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euroia 2014 
Brussels, Belgium 25 – 27 September, 2014 
Nadia Ferreira
What we learned at EuroIA 2014
What we learned at EuroIA 2014
The homepage 
Eric Reiss
Homepage is not a core page 
Idea from Eric Reiss and Ida Aalen. 
● User lands on a website via Google 
keyword search, Shared link, etc. 
● Most of the users will never see the 
● Good navigation allows users to 
leave the homepage.
Homepage is not a core page 
Idea from Eric Reiss and Ida Aalen. 
● User lands on a website via Google 
keyword search, Shared link, etc. 
● Most of the users will never see the 
● Good navigation allows users to 
leave the homepage. 
“Designing the homepage first is like 
wrapping before even having a gift.” 
Ida Aalen
Core Model 
Ida Aalen
Core Model 
Template at http://iallenkelhet.no/wp-content/ 
A.K.A. Core & Paths, presented by Ida 
Where users solve their taks and you 
reach your objectives. 
Core pages
Core Model 
Template at http://iallenkelhet.no/wp-content/ 
Step 1 - Identify Core pages where 
Business goals and User tasks meet 
Step 2 - Identify Users top tasks
Core Model 
1 2 
Step 3 
How will the users get 
How will they find this 
Core Model 
1 2 
Step 4 
What content elements do we need to make 
sure the user solves their task while respecting 
our objectives?
Core Model 
1 2 
Step 5 
After the user has solved 
their task, where do we want 
to send them next?
Core Model (in new page) 
Step 6 
Prioritise Core content and Outwards paths 
E.g. use mobile analogy
Throw heuristics 
evaluation to the fire 
David Forito
UX review as a Story 
Idea by David Fiorito 
● Kill the long website reviews 
spreadsheets checklists. 
● Story instead: 
o -> Flow/ context of use 
o -> Persona 
Point of view 
o -> Heuristics narrative
UX review as a Story 
Core User journey of what she: 
o Sees 
o Understands 
o Does 
o Persona presentation 
o Story case (Journey) 
o Strengths 
o Negative points 
o Screenshots 
o Recommendations
The competing values 
Kim Goodwin
The Competing Values Framework 
Presented by Kim Goodwin 
"How we decide" 
● Clan - UX as Coaches 
Involvement, Slow, Everyone involved, 
meetings with more people 
● Adhocary - UX as Generalists 
Hate process, not too structured, start-up 
culture, use of white board for quick 
● Hierarchy - UX as Process & 
Design experts 
Check-ins, styles guides, minimise 
● Market - UX as Scientists Quantitate 
data driven, in need of proof, 
measurements, minimise risk.
Social types 
Birgit Geiberger - UX team of two
Social types 
Presented by Birgit (UX team of two) 
● “I feel” 
● People-oriented, Slow Pace 
● Issues: Reluctant to change, avoid risks, 
undisciplined in use of time 
● “I want” 
● People-oriented, Fast Pace 
● Issues: Personal opinion decisions, little 
concern for details, struggle with 
● “I will” 
● Task-oriented, Fast Pace 
● Issues: Forcefull, impatient, do not show 
● “I think” 
● Task-oriented, Slow Pace 
● Skeptical, critical, avoid risks, study before 
Social types 
How to communicate with: 
● Develop relationship. Spend time. 
● Inform early about changes. 
● Show appreciation and support 
● Don’t ignore them 
● Provide options and benefits 
● Clear, short, precise. Get to the point 
● Give a lot of information beforehand. 
● Provide deadlines and time to process 
● Dont misinterprect lack of enthusiam.
Improve UX process 
Peter Boersema - UX team of two
Improve UX process 
Presented by Peter Boersma (UX Team of 
Rethink deliverables and process: 
1. List current UX deliverables 
2. Diagram deliverables in phases 
3. Describe the input needed for a 
deliverable and what is the output 
4. Present, discuss and prioritise 
5. Templates for 80 % of the cases 
6. Repeat
Improve UX process 
Communicate Roadmap 
● Company / Product
Improve UX process 
● Identiy who can influence the UX of 
a project. 
