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Supporting thinking skills in CLIL courses
逸見シャンタール(EdD TEFL)
• What is CLIL?
• Practical application of a CLIL approach
• Supporting thinking skills through integration of content and language
• Demo lesson
• Student research project
• Heavy CLIL
• Students’ reflections
• Conclusions and implications
The most popular
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
is a dual-focused educational approach in which an
additional language is used for the learning and
teaching of both content and language.
(Coyle, Hood and Marsh 2010:1)
The 4 Cs of CLIL
Uncovering CLIL
Mehisto. Marsh, Frigols (2008)
Macmillan Books for Teachers
CLIL in Europe
In nearly all European countries, certain schools offer a form of education provision according to which
non-language subjects are taught either through two different languages, or through a single language
which is 'foreign' according to the curriculum. This is known as content and language integrated
learning (CLIL – see the Glossary, Statistical Databases and Bibliography section). Only Denmark,
Greece, Iceland and Turkey do not make this kind of provision.
Figure B9: Existence of CLIL provision
in primary and/or general secondary education, 2010/11
Source: Eurydice.
Explanatory note
CLIL provision in some schools: The practice is not necessarily widespread. For detailed information on CLIL
provision in each country, see Annex 2.
CLIL provision in all schools
CLIL provision in some schools
CLIL provision within pilot projects only
No CLIL provision
Hard CLIL and Soft CLIL?
O Hard CLIL is a form of subject teaching in
L2 which highlights academic
achievement within the subject and treats
language development as important, but
as a bonus.
O Soft CLIL may be offered for a short
period-perhaps half a year- and it will only
occupy a portion of the hours available to
the subject: perhaps one in three.
Ball, Kelly and Clegg (2015). Putting CLIL into Practice. Oxford: OUP.
CLIL is wrongly used to refer to
local forms of L2 subject
O There are long-established forms of L2
medium education and new introductions
for example, English Medium science and
maths adapted to the local context.
Ball, Kelly and Clegg (2015). Putting CLIL
into Practice. Oxford: OUP
Ball, Kelly and Clegg (2015:10)
Different types of education in
diverse educational settings
Education in a
second language
Minority education Bilingual education
education in
Recent English
medium science
and maths
Ball, Kelly and Clegg (2015). Putting CLIL
into Practice. Oxford: OUP
Ball, Kelly and Clegg (2015:6-10)
How is CLIL different?
O CLIL tends to be taught in a particular
school in one or a limited number of
subjects; it rarely involves large
proportions of the curriculum.
O CLIL learners have a basic minimum level
of L2 ability when they enter a programme,
which is considered adequate for them to
flourish in it.
O CLIL is dependent on good levels of CALP
on the part of learners.
Ball, Kelly and Clegg (2015:10)
How is CLIL different?
O CLIL is normally offered in secondary
schools, though many primary schools do
offer effective CLIL courses.
O In European CLIL, learning a subject in L2
can have high social value for parents and
can achieve high levels of language and
subject knowledge.
Ball, Kelly and Clegg (2015). Putting CLIL
into Practice. Oxford: OUP
Ball, Kelly and Clegg (2015:10)
Literacy and cognitive skills
O It is widely accepted and well supported by
research (Cummins, 2000) that learners
with good L1 literacy skills and academic
language proficiency are better equipped to
learn in L2.
O A ‘common underlying proficiency’
consisting of CALP skills-once learnt in one
language , can transfer to a second.
Ball, Kelly and Clegg
Ball,B. Kelly, K. and Clegg, J. (2015). Putting CLIL into
Practice. Oxford: OUP.
Cummins, J. (2000). Language, power and pedagogy:
Bilingual children in the crossfire. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual
(Higher Order
Thinking Skills)
(Lower Order
Thinking Skills)
Community (Culture)
Supporting Thinking Skills in CLIL Courses
Supporting Thinking Skills in CLIL Courses
Supporting Thinking Skills in CLIL Courses
Graffiti can sometimes add an interesting
touch to the scenery in cities but some
are against it because they think that the
loud colours and images spoil the
environment. Discuss whether you agree or
disagree with the statement below, giving
reasons for your opinion.
