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Agents used in anemias hematopoietic growth factors
M. H. Farjoo M.D., Ph.D.
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science
Agents Used in Anemias;
Hematopoietic Growth Factors
Agents Used in Anemias;
Hematopoietic Growth Factors
 Introduction
 Iron
 Folic Acid
 Vitamin B12
 Pyridoxine
 Hematopoietic Growth Factors
 Effect of Drugs on blood cells
 Novel Treatments
Agents used in anemias hematopoietic growth factors
Agents used in anemias hematopoietic growth factors
 Excess iron is stored as ferritin, consisting of ferric
hydroxide covered by apoferritin.
 The serum ferritin is in equilibrium with storage ferritin, so
the serum ferritin is used to estimate iron stores.
 Healthy people lose 1-2 mg iron daily but menstruating
women lose 30 mg of iron with each menstrual period.
 Thus, many premenopausal women have iron deficiency.
 Iron deficiency anemia in men and postmenopausal women
should be evaluated for occult GI bleeding.
 Oral ferrous sulfate is the treatment of choice for iron
 All iron salts are absorbed to approximately the same
 Oral and parenteral iron have the same efficacy (if GI
tract absorption is normal).
 The effectiveness of treatment is made only 3–4 weeks
after the start of treatment.
 Ascorbic acid (≥200 mg) increases the absorption of
iron by at least 30%, but increases the incidence of side
 In iron deficiency, 25% of oral iron is absorbed and 50-
100 mg of iron is incorporated into hemoglobin daily.
 Therefore, 200-400 mg of iron should be given daily to
correct iron deficiency most rapidly.
 Adverse effects of oral iron include nausea, epigastric
discomfort, abdominal cramps, constipation, and
 They can be overcome by lowering the daily dose or
taking the tablets with meals or changing the iron salt.
Agents used in anemias hematopoietic growth factors
‫آهن‬ ‫قرص‬
Syrup Ferrous Sulfate
200 mg = 40 mg elemental iron
Price in Iran: ? Toman
Drop ferrous sulfate
125 mg = 25 mg elemental iron
Price in Iran: ? Toman
Tablet Ferrous fumarate, 60 mg elemental iron
Price in Iran: ? Toman
Cap. ferrous-glycine-sulfate
567.66 mg = 100 mg elemental iron
Price in Iran: 16,500 Toman
Capsule Easy Iron 28 (& 25) mg
Price in Iran: ~ 57,000 Toman
‫لیپوزومال‬ ‫آهن‬
Ferrous fumarate molecular weight = 170 g/mol
Ferrous molecular weight = 56 g/mol
350 mg of ferrous fumarate = 115 mg iron
Price in Iran: 15,000 Toman
Capsule Hematinic
350 mg = 115 mg elemental iron
Price in Iran: 28,000 Toman
Feroglobin syrup
Price in Iran: 35,000 Toman
Feroglobin syrup
‫عنوان‬ ‫مقدار‬(‫در‬10‫لیتر‬ ‫میلی‬) ‫روزانه‬ ‫نیاز‬
Vitamin B1 10 mg 286 %
Vitamin B2 2 mg 63 %
Vitamin B6 2 mg 100 %
Vitamin B12 10 µg 500 %
Folic Acid 100 µg 75 %
Dexpanthenol 4 mg
Calcium Glycerophosphate 20 mg
Vitamin B3 20 mg
Iron (Elemental) 20 mg 50 %
Zinc (Elemental) 6 mg 33 %
Vitamin C 64 mg
Copper 0.4 mg
Manganese 0.5 mg
Lysine HCL 40 mg
Honey 200 mg
Malt Extract 1000 mg
Comparison of Iron preparations in Iran
Agents used in anemias hematopoietic growth factors
Parenteral Iron
 Parenteral iron is used:
 In those who require hemodialysis and erythropoietin.
 After gastrectomy or small bowel resection
 IBD involving the proximal small bowel
 Malabsorption syndromes
Parenteral Iron
 Parenteral iron bypasses regulatory systems and can
deliver more iron than can be safely stored.
 Large IV dose of iron improves hematologic status
faster than oral iron for 1–3 weeks.
 However, the final response is no better than that seen
with oral iron.
 Iron stores is estimated by serum ferritin and the
transferrin saturation.
Laboratory results in iron deficiency
Parenteral Iron
 Iron dextran is given by deep IM injection or IV
 IV infusion is most common rout and for IM injection
Z track technique should be used.
 Local reactions and possibility of malignant change at
the site of injection, make IM injection inappropriate
except when the IV route is inaccessible.
Parenteral Iron
 It rarely causes anaphylaxis and death, so a small test
dose should always be given before IM or IV doses.
