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Open Authentication
Authentication & Authorization
Establishment of a binding of confidence
between and entity and an identity
Process of establishing the rights for the
authenticated user
Why AuthN & AuthZ
• To avoid insecure resource access
• To give finer control on the resource access
• To track the various actions performed on
resources by the doer’s
• Increasing variations in resource consumers
• Overcoming security breaches
Ways to Achieve
• Authentication
– Username / Password
– Certificates
– Access tokens / established identity etc…
– Finger print / Retina Scan etc…
• Authorization
– Roles
– Policies
Authorization Background
• Policy Phases
– Definition
– Enforcement
• Access Control Lists / Capability
– Principle of least privilege
• Tokens
– Anonymous identity support
Need for OAuth
– Present day has Multitudes of
• Applications
• Identities
– Hard to remember authentication information
among above
– Delegated Authentication & Authorization
Use Case
Multitude of devices for accessing 1 application
SSO Use Case
Problems Addressed in OAuth
The Problem
1. Credentials Sharing
2. Unrestricted Access
3. Servers are required to handle
authentication & authorization
4. Difficulty in revoking
5. Huge chain of dependencies
6. Security breach
1. Abstracting the authorization layer from
the client & server
2. No more password sharing
3. Access Tokens / Valet Keys with
4. Takes place over HTTPS / SSL
5. Concealed / isolated identity
OAuth 2.0
What is OAuth
• OAuth 2.0 is an Authorization Framework
• Framework specifying
– Authentication & Authorization delegation
– Interactions in the delegation process
• Google, Yammer & Bitbucket all speak
through OAuth.
• Developed in 2006 by Twitter & Ma.gnolia
• Evolved from 1.0 to 2.0
• Main problem targeted by OAuth is
Access Delegation
Use Case
Roles in OAuth2.0
Resource [R]
A HTTP Resource / Service / App
Resource Owner [RO]
Entity that is capable of granting access to a resource
Resource Server [RS]
Protected resource Host
Client Application [CA]
Application making request to RS on behalf of RO to gain access to R
Authorization Server [AS]
Generates tokens after authenticating the RO and obtaining authorization
Authorization Grant
Server-side Scenarios
Target Applications
1. Any app that is web enabled / Desktop
2. Application that can access a browser
Microsoft Implementation
Implicit Grant
• Scripted client access
– Ex: Google Ad services API
• For well known clients
• No client validation happens
• Access Token sent as a fragment in the
OAuth 2.0 and OpenId Connect
Microsoft Implementation
Resource Owner Flow
• Fully trusted applications
• Not very secure
• Maintained for backward compatibility
• Use of existing data to generate the
access tokens
OAuth 2.0 and OpenId Connect
OpenID Connect
OpenID Connect
• Why OpenID Connect
– No responsibility of apps to maintain passwords
– Uses Claims to transfer profile information across diverse apps
• How does it work
– (Identity, Authentication) + OAuth 2.0 = OpenID Connect
• System-level support
– Android OS
– Windows Server 2012 – R2 [ADFS 3.0]
• OpenID makes use of OAuth 2 flows to establish identity
OAuth 2.0 and OpenId Connect
OpenID 2.0 & OpenID Connect
• Compared to OpenID2.0, OpenID Connect
– JWT Data Structures
– Simplified signing of tokens
– No XML
– Highly interoperable
OpenID Connect Glossary
• IDP [AaaS]
– Any service that provides identity and authentication
• RP
– App that out sources its authentication to an IDP
• OP
– The OpenID provider
• Claims
– Piece of information about an entity / identity
Authentication Flows
Sample JWT
• <base64-encoded header>.<base64-encoded
claims>.<base64-encoded signature>
JWT Header
JWT Claims
– For web based apps
– Uses XML
• OpenID Connect
– Any app [Native, Mobile, Web]
Realtime Implementation
• Authorization Server in TechCello
– OpenID Connect 1.0
– OAuth 2.0
• Supported Modes
– Social Logins [MSFT, GOOG, FB, TWT]
– ADFS 3.0
– Proprietary Authentication exposed as an OP
Points to Ponder Upon
• Automated OP Discovery
• Automated Client Registration
OAuth 2.0 and OpenId Connect

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