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Ashumati Dhuppe et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5( Version 5), May 2014, pp.08-12
www.ijera.com 8 | P a g e
Denoising Of Hyperspectral Image
Ashumati Dhuppe* ,Supriya P. Gaikwad** And Prof. Vijay R. Dahake**
* Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication, Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, Navi Mumbai, Mumbai
University, India.
** Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication, Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, Navi Mumbai, Mumbai
University, India.
The amount of noise included in a Hyperspectral images limits its application and has a negative impact on
Hyperspectral image classification, unmixing, target detection, so on. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) systems can
acquire both spectral and spatial information of ground surface simultaneously and have been used in a variety
of applications such as object detection, material identification, land cover classification etc.
In Hyperspectral images, because the noise intensity in different bands is different, to better suppress the noise
in the high noise intensity bands & preserve the detailed information in the low noise intensity bands, the
denoising strength should be adaptively adjusted with noise intensity in different bands. We propose a
Hyperspectral image denoising algorithms employing a spectral spatial adaptive total variation (TV) model, in
which the spectral noise difference & spatial information differences are both considered in the process of noise
To reduce the computational load in the denoising process, the split Bergman iteration algorithm is employed to
optimize the spectral spatial Hyperspectral TV model and accelerate the speed of Hyperspectral image
denoising. A number of experiments illustrate that the proposed approach can satisfactorily realize the spectral
spatial adaptive mechanism in the denoising process, and superior denoising result are provided.
Keywords – Hyperspetral images denoising, spaital adaptive, spectral adaptive, spectral spatial adaptive
Hyperspectral total variation, split Bregman iteration.
Hyperspectral image (HIS) analysis has matured into
one of most powerful and fastest growing
technologies in the field of remote sensing. A
Hyperspectral remote sensing system is designed to
faithfully represent the whole imaging process on the
premise of reduced description complexity. It can
help system users understand the Hyperspectral
imaging (HSI) system better and find the key
contributors to system performance so as to design
more advanced Hyperspectral sensors and to
optimize system parameters. A great number of
efficient and cost-effective data can also be produced
for validation of Hyperspectral data processing. As
both sensor and processing systems become
increasingly complex, the need for understanding the
impact of various system parameters on performance
also increases.
Hyperspectral images contain a wealth of
data, interpreting them requires an understanding of
exactly what properties of ground materials we are
trying to measure, and how they relate to the
measurements actually made by the Hyperspectral
The Hyperspectral data provide contiguous
of noncontiguous 10-nm bands throughout the 400-
2500-nm region of electromagnetic spectrum and,
hence have potential to precisely discriminate
different land cover type using the abundant spectral
information.such identification is of great
significance for detecting minerals,precision farming
urban planning, etc
The existence of noise in a Hyperspectral
image not only influences the visual effect of these
images but also limits the precision of subsequent
processing, for example, in classification, unmixing
subpixel mapping, target detection, etc. Therefore, it
is critical to reduce the noise in the Hyperspectral
image and improve its quality before the subsequent
image interpretation processes. In recent decades,
many Hyperspectral image denoising algorithms have
been proposed. For example, Atkinson [6] proposed a
wavelet-based Hyperspectral image denoising
algorithm, and Othman and Qian [7] proposed a
hybrid spatial–spectral derivative-domain wavelet
shrinkage noise reduction (HSSNR) approach. The
latter algorithm resorts to the spectral derivative
domain, where the noise level is elevated, and
benefits from the dissimilarity of the signal regularity
in the spatial and the spectral dimensions of
Hyperspectral images. Chen and Qian [8], [9]
proposed to perform dimension reduction and
Hyperspectral image denoising using wavelet
shrinking and principal component analysis (PCA).
