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                    AN ASSESSMENT

                          A Thesis Proposal
            Presented to Thesis Committee and Faculty of
                    System Technology Institute
                         College of Nursing
                             Global City

           In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
                Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing

                             Presented by

                       ( Researcher’s Name )

                           FEBUARY 2011

This thesis entitled “Thesis Title” was prepared and submitted by Researcher’s Name

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

                                                  Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN, MAN

                                   PANEL OF EXAMINERS

       Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ________%


       _____________________                          ______________________

       Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

                                                        Mr. Peter V. Agruda RN, MAN
                                                                OIC, College of Nursing




       Conceptual Framework……………………….…………………..….…..

       Statement of the Problem………….…………….……………….……...

       Significance of the Study……………………..…….………..........……..

       Scope and Limitations………………………………...……….………....

       Definitions of Terms……………………………………….….…….…….


       Related Foreign Literature………………………………………..…....…

       Related Local Literature…………………………………..……..….…...

       Related Foreign Studies………………………………………..……...…

       Related Local Studies………………………………………………..…...


       Research Design ………………….……………………………….……..

       Participant Selection…………….……………………………….…..

       Research Instrument…………….……………………………….…..

       Data Gathering Technique…………………..………….…………….…

       Data Collection Procedure…………………..………….………………

       Statistical Treatment…….…………………..………….……….………



      The student / researcher explain the background of the study and cites

situations or statements of authorities to explain why the study is being

conducted. The student/researcher points out that the study is on/about a special

problem different from other problems. The interplay of identified variables that

may cause a process to take place is discussed.


      One of the biggest health problems in the world today is diabetes.

Diabetes is a chronic (long-term) condition marked by abnormally high levels of

sugar (glucose) in the blood. People with diabetes either do not produce enough

insulin, a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into

energy needed for daily life or cannot use the insulin that their bodies produce.

As a result, glucose builds up in the bloodstream. If left untreated, diabetes can

lead to blindness, kidney disease, nerve disease, heart disease, and stroke. It is

a common chronic disease that affects approximately 245 million people

worldwide and the numbers simply keep on growing with each passing day. For

many people, diabetes is a reality that they have live with every single day.

However, it is possible to lead a healthy and wholesome life even with diabetes.
Diabetes kills one person every 10 seconds and infects two persons in the

same short time. This is the scary reality behind this silent killer, which is taking

as many lives as Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Acquired Immune Deficiency

Syndrome. According to the Philippine Diabetes Association, 3.8 million people

die every year because of diabetes-related causes while 245 million are inflicted

with the disease worldwide.

      By 2025, the figure is expected to double, affecting mostly Asia, the Pacific

region, Latin America and Africa, including the Philippines. The National Capital

Region has the most number which totals to 8 percent of the population while

rural areas have an average of 4 percent as of the last survey. The burden of

diabetes is often carried by the poor, mainly because treatment requires

finances. There are even some people who pull their relatives from the hospitals

and just wait for them to die in their homes because of expensive medication and


Theoretical Framework

      The theoretical framework justifies the rationale for the investigations. It

gives the reason for search for new data and for analyzing, interpreting and

synthesizing these data. The framework also cites the theory / theories on which

the study is premised in order to establish the relationship among the variables in

the study.
Some disciplines require the presentation of a paradigm in order to explain

how the theory is going to rationalize in the study. In this discussion, pertinent

concepts or new ideas are cited for clarification.


      Self – Awareness Theory

      If you are watching a home video taken by a family member where you are

the centered attraction, you will be in a state of self- awareness (Arroson, Wilson,

& Akert, 2007). Self- awareness theory is the “idea that when people focus their

attention on themselves, they evaluate and compare their behavior to their

internal standards and values. Humans differentiate from most other species in

the way they can use self-concept, which is our own knowledge about who we

are, and they do this by taking the self as a focus of attention. The fact that as

human beings we are able to be self- aware enables us in a way to self-evaluate,

the way a person views themselves. People can compare themselves to internal

standards and assess whether they are sufficiently physically attractive,

intelligent, and sociable or anything that is seen as accurate and good. If any

discrepancies occur between your behavior and your inner standard, it will cause

a change of the behavior to create balance with your internal standards and


      The research paradigm will serve as a guide in conducting this study,

shown in Figure 1.
The first box contains the demographic profiles of the respondents which

are also shown in the statement of the problem.

       The second box contains the process needed to achieve the goals of the

study. These are the analysis of documents, tabulation of data gathered from the

questionnaires through statistical methods, interpretation and analysis of data

gathered from questionnaires.

       The third box contains the formulation of instruction guide.

