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“ New Beginnings: The College Experience.” “Do it our way and we’ll guarantee you an “A”
Table of contents Goal Setting  Time Management Academic Dishonesty Career Choices and Planning College Resources and Services
Goal Setting When planning goals, Its best to create long term goal and short term goals within that goal.  Doing this you will be able to enjoy each step of the progress along the way and stay motivated to reach the long term goal.  Some guidelines that can be helpful in reaching your goal include:
Goal Setting Be specific:  know exactly what you want to achieve, put it in writing so the goal is clear. Make this goal timely:  You will need to set a deadline.  Be honest with yourself about this step.  Be realistic in knowing what can be accomplished within the time frame you set.  This will help with feeling overwhelmed at times and may will help with procrastination when your feeling unmotivated.  This goal needs to be achievable:  make sure the goal you are setting is attainable with your current circumstances.  Goals are about challenging ourselves but, keep it realistic.
Goal Setting Measurable:   you need some criteria in measuring your success.  This is important so will encourage you to move forward and stay motivated. Keep it Positive:   when you set your goal, list the things you plan on doing to achieving the goal, not the things you don’t plan on doing. Let you goal be self-chosen:   this is your goal, make it your own! A website about goal setting. http://www.goal-setting-guide.com/
Time Management Whether you are new to the “college experience” or a returning student, managing your time effectively is one of the single most important tools to learn.  The following steps will help you stay on track, reduce stress, and create order to your daily life.   You tube video on time management http://www.youtube.com/watch?r=6r0uOaBhHvs
Time Management Step 1. Prioritize :  this simply means identify the tasks that you need to complete.  Make a to-do list. List them according to importance and paying attention to due dates and deadlines.  When first starting out make this a daily list.  Then, move up to a weekly or monthly list.  Also, use a calendar to write down specific dates and assignments due, this works really well as a reminder of upcoming events and due dates. Step 2. Be realistic:   some assignments require more time, we all have areas which may require more study time.  Be honest with yourself and allow enough time to complete the work.  Also to avoid distractions, plan, and schedule pleasurable activities after you have completed the assignments not before.  This could act as a distraction rather that a incentive.
Time Management Step 3.  Be flexible:   no schedule is foolproof.  Even though you have scheduled and prioritized, things will pop up unexpectedly.  Some things may throw your whole day’s plan off, be flexible and ready for this.  If you monitor your progress and stay on track as much as possible this will not throw you to far off.  Just make the adjustments and changes where necessary and keep moving ahead. Step 4.  Accomplish one task before starting a new one:   don’t jump around when doing assignments, its best to complete what you have started, finish then move on to the next.  Also, do your least favorite assignments first, get these out of the way and move on.
Time Management Step 5.  Limit Distractions:   have a “study space”.  Consider the location of where you study.  Make sure it is not a high traffic area with television, people walking through the area, eating, etc.  You will  want to choose a quiet comfortable space.  Along with this figure out when you find it the easiest to concentrate, when you do your best work?  This may be first thing in the morning, or late at night. Once you know when you feel the best, tackle your most difficult work then.  Step 6.  Avoid Procrastination:   some ways to avoid this behavior include; understand how NOT completing assignments on time, may cost you in the long run, it may affect your grade.  Ask help from friends and family.  This creates a support system that will hold you more accountable for your actions.  Also, remember it is okay to say ”no”.  This is important.  Realize you can not always manage everything yourself.  This will also help from getting overwhelmed with your schedule.  Don’t expect too much from yourself, this creates high expectations you may no be able to achieve and is discouraging.  A good start is to keep track of your assignments as they are completed, this shows progress and motivates us to continue on with a feeling of accomplishment!
