phases of the project and determine the overall vision side by side with the implementation details to follow all project phases which is usually determined at the beginning of the project and then the members of the new project are assigned to accommodate their participation. organization, staff, technologies, project workflows, consultants and clients    Cooperation between organization, staff, technologies, project workflows, consultants and clients and change in several fields at the same time is required to apply and implement BIM technology. In order to have a good work, we must do the following:
  • 3. BIMarabia – Omar Selim  Coordination between designers and contractors  Planning carefully details of how to use BIM with the contractor  Maintaining BIM rules during all stages of design and construction  Both parties are sharing its advantages, determining objectives, reducing conflicts, etc.  Once a preliminary plan is developed, it should be reviewed regularly  Dealing with BIM protocol must be done  The owner participate is important throughout the process  The project team should consider the allocated time for planning to work with BIM when the project schedule and the project budget are created The BIM Implementation Plan helps members and employers in documenting the agreed specifications of project, level of details and processes of the project and determining the roles and responsibilities of project members to achieve them. By developing a clear BIM implementation plan, the strategic objectives of BIM technology use in a project will be understood and every member of the project can understand his role and responsibility to create a good project model and determine the content and the level of detail. In addition to providing the basic plan of the progress achieved at all stages of the project, the extent of cooperation and maintenance applying.  Determining the required additional services in the contract The content of the BIM implementation plan:  Project information  The roles of every project member, recruitment and efficiency  BIM process and strategy  BIM Exchange protocol and form of its submission  Requirements of BIM data
  • 4. BIMarabia – Omar Selim  Cooperation procedures and how to deal with common models  Quality control  Infrastructure and technology programs The BIM implementation plan is often appended to additional information and continuously developed throughout the project lifecycle to facilitate changing project needs with addition of participants at later stages. The BIM Implementation Plan cannot be updated without permission of the employer or a manager who has a vision and knowledge of BIM technology. BIM is not just a technology; it is a homogenous mix of social relationships and software relations for having the highest degree of efficiency in the field of construction. Everyone should realize the benefits that will occur through adopting BIM.
  • 5. BIMarabia – Omar Selim Now you are excited and if you are a manager, you will decide that all members’ office will use BIM only, but this is not logical because in this case you isolate a small group- for example, five individuals - from the office to learn one of BIM programs-for example, Revit-. Actually, the best is the gradual change to BIM (gradual reform, not revolutionary transition) and the change begins from the base with encouragement and understanding from the top. During the training, the trainees must take courses or listen to videos, but if they open the program and work without awareness, understanding and training in how to implement BIM technique, they will work on it as a CAD system, take long time and will not benefit from BIM advantages.
  • 6. BIMarabia – Omar Selim Investing for Productivity: You will invest to increase productivity, but the financial return will be double. Each company has its own BIM plan; each company has its own status so each company should make a suitable plan for it. We recommend the following for each company wants to start implementing BIM:   First, you should determine the project which you want to start with SectionA: ProjectInformation This section defines basic project information 1-Project Title: _____________________________________ 2- Project Reference Number: __________________________ 3- Contract Type / Delivery Method: _____________________ 4- Brief Project Description & Address:___________________ You should determine the purpose of using BIM. Is it just a visualization, creating simulation, detecting clashes, making site safety plans, a 4D animation , Or calculating the cost of the project by entering the fifth dimension 5D...etc??
  • 7. BIMarabia – Omar Selim   Second, you should determine the programs which you will use 
  • 8. BIMarabia – Omar Selim  You should determine files names  Owners - Architects - Engineers- Construction Managers- Subcontractors - Facility Managers  You shoulddetermine whoshouldworkonBIM?  Project Information This section defines basic project reference information and determined project milestones. 1. Project Owner:______________________________________ 2. Project Name: _______________________________________ 3. Project Location and Address:__________________________ 4. Contract Type / Delivery Method: _______________________ 5. Brief Project Description: ______________________________ 6. Additional Project Description: _________________________ 7. Project Numbers: ____________________________________ 8. Project Schedule / Stages / Milestones: ___________________ Include BIM milestones, pre-design activities, major design reviews, stakeholder reviews, and any other major events which occur during the project lifecycle.
