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@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Open Policy Agent
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Torin Sandall
● Open Policy Agent co-founder and core contributor
● Istio and Kubernetes policy-related features
● ❤ good restaurants Copenhagen
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Policy decisions should be decoupled
from policy enforcement.
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Treat policy as a separate concern.
...just like DB, messaging, monitoring,
logging, orchestration, CI/CD...
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Gain better control and visibility over
policy throughout your system.
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Everyone is affected by policy...
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
"QA must sign-off on
images deployed to the
production namespace."
"Restrict ELB changes to
senior SREs that are on-call."
"Analysts can read client data
but PII must be redacted."
"Give developers SSH access to
machines listed in JIRA tickets
assigned to them."
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Policy enforcement is a fundamental
problem for your organization.
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Tribal knowledge provides NO guarantee
that policies are being enforced.
"Tribal knowledge" is the know-how or collective wisdom of the organization.
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
It is expensive and painful to maintain
policy decisions that are hardcoded into
the app.
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
OPA is an open source,
general-purpose policy
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Decisions are decoupled
from enforcement.
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
OPA is a host-local cache
for policy decisions.
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Host Failures
Network Partitions OPA
Fate Sharing
✔ Low latency
✔ High availability
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Policy and data are
stored in-memory.
No runtime dependencies
during enforcement.
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
details service
reviews service
ratings service
landing page service
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Demo: Authorization
"method": "GET",
"path": ["reviews", "bob"],
"user": "alice"
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Demo: Authorization
Demo Policy
"Employees can see their own reviews and the
reviews of their subordinates."
"Employees can see their own PII. HR can
also see PII."
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Declarative Language (Rego)
● Is user X allowed to call operation Y on resource Z?
● Which annotations must be added to new Deployments?
● Which users can SSH into production machines?
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
"Employees may read their own reviews and the reviews of
their subordinates."
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
"Employees may read their own reviews [...]"
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
"Employees may read their own reviews [...]"
{"method": "GET",
"path": ["reviews", "bob"],
"user": "bob"}
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
"Employees may read their own reviews [...]"
allow = true {
input.method = "GET"
input.path = ["reviews", employee_id]
input.user = employee_id
{"method": "GET",
"path": ["reviews", "bob"],
"user": "bob"}
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
allow = true {
input.method = "GET"
input.path = ["reviews", "bob"]
input.user = "bob"
{"method": "GET",
"path": ["reviews", "bob"],
"user": "bob"}
"Employees may read their own reviews [...]"
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
allow = true {
input.method = "GET" # OK
input.path = ["reviews", "bob"] # OK
input.user = "bob" # OK
{"method": "GET",
"path": ["reviews", "bob"],
"user": "bob"}
"Employees may read their own reviews [...]"
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
allow = true {
input.method = "GET"
input.path = ["reviews", employee_id]
input.user = employee_id
{"method": "GET",
"path": ["reviews", "bob"],
"user": "alice"}
"Employees may read their own reviews [...]"
"alice" instead of "bob"
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
allow = true {
input.method = "GET" # OK
input.path = ["reviews", "bob"] # OK
"alice" = "bob" # FAIL
"Employees may read their own reviews [...]"
{"method": "GET",
"path": ["reviews", "bob"],
"user": "alice"}
"alice" instead of "bob"
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
allow = true {
input.method = "GET" # OK
input.path = ["reviews", "bob"] # OK
"alice" = "bob" # FAIL
"Employees may read [...] the reviews of their subordinates."
{"method": "GET",
"path": ["reviews", "bob"],
"user": "alice"}
"alice" instead of "bob"
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
"Employees may read [...] the reviews of their subordinates."
allow = true {
input.method = "GET"
input.path = ["reviews", employee_id]
input.user = employee_id
{"method": "GET",
"path": ["reviews", "bob"],
"user": "alice"}
Data (in-memory)
{"manager_of": {
"bob": "alice",
"alice": "janet"}}
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
"Employees may read [...] the reviews of their subordinates."
allow = true {
input.method = "GET"
input.path = ["reviews", employee_id]
input.user = employee_id
allow = true {
input.method = "GET"
input.path = ["reviews", employee_id]
input.user = data.manager_of[employee_id]
{"method": "GET",
"path": ["reviews", "bob"],
"user": "alice"}
Data (in-memory)
{"manager_of": {
"bob": "alice",
"alice": "janet"}}
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
"Employees may read [...] the reviews of their subordinates."
