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Startups and Smalltalk 
Sebastian Sastre 
Can you spot bugs? we can talk about that later
Startups and Smalltalk 
Stay open to new views of old things 
Wild ride. Irreverent and provocative. 
Take notes of personal insights 
Probably full of wrong advice 
Hopefully an update non-nonsensical conversation starter
Startups and Smalltalk 
What are we going to cover? 
Why a startup? 
What’s a startup? 
Where Smalltalk fit in all this? 
Challenges and Opportunities? 
Some tools to tackle challenges 
Suggestions on what can be done in order to maximize 
the chances of success at those opportunities
Oh hai! Nice to meet you… 
who are we? 
Who is in the room? 
Friends of Teachers? 
Friends of engineers? 
Friends of designers? 
Friends of investors? 
Friends of enteprenerus?
Want to have your own 
Why a startup? 
U nutz? 
In this economy? 
With this government / election / re-election?
Usual suspects: Money, Power & Fame 
self-centered drivers
Less self-centered drivers 
AKA sensible capitalism or inclusive capitalism 
• Financial freedom 
• Put a dent in the Universe 
• Good influence in your ecosystem 
• Purpose, leave this world better than you found it 
• You mention it 
• Suggestion: be something ethical, the opposite to a jerk-ish taker ;) 
Bear in mind: your impact in your economic ecosystem 
will bridge the gap of currently disconnected people. 
Or not :)
The right kind of crazy 
You're either kicking ass or 
you are not 
How much results oriented can you be? 
Or how much can you learn to be? 
Agile’s 1st principle, anyone?
AHA moments come from problems!
How to know if business idea is good? 
Have many many many 
Quantity leads to Quality 
Observe replicant vector on audience 
Measure resonance, decide 
yet starting small is okay! 
^1000 people allSatisfy: [ :guy | 
guy isHappyAbout: something ]
What is a Startup? No, really!
What is a Startup? 
Sweet angel money? Not always smart to take or needed 
Big VC money? Not always accessible and or needed 
Big companies inventing new hardware? Apple, Tesla, SpaceX 
Good Corporate Innovation? 
Two guys in the proverbial garage? 
All of the above?
The natural state of a start-up is to die; most start-ups require 
multiple miracles in their early days to escape this fate. But the 
density and breadth of the Silicon Valley network does sometimes 
let start-ups cheat death. ~ Sam Altman (Y-Combinator)
Startup = Experiment 
couple of dudes in discovery mode 
Technology is not a problem anymore! 
Hyperconnected world with means to fix many things easy, 
has a hard time to identify what is the valuable thing to solve? 
Study all you can find about this guy: Steve Blank
If technology is not the problem anymore, 
what’s the problem now? 
Business: acquiring customers 
Movements: acquiring meaning followers 
The good experiments will help you discover 1000 people allSatisfy:
Where does Smalltalk fit into this?
You tell me 
What is the conquer the world plan? 
Where is the next billion dollar market? 
Where Smalltalk would shine in it? 
Real problems and clients waiting for solutions are certainly there. 
How are the Smalltalker teams planning to take those markets? 
How are they mentoring the next generation? 
Are we seed investing the next generation? 
Are we changing accordingly? 
In what? 
Adds up? Makes sense? 
lets do something 
that scales better 
Some hard reality check questions:
Startups and Smalltalk 
• Rockstar teams? like in remarkably productive? 
• High speed in customer development / business 
• Okay, how friendly are we to "insanely great" design? 
• How fast can we iterate?
Where does Smalltalk fit into this? 
• Dynabook 
• Alto 
• MacIntosh 
• OOP 
• SUnit 
• Extreme Programming 
• Agile 
• Scratch 
• …
What is raining now? 
