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Using social media to brand your business isn’t groundbreaking anymore. Been there, done that? 
But although social is still important for branding and generating buzz, it’s increasingly used for lead generation. 
At Marketo, we’ve found that 
tapping into social media channels 
can transform your lead generation 
efforts from blah to wow. 
“For successful lead generation on 
social, equip your buyer for success. Be 
personable, connect with your 
prospect’s challenges, and give them a 
next step to move forward.” 
– Chris Brogan 
CEO and Founder, Human Business Works 
Social for Lead Generation 
Power Tips 
1. Don’t take yourself too seriously 
2. Organic isn’t enough on its own; 
don’t be afraid to pay to boost 
your presence 
3. Focus on valuable content and 
solid offers 
4. Create strong calls-to-action 
5. Always add value 
6. Never forget that social is a 
two-way street
Social marketing is shifting away from company-to-buyer marketing, and toward peer-to-peer influence marketing. 
Need proof? A recent Forrester 
survey found that only 20% of buyers 
believe what a brand says about 
itself, because people view any 
brand-to-buyer communication as an 
advertisement. Conversely, 70% of 
buyers trust the recommendations of 
their friends and family. 
When people learn about your brand 
through social, it gives you the 
opportunity to turn those “Likes” into 
leads. By adding elements of social to 
your campaigns, you empower 
customers, prospects, and fans to 
become brand advocates. 
Leveraging the power of peer-to-peer 
communication delivers no- or low-cost 
brand lift and increased brand 
authenticity. Because your audience’s 
peers have nothing to gain by 
recommending a product, peer-to-peer 
word of mouth is one of the most credible 
forms of “advertising”. 
Brand or product recommendations from 
friends and family 
Professionally written online reviews (e.g., 
CNET, consumer reports) 
Consumer-written online reviews 
(e.g., Amazon) 
Natural search engine results 
(e.g., Google, Bing) 
digital pull content 
push content 
Information on websites of 
companies or brands 
Sponsored search engine results 
(e.g., Google, Bing) 
Emails from companies 
or brands 
Posts by companies or brands on social 
networking sites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 
Base: 57,499 US online adults (age 18+) 
*Base: 15,654 EU-7 online adults (age 18+) 
Source: North American Technographics* Online 
Benchmark Survey (Part 1), Q2 2012 (US, Canada) 
* Source: European Technographics* Online 
Benchmark Survey, Q3 2012 
Information on mobile applications 
from companies or brands 
Ads on websites 
(e.g., banners) 
Text messages from 
companies or brands 
24% 27% 
11% 18% 
Europeans trust all advertising 
communications less 
than Americans 
“To what extent do you trust each of the following types of advertising/promotion?” 
(4 or 5 on a scale of 1 [do not trust at all] to 5 [trust completely]) 
A Forrester Research survey on consumer trust in advertisements
Social sharing amplifies your message and your lead generation efforts, but getting people to share isn’t easy. 
People are motivated to share by: 
1. Reputation enhancement 
2. Access to something exclusive 
3. Opportunities for 
4. Competitions 
5. Altruism 
Social Sharing Offers 
Keep these motivations in mind, and 
try to align them to your social offers. 
Consider adding some extra oomph to 
your social campaigns and messaging 
by employing one of these tactics: 
• Refer-a-friend: Create a 
compelling offer for both the 
referrers and referees. This taps 
into the same power as peer-to-peer 
are far more likely to trust their 
friends. Of course, this is also a 
fantastic way to collect 
lead information. 
• Sweepstakes: Create a contest 
and get your entrants to spread the 
word on your behalf. Everyone 
loves winning, and contests are 
highly shareable on social 
channels. You can also gain 
important lead data through 
entry forms. 
Utilizing the 80/20 Rule for social 
So what kind of content should you post 
on social channels? Social media has 
many different functions, including lead 
generation, brand awareness, and 
relationship building. To be effective, you 
need a good balance of promotional 
content and thought leadership. We 
advise marketers to use the 80/20 
rule—80% of your content should be 
informational/educational, and 20% 
should be self-promotional. 
“When it comes to sharing on social, 
pick the channel where you can best 
tell your story. If you’re better in 
video, use YouTube. If you’re brief 
and quippy, use Twitter. Pick what 
you like.” 
– Chris Brogan, CEO and Founder, 
Human Business Works 
• Polls and voting: Everyone 
has an opinion, and most 
people are happy to share. 
Build relationships with 
campaigns that engage your 
audience and compel them to 
share their opinions. You can 
also gain valuable information 
about your leads’ likes and 
dislikes, which can help you 
plan future campaigns. 
• Flash deals: Create a sense of 
urgency with a strong CTA and 
a time limit—these cause leads 
to act quickly. Flash deals can 
quickly increase brand 
awareness and bring in 
new customers.
Facebook boasts the largest user base of any social network, so it’s essential that you have a presence there. Formerly 
dismissed by marketers as too “personal” for business correspondence, it’s become an increasingly common way to 
deliver messaging. With more than 1.1 billion users, and many opportunities for paid advertisements, Facebook is a 
critical element of any lead generation campaign. 
Contagious Content 
So what works on Facebook for lead 
generation? The key is to strike a 
balance between offering content 
that is valuable for brand positioning, 
and offering content that is fun and 
shareable on social channels. If you 
can show value to your followers, 
your lead generation efforts can have 
a true network effect. 
At Marketo, we are always 
experimenting with different types of 
ads, new content, and eye catching 
visuals. We also track our success 
using Marketo and Facebook Insights. 
We’ve found that to successfully 
generate leads on Facebook, 
you need: 
1. Compelling messages 
2. Eye catching visuals 
3. Mass audience appeal 
and shareability 
4. A clear CTA 
5. Personality! 
“Facebook is great because it allows you to humanize 
your brand—companies often forget that people 
aren’t ‘all business’ when it comes to social media. 
They want to have fun, not engage with robots.” 