allow = true {
input.method = "GET"
input.path = ["reviews", employee_id]
input.user = employee_id
allow = true {
input.method = "GET"
input.path = ["reviews", "bob"]
input.user = data.manager_of["bob"]
{"method": "GET",
"path": ["reviews", "bob"],
"user": "alice"}
Data (in-memory)
{"manager_of": {
"bob": "alice",
"alice": "janet"}}
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
"Employees may read [...] the reviews of their subordinates."
allow = true {
input.method = "GET"
input.path = ["reviews", employee_id]
input.user = employee_id
allow = true {
input.method = "GET"
input.path = ["reviews", "bob"]
input.user = "alice"
{"method": "GET",
"path": ["reviews", "bob"],
"user": "alice"}
Data (in-memory)
{"manager_of": {
"bob": "alice",
"alice": "janet"}}
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
"Employees may read [...] the reviews of their subordinates."
allow = true {
input.method = "GET"
input.path = ["reviews", employee_id]
input.user = employee_id
allow = true {
input.method = "GET" # OK
input.path = ["reviews", "bob"] # OK
input.user = "alice" # OK
{"method": "GET",
"path": ["reviews", "bob"],
"user": "alice"}
Data (in-memory)
{"manager_of": {
"bob": "alice",
"alice": "janet"}}
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
What about RBAC?
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
RBAC solves XX% of the problem.
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
RBAC is not enough.
"QA must sign-off on images
deployed to the production
"Analysts can read client data but
PII must be redacted."
"Restrict employees from accessing
the service outside of work hours."
"Allow all HTTP requests
"Restrict ELB changes to senior
SREs that are on-call."
"Give developers SSH access to machines
listed in JIRA tickets assigned to them."
"Prevent developers from running
containers with privileged security
contexts in the production
namespace." "Workloads for euro-bank must be
deployed on PCI-certified clusters in
the EU."
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
...but everyone knows RBAC.
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Implement RBAC with OPA.
Data (in-memory)
- user: inspector-alice
role: widget-reader
- user: maker-bob
role: widget-writer
- operation: read
resource: widgets
name: widget-reader
- operation: write
resource: widgets
name: widget-writer
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Implement RBAC with OPA.
Data (in-memory)
- user: inspector-alice
role: widget-reader
- user: maker-bob
role: widget-writer
- operation: read
resource: widgets
name: widget-reader
- operation: write
resource: widgets
name: widget-writer
allow = true {
# Find binding(s) for user.
binding := data.bindings[_]
input.user = binding.user
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Implement RBAC with OPA.
Data (in-memory)
- user: inspector-alice
role: widget-reader
- user: maker-bob
role: widget-writer
- operation: read
resource: widgets
name: widget-reader
- operation: write
resource: widgets
name: widget-writer
allow = true {
# Find binding(s) for user.
binding := data.bindings[_]
input.user = binding.user
# Find role(s) with permission.
role := data.roles[_]
input.resource = role.resource
input.operation = role.operation
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Implement RBAC with OPA.
Data (in-memory)
- user: inspector-alice
role: widget-reader
- user: maker-bob
role: widget-writer
- operation: read
resource: widgets
name: widget-reader
- operation: write
resource: widgets
name: widget-writer
allow = true {
# Find binding(s) for user.
binding := data.bindings[_]
input.user = binding.user
# Find role(s) with permission.
role := data.roles[_]
input.resource = role.resource
input.operation = role.operation
# Check if binding matches role.
role.name = binding.role
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Data (in-memory)
- user: inspector-alice
role: widget-reader
- user: maker-bob
role: widget-writer
- operation: read
resource: widgets
name: widget-reader
- operation: write
resource: widgets
name: widget-writer
Find bindings and
roles that match
This rule searches over the RBAC data.
