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Alison Henderson 
Social Media for business 
www.dundeeandanguschamber.co.uk @dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
@dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
 There are over 1.2bn people on Facebook 
 5,700 tweets are sent out every second 
 Google+ is the second most actively used site – over 300m users 
 55 million photos are uploaded each day on Instagram (avg) 
 47% of US online consumers making purchase decisions based on 
Pinterest recommendations 
 Over 4bn hours of video watched each month on YouTube 
@dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
 63,395,574 population 
 54,861,245 Internet users 
 36,000,000 Facebook users 
 82,109,000 active mobile 
 45% using apps on phone 
 1h36m avg time per day 
 85% of UK use social media 
 78% Facebook 
 43% Twitter 
 35% Google+ 
 21% LinkedIn 
 13% Pinterest 
@dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
Why do it? 
@dundeeandangus @alisonhendo 
Make sales
Who uses what? 
 Facebook: large audience, suited to 
lots of different content. Young people 
are leaving… 
 Twitter: good for real-time 
engagement, bite-sized headlines 
 1.4bn business decision-makers 
 45% of Internet users aged 65+ 
use Facebook 
 46% of Twitter users are on daily 
 Twitter and Instagram: urbanites 
and younger adults 
@dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
Who uses what? 
 LinkedIn: the “professional” social 
network for networking, job hunting, 
professional information and news 
 popular with the 30-49 group 
 Pinterest: rapid growth, 70% 
female, highly visual, very good for 
traffic generation, esp for retail 
 Instagram, photo & video sharing – 
many large brands, interesting 
integration with facebook 
@dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
Who uses what? 
 Google+: 1bn enabled accounts 
 359 million monthly active users 
 growing at 33% per annum. 
 45 to 54 year old bracket increased 
usage on Google+ by 56% since 
 YouTube: 1bn unique visitors per 
 Owned by Google 
 Second largest search engine 
 Snapchat: 150million images per 
@dundeeandangus @alisonhendo 
Track successes against objectives 
 Understand WHAT you are trying to do 
 Be clear on WHO you are aiming to reach 
 Know (& test) WHERE you will find them 
@dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
Having a Plan! 
 Blog Posts 
 Facebook 
 Twitter 
 LinkedIn 
 Google+ 
 YouTube 
 Pinterest 
 Instagram 
@dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
Stick to your plan! 
 Make sure you are consistently engaging 
 Be clear on WHEN & HOW you will post 
 Share a mixture of updates (text, photos, articles, interesting 
news etc) 
@dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
Sharing other content 
 Know where to find it: 
 LinkedIn Pulse 
 News Apps & websites 
 Other organisations: 
 Dundee.com 
 Mashable 
 Business Insider/Entrepreneur magazines 
@dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
  
 It’s a relatively cheap way to 
engage & reach your audience 
 There are plenty of options to mix 
your updates and keep it 
 It’s VERY accessible & easy to 
get going 
 It’s a massively growing industry 
 Many, many people are 
consuming social media several 
times a day 
 People DO buy on peer to peer 
@dundeeandangus @alisonhendo 
Pros & Cons
  
 It will suck all of your time – if you 
let it! 
 You are at the mercy of a platform 
which can change the rules AT 
 There is a trend towards paid for 
content – test it but don’t ignore 
 Don’t put all your eggs in one 
@dundeeandangus @alisonhendo 
Pros & Cons
  
 Let replies, comments, questions 
& interactions go unanswered for 
too long 
 Only post pictures of your lunch 
or drunk photos – unless it’s 
relevant to your business! 
 Post in the middle of the night – 
unless your audience is awake? 
 Make silly spelling mistakes 
 Get involved in grumbling, 
moaning or arguments: EVER 
@dundeeandangus @alisonhendo 
Do’s & Don’ts
  
 Be engaging 
 Post a mix of content 
 Vary the times that you post 
 Say thanks & acknowledge 
 Be visible – check in at client 
locations, raise awareness of your 
offline activities 
 Be consistent 
 Seek out new contacts after 
events & meetings 
@dundeeandangus @alisonhendo 
Do’s & Don’ts