– Carra Manahan, Marketing Programs Specialist, Marketo
Facebook News Feed 
Facebook’s News Feed uses an 
algorithm to determine whether your 
posts get displayed on a user’s News 
Feed, which is critical for lead 
generation. So how do you get your 
posts to appear? This algorithm has 
gone through numerous iterations, and 
(like Google) will continue to change 
over time, but it always responds to 
content engagement—if users and 
their networks interact with your 
content, it will show up in the feed. If 
not, it will be dropped. 
Here are some other factors that the 
algorithm considers: 
• Affinity: 
How close is the relationship 
between the user and content? 
• Weight: 
What type of action was taken on 
the content? 
• Decay: 
How current is the content? 
• Post Types: 
What types of posts does a user 
typically interact with? 
• Hide Post/Spam: 
What types of posts does a user 
usually hide or mark as spam? 
• Clicking on Ads: 
Do users interact with the ad? 
• Device Considerations: 
Can multiple devices handle 
your content? 
• Story Bumping: 
A post may be older, but is it still 
being interacted with? 
Promoted Posts 
Amplify your lead generation and 
engage your followers (and your 
followers’ networks) by putting paid 
efforts behind some of your top posts. 
Remember, when using promoted 
posts for lead generation purposes, 
there should always be a strong 
CTA—ask followers to download an 
asset, attend a webinar, or learn about 
a new product. You want people to 
have something to click on. 
How do promoted posts work? You 
can promote a post (including status 
updates, videos, blog posts, and 
offers) directly from your News Feed. 
Any post you promote will 
automatically appear higher in the 
News Feed, so more people will see it. 
You can also determine a specific 
budget for each promoted post. Your 
budget will depend on your personal 
business objectives, but Facebook 
prices promotions based on your fan 
count and budget—they can range 
from $10 to $1000. 
At Marketo, we promote assets and 
daily blog posts with strong Facebook 
CTAs, and we’ve seen a big uptick in 
visibility since we started doing so. 
Recently, we created a Facebook 
promoted post for our Definitive Guide 
to Engaging Email, which led to 9,923 
clicks; 6,765 actions (“likes” and 
comments); a 3.976% click-through-rate; 
and cost us $0.70 per click. 
Promoted Facebook post from Marketo
Facebook Ads 
Facebook ads provide highly 
targeted opportunities to reach 
your audience. They appear on the 
right side of a user’s screen, and 
are similar to traditional Pay-Per- 
Click (PPC) ads—you place a bid on 
how much you want to pay per 
click, or you can pay per thousand 
people who will see your ad. And 
much like a typical PPC ad, the cost 
depends on the popularity of your 
keyword terms. 
You can choose to link Facebook 
ads to pages on your website, or to 
your Facebook page to get more 
“Likes”. You can also target 
Facebook ads based on a variety of 
demographic criteria including 
location, job title, age, industry, 
gender, and more. 
Custom Audiences 
If you’re using Sponsored Stories or 
paid ads, you can target a specific 
set of users, or custom audiences, 
with whom you’ve already 
established a relationship—either 
on or off of Facebook. These 
audiences can be defined by the 
following attributes: 
• Email address 
• Facebook user ID 
• Phone number 
• Facebook App user ID 
• Apple IDFA 
• Location 
• Age 
• Gender 
• Education 
• Interests 
• Connections
Tracking and Results 
Facebook’s Page Insights application 
provides fantastic analytics, tracking 
a variety of engagement and ad 
performance metrics. Leveraging this 
data internally can help you begin the 
conversation about your program 
ROI on social. 
Page Insights lets you see: 
• Page “Likes” 
• Post reach 
• Engagement 
• Organic/paid reach per post 
• Post clicks 
• Post “Likes” 
• Comments 
• Shares 
Facebook’s Page Insights analytics
Think of Twitter as a virtual water cooler for marketing professionals: it’s a vibrant community where businesses can 
generate leads, and thought leaders can discuss relevant industry topics. With 218 million users, Twitter can’t be ignored. 
At Marketo, Twitter helps us 
foster continuous, real-time 
engagement with our customers 
and prospects. We use Twitter 
to spread the word about 
specific product offerings, and 
as a forum for potential 
customers to learn more about 
us and our products. And like 
Facebook, Twitter offers many 
opportunities for marketers to 
collect and generate leads. 
Promoted Tweets 
We’ve had great success with 
Promoted Tweets, a form of paid ads 
that appear in a user’s feed, targeted 
to followers and users who fit our 
criteria. Our Promoted Tweets contain 
timely and engaging offers, like 
contests for free trips to industry 
events, or links to relevant thought 
leadership. We use Promoted Tweets 
to create demand for new content 
assets, upcoming events, or demos. 
Every Promoted Tweet that we run 
leads to a form, which improves our 
chances of gaining user data. Like 
Facebook ads and Google Adwords, 
Promoted Tweets use a Cost-Per- 
Click (CPC) pricing model. 
Twitter enables you to target tweets 
based on the following criteria: 
• Interests 
• Keywords in timeline 
• Gender 
• Geography 
• Device 
• Similarity to existing followers 
Marketo also uses Promoted Tweets in 
Twitter searches. These tweets target 
users based on particular keyword and 
hashtag searches. 
Here’s how Promoted Tweets appear 
in a user’s timeline: 
For tweets promoted in search results, 
we run two offers every two weeks, 
with three different tweets focusing on 
15 keywords and five countries. Fresh, 
relevant content offers with the right 
messaging yield click-through rates of 
up to 17%, with a cost-per-prospect at 
around $14. This, of course, will vary 
based on your offer and the relevancy 
of your content. 
We always see significant spikes in 
relevant tweets during industry events, 
so we decided to capitalize on that, 
using Promoted Tweets in search 
results during key conferences such as 
Dreamforce. This allows us to be part 
of relevant conversations while the 
conversations are still hot. By targeting 
event-specific hashtags and relevant 
keywords like “lead management”, we 
can tap into prime lead-generating 
moments. Being a part of real-time 
conversations means pouncing on 
real-time opportunities. 