‘Graffiti should be banned in all public
Supporting Thinking Skills in CLIL Courses
Supporting Thinking Skills in CLIL Courses
Sharing your stories
O Think of a childhood memory and share your
story about how it has shaped who you are.
O Make a note of your partner’s story and report it
to another partner after you have finished
sharing your stories.
What I found interesting about my
partner’s story was that…
O She remembered the experience so well
O There is a vivid image of …
O She remembered how…
Supporting Thinking Skills in CLIL Courses
Supporting Thinking Skills in CLIL Courses
What is identity? Definitions
 Identity answers the
question, ‘Who am I?’
(Sarbin and Scheibe,
1983; Weigart et al,
 ‘Identities are defined
with respect to the
interaction of
multiple convergent
trajectories’ (Wenger,
 ‘A community of
selves’ (Mair, 1997)
 ‘Identities and beliefs
are co-constructed,
negotiated and
transformed on an
ongoing basis by
means of language.’
(Duff &Uchida,
Part 1.3
Who cares? Memories of a Childhood in Care
Fred Fever
16 pages
1. How old was the writer when he was
2. What were the first parents like?
3. What was Patrick like?
4. What did David do?
Let’s check the homework.
1. How old was the writer when he was
adopted? Three months old
2. What were the first parents like?
Jenny was warm and friendly and
3. What was Patrick like?
Patrick was humiliating, punishing
4. What did David do?
He sexually abused him; He threatened him with castration.
What happened in the rest of the story?
(True or false?)
1. In 1974, Fred was fostered by Betty and
Bernard Simmonds.
2. Fred made many friends in Barrow Grove.
3. Fred was not interested in his school work
at all.
4. Fred got bad grades from school.
5. Fred was happy to go to a children’s home.
The nature of autobiographies
In your view, what is the nature of
O It is a true story.
O There are real descriptions.
O However, is it alright to trust the stories?
O Is it a good tool for research?
Personal reflections: What I did in the CLIL classes (Not necessarily what
should be done in a CLIL class in a prescribed way)
CLIL classes Language-focussed classes
1. Starting the
Sharing session
Teacher just listens to find a
‘tag’ from which to scaffold
new information
An activity focussing on the topic,
often with an aim to study
linguistic difficulties/student
learning needs. (Often
2. Shape of the
less controlled (TB)
Often the background
reading was set for
homework so students came
with prior knowledge to the
PPP: Controlled-Less controlled-
Less controlled
TTT: Little control-Control-Little
TB: Controlled-Less controlled-
3. Correction on the
Done in the following
session to avoid distraction
from the content and to
avoid embarrassment
Often done on the spot because
of requests from students to do
Sometimes group
correction/peer correction using
4. Materials Very visual
Authentic materials
Textbook and authentic
5. Vocabulary Taught in context Pre-taught before the main
Personal reflections
CLIL classes Language-focussed classes
6. Approach Task-based with an end-
Completely integrated
Content : language (50:50)
Communicative approach
Information gap
Sometimes task-based
Process approach
Skills-focussed and achievement
7. Role of teacher Facilitator
Suggestion maker for
informed choices
Giver of advice on accuracy and
Time-management controller
Advocator of efficacy
Counselor (0ne-on-one)
8. Thinking skills Core factor Always an important factor but
the main factor was about the
achievement of language
accuracy and fluency
9. Study skills Very important factor Very important especially in the
EAP courses I taught
10. Assessment Portfolios, exam, essay,
Continuous assessment
Supporting Thinking Skills in CLIL Courses
What is critical thinking?
What is critical thinking?
An active, persistent and careful
consideration of a belief
Supposed form of knowledge in the light
of the grounds which support it
(Dewey, 1909)
Dewey, J. (1998) How We Think. Dover Publications.
Supporting Thinking Skills in CLIL Courses
OAccording to Schön (1987) a
reflective practitioner thinks a
he/she does things (reflection
in action) and reflects on the
actions taken (reflection on
Schön, D. (1987) Educating the Reflective
Practitioner. Jossey-Bass Publishers: London.
Supporting Thinking Skills in CLIL Courses
Critical thinking skills-
a disposition?
