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VII Encuentro de Empresarios de la Moda y Marcas de Prestigio
       Apuntar al crecimiento: innovación y creatividad

2005              2008               2011            2014   2107     2020

Customer Experience Innovation in the Fashion and Luxury Goods Industry

Closing Keynote Presentation – Madrid May 25, 2005

                                                                   Idris Mootee
history of innovation in the fashion industry

current technological innovations

the promise of technology crossing over with fashion

emerging technologies and applications

challenges of the fashion and luxury goods industry today

broader issues in smart fashion
fashion has
always been more
        art than strategy

        creativity than innovation

        connections than governance
history of fashion
Tennis star Rene Lacoste,                    Cristóbal Balenciaga                     Yves St. Laurent opens
known as quot;le Crocodile,quot;                     introduces quot;semi-fitquot;                    fashion house; often
manufactures a versatile new                 dresses with soft, round                 uses ethnic inspirations;
tennis shirt. It features an                 shoulders; is the classic                remains most classic
embroidered crocodile, believed              designer of the 1950s                    modern designer, heir to
to be the first of a designer logo                                                    Chanel, Balenciagna
to appear on a garment.

 1930                    1947                1954                1960                 1962                1965

                                                                                                     Influenced by rock
                      Christian Dior                             Pierre Cardin
                                                                                                     music, quot;Modquot; scene
                      reestablishes Paris as                     becomes first
                                                                                                     makes London major
                      fashion center; revives                    designer to
                                                                                                     fashion center with fun
                      haute couture; replaces                    license his name
                                                                                                     and revolutionary
                      wartime austerity with                     for various
                                                                                                     clothes: bell bottoms,
                      the glamour of the quot;New                    products; is first
                                                                                                     psychedelic prints, wild
                      Lookquot; with tight waist,                    to create ready-
                                                                                                     colors, dresses made
                      stiff petticoats, billowing                to-wear lines
                                                                                                     of vinyl
history of fashion
                                                                            Benetton International Holding
                                                                            moves its' headquarters in
                                                                            Luxembourg, and begin its'
 Known as Halston, Roy                      Claude Montana founds           strategy in internationalization.
 Halston Frowick dominates                  couture house;                  Toscani pushes its creative limits,
 1970s with pantsuits,                      specializes in leather          an approach that cemented its
 sweater sets, form-fitting
                                                                            distinctive positioning
 dresses, knit wear

 1970               1974                  1979             1980            1985                  1990

Ralph Lauren founded the Polo label in                                                     Alexander McQueen
                                                         Japanese quot;schoolquot; of
1967 with the quote “A tie was the way                                                     emerges as daring new
                                                         designers, including
a man expressed himself. I believed                                                        designer; features cozy,
                                                         Issey Miyake, Kenzo,
that men were ready for something new                                                      romantic designs; favors
                                                         Rei Kawakubo, Hanae
and different. They didn’t want to look                                                    highly theatrical fashion
                                                         Mori, enjoy major
as if they worked for IBM.”                                                                shows, models parade in
                                                         couture success                   rings of fire.
                           Giorgio Armani                                       Donna Karan
                           creates men's wear                                   launches line of
                           line; popularizes                                    versatile, casual knits,
                           Italian tailoring                                    favors black.
history of fashion

1993   1995   1997   2000   2003   2005
history of fashion

                  Human Survival
where will innovation
be coming from? and
how disruptive will
they be?                                              smart fashion
                           soft computing

                                               techno moda
       from geek to chic

                                   reactive fashion
  wearable technology
what needs to happen?

