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The Observatory Mirror
September 2015
Institute of Small Enterprises and Development
ISED House,ISED Road,Cochin -682028,India.
Tel:0484 2808171,2808727,2809884
India's Focus on Start-up Businesses
Business Finance for Women:
Towards a Convergence Mechanism
Rural Service Enterprises in Spotlight
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
India MSME Report 2015
Skills and Entrepreneurship: Cutting the Gordian Knot
The ISED Small Enterprise Observatory (ISED-SEO) came up from its
small beginnings in 1997, into a recallable knowledge platform catering
t o t h e c o n s t i t u e n c y o f m i c ro , s m a l l , a n d m e d i u m
enterprises(MSMEs)(globally named 'SMEs'), the subject talked of by
millions of people around the world today. The 'International
Conference on SMEs in the Asia-Pacific', organised by the Institute of
Small Enterprises and Development (ISED), in that year, drew up a
broad plan of having a very humble reporting system on the SMEs in
The resolution of the Conference has now matured into an integrated
platform. While being proud of the Institute's achievements, I remember
with thanks the painstaking effort taken by the ISED team, of muddling
with such an idea, and experimenting with it on a day to day basis. I was
fortunate to have detailed discussions with the early activists of the
European SME Observatory at Zoetermeer, and with friends and
colleagues at Amsterdam, Rotterdam, the Hague, Zurich, and Geneva.
And,thathas helpedus immenselytoshapeatrulyIndiamodel.
It has, indeed, been a painstaking effort that demand meticulous work,
engagement of people who really matter, and mobilizing resources of
various kinds. I am happy that the Observatory has come of age, and that
has happened through an innovative strategy of 'inclusive partnership'.
The reputation of the Observatory has been a significant nutrient of the
'India MSME Communication Programme', the much respected SME
connect of the country.All these could not have been possible, but for the
spirit and enthusiasm of the ISED team, and of our esteemed
At the ISED, we feel that the message of the Observatory need to be
mirrored far and wide through this regular hand out. We are also keen
that it need to be a reciprocal exercise, among members of the
Observatory, and all our Partners and SME enthusiasts for sharing
P.M Mathew
The ISED Small Enterprise Observatory is nearing its eighteen
years of existence. In a 'brick and mortar' world of institutions,
its mission has been unique. Ranging from the too abstract
forms of knowledge such as seminars and discussions to vital
data products, the Observatory today services a spectrum of
clientele, such as entrepreneurs, financing institutions ,
promotional agencies, policy makers, researchers, the media
etc. It comes out through specific projects and products(Please
ask for a copy of the Observatory brochure).
Sociologists often raise the question: why do people cooperate?
"United we stand, divided we fall", goes the saying. The success
of the Observatory lies in its methodological approach: learning
from the field, and paying it back to the society. It is founded on
an 'inclusive partnership' mode. The Observatory, from time to
time, has sown the seeds, of several of the Institute's other
partnership programmes. The world of small enterprises, for
many large players, is too small to work on, but the Observatory
brings out its latent business case.
United We Stand,
Divided We Fall
Three years back, one fine day came a quite unexpected call
from the Vice-Chairman of the Gujarat Industrial Development
Corporation (GIDC), exploring ISED's support for preparing a
state-of-the-sector report on MSMEs in Gujarat. The State
Government was keen to follow the footsteps of ISED's national
project, the 'India MSME Report' series. Thus came the 'Gujarat
MSME Report 2013' that was formally launched by Sri. Narendra
Modi, the then Chief Minister of the State, and the present
Prime Minister of the country. 'India MSME Report', the flag-ship
project of the ISED Small Enterprise Observatory, is coming up
with its 18th issue. The leads of the Report this year are, Skills,
Entrepreneurship, Empowerment and Innovation. The Report,
under preparation, will be formally launched at a high- profile
meet at Mumbai, in October.
India MSME Report 2015
India's experience of services sector growth has been widely
debated in academic and policy circles. From the angle of
analysis and policy, there is much need for understanding the
ground reality. The booming of the so-called 'new economy' is a
global reality today. However, as the ILO rightly points out, it is
necessary to look at the 'local reality' closely than ever, in order
to meet the livelihood and employment aspirations of the
people. And that necessitates a true policy focus on 'rural
services' on the basis of what is feasible and realistic. The
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development(NABARD)
appreciated the Institute's concern and interest in the subject
area, and joined hands in a project looking into the ground level
scene of rural services. The findings of the study will come out
in late September this year.
Rural Service Enterprises
in Spotlight
India's Focus on
Start-up Businesses
'Business demography' is a key subject of debates in B-schools
and policy platforms in many parts of the world today. However,
in India, an integrated picture of the demography of businesses
is still wanting, unlike our concern for human population
dynamics. As India moves on as a caring society for start-up
businesses, there is need for looking into the past, present,
and future of businesses in an integrated manner. A beginning,
of late, has come from the Government of India. Prime Minister
Mr. Narendra Modi has come out with a policy announcement, in
his Independence Day speech. Capable of kick-starting a start-
up movement in the country,the Prime Minister's policy
guidelines to the public sector banks and the Ministries, is an
initial step in the right direction. There is need for a proper
homework on how entrepreneurship can be groomed and
nurtured, is the need of the day. Following the debate on start-
up initiated by the ISED through its lat three issues of the 'India
MSME Report', the Institute has initiated a research programme
on start-up policy and practice in India.
Skills and Entrepreneurship:
Cutting the Gordian Knot
Regarding labour market intervention strategies, there has
been a global shift from 'man power planning' to 'stakeholder
engagement', The market forces, by themselves, cannot ensure
full employment. It needs policy intervention. The Government
of India, through its National Skill Development Policy 2009,
came out with a strategy geared to enhancing employability
through expanded modular skill base, especially of the young
population, leading them to employment opportunities. With
the change in the Union Government in 2014, the skilling policy
underwent a major change. The change was towards an
integrated approach involving skills of the hand and the mind.
The new policy marks a beginning of putting India on the right
track of entrepreneurship development, through policy
intervention and involvement. Studies at the ISED have found
their way into major policy recommendations. The National
Policy on Skills and Entrepreneurship 2015, announced by the
Prime Minister on July 9, 2015, was drafted by the Institute.
Business Finance for Women:
Towards a Convergence Mechanism
Entrepreneurship and gender are the two pillars of the 'gender
in enterprise' debate and agenda. Unless they come together in
a synergic manner, the objectives of social policy relating to
gender- sensitive development are not likely to be met. While
such an integrated approach to development need to be
designed and taken forward, two key questions come to the
fore: 1) Does women entrepreneurship differ from
entrepreneurship in general?; and 2) is the problem of business
finance for women essentially gender-specific, or, a more visible
reflection of a general problem of deprivation? A realistic
answer ,in the Indian context, is still wanted. In its ongoing
national research project, the Institute tries to answer these
questions, leading to some innovative strategies. The Report of
the research will be released in October this year.
