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         Palliative Care vs. Hospice Care
        Part of Fight Colorectal Cancer’s Monthly Patient Webinar Series

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             October 17, 2012
         8 - 9:30 PM Eastern time

 Talking Turkey and Lynch Syndrome
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Fight Colorectal Cancer

                    Dr. Jim Meadows
             Director of Palliative Medicine
                  Tennessee Oncology
Board certified in Palliative Medicine & Family Medicine

Palliative vs. Hospice Care

         Jim Meadows, MD
    Director of Palliative Medicine
        Tennessee Oncology
• Certain topics must be approached carefully
• What is Palliative Medicine?
• Who can receive Palliative Medicine?
• What are the benefits and risks of Palliative
• Is Palliative Medicine simply hospice care?
• How can I see a Palliative Medicine team?
What is it?
• Palliative care is a medical specialty
  focused on aggressive symptom

• Experts whose primary goal is to
  improve quality of life.
What is it?
Palliative care is patient and family-centered
care that optimizes quality of life by
anticipating, preventing, and treating suffering.

Palliative care throughout the continuum of
illness involves addressing
physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and
spiritual needs to facilitate patient
autonomy, access to information, and choice.
Why have a specialty?
Why have a specialty?
• Diseases are complex

• Treatments are complex

• Symptoms are complex

• Patients are complex

• The system is complex
• With time, new needs are realized

• Focus on quality is growing

• Knowledge is rapidly expanding

• Benefits are being discovered
Who can receive PM

Anyone with a serious condition in

need of improved quality of life,

regardless of prognosis or diagnosis.
What’s Quality of Life
How do you measure quality?

Typically includes
     Pain            Shortness of
     Nausea          Breath
     Anxiety         Caregiver Distress
     Depression      Spiritual Suffering
     Fatigue         Financial Difficulty
     Constipation    Loss of Control
     Poor Appetite
Palliative Medicine in Action

• A patient is referred to a Palliative

• Palliative visits tend to focus less on
  the actual disease and more on what
  impact it has on the patient’s life

• Together, a plan of action is reached,
  which includes multiple modalities
• Better control of symptoms

• Better understanding of what effects
  a disease has on the patient

• Better communication among the
  patient, caregivers, and treatment
Patient Benefit:
       Proof Palliative Medicine
     “Do Palliative Consultations Improve Patient Outcomes?”
        Casarett D, et al, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 56 (4) (April): 593-599 (2008)

  In a multivariable linear regression model, after adjusting for the likelihood of
  receiving a palliative consultation (propensity score), palliative care patients
  had higher overall scores: 65 (95% confidence interval (CI)=62-66) versus
  54 (95% CI=51-56; P<.001) and higher scores for almost all domains.
  Earlier consultations were independently associated with better overall
  scores (beta=0.003; P=.006), a difference that was attributable primarily to
  improvements in communication and emotional support.

CONCLUSION: Palliative consultations improve outcomes of care, and
  earlier consultations may confer additional benefit.
Patient Benefit
        Phase II Study of an Outpatient Palliative Care
         Intervention in Patients With Metastatic Cancer
              Follwell, et al. JCO January 10, 2009 vol 27 no. 2 206-213

This study assessed prospectively the efficacy of an Oncology Palliative Care
   Clinic (OPCC) in improving patient symptom distress and satisfaction.

•   150 patients enrolled, 123 completed 1-week assessments, and 88 completed
         4-week assessments
•   The mean improvement in EDS was 8.8 points (P < .0001) at 1 week and 7.0
         points (P < .0001) at 1 month
•   Statistically significant improvements were observed for pain, fatigue,
    nausea, depression, anxiety, drowsiness, appetite, dyspnea, insomnia,
    and constipation at 1 week (all P ≤ .005) and 1 month (all P ≤ .05)
•   The mean improvement in FAMCARE score was 6.1 points (P < .0001) at 1
         week and 5.0 points (P < .0001) at 1 month.
Patient Preference
    Symptom management needs of oncology outpatients
            Whitmer K, Et al. J Palliat Med. 2006 Jun;9(3):628-30