Wearable                                    Clothes that are made
                                            from smart textiles
technology is to
                                            (chemical, electronic or
change the whole
                                            nanotech) with the
idea of how a
                      Wearable              capability to react on
computer should be                          different solicitations such
                     Technology             as thermal, chemical,
used. A computing
                                            biological or electron-
device can simply
                                            magnetic Clothes that
be worn, much as                            have certain advanced
eyeglasses or                               functionalities
fashion, and                                  – Contained certain
                                                   protection properties
interact with the
                                              – Actively reacting to
user based on the
                                                   the external
context of the
                                                   environment or
situation. (MIT)                                   user’s conditions
                                              – Ability to deliver or
                                                   information about the
it’s where Tom Ford
meets Steve Jobs

current research directions

Non-emissive   Soft          Intimate       Memory Rich
Display        Computation   Technologies   Fashion
making smart textiles real

•   Progress of ‘smart’ textiles from concept to practical applications
    will require the development of a range of new technologies. The
    science underlying these technologies still needs to be developed

•   It requires flexible electronics, which includes conducting
    polymers and the incorporation of sensors into textiles either
    directly into the fibres or by conventional textile processes such
    as knitting
what are smart textiles
Embedded Computing Textiles

Moisture Management Textiles

Electrical Conductivity Textiles
                                   Innovation Drivers
Thermal Management Textiles

Nano Antibacterial Textiles

Nano IR Absorbent Textiles

Nano UV Protective Textiles
where Karl Lagerfeld
meets Bill Gates

smart fashion – the
concept of second skin
Modern science gradually encroached upon the world of clothing by
combining with the surfaces that protect and personalize our bodies.

Personal electronic gadgets such as cell phones and iPods, have become
new forms of adornment, connecting our inner world with our surroundings
and profoundly altering our relationship with the world.

These powerful devices have contributed to a process of layering our
personal boundaries with multiple strata of information and sensation.

The concept of 'smart 'clothes is to move towards a subtler and more
complex integration of technological elements – the concept of the quot;second
skinquot; .
fashion meets technology - a new
way to sensing the world
It’s time to radically rethink the concept of
what an intelligent lifestyle actually means.
We all live it in one sense or another. Smart
fashion offers exquisite design and technical
solutions integrated with everyday objects.

                                                     My Body

                                                    My Fashion

                                                My Reachable Objects

                                                My Living Environment
wearable technology
in the future
               Technology is a
               big show off factor

 Social                                                    and
 Networkings                                               Performance

                                     Technology should
                                     become invisible at
                                     this point

and Expressions



the next killer apps?
                                    Military and Law
Personal           Personal                            Extreme        Medical and
Expression         Entertainment                       Sports         Health

Style                                                   Elements       Bio Feedback
                                     Protection         Protection
Mood                                                                   Heart Rate
                                     Body               Airflow        monitoring
Sexual             Communication     Movement           Improvement
Preferences                                                            Respiratory
and Availability                                        Emergency      Monitoring
                                     Smart              Alert
Intimate                             Camouflage
Technology                                              Auto SOS
the next killer apps?
Medical and

                                                           real time personal
                                    smart clothes
              a wearable
                                                           care systems
                                    together with cost-
              motherboard that
                                                           extend beyond
                                    effective telematics
              can effectively
                                                           serving the
                                    can fundamentally
              monitor vitals such
                                                           seniors e.g.
                                    change the interface
              as heart rate,
                                                           Lifebelt (wearable
                                    between patients
              respiration rate,
                                                           device for health
                                    and the health care
              ECG and body
                                                           monitoring during
                                    provider s
the next killer apps?

                                                           performance           imagine when every
                                   motorbike jacket
          sports jacket that
                                                           fabric such as TK1    player vitals, stress
                                   with an internal
          offers advanced
                                                           irony and Kevlar      and skills level can
                                   heating mechanism
          protection from and
                                                           fabric claims to be   all be monitored,
                                   that can monitor and
          draw sweats away
                                                           knife and bomb        stored and replayed
                                   regulate body
          from the skin and
                                                           proof that helps      through a large
                                   temperatures .When
          trap air for warmth in
                                                           minimize injuries     display. Real Xbox
                                   unplug, the batteries
          the cold
                                   are charged by the
                                   bike's engine
the next killer apps?
Military and Law

                                            the helmet is the     form-fitting suit     liquid body armor,
                   massive sensors          hub of the            with the ability to   STF is made of
                   inside helmet give       uniform, where “all   blend into any        equal parts
                   the soldier three-       of the action         environment and       polyethylene glycol
                   dimensional audio-       happens,” a tiny      thermal sensors       – an inert, non-toxic
                   logical hearing and      video camera in       weaved into the       thickening agent
                   the ability to amplify   front provides 360    fabric to control     used in a variety of
                   specific sounds.         situational           temperature           common products
the next killer apps?