Time Management Step 7.  Delegate:  from time to time we all feel as if we are the only ones who could do the job “right”.  Well, sometimes this may be true but, in most cases, to delegate some tasks will help with feeling overwhelmed when things seem like to much to handle.  It is perfectly fine to ask for help.  Whether this is from friends, family, or co-workers, you will be pleasantly surprised who are willing to help once you ask.  In many cases, this will be beneficial to you and the person willing to help.  For example, if you are a parent and need some help with chores, this will be a valuable lesson for your child, teaching them responsibility and will take pressure off of you when you need it most.  Here is a website you can go to in order to find out more about Time Management http://www.mindtools.com/pages/main/newMN CON.htm
Time management is not only important for a new college student but, for everyday life in general.  Once you start following a schedule and planning.  A good measure of progress would be to ask yourself some questions like these at the end of the week to evaluate your progress.  How did I spend most of my hours? What areas of your life is completely neglected? Is your schedule balanced? Did you have unexpected surprises? do you think you spent more time something  than you actually did or didn’t) Is there structure in your week or is your schedule random? Did you have hours you cannot account for? Any patterns that may need altered?  How did you decide on what had to be done each day?  Did you schedule and plan? How well did you deal with schedule changes and interruptions that were unexpected? Once you have done this, search for hidden pockets of time, what could you use them for?  Things to cut, activities that may be eliminated or delegated to give some balance, then take a look back at your routine.  Creating a ideal balance is key to success.  Time Management
Academic Dishonesty   Causes: Solutions: Poor study habits Don’t wait until the last minute to prepare for tests and assignments.  Have a reliable note taking system in place. Lack of confidence Join a study group with people that express the same ideas and interests-ask questions about your work performance Poor time management Adequately prioritize work.  Keep a calendar or organizer Fear of not understanding and fear to express ideas Speak with the instructor whenever you are unsure-talk to a counselor about ways to overcome fear Better grade to keep financial aid/scholarship, stay on the sports team/fraternity, pressure from parents Reviewing for test, maintaining good study habits, and seeking the help of a tutor.
Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty is any type of cheating that occurs in relation to formal academic exercise.  This includes: plagiarism, deception, cheating, sabotage, unauthorized coping, or tampering.  Academic dishonesty occurs at all levels of education.  50-70% of college students cheated at least once.  Academic dishonesty can have an effect on your reputation and the reputation of the college.  When honest students see cheater escape the consequences, it discourages the moral.  Below are possible causes of academic dishonesty and some solutions to those problems. Causes: Solutions:   Poor study habits: don’t wait until the last minute to prepare for tests and assignment, have a reliable note taking system in place Lack of confidence: join a study group with people that express the same ideas and interests, ask questions about your work performance Poor time management: adequately prioritize work.  Keep a calendar or organizer  The results and consequences to academic dishonesty vary among institutions.  It is common to receive an “f” and noted reason for the “f” on you record.  Suspension and expulsion are also possible.  Should you suspect cheating, report this to the appropriate faculty personnel in writing.  The case will be reviewed and investigated.
Career Choices & Planning Decision Making Set goals for the field you want to work in and what branch of the field you want to work in is there more than on field you are interested in? Will this be a life long career or something short term How much training will you need for the career of your choice. Take assessment tests for the chosen career are you as prepared or driven for this career as you expected. Develop a Career Plan Write out your plan and what you plan to accomplish to reach your goals Speak with a career counselor to discuss to results of your assessment the assessment results will show your strongest areas of interests and abilities
Career Choices &Planning Prepare for the interview Prepare a resume and cover letter to include your skills, accomplishments, and experience. Prepare an outline before the final resume.  Check for accuracy, punctuation, and organization. Find out about the company. Be prepared to answer possible interview questions-research what type of question you would be asked.  It is also a good idea to form a list of questions you might have for the interviewer about the job or the company. Attire should be neat and crisp get plenty of rest and eat a balanced  meal so that you are alert and focused-arrive on time! Reaching your goal: post-interview Follow up with the interviewer and thank them for the opportunity to discuss the career opportunity  Continue to search other career options and continue to strengthen your skills.
Career Choices & Planning Step 1:   Think about your interests, what do you like to do?  Think about experiences you have enjoyed.  What kind of school, religious, social, or sports activities do you like? Step 2:   Make a list of 10 activities you have enjoyed doing in the past four years.  Evaluate school, volunteer, work, or leisure experiences. Step 3:   Make a list of your school activities (clubs, organizations to which you belonged).  Make a list of any volunteer work you have done (either through social, civic or religious organizations). Step 4:   After you have assessed hour interests and skills, determine the relationship between skills and interests and possible careers.  You may need to research different careers. Step 5:   Once you have found a career that matches your interests and skills, you are ready to develop a career plan.