 For test, 25 mg of dextran is infused over a period of
15 minutes, and the patient is observed for 1 hr.
 Use iron dextran with extreme caution in patients
with rheumatoid arthritis or during the acute phase of
an inflammatory illness.
Z Track Injection
 Iron sucrose appears to be better tolerated and to
cause fewer adverse events than iron dextran
 This agent is FDA-approved for iron deficiency in
chronic kidney disease.
 Chronic use has the potential to cause renal
tubulointerstitial damage.
Parenteral Iron
Maltofer (Iron hydroxide polymaltose)
50mg/ml 2ml
Venofer, iron-hydroxide sucrose, 100
Ferric Carboxymaltose 50 mg/1mL, 10 ml
Price in Iran: 315,000 Toman
Acute Iron Toxicity
 Adults tolerate large doses of oral iron but 10 tablets of
any iron salt can be lethal in children (12 to 24 months).
 Toxicity causes vomiting, abdominal pain, and bloody
 Of particular concern are pallor or cyanosis, lassitude,
drowsiness, and hyperventilation due to acidosis.
 If death does not occur within 6 h, there may be a
transient period of apparent recovery, followed by death
in 12–24 h (because of acidosis).
 With early treatment, the mortality can be reduced from
45% to about 1%.
Acute Iron Toxicity (Cont’d)
 Whole bowel irrigation should be performed.
 Deferoxamine (iron-chelating agent) is given
systemically to bind absorbed iron and to promote its
excretion in urine and feces.
 Activated charcoal, does not bind iron and is NOT
 Appropriate supportive therapy for GI bleeding,
metabolic acidosis, and shock must also be provided.
Deferoxamine (Desferal)
Activated Charcoal
Activated Charcoal Tablet
Price of each pack: 39,000 Toman
Activated Charcoal
Chronic Iron Toxicity
 Chronic toxicity (hemochromatosis) results when
excess iron is deposited in the heart, liver, and
 It leads to organ failure and death and occurs in:
 Inherited hemochromatosis (excessive iron absorption)
 Receiving many transfusions over long periods
(Thalassemia major).
 Oral deferasirox is used for chronic iron overload,
and is as effective as deferoxamine.
Deferasirox Tablet 125 / 500 mg
Price in Iran:
28,000 Toman (manufactured product)
616,000 Toman (imported product)
A 62-year-old woman, whose serum ferritin concentration was 3583 ng/ml (normal
range, 30 to 300). Liver is seen as a darkened organ (Panel A).
After 32 phlebotomies within14 months (total blood volume removed, 16 liters), the
serum ferritin concentration was 606 ng/ml (Panel B).
she is currently being treated with phlebotomy. The disease is genetic.
Thalassemia gene therapy
Agents used in anemias hematopoietic growth factors
Folic Acid
 Folic acid is required for the synthesis of amino acids
and DNA.
 Only 5-20 mg of folates are stored in the liver.
 Megaloblastic anemia can develop within 1-6 months
after the intake of folic acid stops.
 Oral drug is well absorbed even in malabsorption
 1 mg folic acid orally daily is sufficient for full
recovery in almost all patients.
Folic Acid
 Folic acid deficiency is seen in:
 Alcohol dependence and liver disease (poor diet and
diminished hepatic storage)
 Pregnancy and hemolytic anemia (increased folate
 Malabsorption syndromes
 Renal dialysis (dialysis removes folates)
 Some drug ingestion: methotrexate, trimethoprim and
pyrimethamine (inhibit dihydrofolate reductase)
Agents used in anemias hematopoietic growth factors
Agents used in anemias hematopoietic growth factors
Agents used in anemias hematopoietic growth factors
Agents used in anemias hematopoietic growth factors
Vitamin B12
 The dietary source of vitamin B12 is meat (especially
liver), egg, and dairy products.
 B12 is stored in the liver with a storage pool of 3000-
5000 mcg.
 Daily requirements are 2 mcg, it would take 5 years
for megaloblastic anemia to develop.
Vitamin B12
 The most common causes of vitamin B12 deficiency
 Pernicious anemia (defective secretion of intrinsic
 Partial/total gastrectomy (intrinsic factor secreting
cells removed)
 Abnormality in the distal ileum
Vitamin B12, 1,000 μg/1mL
Price of each pack: 20,000 Toman
 Patients with sideroblastic anemia have impaired
hemoglobin synthesis.