  • 9. BIMarabia – Omar Selim Teamwork: Formation a successful teamwork to be able to produce and achieve the desired targets such as modeling a building requires great effort. The main purpose of COLLABORATE WORK is unifying the methods and mechanisms of work and information exchange between various parties (designer, contractor, etc.) during work stages. Axiomsat the beginningofformationteamwork:  The teamwork should be aware of their duties and work sequence  The teamwork should have a common vision for work outcome.
  • 10. BIMarabia – Omar Selim  The teamwork needs a project time plan as a whole, as well as for each phase separately  Dividing work groups and duties into precise tasks requires knowing the potential of each member of work group.  Every member should get adequate training and experience to face work challenges  The factors that keep the teamwork (adequate salaries, good treatment, providing suitable hardware and software for work volume) should be verified  The used terminology in the exchange of data and information (language, concept of each term, appropriate method for naming different files, etc.) should be unified  Periodic meetings for coordination between the project parties (such as reviewing schedules , solving usual problems, etc.) should be held  An effective system for making the documentary cycle forexchange of project documents effective should be implemented, as well as electronic libraries for rapid restoration of various types of documents (families, tools, software, add-in programs, etc.) should be established  But if the project is large or composed of more than one building and more than company (specialized branches) execute the project, the teamwork increases according to the project needs. For example, if more than one company works on the same the project, but in different disciplines (architectural, electrical, mechanical, structural, etc.), each group has a BIM Chief who works in coordination with BIM Manager. If the project consists of more than one building, each building is executed by different company and each building contains all disciplines (architectural, electromechanical, structural ... etc), there is a BIM Champion or BIM Specialist who represent the key to implementing the BIM strategy throughout the organization.
  • 11. BIMarabia – Omar Selim If the work is more complex, the need to distribute roles and work to more team member increases. For example, in large projects, we may need a BIM Chief to help the BIM Champion who is also assistant to BIM Manager. . Required committees for establishing BIM Unit: Defining roles and responsibilities and identifying the persons responsible for implementing these roles and responsibilities to achieve maximum optimization and the highest possible quality are preliminary steps for implementing BIM in a certain project or at the level of the engineering entity that should be clarified at the beginning. The roles and responsibilities in BIM are divided into three main levels which are as follow: BIM Consultants, BIM Application Expert, BIM Specialists, or BIM Advisors A group of people located in a high level of administration or ownership (owners, partners, managers, heads of departments, ...) who have the right to make strategic decisions at the company level or the entire engineering establishment. This committee clearly defines strategic aims to advance the engineering entity to a higher level of efficiency; therefore, it recruits specialists such as BIM Consultants, BIM Application Expert, BIM Specialists, or BIM Advisors to clarify recent innovation in BIM field and how to be applied strategically without involvement in technical details. Appropriate decisions for implementation are made by
  • 12. BIMarabia – Omar Selim knowing whether these aims can be implemented with the available resources or these resources should be increased to achieve the aims. Here, some responsibilities that were not previously known are arisen such as BIM Manager, BIM Management Director, or Corporate BIM Manager. The BIM Management Director is responsible for studying and planning BIM implementation at the level of company or whole engineering institution and he is a member of the BIM Steering Committee. BIM Steering Committee BIM Coordinator ‫أو‬BIM Job Captain . A group of individuals are responsible for BIM implementing in the project and they follow the strategy developed by the BIM Steering Committee. The BIM Coordinator or BIM Job Captain is appointed to implement BIM in project and he is responsible for all departments.