  Input                       Process                      Output

PROFILE                    ASSESSMENT
   1.1 Age
                           Data are obtained
   1.2 Sex                 by providing a set
   1.3 Body Mass           of questionnaires
        Index              to each
   1.4 Educational
        Attainment         respondent.
   1.5 Occupation
   1.6 Years of
       having type2
2. LEVEL OF                Statistical
AWARENESS                                                    Guide
    2.1 Physiological
                           treatment is
        symptoms           provided to show
    2.3 Psychological      the exact accurate
       symptoms            data

                                 Research Paradigm

                                     FIGURE 1
Statement of the Problem

      The research problem that the student/researcher is investigating must

relate to his interest, background and expectance. It is expected to yield findings

that will provide his useful information in the area of this investigation. In the

choice of research topics, originality and relevance to contemporary problems

and issue must be considered.

      The problem maybe about the relationship among variables which the

study aims to established and find out the extent of such relationship.


      The study aimed to assess the level of awareness in the clinical

manifestation of diabetes mellitus type 2 in prevention of complication.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following sub- problems:

1.    What is the profile of the correspondents in terms of their:

          1.1 Age

          1.2 Sex

          1.3 Body Mass Index

2.    What is the level of awareness of the respondents in the clinical

      manifestation of Type 2 Diabetes in terms of:

         2.1   Physiological Symptoms

         2.2   Psychological Symptoms
3.     Is there a significant difference on the level of awareness in terms of

       physiological and psychological symptoms?

4.     What instructional plan can be formulated to increase the level of

       awareness of the type 2 diabetes patients?


       The hypotheses states the relationship between variables and this relationship

must be tested. It is tested statistically to solve the research problem. It indicates what

the researcher must gather. The hypothesis is accepted or rejected depending on the

result of the statistical test.


       There is a no significant difference between the level of awareness regarding

clinical manifestation in term of physiological and psychological symptoms.

Significance of the Study

       In this part of the research, the student/researcher cites the importance of

expected outcomes of the investigation. Research result will come up with the

solution to a problem or encourage further research on the problem.
The student/researcher also explains that the research is not a duplication

of the previous studies. It may, however, be a replication or follow up of previous

study, result of which needs further study or verification.

      Significance of the study also state that the probable effects on the results

of the study on a theory or practice. The student also gives the importance of the

study to his profession, to a particular discipline and to the community as well.


      The findings of the study may be of help to the following:

      Nursing Practice. Analysis, interpretation and implications of the data

gathered will provide an actual and practical understanding of nursing practice by

focusing on the resulting strategies for better nursing care management for

diabetic clients.

      Respondents. The results of the research will enlighten them on how to

manage their own health conditions. It will further help them understand their

health problem and realize that there is hope in battling the disease through

appropriate knowledge and awareness of the different clinical manifestation of

type 2 diabetes. Moreover, they can live a happy, healthy long life and can

prevent the occurrence of complications.

      Family Members. The agony of knowing a member of the family is

suffering from an incurable and serious disease could cause for a panic.

However, the results of the present research can be utilized in educating the
family members on how to help the respondents in their quest in controlling their

blood glucose levels.

       Researchers. The results can be used by other researchers as reference

for a further study about the effectiveness of diet and exercise management

using a wider range and diversified groups of respondents.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

       To specify scope, the student/researcher spells out the coverage of the study in

terms of subject, concepts, specific aspect of a phenomenon, treatment, sampling and

time frame. The who, what, when, where and how of the study will be clarified.

       The student delimits the aspects of the subject being investigated considering

specific constraints such as foreseen weaknesses in methodology and design,

statistical analysis, representative of sampling and time. Delimitation sets the limit of

what the research will include and what will not include.


       The study will try to identify the level of awareness of the respondents about the

clinical manifestation of type 2 diabetes. It will include type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

at ____________________________________. They were chosen regardless of their

age, gender, civil status, educational attainment and employment status. . A total

number of 50 respondents will take as sample. The study is limited to the level of

awareness regarding clinical manifestation of type 2 diabetes. It does not include the

financial issues and other problems of the respondents.
Definition of Terms

      Terms used in the statement of the problem and title must be defined

according to how they are used in the study. These terms must be defined

contextually or operationally. This means that the definition is based on how the

term is used within the context of the study. Terms may also be defined

according to authorities on the subject of investigation. Dictionary definition

should not be used.

      The following terms are defined according to its use in the present


Awareness, as used in the study, it means having knowledge or cognizance

about the clinical manifestation of type 2 diabetes.


      This chapter presents the related literature and studies conducted by other

researchers that have relevance to the present research study.           The related

literatures and results of previous studies will strengthen the findings of the

present research study. Moreover, the similarities and differences of the findings

will be utilized in the analysis of the results of the present research study.

