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Bath Salts and
the New Addictions
 Laurence P. Karper, MD

• I am a full time employed physician at Lehigh
  Valley Health Network
• I have received no funds from pharmaceutical
  companies within the last year
• Understanding the Rise of the New Drug Epidemic
• Characteristics of the “Bath Salt” Epidemic
    Implications for diagnosis and treatment
    Future directions and concerns
The Seventies:
Back to the Future?
Naturally Psychoactive
      Hindu           Soma

   Tarahumara         Peyote

     Israelite         Wine

     Mayan           Tobacco

Early Anglo-Saxon      Medu

     Andean          Coca Leaf

  Eastern Africa       Khat
Khat (Qat)

African shrub which, when chewed, has a stimulant effect. Khat contains
the alkloid called cathinone, an amphetamine-like stimulant, which is said
to cause excitement, loss of appetite and euphoria.
Canned Heat Blues
         (1928, Memphis)

Cryin' mama, mama, mama
Cryin' canned heat is killin' me
Canned heat don't kill me
Cryin', babe I never would die
I woked up a-this mo'nin
With canned heat on my mind

Tommy Johnson
Designer Drug Epidemic
•Ecstasy was the rage at Raves
•K2, Spice, and Synthetic Marijuana
•The rise of “bath salts”
    •Methylmethcathinone or methylephedrone
Podcasts and Web Sites
• http://emcrit.org/podcasts/bath-salts/
• http://www.cnsproductions.com/drugeducati
• http://monitoringthefuture.org
• http://dawninfo.samhsa.gov/
Serious Jail Time

When Neil Brown got high on bath salts, he
took his skinning knife and slit his face and
stomach repeatedly. Brown survived, but
authorities say others haven't been so lucky
after snorting, injecting or smoking powders
with such innocuous-sounding names as Ivory
Snow, Red Dove and Vanilla Sky.
Sally B.
Last night I had to take my mom to the ER for a severe asthma attack, her second in two days. During the long, long night in the ER
while nurses monitored her vital signs over the space of 5 hours (before they finally decided she needed to be admitted for
observation because her breathing still wasn't very clear), twelve cases of "bath salts" overdose were brought into the ER. Twelve.
Obviously this drug has made its way into our normally fairly rural county, probably via truck stops along the highways nearby. I
found myself feeling extremely angry because the woman in the ER room next to my mom's, separated by a thin curtain, was in the
ER for the second night in a row from "bath salts" overdosing. I was actually glad to hear the nurses and the doctor on duty giving
reading this woman the riot act instead of just being nice to her. Worse still, I am willing to bet that if all 12 of these people have
medical insurance, it will probably cover their ER visits despite it being due to irresponsible drug abuse. Now, for those of us who, by
misfortune of working in taxpayer supported public sector jobs during this deep recession, find ourselves nearly uninsured due to
sharp cutbacks in our benefits, the idea of wasting taxpayer money on treating drug abusers - especially repeat ones like the woman
in the room next to my mom - seems a bit preposterous. It's stuff like this that gets my hackles up and makes me see red. "Bath
salts", indeed......June 11, 2011
Bath Salts or Designer Cathinones
•Synthetic stimulants that are marketed as “bath salts” are
often found in a number of retail products.
•The chemicals are synthetic derivatives of cathinone, a central
nervous system stimulant, which is an active chemical found
naturally in the khat plant.
•Mephedrone and MDPV (3-4 methylenedioxypyrovalerone)
are two of the designer cathinones most commonly found in
these “bath salt” products. Many of these products are sold
over the Internet, in convenience stores, and in “head shops.”
   •“Bath salt” stimulant products are sold in powder form in small plastic or foil packages of 200 and 500
   milligrams under various brand names. Mephedrone is a fine white, off-white, or slightly yellow-colored
   powder. It can also be found in tablet and capsule form. MDPV is a fine white or off-white powder. They
   typcially sell for 25 to 50 dollars.
Bath Salts: The Skinny
• Routes of
    •   PO
                          • Neurological Action:
    •   Insufflation
                              •   NDRI
    •   IV
                              •   Stimulant
    •   Rectal
                              •   Similar to
    •   Vaporization
                                  •   Cocaine
                                  •   Methylphenidate
• Metabolism: Hepatic             •   Amphetamines
    •   CYP 2C19
    •   CYP 2D6
    •   CYP 1A2
• Excretion: Renal
The Face of Bath Salts