Promoted tweet in timeline
Promoted Accounts 
and Trends 
Twitter also offers two additional 
promoted ad options—Promoted 
Accounts and Promoted Trends. With 
Promoted Account ads, businesses 
can make their Twitter accounts show 
up under the “Who to follow” list on 
your Twitter page. This can be targeted 
based on who a user typically follows, 
whether it’s a similar advertiser or an 
industry thought leader. 
Promoted accounts can also be 
placed in search results when 
someone searches for a particular 
topic or hashtag. 
A Promoted Account ad from Pulsar, placed among 
organic “Who to follow” suggestions 
In this “Trends” list, GoPro Camera’s promoted 
hashtag tops the list. 
Promoted Trends enable a business 
or an individual to promote a 
particular trend or hashtag, which 
appears on the left-hand side of a 
user’s screen, under “Trends”. Note 
that promoted trends carry a hefty 
price tag—according to Mashable, 
placement costs about $200,000.
Twitter Lead Generation Cards 
Twitter Lead Generation Cards permit 
businesses to collect lead information 
directly from Twitter. How do these 
work? When individuals expand your 
tweet, they see a form, a description 
of your compelling offer, and a CTA. 
Twitter handles, names, and email 
addresses are already filled in, so all a 
lead has to do is click the CTA. 
Twitter Lead Generation Cards can 
also sync to your marketing 
automation tool, but note that Lead 
Generation Cards only have a full 
name field—most marketing 
automation tools collect names in a 
first and last name field. Also, Twitter 
Lead Generation Cards do not 
capture company data. Because of 
this, you can’t (yet) push the lead 
information to most CRM tools. 
A Twitter Lead 
Generation Card 
from Marketo 
Twitter Words of Caution 
A little self-promotion is good for business, 
but if your entire tweet history is about you 
and your company, you’re doing it wrong. 
Use the 80/20 rule: 80% of your content 
should be helpful or entertaining, 20% 
should be promotional 
Tracking and Results 
When people choose to follow you 
on Twitter, you’ll be notified and can 
review their conversations in 
dedicated streams. This helps you 
identify opportunities to engage. 
We’ve seen immediate results from 
our efforts on Twitter: our average 
lead-conversion rate from emails and 
online campaigns is between 2-3%, 
but some of our Twitter campaigns 
have yielded conversion rates as 
high as 14%.
LinkedIn goes beyond personal profiles and status updates; it’s a great resource for networking, influencer 
relationship building, and lead generation opportunities through paid programs. Because users visit the site for 
purely work-related purposes, LinkedIn lends itself to making business connections. 
Company Page 
Building out your company page is the 
first step to optimizing LinkedIn for lead 
generation. Your company page tells 
users who you are, what you do, and why 
they should follow you. 
Follow these key best practices when 
building out your LinkedIn company page: 
• Optimize your company page for 
keywords—people frequently run 
searches on LinkedIn, so make sure 
you show up in results. 
• Add tabs to your company page— 
these are usually “Careers”, 
“Products”, and “Insights”. Your 
“Products” tab should be optimized 
for search. 
• Post on LinkedIn at least once daily 
to establish your presence. 
• Consider adding videos and other 
media to your product pages to 
further engage users. 
Marketo’s LinkedIn page
LinkedIn Sponsored Updates 
To get into the lead generation 
game, LinkedIn began offering 
Sponsored Updates, allowing 
companies to put paid promotions 
behind status updates. These 
promoted updates are seen by your 
followers and targeted users 
outside of your follower network. 
Like all other social ads, LinkedIn 
updates should include a visual, 
and then link to a gated asset. 
A Sponsored Update from Marketo on LinkedIn 
Sponsored Updates allow you to 
target users—you can choose to 
include or exclude users based on 
the following criteria: 
• Location 
• Company name 
• Job title 
• Skills 
• School name 
• LinkedIn Group associations 
• Gender 
• Age 
LinkedIn Ads 
LinkedIn ads give companies the 
chance to target their audience in 
powerful, unique ways. How? The 
information found on a user’s 
LinkedIn profile is different than 
other social networks, and it’s 
particularly helpful for businesses. 
This data maps well to the lead 
data you want from users—such as 
job title, company, industry, 
geographic location, and other 
demographic targeting. 
LinkedIn allows you to customize 
your ads—you can opt for text-only 
ads, images, or video ads. 
However, according to LinkedIn, 
adding an image to your ad can 
bring you 20% more clicks.
Google+ is quickly becoming an essential part of any business’s social media strategy, but it’s also a must for lead 
generation. Already boasting 90 million users, Google is making Google+ accounts mandatory for all Gmail users 
and those who want to post comments on YouTube. Google+ also now plays a major role in SEO. 
About Us Page 
Use the “About Us” page on Google+ 
to give audiences a quick overview of 
your business. From there, you can 
link to specific pages and services, 
directing potential customers to the 
most important pages on your 
website. Make sure your copy is SEO 
friendly, but—as always—avoid 
keyword stuffing. 
On Marketo’s Google+ “About Us” 
page, note that we include our tagline, 
keywords, and links that direct 
viewers to our highest ranking pages. 
Marketo’s Google+ “About Us” page
Claiming Ownership 
of Your Content 
We’ve already discussed Google 
AuthorRank in our chapter about 
SEO, but it’s worth noting that 
Google search results greatly favor 
those who engage with Google+. 
Google Authorship is how Google 
authenticates authors, and how it 
begins to “trust” you as a quality 
source of content. 
Jazz up your virtual meetings or panels with fun effects in Google+ Hangouts 
Google+ Hangouts 
Google+ Hangouts are a great way 
to generate buzz, sharing, and brand 
awareness. Gather thought leaders 
in your industry for a panel or a 
topical chat. Send out invites to your 
customer and prospect base, and 
make sure you promote heavily 
on social.
Readers are inundated with text, which means marketing professionals can’t rely solely on whitepapers and blog 
posts to reach prospects and customers. It’s now vital to include visual elements in all of your marketing campaigns. 
SlideShare is a service that hosts 
your slide decks and presentations 
online, but it’s also much more— 
it’s an essential part of any 
successful content marketing 
strategy, and a powerful social 
community with a reported 60 
million monthly visitors. 