• mobile phones and tablets 
• Single Page Applications 
• RESTful API's 
• Javascript libraries to deal with "anything known by 
Some slides from "Mobile is Eating the Wold" by Benedict 
Evans from a16z 
Startups and Smalltak - Presented at Smalltalks2014 Córdoba, Argentina
Startups and Smalltak - Presented at Smalltalks2014 Córdoba, Argentina
Startups and Smalltak - Presented at Smalltalks2014 Córdoba, Argentina
Startups and Smalltak - Presented at Smalltalks2014 Córdoba, Argentina
Startups and Smalltak - Presented at Smalltalks2014 Córdoba, Argentina
Startups and Smalltak - Presented at Smalltalks2014 Córdoba, Argentina
Startups and Smalltak - Presented at Smalltalks2014 Córdoba, Argentina
Startups and Smalltak - Presented at Smalltalks2014 Córdoba, Argentina
Startups and Smalltak - Presented at Smalltalks2014 Córdoba, Argentina
What future will you invent?
Startups and Smalltak - Presented at Smalltalks2014 Córdoba, Argentina
All you need to know about 
investing in one slide 
• seed = testing the waters 
• angels = starting the machine 
• VC = growing a business 
• make something that achieves CAC <= 1/3 LTV
Teaching a non-nerd to program? very hard 
Teaching a nerd to business? actually very doable 
Biggest challenge? 
What problems and tools do we have? 
Cognitive Traps
Big opportunity 
Abundance of small "mundane" problems 
Design a profitable business, Don’t know how? 
Ask! Google! Quora! People! Mentors! 
Think small well designed and flexible starts that can grow 
in operations and distribution 
Partners, partners, partners 
Design things that attract great people 
Learn to do social networking 
Want a new opportunity? Go out, ask, shut up and listen
Can your super-powers deal 
with these super-villains?
Cognitive Traps 
• Defensive of "your baby is ugly" 
• I rock vs. I can do something to make you rock 
• End of the road vs. An Ecosystem 
• Productivity matters (you need to deliver more value and 
faster; you are being taxed as you read this) 
• Poor decisions formed by an educational system that 
has trained you not to thrive creating but to (a) shut up 
and obey the statu quo and (b) keep the machine running
The four 
• Villain 1: Narrow framing (unduly 
limiting the options we consider) 
• Villain 2: The confirmation bias 
(seeking out information that 
bolsters our beliefs) 
• Villain 3: Short-term emotion 
(being swayed by emotions that 
will fade) 
• Villain 4: Overconfidence (having 
too much faith in our predictions) 
Excerpt From: Heath, Chip. “Decisive.”
Cognitive Bias ~ Homo Sapiens Sapiens Anti-patterns 
Observation, introspection, reflection, Critical Thinking are good signals 
Specially the Auto-Critical-Thinking / Do good revisions and re-editions of yourself 
No change, statu quo, defensive, being reactive are Comfort Zone signals 
Exciting new possibilities, other people shining eyes, are best Compass
How to find value? 
• Feel their problems 
• Designers are your new best 
• First stage of the Design Thinking 
process? Empathy Maps 
• Yes, empathy like in listening what 
they need, think, say and feel and 
maps like in acknowledging what 
their truly, emotionally engaging, 
problems and needs are 
Oh! It’s going to be soooo beautiful… 
Pragmatic convenient experience 
beats beautiful hands down 
A better question is: Can you make it 
beautiful and convenient?
Want to create a thriving community 
around a specific technology / business? 
Positive feedback is key. Do you have barriers to make it happen? 
Be merciless to demolish barriers! 
Study all you can find about this girl: Kathy Sierra
Startups and Smalltalk 
What are we going to cover? 
Why a startup? 
What’s a startup? 
Where Smalltalk fit in all this? 
Challenges and Opportunities? 
Some tools to tackle challenges 
Suggestions on what can be done in order to maximize 
the chances of success at those opportunities
Use Metcalfe’s Law 
Nodes and Amplifiers 
Where is the biggest value in Smalltalk? 
People => Nodes 
What people is doing? => Amplifiers
enough with inferring implicits… 
People and Nodes meaning 
Lets talk about Amplifiers 
"But I, can’t! I don’t have time!" 
