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Business Start-Up Coaching
1Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
My name is Fraser Hay, and founder of Grow Your Business ® Club. I’m a former Scottish & UK Shell Livewire winner, Royal Bank of Scotland and Prince’s
Trust Youth Business Scotland Winner, have over 300 videos on You Tube, and have written and published 10 small business marketing books on Amazon.
I’ve tested hundreds of marketing approaches over the years, and want to share with you what I’ve learned from the mistakes I made, so you don’t have
to. I also want to introduce you to some friends of mine, who are all experts and all prepared to help you Start & Grow Your Business®
Considering Self-Employment?
…More importantly, how can we and our members specifically help you?
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
Struggling to get your business idea “off the ground”?
Can you identify 3 areas that you need, want or simply “must” address?
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
Stop Struggling. Start Growing…
..get everything you need to plan, document & execute your business start-up plan
you need to
and execute
your business
start-up plan
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
1.0 Are You Ready?
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
1.0 Are You Ready?
In this session, you will learn
• The 3 questions you “must” answer before you do anything
• The real reasons why you want to work for yourself
• What your fears & reservations are
• What your skills & strengths are
• The real value of your skills & experience to date
• What you can offer prospective customers
• The risks & benefits of self-employment
• How to confirm what the “real opportunity” is
1.0 Are You Ready?
Struggling to determine whether you are ready for becoming self-employed? (or not)
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
2.0 Your Business
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
2.0 Your Business Idea
In this session, you will learn:
• What the REAL PROBLEMS are that you can fix/solve for others
• Who the RECIPIENTS of your product/service will be
• What the REVENUE STREAMS for your business will be
• What your ROUTES TO MARKET will be
• What RESOURCES you require to get started
• What RETURN ON INVESTMENT you & your stakeholders require
• What the REQUIRED STEPS are to complete your start-up plan
• What Intellectual property you own and how you will protect it
2.0 Your Business Idea
Struggling to determine how your idea will make money & succeed?
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
3.0 Market Research
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
3.0 Market Research
In this session, you will learn:
• Who needs your products & services
• Who wants what you offer
• Who is selling similar “solutions”
• Who could recommend you to your target market
• The difference between suspects & prospects
• How to find suspects who might want to become a customer
• How to generate prospects interested in becoming customers
• Where these people “hang out” & how you can reach them
3.0 Market Research
Struggling to determine who wants to buy your product, service or solution?
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
4.0 Marketing
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
4.0 Marketing
In this session, you will Learn
• How to set new marketing objectives
• How many leads you need to generate the revenue you want
• What the pains, needs & motives of prospects - are.
• How to answer the question – “What do you do?”
• Which online & offline tactics to use
• How to engage with your target audience
• How to measure all your marketing activity
• How to pre-qualify every hand you shake.
4.0 Marketing
Struggling with generating leads, customers, revenue & referrals?
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
5.0 Financials
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
5.0 Financials
In this session, you will learn
• How to create a NETWORTH Statement
• How to calculate your START-UP costs
• How to calculate your CASH FLOW requirements
• How to register for VAT
• How to create monthly BUDGETS
• About different accounting solutions
• The financial benefits of having the right Insurance
• How to earn a potential £10,000 extra TAX FREE
5.0 Financials
Struggling to determine how the numbers will stack up?
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
6.0 Legal
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
6.0 Legal
In this session, you will learn:
• About different legal structures for your business
• How to register for VAT & TAX
• How to protect your INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
• About Insurances, Advisers & Staff
• About protecting & finding premises
• How to protect yourself with Agreements
• The importance of Policy Documents & Licenses
6.0 Legal
Struggling to determine how to protect you, your business and your assets?
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
7.0 Technical
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
7.0 Technical
In this session, you will learn:
• Hardware & Software Considerations
• How to get productivity enhancement software for FREE
• Importance of CRM & BACKUP Solutions
• Website Publishing Platforms
• Planning, Security & Ecommerce Solutions
• Collaboration & Remote Access Tools
• The importance of Technical Support
7.0 Technical
Struggling to determine what technology you need for your business?
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
8.0 Funding
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
8.0 Funding
In this session, you will learn:
• 4 Possible EXIT Strategies
• 10 Possible sources of finance & start-up capital
• 4 Reasons to get a business valuation other than selling
• 5 Methods to generate a business valuation
• 4 Types of Business Ratios
• 8 Elements of Lending Criteria
• Preparing to meet investors
• Receive a fill-in-the-blanks Template Business Plan.
8.0 Funding
Struggling to determine what to “include” in your business start-up plan?
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
A complete framework & system
We provide you with the tools, resources & checklists to complete your start-up plan
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
What’s Covered in the STANDARD Programme?
A Break-down of what’s covered in the coaching programme
No. Steps Covered
1 Are You Ready? Some personal considerations for starting up YES
2 Your Big Idea. We help you document your model, vision & strategy YES
3 Market Research. How to confirm demand for your solution(s) YES
4 Marketing. How to raise awareness of your offering and generate leads YES
5 Financial. What you need to get up and running & survive your first 12 mths YES
6 Legal. Many of the legal issues that you need to consider. YES
7 Technical. You will know and be able to live your life purpose. YES
8 Funding. Document your plan and your exit strategy YES
9 BONUS. 40 revenue streams you might not have considered yet YES
10 BONUS. Get Office Productivity Software for FREE (Word processor, speadsheet etc) YES
…and much, much more.