Career Choices & Planning Decide your career goal, which can help you focus more cleartly on possibilities available to you. A career goal can be a specific job you want to do –such as a doctor or teacher—or be a particular field you want to work in , such as medicine or education.  Rather than limiting you future, a career goal may help you discover career possibilities you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise.  There are several job possibilities with any chosen career.  Fore instance, if you choose a medical career, you may  want to be a scientist, a nurse, or a doctor.  A career goal can also guide you into doing what you want with your life.  Determine what you need to do to prepare for your chosen career.  Do you need special training?  If so find out what schools offer the training you need.  Also, determine what kind of experience will you need to be successful in the career.  Consider an internship as a way to get work experience in the career field.  Write your career plan.
Career Choices & Planning Knowing how to find a job is a great skill that will serve you well through out your life.  By following the 4 steps below, you’ll be on your own way to finding the job of your dreams. Assess your skills and interests. Connect with people in the career field of your choices and learn from them about getting a foot in the door. Start Looking, Check out these sources of job information: State or college employment offices Newspaper listings Online Sources Your family, friends, and other contacts Start Applying Learn how to write an effective resume Understand the importance of a well-written cover letter Know how to complete a job application Get ready for interviews Follow up After any interview that you’ve earned, send a thank you letter to express gratitude for the company’s time, and let them know that you are still interested.  By following these tips, as well as devoting time and energy into your job search, you’ll be on track to building a career that you love.
Career Choices & Planning On average, college graduates earn more money, experience less unemployment, and have a wider variety of career options than other workers do.  A college degree also makes it easier to enter many of the fastest growing, highest paying occupations.  In some occupations, in fact, having a degree is the only way to get your start. Business, finance, and sales-  the growing complexity of business is expected to increase the demand for college graduates in business and financial occupations.  More workers will be needed to manage rising personal incomes, increased regulation of financial activity, and growing competition among businesses.  Sales occupations are expected to grow along with the overall economy.  Although numerous workers in these occupations involving sales of complex scientific or technical products. Computers and engineering-  the demand for new products and new technology is expected to continue to drive growth in computer and engineering occupations.  Occupations in emerging engineering specialties, such as mechanical and computer engineering.
Career Choices & Planning Counseling, social service, and psychology- numerous social trends are projected to increase the number of counselors, social workers, and psychologists needed over the 2002-12 decade.  More schools are hiring trained counselors.  At the same time, more people are seeking counseling for family problems, substance abuse, and mental disorders.  And to ease overcrowded at prisons many offenders are being sent instead to rehabilitation facilities-where  counselors, social workers, and psychologists are employed to assist them.  Education-  Most opportunities in the field of education will come from the need to replace the many teachers and administrators who are expected to retire over the 2002-12 decade.  But additional positions are projected because of efforts to reduce class sizes and because of increasing enrollments at colleges and universities.  Healthcare-  as the population ages, the need for healthcare will increase, fueling the need for more healthcare practitioners.  Moreover, improvements in medical technology will create more medical and rehabilitative treatments.  Those treatments are prescribed and often administered by workers who have a college degree health http://www.collegecareerlifeplanning.com
College Career Choices Meet with a college career counselor and take career assessment tests to see what career choice is right for you. Research the possibilities in your area and the demand in your job market Find out more about your career option-find out more about the companies you intend to work for though an informed decision making process.
College Career Choices & Planning Training  Some careers require specific training skills and certifications or degrees Significance Salaries vary amongst the many career options.  How will this affect the way you live in terms of social status or purchasing power. Field of study Your major can affect the ability to be successful: health care, law, science, business, etc. Specialization in a particular filed might require additional time in school. Look into internships or volunteer work for more hands-on experience before stepping in to the career of your choice.  Join social clubs at the college for those that share the same interests. Network Branch out to professors or old colleges and classmates to get suggestions and ideas on where you should apply.  Get references.
College Resources & Services As a new college student, get familiar with the resources that are available to you.  Most colleges offer free resources, here are a few to consider for help when needed. Academic assistance:  Instructors are there to help, don’t be shy to ask for help.  During regular business hours, when you may have questions regarding your assignments, ask your instructor.  No question is a dumb question. Admissions advising:   This may be the first resource you encounter when becoming a college student.  Advising counselors are there for students to help choose appropriate classes, help with choosing the intended major, and can provide information about transferring to other institutions.  It is a good idea to continue to seek advising throughout your journey as a student, they can help direct and advise to help you reach your academic goals. Financial aid:  Most students become overwhelmed thinking about the cost of college.  The financial aid department provides forms and information about grants, loans, and scholarships that may help to assist you pay for school.  This may include Stafford loan documents, FASFA (federal aid forms) and scholarship information.
