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Team working

              September 4, 2011
“It could be argued that all leadership is
appreciative leadership. It‟s the capacity
to see the most creative and improbably
opportunities. It‟s the capacity to see with
  an appreciative eye the true and the
   good, the better and the possible.”

       David Cooperrider

What    Appreciative Inquiry is
The    power of questions
Its   basic principles
The    4D cycle
What’s Appreciative Inquiry?
a    philosophy of knowing
a    methodology for managing change
an    approach to leadership
a    tool for human development

It is the study and exploration of what gives life
to human systems when they are at their best.
It is an organization development methodology
based on the assumption that inquiry into and
dialogue about strengths, successes, values,
hopes and dreams is in itself transformational.
8 Assumptions of AI

   In every human situation something works
   What we focus on becomes our reality
   Reality is created in the moment and there are multiple realities
   The language we use shapes our reality
   The act of asking questions influences the outcome in some way
   People have more confidence going into the future (unknown)
    when they carry forward parts of the present (known)
   If we carry parts of the past into the future, they should be what
    are best about the past
   It is important to value differences
Peter Drucker
“The task of leadership is to create an
alignment of strengths, making
our weaknesses irrelevant”.
A beautifully timed, perfectly worded question can
 remove barriers, unlock hidden information and
    surface potentially life-changing insights.
it‟s   simple and inoffensive in its tone
it   has a purpose
it   is influencing without being controlling

      to gather information          to help someone
                                   remember something
                                       more clearly
to understand someone‟s value
                                    to help someone think
      to help someone appreciate       about a situation
         another person‟s value            positively

 Characteristics of a great question
Controlling                      Neutral
   Did you feel frustrated?

                                Why did you act in such
                                  a hostile manner?

  How did you feel about that?

                                  What might you do to
                                   help the situation?

 What is it about it that you
      cannot deal with?

                   What caused you to do that?
Powerful questions – potential benefits
   they refocus thoughts – from problem to solution
   they can help someone feel more powerful and constructive about a situation
   they tap into creativity and create options
   they can make a problem feel more like a challenge or an opportunity
   they create forward movement – out of the problem state and into solution
or action

    I‟m really struggling with this job, and my boss doesn‟t support me
                    – he doesn‟t even know what I do!!

    Why can‟t my boss help            How can I get my boss to know more
             me?                            about what I‟m doing?

    How can I make sure my boss understands more about what
      I’m doing, and encourage him to give me more support?
5 principles of Appreciative Inquiry

       Constructionist Principle
5 principles of Appreciative Inquiry

      Principle of Simultaneity

     These become the stories out of which the
     future is conceived, discussed, and constructed.
5 principles of Appreciative Inquiry

         Human                      An organization‟s
    organizations are               story is constantly
      an open book                  being co-authored.

              Poetic Principle

          The organization‟s past, present and
         future are endless sources of learning,
             inspiration, and interpretation
5 principles of Appreciative Inquiry

           Anticipatory Principle

  Collective imagination and discourse about the future are the
       most important resource for generating constructive
              organizational change or improvement
5 principles of Appreciative Inquiry

             Positive Principle

   When we feel good we can think more strategically, absorb
 information quicker, we are more creative, we reach decisions
  faster, we recover more quickly from setbacks, and even our
                        health improves
How it works
   Organizations move in the direction of what they study.
   It focuses the attention on an organization‟s most positive
    potential - its positive core.
   The positive core is the essential nature of the organization
    at its best – people‟s collective wisdom about the
    organization‟s tangible and intangible strengths,
    capabilities, resources, potentials and assets.
   The Appreciative Inquiry 4-D cycle unleashes the energy of
    the positive core for transformation and sustainable
The 4D Cycle
                           “What gives life?”
                          (The best of what is)

        Destiny                                    Dream
“How to empower, learn,     Affirmative      “What might be?”
 and adjust/improvise?”    Topic Choice (What is the world calling for)
       Sustaining                           Envisioning Results

