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Managing Egress using Istio
Christian Posta | @christianposta | Solo.io
Sandeep Parikh | @crcsmnky | Google Cloud
What we’ll cover
What’s new
Stable outbound
origin for egress traffic
For many deployments that
communicate with external
services, those outbound
communications need to
originate from a known
This can be for exfiltration or
infiltration monitoring, or
compliance reasons.
Examples could include
downstream APIs or systems
that require whitelisting, or
PCI compliant deployments,
where outbound traffic must
come from a stable origin.
Example deployment
All outbound traffic must
originate from a stable IP
Secure application sits
behind a firewall
IP must be whitelisted in
firewall configuration
VM-based NAT
Stable outbound IP
VM management
Coarse-grained traffic controls
Managed NAT
Stable outbound IP
Coarse-grained traffic controls
External Proxy
Stable outbound IP
Protocol controls
VM and proxy management
Coarse-grained traffic controls
Internal Proxy
Stable outbound IP
Protocol controls
Deployment management
Lack of control plane
What about a cluster-native
Runs as DaemonSet
Single node for egress
Say hello to istio-egressgateway
external service
Using ServiceEntry, add the
external service to the
Kubernetes service registry
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: ServiceEntry
name: se-httpbin-egress
- httpbin.gcp.external
- number: 80
name: http-port
protocol: TCP
resolution: STATIC
- address:
exportTo: ["."]
Create a DestinationRule and
Gateway that allows traffic from
the mesh to the external service
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: DestinationRule
name: dr-httpbin-egress
host: istio-egressgateway.istio-system
- name: httpbin
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: Gateway
name: gw-httpbin-egress
istio: egressgateway
- port:
number: 80
name: http
protocol: HTTP
- httpbin.gcp.external
Directing traffic
Mesh-internal traffic for external
service goes to egress gateway.
Traffic from gateway goes to
external service.
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: VirtualService
name: vs-httpbin-egress
- httpbin.gcp.external
- gw-httpbin-egress
- mesh
- match:
- gateways:
- mesh
port: 80
- destination:
host: istio-egressgateway.istio-system
subset: httpbin
number: 80
weight: 100
- match:
- gateways:
- gw-httpbin-egress
port: 80
- destination:
host: httpbin.gcp.external
number: 80
weight: 100
Istio-enabled Deployment
egress control
$ kubectl label ns istio-system istio=system
$ kubectl label ns kube-system kube-system=true
$ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: egress-istio-system-and-kube-dns-only
podSelector: {}
- Egress
- to:
- namespaceSelector:
kube-system: "true"
- protocol: UDP
port: 53
- to:
- namespaceSelector:
istio: system
Kubernetes NetworkPolicy
prevents bypassing Istio’s
egress gateway
external hosts
dns-discovery automatically
detects egress traffic and
creates ServiceEntry objects.
What’s New
Istio 1.2
46 improvements
297 commits
78 contributors
Full release notes
Released 2019-06-18
Istio 1.2 highlights
Investing in build, test, and release machinery
New subteams: Github Workflow, Source Organization, Testing
Methodology, Build & Release Automation
Theme of this release is predictability
Quality of releases
Timing of releases
Build, Test, Release
New Features Global log levels for data and control planes
Validate Kubernetes environment using istioctl
Annotate services with
traffic.sidecar.istio.io/includeOutboundPorts and eliminate need
for containerPort
Istio 1.2 highlights
Beta → Stable
SNI with ingress
Distributed tracing
Service tracing
Alpha → Beta
Cert mgmt on ingress
Config resource validation
Config processing with Galley
annotation to eliminate the need for service
owner to declare containerPort in the
deployment yaml file. This will become the
default in a future release.
Improved locality based routing in multi-cluster
Improved outbound traffic policy in ALLOW_ANY
mode. Traffic for unknown HTTP/HTTPS hosts
on an existing port will be forwarded as is.
Unknown traffic will be logged in Envoy access
Istio 1.2 for Traffic Management
Added support for setting HTTP idle timeouts to
upstream services.
Improved Sidecar support for NONE mode
(without iptables) .
Added ability to configure the DNS refresh rate
for sidecar Envoys, to reduce the load on the
DNS servers.
Graduated Sidecar API from Alpha to Alpha API
and Beta runtime.
Thank You!
Questions or Comments?
Find us @christianposta and @crcsmnky
Learn More
● Istio istio.io
● Google Cloud cloud.google.com
● Solo.io www.solo.io
● Gloo gloo.solo.io
● Service Mesh Hub servicemeshhub.io
● github.com/crcsmnky/istio-egress-gateway