ISED Key Publications Index
Book ID Title
ISED-173 A Directory of Women's Industrial Enterprises in Kerala
ISED-085 A Situational Analysis of Small Industry Associations in India
ISED-022 Aasoothranathinte Puthiya Maanavum Vyavasaya Valkaranavum (Malayalam)
ISED-049 An Approach Paper on Development of Small Enterprises in Kerala
ISED-128 An Evaluative Study on Women's Organisations in Kerala
ISED-156 Bank Finance for SSIs : The Regional Dimension
ISED-093 Beyond Financial Inclusion: Making Finance Work for the Entrepreneurial Poor
ISED-057 Beyond Old Equations -Small Enterprise Experience and Perspectives in India
ISED-144 Building a Coalition for Enterprise Development
ISED-074 Business Development Services for Small Enterprises A Regional Study
ISED-070 Can Changes in Credit Assessment Help?
ISED-067 Can Flexible Specialisation be the Alternative? An Exploratory Study on Cane and Bamboo Industry
ISED-079 Capital, Caste, Class and Gender : The Political Economy of Women's Organisations in an Indian State(1880-1984)
ISED-066 Change and Choice in Gender Structure :An Inquiry into the Declining Female Labour Participation in Kerala Industry
ISED-168 Coconut Shell Resources of Kerala Utilisation and Technologies
ISED-075 Collective Approach to Poverty Alleviation in India :A National Study
ISED-141 Community Participation in the Development of Primary Education : Recent Experience and Emerging Issues
ISED-108 Continuity and Change: Dynamics of Economic Transition in a Pre-Industrial Society in North-East India
ISED-100 Craft Entrepreneurship Clinic - Iringalakuda
ISED-167 Craft Entrepreneurship Clinic -Kannur
ISED-130 Craft Entrepreneurship Clinic -Neeleswaram, Ernakulam Dist
ISED-117 Credit Unions and Small Enterprise Finance
ISED-092 Database of the Kerala Economy
ISED-185 Data-base of the Kerala Economy - 2002 and Beyond: ISED Perspectives
ISED-086 Decentralised Planning for Small Enterprise Development: An Experiment at Kalady, Kerala,
ISED-131 Development of a Sericulture Co-operative Network, Kerala : An Evaluation Report.
ISED-065 Development of Small Enterprise Clusters: An Alternative Approach
ISED-105 Development of Small Enterprises: Challenges and Opportunities
ISED-162 Development Theory, Planning and Informalism
ISED-163 Econometric Evaluation of the SEWA Bank in India
ISED-080 Economic Liberalisation and India's Modern Small-scale Industries
ISED-089 Edu. Entrepreneurship Clinic - Chengannur
ISED-078 Edu. Entrepreneurship Clinic - Pathanamthitta
ISED-176 Edu. Entrepreneurship Clinic - Perumbavoor
ISED-084 Employment Genaration in the Agro and Rural Industries Sector in India
ISED-174 Employment in Women-preferred Industries: A Study on Garment Industry in Kerala, India.
ISED-121 Energy and Green Business: The Way Forward for MSMEs
ISED-153 Energy Conservation in Marine Fisheries: A Study on Attitudes and Knowledge.
ISED-164 Enterpreneurship Development in the Renewable Energy Sub-Sector In Asia:
South India (Report on Local-level Skill Mapping).
Report of an International Workshop
ISED-040 Enterprise Development: Global Issues and Currents in 2014
ISED-008 Entrepreneurship as a Critical Resource
ISED-186 Evaluation Report on Co-operative Rural Development Project
ISED-060 Feasibility Study for a Non-Banking Financial and Investment Company
Book ID Title
ISED-045 Finance for Small Enterprises in India,
ISED-104 Financial Sector and SMEs in India: Problems and Prospects
ISED-043 Financing MSMEs: Towards a Business Case
ISED-109 Flexible Specialization for Developing Economies
ISED-182 Gender and Enterprise: Policies and Practice
ISED-178 Globalisation and Local Enterprise Development: The Indian Kaleidoscope of SMEs
ISED-143 Globalisation, Informalisation and Jobless Production Processes in Industries:
ISED-189 Globalisation, Local Economic Development and MSMEs: Evidences from Kerala, India
ISED-113 Grooming Women Entrepreneurship : Beyond the Usual NGO Approach
Findings from Glass Industry, Ferozabad, Uttar Pradesh
ISED-016 India Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Report - 2012
ISED-017 India Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Report - 2014
ISED-059 India- MSMEs and the Economy: The Global Kaleidoscope
ISED-063 India Needs a Small Enterprise Commission
ISED-087 India: Manufacturing Competitiveness and MSMEs
ISED-088 India: MSMEs and the Enterprise Eco-system
ISED-061 India: Next Generation Strategies for MSME Development
ISED-041 India: The Economy, Political Transition and MSMEs
ISED-054 India: The Regional Ecosystem and MSMEs
ISED-023 India: The State of Development of Small and Medium Enterprises -2005
ISED-004 India’s MSME Ecosystem: Change and Choice
ISED-083 Indian Panorama of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
ISED-071 Indian Small Firms under Globalization: Has Policy Helped?
ISED-038 India's MSME Scene: The 2014 Story and the Way Forward
ISED-154 India's Science and Technology Capability : A SWOTAnalysis
ISED-015 India Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Report - 2010
ISED-018 India Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Report - 2011
ISED-021 Gujarat Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Report 2013
ISED-181 India - MSMEs and the Enterprise Eco-System
ISED-129 India : Directory of Non-Governmental Agencies in Enterprise Development
ISED-134 India : Manufacturing Competitiveness in MSMEs
ISED-073 India : MSME Programmes and the Progress Card
ISED-090 India : The Regional MSME Scene
ISED-012 India Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Report - 2007
ISED-014 India Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Report - 2008
Book ID Title
ISED-095 Industrial Clusters: Opportunities and Challenges
ISED-138 Industrial Stagnation and the 'Blurred Sectors' : A Study on Kerala's Industrial Backwardness
ISED-184 Informal Sector in India : Critical Perspectives
ISED-135 Initiatives for Women Empowerment in Kerala: A Study on BSS
ISED-030 Innovation and Micro&Small Enterprises Development in Africa and Asia
ISED-101 Institutional Intervention and Informalism : A Study on the Kerala Experience.