      The related literature consists of readings from various authorities on the

subject of the research which provide the student/researcher important concepts

and principles that will go into the theoretical/conceptual framework and guide

the formulation of the questionnaire or survey tool.

      The related studies/research consists of previous researches that relate to

the current study as to purpose, subject investigated, methodology and more

importantly the findings. Similarities and differences between previous research

and current research are pointed out. What the current research will contribute to

the field under investigation is discussed to justify its pursuit despite previous

research on this. The review of related studies/research develops in the

researcher insights into aspects of the study that might be controversial. It helps

the researcher avoid errors committed by previous investigations. Through the

review, useful ideas and related variables may be identified which will give

direction to the present research.
The student/ researcher should used only literature and studies written

and published 5 years backward from the year of his research and study.


Related Literature

Local Literature (5)

      According to Susan Trinidad, (2001) RN, A Head Nurse Educator from

Makati Medical Center, health teaching is not new role for nurses. In nursing

history, health teaching is focused about sanitation, housing and care for the sick

in the hospital and community. Today education and training about preventive

health and practices and health promotion are considered essential components

of comprehensive health care.

      Our teaching nurse being a member of the health care team usually

spends more time with patients or client than other team members. This contact

provides in her the opportunity to develop rapport and build a trust relationship

with the patient and his/her family. Thus he/she is able to complete the

assessment of an individual patient, learning needs, and provides continuity

throughout the teaching process.

      Hard work and dedication are pre-requisites for a nurse to become a

diabetic nurse. Trinidad said; “Anything worthwhile is usually challenging and

requires hard work”. Leadership should be a positive force and one could lead by

setting achievement goals for every diabetic in your care.
Foreign Literature (5)

       According to the World Health Organization (2000)           report, medical

nutrition therapy is important in preventing diabetes, managing existing diabetes,

and preventing, or at least slowing, the rate of development of diabetes

complications. It is, therefore, important at all levels of diabetes prevention. MNT

is also an integral component of diabetes self-management education (or


       Achieving nutrition-related goals requires a coordinated team effort that

includes the person with diabetes and involves him or her in the decision-making

process. It is recommended that a registered dietitian, knowledgeable and skilled

in Medical nutrition therapy, be the team member who plays the leading role in

providing nutrition care. However, it is important that all team members, including

physicians and nurses, be knowledgeable about Medical nutrition therapy and

support it’s implementation.

Related Studies

Local Studies (5)

       Dr. Rosa Allyn Sy (2002) from Cardinal Santos Medical Center, noted the

development of different food pyramids worldwide has proven to be an important

educational tool for health care professionals while counseling patients on

healthy eating habits. Just a year ago, The Philippine Association for the Study of
Overweight and Obesity (PASOO) supported by the president and other officer

and members of the Board of Directors, conceptualized the Filipino Pyramid

Activity Guide. Similar to a food guide, it is intended to help diabetic educators

illustrate more clearly which activities would be beneficial to their patients. The

activity pyramid guide uses simple and easy action words or instructions like

Habitually, Often, Regularly and Minimal to indicate activities that would provide

the most benefit in terms of cardiovascular and metabolic health. Included in the

guide is the number of calories burned per minute per kilogram of body weight of

the person performing the activity. The base of the pyramid includes activities

that are easy, convenient, and accessible to everyone. These activities, part of

our daily routines, when performed habitually or daily for minimum of 30 minutes,

even 10 minutes at a time will provide metabolic efficiency by increasing total

energy expenditure.

      So if one is diabetic obese, with poor sugar control and have never

engaged in any form of exercise before, activities like walking, climbing the stairs,

or doing household chores may be a good start. It is important to note that for

beginners, the amount of cumulative activity time is more important than the

specific type and manner of activity. Aerobic exercise like jogging, brisk walking,

swimming, aerobic dancing and recreational activities like ballroom dancing,

badminton, tennis etc., burn more calories per millimeter per body weight and are

advised for those who want to lose more weight. To get the most benefit from the

activity, it has easy action words or instructions which can be done 3-5 times a
week for at least 30-45 minutes. These activities will improve cardiovascular

endurance. The Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide is intended to be a guide that

should help everyone select an activity that best fits his lifestyle and health

needs. Just thirty minutes of the different activities over the course of a day is

healthy and rewarding.

Foreign Studies (5)

      Dr. Diana Chau and Steven V. Edelman (2003) in the fall issue of Clinical

Diabetes noted “Goals of therapy for the elderly diabetic patients should include

the evaluation of their functional status, life expectancy, social and financial

support, and their own desires for treatment. A full geriatrics assessment

performed before establishing any long term therapy may aid in identifying

potential problems that could significantly impair the success of a given therapy.