Qian and Lévesque [10] evaluated the HSSNR
algorithm on unmixing-based Hyperspectral image
Ashumati Dhuppe et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5( Version 5), May 2014, pp.08-12
www.ijera.com 9 | P a g e
target detection. Recently, Chen [11] proposed a new
Hyperspectral image denoising algorithm by adding a
PCA transform before using wavelet shrinkage; first,
a PCA transform was implemented on the original
Hyperspectral image, and then, the low-energy PCA
output channel was de-noised with wavelet shrinkage
denoising processes. Another type of filter-based
Hyperspectral image denoising algorithm is based on
a tensor model, which was proposed by Letexier and
Bourennane [12], and has been evaluated in
Hyperspectral image target detection [13] and
classification [14].Recently, afilter-based
Hyperspectral image denoising approach using
anisotropic diffusion has also been proposed [15]–
[17].As Hyperspectral images have dozens or even
hundreds of bands, and the noise intensity in each
band is different, the denoising strength should be
adaptively adjusted with the noise intensity in each
band. In another respect, with the improvements in
sensor technology, the development and increasing
use of images with both high spatial and spectral
resolutions have received more attention.
2.1 MAP Hyperspectral Image Denoising Model
2.1.1 Hyperspectral Noise Degradation Model.
Assuming that we have an original
Hyperspectral image, and the degradation noise is
assumed to be additive noise, the noise degradation
model of the Hyperspectral image can be written as
f = u + n (1)
where u = [u1 ,u2, … … . . uj……, uB] is the original clear
Hyperspectral image, with the size of M × N × B, in
which M represents the samples of the image, N
stands for the lines of the image, and B is the number
of bands. f = [f1 ,f2, … … . . fj……, fB] The noise
degradation image which also of size M × N × B, and
n = [n1 ,n2, … … . . nj……, nB ] is the additive noise with
the same size as u and f. The degradation process
Hyperspectral image is shown in “Fig.1”.
Fig. 1. Noise degradation process of the
Hyperspectral image.
2.1.2 MAP Denoising Model
The MAP estimation theory, which inherently
includes prior constraints in the form of prior
probability density functions, has been attracting
attention and enjoying Increasing popularity. It has
been used to solve many image processing problems,
which can be formed as ill-posed and inverse
problems, such as image denoising, destriping and
Inpainting, super resolution reconstruction, and
others. Therefore, because the Hyperspectral image
denoising process is an inverse and ill-posed
problem. The MAP estimation theory is used to solve
it. Based on the MAP estimation theory, the
denoising model for a Hyperspectral image can be
represented as the following constrained least squares
u = argmin ∥B
j=1 uj − fj ∥
+ λR u (2)
j=1 uj − fj ∥
Which stands for the fidelity
between the observed noisy image and the original
clear image, and R (u) is the regularization item,
which gives a prior model of the original clear
Hyperspectral image λ is the regularization
parameter, which controls the tradeoff between the
data fidelity and regularization item.
2.2.1 TV Model
The TV model was first proposed by Rudin to solve
the gray-level image denoising problem because of
its property of effectively preserving edge
information. For a gray-level image u, the TV model
is defined as follows:
TV(u) = ∇i
+ ∇i
u 2
t (3)
Where ∇i
and ∇i
are linear operators corresponding to
the horizontal and vertical first-Differences
respectively at pixel i.
Where ∇i
u = ui − ub i
ui − ub i
r(i) and b(i) represent the nearest neighbor to the right
and below the pixel.
2.2.2Spectral Adaptive Hyperspectral model
The simplest way of extending the TV
model to Hyperspectral images is by a band-by-band
manner, which means that, for every band, the TV
model is defined like the gray-level image TV model
in (3), and then, the TV model of each band is added
together. This simple band-by-band Hyperspectral
TV model is defined as follow
HTV u 1 = TV uj (4)
Where u is the Hyperspectral image, which has the
formation of u =u1 ,u2, … … . . uj……, uB] and uj stands
for the jth
band of the Hyperspectral image. If we
incorporate the band-by-band. For (5), the Euler–
Lagrange equation is written as band Hyperspectral
TV model in (5) into the Regularization model in (2),
the denoising model can
Ashumati Dhuppe et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5( Version 5), May 2014, pp.08-12
www.ijera.com 10 | P a g e
u = argmin ∥B
j=1 uj – fj ∥
+ λ TV uj
j=1 (5)
uj − fi − λ∇.