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Managing Egress with Istio

  • 1. Managing Egress using Istio Christian Posta | @christianposta | Solo.io Sandeep Parikh | @crcsmnky | Google Cloud
  • 4. Stable outbound origin for egress traffic
  • 5. Why? For many deployments that communicate with external services, those outbound communications need to originate from a known source.
  • 6. Why? This can be for exfiltration or infiltration monitoring, or compliance reasons.
  • 7. Why? Examples could include downstream APIs or systems that require whitelisting, or PCI compliant deployments, where outbound traffic must come from a stable origin.
  • 10. All outbound traffic must originate from a stable IP Secure application sits behind a firewall IP must be whitelisted in firewall configuration Requirements
  • 12. VM-based NAT Pro Stable outbound IP Con VM management Coarse-grained traffic controls
  • 13. Managed NAT Pro Stable outbound IP Con Coarse-grained traffic controls
  • 14. External Proxy Pro Stable outbound IP Protocol controls Con VM and proxy management Coarse-grained traffic controls
  • 15. Internal Proxy Pro Stable outbound IP Protocol controls Con Deployment management Lack of control plane
  • 16. What about a cluster-native solution?
  • 17. kube-static-egress-ip Pro Runs as DaemonSet Con Alpha Single node for egress github.com/nirmata/kube-static-egress-ip
  • 18. Say hello to istio-egressgateway Ingress Controller
  • 19. Accessing external service Using ServiceEntry, add the external service to the Kubernetes service registry apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: ServiceEntry metadata: name: se-httpbin-egress spec: hosts: - httpbin.gcp.external addresses: - ports: - number: 80 name: http-port protocol: TCP resolution: STATIC location: MESH_EXTERNAL endpoints: - address: exportTo: ["."]
  • 20. Configuring egressgateway Create a DestinationRule and Gateway that allows traffic from the mesh to the external service apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: dr-httpbin-egress spec: host: istio-egressgateway.istio-system subsets: - name: httpbin --- apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: Gateway metadata: name: gw-httpbin-egress spec: selector: istio: egressgateway servers: - port: number: 80 name: http protocol: HTTP hosts: - httpbin.gcp.external
  • 21. Directing traffic Mesh-internal traffic for external service goes to egress gateway. Traffic from gateway goes to external service. apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: VirtualService metadata: name: vs-httpbin-egress spec: hosts: - httpbin.gcp.external gateways: - gw-httpbin-egress - mesh http: - match: - gateways: - mesh port: 80 route: - destination: host: istio-egressgateway.istio-system subset: httpbin port: number: 80 weight: 100 - match: - gateways: - gw-httpbin-egress port: 80 route: - destination: host: httpbin.gcp.external port: number: 80 weight: 100
  • 23. Demo
  • 24. Enforcing egress control $ kubectl label ns istio-system istio=system $ kubectl label ns kube-system kube-system=true $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1 kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: name: egress-istio-system-and-kube-dns-only spec: podSelector: {} policyTypes: - Egress egress: - to: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: kube-system: "true" ports: - protocol: UDP port: 53 - to: - namespaceSelector: matchLabels: istio: system EOF Kubernetes NetworkPolicy prevents bypassing Istio’s egress gateway
  • 25. Capturing external hosts dns-discovery automatically detects egress traffic and creates ServiceEntry objects. github.com/istio-ecosystem/dns-discovery
  • 27. Istio 1.2 46 improvements 297 commits 78 contributors Full release notes Released 2019-06-18
  • 28. Istio 1.2 highlights Investing in build, test, and release machinery New subteams: Github Workflow, Source Organization, Testing Methodology, Build & Release Automation Theme of this release is predictability Quality of releases Timing of releases Build, Test, Release New Features Global log levels for data and control planes Validate Kubernetes environment using istioctl Annotate services with traffic.sidecar.istio.io/includeOutboundPorts and eliminate need for containerPort Release Predictability
  • 29. Istio 1.2 highlights Beta → Stable SNI with ingress Distributed tracing Service tracing Alpha → Beta Cert mgmt on ingress Config resource validation Config processing with Galley
  • 30. Added traffic.sidecar.istio.io/includeInboundPorts annotation to eliminate the need for service owner to declare containerPort in the deployment yaml file. This will become the default in a future release. Improved locality based routing in multi-cluster environments. Improved outbound traffic policy in ALLOW_ANY mode. Traffic for unknown HTTP/HTTPS hosts on an existing port will be forwarded as is. Unknown traffic will be logged in Envoy access logs. Istio 1.2 for Traffic Management Added support for setting HTTP idle timeouts to upstream services. Improved Sidecar support for NONE mode (without iptables) . Added ability to configure the DNS refresh rate for sidecar Envoys, to reduce the load on the DNS servers. Graduated Sidecar API from Alpha to Alpha API and Beta runtime.
  • 31. Thank You! Questions or Comments? Find us @christianposta and @crcsmnky Learn More ● Istio istio.io ● Google Cloud cloud.google.com ● Solo.io www.solo.io ● Gloo gloo.solo.io ● Service Mesh Hub servicemeshhub.io Demo ● github.com/crcsmnky/istio-egress-gateway

Editor's Notes

  1. https://docs.tenable.com/pvs/deployment/Content/GoogleCloudInstructionsNatGateway.htm https://cloud.google.com/vpc/docs/special-configurations#natgateway
  2. https://cloud.google.com/nat/docs/overview#NATwithGKE
  3. https://www.nirmata.com/2018/12/12/open-source-kubernetes-crd-for-egress-ip-address-management/ https://github.com/nirmata/kube-static-egress-ip