More than half of surveyed patients would attend a symptom management
  clinic, if offered, for the following:

•   Pain (50%)
•   Fatigue (40%)
•   Nausea/Vomiting (30%)
•   Insomnia (30%)
Caregiver Benefit
• 34 million households with caregivers deliver care at home to a
  seriously ill older relative (Houser and Gibson 2008)

• On average they’re spending about 21 hours per week in caregiving

• Nearly one-half of all caregivers consider their caregiving
  responsibilities to be highly stressful, which puts them at a significantly
  increased risk for death, major depression, and other serious illness
  (Schulz and Beach 1999)

•   A very conservative estimate suggests that family caregivers’ unpaid
    contributions are approximately $375 billion per year (Houser and
    Gibson 2008)
Caregiver Benefit
Patients’ families are not very happy with us as a health care
                        industry either

• Joan Teno and colleagues (2004) studied caregivers of people who
  died in various institutions in the United States.

• 80% reported that patients and families didn’t have enough contact
  with their physician and didn’t get enough support

• Half the patients didn’t have enough support or enough information
  about what to expect in a setting of serious illness

•   Thirty-eight percent of families said they didn’t get enough support and
    one in five said they didn’t get enough help with their own emotional
Landmark Research
    “Early Palliative Care for Patients with Metastatic Non-Small-Cell Lung
    Temel JS, et al. New England Journal of Medicine 363 (8) (August 19 2010): 733-742.

•    Patients assigned to palliative care had better quality of life, reflected in a
     mean FACT-L score of 98.0 at 12 weeks compared with 91.5 for the control
     group (P=0.03)

•    Additionally, only 16% of the palliative care group had depressive symptoms
     versus 38% of the control group (P=0.01)

•    Palliative-care patients were also less likely to receive aggressive end-of-life
     care. The authors reported that 33% of patients receiving palliative care had
     aggressive end-of-life care versus 54% of the standard-care group (P=0.05).

•    Median survival in the patients who received early palliative care was 11.6
     months compared with 8.9 months in the control group (P=0.02).
Landmark Research
Landmark Research
Provisional Clinical Opinion: Based on strong evidence from a phase III
RCT, patients with metastatic non–small-cell lung cancer should be offered
concurrent palliative care and standard oncologic care at initial diagnosis.
While a survival benefit from early involvement of palliative care has not yet
been demonstrated in other oncology settings, substantial evidence
demonstrates that palliative care–when combined with standard cancer care or
as the main focus of care–leads to better patient and caregiver outcomes.
These include improvement in symptoms, QOL, and patient satisfaction, with
reduced caregiver burden. Earlier involvement of palliative care also leads to
more appropriate referral to and use of hospice, and reduced use of futile
intensive care. While evidence clarifying optimal delivery of palliative care to
improve patient outcomes is evolving, no trials to date have demonstrated
harm to patients and caregivers, or excessive costs, from early involvement of
palliative care. Therefore, it is the Panel's expert consensus that combined
standard oncology care and palliative care should be considered early in the
course of illness for any patient with metastatic cancer and/or high symptom
burden. Strategies to optimize concurrent palliative care and standard
oncology care, with evaluation of its impact on important patient and caregiver
outcomes (eg, QOL, survival, health care services utilization, and costs) and
on society, should be an area of intense research.
Palliative vs. Hospice
• Both focus on improved qualify of life

• Both are delivered by specialists

• Both have been shown to improve
Palliative vs. Hospice
• Both tend to be delivered by a team
  of individuals with knowledge of
  complex symptom management

• Both work with the patient’s other
  clinicians to provide an additional
  layer of patient care
Palliative vs. Hospice
• Hospice is a medical insurance
  benefit, with its own set of

• Hospice care is typically provided in
  the home, whereas palliative tends
  to be hospital or clinic based
Palliative vs. Hospice
• Hospice specifically cares for
  patients with terminal conditions
  where survival is typically <6 months

