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“A journey of a 1000 miles,
starts with a single step”
- Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching
Truth & Trust
The journey for a blockchain case
The Blockchain services company
Co-Founder / Blockchain Architect
The Blockchain services company
Your Technology Agnostic
Business & Development partner
20+ PoC’s and pilots
250+ Lectures & Events
50+ publications
From Concept-to-Product
Training & Design Thinking
Dapp Development
Smart contract auditing
Belgium & the Netherlands
Belgium’s largest IT-integrator
+5000 Employees
+500 Mill. Revenue
+350 Competence Centers
Local Partner
Big Network
Highly Skilled People
Gets Things Done
Growing ‘Tech’ Stack Growing ‘Partner’ Stack
Openbar 3 - Leuven - The Ledger - Where's the business in Blockchain
“Blockchain is a solution
in search of a problem”
Blockchain –
shared ledgers ?
“a book for collecting
chronological transactional data ”
A Ledger
Current state
Who Can View
Who Can Make changes
A Shared ‘Trust’ Ledger
Make it immutable and detectable
Distribute It
A Shared ‘Trust’ Ledger
Smart contract = Non ignorable Logic
& Trust
The Outer world
How do we perceive the outside world?
(Let’s not be skeptical and assume reality exists)
Memory - Experience
(Logical) Processing
“We form a projection
of Reality”
The Concept of Time
How do we measure time?
PresentPast Future
How do we perceive time?
As if only the present exists in reality !
“It is in you,
I say that I measure time.
As things pass by,
they leave an impression in you”
Saint Augustine
State Current
How do we collaborate?
Dunbar’s number
We rely on our memory and senses to form a projection of reality.
Biological limit of the maximum amount of maintainable relationships
[ 100 – 250]
How do we form social orders togerther with other humans?
Getting information from those we trust
Forming your own competence / power hierarchies
Human Order is imagined ?
Construction of Order
Ideology and Religion
Empires & Nations (Laws)
Yuval Noah Harari – ‘Sapiens, a brief history of Humankind’
Shared Concept of ‘Truth’
PresentPast Future
A shared view on reality
Oracle Oracle Oracle
thinking / design
Some confusion
“Shared ledgers are
a mechanism to draw
fact-based conclusions
In an auditable way”
The Pollution of ’Blockchain’
What is meant by the word ‘Blockchain’ by other?
The concept that a third party is no longer needed
The network of different nodes, working together
The technology needed to create such a network
The structure how transactions are ordered and linked
Data Model of a Ledger
‘classical’ Blockchain
Distributed Blockchain – BigChainDB
Directed Acyclic Graphs - Iota
Everyone has a full node / copy
Only one sequence is the absolute truth
History of Transactions is distributed
Over a Big Data Database
A Rooted Tree Structure
1 2 3 4 5
No Full redundancy necessary
What now ?
What Future ?
Fewer physical
Agents for trust
More Economical
Actors / Actions
Automated Trustworthy shared Ledgers
Shared Logic - Trust
Entity 1 Entity 2
Shared Perception - Truth
Shared Communication
Entity 1 Entity 2
Processing Processing
Action Action
Entity 1 Entity 2
Shared Communication
Perception Perception
Processing Processing
(Tim Grant at Thoughtworks)
Past Internet Shared Ledger
How Do we
Build this future
It’s still early day …
ProtoTypeConcept Production
Business & technology
Collaborative thinking
Evolving technology
Can’t reset !
Technologies Everywhere
Hyperledger - Fabric
Hyperledger - Iroha
- saw tooth lake
… blockchain READY!
START WITH‘ONE’ FUNCTION– E.G. Simple Asset registration
Grow application– more complex smart contracts
INCREASE automation
The ‘Monetizing’ Stone
Public Enterprise
Create a ‘Dapp’
Smart Contract
Use existing ‘trust’
APP Settle on a business case
Build a ‘Pure’ consortium
Build a blockchain network
Build an application & Integration
Create ‘Trust’
Find a service in Sector where
There Is doubt or mistrust
Build an application
Build a Saas- or hosting-model
Sell ‘trust’
Customer /
Partner A
Customer /
Partner B
App +
( + Hosting )
Governance !
How will updates occur to the consortium ?
How will a new partner join ?
Who will maintain the ledger / blockchain ?