= 0. (6)
From (6), it means that every band is separately
denoised by the single-band TV model, which will
cause the following drawback. For a Hyperspectral
image, because the noise intensity of each band is
almost always different, the denoising strength
should also be different in each band. However, in
(6), if we use the same regularization parameter λ for
all the bands, which means that the regularization
strength of each band is equal, to define the
Hyperspectral TV model, which has the following
HTV(u)2 = ∇ij uj
j=1 (7)
∇ij uj
= ∇ij
+ ∇ij
Where MN is the total number of pixels in one
Hyperspectral band and B is the total number of
bands. ∇ij
and ∇ij
are linear operators corresponding
to the horizontal and vertical first order differences at
the ith
pixel in the jth
band, respectively. To more
clearly explain the formation of the Hyperspectral TV
model, we use “Fig. 2” to illustrate it. The reason
why the Hyperspectral TV model defined in (7) can
realize the spectral adaptive property in the denoising
process can be explained as follows. If we
incorporate the Hyperspectral TV model in (7) into
(2), it will become
Fig.2 Formulation process of the Hyperspectral
TV model.
u = argmin ∥
uj – fj ∥
+ λ (∇ij 𝑢)2
𝑗 =1
In (9), if we take the derivative for uj, the Euler–
Lagrange equation of (9) can be written as
uj − fi − λ∇.
j=1 2
= 0 (10)
To give a clearer illustration, (10) is written the
following way:
uj − fi − λ∇.
j=1 2
= 0 (11)
Compared with (6), we can see that an adjustment
parameter ∇uj ∇uj
j=1 is added in (11) to
automatically adjust the denoising strength of each
band. For the high noise-intensity bands, as
∇uj ∇uj
j=1 has a large value, the denoising
strength for these bands will be powerful. Inversely,
for the bands with low-intensity noise, as
∇uj ∇uj
j=1 has a small value, a weak
denoising strength will be used on them.
2.2.3 SSAHTV model
Spectral adaptive property of the
Hyperspectral TV model is analyzed, another
important problem is how to realize the spatial
adaptive aspect in the process of denoising, which
means how to adjust the denoising strength in
different pixel locations in the same band, with the
spatial structure distribution. The spatially adaptive
mechanism can be described as follows. For a
Hyperspectral image u, we first calculate the gradient
information of every band using the following:
∇uj = (∇huj )2 + (∇vuj )2 (12)
Where ∇h
uj and ∇v
ujare the horizontal and vertical
first order gradients of uj and (∇h
uj) 2 and (∇v
represent the squares of each element of ∇h
uj. Next, the gradient information of every band is
added together, and the square root is taken o f each
element of the sum
G = (∇uj)2B
j=1 (13)
Let Gi be the ith
element of vector G, and a weight
parameter Wi , which controls the interband
denoising strength, is defined in the following:
Ti =
Wi =
T =
Where μ is a constant parameter, the range of
parameter τ is between [0, 1], and τ is the mean value
of Ti . To make the process of denoising spatially
adaptive, the parameter Wi is added to the
Hyperspectral TV model in (7), and the SSAHTV
model is defined as
SSAHTV (u) = Wi (∇ij
i=1 u)2
Where Wi represents the spatial weight of the ith
Ashumati Dhuppe et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5( Version 5), May 2014, pp.08-12
www.ijera.com 11 | P a g e
pixel in the Hyperspectral TV model. With the
definition in (16), it is clearly seen that, for pixels in
smooth regions, the value of the gradient information
Wi will be small and the spatial weight Wi will have
a high value. Therefore, a powerful denoising
strength will be used for these pixels, and the noise in
the smooth areas will be suppressed better.
Conversely, for the pixels in the edge and texture
areas. The value of Gi will be large, and the spatial
parameter Wi will have a small value. Thus, a weak
denoising strength will be used for them, and the
edge and detailed information will be preserved.