 Pyridoxine corrects sideroblastic anemias associated
with isoniazid and pyrazinamide, which act as
vitamin B6 antagonists.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Vitamin B6 300 mg (100 mg/mL, 3 ml)
Price in Iran: 20,000 Toman
Vitamin B6 100 mg (50 mg/mL, 2 ml)
Price in Iran: 16,000 Toman
Ampoule Vitamin B Complex
Each ampoule (2 ml) contains:
1. Vit. B1 (Thiamine) 10 mg
2. Vit. B2 (Riboflavin) 4 mg
3. Vit. B3 (Nicotinamide/Niacinamide)
40 mg
4. Dexpanthenol (derivative of Vit. B5)
6 mg
5. Vit. B6 (Pyridoxine) 4 mg
There is NOT Vit. B12 in B-complex
ampoule / tablet
Dexpanthenol Cream 5% / 30 g
Price in Iran: 5,000 Toman
Tablet Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin B1 (100 mg) / B6 (100 mg) / B12 (1,000 μg) (3 mL)
Price in Iran: 15,000 Toman
Vitamin B1 (100 mg) / B6 (100 mg) / B12 (1,000 μg) (3 mL)
Price in Iran: 21,000 Toman
Vitamin B1 (100 mg) / B6 (100 mg) / B12 (1,000 μg) (3 mL)
Price in Iran: 21,000 Toman
Agents used in anemias hematopoietic growth factors
 Recombinant human erythropoietin (Epoetin alfa) is
produced in a mammalian cell expression system.
 It is not cleared by dialysis.
 Darbepoetin alfa (not yet in Iran) is a derivativee with
2 to 3 times longer half-life.
 An inverse relationship exists between the hematocrit
level and erythropoietin level.
 The most important exception is in the anemia of chronic
renal failure.
 These patients are most likely to respond to exogenous
 Failure to respond to erythropoietin is due to concurrent
iron or Folate deficiency.
 In primary bone marrow disorders and nutritional and
secondary anemias, endogenous erythropoietin is
already high.
 Erythropoietin therapy in these conditions is not usually
 But in selected patients, erythropoietin may be useful
for primary bone marrow disorders and secondary
 They are patients who have disproportionately low
serum erythropoietin levels for their degree of anemia.
 Erythropoietin is also used for:
 Anemia by zidovudine in HIV and anemia of
 To accelerate erythropoiesis after phlebotomies for
autologous transfusion for elective surgery.
 For treatment of iron overload (hemochromatosis).
 Erythropoietin is banned by the international olympic
 Its side effects includes hypertension and thrombotic
Epoetin alfa (Eprex)
Epoetin (beta) Injection 4000 IU/0.3 ml
Price in Iran: 110,000 Toman
It seems there is no
significant difference between
efficacy of epoetin beta and
epoetin alfa
Myeloid Growth Factors
 Myeloid growth factors consist of:
 G-CSF: Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor
 GM-CSF: Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-
Stimulating Factor (Sargramostim, Molgramostim)
 G-CSF and GM-CSF are used for treating some kinds
of neutropenia
 The most important role of G-CSF in transplantation is
mobilization of peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs).
 Splenic rupture is a rare but serious complication of G-
 Pegfilgrastim, has a much longer half-life than
 Pegfilgrastim is injected once per myelo- suppressive
chemotherapy cycle instead of daily for several days.
Filgrastim, 300 μg/0.5 ml
Price of each syringe: 56,000 Toman
Filgrastim, (300 μg/0.5 ml)
price of each syringe: 130,000 Toman
Pegfilgrastim, 6 mg/0.6 ml
Price: 570,000 Toman
Other Applications
 Studies show that G-CSF and GM-CSF are safe for
leukemia (AML).
 The growth factors even increase neutrophil recovery
and reduce infection rates and days of hospitalization.
 Both G-CSF and GM-CSF have FDA approval for
treatment of patients with AML.
Megakaryocyte Growth Factors
 Megakaryocyte growth factors consist of:
 Thrombopoietin (Not in Iran)
 Interleukin-11 (Not in Iran)
 Eltrombopag
 Romiplostim
 They are used in cirrhotic patients who have low
thrombopoietin levels.