                                        a fabric keyboard on   solar-powered          display technology
                 a fabric keyboard on
                                        a jacket or T-short    panel equipped         comes from optical
                 a jacket or T-short
                                        that interfaces with   jacket that keeps      fiber woven into
                 that interfaces with
                                        your mobile phone      your iPod or just      standard textiles
                 your mobile phone      and PDAs to send       about anything else    which users can
                 and PDAs to send       e-mail and send        - charged-up all the   download or create
                                        SMS or act as          time by a hidden       and display their
                 e-mail and send
                                        remote control         battery                own design
                 SMS or act as
                 remote control
the next killer apps?
Personal                                                Extreme
Expression                                              Sports

                                                                              Plastic Optical Fiber
             a prototype dress     a prototype dress    the Luminescent
                                                                              consists of an inner
                                   that periodically
             has panels that                            Raincoat
                                                                              acrylic plastic core
                                   rearrange their
             periodically                               juxtaposes
                                                                              coated with cladding
                                   illuminated          electricity and
             rearrange their                                                  of fluorinated
                                   pattern according    water in a raincoat
             illuminated pattern                                              polymer. Light
                                   to the noise level   that. illuminates
                                                                              passes through the
             to express the time   of the               based on patterns
                                                                              length of the fiber in
             in an encoded form    environment          of rain
                                                                              a zigzag path
             – a personal code
cool ideas
digital fabric
                               As with all clothes, smart garment
                               starts with the proper thread. Cotton,
                               polyester or rayon don't have the
                               needed properties to carry the
                               electrical current needed for digital
                               clothing. However, metallic yarns
                               aren't new to the clothing industry.
                               Silk organza is ideal for computerized
                               clothing because it is made with two
                               fibers that make it conducive to
Photo courtesy MIT Media Lab

                               Time-to-market: 8-12 months
cool ideas
invisible speakers
          To hear the audio, just press fingertips to
          forehead and you can hear the sound
          without the use of ears. The glove is
          outfitted with quot;bone transducersquot; which
          translate sound into vibration patterns
          which resonate through bone. No sound
          at all is heard by anyone but the
          participant at any time. Use it to listen to
          music or answer phone calls.

          Time-to-market: 12-18 months
cool ideas
self-ironing dress
        Need to find an iron before
        your big cocktail party? Here
        is a dress that is woven with
        titanium that react to rise in
        temperature and literally
        press itself. It will hold its
        form when bunched up, and
        flatten out when hit with a
        blast of hot air. Just expose
        the dress to a hair dryer or a
        warm breeze, and the
        ironing will be done.

        Time-to-market: 18-24 months
cool ideas
smart crystals
          Swarovski SMS chandelier - this high-
          tech chandelier that accepts SMS
          messages from your cell phone and
          displays them on quot;crystal strands like a
          luxurious ticker tapequot;. Nadja Swarovski
          compares the collaboration on this
          project to the relationships her
          grandfather once had with fashion
          designers like Christian Dior and Coco

          Time-to-market: Don’t know
cool ideas
biometric handbag
        Design graduate Louise Wilson, frustrated having
        her own handbag pick pocketed, used biometrics
        technology to give handbags the type of security
        you would expect to surround the Crown Jewels.
        This anti-theft handbag works through a
        rechargeable battery-powered biometric reader
        device, which stores fingerprint details of the
        quot;registered owner.“ The device, which fits inside
        the lining of a handbag, won't unlock the bag until
        a fingerprint that it recognizes is touched over a
        scanner. Once a match has been made, a sensor
        flashes and bag opens.