Often, elderly patients have cognitive impairment, limitation in their activities of

daily living, undiagnosed depression, and difficult social issues that need to be

addressed.” The population of the elderly is increasing and more attention should

be paid to social security systems may fail to ensure the appropriate care to the

millions who will be affected by diabetes in 2025. Moreover by promoting

diabetes prevention, we will ensure that those millions who already have

diabetes will not face the nightmare of a regression in the quality of care they

deserve while, on the country, there is a great need in many parts of the world to

improve it

                            RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

      This part of the research/study presents the design of the study,

particularly the research methods and techniques to be used, how the subjects

are chosen, how the sample size is determined, the instrument to be used and

their validation and the data analysis scheme which includes the application of

statistical tools for treatment of data yielded by the study.

Research Design

      The research design identifies the procedures by which the study

population will be selected, how these subjects will be used to yield the required

data, how the data will be collected and how these data will be analyzed.


      The researcher used the descriptive method research in determining the

level of awareness regarding the clinical manifestation of the respondents with

type 2 diabetes mellitus.

      Costales (2001) discussed the descriptive research design and pointed out

that specifically, the survey research was used to gather pertinent data. The

methodology’s time focus was the present condition as well as the future. It also

involves description, recording, analysis and interpretation of the status and
condition that were obtained in a particular research situation. It usually involves

comparison and contrast, and may attempt to discover a cause and effect

relationship that exists between non-manipulative variables.

       This research uses both quantitative and qualitative methods of study. In

assessing the profile the respondents, quantitative method was used. And also,

the data were collected through the patients’ health records in the health center.

Respondents of the Study

       In this section, the student describes the population, why and how the subject are

chosen and discusses the sampling technique employed. A statistician may be consulted

to determine the appropriateness of the sample size for the study.


       The study will be conducted at Rizal Medical Center Diabetic Center. It is a

tertiary hospital with more than 100 bed capacity. The Diabetic Center consists of

35 Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients .The respondents will be type 2 diabetes

mellitus patients of Rizal Medical Center Diabetic Center which is non-probability


Instrument Used

       In this part of research, the tools for data collection are described such as

test and questionnaires to be constructed, validated and administered. If the

instrument is prepared by researcher, it should be tested for validity and
reliability. If the instrument is standardized, the student/researcher indicates its

reliability coefficient.


          The instruments used in this study were one set of questionnaires for the


The questionnaire for the respondents are consists of two parts:

Part I.

          Dealt with the respondent’s personal and professional profile. This part

elicited data on name, age, sex, body mass index, educational attainment,

occupation and the years having type 2 diabetes.

Part II.

          Dealt on the level of awareness regarding the clinical manifestation of type

2 diabetes in terms of physiological and psychological symptoms.

          Before the questionnaires / checklist were distributed and administered, a

pre-test was conducted with 5 respondents who were not participants in the

study. Their comments were included in the final form of the refined instrument

and submitted for final draft.

Statistical Treatment of Data

          This part of the research identifies the kind of data yielded by the study

and presents the testing of hypothesis. The kind of statistical tool used is

determined by the hypothesis presented in the study. It is advisable to consult a
statistician before administering the questionnaire since the manner of

questioning and what question to ask will help determine the treatment of the

hypotheses. The statistical treatment should be appropriate to the data yielded

by the study. This section also presents the statistical formula used and justified

their used.


Specific Question Number 1

      What is the profile of the correspondents in terms age, gender, civil status,

educational attainment, employment status and frequency of monitoring blood


      To determine the answer to problem number 1 which is concerned with the

profile of the respondents in terms of their age, gender, civil status, educational

attainment, employment status and frequency of monitoring blood glucose, the

frequency and percentage was used.

The formula was:

      % = F/N X 100


      F- is the frequency of responses

      N- is the total number of respondents

      100- is the constant in order to get the percentage
Specific Question Number 2

       What is the extent of compliance of the respondents to blood glucose

monitoring through finger sticks analysis in terms of their knowledge and skills?

Specific Question Number 3

       How do the respondents perceived the effects of home blood glucose

monitoring in terms of physiological and psychological effects?