Reality check: if you don’t care, nobody will 
[ I CanNot ] whileTrue: [ 
study 4 villains again. 
you doNotStayTrapped ]
Positive Feedback Loops 
Show something cool in 60 seconds 
Screencasts are great 
Philippe Back doing casual interviews, talk with him 
Don not try to impress the world (you’ll be paralysed) 
Simple things count 
You showing it count
Help fellow Smalltalker 
Technical help not enough 
Use antagonism as red flag. Find ways to defuses it 
Find co-founders with complementary skills 
Prospect partnerships 
Be curious and ingenuous on new possibilities 
You are the change maker 
You go out and figure it out
Make an Angel Fund 
• Be curious 
• Go there and network 
• Put some skin in the game and be an angel so you actually learn what 
matters to make the ecosystem work (quantity of money is orthogonal to 
the learning opportunity you create if you do that) 
• Feel their problems, learn 
• Ask interesting questions and listen, people likes to be listened, so do it 
more (and take notes on insights) 
• Also, you might actually be really lucky and have stocks of the 1 out of 10 
startups that gets hot and makes good money 
• I’m involved in the getting together 2 groups of angels, one on the 
Netherlands and one in Brazil, get in touch to know how we help each other
Get Involved in an 
• Feel their problems 
• Always hungry of great developers 
• You might actually have a protagonist or mentoring 
role in accelerators 
• Hangout more there, stay orbiting them 
• Always make time for opportunities regardless of 
origin and form and never for bad business
Found and Fund many 
• Do lots of experiments 
• Find business 
• Go to StartupWeekends and workout that muscle 
• Great ideas only: it’s either “hell yeah! or no”
Make tech that solves 
their problems 
• Python was inspired to make unix terminal users more heroic 
• Angular was done to make frontend developers more heroic 
• Unix terminal, no internet no nothing without it 
• Lower the friction to valuable problems (interesting or mundane) 
• Drones, nice programming of small hardware 
• 3D printers, smart things, internet of things 
• Single Page Applications
Make tech that solves 
their problems 
Flow's mission is to provide consultants, startups and 
software houses with a competitive Smalltalk full-stack 
framework that allows them to quickly deliver a demo 
with all the modern html5 features the market expects 
today (2014). The idea is that they can tactically use this 
framework to keep momentum up among their prospects 
and clients and scale things to full successful projects 
delivered by kickass productive teams or individuals
Startups and Smalltak - Presented at Smalltalks2014 Córdoba, Argentina
Final thoughts 
In a way, you are already an angel of Smalltalk projects, 
because you care enough to watch this up to this point. 
The whole community have Smalltalk angels there and 
depending on what you do, there are more inspiration 
and results coming
Looking forward to hear your thoughts! 
• QA? Demo? 
Sebastian Sastre 

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Startups and Smalltak - Presented at Smalltalks2014 Córdoba, Argentina

  • 1. Startups and Smalltalk Sebastian Sastre sebastian@flowingconcept.com @sebastianconcpt #Smalltalks2014
  • 2. Can you spot bugs? we can talk about that later
  • 3. Startups and Smalltalk Stay open to new views of old things Wild ride. Irreverent and provocative. Take notes of personal insights Non-linear Probably full of wrong advice Hopefully an update non-nonsensical conversation starter
  • 4. Startups and Smalltalk What are we going to cover? Why a startup? What’s a startup? Where Smalltalk fit in all this? Challenges and Opportunities? Some tools to tackle challenges Suggestions on what can be done in order to maximize the chances of success at those opportunities
  • 5. Oh hai! Nice to meet you… Actually… who are we? Who is in the room? Teachers? Engineers? Designers? Investors? Enteprenerus? Friends of Teachers? Friends of engineers? Friends of designers? Friends of investors? Friends of enteprenerus?
  • 6. Want to have your own business?
  • 7. Why a startup? U nutz? In this economy? With this government / election / re-election?
  • 8. Usual suspects: Money, Power & Fame self-centered drivers
  • 9. Less self-centered drivers AKA sensible capitalism or inclusive capitalism • Financial freedom • Put a dent in the Universe • Good influence in your ecosystem • Purpose, leave this world better than you found it • You mention it • Suggestion: be something ethical, the opposite to a jerk-ish taker ;) Bear in mind: your impact in your economic ecosystem will bridge the gap of currently disconnected people. Or not :)
  • 10. The right kind of crazy vs. coocoo?