allow = true {
# Find binding(s) for user.
binding := data.bindings[_]
input.user = binding.user
# Find role(s) with permission.
role := data.roles[_]
input.resource = role.resource
input.operation = role.operation
# Check if binding matches role.
role.name = binding.role
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Partial Evaluation: rules + data ⇒ simplified rules
allow = true {
# Find binding(s) for user.
binding := data.bindings[_]
input.user = binding.user
# Find role(s) with permission.
role := data.roles[_]
input.resource = role.resource
input.operation = role.operation
# Check if binding matches role.
role.name = binding.role
Data (in-memory)
- user: inspector-alice
role: widget-reader
- user: maker-bob
role: widget-writer
- operation: read
resource: widgets
name: widget-reader
- operation: write
resource: widgets
name: widget-writer
Partial Eval
allow = true {
input.user = "bob"
input.resource = "/widgets"
input.operation = "write"
allow = true {
input.user = "alice"
input.resource = "/widgets"
input.operation = "read"
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
allow = true { ... }
allow = true { ... }
allow = true { ... }
allow = true { ... }
allow = true { ... }
# Many rules (100s, 1000s)
allow = true {
input.user = "alice"
input.resource = "/widgets"
input.operation = "read"
OPA builds an index from simplified rules.
... ...
"read" "write"
"alice" "bob"
Rule Indexing
Rule Rule
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
OPA uses the index to quickly find applicable rules.
... ...
"read" "write"
"alice" "bob"
"user": "alice",
"resource": "/widgets",
"operation": "read"
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
OPA only evaluates applicable rules.
... ...
"read" "write"
"alice" "bob"
allow = true { ... }
allow = true { ... }
allow = true { ... }
allow = true { ... }
allow = true { ... }
# Many rules (100s, 1000s)
allow = true {
input.user = "alice"
input.resource = "/widgets"
input.operation = "read"
OPA ignores these.
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
# Roles # Bindings Normal Eval (ms) With Partial Eval (ms)
250 250 5.50 0.0468
500 500 11.87 0.0591
1,000 1,000 21.64 0.0543
2,000 2,000 45.49 0.0624
Partial Evaluation https://goo.gl/X6Qu6u
Rule Indexing https://goo.gl/uoSw3U
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
"QA must sign-off on
images deployed to the
production namespace."
"Restrict ELB changes to
senior SREs that are on-call."
"Analysts can read client data
but PII must be redacted."
"Give developers SSH access to
machines listed in JIRA tickets
assigned to them."
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Use OPA to enforce
policy across the stack.
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
It's all just data. deny {
not in_pii_consumer_whitelist
operation: Read
name: credit-scores
resourceType: Topic
principalType: User
name: CN=anon_producer,O=OPA
deny {
not metadata.labels["qa-signoff"]
metadata.namespace == "prod"
name: nginx-149353-bvl8q
namespace: production
- image: nginx
name: nginx
privileged: true
nodeName: minikube
allow {
input.method = "GET"
input.path = ["salary", user]
input.user = user
method: GET
path: /salary/bob
namespace: production
service: landing_page
namespace: production
service: details
user: alice
allow {
score = risk_budget
count(plan_names["aws_iam"]) == 0
blast_radius < 500
availability_zones#: '1'
availability_zones.3205: us-west-1a
desired_capacity: '4'
launch_configuration: kitten
wait_for_capacity_timeout: 10m
ami: ami-09b4b74c
instance_type: t2.micro
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
● Complex environment
○ >1,000 services
○ Many resource and identity types
○ Many protocols, languages, etc.
● Key requirements
○ Low latency
○ Flexible policies
○ Ability to capture intent
● Using OPA across the stack
○ HTTP and gRPC APIs
○ Kafka producers
○ SSH (coming soon)
User Study: Netflix
How Netflix is Solving Authorization Across Their Cloud
(KubeCon US 2017)
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
20+ companies using OPA. Financial institutions,
service providers, IT companies, software vendors, etc.
Used across the stack. Microservices, orchestration,
provisioning, host daemons, data layer, security groups, etc.
Bring more use cases. RBAC, ABAC, admission
control, data protection, risk management, rate liming, auditing, etc.
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Policy decisions should be decoupled
from policy enforcement.
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Try tutorials at openpolicyagent.org
HTTP API Authorization Admission Control Risk Management
SSH and sudoData Protection
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Leverage OPA to solve fundamental
policy and security problems.
@sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent
Thank You!
Star us on GitHub.

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OPA: The Cloud Native Policy Engine

  • 2. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Torin Sandall @sometorin ● Open Policy Agent co-founder and core contributor ● Istio and Kubernetes policy-related features ● ❤ good restaurants Copenhagen
  • 5. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Policy decisions should be decoupled from policy enforcement.