• Palliative medicine is delivered
  irrespective of prognosis

• Both are provided regardless of
Palliative vs. Hospice
Palliative vs. Hospice
Palliative vs. Hospice
Palliative vs Hospice Care
Involving Palliative Care
• Talk with your oncologist
  •   Palliative Care and Medical Oncology work
      as a team

• Use online resources to find local
  •   www.getpalliativecare.org

• Once arranged, have open, honest
Fight Colorectal Cancer

Fight Colorectal Cancer
                               CONTACT US

    Fight Colorectal Cancer
      1414 Prince Street, Suite 204
          Alexandria, VA 22314
             (703) 548-1225
 Toll-Free Answer Line: 1-877-427-2111

Email us: Info@FightColorectalCancer.org

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Palliative vs Hospice Care

  • 1. Welcome! Palliative Care vs. Hospice Care Part of Fight Colorectal Cancer’s Monthly Patient Webinar Series Our webinar will begin shortly www.FightColorectalCancer.org 877-427-2111
  • 2. Fight Colorectal Cancer 1. Tonight’s speaker: Dr. Jim Meadows 2. Archived webinars: Link.FightCRC.org/Webinars 3. Follow up survey to come via email. Get a free Blue Star of Hope pin when you tell us how we did tonight. 4. Ask a question in the panel on the right side of your screen 5. Or call the Fight Colorectal Cancer Answer Line at 877-427-2111 www.FightColorectalCancer.org 877-427-2111
  • 3. Fight Colorectal Cancer Upcoming Webinars Sex After Rectal Cancer Dr. Joel Tepper, UNC October 17, 2012 8 - 9:30 PM Eastern time Talking Turkey and Lynch Syndrome Variety of speakers November 14, 2012 8-9:30PM EasternTime Register at www.FightColorectalCancer.org 1-877-427-2111
  • 4. Fight Colorectal Cancer Funding Research Directly Lisa Dubow Fund http://fightcolorectalcancer.org/research/lisa-fund
  • 5. Fight Colorectal Cancer Disclaimer The information and services provided by Fight Colorectal Cancer are for general informational purposes only. The information and services are not intended to be substitutes for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are ill, or suspect that you are ill, see a doctor immediately. In an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Fight Colorectal Cancer never recommends or endorses any specific physicians, products or treatments for any condition. www.FightColorectalCancer.org 877-427-2111
  • 6. Fight Colorectal Cancer Dr. Jim Meadows Director of Palliative Medicine Tennessee Oncology Board certified in Palliative Medicine & Family Medicine www.FightColorectalCancer.org 877-427-2111
  • 7. Palliative vs. Hospice Care Jim Meadows, MD Director of Palliative Medicine Tennessee Oncology
  • 8. Acknowledgement • Certain topics must be approached carefully
  • 9. Objectives • What is Palliative Medicine? • Who can receive Palliative Medicine? • What are the benefits and risks of Palliative Medicine? • Is Palliative Medicine simply hospice care? • How can I see a Palliative Medicine team?
  • 10. What is it? • Palliative care is a medical specialty focused on aggressive symptom management. • Experts whose primary goal is to improve quality of life.
  • 11. What is it? Palliative care is patient and family-centered care that optimizes quality of life by anticipating, preventing, and treating suffering. Palliative care throughout the continuum of illness involves addressing physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual needs to facilitate patient autonomy, access to information, and choice.
  • 12. Why have a specialty?
  • 13. Why have a specialty? • Diseases are complex • Treatments are complex • Symptoms are complex • Patients are complex • The system is complex
  • 14. Evolution • With time, new needs are realized • Focus on quality is growing • Knowledge is rapidly expanding • Benefits are being discovered
  • 15. Who can receive PM Anyone with a serious condition in need of improved quality of life, regardless of prognosis or diagnosis.
  • 16. What’s Quality of Life How do you measure quality? Typically includes Pain Shortness of Nausea Breath Anxiety Caregiver Distress Depression Spiritual Suffering Fatigue Financial Difficulty Constipation Loss of Control Poor Appetite Insomnia