                                           Bangor woman showed
      By Meg Haskell, BDN Staff
                                           up at police station
Last modified Oct. 09, 2011, at 6:24 p.m   bail check with drugs
                                           in her purse,
                                           authorities say
NEJM Sept 8 2011
First Article to
Cover Bath
Salts in a
Medical Marijuana?
January 13, 2010|By Veronica Torrejon OF THE MORNING CALL
 Dr. Laurence Karper, vice chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at Lehigh Valley
 Health Network, would welcome more money for addiction services. But legalizing
 medical marijuana is not something Karper necessarily favors.
 Karper found himself answering many questions on the topic of medical marijuana as
 the bill in New Jersey gathered speed.
 As a physician who works with the addicted, Karper is concerned that the drug is
 untested, its benefits unproved, and that it could lead to addiction. But as a
 humanitarian, Karper isn't so sure.
 "I think I'm of two minds," he said. "Should we waste resources putting medically ill
 people in jail when that's the only thing that helps them? To me that would seem to be
 a waste of resources."
 From a medical perspective, he said marijuana is a potentially dangerous drug that can
 cause acute paranoia, anxiety and other problems. Without rigorous scientific testing
 and approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, marijuana as a medical therapy
 is risky, Karper said.
 "People shouldn't kid themselves that this is something that is nontoxic and has no
 problems because it's natural," he said. "Arsenic is natural. Many things that are natural
 are also toxic."
 As with anything else, he said, a healthy dose of caution is recommended.
 "Some people say it makes them feel better," he said. "However, that has to be
 balanced against the possible side effects."
Cocaine Use: Perceptions
“Used no more than two or three times a week,
  cocaine creates no serious problems. In daily
  and fairly large amounts, it can produce
  minor psychological disturbances. Chronic
  cocaine abuse usually does not appear as a
  medical problem.”

Kaplan, Freedman, & Sadock, Comprehensive
  Textbook of Psychiatry, 1980
Positive Perception?
 • Julie Holland, M.D. author of
   Ecstasy: The Complete Guide.
    • A mostly positive view of MDMA
      published 2001
    • Psychiatrist at Bellevue Hospital
    • Contributor to the Bulletin of
      Multidisciplinary Association for
      Psychedelic Studies
        •   “the book's "scientific" authorship are precisely
            what makes the book dangerous in that it seems
            to promote drug abuse as safe, although when
            read closely the data does not appear to
            support this conclusion so clearly. Perhaps the
            jury is still out on long-term adverse effects of
            MDMA. When the drug in question has potential
            to alter and damage neural structures of today's
            youth, perhaps a more cautious approach is in
            order. A great read, but the authors'
            presupposition of the drug's safety appears
            unfounded, even given information cited.”
Vital Statistics

• Drug Overdoses Now Kill More Americans
  Than Traffic Accidents
• The quantity of prescription painkillers sold to
  pharmacies, hospitals, and doctors’ offices
  was 4 times larger in 2010 than in 1999
• Prescription painkiller overdoses killed nearly
  15,000 people in the US in 2008. This is more
  than 3 times the 4,000 people killed by these
  drugs in 1999.
•Addiction is common and part of our ancestry
so why not provide effective evidence-based
•“Bath Salts” are the latest in a long series of
addictive substances that are cheap and widely
available and very dangerous
•The seeds for the next epidemic are within us
and the fruit will be poisonous