With the SSAHTV model, the final MAP denoising
model used can be written as
u = argmin ∥
uj – fj
+ λ Wi (∇ij
III. Conclusion
Spectral Spatial Adaptive TV Hyperspectral
image denoising algorithm, in which the noise
distribution difference between different bands and
the spatial information difference between different
pixels are both considered in the process of
denoising. First, a MAP-based Hyperspectral
denoising model is constructed, which consists of
two items:1) The data fidelity item and 2) The
regularization item. Then, for the regularization item,
an SSAHTV model is proposed, which can control
the denoising strength between different bands and
pixels with different spatial properties. In different
bands, a large denoising strength is enforced in a
band with high noise intensity, and conversely, a
small denoising strength is used in bands with low-
intensity noise. At the same time, in different spatial
property regions in the Hyperspectral image, a large
denoising strength is used in smooth areas to
completely suppress noise, and a small denoising
strength is used in the edge areas to preserve detailed
information. Finally, the split Bergman iteration
algorithm is used to optimize the spectral–spatial
adaptive TV Hyperspectral image denoising model in
order to reduce the high computation load in the
process of Hyperspectral image denoising.
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  • 1. Ashumati Dhuppe et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5( Version 5), May 2014, pp.08-12 www.ijera.com 8 | P a g e Denoising Of Hyperspectral Image Ashumati Dhuppe* ,Supriya P. Gaikwad** And Prof. Vijay R. Dahake** * Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication, Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, Navi Mumbai, Mumbai University, India. ** Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication, Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, Navi Mumbai, Mumbai University, India. ABSTRACT The amount of noise included in a Hyperspectral images limits its application and has a negative impact on Hyperspectral image classification, unmixing, target detection, so on. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) systems can acquire both spectral and spatial information of ground surface simultaneously and have been used in a variety of applications such as object detection, material identification, land cover classification etc. In Hyperspectral images, because the noise intensity in different bands is different, to better suppress the noise in the high noise intensity bands & preserve the detailed information in the low noise intensity bands, the denoising strength should be adaptively adjusted with noise intensity in different bands. We propose a Hyperspectral image denoising algorithms employing a spectral spatial adaptive total variation (TV) model, in which the spectral noise difference & spatial information differences are both considered in the process of noise reduction. To reduce the computational load in the denoising process, the split Bergman iteration algorithm is employed to optimize the spectral spatial Hyperspectral TV model and accelerate the speed of Hyperspectral image denoising. A number of experiments illustrate that the proposed approach can satisfactorily realize the spectral spatial adaptive mechanism in the denoising process, and superior denoising result are provided. Keywords – Hyperspetral images denoising, spaital adaptive, spectral adaptive, spectral spatial adaptive Hyperspectral total variation, split Bregman iteration. I. INTRODUCTION Hyperspectral image (HIS) analysis has matured into one of most powerful and fastest growing technologies in the field of remote sensing. A Hyperspectral remote sensing system is designed to faithfully represent the whole imaging process on the premise of reduced description complexity. It can help system users understand the Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) system better and find the key contributors to system performance so as to design more advanced Hyperspectral sensors and to optimize system parameters. A great number of efficient and cost-effective data can also be produced for validation of Hyperspectral data processing. As both sensor and processing systems become increasingly complex, the need for understanding the impact of various system parameters on performance also increases. Hyperspectral images contain a wealth of data, interpreting them requires an understanding of exactly what properties of ground materials we are trying to measure, and how they relate to the measurements actually made by the Hyperspectral sensor. The Hyperspectral data provide contiguous of noncontiguous 10-nm