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Better Typography
     Mark Boulton
Better Typography
1. Structure
2. Process
3. Macro typography
4. Micro typography
Typography and Web 2.0
art & sex
 art & sex
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
A world of
Verdana and Arial
1 the art or process of setting and arranging types and
printing from them. 2 the style and appearance of printed
matter. 2
1 the mechanical notation and arrangement of language.
Typography is not...
...deciding which is best,
    Verdana or Arial.
...just a designers responsibility.
‘Typography has one plain duty before it and
that is to convey information in writing.’
                                      Emil Ruder
Information is language
words → sentences
sentences → paragraphs
paragraphs → groupings
 groupings → sections
 sections → document
Documents have a
conceptual structure.
Author’s     Reader’s
Conceptual   Conceptual
 Structure    Structure

 Author’s        Reader’s
Conceptual      Conceptual
 Structure       Structure
Content & Presentation
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography

 Author’s        Reader’s
Conceptual      Conceptual
 Structure       Structure

 Author’s            Reader’s
Conceptual          Conceptual
 Structure           Structure

Elements of User Experience
        Jesse James Garrett
visual design
skeleton                                                                    information design
structure                                                                   interaction design
   scope                                                                   requirements
strategy                                                                    user needs / site

            For a much better diagram go to: http://www.jjg.net/elements/pdf/elements.pdf
A linear process?
visual design
skeleton                        information design
structure                       interaction design
   scope                        requirements
strategy                        user needs / site

            project lifespan?

                         visual design
skeleton                 information design
structure                interaction design
   scope                 requirements
strategy                 user needs / site

                         visual design
skeleton                 information design
structure                interaction design
   scope                 requirements
strategy                 user needs / site

                         visual design
skeleton                 information design
structure                interaction design
   scope                 requirements
strategy                 user needs / site
‘Can you design a theme for me?’

        * Interchangeable with ‘skin’
Content & Presentation
Greybox wireframes
Better Typography
Greybox Methodology: http://www.jasonsantamaria.com/archive/2004/05/24/grey_box_method.php
Better Typography
Better Typography
Jesse Bennett-Chamberlain: http://31three.com/
Look at typographic design
  earlier in the process.
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
The big stuff
Creating spacial relationships
Golden Section
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography

Better Typography
a   b
a   b
a   a   a
a   a   a
a   a   a
A way of organising stuff
Provide a visual language
Answer layout questions
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
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Home This week Contributors Subjects A-Z Editor’s blog Dan Chung Steve Bell   About us   Audio   Webfeeds Other blogs

Blogs                                      Editor’s picks

Space cadets
Dan Kennedy
05:00pm: Is seeing a UFO any
more crazy than believing God
Created the universe in six days> It
is if you are running to be
president of the United States.

A bankrupt hotchpotch
Ed Vaizey Nov 06 07, 04:40pm
The Queen’s speech: Big on
short-term tricks, and lacking in
long-term vision just about sums
up the government’s new
Comments                                                                  State of emergency by Steve Bell

                                          If Ball wants better schools, he
End of mutual respect
Derek Wall Nov 06 07, 04:20pm
                                          must scrap faith selection
As the Respect party splits in two
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Home This week Contributors Subjects A-Z Editor’s blog Dan Chung Steve Bell   About us   Audio   Webfeeds Other blogs

Blogs                                      Editor’s picks

Space cadets
Dan Kennedy
05:00pm: Is seeing a UFO any
more crazy than believing God
Created the universe in six days> It
is if you are running to be
president of the United States.

A bankrupt hotchpotch
Ed Vaizey Nov 06 07, 04:40pm
The Queen’s speech: Big on
short-term tricks, and lacking in
long-term vision just about sums
up the government’s new
Comments                                                                  State of emergency by Steve Bell

                                          If Ball wants better schools, he
End of mutual respect
Derek Wall Nov 06 07, 04:20pm
                                          must scrap faith selection
As the Respect party splits in two
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comment is free...                                                                                                      Search

Home This week Contributors Subjects A-Z Editor’s blog Dan Chung Steve Bell   About us   Audio   Webfeeds Other blogs

Blogs                                      Editor’s picks

Space cadets
Dan Kennedy
05:00pm: Is seeing a UFO any
more crazy than believing God
Created the universe in six days> It
is if you are running to be
president of the United States.

