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MySQL	Security	and	GDPR	
Mark	Swarbrick	MySQL	Principal	Sales	Consultant	
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
Safe	Harbor	Statement	
The	following	is	intended	to	outline	our	general	product	direction.	It	is	intended	for	
information	purposes	only,	and	may	not	be	incorporated	into	any	contract.	It	is	not	a	
commitment	to	deliver	any	material,	code,	or	functionality,	and	should	not	be	relied	upon	
in	making	purchasing	decisions.	The	development,	release,	and	timing	of	any	features	or	
functionality	described	for	Oracle’s	products	remains	at	the	sole	discretion	of	Oracle.	
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
•  The	E.U.	General	Data	Protection	Regulation	(GDPR)	comes	into	effect	in	
May	2018	
•  GDPR	is	a	European	Union	“EU”-wide	framework		
– Protection	of	personal	data	of	EU-based	individuals	
– Restrictions	to	movement	of	that	data	
•  Published	May	2016,	Enforceable	by	May	2018	
•  Fines	for	GDPR	violations	are		
– The	greater	of	20,000,000	Euros	or	4%	of	annual	revenue	(R150,	A83)	
Confidential	–	Oracle	Internal	 4
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
GDPR:	Who	and	What	
•  Who	does	the	GDPR	affect?	
– The	GDPR	not	only	applies	to	organisations	located	within	the	EU	but	it	will	also	apply	
to	organisations	located	outside	of	the	EU	if	they	offer	goods	or	services	to,	or	
monitor	the	behaviour	of,	EU	data	subjects.	It	applies	to	all	companies	processing	and	
holding	the	personal	data	of	data	subjects	residing	in	the	European	Union,	regardless	
of	the	company’s	location.	
•  What	constitutes	personal	data?	
– Any	information	related	to	a	natural	person	or	‘Data	Subject’,	that	can	be	used	to	
directly	or	indirectly	identify	the	person.	It	can	be	anything	from	a	name,	a	photo,	an	
email	address,	bank	details,	posts	on	social	networking	websites,	medical	
information,	or	a	computer	IP	address.	
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
Appropriate	Security	Controls	
•  Data	must	be	processed	with	controls	that	provide																											
“appropriate	security	and	confidentiality	“		
– Recitals	of	note	-	R74-78,	R81,	R83,	R87,	R90,	A5,	A24-25,	A28,	A32,	A35)	
•  Exact	security	controls	are	not	specified	in	the	GDPR	
– WHAT	to	do		
– Not	HOW	to	do	it	
Confidential	–	Oracle	Internal	 6
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EU	General	Data	Protection	Regulation	(GDPR)	
•  Data	privacy	as	a	fundamental	right	
•  Defines	Data	protection	responsibilities,	baselines,	principles	
•  Provides	Enforcement	Powers	
Focus	is	on	3	Areas	
•  Assessment	–	Processes,	Profiles,	Data	Sensitivity,	Ricks	
•  Prevention	–	Encryption,	Anonymization,	Access	Controls,	Separation	of	Duties	
•  Detection	–	Auditing,	Activity	monitoring,	Alerting,	Reporting	
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
Complexity	grows	
Risk	Grows	
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
•  We	can’t	be	entirely	prescriptive	
•  We	have	many	things	that	can	be	applied	towards	attaining	compliance	
– Products	
– Features	
– Best	Practices	
– Documents	
– Integrations	
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
Security	Architecture	 ¡ Workbench
• Model
• Data
• Audit Data
• User Management
¡ ¡ Enterprise Monitor
• Identifies Vulnerabilities
• Security hardening policies
• Monitoring & Alerting
• User Monitoring
• Password Monitoring
• Schema Change Monitoring
• Backup Monitoring
¡ Data Encryption
• Encryption
¡ Firewall
¡ Key Vault
¡ Enterprise Authentication
¡ Network Encryption
¡ Enterprise Audit
• Powerful Rules Engine
¡ Audit Vault
¡ Strong Authentication
¡ Access Controls
¡ Assess
¡ Prevent
¡ Detect
¡ Recover
¡ Enterprise Backup
• Encrypted
¡ HA
• Innodb Cluster
¡ Thread Pool
• Attack minimization
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
Assess	Security	Risks	
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
Assess	-	MySQL	Enterprise	Features	and	GDPR	
•  Assess	Risks	(Articles	35,	90,	91)	
– MySQL	Enterprise	Monitor	
•  Account	assessment	and	reporting	
•  Identifies	Security	Vulnerabilities	–	discover	security	holes,	advises	remediating	actions	
– Advisors	provide	rules	designed	to	enforce	security	best	practices	and	alert	upon	discovering	vulnerabilities	
– MySQL	Workbench	EE	
•  Discover	tables	and	columns	containing	“Personal	Data”	
•  Data	Modeling	tool	-	Reverse	Engineering	of	Data	Model	to	review	data	stored	in	the	database	
•  Schema	Inspector,	Table	Inspectors	–	for	schema	assessment,	grant	inspection	
– MySQL	Security	Best	Practices	Guidelines	
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
MySQL	Enterprise	Monitor	
•  Enforce	MySQL	Security	Best	Practices	
–  Identifies	Vulnerabilities	
–  Assesses	current	setup	against	security	hardening	policies	
•  Monitoring	&	Alerting	
–  User	Monitoring	
–  Password	Monitoring	
–  Schema	Change	Monitoring	
–  Backup	Monitoring	
–  Configuration	Management	
–  Configuration	Tuning	Advice	
•  Centralized	User	Management	
"I definitely recommend the MySQL Enterprise
Monitor to DBAs who don't have a ton of
MySQL experience. It makes monitoring
MySQL security, performance and availability
very easy to understand and to act on.”
