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The p - value is simply the probability of getting a value as extreme or

more extreme than the actual value of the observed statistic when the
null hypothesis is true.

Confidence interval for a mean:The range with in which the population
mean is likely to lie

The variance: the sum of the squared deviation of the values from the
mean divided by sample size minus one.

Coefficient of Variation: When two distributions have means of
different magnitude, a comparison of the C.V. is therefore much more
meaningful than a comparison of their respective s.d.

Standard Error of the Sample mean ( S.E. ): The sample mean is
unlikely to be exactly equal to the population mean.

 The standard error measures the variability

of the mean of the sample as an estimate of

the true value of the mean for the population

from which the sample was drown.

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Some defenition

  • 1. The p - value is simply the probability of getting a value as extreme or more extreme than the actual value of the observed statistic when the null hypothesis is true. Confidence interval for a mean:The range with in which the population mean is likely to lie The variance: the sum of the squared deviation of the values from the mean divided by sample size minus one. Coefficient of Variation: When two distributions have means of different magnitude, a comparison of the C.V. is therefore much more meaningful than a comparison of their respective s.d. Standard Error of the Sample mean ( S.E. ): The sample mean is unlikely to be exactly equal to the population mean. The standard error measures the variability of the mean of the sample as an estimate of the true value of the mean for the population from which the sample was drown.