Tablet Eltrombopag 25 mg
Price in Iran: ? Toman
Romiplostim Injection, 250 μg
Price in Iran: 3,652,000 Toman
Clinical uses of hematopoietic growth factors
and similar agents
Agents used in anemias hematopoietic growth factors
 A number of drugs can cause hemolysis by various
 Drug-induced thrombotic microangiopathy (DITMA)
 Immune (antibody-mediated) hemolysis
 Oxidative damage (G6PD deficiency)
 Methemoglobinemia
Drugs causing DITMA
Leg cramps, malaria
Cancer therapies
Hemophilia A
Immunosuppressive therapies
Interferons (type 1, alpha and beta)
Intravenous immune globulin (IVIG)
Valproic acid
Drugs of abuse
Oxymorphone extended release
Drugs Associated with Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
Anti-cancer drugs Other
•Amphotericin B
•P-aminosalicylic acid
•Methadone (positive DAT
•Chlorinated hydrocarbon
•Furosemide (positive DAT only)
•Methadone (positive DAT only)
•Radiocontrast medium
•Trimellitic anhydride (used in dyes,
Unsafe Substances in G6PD deficiency
Medicines and other substances likely to be UNSAFE in moderate-to-
severe G6PD deficiency*[1-3]
Dapsone (diaminodiphenyl sulfone)
Methylene blue (methylthioninium chloride)
Nitrofurantoin, nifuratel, and nitrofurazone (nitrofural)
Phenazopyridine (pyridium)
Chemical exposures and foods
Fava beans
Henna compounds (black and red Egyptian)
Naphthalene (mothballs, lavatory deodorant)
"RUSH" (isobutyl nitrate, amyl nitrate)
Henna compounds
Medications that May Cause Methemoglobinemia
Amino salicylic acid (also called PABA)
Clofazimine and Dapsone (for leprosy)
Local anesthetics even in sprays and creams,
(benzocaine, lidocaine, and prilocaine)
Methylene blue*
Causes of Drug Induced Splenomegaly
Hematologic (hypersplenic) states
Acute and chronic hemolytic anemias, all etiologies
Following use of recombinant human G-CSF
Causes of Hepatomegaly (Non of Them by Drugs)
Drug-induced Neutropenia and
 The risk is low and independent of dose, and is very
rare in doses <10 mg/day.
 Risk factors for agranulocytosis include:
 Patients with infectious mononucleosis
 Concomitant use of probenecid and captopril.
 Underlying autoimmune disease
 Combination therapy with an ACEI and interferon
Drug-induced Neutropenia and
 Drugs cause neutropenia or agranulocytosis by:
 Antibodies (PTU)
 Direct toxic effects (Clozapine)
 Immune destruction occurs days to weeks after
beginning the drug, with explosive symptoms.
 Rechallenge is associated with a prompt recurrence
even with low doses.
Drug-induced Neutropenia and
 With direct toxicity, the time course is slower than
immune mediated.
 Most cases present within the first 6 months and
usually within the first 3 months of drug treatment.
 The neutropenia is asymptomatic or insidious.
 Rechallenge requires both a latent period and high
drug doses before recurrence is observed.
 In both subtypes, neutropenia resolves 1-3 weeks after
cessation of the drug.
Drug-induced Neutropenia and
 The diagnosis should be suspected if a patient
develops fever, mouth sores, or gingival inflammation.
 Differential diagnosis is viral infection and nutritional
deficiency (copper or vitamin B12 deficiency).
 The most common agents in agranulocytosis are:
clozapine, thionamides, sulfasalazine, and
 Risk of drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia
(DITP) from a new drug is rare.
 Patients present within two weeks of drug exposure
with platelet count < 20,000 / microL and / or
 Thrombocytopenia develops within hours if
previously exposed, or within 1-2 weeks for a new
 After drug discontinuation, platelets return to normal
in a week.
Causes of Drug Induced Thrombocytopenia
Heparin (NOTE: special case, also can cause thrombosis)
Phenytoin, Carbamazepine, Valproic acid
Sulfonamides (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole)
Cimetidine, Ranitidine
Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Naproxen
Beta-lactam antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins)
MMR vaccine
Food and beverages
Certain herbal teas
Nutrient deficiencies (vitamin B12, folate, copper)
Agents used in anemias hematopoietic growth factors
CAR (chimeric antigen
receptor) T cells
CAR T cell drug Kymriah for ALL
Price: 475,000 $
Iran Ancient Heritage in Louvre Museum (Paris)
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Academic writing 2nd part 6 bahman 1398
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Agents used in anemias hematopoietic growth factors

  • 2. By M. H. Farjoo M.D., Ph.D. Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science Agents Used in Anemias; Hematopoietic Growth Factors
  • 3. Agents Used in Anemias; Hematopoietic Growth Factors  Introduction  Iron  Folic Acid  Vitamin B12  Pyridoxine  Hematopoietic Growth Factors  Effect of Drugs on blood cells  Novel Treatments
  • 6. Iron  Excess iron is stored as ferritin, consisting of ferric hydroxide covered by apoferritin.  The serum ferritin is in equilibrium with storage ferritin, so the serum ferritin is used to estimate iron stores.  Healthy people lose 1-2 mg iron daily but menstruating women lose 30 mg of iron with each menstrual period.  Thus, many premenopausal women have iron deficiency.  Iron deficiency anemia in men and postmenopausal women should be evaluated for occult GI bleeding.