                     “What should be--the ideal?”
It   is an extensive search to understand the "best of what is"
and "what has been."
It   begins with the collaborative act of crafting appreciative
interview questions and constructing an appreciative
interview guide.
These    questions are written as affirmative probes into an
organization‟s positive core, in the topic areas selected.
They    are written to generate stories, to enrich the images
and inner dialogue within the organization, and to bring the
positive core more fully into focus.
Listening Skills – a good listener
                          explores your thoughts
seeks to understand you
                               and feelings

cares                                     focuses

 goes beyond what is      begins to notice what is
    actually said                 „unsaid‟
Listen, talk, think, listen,        Totally present to the person speaking

            Levels of Listening
   think, talk and so on
                                           Feel as though you are experiencing
                                           „being‟ the other person
The person may or may not
be aware of the way you are
listening to them
                                       Nod, make „listening noises‟
                                       such as „hmm‟ or „yes‟

     Listener entirely focused on                  Focus on what the other
     the other person.                             person is saying

Pretend                                                           Seek to
to listen                                                         understand

                                                     A natural activity
 Listener mostly quiet and calm                      for most people

  The balance between talking, listening         More effort to listen and
  and internally processing information
  varies from person to person
                                                 process information
    A complete interview guide includes:
 A formal introduction to explain the
  project and the purpose of the interview.
 The questions:
       Opening questions
       Questions on the affirmative topic or topics
       Concluding questions – generally about future
A    summary report sheet
We seek, fundamentally, to build from our past and present capacities:

achievements, assets, unexplored potentials, innovations, strengths,
elevated thoughts, opportunities, benchmarks, high point moments,
lived values, traditions, strategic competencies, stories, expressions
of wisdom, insights into the deeper corporate spirit or soul-- and
visions of valued and possible futures.
When interviewing, please:
 Maintain a caring a affirmative spirit

Here are some possible questions to use to probe further:
 Tell me more.
 Why was that important to you?
 How did that affect you?
 What was your contribution?
 How did the peer teachers/institute/team support you?
 How has it changed you?

Let the interviewee tell his/her story.
Take notes and listen for great quotes and stories.
Be genuinely curious about their experiences, thoughts, and feelings.
Some people will take longer to think about their answers.
Allow time for silence.
The questions should be used as guidelines.
 The foundation of any great organization lies in the
                strengths of its people.
The experiences and diverse backgrounds are assets
              that any organization has.
  It is important to foster personal growth through
   teamwork, two-way respect, communication and
         A cooperative team spirit is essential.
 Important initiatives usually depend on the support
  and good will of others within work groups and/or
                   between groups.
     Cooperation requires trust, open channels of
communication, responsiveness to other‟s needs, and
              interpersonal competence

Can you think of a time when there was an extraordinary display of cooperation
among diverse individuals or groups?
What made such cooperation possible? (Explore: planning methods used,
communication systems or process, leadership qualities, skills, team
development techniques and others).

Give an example of the most effective team or committee you have been part of.
What are the factors/ skills that made it effective?

Describe the most memorable event that illustrates your contribution to the
success of a team or organization. What strengths did you bring to that

Interview Summary Sheet

What was the most appreciative quotable quote that came out of this interview?

What was the most compelling story that came out of this interview? What
details and examples did the interviewee shared?

Overall, what was your sense of what was most important to your colleague?
Quotes, stories, concepts

DREAM                               Discovery
                                          Destiny       Topic      Dream


                           think out of
                                                    challenge the
                             the box
                                                     status quo
    excitement              create

           Dream                                 working
     “What might be?”                         relationships
(What is the world calling for)
    Envisioning Results
                DESIGN                          Affirmative
                                     Destiny       Topic      Dream

        The Whole System                         Design
         Design approach

       “Organizational transformation is much more than
       the critical mass of personal transformation. It
       requires macro level changes in the very fabric of
       organizing, the social architecture.” Diane Whitney

                                  The Requests, Offers
“What should be--the ideal?”
                                   and Commitments
     Co-constructing                   approach
We will be working on two Approaches to the Design Phase
I. The Framework Approach
     We will be working on the strategic design on the following topics:
      Talent development and retention
      Alliances and Partnerships
      Organizational Structure
     We will be working on the operational design on the following topics:
      Business Processes
 II. The Requests, Offers and Commitments Approach. Each participant is given
 the opportunity to publicly state a simple commitment, make an offer or
 articulate a request.