College Resources & Services Tutoring:  Most colleges offer free tutoring to attending students.  And some ever offer free online tutoring.  And many schools offer study groups in a particular subject.  This is a wonderful resource to students and great support system when facing difficulty. Counseling:   As a student if you find yourself overwhelmed, stressed and need someone to talk too, this is a resource that is available through most colleges and is a free confidential service to students.
College Resources & Services Reference service:   Is there to direct the students where to go base on their needs. Computer lab- is for the students to use to find the resources and information they need for their class assignments such as; class work, homework, projects, writing paper, and more. Science lab:   is design to help those students that are struggle with their current science course and needs additional help after and before class. Math lab:   is for the students that needs help with their math courses, and the mathematics technician are there to help them get through the problems one on one. Foreign language lab:   have the instructors and helpers there to help the foreign students with their academic issues that is caused by the language barrier.
References  Bryant, Jenkins, Perkins, Reetz, Balson (2008 second edition).  Building effective success strategies E. Griffey. J. Wetherington, N. Meyer (eds.) Strategies for Success In College, Career, and Life.  (pp. 47-89).  United States: McGraw-Hill.  Fry R. (1999).  Make Time to Study Smarter. Fry R (Ed.)  The Great Big Book of How To Study. (pp.155-243). United States: The Career Press, Inc Dudily. (n.d.). Personal Time Management Guide. Retrieved November 2, 2009. From http://www.time-management –guide.com/index.html Morgenstern, J (2004). Time Management from the inside out. Ny, Ny: Henry Holt & Co. LLC. Dodd, P., Sundheim, D. (2005). The Best management Tools & Techniques. Ann Arbor, MI: Peak Performance Press, Inc. Legg, lain (2008). Goal Buddies. Retrieved November 6, 2009, from  http://scribd.com Caperton, G.(n.d). College Board Inspiring Minds, Free College Resources. Retrieved November 16, 2009, from  http://collegeboard.com

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Pathfinders Final Presentation 1Pathfinders Final Presentation 1
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  • 1. “ New Beginnings: The College Experience.” “Do it our way and we’ll guarantee you an “A”
  • 2. Table of contents Goal Setting Time Management Academic Dishonesty Career Choices and Planning College Resources and Services
  • 3. Goal Setting When planning goals, Its best to create long term goal and short term goals within that goal. Doing this you will be able to enjoy each step of the progress along the way and stay motivated to reach the long term goal. Some guidelines that can be helpful in reaching your goal include:
  • 4. Goal Setting Be specific: know exactly what you want to achieve, put it in writing so the goal is clear. Make this goal timely: You will need to set a deadline. Be honest with yourself about this step. Be realistic in knowing what can be accomplished within the time frame you set. This will help with feeling overwhelmed at times and may will help with procrastination when your feeling unmotivated. This goal needs to be achievable: make sure the goal you are setting is attainable with your current circumstances. Goals are about challenging ourselves but, keep it realistic.
  • 5. Goal Setting Measurable: you need some criteria in measuring your success. This is important so will encourage you to move forward and stay motivated. Keep it Positive: when you set your goal, list the things you plan on doing to achieving the goal, not the things you don’t plan on doing. Let you goal be self-chosen: this is your goal, make it your own! A website about goal setting. http://www.goal-setting-guide.com/
  • 6. Time Management Whether you are new to the “college experience” or a returning student, managing your time effectively is one of the single most important tools to learn. The following steps will help you stay on track, reduce stress, and create order to your daily life. You tube video on time management http://www.youtube.com/watch?r=6r0uOaBhHvs
  • 7. Time Management Step 1. Prioritize : this simply means identify the tasks that you need to complete. Make a to-do list. List them according to importance and paying attention to due dates and deadlines. When first starting out make this a daily list. Then, move up to a weekly or monthly list. Also, use a calendar to write down specific dates and assignments due, this works really well as a reminder of upcoming events and due dates. Step 2. Be realistic: some assignments require more time, we all have areas which may require more study time. Be honest with yourself and allow enough time to complete the work. Also to avoid distractions, plan, and schedule pleasurable activities after you have completed the assignments not before. This could act as a distraction rather that a incentive.