● Understand who are the people to 
communicate the UX process inside 
the organization.
UX, UI and what it matters 
“Don’t be stuck with the UI. There is 
more than that. 
Look around and design the present, 
the interaction.” 
Petr & Jiri
UX, UI and what it matters 
“Don’t be stuck with the UI. There is 
more than that. 
Look around and design the present, 
the interaction.” 
“Maybe UX is just Educated 
Lutz Schmitt
UX, UI and what it matters 
“Don’t be stuck with the UI. There is 
more than that. 
Look around and design the present, 
the interaction.” 
“Maybe UX is just Educated 
Lutz Schmitt 
“IA, we still suck at it.” 
Abby C.
Slide decks
Talks and Workshops 
Links in presentation notes
Books and articles
Amazon links in presentation notes
C-MINE 1 BUS 13 
Evence Coppéelaan 91 
3600 Genk 
Phone +32 89 20 15 00 
Fax +32 89 20 15 01 

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What we learned at EuroIA 2014

  • 1. euroia 2014 Brussels, Belgium 25 – 27 September, 2014 DEBRIEF Nadia Ferreira
  • 7. Homepage is not a core page Idea from Eric Reiss and Ida Aalen. ● User lands on a website via Google keyword search, Shared link, etc. ● Most of the users will never see the Homepage. ● Good navigation allows users to leave the homepage.
  • 8. Homepage is not a core page Idea from Eric Reiss and Ida Aalen. ● User lands on a website via Google keyword search, Shared link, etc. ● Most of the users will never see the Homepage. ● Good navigation allows users to leave the homepage. “Designing the homepage first is like wrapping before even having a gift.” Ida Aalen
  • 10. Core Model Template at http://iallenkelhet.no/wp-content/ uploads/sites/2/2014/05/Ida-Aalen-Core-page-handouts. pdf A.K.A. Core & Paths, presented by Ida Aalen Where users solve their taks and you reach your objectives. Core pages
  • 11. Core Model Template at http://iallenkelhet.no/wp-content/ uploads/sites/2/2014/05/Ida-Aalen-Core-page-handouts. pdf Step 1 - Identify Core pages where Business goals and User tasks meet Step 2 - Identify Users top tasks
  • 12. Core Model 1 2 3 Step 3 How will the users get there? How will they find this content?
  • 13. Core Model 1 2 3 4 Step 4 What content elements do we need to make sure the user solves their task while respecting our objectives?
  • 14. Core Model 1 2 3 4 5 Step 5 After the user has solved their task, where do we want to send them next?
  • 15. Core Model (in new page) 6 Step 6 Prioritise Core content and Outwards paths E.g. use mobile analogy
  • 16. Throw heuristics evaluation to the fire David Forito
  • 17. UX review as a Story Idea by David Fiorito ● Kill the long website reviews spreadsheets checklists. ● Story instead: Plot o -> Flow/ context of use Characters o -> Persona Point of view o -> Heuristics narrative
  • 18. UX review as a Story Core User journey of what she: o Sees o Understands o Does Structure: o Persona presentation o Story case (Journey) o Strengths o Negative points o Screenshots o Recommendations
  • 19. The competing values framework Kim Goodwin
  • 20. The Competing Values Framework Presented by Kim Goodwin "How we decide" ● Clan - UX as Coaches Involvement, Slow, Everyone involved, meetings with more people ● Adhocary - UX as Generalists Hate process, not too structured, start-up culture, use of white board for quick experiments ● Hierarchy - UX as Process & Design experts Check-ins, styles guides, minimise disruption ● Market - UX as Scientists Quantitate data driven, in need of proof, measurements, minimise risk.