        Time-to-market: 6-9 months
cool facts
smart fashion
According to the Gartner Group, 60 % of the
population in developed countries are likely to own a
communicating garment by 2010, so don't be too
surprised if in a matter of years, the mobile phone
logo craze is dead as a dodo while everyone will be
downloading the latest graphics for their always-
               What are you
online jacket.

               downloading to
               your jacket today?
new functionalities
fashion as ......
•    … as a user interface
•    … as sensors
•    … as products
•    ... as filters
•    ….as personal assistant
•    …as memory storage device

                      that extend into…….
social awareness in
wearable computing
Improve social interaction via real-time feedback (today)
   “Stop hitting on her!”

Propagate social context for a distance-separated group (not-too-distant
   “Its Friday night, lets see which one of my friends on my network”

Mathematically model human behavior (distant future)
   Issac Asimov’s vision of Psychohistory. Made possible with pervasive, enabling
   hardware capabilities and machine-learning algorithms
vision for the future
•   Socially perceptive wearable devices as fashion accessories
•    Mass adoption of smart clothing that understand the users group
    context and are capable of giving feedback or annotation
•   Towards socially intelligent wearable networks in many different forms
•   Extending social intelligence by adding a dimension of social network
    information – ‘plugging in’ people into relevant events (sports etc.)
•   Extensive work to be done on applying mathematical modeling and
    machine-learning techniques and making them accurate and robust
•   Consideration of relevant issues like privacy, trust and sharing of
    contextual information, is your jacket getting too ‘smart’?
so much for the future…..

back to the fashion and
luxury good industry today
value drivers of the fashion and
luxury goods industry today

•   Portfolio management – strategic focus

•   Emerging markets – land grabs

•   Channel optimization – retail transformation

•   Dealing with counterfeit – technological solution

•   Push advanced functionality – technological innovation

•   Technology-enabled creativity – design innovation
value drivers of the fashion and
luxury goods industry today
Portfolio Management

                                               •   Portfolio management – strategic focus
 LVMH Brands EBIT (2004)
                                                   vs. diversification
 Euro (m)   Sales      EBIT      EBIT margin
                                               •   Star performers usually contribute
                                                   average 42% of total profits
 LV         3056       1301          45%
                                               •   It is rare for any holding company to have
 Fendi       211           -30      -14%
                                                   more than one star
 Donna Karan 265            0         0%
                                               •   Gucci Group (PPR) 8 out of the 10
 Other       830           -32       -4%
                                                   brands were losing money in 2004
value drivers of the fashion and
luxury goods industry today
Emerging Markets
                   •   A study by Merrill Lynch has shown that China and Japan will
                       dominate more than half of the luxury fashion market in 10
                       years' time. Thereby the two Far East superpowers will
                       surpass Europe and the US.
                   •   Merrill Lynch revealed that China currently has an 11% stake
                       in the EUR82 billion luxury fashion market. By the time 2014
                       rolls around this market will have grown to EUR133 billion,
                       and China will have a 30% stake in it. This will leave Japan in
                       second place with 21%, with Europe and the US following in
                       third and fourth place with 20% and 17%.
value drivers of the fashion and
luxury goods industry today
Channel Optimization

        Sales per SQM 2003/2004

                                       •   Channel optimization – retail transformation
                                       •   Transform a franchise to retail makes
                                           economic sense since it allows capturing
                                           additional gross profit
                                       •   Technology allows the creation of virtual
Euro     LV Hermes Dior Gucci Others
                                           customer experience and new channel
value drivers of the fashion and
luxury goods industry today