  • 8. Time Management Step 3. Be flexible: no schedule is foolproof. Even though you have scheduled and prioritized, things will pop up unexpectedly. Some things may throw your whole day’s plan off, be flexible and ready for this. If you monitor your progress and stay on track as much as possible this will not throw you to far off. Just make the adjustments and changes where necessary and keep moving ahead. Step 4. Accomplish one task before starting a new one: don’t jump around when doing assignments, its best to complete what you have started, finish then move on to the next. Also, do your least favorite assignments first, get these out of the way and move on.
  • 9. Time Management Step 5. Limit Distractions: have a “study space”. Consider the location of where you study. Make sure it is not a high traffic area with television, people walking through the area, eating, etc. You will want to choose a quiet comfortable space. Along with this figure out when you find it the easiest to concentrate, when you do your best work? This may be first thing in the morning, or late at night. Once you know when you feel the best, tackle your most difficult work then. Step 6. Avoid Procrastination: some ways to avoid this behavior include; understand how NOT completing assignments on time, may cost you in the long run, it may affect your grade. Ask help from friends and family. This creates a support system that will hold you more accountable for your actions. Also, remember it is okay to say ”no”. This is important. Realize you can not always manage everything yourself. This will also help from getting overwhelmed with your schedule. Don’t expect too much from yourself, this creates high expectations you may no be able to achieve and is discouraging. A good start is to keep track of your assignments as they are completed, this shows progress and motivates us to continue on with a feeling of accomplishment!
  • 10. Time Management Step 7. Delegate: from time to time we all feel as if we are the only ones who could do the job “right”. Well, sometimes this may be true but, in most cases, to delegate some tasks will help with feeling overwhelmed when things seem like to much to handle. It is perfectly fine to ask for help. Whether this is from friends, family, or co-workers, you will be pleasantly surprised who are willing to help once you ask. In many cases, this will be beneficial to you and the person willing to help. For example, if you are a parent and need some help with chores, this will be a valuable lesson for your child, teaching them responsibility and will take pressure off of you when you need it most. Here is a website you can go to in order to find out more about Time Management http://www.mindtools.com/pages/main/newMN CON.htm
  • 11. Time management is not only important for a new college student but, for everyday life in general. Once you start following a schedule and planning. A good measure of progress would be to ask yourself some questions like these at the end of the week to evaluate your progress. How did I spend most of my hours? What areas of your life is completely neglected? Is your schedule balanced? Did you have unexpected surprises? do you think you spent more time something than you actually did or didn’t) Is there structure in your week or is your schedule random? Did you have hours you cannot account for? Any patterns that may need altered? How did you decide on what had to be done each day? Did you schedule and plan? How well did you deal with schedule changes and interruptions that were unexpected? Once you have done this, search for hidden pockets of time, what could you use them for? Things to cut, activities that may be eliminated or delegated to give some balance, then take a look back at your routine. Creating a ideal balance is key to success. Time Management
  • 12. Academic Dishonesty Causes: Solutions: Poor study habits Don’t wait until the last minute to prepare for tests and assignments. Have a reliable note taking system in place. Lack of confidence Join a study group with people that express the same ideas and interests-ask questions about your work performance Poor time management Adequately prioritize work. Keep a calendar or organizer Fear of not understanding and fear to express ideas Speak with the instructor whenever you are unsure-talk to a counselor about ways to overcome fear Better grade to keep financial aid/scholarship, stay on the sports team/fraternity, pressure from parents Reviewing for test, maintaining good study habits, and seeking the help of a tutor.
  • 13. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty is any type of cheating that occurs in relation to formal academic exercise. This includes: plagiarism, deception, cheating, sabotage, unauthorized coping, or tampering. Academic dishonesty occurs at all levels of education. 50-70% of college students cheated at least once. Academic dishonesty can have an effect on your reputation and the reputation of the college. When honest students see cheater escape the consequences, it discourages the moral. Below are possible causes of academic dishonesty and some solutions to those problems. Causes: Solutions: Poor study habits: don’t wait until the last minute to prepare for tests and assignment, have a reliable note taking system in place Lack of confidence: join a study group with people that express the same ideas and interests, ask questions about your work performance Poor time management: adequately prioritize work. Keep a calendar or organizer The results and consequences to academic dishonesty vary among institutions. It is common to receive an “f” and noted reason for the “f” on you record. Suspension and expulsion are also possible. Should you suspect cheating, report this to the appropriate faculty personnel in writing. The case will be reviewed and investigated.