  • 21. Social types Birgit Geiberger - UX team of two
  • 22. Social types Presented by Birgit (UX team of two) Relater ● “I feel” ● People-oriented, Slow Pace ● Issues: Reluctant to change, avoid risks, undisciplined in use of time Socializer ● “I want” ● People-oriented, Fast Pace ● Issues: Personal opinion decisions, little concern for details, struggle with commitment Director ● “I will” ● Task-oriented, Fast Pace ● Issues: Forcefull, impatient, do not show emotions Thinker ● “I think” ● Task-oriented, Slow Pace ● Skeptical, critical, avoid risks, study before opinion
  • 23. Social types How to communicate with: Relater ● Develop relationship. Spend time. ● Inform early about changes. Socializer ● Show appreciation and support ● Don’t ignore them Director ● Provide options and benefits ● Clear, short, precise. Get to the point Thinker ● Give a lot of information beforehand. ● Provide deadlines and time to process ● Dont misinterprect lack of enthusiam.
  • 24. Improve UX process Peter Boersema - UX team of two
  • 25. Improve UX process Presented by Peter Boersma (UX Team of Two) Rethink deliverables and process: 1. List current UX deliverables 2. Diagram deliverables in phases 3. Describe the input needed for a deliverable and what is the output generated 4. Present, discuss and prioritise 5. Templates for 80 % of the cases 6. Repeat
  • 26. Improve UX process Communicate Roadmap ● Company / Product
  • 28. Improve UX process Objectives ● Identiy who can influence the UX of a project. ● Understand who are the people to communicate the UX process inside the organization.
  • 29. UX, UI and what it matters “Don’t be stuck with the UI. There is more than that. Look around and design the present, the interaction.” Petr & Jiri
  • 30. UX, UI and what it matters “Don’t be stuck with the UI. There is more than that. Look around and design the present, the interaction.” Petr “Maybe UX is just Educated Marketing” Lutz Schmitt
  • 31. UX, UI and what it matters “Don’t be stuck with the UI. There is more than that. Look around and design the present, the interaction.” Petr “Maybe UX is just Educated Marketing” Lutz Schmitt “IA, we still suck at it.” Abby C.
  • 33. Talks and Workshops Links in presentation notes
  • 35. Readings Amazon links in presentation notes
  • 36. Thanks! C-MINE 1 BUS 13 Evence Coppéelaan 91 3600 Genk Belgium Phone +32 89 20 15 00 Fax +32 89 20 15 01 Info@nascom.be

Editor's Notes

  1. morning workshops (4hrs) light talks 5mins talks 20/30 mins opening. middle big talks
  2. Famous people too! Kim Goodwin Steve portigal
  3. People get surprised when i tell i ux the homepage the last. not every user checks the homepage - google keyword, fb shared article, etc focus on the flow and not on the less important page anyway all stakeholders of the client side want there photo on the homepage it is good that users leave the homepage. People leave the homepage via googd navigation many users will never see the homepage Designing the homepage first is like wrapping before having a gift. NF - Let’s stop with the homepage fetish.
  4. People get surprised when i tell i ux the homepage the last. not every user checks the homepage - google keyword, fb shared article, etc focus on the flow and not on the less important page anyway all stakeholders of the client side want there photo on the homepage it is good that users leave the homepage. People leave the homepage via googd navigation many users will never see the homepage Designing the homepage first is like wrapping before having a gift. NF - Let’s stop with the homepage fetish.