Creative Topics and Visuals 
Content marketing through SlideShare 
can help you establish yourself as an 
expert in your field, using highly 
consumable visual elements. When it 
comes to lead generation, SlideShare 
can help you attract audiences who 
might ordinarily skim past your 
content. Some people might want to 
read a 10-page ebook, while others 
want to consume their information 
quickly and visually. 
Optimizing for SEO 
Creating slide presentations that rank 
for certain keywords can be much 
easier than ranking a post on your 
blog. To give your presentations a 
fighting chance in the world of search 
engines (as well as in SlideShare’s 
own search results) include keyword-rich 
titles, descriptions, and tags. 
Write your titles and descriptions with 
SEO in mind. 
SlideShare presentations are easily 
embedded into other sites, which will 
also drive SEO results. Each time 
someone embeds your presentation, 
it serves as an inbound link to 
your content.
SlideShare Forms 
When it comes to lead generation, 
forms are where SlideShare really 
shines. With SlideShare, you can 
embed a lead generation form directly 
into your presentation, which pops up 
after some or all of your presentation is 
complete. Users can enter their 
information to download the slides 
and learn more about your company. 
If you are using a marketing 
automation platform, you can sync 
your leads directly into your database 
and add them to a nurture program. 
Use SlideShare forms to generate leads.
“Although many think 
that Facebook is a terrific 
platform to build a strong 
community of fans, it’s 
even more powerful when you turn your 
raving fans into quality leads that you 
can communicate with and build a 
relationship with outside of Facebook.” 
– Amy Porterfield 
Social Media Strategist 
“There are three 
channels that are great 
for lead generation. 
Facebook’s ad interface 
and their targeting capabilities are 
impressive—you can get very granular 
and ensure you’re reaching the right 
audience. LinkedIn has generally given 
us the best leads, because you can 
target by job titles, companies, 
company size, or industry. Lastly, we’ve 
had success with lead generation forms 
on SlideShare, where we host all of our 
slide decks, from webinar decks to 
shortened versions of our ebooks.” 
– Carra Manahan 
Marketing Program Specialist, Marketo 
“At Social Media 
Examiner, we’ve found 
that LinkedIn has the 
highest conversion rate, 
but Facebook delivers a higher quantity 
of leads for us. We have a much larger 
fan base on Facebook (192,000+) 
compared to LinkedIn (11,000+), and 
have multiple dedicated staff manning 
our Facebook account.” 
– Michael Stelzner 
CEO and Founder, Social Media Examiner
“Social media platforms 
are becoming more 
sophisticated in terms of 
giving marketers 
opportunities to strategically attract 
leads. It’s no longer all about attracting 
fans and followers—the appeal of social 
media marketing is gravitating more 
toward turning those fans and followers 
into warm leads. These leads are 
genuinely interested in hearing from you. 
– Amy Porterfield 
Social Media Strategist 
“More and more 
companies are investing 
in their brand’s social 
presence, and at the 
same time, social platforms are 
investing in features that help drive lead 
generation. If you’re not using social 
media for your lead generation efforts, 
you’re missing out on a great 
opportunity. We’ve seen great ROI from 
adding a social component to almost 
everything we do—whether it’s a simple 
social share button or a fun contest.” 
– Carra Manahan 
Marketing Program Specialist, Marketo 
“Now that Twitter has 
introduced Lead 
Generation Cards, 
which allow advertisers 
to collect leads directly from paid ads, I 
think we will see more of this type of 
lead generation across the various 
social networks—especially as those 
networks become more reliant on 
advertisers who are seeking to 
generate leads.” 
– Michael Stelzner 
CEO and Founder, Social Media Examiner
“You need to know 
where your audience is 
spending time and have 
a keen understanding of 
their interests, likes, dislikes and overall 
challenges. If you can create giveaways 
that they perceive as highly valuable, 
they’ll be more than happy to give you 
their names and email addresses in 
exchange. That’s how list building on 
social media sites works best—with an 
irresistible giveaway, promoted on your 
social media channels. This not only 
builds goodwill and establishes your 
authority, it also builds your email list 
with people that are genuinely 
interested in what you are all about.” 
– Amy Porterfield 
Social Media Strategist 
“At Marketo, we’re aware 
that a social media 
manager doesn’t just post 
a few tweets or Facebook 
statuses every day—they also have a 
strategy for reaching lead generation 
goals. To have an effective lead 
generation strategy, you’ll need to make 
sure that you have awesome content, the 
right people, and creativity. Content is 
what fuels social media—without it you 
would have nothing to offer your 
audience. Dedicated staff ensure that 
you’re following a strategy, not just using 
social at random. And creativity is key for 
breaking through the noise.” 
– Carra Manahan 
Marketing Program Specialist, Marketo 
“Generating leads with 
social comes down to 
offering a valuable free 
offer. It’s important to 
remember why people are on social 
networks: to connect with people. Thus 
it’s critical to offer up major value if 
you’re going to interrupt their main 
reason for being on the network. Said 
another way, people using social 
networks have a low tolerance for 
overly promotional content.” 
– Michael Stelzner 
CEO and Founder, Social Media Examiner
“People who think 
social media is not 
effective for lead 
generation need to give 
it a try! I can’t stress how important it is 
to test before drawing conclusions. 
You’ll need to try different methods, 
keeping in mind that not everything you 
do will be a success. Not every post on 
every social channel will get a ton of 
engagement—you need to figure out 
which messaging and content resonates 
best with your target audience.” 
– Carra Manahan 
Marketing Program Specialist, Marketo 
“I would say they are 
missing out on a huge 
opportunity, and will 
struggle to build up their 
email lists if they don’t begin to 
experiment with social media 
opportunities to attract quality leads. 
I would also say that their competition 
is very lucky!” 
– Amy Porterfield 
Social Media Strategist 
“Social networks are the 
fastest and lowest cost 
way to generate leads, 
bar none.” 
– Michael Stelzner 
CEO and Founder, Social Media Examiner
© 2014 Marketo, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 
Marketing Software. Easy, Powerful, Complete. 
