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Dockerize Your Project!
Improve your project development workflow with
docker and docker-compose
git/twitter @imrenagi
Docker Community Leader, Indonesia
Docker Indonesia
Upcoming Meetup:
1. March 7th, 2018, 6.30pm-9pm @Traveloka
2. March 28th, 2018, 6.30pm-9pm @Gojek
Interested to be the next speaker or venue sponsor??
Reach me at @imrenagi / imre.nagi2812@gmail.com
Docker Basic
What is Docker / What is Docker Not
Basic Docker Commands
Docker Compose
What is Docker Compose
Demo & Hands On
Develop multi-service app (tweet live
sentiment analytics)
● “VM inside VM”
Docker containers are not VMs
● Easy connection to make
● Fundamentally different architectures
● Fundamentally different benefits
Some Docker Vocabularies
Docker Image
The basis of a Docker container. Represents a full application
Docker Container
The standard unit in which the application service resides and executes
Registry Service (Docker Hub or Docker Trusted Registry)
Cloud or server based storage and distribution service for your images
What is a container?
● Standardized packaging
for software and
● Isolate apps from each
● Share the same OS kernel
● Works for all major Linux
Why dockerize your project?
● Best developer reason -> “it doesn’t work on my machine!”
● Reduce time for project setup in local development environment
● Make deployment to cloud platform (AWS, GCP, Azure) easy!
● Instructions on how to
build a Docker image
● Looks very similar to
“native” commands
● Important to optimize
your Dockerfile
$ docker image pull redis:latest
$ docker image ls
$ docker container run –d –p 6379:6379 –-name redis
$ docker container ps
$ docker container stop redis (or <container id>)
$ docker container rm redis (or <container id>)
$ docker image rm redis:latest (or <imageid>)
$ docker build –t imrenagi/rojak-api:2.0 .
$ docker image push imrenagi/rojak-api:2.0
Basic Docker Commands
Docker compose is a tool for creating and managing
multi container applications
Docker Compose: Multi Container Applications
● Containers are all defined in a single file called docker-compose.yml
● Each container runs a particular component/service of your application. For
○ Web frontend
○ User authentication
○ Payments gateway
○ Database
● Compose will spin up all of your containers in a single command
● Build and run one container at a
● Manually connect container
● Must be careful with dependencies
and start up order
Docker Compose: Multi Container Applications
● Define multi container app in
compose.yml file
● Single command to deploy entire app
● Handle container dependencies
● Works with Docker Swarm, Networking,
● Easy to migrate the application to
Docker Compose: Multi Container Applications
Demo/Hands On
Real-time twitter sentiment analytics
● Read live stream tweet from twitter stream API
● Determine the sentiment of a tweet (positive, negative, or neutral)
● Show the number of tweet based on its sentiment in frontend web application
via web browser
● Imagine we are working on a big company consists of several teams, in
where each small team is responsible to maintain a particular service
● Microservices??
Application Architecture (Monolith)
stream API
Application Architecture (Microservice?)
Serving Layer:
Frontend App
stream API
Easy to scale each
Dockerfile for Machine learning service
Dockerfile for Frontend service
docker-compose up
And let the magic begins

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Dockerize Your Project - GDGBogor

  • 1. Dockerize Your Project! Improve your project development workflow with docker and docker-compose git/twitter @imrenagi Docker Community Leader, Indonesia
  • 2. Docker Indonesia (https://www.meetup.com/Docker-Indonesia/) Upcoming Meetup: 1. March 7th, 2018, 6.30pm-9pm @Traveloka 2. March 28th, 2018, 6.30pm-9pm @Gojek Interested to be the next speaker or venue sponsor?? Reach me at @imrenagi / imre.nagi2812@gmail.com
  • 3. Outline Docker Basic What is Docker / What is Docker Not Basic Docker Commands Dockerfiles Docker Compose What is Docker Compose Docker-compose.yml Demo & Hands On Develop multi-service app (tweet live sentiment analytics) Q&A
  • 5. Docker containers are not VMs ● Easy connection to make ● Fundamentally different architectures ● Fundamentally different benefits
  • 6. Some Docker Vocabularies Docker Image The basis of a Docker container. Represents a full application Docker Container The standard unit in which the application service resides and executes Registry Service (Docker Hub or Docker Trusted Registry) Cloud or server based storage and distribution service for your images
  • 7. What is a container? ● Standardized packaging for software and dependencies ● Isolate apps from each other ● Share the same OS kernel ● Works for all major Linux distributions
  • 8. Why dockerize your project? ● Best developer reason -> “it doesn’t work on my machine!” ● Reduce time for project setup in local development environment ● Make deployment to cloud platform (AWS, GCP, Azure) easy!
  • 9. Dockerfile ● Instructions on how to build a Docker image ● Looks very similar to “native” commands ● Important to optimize your Dockerfile
  • 10. $ docker image pull redis:latest $ docker image ls $ docker container run –d –p 6379:6379 –-name redis redis:latest $ docker container ps $ docker container stop redis (or <container id>) $ docker container rm redis (or <container id>) $ docker image rm redis:latest (or <imageid>) $ docker build –t imrenagi/rojak-api:2.0 . $ docker image push imrenagi/rojak-api:2.0 Basic Docker Commands
  • 11. Docker compose is a tool for creating and managing multi container applications Docker Compose: Multi Container Applications ● Containers are all defined in a single file called docker-compose.yml ● Each container runs a particular component/service of your application. For example: ○ Web frontend ○ User authentication ○ Payments gateway ○ Database ● Compose will spin up all of your containers in a single command
  • 12. ● Build and run one container at a time ● Manually connect container together ● Must be careful with dependencies and start up order Docker Compose: Multi Container Applications ● Define multi container app in compose.yml file ● Single command to deploy entire app ● Handle container dependencies ● Works with Docker Swarm, Networking, Volumes ● Easy to migrate the application to Kubernetes
  • 13. Docker Compose: Multi Container Applications
  • 16. Real-time twitter sentiment analytics Requirements: ● Read live stream tweet from twitter stream API ● Determine the sentiment of a tweet (positive, negative, or neutral) ● Show the number of tweet based on its sentiment in frontend web application via web browser Context: ● Imagine we are working on a big company consists of several teams, in where each small team is responsible to maintain a particular service ● Microservices??
  • 18. Application Architecture (Microservice?) Machine Learning Service Pub/Sub Service Serving Layer: Frontend App Service Twitter stream API Easy to scale each microservice!!
  • 19. Dockerfile for Machine learning service
  • 22. docker-compose up And let the magic begins