  • 11. Results. You're either kicking ass or you are not How much results oriented can you be? Or how much can you learn to be? Agile’s 1st principle, anyone?
  • 12. AHA moments come from problems!
  • 13. How to know if business idea is good? Have many many many Quantity leads to Quality Observe replicant vector on audience Measure resonance, decide Significant Impact yet starting small is okay! isGoodEnough ^1000 people allSatisfy: [ :guy | guy isHappyAbout: something ]
  • 14. What is a Startup? No, really!
  • 15. What is a Startup? Sweet angel money? Not always smart to take or needed Big VC money? Not always accessible and or needed Big companies inventing new hardware? Apple, Tesla, SpaceX Good Corporate Innovation? Two guys in the proverbial garage? All of the above?
  • 16. The natural state of a start-up is to die; most start-ups require multiple miracles in their early days to escape this fate. But the density and breadth of the Silicon Valley network does sometimes let start-ups cheat death. ~ Sam Altman (Y-Combinator)
  • 17. Startup = Experiment couple of dudes in discovery mode Technology is not a problem anymore! Hyperconnected world with means to fix many things easy, has a hard time to identify what is the valuable thing to solve? Study all you can find about this guy: Steve Blank
  • 18. If technology is not the problem anymore, what’s the problem now? Business: acquiring customers Movements: acquiring meaning followers The good experiments will help you discover 1000 people allSatisfy:
  • 19. Where does Smalltalk fit into this?
  • 20. You tell me What is the conquer the world plan? Where is the next billion dollar market? Where Smalltalk would shine in it? Real problems and clients waiting for solutions are certainly there. How are the Smalltalker teams planning to take those markets? How are they mentoring the next generation? Are we seed investing the next generation? Are we changing accordingly? In what? How? Adds up? Makes sense? actually… lets do something that scales better Some hard reality check questions:
  • 21. Startups and Smalltalk • Rockstar teams? like in remarkably productive? • High speed in customer development / business discovery? • Okay, how friendly are we to "insanely great" design? • How fast can we iterate?
  • 23. Where does Smalltalk fit into this? • Dynabook • Alto • MacIntosh • OOP • SUnit • Extreme Programming • Agile • Scratch • OLPC • …
  • 24. What is raining now? • mobile phones and tablets • Single Page Applications • JSON • RESTful API's • Javascript libraries to deal with "anything known by hoomanz"
  • 25. Some slides from "Mobile is Eating the Wold" by Benedict Evans from a16z http://a16z.com/2014/10/28/mobile-is-eating-the-world/
  • 35. What future will you invent?
  • 37. All you need to know about investing in one slide • seed = testing the waters • angels = starting the machine • VC = growing a business • make something that achieves CAC <= 1/3 LTV
  • 38. Teaching a non-nerd to program? very hard Teaching a nerd to business? actually very doable http://www.forentrepreneurs.com/saas-metrics-2/
  • 40. What problems and tools do we have? Cognitive Traps
  • 41. Big opportunity Abundance of small "mundane" problems Design a profitable business, Don’t know how? Ask! Google! Quora! People! Mentors! Think small well designed and flexible starts that can grow in operations and distribution Partners, partners, partners Design things that attract great people Learn to do social networking Want a new opportunity? Go out, ask, shut up and listen
  • 42. Can your super-powers deal with these super-villains?
  • 43. Cognitive Traps • Defensive of "your baby is ugly" • I rock vs. I can do something to make you rock • End of the road vs. An Ecosystem • Productivity matters (you need to deliver more value and faster; you are being taxed as you read this) • Poor decisions formed by an educational system that has trained you not to thrive creating but to (a) shut up and obey the statu quo and (b) keep the machine running
  • 44. The four Villains • Villain 1: Narrow framing (unduly limiting the options we consider) • Villain 2: The confirmation bias (seeking out information that bolsters our beliefs) • Villain 3: Short-term emotion (being swayed by emotions that will fade) • Villain 4: Overconfidence (having too much faith in our predictions) Excerpt From: Heath, Chip. “Decisive.”