•   Channel optimization
                                    Business Solution
                                    will come from
•   Dealing with counterfeit
•   Push advanced functionality     Technological
•   Technology-enabled creativity
Technology will eventually transform the
fashion and luxury goods industry – it will solve
many of today’s industry's challenges including
channel economics, counterfeit while advanced
functionalities will drive ‘growth’ and create new
product categories.
The role of wearable technology - how it can be
deployed to create market ready products. There
is an awareness that our understanding of
interaction models is lacking when it comes to
'wearable. How a 'wearer' uses fashion and how
the surrounding environment and infrastructure
can be harnessed is a subject that needs to be

                     That’s Customer Experience Innovation!
Broader issues – what is needed to explore in
relation to wearable technology including but not
restricted to: aesthetics and design, function,
creativity versus market forces; the desires, needs
and realities of wearable technologies; technology
and culture; simplicity and sustainability; design for
wearability; wearable as ‘theatre’ and wearable as
emotional ‘tools’.

                       That’s Customer Experience Innovation!
What is going to change – future fashion will be
defined more by function not only how they look
and the way how fashion is “experienced” will
gradually change. Certain pieces of the garment
will support the “server” of the clothes and the
Internet will play a key channel for sales. Apparel
manufacturing will become modular much the PC
business. The designers can still design clothes
without understanding the technology.

                       That’s Customer Experience Innovation!
Merci                                Idris Mootee

Thank you


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Fashion and Innovation Keynote - Madras