OEnnis (1987) focused on the
ability to reflect skeptically and
to think in a reasoned way as
one’s capability or disposition.
Ennis, R. (1987) A taxonomy of critical thinking dispositions
and abilities. In J.Baron and R. Sternberg (eds.). Teaching
Thinking Skills: Theory and practice. New York:
Critical thinking: a set of skills
OCottrell (2011:1) supports the
view that critical thinking can be
taught as a set of skills.
OShe advocates that it is a
cognitive activity that uses
processes such as focussing
attention, categorisation,
selection and judgment.
Cottrell, S.(2011) Critical Thinking Skills, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Supporting Thinking Skills in CLIL Courses
What are the benefits of focussing on
critical thinking?
OWe can help students to be able to
think and present their opinions with
OWe can help students to listen critically
to others and agree/disagree with
OWe can help students in the selection
of materials they read.
Supporting Thinking Skills in CLIL Courses
What are the benefits of
focussing on critical thinking?
OWe can guide them to take
control of their learning and
become more autonomous in
what and how they learn.
Supporting Thinking Skills in CLIL Courses
Research questions
O What kind of reflection is shown in the students’
reflective papers?
O How did student thinking develop through the
5. The study
Data collection
O First six weeks of term before the students launched
on a project related to identity and diversity
O Reflective papers were sent to me by e-mail
Sample paper
Data analysis
O I used a grounded theory approach to analyse
the data (Glaser & Strauss, 1968), so that the
findings remain close to the actual data and
as far as possible retain the ‘voices’ of the
participants. I aimed to identify the
commonalities in the kinds of thinking that
took place, but at the same time, I wished to
understand the stories that individuals told
about their learning and thinking.
O I analysed the data in this way so as to
identify commonalities amongst what the
students’ had expressed in their papers.
What kind of reflection is shown in the
students’ reflective papers?
O Personalising concepts
O Exploring definitions
(personalising the
O Making comparisons
O Analysing content
O Thinking about
O Learning through
O Thinking about culture
O Thinking about
O Forming a hypothesis
O Theorising personally
O Thinking about
Thinking about content and
The data from the reflective papers showed that the
students had thought about both the new content
learnt on the course, as well as the English language
Thinking about content
Three categories emerged from the data; analysing
content, personalising concepts, and making personal
Personalising concepts
It is illuminating that students had personalised
concepts by referring back to their own past
O Eriko said,‘ I have read some biographies before, but
I didn’t think about what is the power of that what is
the difference between biographies and other
She is comparing biographies and other kinds of writing
to understand what kind of impact they have on the
readers. She compares the autobiography we read,
which had real data on how Fred was abused in an
orphanage. This text was used in class to analyse how
Fred’s identity was formed. It is interesting that Eriko is
trying to personalise a new concept about the power of
autobiographies by comparing them to other books she
has read.
Analysing content
(Making comparisons)
When Eriko read an auto-biography of a British person who
had lived in orphanages, ’Who cares? Memories of a
Childhood in Care’ (Fever, 1995), there was a reference to his
grades from school. Eriko wrote:
O ‘I do not know whether it is a big difference or not but on
the left side one which is written on 19th February in 1976,
the teacher refers Fred as ‘Alfred’ though on the right side,
the teacher write ‘Fred’. I know those two words refer to the
same person but I wondered what has happened during
five month.’
The above text shows that Eriko is comparing the way the
teacher referred to the author differently and Eriko guesses
that something must have happened in the relationship
between the teacher and Alfred. She is questioning herself by
saying, ‘ I wondered what has happening during five month’.
She does not make explicit what her guesses are but she
formed a question to analyse the differences in which Alfred
was addressed.
Exploring definitions
O When I was a junior high school student I always changed
my attitude with whom I talk and I felt difficulty in defining
myself because I didn’t have my consistent character and
didn’t know who I was. It was hard for me to live school life
not knowing what my character was. However, one day I
noticed that to try to define my character is just my ‘identity’.