 Simple Commitments describes actions that can be easily taken, typically
 within one to two weeks and are within the existing authority and
 resources available to the person making the commitment.
 Offers may be made in response to a request for collaboration. Offers
 can come in any shape or form - specific is better.
 Requests are the other side of offers - but focused on what one
 person or group needs from another person or group.
 How should we work together?

 What roles do everyone long to play?
 What are the leadership roles and functions, preferred
 How can we best support each other?
 What should be our relationship to the community?
 What are the practices for improvement, for bringing out the
best in people, and for creating meaningful work?
 What should the spirit in the group be like?
 What support does the group need?
 Who else should be invited?

                   Team Working
            DESTINY                             Affirmative
                                     Destiny       Topic      Dream
         focuses specifically
           on personal and                       Design
          commitments and
            paths forward
                                  look for ways to improve and
                                     expand the AI process
    ongoing learning
     and innovation

                                the processes, structures,
        Destiny                 and relationships from the
                                design phase are put into
“How to empower, learn,
 and adjust/improvise?”
 Appreciative Inquiry Handbook – David L. Cooperride, Diana
Whitney, Jacqueline Stavros (2003) Lakeshore Publishers
What Great Managers Do – Marcus Buckingham (2005) Harvard
Business Review
Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Approach to Building Cooperative
Capacity – Frank Barret & Ronald Fry (2005) Tao Institute
 No+Pálidas: Cuatro Actitudes para el Éxito. Enrique Baliño con
Carlos Pacheco (2011) Xn Publishing
Appreciative Inquiry: Change at the Speed of Imagination -
Magruder Watkins,Bernard J. Mohr (2001) Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer
El cambio del Comportamiento en el trabajo – Santiago Lazzati
(2008) Granica