  • 6. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Treat policy as a separate concern. ...just like DB, messaging, monitoring, logging, orchestration, CI/CD...
  • 7. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Gain better control and visibility over policy throughout your system.
  • 9. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent "QA must sign-off on images deployed to the production namespace." "Restrict ELB changes to senior SREs that are on-call." "Analysts can read client data but PII must be redacted." "Give developers SSH access to machines listed in JIRA tickets assigned to them."
  • 10. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Policy enforcement is a fundamental problem for your organization.
  • 11. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Tribal knowledge provides NO guarantee that policies are being enforced. "Tribal knowledge" is the know-how or collective wisdom of the organization.
  • 12. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent It is expensive and painful to maintain policy decisions that are hardcoded into the app.
  • 13. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Service OPA Policy (rego) Data (json) OPA is an open source, general-purpose policy engine. Policy Query Policy Decision
  • 14. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Decisions are decoupled from enforcement. Service OPA Policy (rego) Data (json) Policy Query Policy Decision Enforcement
  • 15. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent OPA is a host-local cache for policy decisions. Node Service OPA Node Service OPA
  • 16. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Node Service OPA Node Service OPA Node Service Node Host Failures OPA Node Service Node Network Partitions OPA Network Network Fate Sharing ✔ Low latency ✔ High availability
  • 17. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Service OPA Policy (rego) Data (json) Policy Query Policy Decision Policy and data are stored in-memory. No runtime dependencies during enforcement. Enforcement
  • 19. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent details service reviews service ratings service landing page service
  • 21. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Demo: Authorization landingpage ratings details reviews Demo Policy "Employees can see their own reviews and the reviews of their subordinates." "Employees can see their own PII. HR can also see PII."
  • 22. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Declarative Language (Rego) ● Is user X allowed to call operation Y on resource Z? ● Which annotations must be added to new Deployments? ● Which users can SSH into production machines?
  • 23. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent "Employees may read their own reviews and the reviews of their subordinates."
  • 24. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent "Employees may read their own reviews [...]"
  • 25. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent "Employees may read their own reviews [...]" Input {"method": "GET", "path": ["reviews", "bob"], "user": "bob"}
  • 26. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent "Employees may read their own reviews [...]" allow = true { input.method = "GET" input.path = ["reviews", employee_id] input.user = employee_id } Input {"method": "GET", "path": ["reviews", "bob"], "user": "bob"}
  • 27. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent allow = true { input.method = "GET" input.path = ["reviews", "bob"] input.user = "bob" } Input {"method": "GET", "path": ["reviews", "bob"], "user": "bob"} "Employees may read their own reviews [...]"
  • 28. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent allow = true { input.method = "GET" # OK input.path = ["reviews", "bob"] # OK input.user = "bob" # OK } Input {"method": "GET", "path": ["reviews", "bob"], "user": "bob"} "Employees may read their own reviews [...]"
  • 29. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent allow = true { input.method = "GET" input.path = ["reviews", employee_id] input.user = employee_id } Input {"method": "GET", "path": ["reviews", "bob"], "user": "alice"} "Employees may read their own reviews [...]" "alice" instead of "bob"
  • 30. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent allow = true { input.method = "GET" # OK input.path = ["reviews", "bob"] # OK "alice" = "bob" # FAIL } "Employees may read their own reviews [...]" Input {"method": "GET", "path": ["reviews", "bob"], "user": "alice"} "alice" instead of "bob"
  • 31. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent allow = true { input.method = "GET" # OK input.path = ["reviews", "bob"] # OK "alice" = "bob" # FAIL } "Employees may read [...] the reviews of their subordinates." Input {"method": "GET", "path": ["reviews", "bob"], "user": "alice"} "alice" instead of "bob"
  • 32. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent "Employees may read [...] the reviews of their subordinates." allow = true { input.method = "GET" input.path = ["reviews", employee_id] input.user = employee_id } Input {"method": "GET", "path": ["reviews", "bob"], "user": "alice"} Data (in-memory) {"manager_of": { "bob": "alice", "alice": "janet"}}