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Bath Salts and New Drugs

  • 1. Bath Salts and the New Addictions Laurence P. Karper, MD
  • 2. Disclosures • I am a full time employed physician at Lehigh Valley Health Network • I have received no funds from pharmaceutical companies within the last year
  • 3. Objectives • Understanding the Rise of the New Drug Epidemic • Characteristics of the “Bath Salt” Epidemic Implications for diagnosis and treatment Future directions and concerns
  • 5. Naturally Psychoactive Hindu Soma Tarahumara Peyote Israelite Wine Mayan Tobacco Early Anglo-Saxon Medu Andean Coca Leaf Eastern Africa Khat
  • 6. Khat (Qat) African shrub which, when chewed, has a stimulant effect. Khat contains the alkloid called cathinone, an amphetamine-like stimulant, which is said to cause excitement, loss of appetite and euphoria.
  • 7. Canned Heat Blues (1928, Memphis) Cryin' mama, mama, mama Cryin' canned heat is killin' me Canned heat don't kill me Cryin', babe I never would die I woked up a-this mo'nin With canned heat on my mind Tommy Johnson
  • 8. Designer Drug Epidemic •Ecstasy was the rage at Raves •K2, Spice, and Synthetic Marijuana •The rise of “bath salts” •Mephedrone •Methylmethcathinone or methylephedrone •MDPV •Methylenedioxypyrovalerone
  • 9. Podcasts and Web Sites • http://emcrit.org/podcasts/bath-salts/ • http://www.cnsproductions.com/drugeducati onblog/uppers/1172/ • http://monitoringthefuture.org • http://dawninfo.samhsa.gov/
  • 10. Serious Jail Time When Neil Brown got high on bath salts, he took his skinning knife and slit his face and stomach repeatedly. Brown survived, but authorities say others haven't been so lucky after snorting, injecting or smoking powders with such innocuous-sounding names as Ivory Snow, Red Dove and Vanilla Sky.
  • 11. Sally B. Last night I had to take my mom to the ER for a severe asthma attack, her second in two days. During the long, long night in the ER while nurses monitored her vital signs over the space of 5 hours (before they finally decided she needed to be admitted for observation because her breathing still wasn't very clear), twelve cases of "bath salts" overdose were brought into the ER. Twelve. Obviously this drug has made its way into our normally fairly rural county, probably via truck stops along the highways nearby. I found myself feeling extremely angry because the woman in the ER room next to my mom's, separated by a thin curtain, was in the ER for the second night in a row from "bath salts" overdosing. I was actually glad to hear the nurses and the doctor on duty giving reading this woman the riot act instead of just being nice to her. Worse still, I am willing to bet that if all 12 of these people have medical insurance, it will probably cover their ER visits despite it being due to irresponsible drug abuse. Now, for those of us who, by misfortune of working in taxpayer supported public sector jobs during this deep recession, find ourselves nearly uninsured due to sharp cutbacks in our benefits, the idea of wasting taxpayer money on treating drug abusers - especially repeat ones like the woman in the room next to my mom - seems a bit preposterous. It's stuff like this that gets my hackles up and makes me see red. "Bath salts", indeed......June 11, 2011
  • 12. Bath Salts or Designer Cathinones •Synthetic stimulants that are marketed as “bath salts” are often found in a number of retail products. •The chemicals are synthetic derivatives of cathinone, a central nervous system stimulant, which is an active chemical found naturally in the khat plant. •Mephedrone and MDPV (3-4 methylenedioxypyrovalerone) are two of the designer cathinones most commonly found in these “bath salt” products. Many of these products are sold over the Internet, in convenience stores, and in “head shops.” •“Bath salt” stimulant products are sold in powder form in small plastic or foil packages of 200 and 500 milligrams under various brand names. Mephedrone is a fine white, off-white, or slightly yellow-colored powder. It can also be found in tablet and capsule form. MDPV is a fine white or off-white powder. They typcially sell for 25 to 50 dollars.
  • 13. Bath Salts: The Skinny • Routes of Administration • PO • Neurological Action: • Insufflation • NDRI • IV • Stimulant • Rectal • Similar to • Vaporization • Cocaine • Methylphenidate • Metabolism: Hepatic • Amphetamines • CYP 2C19 • CYP 2D6 • CYP 1A2 • Excretion: Renal
  • 14. The Face of Bath Salts Bangor woman showed By Meg Haskell, BDN Staff up at police station Last modified Oct. 09, 2011, at 6:24 p.m bail check with drugs in her purse, authorities say
  • 15. NEJM Sept 8 2011 First Article to Cover Bath Salts in a Professional Journal
  • 16. Medical Marijuana? January 13, 2010|By Veronica Torrejon OF THE MORNING CALL Dr. Laurence Karper, vice chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at Lehigh Valley Health Network, would welcome more money for addiction services. But legalizing medical marijuana is not something Karper necessarily favors. Karper found himself answering many questions on the topic of medical marijuana as the bill in New Jersey gathered speed. As a physician who works with the addicted, Karper is concerned that the drug is untested, its benefits unproved, and that it could lead to addiction. But as a humanitarian, Karper isn't so sure. "I think I'm of two minds," he said. "Should we waste resources putting medically ill people in jail when that's the only thing that helps them? To me that would seem to be a waste of resources." From a medical perspective, he said marijuana is a potentially dangerous drug that can cause acute paranoia, anxiety and other problems. Without rigorous scientific testing and approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, marijuana as a medical therapy is risky, Karper said. "People shouldn't kid themselves that this is something that is nontoxic and has no problems because it's natural," he said. "Arsenic is natural. Many things that are natural are also toxic." As with anything else, he said, a healthy dose of caution is recommended. "Some people say it makes them feel better," he said. "However, that has to be balanced against the possible side effects."
  • 17. Cocaine Use: Perceptions “Used no more than two or three times a week, cocaine creates no serious problems. In daily and fairly large amounts, it can produce minor psychological disturbances. Chronic cocaine abuse usually does not appear as a medical problem.” Kaplan, Freedman, & Sadock, Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 1980
  • 18. Positive Perception? • Julie Holland, M.D. author of Ecstasy: The Complete Guide. • A mostly positive view of MDMA published 2001 • Psychiatrist at Bellevue Hospital • Contributor to the Bulletin of Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies • “the book's "scientific" authorship are precisely what makes the book dangerous in that it seems to promote drug abuse as safe, although when read closely the data does not appear to support this conclusion so clearly. Perhaps the jury is still out on long-term adverse effects of MDMA. When the drug in question has potential to alter and damage neural structures of today's youth, perhaps a more cautious approach is in order. A great read, but the authors' presupposition of the drug's safety appears unfounded, even given information cited.”
  • 19. Vital Statistics • Drug Overdoses Now Kill More Americans Than Traffic Accidents • The quantity of prescription painkillers sold to pharmacies, hospitals, and doctors’ offices was 4 times larger in 2010 than in 1999 • Prescription painkiller overdoses killed nearly 15,000 people in the US in 2008. This is more than 3 times the 4,000 people killed by these drugs in 1999.
  • 20. Summary •Addiction is common and part of our ancestry so why not provide effective evidence-based treatment? •“Bath Salts” are the latest in a long series of addictive substances that are cheap and widely available and very dangerous •The seeds for the next epidemic are within us and the fruit will be poisonous