That is, to think about ‘identity’ is exactly identity. (Saki 1-2)
O I was very interested in the matter of identity, and I
rediscovered the importance of the events in each personal
lives, by listening the lectures of professor and also the
opinions of the classmates. They reminded me of a
traumatic episode, which changed my life. I am fascinated
by the fact that our identity stands on the layers of tiny fatal
occurance. (Naho 1-5)
Making personal theories
Students wrote out their own definitions in order to make personal
theories about identity. For example, Saki said:
O ‘Identity was a difficult thing to explain and I have not found the
definition of identity yet…In the last class, having listened to other’s
opinion that identity is what makes our core, I have a definition of
identity, that is, a consistent tendency that one always have.’
I was intrigued by the concept of ‘a consistent tendency that one
always [has]’, as I think that Saki is thinking about the fact that one’s
identity can change, depending on the people one is interacting with,
and that identity is socially constructed. However, she is thinking there
must be a ‘core’ person who determines who they are. She uses the
word, ‘tendency’ to explain that although there is a ‘core person’ within
a person, they may change. ‘Tendency’ is translated as ‘keikou’ in
Japanese, and what she means here is that one may tend to behave
differently depending on the circumstances of the social situation and
who one’s interlocutor is. By making such a personal theory about
identity, Saki is internalising the content she learnt in the lesson.
Making personal theories
O I think identity is made up with how person
spend his or her life so the biographies tell
the readers about the writer’s identity
more deeply and efficiently than the
novels they wrote. However, actually the
writer might try to be a hero or heroine of
tragedy throughout their writings so I
agree with the opinions that ‘feelings may
not be reliable’ and subjectivity would
change the truth. (Eriko1-2)
Thinking about language
O Content is more important than pronunciation. I think
many people in British Council thought Sadako Ogata’s
speech is professional, gentle, and easy to hear, and
right speed. The more I hear her speech I like Sadako
Ogata’s speech more. In Japanese there are many
people (including me) who think that their pronunciation
is not so good. But now, I change my mind. Even I can
become a good English speaker if I care about the
contents and have the will to share my opinion to
everyone. (Aya 2-1)
Learning through
O Before I took this class, I had thought that
my words were reliable and I could talk
my experiences truthfully because they
were what I actually experienced and
believed that both what I experienced to a
thing and what others experienced were
the same. However, I found that there
was a difference of the way of
understanding to a same thing between
others and I. (Saki 1-5)
Thinking about culture
O What I found interesting was that just
speaking English makes me feel I am
touching foreign culture. Of course English is
not Japanese culture, so it is quite natural for
me, Japanese, to feel so. But through using
English to communicate with other students,
this might be my over-reacting but, what I
think is not the same when I speak Japanese,
I guess that is because speaking English is
not common to me. So my brain is working
more than speaking Japanese, I like this
feelings. (Keisuke)
Thinking about emotions
O Autobiography is interesting. It was the first
time for me to read autobiography; therefore
Fred Fever’s sad childhood day’s records
really touched me. I heave read a biography
of my favourite author J.R.R.Tolkien and it
was entirely different. The reason why Fred
Fever’s autobiography touched me is its word
had a ‘power’; alternatively, it included his
O As I read this article, I could experience his
happiness, fear, anger and all
sorts of feelings which he experienced.
(Natsumi 1-1)
Forming a hypothesis
and making a suggestion
O I wondered if the voters are included other
English native speakers who is like from
USA, Australia or Canada, the results
may different from this one.
O I think if this type of research would be
done, the results might be more
influenced by the preferences of the
selectors. (Eriko 2-2)
How did the students’
thinking develop through the
course?O They started to apply their own thinking initially to
personalise new concepts that were presented in
O They did this by comparing things they knew,
referring back to their own experiences.
O They made their own definitions and understood
that they were allowed to make mistakes.
O They learnt to make a hypothesis and made some
assumptions with reasons.
O They started to theorise and make suggestions
about problems that needed to be sorted.
O The developed their confidence in making critical
comments about what the teacher had said.
Development of student
content Making
about content
about cultureThinking
Forming a
Conclusions and Implications
1. In the light CLIL course, students needed a lot of
support in ‘the language for learning’ (Coyle, Hood
and Marsh,2010:60’)
2. In the heavy CLIL course, students used their
reflective papers to monitor their own understanding
of content and concepts related to identity.