  • 7.  Oral ferrous sulfate is the treatment of choice for iron deficiency.  All iron salts are absorbed to approximately the same extent.  Oral and parenteral iron have the same efficacy (if GI tract absorption is normal).  The effectiveness of treatment is made only 3–4 weeks after the start of treatment.  Ascorbic acid (≥200 mg) increases the absorption of iron by at least 30%, but increases the incidence of side effects. Iron
  • 8. Iron  In iron deficiency, 25% of oral iron is absorbed and 50- 100 mg of iron is incorporated into hemoglobin daily.  Therefore, 200-400 mg of iron should be given daily to correct iron deficiency most rapidly.  Adverse effects of oral iron include nausea, epigastric discomfort, abdominal cramps, constipation, and diarrhea.  They can be overcome by lowering the daily dose or taking the tablets with meals or changing the iron salt.
  • 11. Syrup Ferrous Sulfate 200 mg = 40 mg elemental iron Price in Iran: ? Toman
  • 12. Drop ferrous sulfate 125 mg = 25 mg elemental iron Price in Iran: ? Toman
  • 13. Tablet Ferrous fumarate, 60 mg elemental iron Price in Iran: ? Toman
  • 14. Cap. ferrous-glycine-sulfate 567.66 mg = 100 mg elemental iron Price in Iran: 16,500 Toman
  • 15. Capsule Easy Iron 28 (& 25) mg Price in Iran: ~ 57,000 Toman
  • 17. Ferrous fumarate molecular weight = 170 g/mol Ferrous molecular weight = 56 g/mol 350 mg of ferrous fumarate = 115 mg iron Price in Iran: 15,000 Toman
  • 18. Capsule Hematinic 350 mg = 115 mg elemental iron Price in Iran: 28,000 Toman
  • 19. Feroglobin syrup Price in Iran: 35,000 Toman
  • 20. Feroglobin syrup ‫عنوان‬ ‫مقدار‬(‫در‬10‫لیتر‬ ‫میلی‬) ‫روزانه‬ ‫نیاز‬ Vitamin B1 10 mg 286 % Vitamin B2 2 mg 63 % Vitamin B6 2 mg 100 % Vitamin B12 10 µg 500 % Folic Acid 100 µg 75 % Dexpanthenol 4 mg Calcium Glycerophosphate 20 mg Vitamin B3 20 mg Iron (Elemental) 20 mg 50 % Zinc (Elemental) 6 mg 33 % Vitamin C 64 mg Copper 0.4 mg Manganese 0.5 mg Lysine HCL 40 mg Honey 200 mg Malt Extract 1000 mg
  • 21. Comparison of Iron preparations in Iran
  • 23. Parenteral Iron  Parenteral iron is used:  In those who require hemodialysis and erythropoietin.  After gastrectomy or small bowel resection  IBD involving the proximal small bowel  Malabsorption syndromes
  • 24. Parenteral Iron  Parenteral iron bypasses regulatory systems and can deliver more iron than can be safely stored.  Large IV dose of iron improves hematologic status faster than oral iron for 1–3 weeks.  However, the final response is no better than that seen with oral iron.  Iron stores is estimated by serum ferritin and the transferrin saturation.
  • 25. Laboratory results in iron deficiency anemia
  • 26. Parenteral Iron  Iron dextran is given by deep IM injection or IV infusion.  IV infusion is most common rout and for IM injection Z track technique should be used.  Local reactions and possibility of malignant change at the site of injection, make IM injection inappropriate except when the IV route is inaccessible.
  • 27. Parenteral Iron  It rarely causes anaphylaxis and death, so a small test dose should always be given before IM or IV doses.  For test, 25 mg of dextran is infused over a period of 15 minutes, and the patient is observed for 1 hr.  Use iron dextran with extreme caution in patients with rheumatoid arthritis or during the acute phase of an inflammatory illness.
  • 29.  Iron sucrose appears to be better tolerated and to cause fewer adverse events than iron dextran  This agent is FDA-approved for iron deficiency in chronic kidney disease.  Chronic use has the potential to cause renal tubulointerstitial damage. Parenteral Iron
  • 30. Maltofer (Iron hydroxide polymaltose) 50mg/ml 2ml
  • 32. Ferric Carboxymaltose 50 mg/1mL, 10 ml Price in Iran: 315,000 Toman
  • 33. Acute Iron Toxicity  Adults tolerate large doses of oral iron but 10 tablets of any iron salt can be lethal in children (12 to 24 months).  Toxicity causes vomiting, abdominal pain, and bloody diarrhea.  Of particular concern are pallor or cyanosis, lassitude, drowsiness, and hyperventilation due to acidosis.  If death does not occur within 6 h, there may be a transient period of apparent recovery, followed by death in 12–24 h (because of acidosis).  With early treatment, the mortality can be reduced from 45% to about 1%.