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Angus Business Breakfast - Social Media for Business, Dec 2014

  • 1. Alison Henderson Social Media for business www.dundeeandanguschamber.co.uk @dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
  • 3. Stats  There are over 1.2bn people on Facebook  5,700 tweets are sent out every second  Google+ is the second most actively used site – over 300m users  55 million photos are uploaded each day on Instagram (avg)  47% of US online consumers making purchase decisions based on Pinterest recommendations  Over 4bn hours of video watched each month on YouTube @dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
  • 4. Stats  63,395,574 population  54,861,245 Internet users  36,000,000 Facebook users  82,109,000 active mobile subscriptions  45% using apps on phone  1h36m avg time per day  85% of UK use social media  78% Facebook  43% Twitter  35% Google+  21% LinkedIn  13% Pinterest @dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
  • 5. Why do it? @dundeeandangus @alisonhendo Make sales
  • 6. Who uses what?  Facebook: large audience, suited to lots of different content. Young people are leaving…  Twitter: good for real-time engagement, bite-sized headlines  1.4bn business decision-makers  45% of Internet users aged 65+ use Facebook  46% of Twitter users are on daily  Twitter and Instagram: urbanites and younger adults @dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
  • 7. Who uses what?  LinkedIn: the “professional” social network for networking, job hunting, professional information and news  popular with the 30-49 group  Pinterest: rapid growth, 70% female, highly visual, very good for traffic generation, esp for retail  Instagram, photo & video sharing – many large brands, interesting integration with facebook @dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
  • 8. Who uses what?  Google+: 1bn enabled accounts  359 million monthly active users  growing at 33% per annum.  45 to 54 year old bracket increased usage on Google+ by 56% since 2012  YouTube: 1bn unique visitors per month  Owned by Google  Second largest search engine  Snapchat: 150million images per @dundeeandangus @alisonhendo day
  • 9. Track successes against objectives  Understand WHAT you are trying to do  Be clear on WHO you are aiming to reach  Know (& test) WHERE you will find them @dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
  • 10. Having a Plan!  Blog Posts  Facebook  Twitter  LinkedIn  Google+  YouTube  Pinterest  Instagram Frequency @dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
  • 11. Stick to your plan!  Make sure you are consistently engaging  Be clear on WHEN & HOW you will post  Share a mixture of updates (text, photos, articles, interesting news etc) @dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
  • 12. Sharing other content  Know where to find it:  LinkedIn Pulse  News Apps & websites  Other organisations:  DACC  Dundee.com  Mashable  Business Insider/Entrepreneur magazines @dundeeandangus @alisonhendo
  • 13.    It’s a relatively cheap way to engage & reach your audience  There are plenty of options to mix your updates and keep it interesting  It’s VERY accessible & easy to get going  It’s a massively growing industry  Many, many people are consuming social media several times a day  People DO buy on peer to peer recommendations @dundeeandangus @alisonhendo Pros & Cons
  • 14.    It will suck all of your time – if you let it!  You are at the mercy of a platform which can change the rules AT ANY TIME  There is a trend towards paid for content – test it but don’t ignore  Don’t put all your eggs in one basket @dundeeandangus @alisonhendo Pros & Cons
  • 15.    Let replies, comments, questions & interactions go unanswered for too long  Only post pictures of your lunch or drunk photos – unless it’s relevant to your business!  Post in the middle of the night – unless your audience is awake?  Make silly spelling mistakes  Get involved in grumbling, moaning or arguments: EVER @dundeeandangus @alisonhendo Do’s & Don’ts
  • 16.    Be engaging  Post a mix of content  Vary the times that you post  Say thanks & acknowledge followers  Be visible – check in at client locations, raise awareness of your offline activities  Be consistent  Seek out new contacts after events & meetings @dundeeandangus @alisonhendo Do’s & Don’ts