  • 1. VII Encuentro de Empresarios de la Moda y Marcas de Prestigio Apuntar al crecimiento: innovación y creatividad 2005 2008 2011 2014 2107 2020 Customer Experience Innovation in the Fashion and Luxury Goods Industry Closing Keynote Presentation – Madrid May 25, 2005 Idris Mootee
  • 2. agenda history of innovation in the fashion industry current technological innovations the promise of technology crossing over with fashion emerging technologies and applications challenges of the fashion and luxury goods industry today broader issues in smart fashion
  • 3. fashion has always been more about art than strategy creativity than innovation connections than governance
  • 4. history of fashion Tennis star Rene Lacoste, Cristóbal Balenciaga Yves St. Laurent opens known as quot;le Crocodile,quot; introduces quot;semi-fitquot; fashion house; often manufactures a versatile new dresses with soft, round uses ethnic inspirations; tennis shirt. It features an shoulders; is the classic remains most classic embroidered crocodile, believed designer of the 1950s modern designer, heir to to be the first of a designer logo Chanel, Balenciagna to appear on a garment. 1930 1947 1954 1960 1962 1965 Influenced by rock Christian Dior Pierre Cardin music, quot;Modquot; scene reestablishes Paris as becomes first makes London major fashion center; revives designer to fashion center with fun haute couture; replaces license his name and revolutionary wartime austerity with for various clothes: bell bottoms, the glamour of the quot;New products; is first psychedelic prints, wild Lookquot; with tight waist, to create ready- colors, dresses made stiff petticoats, billowing to-wear lines of vinyl skirts
  • 5. history of fashion Benetton International Holding moves its' headquarters in Luxembourg, and begin its' Known as Halston, Roy Claude Montana founds strategy in internationalization. Halston Frowick dominates couture house; Toscani pushes its creative limits, 1970s with pantsuits, specializes in leather an approach that cemented its sweater sets, form-fitting distinctive positioning dresses, knit wear 1970 1974 1979 1980 1985 1990 Ralph Lauren founded the Polo label in Alexander McQueen Japanese quot;schoolquot; of 1967 with the quote “A tie was the way emerges as daring new designers, including a man expressed himself. I believed designer; features cozy, Issey Miyake, Kenzo, that men were ready for something new romantic designs; favors Rei Kawakubo, Hanae and different. They didn’t want to look highly theatrical fashion Mori, enjoy major as if they worked for IBM.” shows, models parade in couture success rings of fire. Giorgio Armani Donna Karan creates men's wear launches line of line; popularizes versatile, casual knits, Italian tailoring favors black.
  • 6. history of fashion 1993 1995 1997 2000 2003 2005
  • 7. history of fashion Human Survival Redefinition
  • 8. where will innovation be coming from? and how disruptive will they be? smart fashion soft computing techno moda from geek to chic reactive fashion wearable technology
  • 9. what needs to happen? Wearable Clothes that are made from smart textiles technology is to (chemical, electronic or change the whole nanotech) with the Smart idea of how a Wearable capability to react on computer should be different solicitations such Fashion Technology as thermal, chemical, used. A computing biological or electron- device can simply magnetic Clothes that be worn, much as have certain advanced eyeglasses or functionalities fashion, and – Contained certain protection properties interact with the – Actively reacting to user based on the the external context of the environment or situation. (MIT) user’s conditions – Ability to deliver or exchange information about the users
  • 10. it’s where Tom Ford meets Steve Jobs +
  • 11. current research directions Non-emissive Soft Intimate Memory Rich Display Computation Technologies Fashion
  • 12. making smart textiles real • Progress of ‘smart’ textiles from concept to practical applications will require the development of a range of new technologies. The science underlying these technologies still needs to be developed • It requires flexible electronics, which includes conducting polymers and the incorporation of sensors into textiles either directly into the fibres or by conventional textile processes such as knitting
  • 13. what are smart textiles Embedded Computing Textiles Moisture Management Textiles Electrical Conductivity Textiles Innovation Drivers Thermal Management Textiles Nano Antibacterial Textiles Nano IR Absorbent Textiles Nano UV Protective Textiles
  • 15. smart fashion – the concept of second skin Modern science gradually encroached upon the world of clothing by combining with the surfaces that protect and personalize our bodies. Personal electronic gadgets such as cell phones and iPods, have become new forms of adornment, connecting our inner world with our surroundings and profoundly altering our relationship with the world. These powerful devices have contributed to a process of layering our personal boundaries with multiple strata of information and sensation. The concept of 'smart 'clothes is to move towards a subtler and more complex integration of technological elements – the concept of the quot;second skinquot; .
  • 16. fashion meets technology - a new way to sensing the world It’s time to radically rethink the concept of what an intelligent lifestyle actually means. We all live it in one sense or another. Smart fashion offers exquisite design and technical solutions integrated with everyday objects. My Body My Fashion My Reachable Objects My Living Environment