  • 34. Acute Iron Toxicity (Cont’d)  Whole bowel irrigation should be performed.  Deferoxamine (iron-chelating agent) is given systemically to bind absorbed iron and to promote its excretion in urine and feces.  Activated charcoal, does not bind iron and is NOT effective.  Appropriate supportive therapy for GI bleeding, metabolic acidosis, and shock must also be provided.
  • 37. Activated Charcoal Tablet Price of each pack: 39,000 Toman
  • 39. Chronic Iron Toxicity  Chronic toxicity (hemochromatosis) results when excess iron is deposited in the heart, liver, and pancreas.  It leads to organ failure and death and occurs in:  Inherited hemochromatosis (excessive iron absorption)  Receiving many transfusions over long periods (Thalassemia major).  Oral deferasirox is used for chronic iron overload, and is as effective as deferoxamine.
  • 40. Deferasirox Tablet 125 / 500 mg Price in Iran: 28,000 Toman (manufactured product) 616,000 Toman (imported product)
  • 42. A 62-year-old woman, whose serum ferritin concentration was 3583 ng/ml (normal range, 30 to 300). Liver is seen as a darkened organ (Panel A). After 32 phlebotomies within14 months (total blood volume removed, 16 liters), the serum ferritin concentration was 606 ng/ml (Panel B). she is currently being treated with phlebotomy. The disease is genetic. Hemochromatosis
  • 45. Folic Acid  Folic acid is required for the synthesis of amino acids and DNA.  Only 5-20 mg of folates are stored in the liver.  Megaloblastic anemia can develop within 1-6 months after the intake of folic acid stops.  Oral drug is well absorbed even in malabsorption syndromes.  1 mg folic acid orally daily is sufficient for full recovery in almost all patients.
  • 46. Folic Acid  Folic acid deficiency is seen in:  Alcohol dependence and liver disease (poor diet and diminished hepatic storage)  Pregnancy and hemolytic anemia (increased folate requirement)  Malabsorption syndromes  Renal dialysis (dialysis removes folates)  Some drug ingestion: methotrexate, trimethoprim and pyrimethamine (inhibit dihydrofolate reductase)
  • 51. Vitamin B12  The dietary source of vitamin B12 is meat (especially liver), egg, and dairy products.  B12 is stored in the liver with a storage pool of 3000- 5000 mcg.  Daily requirements are 2 mcg, it would take 5 years for megaloblastic anemia to develop.
  • 52. Vitamin B12  The most common causes of vitamin B12 deficiency are:  Pernicious anemia (defective secretion of intrinsic factor)  Partial/total gastrectomy (intrinsic factor secreting cells removed)  Abnormality in the distal ileum
  • 53. Vitamin B12, 1,000 μg/1mL Price of each pack: 20,000 Toman
  • 54.  Patients with sideroblastic anemia have impaired hemoglobin synthesis.  Pyridoxine corrects sideroblastic anemias associated with isoniazid and pyrazinamide, which act as vitamin B6 antagonists. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
  • 55. Vitamin B6 300 mg (100 mg/mL, 3 ml) Price in Iran: 20,000 Toman
  • 56. Vitamin B6 100 mg (50 mg/mL, 2 ml) Price in Iran: 16,000 Toman
  • 57. Ampoule Vitamin B Complex Each ampoule (2 ml) contains: 1. Vit. B1 (Thiamine) 10 mg 2. Vit. B2 (Riboflavin) 4 mg 3. Vit. B3 (Nicotinamide/Niacinamide) 40 mg 4. Dexpanthenol (derivative of Vit. B5) 6 mg 5. Vit. B6 (Pyridoxine) 4 mg There is NOT Vit. B12 in B-complex ampoule / tablet
  • 58. Dexpanthenol Cream 5% / 30 g Price in Iran: 5,000 Toman
  • 59. Tablet Vitamin B Complex
  • 60. Vitamin B1 (100 mg) / B6 (100 mg) / B12 (1,000 μg) (3 mL) Price in Iran: 15,000 Toman
  • 61. Vitamin B1 (100 mg) / B6 (100 mg) / B12 (1,000 μg) (3 mL) Price in Iran: 21,000 Toman
  • 62. Vitamin B1 (100 mg) / B6 (100 mg) / B12 (1,000 μg) (3 mL) Price in Iran: 21,000 Toman
  • 64. Erythropoietin  Recombinant human erythropoietin (Epoetin alfa) is produced in a mammalian cell expression system.  It is not cleared by dialysis.  Darbepoetin alfa (not yet in Iran) is a derivativee with 2 to 3 times longer half-life.