A bankrupt hotchpotch
Ed Vaizey Nov 06 07, 04:40pm
The Queen’s speech: Big on
short-term tricks, and lacking in
long-term vision just about sums
up the government’s new
Comments                                                                  State of emergency by Steve Bell

                                          If Ball wants better schools, he
End of mutual respect
Derek Wall Nov 06 07, 04:20pm
                                          must scrap faith selection
As the Respect party splits in two
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
The little stuff
Hyphens are not dashes
Britain’s workers improve their
    lives - by doing nothing
Britain’s workers improve their
   lives -- by doing nothing
Britain’s workers improve their
   lives—by doing nothing
Britain’s workers improve their
    lives – by doing nothing
- hyphen    Müller-Brockmann

– en dash   3–6 April; 25–30 mm
            a phrase marker – thus – with spaces
— em dash   a phrase marker—thus—with no spaces
            — Doesn’t sound much like a bee to me.
            — It’s a bloody aardvark!
− minus     4−1=3
Better Typography
Better Typography
Better Typography
Never negatively space lowercase

                                                                                    LATEST FEATURED WORK

  Hand-crafted pixels & text.                                                              MTV.com
  SimpleBits is a tiny web design studio founded by                                        XHTML/CSS development
  designer and author Dan Cederholm. We create simple,
  readable interfaces balanced with a standards-based
                                                                                           Creative Director
  methodology. Learn more
                                                                                           Logo + interface design

                                                                                    SPEAKING EVENTS
  Planet Microformats
A giant master feed of anything and everything tagged with “microformats”           SXSW Interactive
from Brian Suda. {02.20.07}                                                           March 9-13, 2007 ~ Austin, TX

                                                                                    An Event Apart Boston
                                                                                      March 26-27, 2007 ~ Boston

Web Directions North                                                                @media 2007 (America)
                                                                                     May 24-25, 2007 ~ San Francisco
I’ve returned from several days in Vancouver, and the first-ever Web
                                                                                    @media 2007 (Europe)
Directions North. It was a great trip, a great conference, and my second
                                                                                     June 7-8, 2007 ~ London
attempt at snowboarding in the last 20 years.

I’ll first say congrats to Maxine, John, Dave and
Derek for putting on what was an oustanding

Better Typography
<h1>Hand-crafted pixels
<span class=quot;ampquot;>&amp;</span> text.</h1>

span.amp {

 font-family: quot;Goudy Old Stylequot;,



 quot;Palatinoquot;, quot;Book Antiquaquot;, serif;

 font-style: italic;

 font-size: 110%;	

Framing navigation
Framing tables
Barry Island     0533 0600 0600
Rhoose           0540 0610 0612
Llantwit Major   0550 0612 0622
Bridgend         0552 0620 0648
Barry Island     0533 0600 0600
Rhoose           0540 0610 0612
Llantwit Major   0550 0612 0622
Bridgend         0552 0620 0648
Barry Island     0533 0600 0600
Rhoose           0540 0610 0612
Llantwit Major   0550 0612 0622
Bridgend         0552 0620 0648
Text numerals like these—23, 48,
 192 and 2096—belong in text
Lining numerals like these—23, 48,
192 and 2096—are better in tables.
Barry Island     0533   0600   0600

Rhoose           0540   0610   0612

Llantwit Major   0550   0612   0622

Bridgend         0552   0620   0648
Barry Island     0533          0600

Rhoose           0540   0610   0612

Llantwit Major   0550   0612   0622

Bridgend                0620   0648
Barry Island     0533   0600   0600

Rhoose           0540   0610   0612

Llantwit Major   0550   0612   0622

Bridgend         0552   0620   0648
Barry Island     0533   0600   0600

Rhoose           0540   0610   0612

Llantwit Major   0550   0612   0622

Bridgend         0552   0620   0648
1. Structure
Language; Conceptual models; Content  Presentation.