ISED-150 International Conference on Local Economic Development and SMEs: A Report
ISED-187 International Conference on Small Enterprise Development :
ISED-098 International Cooperation for Small Enterprise Development
ISED-097 International Trade, ASEAN, and MSMEs
ISED-020 Keralathinte Cherukidavyavasayavikasanam: Oru Sameepanarekha(Malayalam)
ISED-051 Learning from Recession, Saving an Economy :
ISED-119 Liberalisation From Below : Towards an Alternative Agenda
ISED-118 Local-level Skill Mapping : An Alternative Tool of Planning for Entrepreneurship Development
ISED-052 Lokavyaparakramavum Nammude Cherukida Vyavasaya Mekhalayum
ISED-003 Micro ,Small and Medium Enterprises in India: A Mid-term Agenda,2014-19
ISED-002 Micro ,Small and Medium Enterprises in India:Emerging Issues in a Crisis Year
ISED-169 Micro Finance and Sustainable Enterprise Development
ISED-170 Micro Finance and Sustainable Enterprise Development: The Key Issues
The International Experience and Asia-Pacific Imperatives
Towards an MSME Agenda (Report of the National Policy Conference)
ISED-096 MSMEs and Responsible Business: A New Agenda
ISED-042 MSMEs in 2014: The Regional Kaleidoscope
ISED-033 MSMEs in 2014: The Subsectors in Spotlight
ISED-122 MSMEs in India : From Enterprise to Entrepreneurship
ISED-034 MSMEs in India: Focal Themes of 2014
ISED-039 MSMEs in India: Recent Evidences on Structure and Transition
ISED-180 MSMEs New Dimensions of Public Private Partnership
ISED-044 MSMEs: "Bottom of the Pyramid" Concerns of Today
ISED-124 MSMEs: A Close Look at the Public Policy Kaleidoscope
ISED-146 MSMEs: Imperatives of Public Policy under the Present Economic Slowdown
ISED-010 MSMEs: Innovative Streams in Thinking & Practice
ISED-001 MSMEs: Key Concerns of Policy
ISED-183 MSME Finance: Some Key Issues
ISED-009 MSME Health: Recent Evidences and Strategies
ISED-032 MSMEs and Financial Sector Developments
ISED-145 Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Act, 2006:Some Reflections
ISED-013 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: The Search for a New Identity
ISED-055 Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises in India: Towards Enterprise Security & a Medium -term Agenda (2014-2019)
ISED-137 Modern Small and Medium Industries in Kerala:Eleventh Five Year Plan Perspectives
ISED-059 MSME and the Economy : The Global Kaleidoscope
ISED-037 MSME Development: From Government to Governance
ISED-155 MSMEs: New Dimensions of Public –Private Partnership
ISED-050 MSMEs: The War Room and Beyond
ISED-157 New Opportunities and Challenges for Small Business Associations in India
ISED-076 On the Virtues of Being Small! Recommendations on Small Enterprise Development
ISED-102 Parentage and Entrepreneurial Performance : A Study on Small-scale Industries
ISED-142 Policy Interventions for Small Enterprise Development: Reflections on the Kerala Scene
ISED-179 Political Decentralisation and Beyond: The Concept and Practice of Panchayathi Raj in India
ISED-151 PPI, Routine Immunization and Maternal Care in Kerala
ISED-025 Privatisation in South Asia: Some Issues
ISED-152 Profiles of Successful Women Entrepreneurs.
Book ID Title
ISED-160 Project Report on Special Employment Programme in Alleppey District, Kerala.
ISED-114 Project Report on Special Employment Programme in Ramanathapuram District, Tamil Nadu.
ISED-027 Public Policy on Small Industry in the Post-WTO Era: International Experience and Lessons for India
ISED-107 Public Sector, Black Money and the Informal Sector : How it should be Analysed and How Not
ISED-026 Recession - An Agenda for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
ISED-031 Renewable Energy: Business Opportunities and Entrepreneurship
ISED-111 Report of the Working Group on Modern Small and Medium Industries
ISED-035 Reporting on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: An Introduction
ISED-125 Rural Development Programmes in Idukki District, Kerala
ISED-005 Rural Economic Transition: Non farm and Micro Enterprises
ISED-077 Rural Entrepreneurship Clinic - Cherai, Kerala
ISED-115 Rural Entrepreneurship Clinic - Kalady, Kerala
ISED-177 Rural Entrepreneurship Clinic - Kattanam, Kerala
ISED-116 Rural Entrepreneurship Clinic - Perumbavoor, Kerala
ISED-069 Rural Industrialisation : The Science and Technology Gaps
ISED-161 Rural Industrialisation and Public Policy : Some Crucial Issues
ISED-140 Small and Medium Enterprises and Livelihoods: Towards an Agenda for the Eleventh Five-Year Paln
ISED-029 Small and Medium Enterprises in Local Economic Development: Cochin Declaration.
ISED-046 Small and Medium Enterprises Social Responsibility and Opportunities at the Bottom of the Pyramid
ISED-188 Small Business Associations: International Experience and Lessons
ISED-112 Small Enterprise and Livelihoods: A Peep into the Eleventh Five Year Plan
ISED-175 Small Enterprise Associations and Business Development Services in India
ISED-058 Small Enterprise Development The Experience of the South and the North
ISED-062 Small Enterprise Working Capital Funds: Some issues
ISED-159 Small Industry Associations in Andhra Pradesh: Agents of Progress or Retardation?
ISED-123 SME Social Responsibility: Experience from Select Clusters in India
ISED-064 Some Issues in Resource Mobilisation for Small-scale Industrial Sector
ISED-106 Sustainable Micro Entrepreneurships: The Roles of Microfinance,
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries
ISED-011 Swimming Against the Tides: Communicating the MSME Agenda in India
ISED-158 Technology, Development and Policy Issues in Indian Industry: An Overview
ISED-190 The ABC of Social Responsibility for Small and Medium Enterprises
Contact us: Tel: 0484 2808171, 2808727, 2809884
Email: info@isedonline.org, seo@isedonline.org, ised.seo@gmail.com Website: www.isedonline.org
ISED-091 The Bamboo Economy of Kerala, South India: An Analysis of the
ISED-147 The Economics of Energy in Marine Fisheries: A Study on the Lower South-West Coast in India
ISED-048 The Global Crisis and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
ISED-132 The Global Meltdown and MSMEs
ISED-007 The Global Scene of MSMEs Today
ISED-166 The Handbook of Small Enterprises in Kerala
ISED-068 The Hidden Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Performance : A Study on Parentage
ISED-149 The Industrial Informal Sector in a Developing Economy: An Inter-regional Study
ISED-165 The Informal Sector : A Re-appraisal
ISED-082 The Malappuram Demographic Miracle
ISED-036 The MSME Start-up Scene in India
ISED-133 The Rhetoric and Reality of Technology Transfer: A Study on the Indian Automobile Tyre and Tube Industry.
Production-to-Consumption System (ISED/INBAR)
ISED-028 The State of Small Enterprise Development in India -1997
ISED-103 Towards a Policy Framework for Women’s Industrial Enterprises in Kerala
ISED-024 Towards a Vibrant Small Enterprise Economy in India
ISED-056 Towards Strategic Competitiveness and MSMEs
ISED-171 Trade and Technological Co-operation in the SAARC Region
ISED-148 Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017) Draft Report of Sub Group on Programme
ISED-127 Understanding Informalism: An Inquiry into Some Aspects of Industrial Development in Kerala
ISED-126 Understanding the Bamboo Economy: Production-to-Consumption System Model
ISED-120 'Urban Informal Sector' : How It Should be Understood?