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Appreciative inquiry

  • 1. Team working September 4, 2011 mercedesviola@4d.edu.uy
  • 2. “It could be argued that all leadership is appreciative leadership. It‟s the capacity to see the most creative and improbably opportunities. It‟s the capacity to see with an appreciative eye the true and the good, the better and the possible.” David Cooperrider
  • 3. Agenda What Appreciative Inquiry is The power of questions Its basic principles The 4D cycle
  • 4. What’s Appreciative Inquiry? a philosophy of knowing a methodology for managing change an approach to leadership a tool for human development It is the study and exploration of what gives life to human systems when they are at their best. It is an organization development methodology based on the assumption that inquiry into and dialogue about strengths, successes, values, hopes and dreams is in itself transformational.
  • 5. 8 Assumptions of AI  In every human situation something works  What we focus on becomes our reality  Reality is created in the moment and there are multiple realities  The language we use shapes our reality  The act of asking questions influences the outcome in some way  People have more confidence going into the future (unknown) when they carry forward parts of the present (known)  If we carry parts of the past into the future, they should be what are best about the past  It is important to value differences
  • 6. Peter Drucker “The task of leadership is to create an alignment of strengths, making our weaknesses irrelevant”.
  • 7. A beautifully timed, perfectly worded question can remove barriers, unlock hidden information and surface potentially life-changing insights. it‟s simple and inoffensive in its tone it has a purpose it is influencing without being controlling to gather information to help someone remember something more clearly to understand someone‟s value to help someone think to help someone appreciate about a situation another person‟s value positively Characteristics of a great question
  • 8. Controlling Neutral Did you feel frustrated? Why did you act in such a hostile manner? How did you feel about that? What might you do to help the situation? What is it about it that you cannot deal with? What caused you to do that?
  • 9. Powerful questions – potential benefits  they refocus thoughts – from problem to solution  they can help someone feel more powerful and constructive about a situation  they tap into creativity and create options  they can make a problem feel more like a challenge or an opportunity  they create forward movement – out of the problem state and into solution or action I‟m really struggling with this job, and my boss doesn‟t support me – he doesn‟t even know what I do!! Why can‟t my boss help How can I get my boss to know more me? about what I‟m doing? How can I make sure my boss understands more about what I’m doing, and encourage him to give me more support?
  • 10. 5 principles of Appreciative Inquiry  Constructionist Principle
  • 11. 5 principles of Appreciative Inquiry  Principle of Simultaneity These become the stories out of which the future is conceived, discussed, and constructed.
  • 12. 5 principles of Appreciative Inquiry Human An organization‟s organizations are story is constantly an open book being co-authored. Poetic Principle The organization‟s past, present and future are endless sources of learning, inspiration, and interpretation
  • 13. 5 principles of Appreciative Inquiry  Anticipatory Principle Collective imagination and discourse about the future are the most important resource for generating constructive organizational change or improvement
  • 14. 5 principles of Appreciative Inquiry  Positive Principle When we feel good we can think more strategically, absorb information quicker, we are more creative, we reach decisions faster, we recover more quickly from setbacks, and even our health improves
  • 15. How it works  Organizations move in the direction of what they study.  It focuses the attention on an organization‟s most positive potential - its positive core.  The positive core is the essential nature of the organization at its best – people‟s collective wisdom about the organization‟s tangible and intangible strengths, capabilities, resources, potentials and assets.  The Appreciative Inquiry 4-D cycle unleashes the energy of the positive core for transformation and sustainable success.
  • 16. The 4D Cycle Discovery “What gives life?” (The best of what is) Appreciating Destiny Dream “How to empower, learn, Affirmative “What might be?” and adjust/improvise?” Topic Choice (What is the world calling for) Sustaining Envisioning Results Design “What should be--the ideal?” Co-constructing
  • 17. DISCOVERY It is an extensive search to understand the "best of what is" and "what has been." It begins with the collaborative act of crafting appreciative interview questions and constructing an appreciative interview guide. These questions are written as affirmative probes into an organization‟s positive core, in the topic areas selected. They are written to generate stories, to enrich the images and inner dialogue within the organization, and to bring the positive core more fully into focus.
  • 18. Listening Skills – a good listener explores your thoughts seeks to understand you and feelings cares focuses goes beyond what is begins to notice what is actually said „unsaid‟
  • 19. Listen, talk, think, listen, Totally present to the person speaking Levels of Listening think, talk and so on Feel as though you are experiencing „being‟ the other person The person may or may not be aware of the way you are listening to them Nod, make „listening noises‟ such as „hmm‟ or „yes‟ Listener entirely focused on Focus on what the other the other person. person is saying Pretend Seek to to listen understand A natural activity Listener mostly quiet and calm for most people The balance between talking, listening More effort to listen and and internally processing information varies from person to person process information