  • 18. applications Technology Technology is a Aesthetic big show off factor Functionality Social and Networkings Performance Technology should become invisible at this point Embedded Technology
  • 19. convergence Advanced Functionalities Personal Fashion Communications and Expressions Sports Technology Advanced Performance
  • 20. the next killer apps? Military and Law Personal Personal Extreme Medical and Enforcement Expression Entertainment Sports Health and Communications Advanced Style Elements Bio Feedback Connectivity Protection Protection Mood Heart Rate Control Body Airflow monitoring Sexual Communication Movement Improvement Preferences Respiratory Monitoring and Availability Emergency Monitoring Smart Alert Intimate Camouflage Technology Auto SOS Response
  • 21. the next killer apps? Medical and Health real time personal smart clothes a wearable care systems together with cost- motherboard that extend beyond effective telematics can effectively serving the can fundamentally monitor vitals such seniors e.g. change the interface as heart rate, Lifebelt (wearable between patients respiration rate, device for health and the health care ECG and body monitoring during provider s temperature. pregnancy)
  • 22. the next killer apps? Extreme Sports performance imagine when every motorbike jacket sports jacket that fabric such as TK1 player vitals, stress with an internal offers advanced irony and Kevlar and skills level can heating mechanism protection from and fabric claims to be all be monitored, that can monitor and draw sweats away knife and bomb stored and replayed regulate body from the skin and proof that helps through a large temperatures .When trap air for warmth in minimize injuries display. Real Xbox unplug, the batteries the cold LIVE! are charged by the bike's engine
  • 23. the next killer apps? Military and Law Enforcement the helmet is the form-fitting suit liquid body armor, massive sensors hub of the with the ability to STF is made of inside helmet give uniform, where “all blend into any equal parts the soldier three- of the action environment and polyethylene glycol dimensional audio- happens,” a tiny thermal sensors – an inert, non-toxic logical hearing and video camera in weaved into the thickening agent the ability to amplify front provides 360 fabric to control used in a variety of specific sounds. situational temperature common products awareness.
  • 24. the next killer apps? Personal Entertainment and Communications a fabric keyboard on solar-powered display technology a fabric keyboard on a jacket or T-short panel equipped comes from optical a jacket or T-short that interfaces with jacket that keeps fiber woven into that interfaces with your mobile phone your iPod or just standard textiles your mobile phone and PDAs to send about anything else which users can and PDAs to send e-mail and send - charged-up all the download or create SMS or act as time by a hidden and display their e-mail and send remote control battery own design SMS or act as remote control
  • 25. the next killer apps? Personal Extreme Expression Sports Plastic Optical Fiber a prototype dress a prototype dress the Luminescent consists of an inner that periodically has panels that Raincoat acrylic plastic core rearrange their periodically juxtaposes coated with cladding illuminated electricity and rearrange their of fluorinated pattern according water in a raincoat illuminated pattern polymer. Light to the noise level that. illuminates passes through the to express the time of the based on patterns length of the fiber in in an encoded form environment of rain a zigzag path – a personal code
  • 26. cool ideas digital fabric As with all clothes, smart garment starts with the proper thread. Cotton, polyester or rayon don't have the needed properties to carry the electrical current needed for digital clothing. However, metallic yarns aren't new to the clothing industry. Silk organza is ideal for computerized clothing because it is made with two fibers that make it conducive to electricity. Photo courtesy MIT Media Lab Time-to-market: 8-12 months
  • 27. cool ideas invisible speakers To hear the audio, just press fingertips to forehead and you can hear the sound without the use of ears. The glove is outfitted with quot;bone transducersquot; which translate sound into vibration patterns which resonate through bone. No sound at all is heard by anyone but the participant at any time. Use it to listen to music or answer phone calls. Time-to-market: 12-18 months
  • 28. cool ideas self-ironing dress Need to find an iron before your big cocktail party? Here is a dress that is woven with titanium that react to rise in temperature and literally press itself. It will hold its form when bunched up, and flatten out when hit with a blast of hot air. Just expose the dress to a hair dryer or a warm breeze, and the ironing will be done. Time-to-market: 18-24 months
  • 29. cool ideas smart crystals Swarovski SMS chandelier - this high- tech chandelier that accepts SMS messages from your cell phone and displays them on quot;crystal strands like a luxurious ticker tapequot;. Nadja Swarovski compares the collaboration on this project to the relationships her grandfather once had with fashion designers like Christian Dior and Coco Chanel. Time-to-market: Don’t know
  • 30. cool ideas biometric handbag Design graduate Louise Wilson, frustrated having her own handbag pick pocketed, used biometrics technology to give handbags the type of security you would expect to surround the Crown Jewels. This anti-theft handbag works through a rechargeable battery-powered biometric reader device, which stores fingerprint details of the quot;registered owner.“ The device, which fits inside the lining of a handbag, won't unlock the bag until a fingerprint that it recognizes is touched over a scanner. Once a match has been made, a sensor flashes and bag opens. Time-to-market: 6-9 months