ISED-139 Urban Micro Enterprise Development Programmes in India: Some Preliminary Observations
ISED-172 Urban Planning and the Informal Sector
ISED-099 Women and Industrial Development : Some Issues in Regional Planning
ISED-081 Women and the so-called Informal Sector
ISED-072 Women Enterprises: Cluster Approaches for Marketing and Outsourcing
ISED-110 Women's Industrial Employment in India
ISED-006 Yes, the Small is Beautiful
for Special Areas and Groups under MSME Growth
Book ID Title
Data Products
Sub sectoral Profiles
Regional Profiles
Project Profiles
MSME Connect
Data Sets
(Generic Set, Sub sectoral Set,
Geographical Set)
The Data Products at the ISED Small Enterprise Observatory satisfy the
needs, and answers question raised by a wide spectrum of clientele:
entrepreneurs, financial institutions , promotional agencies, researchers,
policy makers , educational institutions ,academia-----
The MSME Start-up Scene in India, 2014
Over the past few years, there has been an
active discussion regarding the role of
entrepreneurship and innovation in
economic development across the world.
Governments are paying increasing attention
on this issue, and development economists
are becoming increasingly active in exploring
the role of entrepreneurship in economic
development. The double focus on SMEs and
entrepreneurship in new ventures is an
important development. More recently, in
India, the Union Budget 2014 has given
indications of a renewed focus on start-up
Institute of Small Enterprises and Development
ISED Small Enterprise Observatory
The MSME Start-up
Scene in India
ISED Policy Briefs
promotion by the Government of India. The Prime Minister have
announced a National Start-up Promotion Programme on August 15,
What are the implications of this policy thrust, given the state of
the start-up scene in India today? A discussion on this is likely to be
useful from the angle of shaping start-up strategies in the coming
years. The policy perspective of the Government of India today is
significantly focused on labour- intensive manufacture. However, in
the current circumstances, it is necessary to understand the
aspirations of labour and to strike a balance with the needs of
growth. The macro fundamentals of the country demand a speedy
growth of investments. Harnessing the strength of these creative
minds, having new ideas and opportunities, is the policy challenge.
The role of public policy should be to help these creative minds
channelize their ideas into business opportunities and projects. The
new policy approach, as outlined by the Union Budget 2014, seeks
to grapple with the details of private investment in India, to initiate
measures for identifying these new ideas, and to put in place
strategies with a lead role of the Government to harness potential
investments by private investors.
Among other countries of the world, India, as in 2014, has some
unique advantages. Besides being an emerging economy, the
country is uniquely placed in relation to its demographic dividend.
While this advantage is likely to remain only for a couple of years,
there is an obvious need to have a meticulous effort to tap it
through carefully designed development policies and strategies.
Herein lies the relevance of an MSME start-up focus, depending
essentially on the morale and dynamism of the Country's youth.
ISBN 978-93-80830-39-1
Price INR 220.00; USD 14.00
MSMEs in 2014:
The Subsectors in Spotlight
Discussions on micro, small and medium
enterprises(MSMEs) are often based on a
highly aggregated approach on the structure
of the economy, wherein enterprises are
distinguished in terms of discrete size-
categories. Hence, the probability of an
enterprise falling into a particular size-
category is based on some arbitrary
definition of size. While, from the point of
view of programme implementation, this
offers some convenience, for analytical
purposes, the results often get blurred, or
become mechanical. Therefore, 'subsector'
as an alternative analytical approach for
ISED Policy Briefs
Institute of Small Enterprises and Development
ISED Small Enterprise Observatory
MSMEs in 2014:
The Subsectors in Spotlight
understanding and analysing the MSME space in the Indian context,
is likely to be more useful. This approach is also relevant in the
context of the emerging paradigm of globalisation, where MSMEs
are not at all stand- alone, but have to be part of the global value
chains. The term 'subsector' can be approached as: 1) a set of
activities; 2) a related set of rules governing those activities; 3) a
conceptual way of viewing problems of economic organisation;
and 4) a way of organising research.
The very purpose of the 'subsector approach' to analysis and policy
is to understand categories of enterprises in terms of their
vertical and horizontal linkages.While 'subsector' is a useful
approach, as mentioned above, there are serious critical data
gaps. However, the three-fold classification, viz, 'legacy sub-
sectors', 'enclave sub-sectors', and 'new economy' sub-sectors, is a
useful starting point.This research , among others, spotlights on
three specific subsectors, viz., food processing, electonics
manufacturing and textiles. The discussion on the three sub
sectors, as above, lead us to the significant latent potential of
India relating to enterprise development, and opportunities of
harnessing the value chains. Sectors like Textile and Electronics
and Food Processing need special attention today. The industry
wise development approach of the past has much less relevance
today. Understanding this new relevance and shaping strategies
need to happen on a partnership mode, with the involvement of
various relevant stakeholders.
ISBN 978-93-80830-41-4
Price INR 220.00; USD 14.00
ISED Policy Briefs
Institute of Small Enterprises and Development
ISED Small Enterprise Observatory
MSME Development:
From Government to Governance
MSME Development:
From Government to Governance
ISBN 978-93-80830-43-8,
Price INR 220.00; USD 14.00
While 'development' is a rather
abstract concept, it gets translated
into practice through 'institutions'.
Institutions are the visible
instruments that translate the action
of the government into 'governance'.
Therefore, an understanding of the
state of institutions is important
from the point of view of translation
of public policy into strategies. In
such a translation, various factors
play their role, directly or indirectly.
The manner and the degree of such
contribution, in turn, influence the
performance of development
institutions. Therefore, an understanding of these mutual
relationships is crucial for explaining why and how the micro,
small and medium enterprises(MSMEs) perform the manner in
which they are today.
The term 'governance' refers to processes and decisions that
seek to define action, grant power, and verify performance.
How does the aspirations of the people, especially the young
people, get translated into programmes? This is a trial and error
process in a democracy, which need to be analysed in terms of
the policy process, and more specifically in terms of particular
programmes. Given the state of official priority in India today, it
would be useful to focus our discussion on India's following three
priority areas: 1) skill development; 2) innovation; and 3)
financial inclusion.
The agenda of private sector development, in the new
millennium, has at its centrestage, the concept of public-
private partnership. It also presupposes the presence of
mechanisms that ensure efficient delivery of services to the
MSMEs. Governance issues have become all the more important
where, time is a critical factor in MSME development initiatives.
What is needed is not minimizing the role of the government as a
facilitator, but to ensure that the performance of the
government truly reflects the aspirations and interests of the
MSME constituency.
But even in this era of globalization,we live in neighbourhoods and
communities.The 'Small Enterprise Observatory' at the ISED and the
'IndiaMSMEReport'Seriesremindsusofthat ..
The work of specialist institutions like ISED is of great relevance to
entrepreneursandpolicymakersalike ...
Institute of Small Enterprises and Development (ISED) is an interdisciplinary
Centre with small enterprises as its key constituency. Along with research,
advisory services, advocacy, networking, and training, the Institute is an
active participant to policy dialogue on small enterprises. The Institute is
affiliated to the IndianAssociation of Social Science Institutions(IASSI),as its
Permanent Member.