       To determine the extent to which the home blood glucose monitoring has

complied with the standard procedures and the perceived effect of home blood

glucose monitoring, the weighted means was determined by multiplying the

frequency the weight and by dividing the frequency using the following formula:

WM =     ∑ wf


Where:      WM = weighted mean

            wf = the sum of the product of the frequency and unit weight

            n = total number of cases
A Likert five point scale with the following interpretation was provided to

guide the respondents as follows:

 Unit Weight             Weighted Mean                 Verbal
 Assigned Values          Interval                  Interpretation

      5                    4.20 – 5.00           Fullest Extent (FstE)

      4                    3.4 – 4.19            Full Extent (FE)

      3                    2.6 – 3.39            Moderate Extent (ME)

      2                    1.80 – 2.59           Partial Extent (PE)

      1                    1.0 – 1.79            No Influence (NI)

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Nursing Thesis Proposal Format

  • 1. ( PUT YOUR TITLE HERE…. Follow Format Below ) LEVEL OF AWARENESS AND ACCEPTANCE ON HUMAN PAPILLOMA VACCINE AMONG FEMALE CALL CENTER AGENTS: AN ASSESSMENT A Thesis Proposal Presented to Thesis Committee and Faculty of System Technology Institute College of Nursing Global City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing Presented by ( Researcher’s Name ) FEBUARY 2011
  • 2. APPROVAL SHEET This thesis entitled “Thesis Title” was prepared and submitted by Researcher’s Name partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN, MAN Adviser PANEL OF EXAMINERS Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ________% __________________________ _____________________ ______________________ Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Mr. Peter V. Agruda RN, MAN OIC, College of Nursing
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I. THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction…………………………………………………..……...…… Conceptual Framework……………………….…………………..….….. Statement of the Problem………….…………….……………….……... Significance of the Study……………………..…….………..........…….. Scope and Limitations………………………………...……….……….... Definitions of Terms……………………………………….….…….……. II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Related Foreign Literature………………………………………..…....… Related Local Literature…………………………………..……..….…... Related Foreign Studies………………………………………..……...… Related Local Studies………………………………………………..…... III. METHODS AND PROCEDURES Research Design ………………….……………………………….…….. Participant Selection…………….……………………………….….. Research Instrument…………….……………………………….….. Data Gathering Technique…………………..………….…………….… Data Collection Procedure…………………..………….……………… Statistical Treatment…….…………………..………….……….………
  • 4. CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction The student / researcher explain the background of the study and cites situations or statements of authorities to explain why the study is being conducted. The student/researcher points out that the study is on/about a special problem different from other problems. The interplay of identified variables that may cause a process to take place is discussed. Example: One of the biggest health problems in the world today is diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic (long-term) condition marked by abnormally high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. People with diabetes either do not produce enough insulin, a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life or cannot use the insulin that their bodies produce. As a result, glucose builds up in the bloodstream. If left untreated, diabetes can lead to blindness, kidney disease, nerve disease, heart disease, and stroke. It is a common chronic disease that affects approximately 245 million people worldwide and the numbers simply keep on growing with each passing day. For many people, diabetes is a reality that they have live with every single day. However, it is possible to lead a healthy and wholesome life even with diabetes.
  • 5. Diabetes kills one person every 10 seconds and infects two persons in the same short time. This is the scary reality behind this silent killer, which is taking as many lives as Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. According to the Philippine Diabetes Association, 3.8 million people die every year because of diabetes-related causes while 245 million are inflicted with the disease worldwide. By 2025, the figure is expected to double, affecting mostly Asia, the Pacific region, Latin America and Africa, including the Philippines. The National Capital Region has the most number which totals to 8 percent of the population while rural areas have an average of 4 percent as of the last survey. The burden of diabetes is often carried by the poor, mainly because treatment requires finances. There are even some people who pull their relatives from the hospitals and just wait for them to die in their homes because of expensive medication and treatment. Theoretical Framework The theoretical framework justifies the rationale for the investigations. It gives the reason for search for new data and for analyzing, interpreting and synthesizing these data. The framework also cites the theory / theories on which the study is premised in order to establish the relationship among the variables in the study.
  • 6. Some disciplines require the presentation of a paradigm in order to explain how the theory is going to rationalize in the study. In this discussion, pertinent concepts or new ideas are cited for clarification. Example: Self – Awareness Theory If you are watching a home video taken by a family member where you are the centered attraction, you will be in a state of self- awareness (Arroson, Wilson, & Akert, 2007). Self- awareness theory is the “idea that when people focus their attention on themselves, they evaluate and compare their behavior to their internal standards and values. Humans differentiate from most other species in the way they can use self-concept, which is our own knowledge about who we are, and they do this by taking the self as a focus of attention. The fact that as human beings we are able to be self- aware enables us in a way to self-evaluate, the way a person views themselves. People can compare themselves to internal standards and assess whether they are sufficiently physically attractive, intelligent, and sociable or anything that is seen as accurate and good. If any discrepancies occur between your behavior and your inner standard, it will cause a change of the behavior to create balance with your internal standards and values. The research paradigm will serve as a guide in conducting this study, shown in Figure 1.