Marketo (NASDAQ: MKTO) provides the leading cloud-based marketing software platform for companies of all 
sizes to build and sustain engaging customer relationships. Spanning today’s digital, social, mobile and offline 
channels, the Marketo® svvolution includes a complete suite of applications that help organizations acquire new 
customers more efficiently, maximize customer loyalty and lifetime value, improve sales effectiveness, and provide 
analytical insight into marketing’s contribution to revenue growth. Marketo’s applications are known for their 
breakthrough ease-of-use, and are complemented by the Marketing Nation™, a thriving network of more than 190 
LaunchPoint™ ecosystem partners and over 40,000 marketers who share and learn from each other to grow their 
collective marketing expertise. The result for modern marketers is unprecedented agility and superior results.

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Social Media for Lead Generation

  • 2. SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEAD GENERATION OPTIMIZING SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEAD GENERATION Using social media to brand your business isn’t groundbreaking anymore. Been there, done that? But although social is still important for branding and generating buzz, it’s increasingly used for lead generation. At Marketo, we’ve found that tapping into social media channels can transform your lead generation efforts from blah to wow. “For successful lead generation on social, equip your buyer for success. Be personable, connect with your prospect’s challenges, and give them a next step to move forward.” – Chris Brogan CEO and Founder, Human Business Works Social for Lead Generation Power Tips 1. Don’t take yourself too seriously 2. Organic isn’t enough on its own; don’t be afraid to pay to boost your presence 3. Focus on valuable content and solid offers 4. Create strong calls-to-action (CTAs) 5. Always add value 6. Never forget that social is a two-way street
  • 3. 3 Social marketing is shifting away from company-to-buyer marketing, and toward peer-to-peer influence marketing. Need proof? A recent Forrester survey found that only 20% of buyers believe what a brand says about itself, because people view any brand-to-buyer communication as an advertisement. Conversely, 70% of buyers trust the recommendations of their friends and family. When people learn about your brand through social, it gives you the opportunity to turn those “Likes” into leads. By adding elements of social to your campaigns, you empower customers, prospects, and fans to become brand advocates. Leveraging the power of peer-to-peer communication delivers no- or low-cost brand lift and increased brand authenticity. Because your audience’s peers have nothing to gain by recommending a product, peer-to-peer word of mouth is one of the most credible forms of “advertising”. Brand or product recommendations from friends and family Professionally written online reviews (e.g., CNET, consumer reports) Consumer-written online reviews (e.g., Amazon) Natural search engine results (e.g., Google, Bing) Self-seleced digital pull content 33% 38% Digital push content Information on websites of companies or brands Sponsored search engine results (e.g., Google, Bing) Emails from companies or brands Posts by companies or brands on social networking sites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) US EU* Base: 57,499 US online adults (age 18+) *Base: 15,654 EU-7 online adults (age 18+) Source: North American Technographics* Online Benchmark Survey (Part 1), Q2 2012 (US, Canada) * Source: European Technographics* Online Benchmark Survey, Q3 2012 Information on mobile applications from companies or brands Ads on websites (e.g., banners) Text messages from companies or brands 70% 55% 46% 43% 32% 24% 27% 11% 18% 15% 12% 10% 9% 10% 10% 8% 8% 23% 37% 61% Europeans trust all advertising communications less than Americans SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEAD GENERATION PEER-TO-PEER INFLUENCE MARKETING “To what extent do you trust each of the following types of advertising/promotion?” (4 or 5 on a scale of 1 [do not trust at all] to 5 [trust completely]) A Forrester Research survey on consumer trust in advertisements
  • 4. 4 SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEAD GENERATION SOCIAL SHARING Social sharing amplifies your message and your lead generation efforts, but getting people to share isn’t easy. People are motivated to share by: 1. Reputation enhancement 2. Access to something exclusive 3. Opportunities for co-creation/authorship 4. Competitions 5. Altruism Social Sharing Offers Keep these motivations in mind, and try to align them to your social offers. Consider adding some extra oomph to your social campaigns and messaging by employing one of these tactics: • Refer-a-friend: Create a compelling offer for both the referrers and referees. This taps into the same power as peer-to-peer recommendations—people are far more likely to trust their friends. Of course, this is also a fantastic way to collect lead information. • Sweepstakes: Create a contest and get your entrants to spread the word on your behalf. Everyone loves winning, and contests are highly shareable on social channels. You can also gain important lead data through entry forms. Utilizing the 80/20 Rule for social So what kind of content should you post on social channels? Social media has many different functions, including lead generation, brand awareness, and relationship building. To be effective, you need a good balance of promotional content and thought leadership. We advise marketers to use the 80/20 rule—80% of your content should be informational/educational, and 20% should be self-promotional. “When it comes to sharing on social, pick the channel where you can best tell your story. If you’re better in video, use YouTube. If you’re brief and quippy, use Twitter. Pick what you like.” – Chris Brogan, CEO and Founder, Human Business Works • Polls and voting: Everyone has an opinion, and most people are happy to share. Build relationships with campaigns that engage your audience and compel them to share their opinions. You can also gain valuable information about your leads’ likes and dislikes, which can help you plan future campaigns. • Flash deals: Create a sense of urgency with a strong CTA and a time limit—these cause leads to act quickly. Flash deals can quickly increase brand awareness and bring in new customers.