Thus they Speak……
Launching soon.....

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Observatory Voice final-Sep-2015

  • 1. The Observatory Mirror ISED SMALL ENTERPRISE OBSERVATORY September 2015 Institute of Small Enterprises and Development ISED House,ISED Road,Cochin -682028,India. Tel:0484 2808171,2808727,2809884 India's Focus on Start-up Businesses Business Finance for Women: Towards a Convergence Mechanism Rural Service Enterprises in Spotlight United We Stand, Divided We Fall India MSME Report 2015 Skills and Entrepreneurship: Cutting the Gordian Knot email:seo@isedonline.org,ised.seo@gmail.com www.isedonline.org https://www.facebook.com/india.sme http://isedonline.blogspot.in
  • 2. The ISED Small Enterprise Observatory (ISED-SEO) came up from its small beginnings in 1997, into a recallable knowledge platform catering t o t h e c o n s t i t u e n c y o f m i c ro , s m a l l , a n d m e d i u m enterprises(MSMEs)(globally named 'SMEs'), the subject talked of by millions of people around the world today. The 'International Conference on SMEs in the Asia-Pacific', organised by the Institute of Small Enterprises and Development (ISED), in that year, drew up a broad plan of having a very humble reporting system on the SMEs in India. The resolution of the Conference has now matured into an integrated platform. While being proud of the Institute's achievements, I remember with thanks the painstaking effort taken by the ISED team, of muddling with such an idea, and experimenting with it on a day to day basis. I was fortunate to have detailed discussions with the early activists of the European SME Observatory at Zoetermeer, and with friends and colleagues at Amsterdam, Rotterdam, the Hague, Zurich, and Geneva. And,thathas helpedus immenselytoshapeatrulyIndiamodel. It has, indeed, been a painstaking effort that demand meticulous work, engagement of people who really matter, and mobilizing resources of various kinds. I am happy that the Observatory has come of age, and that has happened through an innovative strategy of 'inclusive partnership'. The reputation of the Observatory has been a significant nutrient of the 'India MSME Communication Programme', the much respected SME connect of the country.All these could not have been possible, but for the spirit and enthusiasm of the ISED team, and of our esteemed institutionalPartners. At the ISED, we feel that the message of the Observatory need to be mirrored far and wide through this regular hand out. We are also keen that it need to be a reciprocal exercise, among members of the Observatory, and all our Partners and SME enthusiasts for sharing ideasandopportunities. FromtheEditor'sDesk P.M Mathew
  • 3. The ISED Small Enterprise Observatory is nearing its eighteen years of existence. In a 'brick and mortar' world of institutions, its mission has been unique. Ranging from the too abstract forms of knowledge such as seminars and discussions to vital data products, the Observatory today services a spectrum of clientele, such as entrepreneurs, financing institutions , promotional agencies, policy makers, researchers, the media etc. It comes out through specific projects and products(Please ask for a copy of the Observatory brochure). Sociologists often raise the question: why do people cooperate? "United we stand, divided we fall", goes the saying. The success of the Observatory lies in its methodological approach: learning from the field, and paying it back to the society. It is founded on an 'inclusive partnership' mode. The Observatory, from time to time, has sown the seeds, of several of the Institute's other partnership programmes. The world of small enterprises, for many large players, is too small to work on, but the Observatory brings out its latent business case. United We Stand, Divided We Fall TheObservatoryinSpotlightCurrentResearch Three years back, one fine day came a quite unexpected call from the Vice-Chairman of the Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC), exploring ISED's support for preparing a state-of-the-sector report on MSMEs in Gujarat. The State Government was keen to follow the footsteps of ISED's national project, the 'India MSME Report' series. Thus came the 'Gujarat MSME Report 2013' that was formally launched by Sri. Narendra Modi, the then Chief Minister of the State, and the present Prime Minister of the country. 'India MSME Report', the flag-ship project of the ISED Small Enterprise Observatory, is coming up with its 18th issue. The leads of the Report this year are, Skills, Entrepreneurship, Empowerment and Innovation. The Report, under preparation, will be formally launched at a high- profile meet at Mumbai, in October. India MSME Report 2015 2
  • 4. 3 India's experience of services sector growth has been widely debated in academic and policy circles. From the angle of analysis and policy, there is much need for understanding the ground reality. The booming of the so-called 'new economy' is a global reality today. However, as the ILO rightly points out, it is necessary to look at the 'local reality' closely than ever, in order to meet the livelihood and employment aspirations of the people. And that necessitates a true policy focus on 'rural services' on the basis of what is feasible and realistic. The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development(NABARD) appreciated the Institute's concern and interest in the subject area, and joined hands in a project looking into the ground level scene of rural services. The findings of the study will come out in late September this year. Rural Service Enterprises in Spotlight CurrentResearch India's Focus on Start-up Businesses 'Business demography' is a key subject of debates in B-schools and policy platforms in many parts of the world today. However, in India, an integrated picture of the demography of businesses is still wanting, unlike our concern for human population dynamics. As India moves on as a caring society for start-up businesses, there is need for looking into the past, present, and future of businesses in an integrated manner. A beginning, of late, has come from the Government of India. Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has come out with a policy announcement, in his Independence Day speech. Capable of kick-starting a start- up movement in the country,the Prime Minister's policy guidelines to the public sector banks and the Ministries, is an initial step in the right direction. There is need for a proper homework on how entrepreneurship can be groomed and nurtured, is the need of the day. Following the debate on start- up initiated by the ISED through its lat three issues of the 'India MSME Report', the Institute has initiated a research programme on start-up policy and practice in India.
  • 5. Skills and Entrepreneurship: Cutting the Gordian Knot Regarding labour market intervention strategies, there has been a global shift from 'man power planning' to 'stakeholder engagement', The market forces, by themselves, cannot ensure full employment. It needs policy intervention. The Government of India, through its National Skill Development Policy 2009, came out with a strategy geared to enhancing employability through expanded modular skill base, especially of the young population, leading them to employment opportunities. With the change in the Union Government in 2014, the skilling policy underwent a major change. The change was towards an integrated approach involving skills of the hand and the mind. The new policy marks a beginning of putting India on the right track of entrepreneurship development, through policy intervention and involvement. Studies at the ISED have found their way into major policy recommendations. The National Policy on Skills and Entrepreneurship 2015, announced by the Prime Minister on July 9, 2015, was drafted by the Institute. 4 CurrentResearch Business Finance for Women: Towards a Convergence Mechanism Entrepreneurship and gender are the two pillars of the 'gender in enterprise' debate and agenda. Unless they come together in a synergic manner, the objectives of social policy relating to gender- sensitive development are not likely to be met. While such an integrated approach to development need to be designed and taken forward, two key questions come to the fore: 1) Does women entrepreneurship differ from entrepreneurship in general?; and 2) is the problem of business finance for women essentially gender-specific, or, a more visible reflection of a general problem of deprivation? A realistic answer ,in the Indian context, is still wanted. In its ongoing national research project, the Institute tries to answer these questions, leading to some innovative strategies. The Report of the research will be released in October this year.