  • 45. Cognitive Bias ~ Homo Sapiens Sapiens Anti-patterns Observation, introspection, reflection, Critical Thinking are good signals Specially the Auto-Critical-Thinking / Do good revisions and re-editions of yourself No change, statu quo, defensive, being reactive are Comfort Zone signals Exciting new possibilities, other people shining eyes, are best Compass
  • 46. How to find value? • Feel their problems • Designers are your new best friend • First stage of the Design Thinking process? Empathy Maps • Yes, empathy like in listening what they need, think, say and feel and maps like in acknowledging what their truly, emotionally engaging, problems and needs are Oh! It’s going to be soooo beautiful… Pragmatic convenient experience beats beautiful hands down A better question is: Can you make it beautiful and convenient?
  • 47. Want to create a thriving community around a specific technology / business? Positive feedback is key. Do you have barriers to make it happen? Be merciless to demolish barriers! Study all you can find about this girl: Kathy Sierra
  • 48. Startups and Smalltalk What are we going to cover? Why a startup? What’s a startup? Where Smalltalk fit in all this? Challenges and Opportunities? Some tools to tackle challenges Suggestions on what can be done in order to maximize the chances of success at those opportunities
  • 50. Nodes and Amplifiers Where is the biggest value in Smalltalk? People => Nodes What people is doing? => Amplifiers
  • 51. enough with inferring implicits… People and Nodes meaning YOU
  • 52. Lets talk about Amplifiers ACTION "But I, can’t! I don’t have time!" Reality check: if you don’t care, nobody will [ I CanNot ] whileTrue: [ study 4 villains again. you doNotStayTrapped ]
  • 53. Positive Feedback Loops Show something cool in 60 seconds Screencasts are great Philippe Back doing casual interviews, talk with him Don not try to impress the world (you’ll be paralysed) Simple things count You showing it count
  • 54. Foundational: Help fellow Smalltalker Technical help not enough Use antagonism as red flag. Find ways to defuses it Find co-founders with complementary skills Prospect partnerships Be curious and ingenuous on new possibilities You are the change maker You go out and figure it out
  • 55. Make an Angel Fund • Be curious • Go there and network • Put some skin in the game and be an angel so you actually learn what matters to make the ecosystem work (quantity of money is orthogonal to the learning opportunity you create if you do that) • Feel their problems, learn • Ask interesting questions and listen, people likes to be listened, so do it more (and take notes on insights) • Also, you might actually be really lucky and have stocks of the 1 out of 10 startups that gets hot and makes good money • I’m involved in the getting together 2 groups of angels, one on the Netherlands and one in Brazil, get in touch to know how we help each other
  • 56. Get Involved in an Accelerator • Feel their problems • Always hungry of great developers • You might actually have a protagonist or mentoring role in accelerators • Hangout more there, stay orbiting them • Always make time for opportunities regardless of origin and form and never for bad business
  • 57. Found and Fund many Startups • Do lots of experiments • Find business • Go to StartupWeekends and workout that muscle • Great ideas only: it’s either “hell yeah! or no”
  • 58. Make tech that solves their problems • Python was inspired to make unix terminal users more heroic • Angular was done to make frontend developers more heroic • Unix terminal, no internet no nothing without it • Lower the friction to valuable problems (interesting or mundane) • Drones, nice programming of small hardware • 3D printers, smart things, internet of things • Single Page Applications
  • 59. Make tech that solves their problems flow https://github.com/flow-stack/flow Flow's mission is to provide consultants, startups and software houses with a competitive Smalltalk full-stack framework that allows them to quickly deliver a demo with all the modern html5 features the market expects today (2014). The idea is that they can tactically use this framework to keep momentum up among their prospects and clients and scale things to full successful projects delivered by kickass productive teams or individuals
  • 61. Final thoughts In a way, you are already an angel of Smalltalk projects, because you care enough to watch this up to this point. The whole community have Smalltalk angels there and depending on what you do, there are more inspiration and results coming
  • 62. Looking forward to hear your thoughts! Thanks! • QA? Demo? Sebastian Sastre sebastian@flowingconcept.com @sebastianconcpt #Smalltalks2014