3. In future, I need to devise a more triangulated way in
which to analyse students’ development of thinking

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Supporting Thinking Skills in CLIL Courses

  • 1. Supporting thinking skills in CLIL courses 上智大学言語教育研究センター 准教授 逸見シャンタール(EdD TEFL) chantalhemmi@gmail.com
  • 2. Outline 1 • What is CLIL? 2 • Practical application of a CLIL approach 3 • Supporting thinking skills through integration of content and language 4 • Demo lesson 5 • Student research project 6 • Heavy CLIL • Students’ reflections 7 • Conclusions and implications
  • 3. The most popular definition Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a dual-focused educational approach in which an additional language is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language. (Coyle, Hood and Marsh 2010:1)
  • 4. The 4 Cs of CLIL CLIL Cognition Communication Content Community Uncovering CLIL Mehisto. Marsh, Frigols (2008) Macmillan Books for Teachers
  • 5. CLIL in Europe PROVISION IN ALMOST ALL COUNTRIES In nearly all European countries, certain schools offer a form of education provision according to which non-language subjects are taught either through two different languages, or through a single language which is 'foreign' according to the curriculum. This is known as content and language integrated learning (CLIL – see the Glossary, Statistical Databases and Bibliography section). Only Denmark, Greece, Iceland and Turkey do not make this kind of provision. Figure B9: Existence of CLIL provision in primary and/or general secondary education, 2010/11 Source: Eurydice. Explanatory note CLIL provision in some schools: The practice is not necessarily widespread. For detailed information on CLIL provision in each country, see Annex 2. CLIL provision in all schools CLIL provision in some schools CLIL provision within pilot projects only No CLIL provision
  • 6. Hard CLIL and Soft CLIL? O Hard CLIL is a form of subject teaching in L2 which highlights academic achievement within the subject and treats language development as important, but as a bonus. O Soft CLIL may be offered for a short period-perhaps half a year- and it will only occupy a portion of the hours available to the subject: perhaps one in three. Ball, Kelly and Clegg (2015). Putting CLIL into Practice. Oxford: OUP.
  • 7. CLIL is wrongly used to refer to local forms of L2 subject teaching. O There are long-established forms of L2 medium education and new introductions for example, English Medium science and maths adapted to the local context. Ball, Kelly and Clegg (2015). Putting CLIL into Practice. Oxford: OUP Ball, Kelly and Clegg (2015:10)
  • 8. Different types of education in diverse educational settings Education in a second language Immersion education Minority education Bilingual education English-medium education in developing countries Recent English medium science and maths programmes Ball, Kelly and Clegg (2015). Putting CLIL into Practice. Oxford: OUP Ball, Kelly and Clegg (2015:6-10)
  • 9. How is CLIL different? O CLIL tends to be taught in a particular school in one or a limited number of subjects; it rarely involves large proportions of the curriculum. O CLIL learners have a basic minimum level of L2 ability when they enter a programme, which is considered adequate for them to flourish in it. O CLIL is dependent on good levels of CALP on the part of learners. Ball, Kelly and Clegg (2015:10)
  • 10. How is CLIL different? O CLIL is normally offered in secondary schools, though many primary schools do offer effective CLIL courses. O In European CLIL, learning a subject in L2 can have high social value for parents and can achieve high levels of language and subject knowledge. Ball, Kelly and Clegg (2015). Putting CLIL into Practice. Oxford: OUP Ball, Kelly and Clegg (2015:10)
  • 11. Literacy and cognitive skills O It is widely accepted and well supported by research (Cummins, 2000) that learners with good L1 literacy skills and academic language proficiency are better equipped to learn in L2. O A ‘common underlying proficiency’ consisting of CALP skills-once learnt in one language , can transfer to a second. Ball, Kelly and Clegg (2015:13) Ball,B. Kelly, K. and Clegg, J. (2015). Putting CLIL into Practice. Oxford: OUP. Cummins, J. (2000). Language, power and pedagogy: Bilingual children in the crossfire. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
  • 20. Discussion Graffiti can sometimes add an interesting touch to the scenery in cities but some people are against it because they think that the loud colours and images spoil the environment. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the statement below, giving reasons for your opinion. ‘Graffiti should be banned in all public places.’