  • 6. ISEDBookshelf 5 ISED Key Publications Index Book ID Title ISED-173 A Directory of Women's Industrial Enterprises in Kerala ISED-085 A Situational Analysis of Small Industry Associations in India ISED-022 Aasoothranathinte Puthiya Maanavum Vyavasaya Valkaranavum (Malayalam) ISED-049 An Approach Paper on Development of Small Enterprises in Kerala ISED-128 An Evaluative Study on Women's Organisations in Kerala ISED-156 Bank Finance for SSIs : The Regional Dimension ISED-093 Beyond Financial Inclusion: Making Finance Work for the Entrepreneurial Poor ISED-057 Beyond Old Equations -Small Enterprise Experience and Perspectives in India ISED-144 Building a Coalition for Enterprise Development ISED-074 Business Development Services for Small Enterprises A Regional Study ISED-070 Can Changes in Credit Assessment Help? ISED-067 Can Flexible Specialisation be the Alternative? An Exploratory Study on Cane and Bamboo Industry ISED-079 Capital, Caste, Class and Gender : The Political Economy of Women's Organisations in an Indian State(1880-1984) ISED-066 Change and Choice in Gender Structure :An Inquiry into the Declining Female Labour Participation in Kerala Industry ISED-168 Coconut Shell Resources of Kerala Utilisation and Technologies ISED-075 Collective Approach to Poverty Alleviation in India :A National Study ISED-141 Community Participation in the Development of Primary Education : Recent Experience and Emerging Issues ISED-108 Continuity and Change: Dynamics of Economic Transition in a Pre-Industrial Society in North-East India ISED-100 Craft Entrepreneurship Clinic - Iringalakuda ISED-167 Craft Entrepreneurship Clinic -Kannur ISED-130 Craft Entrepreneurship Clinic -Neeleswaram, Ernakulam Dist ISED-117 Credit Unions and Small Enterprise Finance ISED-092 Database of the Kerala Economy ISED-185 Data-base of the Kerala Economy - 2002 and Beyond: ISED Perspectives ISED-086 Decentralised Planning for Small Enterprise Development: An Experiment at Kalady, Kerala, ISED-131 Development of a Sericulture Co-operative Network, Kerala : An Evaluation Report. ISED-065 Development of Small Enterprise Clusters: An Alternative Approach ISED-105 Development of Small Enterprises: Challenges and Opportunities ISED-162 Development Theory, Planning and Informalism ISED-163 Econometric Evaluation of the SEWA Bank in India ISED-080 Economic Liberalisation and India's Modern Small-scale Industries ISED-089 Edu. Entrepreneurship Clinic - Chengannur ISED-078 Edu. Entrepreneurship Clinic - Pathanamthitta ISED-176 Edu. Entrepreneurship Clinic - Perumbavoor ISED-084 Employment Genaration in the Agro and Rural Industries Sector in India ISED-174 Employment in Women-preferred Industries: A Study on Garment Industry in Kerala, India. ISED-121 Energy and Green Business: The Way Forward for MSMEs ISED-153 Energy Conservation in Marine Fisheries: A Study on Attitudes and Knowledge. ISED-164 Enterpreneurship Development in the Renewable Energy Sub-Sector In Asia: South India (Report on Local-level Skill Mapping). Report of an International Workshop
  • 7. ISEDBookshelf 6 ISED-040 Enterprise Development: Global Issues and Currents in 2014 ISED-008 Entrepreneurship as a Critical Resource ISED-186 Evaluation Report on Co-operative Rural Development Project ISED-060 Feasibility Study for a Non-Banking Financial and Investment Company Book ID Title ISED-045 Finance for Small Enterprises in India, ISED-104 Financial Sector and SMEs in India: Problems and Prospects ISED-043 Financing MSMEs: Towards a Business Case ISED-109 Flexible Specialization for Developing Economies ISED-182 Gender and Enterprise: Policies and Practice ISED-178 Globalisation and Local Enterprise Development: The Indian Kaleidoscope of SMEs ISED-143 Globalisation, Informalisation and Jobless Production Processes in Industries: ISED-189 Globalisation, Local Economic Development and MSMEs: Evidences from Kerala, India ISED-113 Grooming Women Entrepreneurship : Beyond the Usual NGO Approach Findings from Glass Industry, Ferozabad, Uttar Pradesh ISED-016 India Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Report - 2012 ISED-017 India Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Report - 2014 ISED-059 India- MSMEs and the Economy: The Global Kaleidoscope ISED-063 India Needs a Small Enterprise Commission ISED-087 India: Manufacturing Competitiveness and MSMEs ISED-088 India: MSMEs and the Enterprise Eco-system ISED-061 India: Next Generation Strategies for MSME Development ISED-041 India: The Economy, Political Transition and MSMEs ISED-054 India: The Regional Ecosystem and MSMEs ISED-023 India: The State of Development of Small and Medium Enterprises -2005 ISED-004 India’s MSME Ecosystem: Change and Choice ISED-083 Indian Panorama of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises ISED-071 Indian Small Firms under Globalization: Has Policy Helped? ISED-038 India's MSME Scene: The 2014 Story and the Way Forward ISED-154 India's Science and Technology Capability : A SWOTAnalysis ISED-015 India Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Report - 2010 ISED-018 India Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Report - 2011 ISED-021 Gujarat Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Report 2013 ISED-181 India - MSMEs and the Enterprise Eco-System ISED-129 India : Directory of Non-Governmental Agencies in Enterprise Development ISED-134 India : Manufacturing Competitiveness in MSMEs ISED-073 India : MSME Programmes and the Progress Card ISED-090 India : The Regional MSME Scene ISED-012 India Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Report - 2007 ISED-014 India Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Report - 2008
  • 8. ISEDBookshelf 7 Book ID Title ISED-095 Industrial Clusters: Opportunities and Challenges ISED-138 Industrial Stagnation and the 'Blurred Sectors' : A Study on Kerala's Industrial Backwardness ISED-184 Informal Sector in India : Critical Perspectives ISED-135 Initiatives for Women Empowerment in Kerala: A Study on BSS ISED-030 Innovation and Micro&Small Enterprises Development in Africa and Asia ISED-101 Institutional Intervention and Informalism : A Study on the Kerala Experience. ISED-150 International Conference on Local Economic Development and SMEs: A Report ISED-187 International Conference on Small Enterprise Development : ISED-098 International Cooperation for Small Enterprise Development ISED-097 International Trade, ASEAN, and MSMEs ISED-020 Keralathinte Cherukidavyavasayavikasanam: Oru Sameepanarekha(Malayalam) ISED-051 Learning from Recession, Saving an Economy : ISED-119 Liberalisation From Below : Towards an Alternative Agenda ISED-118 Local-level Skill Mapping : An Alternative Tool of Planning for Entrepreneurship Development ISED-052 Lokavyaparakramavum Nammude Cherukida Vyavasaya Mekhalayum ISED-003 Micro ,Small and Medium Enterprises in India: A Mid-term Agenda,2014-19 ISED-002 Micro ,Small and Medium Enterprises in India:Emerging Issues in a Crisis Year ISED-169 Micro Finance and Sustainable Enterprise Development ISED-170 Micro Finance and Sustainable Enterprise Development: The Key Issues The International Experience and Asia-Pacific Imperatives Towards an MSME Agenda (Report of the National Policy Conference) ISED-096 MSMEs and Responsible Business: A New Agenda ISED-042 MSMEs in 2014: The Regional Kaleidoscope ISED-033 MSMEs in 2014: The Subsectors in Spotlight ISED-122 MSMEs in India : From Enterprise to