  • 5. 5 SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEAD GENERATION FACEBOOK Facebook boasts the largest user base of any social network, so it’s essential that you have a presence there. Formerly dismissed by marketers as too “personal” for business correspondence, it’s become an increasingly common way to deliver messaging. With more than 1.1 billion users, and many opportunities for paid advertisements, Facebook is a critical element of any lead generation campaign. Contagious Content So what works on Facebook for lead generation? The key is to strike a balance between offering content that is valuable for brand positioning, and offering content that is fun and shareable on social channels. If you can show value to your followers, your lead generation efforts can have a true network effect. At Marketo, we are always experimenting with different types of ads, new content, and eye catching visuals. We also track our success using Marketo and Facebook Insights. We’ve found that to successfully generate leads on Facebook, you need: 1. Compelling messages 2. Eye catching visuals 3. Mass audience appeal and shareability 4. A clear CTA 5. Personality! “Facebook is great because it allows you to humanize your brand—companies often forget that people aren’t ‘all business’ when it comes to social media. They want to have fun, not engage with robots.” – Carra Manahan, Marketing Programs Specialist, Marketo
  • 6. 6 SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEAD GENERATION FACEBOOK Facebook News Feed Facebook’s News Feed uses an algorithm to determine whether your posts get displayed on a user’s News Feed, which is critical for lead generation. So how do you get your posts to appear? This algorithm has gone through numerous iterations, and (like Google) will continue to change over time, but it always responds to content engagement—if users and their networks interact with your content, it will show up in the feed. If not, it will be dropped. Here are some other factors that the algorithm considers: • Affinity: How close is the relationship between the user and content? • Weight: What type of action was taken on the content? • Decay: How current is the content? • Post Types: What types of posts does a user typically interact with? • Hide Post/Spam: What types of posts does a user usually hide or mark as spam? • Clicking on Ads: Do users interact with the ad? • Device Considerations: Can multiple devices handle your content? • Story Bumping: A post may be older, but is it still being interacted with? Promoted Posts Amplify your lead generation and engage your followers (and your followers’ networks) by putting paid efforts behind some of your top posts. Remember, when using promoted posts for lead generation purposes, there should always be a strong CTA—ask followers to download an asset, attend a webinar, or learn about a new product. You want people to have something to click on. How do promoted posts work? You can promote a post (including status updates, videos, blog posts, and offers) directly from your News Feed. Any post you promote will automatically appear higher in the News Feed, so more people will see it. You can also determine a specific budget for each promoted post. Your budget will depend on your personal business objectives, but Facebook prices promotions based on your fan count and budget—they can range from $10 to $1000. At Marketo, we promote assets and daily blog posts with strong Facebook CTAs, and we’ve seen a big uptick in visibility since we started doing so. Recently, we created a Facebook promoted post for our Definitive Guide to Engaging Email, which led to 9,923 clicks; 6,765 actions (“likes” and comments); a 3.976% click-through-rate; and cost us $0.70 per click. Promoted Facebook post from Marketo
  • 7. 7 SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEAD GENERATION FACEBOOK Facebook Ads Facebook ads provide highly targeted opportunities to reach your audience. They appear on the right side of a user’s screen, and are similar to traditional Pay-Per- Click (PPC) ads—you place a bid on how much you want to pay per click, or you can pay per thousand people who will see your ad. And much like a typical PPC ad, the cost depends on the popularity of your keyword terms. You can choose to link Facebook ads to pages on your website, or to your Facebook page to get more “Likes”. You can also target Facebook ads based on a variety of demographic criteria including location, job title, age, industry, gender, and more. Custom Audiences If you’re using Sponsored Stories or paid ads, you can target a specific set of users, or custom audiences, with whom you’ve already established a relationship—either on or off of Facebook. These audiences can be defined by the following attributes: • Email address • Facebook user ID • Phone number • Facebook App user ID • Apple IDFA • Location • Age • Gender • Education • Interests • Connections
  • 8. 8 SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEAD GENERATION FACEBOOK Tracking and Results Facebook’s Page Insights application provides fantastic analytics, tracking a variety of engagement and ad performance metrics. Leveraging this data internally can help you begin the conversation about your program ROI on social. Page Insights lets you see: • Page “Likes” • Post reach • Engagement • Organic/paid reach per post • Post clicks • Post “Likes” • Comments • Shares Facebook’s Page Insights analytics
  • 9. SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEAD GENERATION TWITTER Think of Twitter as a virtual water cooler for marketing professionals: it’s a vibrant community where businesses can generate leads, and thought leaders can discuss relevant industry topics. With 218 million users, Twitter can’t be ignored. 9 At Marketo, Twitter helps us foster continuous, real-time engagement with our customers and prospects. We use Twitter to spread the word about specific product offerings, and as a forum for potential customers to learn more about us and our products. And like Facebook, Twitter offers many opportunities for marketers to collect and generate leads. Promoted Tweets We’ve had great success with Promoted Tweets, a form of paid ads that appear in a user’s feed, targeted to followers and users who fit our criteria. Our Promoted Tweets contain timely and engaging offers, like contests for free trips to industry events, or links to relevant thought leadership. We use Promoted Tweets to create demand for new content assets, upcoming events, or demos. Every Promoted Tweet that we run leads to a form, which improves our chances of gaining user data. Like Facebook ads and Google Adwords, Promoted Tweets use a Cost-Per- Click (CPC) pricing model. Twitter enables you to target tweets based on the following criteria: • Interests • Keywords in timeline • Gender • Geography • Device • Similarity to existing followers Marketo also uses Promoted Tweets in Twitter searches. These tweets target users based on particular keyword and hashtag searches. Here’s how Promoted Tweets appear in a user’s timeline: For tweets promoted in search results, we run two offers every two weeks, with three different tweets focusing on 15 keywords and five countries. Fresh, relevant content offers with the right messaging yield click-through rates of up to 17%, with a cost-per-prospect at around $14. This, of course, will vary based on your offer and the relevancy of your content. We always see significant spikes in relevant tweets during industry events, so we decided to capitalize on that, using Promoted Tweets in search results during key conferences such as Dreamforce. This allows us to be part of relevant conversations while the conversations are still hot. By targeting event-specific hashtags and relevant keywords like “lead management”, we can tap into prime lead-generating moments. Being a part of real-time conversations means pouncing on real-time opportunities. Promoted tweet in timeline
  • 10. SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEAD GENERATION TWITTER Promoted Accounts and Trends Twitter also offers two additional promoted ad options—Promoted Accounts and Promoted Trends. With Promoted Account ads, businesses can make their Twitter accounts show up under the “Who to follow” list on your Twitter page. This can be targeted based on who a user typically follows, whether it’s a similar advertiser or an industry thought leader. Promoted accounts can also be placed in search results when someone searches for a particular topic or hashtag. A Promoted Account ad from Pulsar, placed among organic “Who to follow” suggestions In this “Trends” list, GoPro Camera’s promoted hashtag tops the list. Promoted Trends enable a business or an individual to promote a particular trend or hashtag, which appears on the left-hand side of a user’s screen, under “Trends”. Note that promoted trends carry a hefty price tag—according to Mashable, placement costs about $200,000.