bands throughout the 400- 2500-nm region of electromagnetic spectrum and, hence have potential to precisely discriminate different land cover type using the abundant spectral information.such identification is of great significance for detecting minerals,precision farming urban planning, etc The existence of noise in a Hyperspectral image not only influences the visual effect of these images but also limits the precision of subsequent processing, for example, in classification, unmixing subpixel mapping, target detection, etc. Therefore, it is critical to reduce the noise in the Hyperspectral image and improve its quality before the subsequent image interpretation processes. In recent decades, many Hyperspectral image denoising algorithms have been proposed. For example, Atkinson [6] proposed a wavelet-based Hyperspectral image denoising algorithm, and Othman and Qian [7] proposed a hybrid spatial–spectral derivative-domain wavelet shrinkage noise reduction (HSSNR) approach. The latter algorithm resorts to the spectral derivative domain, where the noise level is elevated, and benefits from the dissimilarity of the signal regularity in the spatial and the spectral dimensions of Hyperspectral images. Chen and Qian [8], [9] proposed to perform dimension reduction and Hyperspectral image denoising using wavelet shrinking and principal component analysis (PCA). Qian and Lévesque [10] evaluated the HSSNR algorithm on unmixing-based Hyperspectral image RESEARCH ARTICLE OPEN ACCESS
  • 2. Ashumati Dhuppe et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5( Version 5), May 2014, pp.08-12 www.ijera.com 9 | P a g e target detection. Recently, Chen [11] proposed a new Hyperspectral image denoising algorithm by adding a PCA transform before using wavelet shrinkage; first, a PCA transform was implemented on the original Hyperspectral image, and then, the low-energy PCA output channel was de-noised with wavelet shrinkage denoising processes. Another type of filter-based Hyperspectral image denoising algorithm is based on a tensor model, which was proposed by Letexier and Bourennane [12], and has been evaluated in Hyperspectral image target detection [13] and classification [14].Recently, afilter-based Hyperspectral image denoising approach using anisotropic diffusion has also been proposed [15]– [17].As Hyperspectral images have dozens or even hundreds of bands, and the noise intensity in each band is different, the denoising strength should be adaptively adjusted with the noise intensity in each band. In another respect, with the improvements in sensor technology, the development and increasing use of images with both high spatial and spectral resolutions have received more attention. II. 2. METHOD OF IMPLEMENTATION 2.1 MAP Hyperspectral Image Denoising Model 2.1.1 Hyperspectral Noise Degradation Model. Assuming that we have an original Hyperspectral image, and the degradation noise is assumed to be additive noise, the noise degradation model of the Hyperspectral image can be written as f = u + n (1) where u = [u1 ,u2, … … . . uj……, uB] is the original clear Hyperspectral image, with the size of M × N × B, in which M represents the samples of the image, N stands for the lines of the image, and B is the number of bands. f = [f1 ,f2, … … . . fj……, fB] The noise degradation image which also of size M × N × B, and n = [n1 ,n2, … … . . nj……, nB ] is the additive noise with the same size as u and f. The degradation process Hyperspectral image is shown in “Fig.1”. Fig. 1. Noise degradation process of the Hyperspectral image. 2.1.2 MAP Denoising Model The MAP estimation theory, which inherently includes prior constraints in the form of prior probability density functions, has been attracting attention and enjoying Increasing popularity. It has been used to solve many image processing problems, which can be formed as ill-posed and inverse problems, such as image denoising, destriping and Inpainting, super resolution reconstruction, and others. Therefore, because the Hyperspectral image denoising process is an inverse and ill-posed problem. The MAP estimation theory is used to solve it. Based on the MAP estimation theory, the denoising model for a Hyperspectral image can be represented as the following constrained least squares problem u = argmin ∥B j=1 uj − fj ∥ 2 2 + λR u (2) ∥B j=1 uj − fj ∥ 2 2 Which stands for the fidelity between the observed noisy image and the original clear image, and R (u) is the regularization item, which gives a prior model of the original clear Hyperspectral image λ is the regularization parameter, which controls the tradeoff between the data fidelity and regularization item. 2.2 SSAHTV MODEL 2.2.1 TV Model The TV model was first proposed by Rudin to solve the gray-level image denoising problem because of its property of effectively preserving edge information. For a gray-level image u, the TV model is defined as follows: TV(u) = ∇i h u 2 + ∇i v u 2 t (3) Where ∇i h and ∇i v are linear operators corresponding to the horizontal and vertical first-Differences respectively at pixel i. Where ∇i h u = ui − ub i ui − ub i r(i) and b(i) represent the nearest neighbor to the right and below the pixel. 