  • 7. The first box contains the demographic profiles of the respondents which are also shown in the statement of the problem. The second box contains the process needed to achieve the goals of the study. These are the analysis of documents, tabulation of data gathered from the questionnaires through statistical methods, interpretation and analysis of data gathered from questionnaires. The third box contains the formulation of instruction guide. Input Process Output 1. RESPONDENTS’ PROFILE ASSESSMENT 1.1 Age Data are obtained 1.2 Sex by providing a set 1.3 Body Mass of questionnaires Index to each 1.4 Educational Attainment respondent. 1.5 Occupation 1.6 Years of having type2 DM ANALYSIS Instructional 2. LEVEL OF Statistical AWARENESS Guide 2.1 Physiological treatment is symptoms provided to show 2.3 Psychological the exact accurate symptoms data Research Paradigm FIGURE 1
  • 8. Statement of the Problem The research problem that the student/researcher is investigating must relate to his interest, background and expectance. It is expected to yield findings that will provide his useful information in the area of this investigation. In the choice of research topics, originality and relevance to contemporary problems and issue must be considered. The problem maybe about the relationship among variables which the study aims to established and find out the extent of such relationship. Example: The study aimed to assess the level of awareness in the clinical manifestation of diabetes mellitus type 2 in prevention of complication. Specifically, it sought to answer the following sub- problems: 1. What is the profile of the correspondents in terms of their: 1.1 Age 1.2 Sex 1.3 Body Mass Index 2. What is the level of awareness of the respondents in the clinical manifestation of Type 2 Diabetes in terms of: 2.1 Physiological Symptoms 2.2 Psychological Symptoms
  • 9. 3. Is there a significant difference on the level of awareness in terms of physiological and psychological symptoms? 4. What instructional plan can be formulated to increase the level of awareness of the type 2 diabetes patients? Hypotheses The hypotheses states the relationship between variables and this relationship must be tested. It is tested statistically to solve the research problem. It indicates what the researcher must gather. The hypothesis is accepted or rejected depending on the result of the statistical test. Example: There is a no significant difference between the level of awareness regarding clinical manifestation in term of physiological and psychological symptoms. Significance of the Study In this part of the research, the student/researcher cites the importance of expected outcomes of the investigation. Research result will come up with the solution to a problem or encourage further research on the problem.
  • 10. The student/researcher also explains that the research is not a duplication of the previous studies. It may, however, be a replication or follow up of previous study, result of which needs further study or verification. Significance of the study also state that the probable effects on the results of the study on a theory or practice. The student also gives the importance of the study to his profession, to a particular discipline and to the community as well. Example The findings of the study may be of help to the following: Nursing Practice. Analysis, interpretation and implications of the data gathered will provide an actual and practical understanding of nursing practice by focusing on the resulting strategies for better nursing care management for diabetic clients. Respondents. The results of the research will enlighten them on how to manage their own health conditions. It will further help them understand their health problem and realize that there is hope in battling the disease through appropriate knowledge and awareness of the different clinical manifestation of type 2 diabetes. Moreover, they can live a happy, healthy long life and can prevent the occurrence of complications. Family Members. The agony of knowing a member of the family is suffering from an incurable and serious disease could cause for a panic. However, the results of the present research can be utilized in educating the
  • 11. family members on how to help the respondents in their quest in controlling their blood glucose levels. Researchers. The results can be used by other researchers as reference for a further study about the effectiveness of diet and exercise management using a wider range and diversified groups of respondents. Scope and Delimitation of the Study To specify scope, the student/researcher spells out the coverage of the study in terms of subject, concepts, specific aspect of a phenomenon, treatment, sampling and time frame. The who, what, when, where and how of the study will be clarified. The student delimits the aspects of the subject being investigated considering specific constraints such as foreseen weaknesses in methodology and design, statistical analysis, representative of sampling and time. Delimitation sets the limit of what the research will include and what will not include. Example: The study will try to identify the level of awareness of the respondents about the clinical manifestation of type 2 diabetes. It will include type 2 diabetes mellitus patients at ____________________________________. They were chosen regardless of their age, gender, civil status, educational attainment and employment status. . A total number of 50 respondents will take as sample. The study is limited to the level of awareness regarding clinical manifestation of type 2 diabetes. It does not include the financial issues and other problems of the respondents.
  • 12. Definition of Terms Terms used in the statement of the problem and title must be defined according to how they are used in the study. These terms must be defined contextually or operationally. This means that the definition is based on how the term is used within the context of the study. Terms may also be defined according to authorities on the subject of investigation. Dictionary definition should not be used. The following terms are defined according to its use in the present research. Awareness, as used in the study, it means having knowledge or cognizance about the clinical manifestation of type 2 diabetes.