  • 23. Sharing your stories O Think of a childhood memory and share your story about how it has shaped who you are. O Make a note of your partner’s story and report it to another partner after you have finished sharing your stories.
  • 24. What I found interesting about my partner’s story was that… O She remembered the experience so well O There is a vivid image of … O She remembered how…
  • 27. What is identity? Definitions  Identity answers the question, ‘Who am I?’ (Sarbin and Scheibe, 1983; Weigart et al, 1986).  ‘Identities are defined with respect to the interaction of multiple convergent trajectories’ (Wenger, 1998:154).  ‘A community of selves’ (Mair, 1997)  ‘Identities and beliefs are co-constructed, negotiated and transformed on an ongoing basis by means of language.’ (Duff &Uchida, 1997:452)
  • 28. Part 1.3 Who cares? Memories of a Childhood in Care Fred Fever 16 pages
  • 29. 1. How old was the writer when he was adopted? 2. What were the first parents like? 3. What was Patrick like? 4. What did David do?
  • 30. Let’s check the homework. 1. How old was the writer when he was adopted? Three months old 2. What were the first parents like? Jenny was warm and friendly and loving. 3. What was Patrick like? Patrick was humiliating, punishing and violent. 4. What did David do? He sexually abused him; He threatened him with castration.
  • 31. What happened in the rest of the story? (True or false?) 1. In 1974, Fred was fostered by Betty and Bernard Simmonds. 2. Fred made many friends in Barrow Grove. 3. Fred was not interested in his school work at all. 4. Fred got bad grades from school. 5. Fred was happy to go to a children’s home.
  • 32. The nature of autobiographies In your view, what is the nature of autobiographies? O It is a true story. O There are real descriptions. O However, is it alright to trust the stories? O Is it a good tool for research?
  • 33. Personal reflections: What I did in the CLIL classes (Not necessarily what should be done in a CLIL class in a prescribed way) CLIL classes Language-focussed classes 1. Starting the lesson Sharing session Teacher just listens to find a ‘tag’ from which to scaffold new information Warmer An activity focussing on the topic, often with an aim to study linguistic difficulties/student learning needs. (Often diagnostic) 2. Shape of the lesson Less-controlled-controlled- less controlled (TB) Often the background reading was set for homework so students came with prior knowledge to the classroom PPP: Controlled-Less controlled- Less controlled TTT: Little control-Control-Little control-Control TB: Controlled-Less controlled- Controlled 3. Correction on the language Done in the following session to avoid distraction from the content and to avoid embarrassment Often done on the spot because of requests from students to do so. Sometimes group correction/peer correction using codes 4. Materials Very visual Authentic materials Visual Textbook and authentic materials 5. Vocabulary Taught in context Pre-taught before the main activity
  • 34. Personal reflections CLIL classes Language-focussed classes 6. Approach Task-based with an end- product Completely integrated Content : language (50:50) Communicative approach Information gap Sometimes task-based Process approach Skills-focussed and achievement orientated 7. Role of teacher Facilitator Manager Suggestion maker for informed choices Manager Giver of advice on accuracy and fluency Time-management controller Advocator of efficacy Counselor (0ne-on-one) 8. Thinking skills Core factor Always an important factor but the main factor was about the achievement of language accuracy and fluency 9. Study skills Very important factor Very important especially in the EAP courses I taught 10. Assessment Portfolios, exam, essay, presentation Continuous assessment
  • 36. What is critical thinking?
  • 37. What is critical thinking? An active, persistent and careful consideration of a belief Supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds which support it (Dewey, 1909) Dewey, J. (1998) How We Think. Dover Publications.
  • 39. Reflection OAccording to Schön (1987) a reflective practitioner thinks a he/she does things (reflection in action) and reflects on the actions taken (reflection on action). Schön, D. (1987) Educating the Reflective Practitioner. Jossey-Bass Publishers: London.