  • 33. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent "Employees may read [...] the reviews of their subordinates." allow = true { input.method = "GET" input.path = ["reviews", employee_id] input.user = employee_id } allow = true { input.method = "GET" input.path = ["reviews", employee_id] input.user = data.manager_of[employee_id] } Input {"method": "GET", "path": ["reviews", "bob"], "user": "alice"} Data (in-memory) {"manager_of": { "bob": "alice", "alice": "janet"}}
  • 34. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent "Employees may read [...] the reviews of their subordinates." allow = true { input.method = "GET" input.path = ["reviews", employee_id] input.user = employee_id } allow = true { input.method = "GET" input.path = ["reviews", "bob"] input.user = data.manager_of["bob"] } Input {"method": "GET", "path": ["reviews", "bob"], "user": "alice"} Data (in-memory) {"manager_of": { "bob": "alice", "alice": "janet"}}
  • 35. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent "Employees may read [...] the reviews of their subordinates." allow = true { input.method = "GET" input.path = ["reviews", employee_id] input.user = employee_id } allow = true { input.method = "GET" input.path = ["reviews", "bob"] input.user = "alice" } Input {"method": "GET", "path": ["reviews", "bob"], "user": "alice"} Data (in-memory) {"manager_of": { "bob": "alice", "alice": "janet"}}
  • 36. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent "Employees may read [...] the reviews of their subordinates." allow = true { input.method = "GET" input.path = ["reviews", employee_id] input.user = employee_id } allow = true { input.method = "GET" # OK input.path = ["reviews", "bob"] # OK input.user = "alice" # OK } Input {"method": "GET", "path": ["reviews", "bob"], "user": "alice"} Data (in-memory) {"manager_of": { "bob": "alice", "alice": "janet"}}
  • 39. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent RBAC is not enough. "QA must sign-off on images deployed to the production namespace." "Analysts can read client data but PII must be redacted." "Restrict employees from accessing the service outside of work hours." "Allow all HTTP requests from" "Restrict ELB changes to senior SREs that are on-call." "Give developers SSH access to machines listed in JIRA tickets assigned to them." "Prevent developers from running containers with privileged security contexts in the production namespace." "Workloads for euro-bank must be deployed on PCI-certified clusters in the EU."
  • 41. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Implement RBAC with OPA. Data (in-memory) bindings: - user: inspector-alice role: widget-reader - user: maker-bob role: widget-writer roles: - operation: read resource: widgets name: widget-reader - operation: write resource: widgets name: widget-writer
  • 42. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Implement RBAC with OPA. Data (in-memory) bindings: - user: inspector-alice role: widget-reader - user: maker-bob role: widget-writer roles: - operation: read resource: widgets name: widget-reader - operation: write resource: widgets name: widget-writer allow = true { # Find binding(s) for user. binding := data.bindings[_] input.user = binding.user
  • 43. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Implement RBAC with OPA. Data (in-memory) bindings: - user: inspector-alice role: widget-reader - user: maker-bob role: widget-writer roles: - operation: read resource: widgets name: widget-reader - operation: write resource: widgets name: widget-writer allow = true { # Find binding(s) for user. binding := data.bindings[_] input.user = binding.user # Find role(s) with permission. role := data.roles[_] input.resource = role.resource input.operation = role.operation
  • 44. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Implement RBAC with OPA. Data (in-memory) bindings: - user: inspector-alice role: widget-reader - user: maker-bob role: widget-writer roles: - operation: read resource: widgets name: widget-reader - operation: write resource: widgets name: widget-writer allow = true { # Find binding(s) for user. binding := data.bindings[_] input.user = binding.user # Find role(s) with permission. role := data.roles[_] input.resource = role.resource input.operation = role.operation # Check if binding matches role. role.name = binding.role }
  • 45. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Data (in-memory) bindings: - user: inspector-alice role: widget-reader - user: maker-bob role: widget-writer roles: - operation: read resource: widgets name: widget-reader - operation: write resource: widgets name: widget-writer Find bindings and roles that match input. This rule searches over the RBAC data. allow = true { # Find binding(s) for user. binding := data.bindings[_] input.user = binding.user # Find role(s) with permission. role := data.roles[_] input.resource = role.resource input.operation = role.operation # Check if binding matches role. role.name = binding.role }