  • 14. Career Choices & Planning Decision Making Set goals for the field you want to work in and what branch of the field you want to work in is there more than on field you are interested in? Will this be a life long career or something short term How much training will you need for the career of your choice. Take assessment tests for the chosen career are you as prepared or driven for this career as you expected. Develop a Career Plan Write out your plan and what you plan to accomplish to reach your goals Speak with a career counselor to discuss to results of your assessment the assessment results will show your strongest areas of interests and abilities
  • 15. Career Choices &Planning Prepare for the interview Prepare a resume and cover letter to include your skills, accomplishments, and experience. Prepare an outline before the final resume. Check for accuracy, punctuation, and organization. Find out about the company. Be prepared to answer possible interview questions-research what type of question you would be asked. It is also a good idea to form a list of questions you might have for the interviewer about the job or the company. Attire should be neat and crisp get plenty of rest and eat a balanced meal so that you are alert and focused-arrive on time! Reaching your goal: post-interview Follow up with the interviewer and thank them for the opportunity to discuss the career opportunity Continue to search other career options and continue to strengthen your skills.
  • 16. Career Choices & Planning Step 1: Think about your interests, what do you like to do? Think about experiences you have enjoyed. What kind of school, religious, social, or sports activities do you like? Step 2: Make a list of 10 activities you have enjoyed doing in the past four years. Evaluate school, volunteer, work, or leisure experiences. Step 3: Make a list of your school activities (clubs, organizations to which you belonged). Make a list of any volunteer work you have done (either through social, civic or religious organizations). Step 4: After you have assessed hour interests and skills, determine the relationship between skills and interests and possible careers. You may need to research different careers. Step 5: Once you have found a career that matches your interests and skills, you are ready to develop a career plan.
  • 17. Career Choices & Planning Decide your career goal, which can help you focus more cleartly on possibilities available to you. A career goal can be a specific job you want to do –such as a doctor or teacher—or be a particular field you want to work in , such as medicine or education. Rather than limiting you future, a career goal may help you discover career possibilities you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise. There are several job possibilities with any chosen career. Fore instance, if you choose a medical career, you may want to be a scientist, a nurse, or a doctor. A career goal can also guide you into doing what you want with your life. Determine what you need to do to prepare for your chosen career. Do you need special training? If so find out what schools offer the training you need. Also, determine what kind of experience will you need to be successful in the career. Consider an internship as a way to get work experience in the career field. Write your career plan.
  • 18. Career Choices & Planning Knowing how to find a job is a great skill that will serve you well through out your life. By following the 4 steps below, you’ll be on your own way to finding the job of your dreams. Assess your skills and interests. Connect with people in the career field of your choices and learn from them about getting a foot in the door. Start Looking, Check out these sources of job information: State or college employment offices Newspaper listings Online Sources Your family, friends, and other contacts Start Applying Learn how to write an effective resume Understand the importance of a well-written cover letter Know how to complete a job application Get ready for interviews Follow up After any interview that you’ve earned, send a thank you letter to express gratitude for the company’s time, and let them know that you are still interested. By following these tips, as well as devoting time and energy into your job search, you’ll be on track to building a career that you love.
  • 19. Career Choices & Planning On average, college graduates earn more money, experience less unemployment, and have a wider variety of career options than other workers do. A college degree also makes it easier to enter many of the fastest growing, highest paying occupations. In some occupations, in fact, having a degree is the only way to get your start. Business, finance, and sales- the growing complexity of business is expected to increase the demand for college graduates in business and financial occupations. More workers will be needed to manage rising personal incomes, increased regulation of financial activity, and growing competition among businesses. Sales occupations are expected to grow along with the overall economy. Although numerous workers in these occupations involving sales of complex scientific or technical products. Computers and engineering- the demand for new products and new technology is expected to continue to drive growth in computer and engineering occupations. Occupations in emerging engineering specialties, such as mechanical and computer engineering.