Who will host the infrastructure ?
How to collaborate ?
“Your relevance starts the very moment
you start solving people's problems”
Blockchain Project
Competence Pass
The Registration of competence in a safe manner
The Ownership remains with the individual
A platform that works with existing standards
Making a bridge between these different standards
HR – cross-company Competence
Tom has quit his studies before he graduated.
Luckily, the ‘learning goals’ he achieved were
stored on the competence blockchain application
by the IXZO! platform
There are – in 2016 alone – over 5621
“non-qualified” highschool dropout in Flanders.
34,4% of them are looking for a job.
Tom De Wit
Via IXZO! Tom can view exactly which goals he
gained / achieved during his education,
and which are his strengths and weaknesses.
All the achieved ‘learning goals’ are safely
registered on the Competence Blockchain
The ‘leerdoelen’ in GO! platform
Openbar 3 - Leuven - The Ledger - Where's the business in Blockchain
Openbar 3 - Leuven - The Ledger - Where's the business in Blockchain
Openbar 3 - Leuven - The Ledger - Where's the business in Blockchain
Rise Of the
conscious Buildings
Winner of ’Blockchaingers Hackathon 2018’
A Housing Passport of all historical modifications
Identity of contractors via Chamber of Commerce
Portal for government to issue subsidies
Building A.I. for decision-taking
Reverse bidding market for constructors
Instant Payment Settling
Openbar 3 - Leuven - The Ledger - Where's the business in Blockchain
Openbar 3 - Leuven - The Ledger - Where's the business in Blockchain
Your technology agnostic Blockchain expertise centre in the Benelux.
How can we
collaborate ?
… let’s play with blocks
Veldkant 33B
2550 Kontich
B-Hive – Identity & KYC
Tele-ticketing – sale & resale of tickets
City of Antwerp – School registration
Flemish GOV – Competence Passport
B-Hive – Digital Car Insurance
Flemish Gov – Social Housing
Belgian - Netherlands – Diplomadata
Notaries – Stockregistry
Pedro de Medinalaan 81
1086 XP Amsterdam

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Openbar 3 - Leuven - The Ledger - Where's the business in Blockchain

  • 1. “A journey of a 1000 miles, starts with a single step” - Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching Truth & Trust The journey for a blockchain case The Blockchain services company
  • 3. The Blockchain services company Your Technology Agnostic Business & Development partner 20+ PoC’s and pilots 250+ Lectures & Events 50+ publications From Concept-to-Product Training & Design Thinking Dapp Development Smart contract auditing Belgium & the Netherlands Belgium’s largest IT-integrator +5000 Employees +500 Mill. Revenue +350 Competence Centers Local Partner Big Network Highly Skilled People Gets Things Done
  • 4. Growing ‘Tech’ Stack Growing ‘Partner’ Stack 2016 2017 2018
  • 6. “Blockchain is a solution in search of a problem”
  • 8. “a book for collecting chronological transactional data ” A Ledger History Current state ? Who Can View Who Can Make changes
  • 9. A Shared ‘Trust’ Ledger Make it immutable and detectable Distribute It PEER PEER PEER PEER PEER PEER
  • 10. A Shared ‘Trust’ Ledger PEER PEER PEER PEER PEER Smart contract = Non ignorable Logic
  • 12. The Outer world Input Sight Hearing Touch Taste Smell How do we perceive the outside world? (Let’s not be skeptical and assume reality exists) Brain-power Memory - Experience (Logical) Processing “We form a projection of Reality”
  • 13. The Concept of Time How do we measure time? PresentPast Future How do we perceive time? As if only the present exists in reality ! “It is in you, I say that I measure time. As things pass by, they leave an impression in you” - Saint Augustine (Confessions) Current Memory Current State Current Expectations
  • 14. How do we collaborate? Perception Dunbar’s number Gossip We rely on our memory and senses to form a projection of reality. Biological limit of the maximum amount of maintainable relationships [ 100 – 250] How do we form social orders togerther with other humans? Getting information from those we trust Forming your own competence / power hierarchies Human Order is imagined ?