  • 46. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Partial Evaluation: rules + data ⇒ simplified rules allow = true { # Find binding(s) for user. binding := data.bindings[_] input.user = binding.user # Find role(s) with permission. role := data.roles[_] input.resource = role.resource input.operation = role.operation # Check if binding matches role. role.name = binding.role } Data (in-memory) bindings: - user: inspector-alice role: widget-reader - user: maker-bob role: widget-writer roles: - operation: read resource: widgets name: widget-reader - operation: write resource: widgets name: widget-writer Partial Eval allow = true { input.user = "bob" input.resource = "/widgets" input.operation = "write" } allow = true { input.user = "alice" input.resource = "/widgets" input.operation = "read" }
  • 47. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent allow = true { ... } allow = true { ... } allow = true { ... } allow = true { ... } allow = true { ... } # Many rules (100s, 1000s) allow = true { input.user = "alice" input.resource = "/widgets" input.operation = "read" } OPA builds an index from simplified rules. input.resource input.operation input.user ... ... "read" "write" "/widgets" "alice" "bob" input.resource Rule Indexing Rule Rule
  • 48. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent OPA uses the index to quickly find applicable rules. input.resource input.operation input.user Rule ... ... Rule "read" "write" "/widgets" "alice" "bob" input.resource Query allow Input { "user": "alice", "resource": "/widgets", "operation": "read" }
  • 49. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent OPA only evaluates applicable rules. input.resource input.operation input.user Rule ... ... Rule "read" "write" "/widgets" "alice" "bob" input.resource allow = true { ... } allow = true { ... } allow = true { ... } allow = true { ... } allow = true { ... } # Many rules (100s, 1000s) allow = true { input.user = "alice" input.resource = "/widgets" input.operation = "read" } OPA ignores these.
  • 50. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent # Roles # Bindings Normal Eval (ms) With Partial Eval (ms) 250 250 5.50 0.0468 500 500 11.87 0.0591 1,000 1,000 21.64 0.0543 2,000 2,000 45.49 0.0624 blog.openpolicyagent.org Partial Evaluation https://goo.gl/X6Qu6u Rule Indexing https://goo.gl/uoSw3U
  • 51. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent "QA must sign-off on images deployed to the production namespace." "Restrict ELB changes to senior SREs that are on-call." "Analysts can read client data but PII must be redacted." "Give developers SSH access to machines listed in JIRA tickets assigned to them."
  • 52. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Use OPA to enforce policy across the stack.
  • 53. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent It's all just data. deny { is_read_operation is_pii_topic not in_pii_consumer_whitelist } operation: Read resource: name: credit-scores resourceType: Topic session: principal: principalType: User name: CN=anon_producer,O=OPA clientAddress: deny { not metadata.labels["qa-signoff"] metadata.namespace == "prod" spec.containers[_].privileged } metadata: name: nginx-149353-bvl8q namespace: production spec: containers: - image: nginx name: nginx securityContext: privileged: true nodeName: minikube allow { input.method = "GET" input.path = ["salary", user] input.user = user } method: GET path: /salary/bob service.source: namespace: production service: landing_page service.target: namespace: production service: details user: alice allow { score = risk_budget count(plan_names["aws_iam"]) == 0 blast_radius < 500 } aws_autoscaling_group.lamb: availability_zones#: '1' availability_zones.3205: us-west-1a desired_capacity: '4' launch_configuration: kitten wait_for_capacity_timeout: 10m aws_instance.puppy: ami: ami-09b4b74c instance_type: t2.micro
  • 54. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent ● Complex environment ○ >1,000 services ○ Many resource and identity types ○ Many protocols, languages, etc. ● Key requirements ○ Low latency ○ Flexible policies ○ Ability to capture intent ● Using OPA across the stack ○ HTTP and gRPC APIs ○ Kafka producers ○ SSH (coming soon) User Study: Netflix How Netflix is Solving Authorization Across Their Cloud (KubeCon US 2017)
  • 55. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent orchestrator API ssh app host container dbcloud 20+ companies using OPA. Financial institutions, service providers, IT companies, software vendors, etc. Used across the stack. Microservices, orchestration, provisioning, host daemons, data layer, security groups, etc. Bring more use cases. RBAC, ABAC, admission control, data protection, risk management, rate liming, auditing, etc.
  • 57. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Policy decisions should be decoupled from policy enforcement.
  • 58. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Try tutorials at openpolicyagent.org HTTP API Authorization Admission Control Risk Management SSH and sudoData Protection
  • 59. @sometorin @OpenPolicyAgent Leverage OPA to solve fundamental policy and security problems.