  • 65. Erythropoietin  An inverse relationship exists between the hematocrit level and erythropoietin level.  The most important exception is in the anemia of chronic renal failure.  These patients are most likely to respond to exogenous erythropoietin.  Failure to respond to erythropoietin is due to concurrent iron or Folate deficiency.
  • 66. Erythropoietin  In primary bone marrow disorders and nutritional and secondary anemias, endogenous erythropoietin is already high.  Erythropoietin therapy in these conditions is not usually beneficial.  But in selected patients, erythropoietin may be useful for primary bone marrow disorders and secondary anemias.  They are patients who have disproportionately low serum erythropoietin levels for their degree of anemia.
  • 67. Erythropoietin  Erythropoietin is also used for:  Anemia by zidovudine in HIV and anemia of prematurity.  To accelerate erythropoiesis after phlebotomies for autologous transfusion for elective surgery.  For treatment of iron overload (hemochromatosis).  Erythropoietin is banned by the international olympic committee.  Its side effects includes hypertension and thrombotic complications.
  • 69. Epoetin (beta) Injection 4000 IU/0.3 ml Price in Iran: 110,000 Toman It seems there is no significant difference between efficacy of epoetin beta and epoetin alfa
  • 70. Myeloid Growth Factors  Myeloid growth factors consist of:  G-CSF: Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (Filgrastim)  GM-CSF: Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony- Stimulating Factor (Sargramostim, Molgramostim)  G-CSF and GM-CSF are used for treating some kinds of neutropenia
  • 71. G-CSF  The most important role of G-CSF in transplantation is mobilization of peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs).  Splenic rupture is a rare but serious complication of G- CSF.  Pegfilgrastim, has a much longer half-life than filgrastim.  Pegfilgrastim is injected once per myelo- suppressive chemotherapy cycle instead of daily for several days.
  • 72. Filgrastim, 300 μg/0.5 ml Price of each syringe: 56,000 Toman
  • 73. Filgrastim, (300 μg/0.5 ml) price of each syringe: 130,000 Toman
  • 74. Pegfilgrastim, 6 mg/0.6 ml Price: 570,000 Toman
  • 75. Other Applications  Studies show that G-CSF and GM-CSF are safe for leukemia (AML).  The growth factors even increase neutrophil recovery and reduce infection rates and days of hospitalization.  Both G-CSF and GM-CSF have FDA approval for treatment of patients with AML.
  • 76. Megakaryocyte Growth Factors  Megakaryocyte growth factors consist of:  Thrombopoietin (Not in Iran)  Interleukin-11 (Not in Iran)  Eltrombopag  Romiplostim  They are used in cirrhotic patients who have low thrombopoietin levels.
  • 77. Tablet Eltrombopag 25 mg Price in Iran: ? Toman
  • 78. Romiplostim Injection, 250 μg Price in Iran: 3,652,000 Toman
  • 79. Clinical uses of hematopoietic growth factors and similar agents
  • 81. Hemolysis  A number of drugs can cause hemolysis by various mechanisms:  Drug-induced thrombotic microangiopathy (DITMA)  Immune (antibody-mediated) hemolysis  Oxidative damage (G6PD deficiency)  Methemoglobinemia
  • 82. Drugs causing DITMA Leg cramps, malaria Quinine Cancer therapies Bevacizumab Bortezomib Carfilzomib Docetaxel Gemcitabine Imatinib Ixazomib Mitomycin Oxaliplatin Palbociclib Pentostatin Ponatinib Sunitinib Antibiotics Sulfisoxazole Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole Hemophilia A Emicizumab Immunosuppressive therapies Cyclosporine Everolimus Interferons (type 1, alpha and beta) Intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) Sirolimus Tacrolimus Antiepileptics Valproic acid Antipsychotics Quetiapine Drugs of abuse Cocaine Oxymorphone extended release Oxycodone