  • 41. Critical thinking skills- a disposition? OEnnis (1987) focused on the ability to reflect skeptically and to think in a reasoned way as one’s capability or disposition. Ennis, R. (1987) A taxonomy of critical thinking dispositions and abilities. In J.Baron and R. Sternberg (eds.). Teaching Thinking Skills: Theory and practice. New York: W.H.Freeman.
  • 42. Critical thinking: a set of skills OCottrell (2011:1) supports the view that critical thinking can be taught as a set of skills. OShe advocates that it is a cognitive activity that uses processes such as focussing attention, categorisation, selection and judgment. Cottrell, S.(2011) Critical Thinking Skills, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • 44. What are the benefits of focussing on critical thinking? OWe can help students to be able to think and present their opinions with reasons. OWe can help students to listen critically to others and agree/disagree with reasons. OWe can help students in the selection of materials they read.
  • 46. What are the benefits of focussing on critical thinking? OWe can guide them to take control of their learning and become more autonomous in what and how they learn.
  • 48. Research questions O What kind of reflection is shown in the students’ reflective papers? O How did student thinking develop through the course? 5. The study
  • 49. Data collection O First six weeks of term before the students launched on a project related to identity and diversity O Reflective papers were sent to me by e-mail
  • 51. Data analysis O I used a grounded theory approach to analyse the data (Glaser & Strauss, 1968), so that the findings remain close to the actual data and as far as possible retain the ‘voices’ of the participants. I aimed to identify the commonalities in the kinds of thinking that took place, but at the same time, I wished to understand the stories that individuals told about their learning and thinking. O I analysed the data in this way so as to identify commonalities amongst what the students’ had expressed in their papers.
  • 52. What kind of reflection is shown in the students’ reflective papers? O Personalising concepts O Exploring definitions (personalising the definitions) O Making comparisons O Analysing content O Thinking about language O Learning through collaboration O Thinking about culture O Thinking about emotions O Forming a hypothesis O Theorising personally O Thinking about suggestions
  • 53. Thinking about content and language The data from the reflective papers showed that the students had thought about both the new content learnt on the course, as well as the English language itself. Thinking about content Three categories emerged from the data; analysing content, personalising concepts, and making personal theories.
  • 54. Personalising concepts It is illuminating that students had personalised concepts by referring back to their own past experiences. O Eriko said,‘ I have read some biographies before, but I didn’t think about what is the power of that what is the difference between biographies and other writings.’ She is comparing biographies and other kinds of writing to understand what kind of impact they have on the readers. She compares the autobiography we read, which had real data on how Fred was abused in an orphanage. This text was used in class to analyse how Fred’s identity was formed. It is interesting that Eriko is trying to personalise a new concept about the power of autobiographies by comparing them to other books she has read.
  • 55. Analysing content (Making comparisons) When Eriko read an auto-biography of a British person who had lived in orphanages, ’Who cares? Memories of a Childhood in Care’ (Fever, 1995), there was a reference to his grades from school. Eriko wrote: O ‘I do not know whether it is a big difference or not but on the left side one which is written on 19th February in 1976, the teacher refers Fred as ‘Alfred’ though on the right side, the teacher write ‘Fred’. I know those two words refer to the same person but I wondered what has happened during five month.’ The above text shows that Eriko is comparing the way the teacher referred to the author differently and Eriko guesses that something must have happened in the relationship between the teacher and Alfred. She is questioning herself by saying, ‘ I wondered what has happening during five month’. She does not make explicit what her guesses are but she formed a question to analyse the differences in which Alfred was addressed.