  5. Core pages - where users solve their taks and you reach your objectives. Therefore, Homepage is NOT a core page Use at worshop, for instance. Template at http://iallenkelhet.no/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/05/Ida-Aalen-Core-page-handouts.pdf Step 1 - identify Core pages where Business goals and User tasks meet Step 2 - identify top task Step 3 - for each core model identify Inward paths - How will the user get there? how will they find this content? Step 4 - for each core model identify Core content - What content elements do we need to make sure the user solves their task while respecting our objectives? Step 5 - for each core model identify Outwards paths -After the user has solved their task, where do we want to send them next? Step 6 - Prioritise Core content and Outwards paths - Ex; use mobile analogy
  6. Core pages - where users solve their taks and you reach your objectives. Therefore, Homepage is NOT a core page Use at worshop, for instance. Template at http://iallenkelhet.no/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/05/Ida-Aalen-Core-page-handouts.pdf Step 1 - identify Core pages where Business goals and User tasks meet Step 2 - identify top task Step 3 - for each core model identify Inward paths - How will the user get there? how will they find this content? Step 4 - for each core model identify Core content - What content elements do we need to make sure the user solves their task while respecting our objectives? Step 5 - for each core model identify Outwards paths -After the user has solved their task, where do we want to send them next? Step 6 - Prioritise Core content and Outwards paths - Ex; use mobile analogy
  7. Core pages - where users solve their taks and you reach your objectives. Therefore, Homepage is NOT a core page Use at worshop, for instance. Template at http://iallenkelhet.no/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/05/Ida-Aalen-Core-page-handouts.pdf Step 1 - identify Core pages where Business goals and User tasks meet Step 2 - identify top task Step 3 - for each core model identify Inward paths - How will the user get there? how will they find this content? Step 4 - for each core model identify Core content - What content elements do we need to make sure the user solves their task while respecting our objectives? Step 5 - for each core model identify Outwards paths -After the user has solved their task, where do we want to send them next? Step 6 - Prioritise Core content and Outwards paths - Ex; use mobile analogy
  8. Core pages - where users solve their taks and you reach your objectives. Therefore, Homepage is NOT a core page Use at worshop, for instance. Template at http://iallenkelhet.no/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/05/Ida-Aalen-Core-page-handouts.pdf Step 1 - identify Core pages where Business goals and User tasks meet Step 2 - identify top task Step 3 - for each core model identify Inward paths - How will the user get there? how will they find this content? Step 4 - for each core model identify Core content - What content elements do we need to make sure the user solves their task while respecting our objectives? Step 5 - for each core model identify Outwards paths -After the user has solved their task, where do we want to send them next? Step 6 - Prioritise Core content and Outwards paths - Ex; use mobile analogy
  9. Core pages - where users solve their taks and you reach your objectives. Therefore, Homepage is NOT a core page Use at worshop, for instance. Template at http://iallenkelhet.no/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/05/Ida-Aalen-Core-page-handouts.pdf Step 1 - identify Core pages where Business goals and User tasks meet Step 2 - identify top task Step 3 - for each core model identify Inward paths - How will the user get there? how will they find this content? Step 4 - for each core model identify Core content - What content elements do we need to make sure the user solves their task while respecting our objectives? Step 5 - for each core model identify Outwards paths -After the user has solved their task, where do we want to send them next? Step 6 - Prioritise Core content and Outwards paths - Ex; use mobile analogy
  10. Core pages - where users solve their taks and you reach your objectives. Therefore, Homepage is NOT a core page Use at worshop, for instance. Template at http://iallenkelhet.no/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/05/Ida-Aalen-Core-page-handouts.pdf Step 1 - identify Core pages where Business goals and User tasks meet Step 2 - identify top task Step 3 - for each core model identify Inward paths - How will the user get there? how will they find this content? Step 4 - for each core model identify Core content - What content elements do we need to make sure the user solves their task while respecting our objectives? Step 5 - for each core model identify Outwards paths -After the user has solved their task, where do we want to send them next? Step 6 - Prioritise Core content and Outwards paths - Ex; use mobile analogy
  11. New model story for ux reviews by David Fiorito Like a story: Plot become Flow/ context of use Characters become Persona Point of view becomes Heuristics narrative See/Think/Do with screenshots http://digitalanthropologist.com/docsNstuff/Heuristic%20Storytelling%20-%20David%20Fiorito%20EuroIA%202014.pdf