  • 20. Career Choices & Planning Counseling, social service, and psychology- numerous social trends are projected to increase the number of counselors, social workers, and psychologists needed over the 2002-12 decade. More schools are hiring trained counselors. At the same time, more people are seeking counseling for family problems, substance abuse, and mental disorders. And to ease overcrowded at prisons many offenders are being sent instead to rehabilitation facilities-where counselors, social workers, and psychologists are employed to assist them. Education- Most opportunities in the field of education will come from the need to replace the many teachers and administrators who are expected to retire over the 2002-12 decade. But additional positions are projected because of efforts to reduce class sizes and because of increasing enrollments at colleges and universities. Healthcare- as the population ages, the need for healthcare will increase, fueling the need for more healthcare practitioners. Moreover, improvements in medical technology will create more medical and rehabilitative treatments. Those treatments are prescribed and often administered by workers who have a college degree health http://www.collegecareerlifeplanning.com
  • 21. College Career Choices Meet with a college career counselor and take career assessment tests to see what career choice is right for you. Research the possibilities in your area and the demand in your job market Find out more about your career option-find out more about the companies you intend to work for though an informed decision making process.
  • 22. College Career Choices & Planning Training Some careers require specific training skills and certifications or degrees Significance Salaries vary amongst the many career options. How will this affect the way you live in terms of social status or purchasing power. Field of study Your major can affect the ability to be successful: health care, law, science, business, etc. Specialization in a particular filed might require additional time in school. Look into internships or volunteer work for more hands-on experience before stepping in to the career of your choice. Join social clubs at the college for those that share the same interests. Network Branch out to professors or old colleges and classmates to get suggestions and ideas on where you should apply. Get references.
  • 23. College Resources & Services As a new college student, get familiar with the resources that are available to you. Most colleges offer free resources, here are a few to consider for help when needed. Academic assistance: Instructors are there to help, don’t be shy to ask for help. During regular business hours, when you may have questions regarding your assignments, ask your instructor. No question is a dumb question. Admissions advising: This may be the first resource you encounter when becoming a college student. Advising counselors are there for students to help choose appropriate classes, help with choosing the intended major, and can provide information about transferring to other institutions. It is a good idea to continue to seek advising throughout your journey as a student, they can help direct and advise to help you reach your academic goals. Financial aid: Most students become overwhelmed thinking about the cost of college. The financial aid department provides forms and information about grants, loans, and scholarships that may help to assist you pay for school. This may include Stafford loan documents, FASFA (federal aid forms) and scholarship information.
  • 24. College Resources & Services Tutoring: Most colleges offer free tutoring to attending students. And some ever offer free online tutoring. And many schools offer study groups in a particular subject. This is a wonderful resource to students and great support system when facing difficulty. Counseling: As a student if you find yourself overwhelmed, stressed and need someone to talk too, this is a resource that is available through most colleges and is a free confidential service to students.
  • 25. College Resources & Services Reference service: Is there to direct the students where to go base on their needs. Computer lab- is for the students to use to find the resources and information they need for their class assignments such as; class work, homework, projects, writing paper, and more. Science lab: is design to help those students that are struggle with their current science course and needs additional help after and before class. Math lab: is for the students that needs help with their math courses, and the mathematics technician are there to help them get through the problems one on one. Foreign language lab: have the instructors and helpers there to help the foreign students with their academic issues that is caused by the language barrier.
  • 26. References Bryant, Jenkins, Perkins, Reetz, Balson (2008 second edition). Building effective success strategies E. Griffey. J. Wetherington, N. Meyer (eds.) Strategies for Success In College, Career, and Life. (pp. 47-89). United States: McGraw-Hill. Fry R. (1999). Make Time to Study Smarter. Fry R (Ed.) The Great Big Book of How To Study. (pp.155-243). United States: The Career Press, Inc Dudily. (n.d.). Personal Time Management Guide. Retrieved November 2, 2009. From http://www.time-management –guide.com/index.html Morgenstern, J (2004). Time Management from the inside out. Ny, Ny: Henry Holt & Co. LLC. Dodd, P., Sundheim, D. (2005). The Best management Tools & Techniques. Ann Arbor, MI: Peak Performance Press, Inc. Legg, lain (2008). Goal Buddies. Retrieved November 6, 2009, from http://scribd.com Caperton, G.(n.d). College Board Inspiring Minds, Free College Resources. Retrieved November 16, 2009, from http://collegeboard.com