  • 11. 11 SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEAD GENERATION TWITTER Twitter Lead Generation Cards Twitter Lead Generation Cards permit businesses to collect lead information directly from Twitter. How do these work? When individuals expand your tweet, they see a form, a description of your compelling offer, and a CTA. Twitter handles, names, and email addresses are already filled in, so all a lead has to do is click the CTA. Twitter Lead Generation Cards can also sync to your marketing automation tool, but note that Lead Generation Cards only have a full name field—most marketing automation tools collect names in a first and last name field. Also, Twitter Lead Generation Cards do not capture company data. Because of this, you can’t (yet) push the lead information to most CRM tools. A Twitter Lead Generation Card from Marketo Twitter Words of Caution A little self-promotion is good for business, but if your entire tweet history is about you and your company, you’re doing it wrong. Use the 80/20 rule: 80% of your content should be helpful or entertaining, 20% should be promotional Tracking and Results When people choose to follow you on Twitter, you’ll be notified and can review their conversations in dedicated streams. This helps you identify opportunities to engage. We’ve seen immediate results from our efforts on Twitter: our average lead-conversion rate from emails and online campaigns is between 2-3%, but some of our Twitter campaigns have yielded conversion rates as high as 14%.
  • 12. 12 SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEAD GENERATION LINKEDIN LinkedIn goes beyond personal profiles and status updates; it’s a great resource for networking, influencer relationship building, and lead generation opportunities through paid programs. Because users visit the site for purely work-related purposes, LinkedIn lends itself to making business connections. Company Page Building out your company page is the first step to optimizing LinkedIn for lead generation. Your company page tells users who you are, what you do, and why they should follow you. Follow these key best practices when building out your LinkedIn company page: • Optimize your company page for keywords—people frequently run searches on LinkedIn, so make sure you show up in results. • Add tabs to your company page— these are usually “Careers”, “Products”, and “Insights”. Your “Products” tab should be optimized for search. • Post on LinkedIn at least once daily to establish your presence. • Consider adding videos and other media to your product pages to further engage users. Marketo’s LinkedIn page
  • 13. SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEAD GENERATION LINKEDIN LinkedIn Sponsored Updates To get into the lead generation game, LinkedIn began offering Sponsored Updates, allowing companies to put paid promotions behind status updates. These promoted updates are seen by your followers and targeted users outside of your follower network. Like all other social ads, LinkedIn updates should include a visual, and then link to a gated asset. A Sponsored Update from Marketo on LinkedIn Sponsored Updates allow you to target users—you can choose to include or exclude users based on the following criteria: • Location • Company name • Job title • Skills • School name • LinkedIn Group associations • Gender • Age LinkedIn Ads LinkedIn ads give companies the chance to target their audience in powerful, unique ways. How? The information found on a user’s LinkedIn profile is different than other social networks, and it’s particularly helpful for businesses. This data maps well to the lead data you want from users—such as job title, company, industry, geographic location, and other demographic targeting. LinkedIn allows you to customize your ads—you can opt for text-only ads, images, or video ads. However, according to LinkedIn, adding an image to your ad can bring you 20% more clicks.
  • 14. 14 SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEAD GENERATION GOOGLE+ Google+ is quickly becoming an essential part of any business’s social media strategy, but it’s also a must for lead generation. Already boasting 90 million users, Google is making Google+ accounts mandatory for all Gmail users and those who want to post comments on YouTube. Google+ also now plays a major role in SEO. About Us Page Use the “About Us” page on Google+ to give audiences a quick overview of your business. From there, you can link to specific pages and services, directing potential customers to the most important pages on your website. Make sure your copy is SEO friendly, but—as always—avoid keyword stuffing. On Marketo’s Google+ “About Us” page, note that we include our tagline, keywords, and links that direct viewers to our highest ranking pages. Marketo’s Google+ “About Us” page
  • 15. SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEAD GENERATION GOOGLE+ Claiming Ownership of Your Content We’ve already discussed Google AuthorRank in our chapter about SEO, but it’s worth noting that Google search results greatly favor those who engage with Google+. Google Authorship is how Google authenticates authors, and how it begins to “trust” you as a quality source of content. Jazz up your virtual meetings or panels with fun effects in Google+ Hangouts Google+ Hangouts Google+ Hangouts are a great way to generate buzz, sharing, and brand awareness. Gather thought leaders in your industry for a panel or a topical chat. Send out invites to your customer and prospect base, and make sure you promote heavily on social.
  • 16. 16 SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEAD GENERATION SLIDESHARE Readers are inundated with text, which means marketing professionals can’t rely solely on whitepapers and blog posts to reach prospects and customers. It’s now vital to include visual elements in all of your marketing campaigns. SlideShare is a service that hosts your slide decks and presentations online, but it’s also much more— it’s an essential part of any successful content marketing strategy, and a powerful social community with a reported 60 million monthly visitors. Creative Topics and Visuals Content marketing through SlideShare can help you establish yourself as an expert in your field, using highly consumable visual elements. When it comes to lead generation, SlideShare can help you attract audiences who might ordinarily skim past your content. Some people might want to read a 10-page ebook, while others want to consume their information quickly and visually. Optimizing for SEO Creating slide presentations that rank for certain keywords can be much easier than ranking a post on your blog. To give your presentations a fighting chance in the world of search engines (as well as in SlideShare’s own search results) include keyword-rich titles, descriptions, and tags. Write your titles and descriptions with SEO in mind. SlideShare presentations are easily embedded into other sites, which will also drive SEO results. Each time someone embeds your presentation, it serves as an inbound link to your content.