2. Process
Greybox wireframes; Typography earlier in the process.

3. Macro typography
The big stuff. Composition  Grids.

4. Micro typography
The little stuff. Typesetting.
Better Typography
‘...It is not surface, it is not the last thing that
needs to be considered, it is the thing itself’
                                              Stephen Fry
Thank you

Slides and resources at : http://www.markboulton.co.uk/present/web2berlin/

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Better Typography

  • 1. Better Typography Mark Boulton
  • 5. 1. Structure 2. Process 3. Macro typography 4. Micro typography
  • 7. seduced art & sex from antiquity to now
  • 8. seduced art & sex from antiquity to now
  • 14. A world of Verdana and Arial
  • 15. typography 1 the art or process of setting and arranging types and printing from them. 2 the style and appearance of printed matter. 2
  • 16. typography 1 the mechanical notation and arrangement of language.
  • 18. ...deciding which is best, Verdana or Arial.
  • 19. ...just a designers responsibility.
  • 21. ‘Typography has one plain duty before it and that is to convey information in writing.’ Emil Ruder
  • 23. words → sentences sentences → paragraphs paragraphs → groupings groupings → sections sections → document
  • 26. Author’s Reader’s Conceptual Conceptual Structure Structure
  • 27. Designer Author’s Reader’s Conceptual Conceptual Structure Structure
  • 34. Designer Author’s Reader’s Conceptual Conceptual Structure Structure
  • 35. Designer Author’s Reader’s Conceptual Conceptual Structure Structure HTML
  • 36. P RO C E S S
  • 37. Elements of User Experience Jesse James Garrett
  • 38. visual design surface skeleton information design structure interaction design scope requirements strategy user needs / site objectives For a much better diagram go to: http://www.jjg.net/elements/pdf/elements.pdf
  • 40. visual design surface skeleton information design structure interaction design scope requirements strategy user needs / site objectives project lifespan?
  • 41. typography visual design surface skeleton information design structure interaction design scope requirements strategy user needs / site objectives
  • 42. typography visual design surface skeleton information design structure interaction design scope requirements strategy user needs / site objectives
  • 43. typography visual design surface skeleton information design structure interaction design scope requirements strategy user needs / site objectives
  • 44. * ‘Can you design a theme for me?’ * Interchangeable with ‘skin’
  • 52. Look at typographic design earlier in the process.
  • 61. M AC RO T Y P O G R A P H Y
  • 70. b a
  • 72. a b
  • 73. a b
  • 74. a a a
  • 75. a a a
  • 76. a a a
  • 77. Grids
  • 78. A way of organising stuff
  • 79. Provide a visual language
  • 86. Sign in • Register • Read today’s paper • Jobs comment is free... Search Home This week Contributors Subjects A-Z Editor’s blog Dan Chung Steve Bell About us Audio Webfeeds Other blogs Blogs Editor’s picks Space cadets Dan Kennedy 05:00pm: Is seeing a UFO any more crazy than believing God Created the universe in six days> It is if you are running to be president of the United States. Comments A bankrupt hotchpotch Ed Vaizey Nov 06 07, 04:40pm The Queen’s speech: Big on short-term tricks, and lacking in long-term vision just about sums up the government’s new legislation Comments State of emergency by Steve Bell If Ball wants better schools, he End of mutual respect Derek Wall Nov 06 07, 04:20pm must scrap faith selection As the Respect party splits in two
  • 87. Sign in • Register • Read today’s paper • Jobs comment is free... Search Home This week Contributors Subjects A-Z Editor’s blog Dan Chung Steve Bell About us Audio Webfeeds Other blogs Blogs Editor’s picks Space cadets Dan Kennedy 05:00pm: Is seeing a UFO any more crazy than believing God Created the universe in six days> It is if you are running to be president of the United States. Comments A bankrupt hotchpotch Ed Vaizey Nov 06 07, 04:40pm The Queen’s speech: Big on short-term tricks, and lacking in long-term vision just about sums up the government’s new legislation Comments State of emergency by Steve Bell If Ball wants better schools, he End of mutual respect Derek Wall Nov 06 07, 04:20pm must scrap faith selection As the Respect party splits in two