  12. New model story for ux reviews by David Fiorito Like a story: Plot become Flow/ context of use Characters become Persona Point of view becomes Heuristics narrative See/Think/Do with screenshots FLOW To set the scene effectively, you must understand the context in which the software is used… and then you will be able to identify critical paths PERSONA You do not need a detailed persona – just a plausible sketch of a typical user. The stakeholders must recognize the user as one of their own. You need to know enough to understand why they are using the software you are designing and in what context. NARRATIVE The narrative is grounded in the heuristic categories, but those categories needed a slight tweak.replaced the categories from the card sorting exercise with phrases that would fit better in a narrative. Don’t panic, the detailed heuristics are still there. Just don’t reveal them to the audience
  13. New model story for ux reviews by David Fiorito Like a story: Plot become Flow/ context of use Characters become Persona Point of view becomes Heuristics narrative See/Think/Do with screenshots FLOW To set the scene effectively, you must understand the context in which the software is used… and then you will be able to identify critical paths PERSONA You do not need a detailed persona – just a plausible sketch of a typical user. The stakeholders must recognize the user as one of their own. You need to know enough to understand why they are using the software you are designing and in what context. NARRATIVE The narrative is grounded in the heuristic categories, but those categories needed a slight tweak.replaced the categories from the card sorting exercise with phrases that would fit better in a narrative. Don’t panic, the detailed heuristics are still there. Just don’t reveal them to the audience
  14. New model story for ux reviews by David Fiorito Like a story: Plot become Flow/ context of use Characters become Persona Point of view becomes Heuristics narrative See/Think/Do with screenshots
  15. She also talked about how to change company culture from ux pov The Competing Values Framework, presented by Kim Goodwin "How we decide" design your design process and match different project management practices to fit the environment Clan - UX as Coaches/Facilitators - Skill building, Collaborators, Harmony Involvement, Slow, Everyone involved meetings with more people Adhocary - UX as Generalists / White board ninjas - Novelty, Experimentations, Hate Process, Not too structured, start up culture, use of white board for quick experiments Hierarchy - UX as Process and Design experts - Efficiency, Technical expertise, prevent failure, consistency, Checkins, styles guide, minimise disruption Market - Quantifiable results, assertiveness, beat competition Quantitate data driven, need of Proof, Measurements, minimise risk. Adhocracy culture Often found in startups, this kind of culture is constantly looking outside itself to learn. Processes and roles are flexible. There’s usually a lot of room for creativity, experimentation and risk-taking. The weak point of adhocracies is usually a lack of focus or clear ownership, which means it’s hard to get a decision and make it stick. Adhocracies love nothing better than a whiteboard ninja who can listen to users and internal stakeholders, then turn vague ideas into quick-but-concrete sketches. They’ll value your process skills for bringing order to the chaos, but only if it’s not called a ‘process’. Clan culture A clan culture is more focused on employee happiness and involvement than on the marketplace. Overt conflict is frowned upon. The design is pushed and pulled by multiple opinions before it eventually goes out the door. Frustrated designers often respond by keeping everyone out of the process, which only results in more explosions later on. Success in a clan means emphasising your role as a facilitator and coach. The fastest route to a decision that will stick really involves that huge group of people. This isn’t to say you should design by committee! Your best bet is to bring everyone out on field research to shake up the inward-facing perspective and build a shared understanding. If you don’t want ten-person design meetings, be sure to build in explicit checkpoints so everyone feels heard. Hierarchy culture Hierarchies value technical expertise, efficiency, consistency and compliance. A decisive leader in a hierarchy can move projects along quickly. Organisational silos and a focus on individual department efficiency tend to foster fragmented user experiences. Hierarchies like stability, so they may be slow to accept new ideas.Specs and process documents really do work. This is the only sort of culture where being an expert carries any weight. The key to success here is to be a good stakeholder stalker: learn how they make decisions; how and when they prefer to communicate; and what their big concerns are. Don’t accept organisational silos; use tools like scenarios to encourage a broader perspective. Market culture Market cultures are like adhocracies in that they focus on learning from the outside, but they’re much less likely to take a leap of faith. Markets like proof, preferably in the form of numbers, though they’ll sometimes believe it’s a good idea if competitors are doing it. The trickiest thing about design here is that you can’t prove you’re right before you at least test something.