Entrepreneurship ISED-034 MSMEs in India: Focal Themes of 2014 ISED-039 MSMEs in India: Recent Evidences on Structure and Transition ISED-180 MSMEs New Dimensions of Public Private Partnership ISED-044 MSMEs: "Bottom of the Pyramid" Concerns of Today ISED-124 MSMEs: A Close Look at the Public Policy Kaleidoscope ISED-146 MSMEs: Imperatives of Public Policy under the Present Economic Slowdown ISED-010 MSMEs: Innovative Streams in Thinking & Practice ISED-001 MSMEs: Key Concerns of Policy ISED-183 MSME Finance: Some Key Issues ISED-009 MSME Health: Recent Evidences and Strategies ISED-032 MSMEs and Financial Sector Developments ISED-145 Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Act, 2006:Some Reflections ISED-013 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: The Search for a New Identity ISED-055 Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises in India: Towards Enterprise Security & a Medium -term Agenda (2014-2019) ISED-137 Modern Small and Medium Industries in Kerala:Eleventh Five Year Plan Perspectives ISED-059 MSME and the Economy : The Global Kaleidoscope ISED-037 MSME Development: From Government to Governance
  • 9. ISEDBookshelf 8 ISED-155 MSMEs: New Dimensions of Public –Private Partnership ISED-050 MSMEs: The War Room and Beyond ISED-157 New Opportunities and Challenges for Small Business Associations in India ISED-076 On the Virtues of Being Small! Recommendations on Small Enterprise Development ISED-102 Parentage and Entrepreneurial Performance : A Study on Small-scale Industries ISED-142 Policy Interventions for Small Enterprise Development: Reflections on the Kerala Scene ISED-179 Political Decentralisation and Beyond: The Concept and Practice of Panchayathi Raj in India ISED-151 PPI, Routine Immunization and Maternal Care in Kerala ISED-025 Privatisation in South Asia: Some Issues ISED-152 Profiles of Successful Women Entrepreneurs. Book ID Title ISED-160 Project Report on Special Employment Programme in Alleppey District, Kerala. ISED-114 Project Report on Special Employment Programme in Ramanathapuram District, Tamil Nadu. ISED-027 Public Policy on Small Industry in the Post-WTO Era: International Experience and Lessons for India ISED-107 Public Sector, Black Money and the Informal Sector : How it should be Analysed and How Not ISED-026 Recession - An Agenda for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises ISED-031 Renewable Energy: Business Opportunities and Entrepreneurship ISED-111 Report of the Working Group on Modern Small and Medium Industries ISED-035 Reporting on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: An Introduction ISED-125 Rural Development Programmes in Idukki District, Kerala ISED-005 Rural Economic Transition: Non farm and Micro Enterprises ISED-077 Rural Entrepreneurship Clinic - Cherai, Kerala ISED-115 Rural Entrepreneurship Clinic - Kalady, Kerala ISED-177 Rural Entrepreneurship Clinic - Kattanam, Kerala ISED-116 Rural Entrepreneurship Clinic - Perumbavoor, Kerala ISED-069 Rural Industrialisation : The Science and Technology Gaps ISED-161 Rural Industrialisation and Public Policy : Some Crucial Issues ISED-140 Small and Medium Enterprises and Livelihoods: Towards an Agenda for the Eleventh Five-Year Paln ISED-029 Small and Medium Enterprises in Local Economic Development: Cochin Declaration. ISED-046 Small and Medium Enterprises Social Responsibility and Opportunities at the Bottom of the Pyramid ISED-188 Small Business Associations: International Experience and Lessons ISED-112 Small Enterprise and Livelihoods: A Peep into the Eleventh Five Year Plan ISED-175 Small Enterprise Associations and Business Development Services in India ISED-058 Small Enterprise Development The Experience of the South and the North ISED-062 Small Enterprise Working Capital Funds: Some issues ISED-159 Small Industry Associations in Andhra Pradesh: Agents of Progress or Retardation? ISED-123 SME Social Responsibility: Experience from Select Clusters in India ISED-064 Some Issues in Resource Mobilisation for Small-scale Industrial Sector ISED-106 Sustainable Micro Entrepreneurships: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries ISED-011 Swimming Against the Tides: Communicating the MSME Agenda in India ISED-158 Technology, Development and Policy Issues in Indian Industry: An Overview ISED-190 The ABC of Social Responsibility for Small and Medium Enterprises
  • 10. ISEDBookshelf Contact us: Tel: 0484 2808171, 2808727, 2809884 Email: info@isedonline.org, seo@isedonline.org, ised.seo@gmail.com Website: www.isedonline.org ISED-091 The Bamboo Economy of Kerala, South India: An Analysis of the ISED-147 The Economics of Energy in Marine Fisheries: A Study on the Lower South-West Coast in India ISED-048 The Global Crisis and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises ISED-132 The Global Meltdown and MSMEs ISED-007 The Global Scene of MSMEs Today ISED-166 The Handbook of Small Enterprises in Kerala ISED-068 The Hidden Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Performance : A Study on Parentage ISED-149 The Industrial Informal Sector in a Developing Economy: An Inter-regional Study ISED-165 The Informal Sector : A Re-appraisal ISED-082 The Malappuram Demographic Miracle ISED-036 The MSME Start-up Scene in India ISED-133 The Rhetoric and Reality of Technology Transfer: A Study on the Indian Automobile Tyre and Tube Industry. Production-to-Consumption System (ISED/INBAR) ISED-028 The State of Small Enterprise Development in India -1997 ISED-103 Towards a Policy Framework for Women’s Industrial Enterprises in Kerala ISED-024 Towards a Vibrant Small Enterprise Economy in India ISED-056 Towards Strategic Competitiveness and MSMEs ISED-171 Trade and Technological Co-operation in the SAARC Region ISED-148 Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017) Draft Report of Sub Group on Programme ISED-127 Understanding Informalism: An Inquiry into Some Aspects of Industrial Development in Kerala ISED-126 Understanding the Bamboo Economy: Production-to-Consumption System Model ISED-120 'Urban Informal Sector' : How It Should be Understood? ISED-139 Urban Micro Enterprise Development Programmes in India: Some Preliminary Observations ISED-172 Urban Planning and the Informal Sector ISED-099 Women and Industrial Development : Some Issues in Regional Planning ISED-081 Women and the so-called Informal Sector ISED-072 Women Enterprises: Cluster Approaches for Marketing and Outsourcing ISED-110 Women's Industrial Employment in India ISED-006 Yes, the Small is Beautiful for Special Areas and Groups under MSME Growth Book ID Title 9 Data Products DataProducts Sub sectoral Profiles Regional Profiles Project Profiles MSME Connect Data Sets (Generic Set, Sub sectoral Set, Geographical Set) The Data Products at the ISED Small Enterprise Observatory satisfy the needs, and answers question raised by a wide spectrum of clientele: entrepreneurs, financial institutions , promotional agencies, researchers, policy makers , educational institutions ,academia-----