  • 13. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents the related literature and studies conducted by other researchers that have relevance to the present research study. The related literatures and results of previous studies will strengthen the findings of the present research study. Moreover, the similarities and differences of the findings will be utilized in the analysis of the results of the present research study. The related literature consists of readings from various authorities on the subject of the research which provide the student/researcher important concepts and principles that will go into the theoretical/conceptual framework and guide the formulation of the questionnaire or survey tool. The related studies/research consists of previous researches that relate to the current study as to purpose, subject investigated, methodology and more importantly the findings. Similarities and differences between previous research and current research are pointed out. What the current research will contribute to the field under investigation is discussed to justify its pursuit despite previous research on this. The review of related studies/research develops in the researcher insights into aspects of the study that might be controversial. It helps the researcher avoid errors committed by previous investigations. Through the review, useful ideas and related variables may be identified which will give direction to the present research.
  • 14. The student/ researcher should used only literature and studies written and published 5 years backward from the year of his research and study. Example Related Literature Local Literature (5) According to Susan Trinidad, (2001) RN, A Head Nurse Educator from Makati Medical Center, health teaching is not new role for nurses. In nursing history, health teaching is focused about sanitation, housing and care for the sick in the hospital and community. Today education and training about preventive health and practices and health promotion are considered essential components of comprehensive health care. Our teaching nurse being a member of the health care team usually spends more time with patients or client than other team members. This contact provides in her the opportunity to develop rapport and build a trust relationship with the patient and his/her family. Thus he/she is able to complete the assessment of an individual patient, learning needs, and provides continuity throughout the teaching process. Hard work and dedication are pre-requisites for a nurse to become a diabetic nurse. Trinidad said; “Anything worthwhile is usually challenging and requires hard work”. Leadership should be a positive force and one could lead by setting achievement goals for every diabetic in your care.
  • 15. Foreign Literature (5) According to the World Health Organization (2000) report, medical nutrition therapy is important in preventing diabetes, managing existing diabetes, and preventing, or at least slowing, the rate of development of diabetes complications. It is, therefore, important at all levels of diabetes prevention. MNT is also an integral component of diabetes self-management education (or training). Achieving nutrition-related goals requires a coordinated team effort that includes the person with diabetes and involves him or her in the decision-making process. It is recommended that a registered dietitian, knowledgeable and skilled in Medical nutrition therapy, be the team member who plays the leading role in providing nutrition care. However, it is important that all team members, including physicians and nurses, be knowledgeable about Medical nutrition therapy and support it’s implementation. Related Studies Local Studies (5) Dr. Rosa Allyn Sy (2002) from Cardinal Santos Medical Center, noted the development of different food pyramids worldwide has proven to be an important educational tool for health care professionals while counseling patients on healthy eating habits. Just a year ago, The Philippine Association for the Study of
  • 16. Overweight and Obesity (PASOO) supported by the president and other officer and members of the Board of Directors, conceptualized the Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide. Similar to a food guide, it is intended to help diabetic educators illustrate more clearly which activities would be beneficial to their patients. The activity pyramid guide uses simple and easy action words or instructions like Habitually, Often, Regularly and Minimal to indicate activities that would provide the most benefit in terms of cardiovascular and metabolic health. Included in the guide is the number of calories burned per minute per kilogram of body weight of the person performing the activity. The base of the pyramid includes activities that are easy, convenient, and accessible to everyone. These activities, part of our daily routines, when performed habitually or daily for minimum of 30 minutes, even 10 minutes at a time will provide metabolic efficiency by increasing total energy expenditure. So if one is diabetic obese, with poor sugar control and have never engaged in any form of exercise before, activities like walking, climbing the stairs, or doing household chores may be a good start. It is important to note that for beginners, the amount of cumulative activity time is more important than the specific type and manner of activity. Aerobic exercise like jogging, brisk walking, swimming, aerobic dancing and recreational activities like ballroom dancing, badminton, tennis etc., burn more calories per millimeter per body weight and are advised for those who want to lose more weight. To get the most benefit from the activity, it has easy action words or instructions which can be done 3-5 times a