Sandi Barr
Sr. Software Engineer
Schneider Electric
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
Assess	MySQL	Authorization	
•  Administrative	Privileges	
•  Database	Privileges	
•  Session	Limits	and	Object	Privileges	
•  User	privileges		
– Creating,	altering	and	deleting	databases		
– Creating,	altering	and	deleting	tables		
– Execute	INSERT,	SELECT,	UPDATE,	DELETE	queries		
– Create,	execute,	or	delete	stored	procedures	and	with	what	rights	
– Create	or	delete	indexes	
Security Privilege Management in MySQL Workbench
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
MySQL	Enterprise	Authentication	
•  Integrate	with	Centralized	Authentication	Infrastructure		
– Centralized	Account	Management	
– Password	Policy	Management	
– Groups	&	Roles	
•  PAM	(Pluggable	Authentication	Modules)	
– Standard	interface	(Unix,	LDAP,	Kerberos,	others)	
– Windows		
•  Access	native	Windows	service	-	Use	to	Authenticate	users	using	Windows	
Active	Directory	or	to	a	native	host	
Integrates	MySQL	with	existing	
security	infrastructures
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
MySQL	Enterprise	Authentication:	PAM	
•  Standard	Interface	
– Unix/Linux	
•  Proxy	Users	
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
MySQL	Enterprise	Authentication:	Windows	
•  Windows	Active	Directory	
•  Windows	Native	Services	
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
Assess	your	data	and	data	model	using	MySQL	Workbench	
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
Prevent	-	MySQL	Enterprise	Features	and	GDPR	
•  Prevent	Attacks	(Articles	32,	83,	28,	26,	5,	20,	27,	30,	64)	
– MySQL	Enterprise	Security	–	Transparent	Data	Encryption	
•  Includes	Key	Management	
•  Protects	Tablespace	via	Encryption,	Keys	via	Key	Manager/Vault	integration	
– MySQL	Enterprise	Security	–	Firewall	
•  MySQL	Firewall	Statement/User/IP	Whitelists,	Rules	
– MySQL	Enterprise	Authentication	
– DBA	configurable	IP	whitelisting,	Connection	Limits,	…	
•  Via	server	level	and	via	per	Account	IP/Hostname	Controls,	Account	resource	limits,		
– In	transit	data	encryption	-	
•  Full	support	for	TLS	1.2	-	X509,	Certificate	Authorities,	Exclude	Lists,	etc.	
– Granular	access	controls	
•  Table	Grants,	Database	Views,	Stored	Procedures,	Functions	
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
MySQL	Enterprise	Firewall:	Overview	
SQL Traffic
SQL Injection Attack
Via Brower
MySQL Enterprise FirewallInternet
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
MySQL	Enterprise	Firewall	
•  Block	SQL	Injection	Attacks	
– Allow:	SQL	Statements	that	match	Whitelist	
– Block:	SQL	statements	that	are	not	on	Whitelist		
•  Intrusion	Detection	System	
– Detect:	SQL	statements	that	are	not	on	Whitelist	
•  SQL	Statements	execute	and	alert	administrators	
Select * from employee where id=22
Select * from employee where id=22 or 1=1
White List
Detect & Alert
Intrusion Detection
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
MySQL	Enterprise	Firewall	
•  Real	Time	Protection	
– Queries	analyzed	and	matched	against	White	List	
•  Blocks	SQL	Injection	Attacks	
– Positive	Security	Model	
•  Block	Suspicious	Traffic	
– Out	of	Policy	Transactions	detected	&	blocked	
•  Learns	White	List		
– Automated	creation	of	approved	list	of	SQL	command	patterns	on	a	per	user	basis	
•  Transparent	
– No	changes	to	application	required	
MySQL Enterprise Firewall monitoring
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
Key	Vault	High-Level	Architecture	
Console, Alerts,
Secure Backups
= Credential Files/Other
= Password/
= Certificates
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
MySQL Database
Hacker /
Dishonest OS User
Files Directly
Access Blocked
By Encryption
MySQL	TDE	–	Protects	against	Attacks	on	Database	Files
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
Key	Vault	
MySQL	Enterprise	Transparent	Data	Encryption	
	2	Tier	Architecture	
MySQL	Database	
Tablespace	Keys	