2.2.2Spectral Adaptive Hyperspectral model The simplest way of extending the TV model to Hyperspectral images is by a band-by-band manner, which means that, for every band, the TV model is defined like the gray-level image TV model in (3), and then, the TV model of each band is added together. This simple band-by-band Hyperspectral TV model is defined as follow HTV u 1 = TV uj (4) B j=1 Where u is the Hyperspectral image, which has the formation of u =u1 ,u2, … … . . uj……, uB] and uj stands for the jth band of the Hyperspectral image. If we incorporate the band-by-band. For (5), the Euler– Lagrange equation is written as band Hyperspectral TV model in (5) into the Regularization model in (2), the denoising model can
  • 3. Ashumati Dhuppe et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5( Version 5), May 2014, pp.08-12 www.ijera.com 10 | P a g e u = argmin ∥B j=1 uj – fj ∥ 2 2 + λ TV uj B j=1 (5) Where uj − fi − λ∇. ∇uj ∇uj = 0. (6) From (6), it means that every band is separately denoised by the single-band TV model, which will cause the following drawback. For a Hyperspectral image, because the noise intensity of each band is almost always different, the denoising strength should also be different in each band. However, in (6), if we use the same regularization parameter λ for all the bands, which means that the regularization strength of each band is equal, to define the Hyperspectral TV model, which has the following formation: HTV(u)2 = ∇ij uj 2B j=1 MN j=1 (7) ∇ij uj 2 = ∇ij h u 2 + ∇ij v u 2 (8) Where MN is the total number of pixels in one Hyperspectral band and B is the total number of bands. ∇ij h and ∇ij v are linear operators corresponding to the horizontal and vertical first order differences at the ith pixel in the jth band, respectively. To more clearly explain the formation of the Hyperspectral TV model, we use “Fig. 2” to illustrate it. The reason why the Hyperspectral TV model defined in (7) can realize the spectral adaptive property in the denoising process can be explained as follows. If we incorporate the Hyperspectral TV model in (7) into (2), it will become Fig.2 Formulation process of the Hyperspectral TV model. u = argmin ∥ B j=1 uj – fj ∥ 2 2 + λ (∇ij 𝑢)2 𝐵 𝑗 =1 𝑀𝑁 𝑖=1 (9) In (9), if we take the derivative for uj, the Euler– Lagrange equation of (9) can be written as uj − fi − λ∇. ∇uj ∇uj B j=1 2 = 0 (10) To give a clearer illustration, (10) is written the following way: uj − fi − λ∇. ∇uj ∇ujB j=1 2 . ∇uj ∇uj = 0 (11) Compared with (6), we can see that an adjustment parameter ∇uj ∇uj 2B j=1 is added in (11) to automatically adjust the denoising strength of each band. For the high noise-intensity bands, as ∇uj ∇uj 2B j=1 has a large value, the denoising strength for these bands will be powerful. Inversely, for the bands with low-intensity noise, as ∇uj ∇uj 2B j=1 has a small value, a weak denoising strength will be used on them. 2.2.3 SSAHTV model Spectral adaptive property of the Hyperspectral TV model is analyzed, another important problem is how to realize the spatial adaptive aspect in the process of denoising, which means how to adjust the denoising strength in different pixel locations in the same band, with the spatial structure distribution. The spatially adaptive mechanism can be described as follows. For a Hyperspectral image u, we first calculate the gradient information of every band using the following: ∇uj = (∇huj )2 + (∇vuj )2 (12) Where ∇h uj and ∇v ujare the horizontal and vertical first order gradients of uj and (∇h uj) 2 and (∇v uj)2 represent the squares of each element of ∇h ujand ∇v uj. Next, the gradient information of every band is added together, and the square root is taken o f each element of the sum G = (∇uj)2B j=1 (13) Let Gi be the ith element of vector G, and a weight parameter Wi , which controls the interband denoising strength, is defined in the following: Ti = 1 1+μGi (14) Wi = Ti T T = Ti MN i=1 MN (15) Where μ is a constant parameter, the range of parameter τ is between [0, 1], and τ is the mean value of Ti . To make the process of denoising spatially adaptive, the parameter Wi is added to the Hyperspectral TV model in (7), and the SSAHTV model is defined as SSAHTV (u) = Wi (∇ij B j=1 MN i=1 u)2 (16) Where Wi represents the spatial weight of the ith