  • 83. Drugs Associated with Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia Antibiotics NSAIDs analgesic/antipyretics Anti-cancer drugs Other •Amoxicillin •Amphotericin B •Ampicillin •Cefazolin •Cefotaxime •Cefotetan •Cefoxitin •Ceftazidime •Ceftizoxime •Ceftriaxone •Cefuroxime •Cephalexin •Cephalothin •Chloramphenicol •Ciprofloxacin •Erythromycin •Isoniazid •Levofloxacin •Mefloquine •Nafcillin •P-aminosalicylic acid •Penicillin •Piperacillin •Pyrimethamine •Quinidine •Quinine •Rifampin •Stibophen •Streptomycin •Teicoplanin •Temafloxacin •Tetracycline •Ticarcillin •Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole •Acetaminophen •Aspirin •Azapropazone •Diclofenac •Ibuprofen •Methadone (positive DAT only) •Naproxen •Phenacetin •Sulfasalazine •Sulindac •Tolmetin •Atezolumab •Carboplatin •Cisplatin •Fluorouracil •9-hydroxymethyl-ellipticinium •Imatinib •Ipilimumab •Methotrexate •Nivolumab •Oxaliplatin •Pembrolizumab •Pemetrexed •Antazoline •Carbimazole •Chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides •Chlorpromazine •Cyclosporin •Furosemide (positive DAT only) •Hydrochlorothiazide •Insulin •Methadone (positive DAT only) •Methotrexate •Probenecid •Quinidine •Quinine •Radiocontrast medium •Ranitidine •Triamterene •Trimellitic anhydride (used in dyes, resins)
  • 84. Unsafe Substances in G6PD deficiency Medicines and other substances likely to be UNSAFE in moderate-to- severe G6PD deficiency*[1-3] Medications Dapsone (diaminodiphenyl sulfone) Methylene blue (methylthioninium chloride) ¶ Nitrofurantoin, nifuratel, and nitrofurazone (nitrofural) Δ Phenazopyridine (pyridium) Primaquine Rasburicase Chemical exposures and foods Fava beans Henna compounds (black and red Egyptian) Naphthalene (mothballs, lavatory deodorant) Phenylhydrazine "RUSH" (isobutyl nitrate, amyl nitrate)
  • 86. Medications that May Cause Methemoglobinemia Amino salicylic acid (also called PABA) Clofazimine and Dapsone (for leprosy) Chloroquine Local anesthetics even in sprays and creams, (benzocaine, lidocaine, and prilocaine) Metoclopramide Methylene blue* Nitroglycerin Phenazopyridine Primaquine Rasburicase Sulfonamides
  • 87. Causes of Drug Induced Splenomegaly Hematologic (hypersplenic) states Acute and chronic hemolytic anemias, all etiologies Following use of recombinant human G-CSF
  • 88. Causes of Hepatomegaly (Non of Them by Drugs)
  • 89. Drug-induced Neutropenia and Agranulocytosis  The risk is low and independent of dose, and is very rare in doses <10 mg/day.  Risk factors for agranulocytosis include:  Patients with infectious mononucleosis  Concomitant use of probenecid and captopril.  Underlying autoimmune disease  Combination therapy with an ACEI and interferon
  • 90. Drug-induced Neutropenia and Agranulocytosis  Drugs cause neutropenia or agranulocytosis by:  Antibodies (PTU)  Direct toxic effects (Clozapine)  Immune destruction occurs days to weeks after beginning the drug, with explosive symptoms.  Rechallenge is associated with a prompt recurrence even with low doses.
  • 91. Drug-induced Neutropenia and Agranulocytosis  With direct toxicity, the time course is slower than immune mediated.  Most cases present within the first 6 months and usually within the first 3 months of drug treatment.  The neutropenia is asymptomatic or insidious.  Rechallenge requires both a latent period and high drug doses before recurrence is observed.  In both subtypes, neutropenia resolves 1-3 weeks after cessation of the drug.
  • 92. Drug-induced Neutropenia and Agranulocytosis  The diagnosis should be suspected if a patient develops fever, mouth sores, or gingival inflammation.  Differential diagnosis is viral infection and nutritional deficiency (copper or vitamin B12 deficiency).  The most common agents in agranulocytosis are: clozapine, thionamides, sulfasalazine, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
  • 93.  Risk of drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia (DITP) from a new drug is rare.  Patients present within two weeks of drug exposure with platelet count < 20,000 / microL and / or bleeding.  Thrombocytopenia develops within hours if previously exposed, or within 1-2 weeks for a new drug.  After drug discontinuation, platelets return to normal in a week. Thrombocytopenia
  • 94. Causes of Drug Induced Thrombocytopenia Drug-induced Heparin (NOTE: special case, also can cause thrombosis) Phenytoin, Carbamazepine, Valproic acid Sulfonamides (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) Amiodarone Cimetidine, Ranitidine Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Naproxen Furosemide Beta-lactam antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins) Vancomycin MMR vaccine Food and beverages Walnuts Certain herbal teas Alcohol Nutrient deficiencies (vitamin B12, folate, copper)
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