  • 13. BIMarabia – Omar Selim Project Steering Committee In most companies, some of the above-mentioned persons are devoted to doing one or some unit roles. While in some large companies and institutions, roles and responsibilities are separated and specialists in these fields are recruited without involvement in BIM implementation at the level of the engineering entity or at the level of the projects. They do their work through scientific researches, studying practical application and setting standard to be used by the BIM Steering Committee and the Project Steering Committee as their reference and doing the technical support to implement BIM at the level of engineering entity or projects. This process is called Research and Developing Tracks and BIM Project Support. Those members have the following technical descriptions:   BIM Researcher is the expert who works in universities, research institutes, or organizations. He coordinates and develops researches about BIM.  BIM Analyst is the person in charge of analysis and simulation for BIM models.
  • 14. BIMarabia – Omar Selim  BIM Application Developer or BIM Software Developer is responsible for development and customization programs to support integration and add-ins to make it easy for BIM users.  BIM Facilitator or BIM Support is responsible for training and assisting new BIM users.  BIM Technician is responsible for helping the team to do some tasks which are based on repeating without interference of experts. BIM Unit When roles and responsibilities are clearly determined at the beginning of each project, it will be a good opportunity to expect better outcomes such as saving time and cost, increasing efficiency and striving for more comprehensive success, not just individual success at a time when competency measurement has become linked to project success. This helps in developing safeguards to ensure that decisions are not made in favor of private aims at the expense of the overall results of the projects.
  • 16. BIMarabia – Omar Selim Bim roles and responsibility The BIM manager: The BIM Manager is responsible for the model at the meetings, he determines its needs and tells us what's new in development stages of the Project Life Cycle and he is responsible for:  Developing the overall context of guiding BIM projects at the level of the company or the whole engineering institution  Communicating with company administrative leaders ensure that BIM is implemented as mentioned in the strategic objectives.  Developing required BIM implementation plans and its follow up  Dividing objectives and setting an appropriate schedule for their implementation  Reporting the level of engineering entity in BIM implementation and following the plan and the schedule  Defining required resources for implementing BIM at the level of company or engineering institution  85  Clarifying the latest scientific updates and practical implementation of BIM technology  Clarifying the engineering entity's capabilities and presenting the quality level of the product which is offered to customers using BIM  Selecting BIM Platforms that reflect his vision of work execution  Facility Management is his main responsibility throughout the construction phase  Cooperating with Procurement Section to prepare and print lists of materials and equipments which are purchased periodically. Procurement Requisites and Material Delivering- (Supply Chain)  Following up and improving model implementation schedules  Developing specific schedules to improve qualifications of modelers through training, development and keeping them up to date with the latest technologies in their field
  • 17. BIMarabia – Omar Selim  Applying Quality control on the model and all team members ( Coordinators & Modeler )  Collecting different project information from all sections and disciplines (design, modeling, implementation, procurement, etc.)  He must be able to solve technical problems, so he must be well aware of various engineering disciplines (architectural, structural, electromechanical)
  • 18. BIMarabia – Omar Selim Coordinator is the responsible for coordination between various engineering disciplines to detect Clashes between them and connect each service to its allocated place safely achieving the expected result of the design (implementation of safe design) and he is also responsible for the following:  Determining objectives and BIM uses in the project  Determining and clarifying the appropriate evaluation standard which should be followed in the project  Improving the BIM Project Execution Plan  Ensuring that the project is proceeding as required and with planned efficiency  Controlling project quality and reviewing permanently  presenting the level of quality which the project reached  Converting all instructions and information coming from senior management to executive tools that are easier for the modeler’s team to implement. For example, converting specifications and materials information to families that achieve these specifications and are easy to use  Reporting on the work progress, what executed from objectives and the status of work implementation on the model being implemented  He is the general coordinator between the development of the site, its requirements and model level development. He is also responsible for converting these requirements into a visual form on the computer  He is responsible for developing the model’s tools, determining the software and tools needed and developing painters’ or modelers’ skills permanently  Maintenance and safety of the model in general  Distributing tasks of the model  BIM Coordinator . The BIM Manager is sometimes assigned at the project level because the company contracted to do this project only using BIM. However, it was not a strategic objective of