  • 20. DISCOVERY A complete interview guide includes:  A formal introduction to explain the project and the purpose of the interview.  The questions:  Opening questions  Questions on the affirmative topic or topics selected  Concluding questions – generally about future A summary report sheet
  • 21. Remember: We seek, fundamentally, to build from our past and present capacities: achievements, assets, unexplored potentials, innovations, strengths, elevated thoughts, opportunities, benchmarks, high point moments, lived values, traditions, strategic competencies, stories, expressions of wisdom, insights into the deeper corporate spirit or soul-- and visions of valued and possible futures.
  • 22. When interviewing, please:  Maintain a caring a affirmative spirit Here are some possible questions to use to probe further:  Tell me more.  Why was that important to you?  How did that affect you?  What was your contribution?  How did the peer teachers/institute/team support you?  How has it changed you? Let the interviewee tell his/her story. Take notes and listen for great quotes and stories. Be genuinely curious about their experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Some people will take longer to think about their answers. Allow time for silence. The questions should be used as guidelines.
  • 23. PEOPLE – COOPERATION - TEAM SPIRIT The foundation of any great organization lies in the strengths of its people. The experiences and diverse backgrounds are assets that any organization has. It is important to foster personal growth through teamwork, two-way respect, communication and creativity. A cooperative team spirit is essential. Important initiatives usually depend on the support and good will of others within work groups and/or between groups. Cooperation requires trust, open channels of communication, responsiveness to other‟s needs, and interpersonal competence
  • 24. PEOPLE – COOPERATION – TEAM SPIRIT Can you think of a time when there was an extraordinary display of cooperation among diverse individuals or groups? What made such cooperation possible? (Explore: planning methods used, communication systems or process, leadership qualities, skills, team development techniques and others). Give an example of the most effective team or committee you have been part of. What are the factors/ skills that made it effective? Describe the most memorable event that illustrates your contribution to the success of a team or organization. What strengths did you bring to that success? Interview Summary Sheet What was the most appreciative quotable quote that came out of this interview? What was the most compelling story that came out of this interview? What details and examples did the interviewee shared? Overall, what was your sense of what was most important to your colleague?
  • 26. DREAM Discovery Affirmative Destiny Topic Dream Design think out of challenge the the box status quo create excitement create synergy Dream working “What might be?” relationships (What is the world calling for) Envisioning Results
  • 27. Discovery DESIGN Affirmative Destiny Topic Dream The Whole System Design Design approach “Organizational transformation is much more than the critical mass of personal transformation. It requires macro level changes in the very fabric of organizing, the social architecture.” Diane Whitney The Requests, Offers Design “What should be--the ideal?” and Commitments Co-constructing approach
  • 28. We will be working on two Approaches to the Design Phase I. The Framework Approach We will be working on the strategic design on the following topics: Talent development and retention Alliances and Partnerships Organizational Structure We will be working on the operational design on the following topics: Business Processes Policies Communication Technology II. The Requests, Offers and Commitments Approach. Each participant is given the opportunity to publicly state a simple commitment, make an offer or articulate a request. Simple Commitments describes actions that can be easily taken, typically within one to two weeks and are within the existing authority and resources available to the person making the commitment. Offers may be made in response to a request for collaboration. Offers can come in any shape or form - specific is better. Requests are the other side of offers - but focused on what one person or group needs from another person or group.
  • 29.  How should we work together?  What roles do everyone long to play?  What are the leadership roles and functions, preferred behavior?  How can we best support each other?  What should be our relationship to the community?  What are the practices for improvement, for bringing out the best in people, and for creating meaningful work?  What should the spirit in the group be like?  What support does the group need?  Who else should be invited? Team Working
  • 30. Discovery DESTINY Affirmative Destiny Topic Dream focuses specifically on personal and Design organizational commitments and paths forward look for ways to improve and expand the AI process ongoing learning and innovation the processes, structures, Destiny and relationships from the design phase are put into “How to empower, learn, action. and adjust/improvise?” Sustaining
  • 31.  Appreciative Inquiry Handbook – David L. Cooperride, Diana Whitney, Jacqueline Stavros (2003) Lakeshore Publishers What Great Managers Do – Marcus Buckingham (2005) Harvard Business Review Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Approach to Building Cooperative Capacity – Frank Barret & Ronald Fry (2005) Tao Institute  No+Pálidas: Cuatro Actitudes para el Éxito. Enrique Baliño con Carlos Pacheco (2011) Xn Publishing Appreciative Inquiry: Change at the Speed of Imagination - Magruder Watkins,Bernard J. Mohr (2001) Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer El cambio del Comportamiento en el trabajo – Santiago Lazzati (2008) Granica REFERENCES