  • 11. 10 The MSME Start-up Scene in India, 2014 Over the past few years, there has been an active discussion regarding the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in economic development across the world. Governments are paying increasing attention on this issue, and development economists are becoming increasingly active in exploring the role of entrepreneurship in economic development. The double focus on SMEs and entrepreneurship in new ventures is an important development. More recently, in India, the Union Budget 2014 has given indications of a renewed focus on start-up Institute of Small Enterprises and Development by ISED Small Enterprise Observatory The MSME Start-up Scene in India ISED Policy Briefs promotion by the Government of India. The Prime Minister have announced a National Start-up Promotion Programme on August 15, 2015. What are the implications of this policy thrust, given the state of the start-up scene in India today? A discussion on this is likely to be useful from the angle of shaping start-up strategies in the coming years. The policy perspective of the Government of India today is significantly focused on labour- intensive manufacture. However, in the current circumstances, it is necessary to understand the aspirations of labour and to strike a balance with the needs of growth. The macro fundamentals of the country demand a speedy growth of investments. Harnessing the strength of these creative minds, having new ideas and opportunities, is the policy challenge. The role of public policy should be to help these creative minds channelize their ideas into business opportunities and projects. The new policy approach, as outlined by the Union Budget 2014, seeks to grapple with the details of private investment in India, to initiate measures for identifying these new ideas, and to put in place strategies with a lead role of the Government to harness potential investments by private investors. Among other countries of the world, India, as in 2014, has some unique advantages. Besides being an emerging economy, the country is uniquely placed in relation to its demographic dividend. While this advantage is likely to remain only for a couple of years, there is an obvious need to have a meticulous effort to tap it through carefully designed development policies and strategies. Herein lies the relevance of an MSME start-up focus, depending essentially on the morale and dynamism of the Country's youth. ISBN 978-93-80830-39-1 Price INR 220.00; USD 14.00 BookReview
  • 12. 11 MSMEs in 2014: The Subsectors in Spotlight Discussions on micro, small and medium enterprises(MSMEs) are often based on a highly aggregated approach on the structure of the economy, wherein enterprises are distinguished in terms of discrete size- categories. Hence, the probability of an enterprise falling into a particular size- category is based on some arbitrary definition of size. While, from the point of view of programme implementation, this offers some convenience, for analytical purposes, the results often get blurred, or become mechanical. Therefore, 'subsector' as an alternative analytical approach for ISED Policy Briefs Institute of Small Enterprises and Development by ISED Small Enterprise Observatory MSMEs in 2014: The Subsectors in Spotlight understanding and analysing the MSME space in the Indian context, is likely to be more useful. This approach is also relevant in the context of the emerging paradigm of globalisation, where MSMEs are not at all stand- alone, but have to be part of the global value chains. The term 'subsector' can be approached as: 1) a set of activities; 2) a related set of rules governing those activities; 3) a conceptual way of viewing problems of economic organisation; and 4) a way of organising research. The very purpose of the 'subsector approach' to analysis and policy is to understand categories of enterprises in terms of their vertical and horizontal linkages.While 'subsector' is a useful approach, as mentioned above, there are serious critical data gaps. However, the three-fold classification, viz, 'legacy sub- sectors', 'enclave sub-sectors', and 'new economy' sub-sectors, is a useful starting point.This research , among others, spotlights on three specific subsectors, viz., food processing, electonics manufacturing and textiles. The discussion on the three sub sectors, as above, lead us to the significant latent potential of India relating to enterprise development, and opportunities of harnessing the value chains. Sectors like Textile and Electronics and Food Processing need special attention today. The industry wise development approach of the past has much less relevance today. Understanding this new relevance and shaping strategies need to happen on a partnership mode, with the involvement of various relevant stakeholders. ISBN 978-93-80830-41-4 Price INR 220.00; USD 14.00 BookReview
  • 13. 12 BookReview ISED Policy Briefs Institute of Small Enterprises and Development by ISED Small Enterprise Observatory MSME Development: From Government to Governance MSME Development: From Government to Governance ISBN 978-93-80830-43-8, Price INR 220.00; USD 14.00 While 'development' is a rather abstract concept, it gets translated into practice through 'institutions'. Institutions are the visible instruments that translate the action of the government into 'governance'. Therefore, an understanding of the state of institutions is important from the point of view of translation of public policy into strategies. In such a translation, various factors play their role, directly or indirectly. The manner and the degree of such contribution, in turn, influence the performance of development institutions. Therefore, an understanding of these mutual relationships is crucial for explaining why and how the micro, small and medium enterprises(MSMEs) perform the manner in which they are today. The term 'governance' refers to processes and decisions that seek to define action, grant power, and verify performance. How does the aspirations of the people, especially the young people, get translated into programmes? This is a trial and error process in a democracy, which need to be analysed in terms of the policy process, and more specifically in terms of particular programmes. Given the state of official priority in India today, it would be useful to focus our discussion on India's following three priority areas: 1) skill development; 2) innovation; and 3) financial inclusion. The agenda of private sector development, in the new millennium, has at its centrestage, the concept of public- private partnership. It also presupposes the presence of mechanisms that ensure efficient delivery of services to the MSMEs. Governance issues have become all the more important where, time is a critical factor in MSME development initiatives. What is needed is not minimizing the role of the government as a facilitator, but to ensure that the performance of the government truly reflects the aspirations and interests of the MSME constituency.
  • 14. But even in this era of globalization,we live in neighbourhoods and communities.The 'Small Enterprise Observatory' at the ISED and the 'IndiaMSMEReport'Seriesremindsusofthat .. PadmabhushanMarkTully,veteranJournalistandauthor. The work of specialist institutions like ISED is of great relevance to entrepreneursandpolicymakersalike ... Shri.NarendraModi,PrimeMinisterofIndia Institute of Small Enterprises and Development (ISED) is an interdisciplinary Centre with small enterprises as its key constituency. Along with research, advisory services, advocacy, networking, and training, the Institute is an active participant to policy dialogue on small enterprises. The Institute is affiliated to the IndianAssociation of Social Science Institutions(IASSI),as its Permanent Member. Thus they Speak…… Launching soon.....