  • 17. 17 SOCIAL MEDIA FOR LEAD GENERATION SLIDESHARE SlideShare Forms When it comes to lead generation, forms are where SlideShare really shines. With SlideShare, you can embed a lead generation form directly into your presentation, which pops up after some or all of your presentation is complete. Users can enter their information to download the slides and learn more about your company. If you are using a marketing automation platform, you can sync your leads directly into your database and add them to a nurture program. Use SlideShare forms to generate leads.
  • 18. ASK THE EXPERTS: SOCIAL MEDIA AND LEAD GEN ROUNDTABLE WHAT SOCIAL CHANNEL WORKS BEST FOR LEAD GENERATION? “Although many think that Facebook is a terrific platform to build a strong community of fans, it’s even more powerful when you turn your raving fans into quality leads that you can communicate with and build a relationship with outside of Facebook.” – Amy Porterfield Social Media Strategist “There are three channels that are great for lead generation. Facebook’s ad interface and their targeting capabilities are impressive—you can get very granular and ensure you’re reaching the right audience. LinkedIn has generally given us the best leads, because you can target by job titles, companies, company size, or industry. Lastly, we’ve had success with lead generation forms on SlideShare, where we host all of our slide decks, from webinar decks to shortened versions of our ebooks.” – Carra Manahan Marketing Program Specialist, Marketo “At Social Media Examiner, we’ve found that LinkedIn has the highest conversion rate, but Facebook delivers a higher quantity of leads for us. We have a much larger fan base on Facebook (192,000+) compared to LinkedIn (11,000+), and have multiple dedicated staff manning our Facebook account.” – Michael Stelzner CEO and Founder, Social Media Examiner
  • 19. ASK THE EXPERTS: SOCIAL MEDIA AND LEAD GEN ROUNDTABLE WHAT IS THE FUTURE OF SOCIAL FOR LEAD GENERATION? “Social media platforms are becoming more sophisticated in terms of giving marketers opportunities to strategically attract leads. It’s no longer all about attracting fans and followers—the appeal of social media marketing is gravitating more toward turning those fans and followers into warm leads. These leads are genuinely interested in hearing from you. – Amy Porterfield Social Media Strategist “More and more companies are investing in their brand’s social presence, and at the same time, social platforms are investing in features that help drive lead generation. If you’re not using social media for your lead generation efforts, you’re missing out on a great opportunity. We’ve seen great ROI from adding a social component to almost everything we do—whether it’s a simple social share button or a fun contest.” – Carra Manahan Marketing Program Specialist, Marketo “Now that Twitter has introduced Lead Generation Cards, which allow advertisers to collect leads directly from paid ads, I think we will see more of this type of lead generation across the various social networks—especially as those networks become more reliant on advertisers who are seeking to generate leads.” – Michael Stelzner CEO and Founder, Social Media Examiner
  • 20. ASK THE EXPERTS: SOCIAL MEDIA AND LEAD GEN ROUNDTABLE WHAT ARE THE KEY SOCIAL COMPONENTS OF AN EFFECTIVE LEAD GENERATION STRATEGY? “You need to know where your audience is spending time and have a keen understanding of their interests, likes, dislikes and overall challenges. If you can create giveaways that they perceive as highly valuable, they’ll be more than happy to give you their names and email addresses in exchange. That’s how list building on social media sites works best—with an irresistible giveaway, promoted on your social media channels. This not only builds goodwill and establishes your authority, it also builds your email list with people that are genuinely interested in what you are all about.” – Amy Porterfield Social Media Strategist “At Marketo, we’re aware that a social media manager doesn’t just post a few tweets or Facebook statuses every day—they also have a strategy for reaching lead generation goals. To have an effective lead generation strategy, you’ll need to make sure that you have awesome content, the right people, and creativity. Content is what fuels social media—without it you would have nothing to offer your audience. Dedicated staff ensure that you’re following a strategy, not just using social at random. And creativity is key for breaking through the noise.” – Carra Manahan Marketing Program Specialist, Marketo “Generating leads with social comes down to offering a valuable free offer. It’s important to remember why people are on social networks: to connect with people. Thus it’s critical to offer up major value if you’re going to interrupt their main reason for being on the network. Said another way, people using social networks have a low tolerance for overly promotional content.” – Michael Stelzner CEO and Founder, Social Media Examiner
  • 21. ASK THE EXPERTS: SOCIAL MEDIA AND LEAD GEN ROUNDTABLE WHAT DO YOU SAY TO PEOPLE WHO THINK SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOT EFFECTIVE FOR LEAD GENERATION? “People who think social media is not effective for lead generation need to give it a try! I can’t stress how important it is to test before drawing conclusions. You’ll need to try different methods, keeping in mind that not everything you do will be a success. Not every post on every social channel will get a ton of engagement—you need to figure out which messaging and content resonates best with your target audience.” – Carra Manahan Marketing Program Specialist, Marketo “I would say they are missing out on a huge opportunity, and will struggle to build up their email lists if they don’t begin to experiment with social media opportunities to attract quality leads. I would also say that their competition is very lucky!” – Amy Porterfield Social Media Strategist “Social networks are the fastest and lowest cost way to generate leads, bar none.” – Michael Stelzner CEO and Founder, Social Media Examiner
  • 22. DG2LG-01142014 © 2014 Marketo, Inc. All Rights Reserved. info@marketo.com www.marketo.com Marketing Software. Easy, Powerful, Complete. Marketo (NASDAQ: MKTO) provides the leading cloud-based marketing software platform for companies of all sizes to build and sustain engaging customer relationships. Spanning today’s digital, social, mobile and offline channels, the Marketo® svvolution includes a complete suite of applications that help organizations acquire new customers more efficiently, maximize customer loyalty and lifetime value, improve sales effectiveness, and provide analytical insight into marketing’s contribution to revenue growth. Marketo’s applications are known for their breakthrough ease-of-use, and are complemented by the Marketing Nation™, a thriving network of more than 190 LaunchPoint™ ecosystem partners and over 40,000 marketers who share and learn from each other to grow their collective marketing expertise. The result for modern marketers is unprecedented agility and superior results.