  • 56. Exploring definitions O When I was a junior high school student I always changed my attitude with whom I talk and I felt difficulty in defining myself because I didn’t have my consistent character and didn’t know who I was. It was hard for me to live school life not knowing what my character was. However, one day I noticed that to try to define my character is just my ‘identity’. That is, to think about ‘identity’ is exactly identity. (Saki 1-2) O I was very interested in the matter of identity, and I rediscovered the importance of the events in each personal lives, by listening the lectures of professor and also the opinions of the classmates. They reminded me of a traumatic episode, which changed my life. I am fascinated by the fact that our identity stands on the layers of tiny fatal occurance. (Naho 1-5)
  • 57. Making personal theories Students wrote out their own definitions in order to make personal theories about identity. For example, Saki said: O ‘Identity was a difficult thing to explain and I have not found the definition of identity yet…In the last class, having listened to other’s opinion that identity is what makes our core, I have a definition of identity, that is, a consistent tendency that one always have.’ I was intrigued by the concept of ‘a consistent tendency that one always [has]’, as I think that Saki is thinking about the fact that one’s identity can change, depending on the people one is interacting with, and that identity is socially constructed. However, she is thinking there must be a ‘core’ person who determines who they are. She uses the word, ‘tendency’ to explain that although there is a ‘core person’ within a person, they may change. ‘Tendency’ is translated as ‘keikou’ in Japanese, and what she means here is that one may tend to behave differently depending on the circumstances of the social situation and who one’s interlocutor is. By making such a personal theory about identity, Saki is internalising the content she learnt in the lesson.
  • 58. Making personal theories O I think identity is made up with how person spend his or her life so the biographies tell the readers about the writer’s identity more deeply and efficiently than the novels they wrote. However, actually the writer might try to be a hero or heroine of tragedy throughout their writings so I agree with the opinions that ‘feelings may not be reliable’ and subjectivity would change the truth. (Eriko1-2)
  • 59. Thinking about language O Content is more important than pronunciation. I think many people in British Council thought Sadako Ogata’s speech is professional, gentle, and easy to hear, and right speed. The more I hear her speech I like Sadako Ogata’s speech more. In Japanese there are many people (including me) who think that their pronunciation is not so good. But now, I change my mind. Even I can become a good English speaker if I care about the contents and have the will to share my opinion to everyone. (Aya 2-1)
  • 60. Learning through collaboration O Before I took this class, I had thought that my words were reliable and I could talk my experiences truthfully because they were what I actually experienced and believed that both what I experienced to a thing and what others experienced were the same. However, I found that there was a difference of the way of understanding to a same thing between others and I. (Saki 1-5)
  • 61. Thinking about culture O What I found interesting was that just speaking English makes me feel I am touching foreign culture. Of course English is not Japanese culture, so it is quite natural for me, Japanese, to feel so. But through using English to communicate with other students, this might be my over-reacting but, what I think is not the same when I speak Japanese, I guess that is because speaking English is not common to me. So my brain is working more than speaking Japanese, I like this feelings. (Keisuke)
  • 62. Thinking about emotions O Autobiography is interesting. It was the first time for me to read autobiography; therefore Fred Fever’s sad childhood day’s records really touched me. I heave read a biography of my favourite author J.R.R.Tolkien and it was entirely different. The reason why Fred Fever’s autobiography touched me is its word had a ‘power’; alternatively, it included his emotion. O As I read this article, I could experience his happiness, fear, anger and all sorts of feelings which he experienced. (Natsumi 1-1)
  • 63. Forming a hypothesis and making a suggestion O I wondered if the voters are included other English native speakers who is like from USA, Australia or Canada, the results may different from this one. O I think if this type of research would be done, the results might be more influenced by the preferences of the selectors. (Eriko 2-2)
  • 64. How did the students’ thinking develop through the course?O They started to apply their own thinking initially to personalise new concepts that were presented in class. O They did this by comparing things they knew, referring back to their own experiences. O They made their own definitions and understood that they were allowed to make mistakes. O They learnt to make a hypothesis and made some assumptions with reasons. O They started to theorise and make suggestions about problems that needed to be sorted. O The developed their confidence in making critical comments about what the teacher had said.
  • 65. Development of student thinking Analysing content Making comparisons Thinking about content Thinking about language Learning through collaboration Thinking about cultureThinking about emotions Forming a hypothesis Making personal theories Thinking about suggestions
  • 66. Conclusions and Implications 1. In the light CLIL course, students needed a lot of support in ‘the language for learning’ (Coyle, Hood and Marsh,2010:60’) 2. In the heavy CLIL course, students used their reflective papers to monitor their own understanding of content and concepts related to identity. 3. In future, I need to devise a more triangulated way in which to analyse students’ development of thinking skills.