  16. Self-assessment http://smallworldalliance.com/ How to deal with difs Social types Birgit Geiberger & Peter Boersma (UX Team of Two) Self-assessment http://smallworldalliance.com/ Understand how to deal with different type of people Relater, Socialiser, Director and Thinker
  17. Self-assessment http://smallworldalliance.com/ How to deal with difs Social types Birgit Geiberger & Peter Boersma (UX Team of Two) Self-assessment http://smallworldalliance.com/ Understand how to deal with different type of people Relater, Socialiser, Director and Thinker
  18. Improve UX process Birgit Geiberger & Peter Boersma (UX Team of Two) Rethink deliverables and process: list current deliverables diagram deliverables in phases describe the input needed for a deliverable and what is the output generated present, dicuss and prioritise templates fo 80 % of the cases Repeat Improve it: "To improve X I will do X with X and change X before X."
  19. Improve UX process Birgit Geiberger & Peter Boersma (UX Team of Two) Rethink deliverables and process: list current deliverables diagram deliverables in phases describe the input needed for a deliverable and what is the output generated present, dicuss and prioritise templates fo 80 % of the cases Repeat Improve it: "To improve X I will do X with X and change X before X."
  20. why dont we have it yet? beyond interface, computer, flat design focus on real user interaction
  21. Six things we still suck at plus four lessons to teach the kids by Abby http://abbytheia.com/2014/09/27/euroia/ Design is invisible by Lutz Schmitt http://www.slideshare.net/daslutz/design-is-invisible-euroia-2014-brussels?ref=http://www.slideee.com/slide/design-is-invisible-euroia-2014-brussels Content against cancer by Ida Aalen http://iallenkelhet.no/2014/09/24/euroia2014-content-against-cancer/ Well, we’ve done all this research, now what? by Steve Portigal http://www.slideshare.net/steveportigal/portigal-euro-ia-workshop Representing Information across channels by David Peter Simon http://www.slideshare.net/davidpetersimon/representing-information-across-channels Modeling Structured Content - IAS13 workshop http://www.slideshare.net/reduxd/modeling-structured-content-ias13-workshop End-users are not the only personas of your product or service by Karine Cardona http://fr.slideshare.net/KarineCardona/euroia-2014-personas-notonlyendusers Expert review of a website user experience context by Tom Van de Zande http://www.slideshare.net/tomvdz/expert-review-of-a-website-user-experience-context-euroia-2014 The web you were used to is gone by Alberta Soranzo http://www.slideshare.net/atrebla/the-web-you-were-used-to-is-gone-euroia-2014?utm_content=buffere1e55&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Half designer, half politician by Clementina Gentile http://www.slideshare.net/gentilemc/euroia-clementina-gentile http://digitalanthropologist.com/docsNstuff/Heuristic%20Storytelling%20-%20David%20Fiorito%20EuroIA%202014.pdf
  22. 5. Books and Articles referred Designing for People by Henry Dreyfuss Link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1581153120 Usable Usability: Simple Steps for Making Stuff Better by Eric Reiss Link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1118185471 Personal Styles & Effective Performance: Make Your Style Work for You by David W. Merrill et al. Link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0801968992 Positive Intelligence: Why Only 20% of Teams & Individuals Achieve Their True Potential & How You Can Achieve Yours by Shirzad Chamine Link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1608322785 The Service-dominant Logic of Marketing: Dialog, Debate, and Directions by Robert F. Lusch et al. Link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/076561491X Pervasive Information Architecture: Designing Cross-Channel User Experiences by Andrea Resmini et al. Link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0123820944 Information Anxiety by Richard Saul Wurman http://books.google.be/books/about/Information_Anxiety.html?id=dKIVV_suO28C&redir_esc=y Information Anxiety 2 (Hayden/Que) by Richard S Wurman Link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0789724103 Designing for the Digital Age: How to Create Human-Centered Products and Services by Alan Cooper et al. Link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0470229101 Fit’s law http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitts's_law Lawrence, T. B., Dyck, B., Maitlis, S., & Mauws, M. K. 2006. The underlying structure of continuous change. MIT Sloan Management Review, 47(4): 59-66. Link http://www.sauder.ubc.ca/Faculty/People/Faculty_Members/Maitlis_Sally/~/media/Files/Faculty%20Research/OBHR%20Division/Maitlis/2006_lawrence2006.ashx