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
What’s Covered in the PLATINUM Programme?
A Break-down of what’s covered in the coaching programme
No. Steps Covered
11 A situation Analysis to identify exactly where you are in your life today YES
12 Goals and objectives for your first 12 months YES
13 Break your goals and objectives down into priority action points YES
14 Real Problems You Fix for clients and customers YES
15 Recipients for your solution(s) and where to find them YES
16 Revenue Streams. How you will generate revenue in your business YES
17 Routes to Market. How to attract and engage with prospective customers YES
18 Resources Required. What you need to get up and running YES
19 ROI. What you, your stakeholders and shareholders want to achieve YES
20 Required Steps to complete your plan. What else you need to do YES
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
You Choose how you would like us to work with you.
Coaching Delivered The Way You Want It
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
We can work with you
online, in person or over
the phone…your choice.
…but it doesn’t stop there
Unlike most start-up programmes, that leave you to get on with
it, and thus many flounder and fail. You can continue to get
support & leverage resources inside Grow Your Business® Club’s
website to help you achieve your personal goals & objectives.
• Test content topics, workshop themes & headlines
• Test prices, discounts, payment teams & terms of service
• Test online promotional strategies, tactics & techniques
• Get feedback & opinions from real people in your marketplace
• Access over 200 marketing videos and over 500 supporting blogs
• Generate referrals & create new sales opportunities
A simple, powerful & practical process
We guide & support you every step of the way until your start-up plan is completed.
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
Maybe you’re not aware of all the
different ways the club can help you
achieve your goals and objectives
Sign up for a Catalyst Session today
…and start making immediate progress – guaranteed
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
Then read the feedback from business owners we’ve helped..
Still Not Sure?
We have a wide variety of
“testimonials” on our website that
we have received from individuals
who were in exactly the same place
as where you are now.
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
Managing Your Expectations
Get real practical help to identify
what’s holding you back and
preventing you from achieving your
entrepreneurial goals and objectives…
… all the “know how” you need to
create (and execute) a practical plan of
..and the additional offer to help you
execute and implement your new plan.
What can you expect from our business start-up coaching programme?
Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club

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Grow Your Business Club Business Start-up Course

  • 1. Business Start-Up Coaching 1Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
  • 2. My name is Fraser Hay, and founder of Grow Your Business ® Club. I’m a former Scottish & UK Shell Livewire winner, Royal Bank of Scotland and Prince’s Trust Youth Business Scotland Winner, have over 300 videos on You Tube, and have written and published 10 small business marketing books on Amazon. I’ve tested hundreds of marketing approaches over the years, and want to share with you what I’ve learned from the mistakes I made, so you don’t have to. I also want to introduce you to some friends of mine, who are all experts and all prepared to help you Start & Grow Your Business® Considering Self-Employment? …More importantly, how can we and our members specifically help you? Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015
  • 3. Struggling to get your business idea “off the ground”? Can you identify 3 areas that you need, want or simply “must” address? Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015
  • 4. Stop Struggling. Start Growing… ..get everything you need to plan, document & execute your business start-up plan Everything you need to document and execute your business start-up plan Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015
  • 5. 1.0 Are You Ready? Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
  • 6. 1.0 Are You Ready? In this session, you will learn • The 3 questions you “must” answer before you do anything • The real reasons why you want to work for yourself • What your fears & reservations are • What your skills & strengths are • The real value of your skills & experience to date • What you can offer prospective customers • The risks & benefits of self-employment • How to confirm what the “real opportunity” is 1.0 Are You Ready? Struggling to determine whether you are ready for becoming self-employed? (or not) Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015
  • 7. 2.0 Your Business Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
  • 8. 2.0 Your Business Idea In this session, you will learn: • What the REAL PROBLEMS are that you can fix/solve for others • Who the RECIPIENTS of your product/service will be • What the REVENUE STREAMS for your business will be • What your ROUTES TO MARKET will be • What RESOURCES you require to get started • What RETURN ON INVESTMENT you & your stakeholders require • What the REQUIRED STEPS are to complete your start-up plan • What Intellectual property you own and how you will protect it 2.0 Your Business Idea Struggling to determine how your idea will make money & succeed? Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015
  • 9. 3.0 Market Research Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
  • 10. 3.0 Market Research In this session, you will learn: • Who needs your products & services • Who wants what you offer • Who is selling similar “solutions” • Who could recommend you to your target market • The difference between suspects & prospects • How to find suspects who might want to become a customer • How to generate prospects interested in becoming customers • Where these people “hang out” & how you can reach them 3.0 Market Research Struggling to determine who wants to buy your product, service or solution? Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015
  • 11. 4.0 Marketing Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
  • 12. 4.0 Marketing In this session, you will Learn • How to set new marketing objectives • How many leads you need to generate the revenue you want • What the pains, needs & motives of prospects - are. • How to answer the question – “What do you do?” • Which online & offline tactics to use • How to engage with your target audience • How to measure all your marketing activity • How to pre-qualify every hand you shake. 4.0 Marketing Struggling with generating leads, customers, revenue & referrals? Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015