  • 31. cool facts smart fashion According to the Gartner Group, 60 % of the population in developed countries are likely to own a communicating garment by 2010, so don't be too surprised if in a matter of years, the mobile phone logo craze is dead as a dodo while everyone will be downloading the latest graphics for their always- What are you online jacket. downloading to your jacket today?
  • 32. new functionalities fashion as ...... • … as a user interface • … as sensors • … as products • ... as filters • ….as personal assistant • …as memory storage device that extend into…….
  • 33. social awareness in wearable computing Improve social interaction via real-time feedback (today) “Stop hitting on her!” Propagate social context for a distance-separated group (not-too-distant future) “Its Friday night, lets see which one of my friends on my network” Mathematically model human behavior (distant future) Issac Asimov’s vision of Psychohistory. Made possible with pervasive, enabling hardware capabilities and machine-learning algorithms
  • 34. vision for the future • Socially perceptive wearable devices as fashion accessories • Mass adoption of smart clothing that understand the users group context and are capable of giving feedback or annotation • Towards socially intelligent wearable networks in many different forms • Extending social intelligence by adding a dimension of social network information – ‘plugging in’ people into relevant events (sports etc.) • Extensive work to be done on applying mathematical modeling and machine-learning techniques and making them accurate and robust • Consideration of relevant issues like privacy, trust and sharing of contextual information, is your jacket getting too ‘smart’?
  • 35. so much for the future….. back to the fashion and luxury good industry today
  • 36. value drivers of the fashion and luxury goods industry today • Portfolio management – strategic focus • Emerging markets – land grabs • Channel optimization – retail transformation • Dealing with counterfeit – technological solution • Push advanced functionality – technological innovation • Technology-enabled creativity – design innovation
  • 37. value drivers of the fashion and luxury goods industry today Portfolio Management • Portfolio management – strategic focus LVMH Brands EBIT (2004) vs. diversification Euro (m) Sales EBIT EBIT margin • Star performers usually contribute average 42% of total profits LV 3056 1301 45% • It is rare for any holding company to have Fendi 211 -30 -14% more than one star Donna Karan 265 0 0% • Gucci Group (PPR) 8 out of the 10 Other 830 -32 -4% brands were losing money in 2004
  • 38. value drivers of the fashion and luxury goods industry today Emerging Markets • A study by Merrill Lynch has shown that China and Japan will dominate more than half of the luxury fashion market in 10 years' time. Thereby the two Far East superpowers will surpass Europe and the US. • Merrill Lynch revealed that China currently has an 11% stake in the EUR82 billion luxury fashion market. By the time 2014 rolls around this market will have grown to EUR133 billion, and China will have a 30% stake in it. This will leave Japan in second place with 21%, with Europe and the US following in third and fourth place with 20% and 17%.
  • 39. value drivers of the fashion and luxury goods industry today Channel Optimization Sales per SQM 2003/2004 60000 50000 • Channel optimization – retail transformation 40000 • Transform a franchise to retail makes 30000 economic sense since it allows capturing 20000 additional gross profit 10000 • Technology allows the creation of virtual Euro LV Hermes Dior Gucci Others customer experience and new channel
  • 40. value drivers of the fashion and luxury goods industry today • Channel optimization Business Solution will come from • Dealing with counterfeit Creativity, • Push advanced functionality Technological Innovation • Technology-enabled creativity
  • 41. takeaways Technology will eventually transform the fashion and luxury goods industry – it will solve many of today’s industry's challenges including channel economics, counterfeit while advanced functionalities will drive ‘growth’ and create new product categories.
  • 42. takeaways The role of wearable technology - how it can be deployed to create market ready products. There is an awareness that our understanding of interaction models is lacking when it comes to 'wearable. How a 'wearer' uses fashion and how the surrounding environment and infrastructure can be harnessed is a subject that needs to be explored. That’s Customer Experience Innovation!
  • 43. takeaways Broader issues – what is needed to explore in relation to wearable technology including but not restricted to: aesthetics and design, function, creativity versus market forces; the desires, needs and realities of wearable technologies; technology and culture; simplicity and sustainability; design for wearability; wearable as ‘theatre’ and wearable as emotional ‘tools’. That’s Customer Experience Innovation!
  • 44. takeaways What is going to change – future fashion will be defined more by function not only how they look and the way how fashion is “experienced” will gradually change. Certain pieces of the garment will support the “server” of the clothes and the Internet will play a key channel for sales. Apparel manufacturing will become modular much the PC business. The designers can still design clothes without understanding the technology. That’s Customer Experience Innovation!
  • 45. Danke Gracias Merci Idris Mootee Thank you Grazie Arigatou-Gozaimasita www.blastradius.com www.highintensitymarketing.com