Plugin	&	
•  Master	Key	
•  Stored	outside	the	database	
•  Oracle	Key	Vault		
•  SafeNet	KeySecure	
•  KMIP	1.1	Compliant	Key	Vault	
•  Tablespace	Key	
•  Protected	by	master	key	
Master	Key	
Plain Text
Encrypted 2
Encrypted 1
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
Detect	-	MySQL	Enterprise	Features	and	GDPR	–	1	of	2	
•  Detect	(Articles	30,	82,	33)	
– MySQL	Enterprise	Security	–	Audit	
•  Policy-based	auditing	solution	–	gather	audit	log	of	activity	
•  Use	to	spot	database	misuse	
•  Use	to	prove	compliance	to	GDPR	
– MySQL	Enterprise	Security	–	Firewall	
•  Real-time	protection	against	database	specific	attacks		
•  Use	to	alert	and/or	block	nefarious	activity	–	such	as	personal	data	leakage	
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
Focus	on	MySQL	EE	Audit	
•  GDPR	
– Mandates	recording	or	auditing	of	the	activities	on	the	Personal	Data		
– Recommends	records	must	be	maintained	centrally		
•  Under	the	responsibility	of	the	Controller.		
– Processors	and	third-parties	must	not	be	able	to	tamper	or	destroy	the	audit	records.		
– In	addition	to	book-keeping,	auditing	helps	in	forensic	analysis	in	case	of	a	breach.	
•  MySQL	Enterprise	Audit	Audit	data	can	be	
– Maintained	in	Oracle	Audit	Value	–	certified	
– Outputs	standard	XML	or	JSON	that	easily	integrate	with	various	3rd	party	solutions	
– Supports	encryption	(MySQL	5.7.18+)	
– Can	direct	security	logs	to	write-once	storage	
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
MySQL	Enterprise	Audit	-	Work	Flow	
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
Detect	-	MySQL	Enterprise	Features	and	GDPR	–	2	of	2	
– MySQL	Workbench	EE	
•  Security	related	–		
– Inspect	Audit	Data	
– Configure	Firewall	
– Manage	Users	
– MySQL	Enterprise	Monitor	
•  Monitor/Alert	on	Firewall,	Audit,	Backups	and	more	
•  Detect	configuration	changes	
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
Additional	Security	Controls	
Hashing,	Signing,	Encryption	Functions	
– Symmetric	Encryption	–	AES	
– Hashing	–	SHA-2,	SHA-1	
– Asymmetric	Public	Key	Encryption	(RSA)	
– Asymmetric	Private	Key	Decryption	(RSA)	
– Generate	Public/Private	Key	(RSA,	DSA,	DH)	
– Derive	Symmetric	Keys	from	Public	and	Private	Key	pairs	(DH)	
– Digitally	Sign	Data	(RSA,	DSA)	
– Verify	Data	Signature	(RSA,	DSA)	
– Validation	Data	Authenticity	(RSA,	DSA)	
Confidential	–	Oracle	Internal	 30
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
Additional	Security	Controls	
•  HA	
– Traditional	Replication	
– MySQL	InnoDB	Cluster	
•  Disaster	Recovery	
– Traditional	Replication	
– MySQL	InnoDB	Cluster	
•  Backup	
– MySQL	Enterprise	Backup		
•  Includes	encryption	
•  Support	for	MySQL	TDE	
Confidential	–	Oracle	Internal	 31
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
MySQL	Cloud	Service	
•  Designed	for	security	
•  MySQL	Enterprise	Features	
•  Backup	&	Recovery	
– Based	on	MySQL	Enterprise	Backup	
•  Support	(with	consultative	support)	
Confidential	–	Oracle	Internal	 32	Confidential	–	Oracle	Internal	 32	
MySQL Enterprise Edition
Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|	
Confidential	–	Oracle	Internal	 33	
•  Home	page	EU	GDPR	
– http://www.eugdpr.org/	
•  MySQL	Enterprise	
– https://www.mysql.com/products/enterprise/	
– https://www.mysql.com/it/why-mysql/white-papers/mysql-pci-data-security-
•  MySQL	Security	Best	Practices	
– https://www.mysql.com/it/why-mysql/presentations/mysql-security-best-practices/

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Mark Swarbrick
MySQL as a Document Store
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Percona Live - Dublin 03 ee + cloud
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Airton Lastori
MySQL Enterprise Monitor 3
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Mark Swarbrick

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MySQL as a Document Store
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