  • 88. Sign in • Register • Read today’s paper • Jobs comment is free... Search Home This week Contributors Subjects A-Z Editor’s blog Dan Chung Steve Bell About us Audio Webfeeds Other blogs Blogs Editor’s picks Space cadets Dan Kennedy 05:00pm: Is seeing a UFO any more crazy than believing God Created the universe in six days> It is if you are running to be president of the United States. Comments A bankrupt hotchpotch Ed Vaizey Nov 06 07, 04:40pm The Queen’s speech: Big on short-term tricks, and lacking in long-term vision just about sums up the government’s new legislation Comments State of emergency by Steve Bell If Ball wants better schools, he End of mutual respect Derek Wall Nov 06 07, 04:20pm must scrap faith selection As the Respect party splits in two
  • 93. M I C RO T Y P O G R A P H Y
  • 96. Britain’s workers improve their lives - by doing nothing
  • 97. Britain’s workers improve their lives -- by doing nothing
  • 98. Britain’s workers improve their lives—by doing nothing
  • 99. Britain’s workers improve their lives – by doing nothing
  • 100. - hyphen Müller-Brockmann – en dash 3–6 April; 25–30 mm a phrase marker – thus – with spaces — em dash a phrase marker—thus—with no spaces — Doesn’t sound much like a bee to me. — It’s a bloody aardvark! − minus 4−1=3
  • 105. Y O U C A N S PA C E C A P S
  • 107. {HOME} NOTEBOOK WORK PUBLICATIONS ICON SHOP ABOUT CONTACT LATEST FEATURED WORK Hand-crafted pixels & text. MTV.com SimpleBits is a tiny web design studio founded by XHTML/CSS development designer and author Dan Cederholm. We create simple, Cork’d readable interfaces balanced with a standards-based Creative Director methodology. Learn more TravelPost.com Logo + interface design RECENT NOTEBOOK ARTICLES & QUICKBITS SPEAKING EVENTS Planet Microformats A giant master feed of anything and everything tagged with “microformats” SXSW Interactive from Brian Suda. {02.20.07} March 9-13, 2007 ~ Austin, TX An Event Apart Boston March 26-27, 2007 ~ Boston Web Directions North @media 2007 (America) May 24-25, 2007 ~ San Francisco I’ve returned from several days in Vancouver, and the first-ever Web @media 2007 (Europe) Directions North. It was a great trip, a great conference, and my second June 7-8, 2007 ~ London attempt at snowboarding in the last 20 years. I’ll first say congrats to Maxine, John, Dave and Derek for putting on what was an oustanding www.simplebits.com
  • 109. <h1>Hand-crafted pixels <span class=quot;ampquot;>&amp;</span> text.</h1> span.amp { font-family: quot;Goudy Old Stylequot;, quot;Palatinoquot;, quot;Book Antiquaquot;, serif; font-style: italic; font-size: 110%; }
  • 118. Barry Island 0533 0600 0600 Rhoose 0540 0610 0612 Llantwit Major 0550 0612 0622 Bridgend 0552 0620 0648
  • 119. Barry Island 0533 0600 0600 Rhoose 0540 0610 0612 Llantwit Major 0550 0612 0622 Bridgend 0552 0620 0648
  • 120. Barry Island 0533 0600 0600 Rhoose 0540 0610 0612 Llantwit Major 0550 0612 0622 Bridgend 0552 0620 0648
  • 121. Text numerals like these—23, 48, 192 and 2096—belong in text Lining numerals like these—23, 48, 192 and 2096—are better in tables.
  • 122. Barry Island 0533 0600 0600 Rhoose 0540 0610 0612 Llantwit Major 0550 0612 0622 Bridgend 0552 0620 0648
  • 123. Barry Island 0533 0600 0600 Rhoose 0540 0610 0612 Llantwit Major 0550 0612 0622 Bridgend 0620 0648 0552
  • 124. Barry Island 0533 0600 0600 Rhoose 0540 0610 0612 Llantwit Major 0550 0612 0622 Bridgend 0552 0620 0648
  • 125. Barry Island 0533 0600 0600 Rhoose 0540 0610 0612 Llantwit Major 0550 0612 0622 Bridgend 0552 0620 0648
  • 126. 1. Structure Language; Conceptual models; Content Presentation. 2. Process Greybox wireframes; Typography earlier in the process. 3. Macro typography The big stuff. Composition Grids. 4. Micro typography The little stuff. Typesetting.
  • 128. ‘...It is not surface, it is not the last thing that needs to be considered, it is the thing itself’ Stephen Fry
  • 129. Thank you Slides and resources at : http://www.markboulton.co.uk/present/web2berlin/