  • 15. Construction of Order Ideology and Religion Empires & Nations (Laws) Markets Yuval Noah Harari – ‘Sapiens, a brief history of Humankind’
  • 16. Shared Concept of ‘Truth’ PresentPast Future A shared view on reality Blockchain Smart Contracts INPUTS
  • 17. PEER PEER PEER PEER PEER Oracle Oracle Oracle Eco-system thinking / design
  • 19. “Shared ledgers are a mechanism to draw fact-based conclusions In an auditable way”
  • 20. The Pollution of ’Blockchain’ What is meant by the word ‘Blockchain’ by other? The concept that a third party is no longer needed The network of different nodes, working together The technology needed to create such a network The structure how transactions are ordered and linked Trust Shared Ledger Shared Ledger Technology Blockchain
  • 21. Data Model of a Ledger ‘classical’ Blockchain Distributed Blockchain – BigChainDB Directed Acyclic Graphs - Iota Everyone has a full node / copy Only one sequence is the absolute truth History of Transactions is distributed Over a Big Data Database A Rooted Tree Structure 1 2 3 4 5 PEER PEER PEER PEER PEER No Full redundancy necessary G
  • 22. What now ? What Future ?
  • 23. Fewer physical Agents for trust More Economical Actors / Actions
  • 24. Automated Trustworthy shared Ledgers Action Shared Logic - Trust Action Entity 1 Entity 2 Shared Perception - Truth Shared Communication Action Perception Communication Action Perception Communication Entity 1 Entity 2 Processing Processing Action Action Entity 1 Entity 2 Shared Communication Perception Perception Processing Processing (Tim Grant at Thoughtworks) Past Internet Shared Ledger
  • 25. How Do we Build this future
  • 26. It’s still early day … ProtoTypeConcept Production Business & technology Collaborative thinking Evolving technology Can’t reset ! GDPR Governance
  • 27. Technologies Everywhere Hyperledger - Fabric Ethereum Sovrin Bigchaindb Corda NEM Aeternity Hyperledger - Iroha Hyperledger - saw tooth lake IoTA
  • 30. Public Enterprise Create a ‘Dapp’ Smart Contract Use existing ‘trust’ APP Settle on a business case Build a ‘Pure’ consortium Build a blockchain network Build an application & Integration Create ‘Trust’
  • 31. Enterprise Find a service in Sector where There Is doubt or mistrust Build an application Build a Saas- or hosting-model Sell ‘trust’ Front Innovator Front Customer / Partner A Customer / Partner B Own Layer Saas-layer 3thparty Front App + ( + Hosting )
  • 32. Governance ! How will updates occur to the consortium ? How will a new partner join ? Who will maintain the ledger / blockchain ? Who will host the infrastructure ? How to collaborate ?
  • 33. “Your relevance starts the very moment you start solving people's problems”
  • 35. The Registration of competence in a safe manner The Ownership remains with the individual A platform that works with existing standards Making a bridge between these different standards HR – cross-company Competence
  • 36. TOM Tom has quit his studies before he graduated. Luckily, the ‘learning goals’ he achieved were stored on the competence blockchain application by the IXZO! platform There are – in 2016 alone – over 5621 “non-qualified” highschool dropout in Flanders. 34,4% of them are looking for a job. Tom De Wit
  • 37. GOALS Via IXZO! Tom can view exactly which goals he gained / achieved during his education, and which are his strengths and weaknesses. All the achieved ‘learning goals’ are safely registered on the Competence Blockchain application. The ‘leerdoelen’ in GO! platform
  • 42. Winner of ’Blockchaingers Hackathon 2018’ A Housing Passport of all historical modifications Identity of contractors via Chamber of Commerce Portal for government to issue subsidies Building A.I. for decision-taking Reverse bidding market for constructors Instant Payment Settling
  • 45. Your technology agnostic Blockchain expertise centre in the Benelux. Dreamers Thinkers Builders
  • 47. … let’s play with blocks https://theledger.be @wearetheledger Veldkant 33B 2550 Kontich Belgiumhello@theledger.be B-Hive – Identity & KYC Tele-ticketing – sale & resale of tickets City of Antwerp – School registration Flemish GOV – Competence Passport B-Hive – Digital Car Insurance Flemish Gov – Social Housing Belgian - Netherlands – Diplomadata Notaries – Stockregistry Pedro de Medinalaan 81 1086 XP Amsterdam Netherlands http://blockchainbelgium.be