  • 17. week for at least 30-45 minutes. These activities will improve cardiovascular endurance. The Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide is intended to be a guide that should help everyone select an activity that best fits his lifestyle and health needs. Just thirty minutes of the different activities over the course of a day is healthy and rewarding. Foreign Studies (5) Dr. Diana Chau and Steven V. Edelman (2003) in the fall issue of Clinical Diabetes noted “Goals of therapy for the elderly diabetic patients should include the evaluation of their functional status, life expectancy, social and financial support, and their own desires for treatment. A full geriatrics assessment performed before establishing any long term therapy may aid in identifying potential problems that could significantly impair the success of a given therapy. Often, elderly patients have cognitive impairment, limitation in their activities of daily living, undiagnosed depression, and difficult social issues that need to be addressed.” The population of the elderly is increasing and more attention should be paid to social security systems may fail to ensure the appropriate care to the millions who will be affected by diabetes in 2025. Moreover by promoting diabetes prevention, we will ensure that those millions who already have diabetes will not face the nightmare of a regression in the quality of care they deserve while, on the country, there is a great need in many parts of the world to improve it
  • 18. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This part of the research/study presents the design of the study, particularly the research methods and techniques to be used, how the subjects are chosen, how the sample size is determined, the instrument to be used and their validation and the data analysis scheme which includes the application of statistical tools for treatment of data yielded by the study. Research Design The research design identifies the procedures by which the study population will be selected, how these subjects will be used to yield the required data, how the data will be collected and how these data will be analyzed. Example: The researcher used the descriptive method research in determining the level of awareness regarding the clinical manifestation of the respondents with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Costales (2001) discussed the descriptive research design and pointed out that specifically, the survey research was used to gather pertinent data. The methodology’s time focus was the present condition as well as the future. It also involves description, recording, analysis and interpretation of the status and
  • 19. condition that were obtained in a particular research situation. It usually involves comparison and contrast, and may attempt to discover a cause and effect relationship that exists between non-manipulative variables. This research uses both quantitative and qualitative methods of study. In assessing the profile the respondents, quantitative method was used. And also, the data were collected through the patients’ health records in the health center. Respondents of the Study In this section, the student describes the population, why and how the subject are chosen and discusses the sampling technique employed. A statistician may be consulted to determine the appropriateness of the sample size for the study. Example: The study will be conducted at Rizal Medical Center Diabetic Center. It is a tertiary hospital with more than 100 bed capacity. The Diabetic Center consists of 35 Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients .The respondents will be type 2 diabetes mellitus patients of Rizal Medical Center Diabetic Center which is non-probability purposive. Instrument Used In this part of research, the tools for data collection are described such as test and questionnaires to be constructed, validated and administered. If the instrument is prepared by researcher, it should be tested for validity and
  • 20. reliability. If the instrument is standardized, the student/researcher indicates its reliability coefficient. Example: The instruments used in this study were one set of questionnaires for the respondents. The questionnaire for the respondents are consists of two parts: Part I. Dealt with the respondent’s personal and professional profile. This part elicited data on name, age, sex, body mass index, educational attainment, occupation and the years having type 2 diabetes. Part II. Dealt on the level of awareness regarding the clinical manifestation of type 2 diabetes in terms of physiological and psychological symptoms. Before the questionnaires / checklist were distributed and administered, a pre-test was conducted with 5 respondents who were not participants in the study. Their comments were included in the final form of the refined instrument and submitted for final draft. Statistical Treatment of Data This part of the research identifies the kind of data yielded by the study and presents the testing of hypothesis. The kind of statistical tool used is determined by the hypothesis presented in the study. It is advisable to consult a
  • 21. statistician before administering the questionnaire since the manner of questioning and what question to ask will help determine the treatment of the hypotheses. The statistical treatment should be appropriate to the data yielded by the study. This section also presents the statistical formula used and justified their used. Example: Specific Question Number 1 What is the profile of the correspondents in terms age, gender, civil status, educational attainment, employment status and frequency of monitoring blood glucose? To determine the answer to problem number 1 which is concerned with the profile of the respondents in terms of their age, gender, civil status, educational attainment, employment status and frequency of monitoring blood glucose, the frequency and percentage was used. The formula was: % = F/N X 100 Where: F- is the frequency of responses N- is the total number of respondents 100- is the constant in order to get the percentage
  • 22. Specific Question Number 2 What is the extent of compliance of the respondents to blood glucose monitoring through finger sticks analysis in terms of their knowledge and skills? Specific Question Number 3 How do the respondents perceived the effects of home blood glucose monitoring in terms of physiological and psychological effects? To determine the extent to which the home blood glucose monitoring has complied with the standard procedures and the perceived effect of home blood glucose monitoring, the weighted means was determined by multiplying the frequency the weight and by dividing the frequency using the following formula: WM = ∑ wf _____ n Where: WM = weighted mean wf = the sum of the product of the frequency and unit weight n = total number of cases
  • 23. A Likert five point scale with the following interpretation was provided to guide the respondents as follows: Unit Weight Weighted Mean Verbal Assigned Values Interval Interpretation 5 4.20 – 5.00 Fullest Extent (FstE) 4 3.4 – 4.19 Full Extent (FE) 3 2.6 – 3.39 Moderate Extent (ME) 2 1.80 – 2.59 Partial Extent (PE) 1 1.0 – 1.79 No Influence (NI)