  • 13. 5.0 Financials Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
  • 14. 5.0 Financials In this session, you will learn • How to create a NETWORTH Statement • How to calculate your START-UP costs • How to calculate your CASH FLOW requirements • How to register for VAT • How to create monthly BUDGETS • About different accounting solutions • The financial benefits of having the right Insurance • How to earn a potential £10,000 extra TAX FREE 5.0 Financials Struggling to determine how the numbers will stack up? Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015
  • 15. 6.0 Legal Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
  • 16. 6.0 Legal In this session, you will learn: • About different legal structures for your business • How to register for VAT & TAX • How to protect your INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY • About Insurances, Advisers & Staff • About protecting & finding premises • How to protect yourself with Agreements • The importance of Policy Documents & Licenses 6.0 Legal Struggling to determine how to protect you, your business and your assets? Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015
  • 17. 7.0 Technical Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
  • 18. 7.0 Technical In this session, you will learn: • Hardware & Software Considerations • How to get productivity enhancement software for FREE • Importance of CRM & BACKUP Solutions • Website Publishing Platforms • Planning, Security & Ecommerce Solutions • Collaboration & Remote Access Tools • The importance of Technical Support 7.0 Technical Struggling to determine what technology you need for your business? Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015
  • 19. 8.0 Funding Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
  • 20. 8.0 Funding In this session, you will learn: • 4 Possible EXIT Strategies • 10 Possible sources of finance & start-up capital • 4 Reasons to get a business valuation other than selling • 5 Methods to generate a business valuation • 4 Types of Business Ratios • 8 Elements of Lending Criteria • Preparing to meet investors • Receive a fill-in-the-blanks Template Business Plan. 8.0 Funding Struggling to determine what to “include” in your business start-up plan? Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015
  • 21. A complete framework & system We provide you with the tools, resources & checklists to complete your start-up plan Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015
  • 22. What’s Covered in the STANDARD Programme? A Break-down of what’s covered in the coaching programme No. Steps Covered 1 Are You Ready? Some personal considerations for starting up YES 2 Your Big Idea. We help you document your model, vision & strategy YES 3 Market Research. How to confirm demand for your solution(s) YES 4 Marketing. How to raise awareness of your offering and generate leads YES 5 Financial. What you need to get up and running & survive your first 12 mths YES 6 Legal. Many of the legal issues that you need to consider. YES 7 Technical. You will know and be able to live your life purpose. YES 8 Funding. Document your plan and your exit strategy YES 9 BONUS. 40 revenue streams you might not have considered yet YES 10 BONUS. Get Office Productivity Software for FREE (Word processor, speadsheet etc) YES …and much, much more. Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015
  • 23. What’s Covered in the PLATINUM Programme? A Break-down of what’s covered in the coaching programme No. Steps Covered 11 A situation Analysis to identify exactly where you are in your life today YES 12 Goals and objectives for your first 12 months YES 13 Break your goals and objectives down into priority action points YES 14 Real Problems You Fix for clients and customers YES 15 Recipients for your solution(s) and where to find them YES 16 Revenue Streams. How you will generate revenue in your business YES 17 Routes to Market. How to attract and engage with prospective customers YES 18 Resources Required. What you need to get up and running YES 19 ROI. What you, your stakeholders and shareholders want to achieve YES 20 Required Steps to complete your plan. What else you need to do YES Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015
  • 24. You Choose how you would like us to work with you. Coaching Delivered The Way You Want It Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015 We can work with you online, in person or over the phone…your choice.
  • 25. …but it doesn’t stop there Unlike most start-up programmes, that leave you to get on with it, and thus many flounder and fail. You can continue to get support & leverage resources inside Grow Your Business® Club’s website to help you achieve your personal goals & objectives. • Test content topics, workshop themes & headlines • Test prices, discounts, payment teams & terms of service • Test online promotional strategies, tactics & techniques • Get feedback & opinions from real people in your marketplace • Access over 200 marketing videos and over 500 supporting blogs • Generate referrals & create new sales opportunities A simple, powerful & practical process We guide & support you every step of the way until your start-up plan is completed. Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015
  • 26. Maybe you’re not aware of all the different ways the club can help you achieve your goals and objectives Sign up for a Catalyst Session today …and start making immediate progress – guaranteed ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015 Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club
  • 27. Then read the feedback from business owners we’ve helped.. Still Not Sure? We have a wide variety of “testimonials” on our website that we have received from individuals who were in exactly the same place as where you are now. Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015
  • 28. Managing Your Expectations Get real practical help to identify what’s holding you back and preventing you from achieving your entrepreneurial goals and objectives… … all the “know how” you need to create (and execute) a practical plan of action… ..and the additional offer to help you execute and implement your new plan. What can you expect from our business start-up coaching programme? Stop Struggling. Start Growing. http://www.growyourbusiness.club ©CopyrightFraserJ.Hay2015