  • 19. BIMarabia – Omar Selim the company to implement BIM in all its projects. It is a special requirement for this project only and in this case he has the same roles and responsibilities of the BIM Coordinator. The person who is assigned at the project level to implement BIM but only for his department (architecture, construction, electricity, mechanics, health) is called the Model Coordinator or the Model Manager. Some of his roles and responsibilities are as follows:  Achieving the objectives that were determined at his department level  Reviewing the project quality according to the specified standards  Finding solutions to the technical problems of his department  Cooperating in coordination and clash detection between departments Modelers: Modelers are responsible for transforming the concept of design, whether it is an idea, some level of level of development of the model LOD, paperwork or AutoCAD design into an executable model (modeling). Therefore, they must follow BIM Content Standards & Development Procedures. They are also responsible for implementing the model according to each discipline in a coordinated manner and to be easy for printing and converting to known formats (PDF. DWF. DWG. IFC. ... Etc.) The following picture summarizes their tasks in any project (Skills Matrix):
  • 20. BIMarabia – Omar Selim Skills Matrix) Change steps from CAD to BIM: The change step from CAD system to BIM system is more important than the change step from drawing on paper to drawing on CAD.  
  • 21. BIMarabia – Omar Selim AEC (UK) CAD &BIM Standards Site Unified standard for the Architectural, Engineering and Construction Industry in the UK  Project members, Details of BIM manager, Contact, Contact name, Title, Company, Email, Phone, ….etc.   We can summarize some important points from personal experiences of this change as follows:  Getting BIM programs, you will need to try and ask to know the most important BIM programs in your work  You should know where are you? Where do you stand? What are the most important points of your strength? and Who can learn BIM in your team?  You should not allow the IT Manager to manage BIM. With our great respect for him, BIM is a philosophy will continue for many years so IT should not take this
  • 22. BIMarabia – Omar Selim responsibility and we should determine another expert in BIM programs with coordination with the IT Manager and Officer.  Holding a meeting to develop the change plan between the two systems and each company must have its own plan which differs from any other company plan. The manager should meet with the BIM manager and heads of departments for studying the change plan from CAD system to BIM system.  You can start a project that does not have a fixed time; it will take a long time so you should choose a project that will not be delivered soon.  A small set (two or three persons from each department) should work on the project and not the whole company. When they gain experience , they will support the rest of the department  Commitment to internationally agreed names will save a lot of time and effort. You can check out : AEC (UK) CAD &BIM Standards Site Unified standard for the Architectural, Engineering and Construction Industry in the UK  You should expect that everyone who works in the company will not have the same enthusiasm and passion for the new and the idea of implementing a new system will not be acceptable enough, so you should not treat all people in one way.  It is preferable not to start training unless there is already plan for work. If the companies purchase the programs, they do not work on them, training is done and the course plan is separate from the project plan, the experiment does not succeed. Therefore, a good synchronization between training and practical application should be planned without a gap that can be up to years.  BIM programs provided tools to facilitate communication between project members so there is no need to use e-mail as a communication tool between users to coordinate BIM work.  You should stop buying cheap devices on the pretext of saving expenses; it leads to experiment failure from the beginning because it will waste a long time, which means huge sums later. With our great respect, the usual devices
  • 23. BIMarabia – Omar Selim are for secretarial works and web browsing but BIM needs workstation. you can recognize the difference between them through the following link: https://draftsman.wordpress.com/2013/09/01/workstation-and- desktop  From the beginning, you must determine the team and the responsibility of each person and provide all available information about the company such as Project members, Details of BIM manager, Contact, Contact name, Title, Company, Email, Phone, ….etc.  You must determine the type of the required final output accurately, is the required just a three-dimensional model or knowing bill of quantaties or providing detailed drawings .... and others?, and you must know from the beginning how you will accomplish the project.  The team members should understand well the technique of BIM technology so that they can exploit its services well by understanding the relationship between files of different disciplines