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Microservices; 5 things I wish I’d known
Vincent Kok
AMSTERDAM 16 - 17 MAY 2017
Lives in Sydney
Move to the other side of the
world to join Atlassian
About me: @vincentkok
Development manager on
the Confluence team
Lived most of my live 30 mins from
Everybody seems to want them. Do we
really know the impact of our choices?
Why do we want them so badly?
Microservices are messy!
Grow Fat
Code base grows. All
the things slow
Your code base will
become a jurassic
park introducing new
tech becomes hard
Who is responsible
for which part and
more important: who
has the pager
Economies of
The bigger the team
the more they
interrupt each other
Monolithical issues
Microservices: 5 things I wish I'd known - Vincent Kok - Codemotion Amsterdam 2017
Build jobs ran last week
Automated tests
Cause of issues can be extremely hard
Who is having
the pager?
Remember, we’re not all
Microservices: 5 things I wish I'd known - Vincent Kok - Codemotion Amsterdam 2017
Optimise for rapid and
sustainable flow of value
The size will be
reasonable and
Nothing will hold the
team back. Go as
fast as you can
Optimise for
the problem
Pick solution and
tech based on the
problem at hand
It is easier to replace
if there is a need for
The microservice promise
Platform Services
Platform Services
Front end
Core functionality
Platform Services
Front end
5 patterns
#1: Basics
Creating a call-out
Watch the tutorial in the
Presentation Guidelines to learn
how to create call-outs on
screenshots within this template.
Treat them as cattle, not
Health check
200 app is alive. 500 app is unhealthy,
destroy the node
Run as many nodes as you need
Expose a port
Only access to the service
Deep check
Quickly discover if a service

fails to connect to a dependency
"avatar": {
"details": {
"avatarRepository": {
"isHealthy": true
"crowd": {
"isHealthy": true
"deadlock": {
"isHealthy": true
1 repository 1 build
Strict separation of config
from code
Part of the service
Configuration lifecycles
Instant change
Switches you would like to
enable/disable straight away
Rebuild to apply changes
#2: Deployments
Only one person
There is only one person in
the team that owns it
Deployment smells
Takes more then 15
Setting it up should be quick
and initial deployment should
Requires a ticket
A ticket for the deployment
Always deploy an empty
service into production…
Developers in control
What is the artifact we’re running.
We’re mostly standardising on Docker
What resources are requires: RDS,
SQS, Dynamo etc..
What EC2 instance do we want how
many of those and when to scale
What are the alarm thresholds for this
Who is owning the service
We will be adding more icons as need
arises. Speak up if in need!
name: Confluence
description: Confluence Vertigo
type: docker
name: docker.atlassian.io/confluence
tag: latest
uri: /wiki/internal/healthcheck
uri: /wiki/internal/deepcheck
LOG4J_EXTRA_RULES: "log4j.logger.org.hiberate=DEBUG"
- type: sqs
name: default
MaxReceiveCount: 20
VisibilityTimeout: 60
instance: m3.xlarge
min: 7
Services in production
#3: Testing
Testing microservices
Testing microservices
Live service
Test agains a real service
Mock service
Test against a mock service
In process
A local implementation of
your client
Out of process
Use tools like WireMock and
Two options
<beans profile=“integration-test">
<bean id="attachmentService"
"request": {
"url": “/rest/api/content“,
"method": “POST”
"Accept": {
"matches": “application/json”
"response": {
"status": 200
Stable API
If it is external it already
should have a CTK so rely on
How to trust your mock?
Contract testing
Internal fast moving API’s an
benefit from this
Rely on monitoring
Small service, low MTTR
therefore low impact
Semantic Check
Automated test that runs against a
node before it will be added to the
load balancer
#4: Security
OAuth 2.0
Grant a client access to
resources based on a newly
created set of credentials
Common standards
OpenID Connect
Identity on top of OAuth 2
Allows identity and some
metadata only
How to secure a
set of many
Atlassian Service Authentication Protocol
Foo BarJWT
Foo Bar
"typ": "JWT",
"kid": "foo/key1",
"alg": "RS256"
"sub": “32769:87e…”
"aud": "bar",
"nbf": 1494284564,
"iss": "foo",
"exp": 1494284624,
"iat": 1494284564,
"jti": “961253cf-ac…”
#5: Operations
100 kg
99% water
dehydrate 98%
Guess the weight!
Uptime of a system with 30
services of 99.99
2 hours
99.99 = 99.7
Failure is
Circuit breakers
Write code with failure in
Three must haves
Request tracing
Don’t spend hours debugging
Log aggregations
Stream all logs into one
Response times
How much time do spend
calling other services.
Back pressure
Stop putting pressure on a
system that is in trouble
and fail fast
How do you handle failure. A
mandatory step in the
programming model.
Circuit breakers
Request Tracing
Request TracingX-B3-TraceId : 1
X-B3-SpanId : 1
Request TracingX-B3-TraceId : 1
X-B3-SpanId : 1
X-B3-TraceId : 1
X-B3-SpanId : 2
X-B3-ParentSpanId : 1
Request TracingX-B3-TraceId : 1
X-B3-SpanId : 1
X-B3-TraceId : 1
X-B3-SpanId : 2
X-B3-ParentSpanId : 1
X-B3-TraceId : 1
X-B3-SpanId : 3
X-B3-ParentSpanId : 2
Request TracingX-B3-TraceId : 1
X-B3-SpanId : 1
X-B3-TraceId : 1
X-B3-SpanId : 2
X-B3-ParentSpanId : 1
X-B3-TraceId : 1
X-B3-SpanId : 3
X-B3-ParentSpanId : 2
X-B3-TraceId : 1
X-B3-SpanId : 4
X-B3-ParentSpanId : 3
Microservices: 5 things I wish I'd known - Vincent Kok - Codemotion Amsterdam 2017
You Build It You Run It
The team who builds it looks after it.
Ops Team
Handover your services and let them
deal with the fun. Don’t do this.
What should you take home?
Services are cattle not pets.
Testing a monolith is “easy” what’s
think about your service testing
Deploying a service shouldn’t take
longer then 15 minutes
You build it you run it.
Think how you would like to secure
service to service communications
Focus on value
Optimise for rapid and sustainable
flow of value
Thank you
CodeMotion Amsterdam 2017

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