  • 4. Ashumati Dhuppe et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5( Version 5), May 2014, pp.08-12 www.ijera.com 11 | P a g e pixel in the Hyperspectral TV model. With the definition in (16), it is clearly seen that, for pixels in smooth regions, the value of the gradient information Wi will be small and the spatial weight Wi will have a high value. Therefore, a powerful denoising strength will be used for these pixels, and the noise in the smooth areas will be suppressed better. Conversely, for the pixels in the edge and texture areas. The value of Gi will be large, and the spatial parameter Wi will have a small value. Thus, a weak denoising strength will be used for them, and the edge and detailed information will be preserved. With the SSAHTV model, the final MAP denoising model used can be written as u = argmin ∥ B j=1 uj – fj ∥ 2 2 + λ Wi (∇ij B j=1 MN i=1 u)2 (17) III. Conclusion Spectral Spatial Adaptive TV Hyperspectral image denoising algorithm, in which the noise distribution difference between different bands and the spatial information difference between different pixels are both considered in the process of denoising. First, a MAP-based Hyperspectral denoising model is constructed, which consists of two items:1) The data fidelity item and 2) The regularization item. Then, for the regularization item, an SSAHTV model is proposed, which can control the denoising strength between different bands and pixels with different spatial properties. In different bands, a large denoising strength is enforced in a band with high noise intensity, and conversely, a small denoising strength is used in bands with low- intensity noise. At the same time, in different spatial property regions in the Hyperspectral image, a large denoising strength is used in smooth areas to completely suppress noise, and a small denoising strength is used in the edge areas to preserve detailed information. Finally, the split Bergman iteration algorithm is used to optimize the spectral–spatial adaptive TV Hyperspectral image denoising model in order to reduce the high computation load in the process of Hyperspectral image denoising. REFERENCES [1] L. Zhang and X. Huang, Object-oriented subspace analysis for airborne Hyperspectral remote sensing imagery, Neurocomputing, vol. 73, no. 4–6, pp. 927–936, Jan. 2010. [2] Y. Zhong, L. Zhang, B. Huang, and P. Li, An unsupervised artificial Immune classifier for multi/Hyperspectral remote sensing imagery, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 420–431, Feb. 2006. [3] H. Li and L. Zhang, A hybrid automatic end member extraction algorithm based on a local window, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 49, no. 11, pp. 4223–4238, Nov. 2011. [4] L. Zhang, K. Wu, Y. Zhong, and P. Li, A new sub-pixel mapping algorithm based on a BP neural network with an observation model, Neurocomputing, vol. 71, no. 10–12, pp. 2046–2054, Jun. 2008. [5] L. Zhang, B. Du, and Y. Zhong, Hybrid detectors based on selective endmembers, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 2633–2646, Jun. 2010. [6] I. Atkinson, F. Kamalabadi, and D. L. Jones, Wavelet-based Hyperspectral image estimation, in Proc. IGARSS, Toulouse, France, Jul. 2003, vol. 2, pp. 743–745. [7] H. Othman and S. Qian, Noise reduction of Hyperspectral imagery using hybrid spatial- spectralderivative-domainwavelet shrinkage,IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 397–408, Feb. 2006. [8] G. Chen and S. Qian, Simultaneous dimensionality reduction and denoising of Hyperspectral imagery using bivariate wavelet shrinking and principal component analysis, Can. J. Remote Sens., vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 447–454, Oct. 2008. [9] G. Chen and S. Qian, Denoising and dimensionality reduction of Hyperspectral imagery using wavelet packets, neighbor shrinking and principal component analysis, Int. J. Remote Sens., vol. 30, no. 18, pp. 4889–4895,Sep. 2009. [10] S. Qian and J. Lévesque, Target detection from noise-reduced Hyperspectral imagery using a spectral unmixing approach, Opt. Eng., vol. 48,no. 2, pp. 026401-1–026401- 11, Feb. 2009. [11] G. Chen, S. Qian, and W. Xie, Denoising of Hyperspectral imagery using principal component analysis and wavelet shrinkage,IEEE Trans. Geosci.. Remote Sens., vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 973–980, Mar. 2011. [12] D. Letexier and S. Bourennane, Noise removal from Hyperspectral images by multidimensional filtering, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 2061–2069, Jul. 2008. [13] N. Renard and S. Bourennane, Improvement of target detection methods by multiway
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