  • 17. Palliative Medicine in Action • A patient is referred to a Palliative specialist • Palliative visits tend to focus less on the actual disease and more on what impact it has on the patient’s life • Together, a plan of action is reached, which includes multiple modalities
  • 18. Benefits • Better control of symptoms • Better understanding of what effects a disease has on the patient • Better communication among the patient, caregivers, and treatment team
  • 19. Patient Benefit: Proof Palliative Medicine Works “Do Palliative Consultations Improve Patient Outcomes?” Casarett D, et al, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 56 (4) (April): 593-599 (2008) In a multivariable linear regression model, after adjusting for the likelihood of receiving a palliative consultation (propensity score), palliative care patients had higher overall scores: 65 (95% confidence interval (CI)=62-66) versus 54 (95% CI=51-56; P<.001) and higher scores for almost all domains. Earlier consultations were independently associated with better overall scores (beta=0.003; P=.006), a difference that was attributable primarily to improvements in communication and emotional support. CONCLUSION: Palliative consultations improve outcomes of care, and earlier consultations may confer additional benefit.
  • 20. Patient Benefit Phase II Study of an Outpatient Palliative Care Intervention in Patients With Metastatic Cancer Follwell, et al. JCO January 10, 2009 vol 27 no. 2 206-213 This study assessed prospectively the efficacy of an Oncology Palliative Care Clinic (OPCC) in improving patient symptom distress and satisfaction. • 150 patients enrolled, 123 completed 1-week assessments, and 88 completed 4-week assessments • The mean improvement in EDS was 8.8 points (P < .0001) at 1 week and 7.0 points (P < .0001) at 1 month • Statistically significant improvements were observed for pain, fatigue, nausea, depression, anxiety, drowsiness, appetite, dyspnea, insomnia, and constipation at 1 week (all P ≤ .005) and 1 month (all P ≤ .05) • The mean improvement in FAMCARE score was 6.1 points (P < .0001) at 1 week and 5.0 points (P < .0001) at 1 month.
  • 21. Patient Preference Symptom management needs of oncology outpatients Whitmer K, Et al. J Palliat Med. 2006 Jun;9(3):628-30 More than half of surveyed patients would attend a symptom management clinic, if offered, for the following: • Pain (50%) • Fatigue (40%) • Nausea/Vomiting (30%) • Insomnia (30%)
  • 22. Caregiver Benefit • 34 million households with caregivers deliver care at home to a seriously ill older relative (Houser and Gibson 2008) • On average they’re spending about 21 hours per week in caregiving • Nearly one-half of all caregivers consider their caregiving responsibilities to be highly stressful, which puts them at a significantly increased risk for death, major depression, and other serious illness (Schulz and Beach 1999) • A very conservative estimate suggests that family caregivers’ unpaid contributions are approximately $375 billion per year (Houser and Gibson 2008)
  • 23. Caregiver Benefit Patients’ families are not very happy with us as a health care industry either • Joan Teno and colleagues (2004) studied caregivers of people who died in various institutions in the United States. • 80% reported that patients and families didn’t have enough contact with their physician and didn’t get enough support • Half the patients didn’t have enough support or enough information about what to expect in a setting of serious illness • Thirty-eight percent of families said they didn’t get enough support and one in five said they didn’t get enough help with their own emotional needs.
  • 24. Landmark Research “Early Palliative Care for Patients with Metastatic Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer.” Temel JS, et al. New England Journal of Medicine 363 (8) (August 19 2010): 733-742. • Patients assigned to palliative care had better quality of life, reflected in a mean FACT-L score of 98.0 at 12 weeks compared with 91.5 for the control group (P=0.03) • Additionally, only 16% of the palliative care group had depressive symptoms versus 38% of the control group (P=0.01) • Palliative-care patients were also less likely to receive aggressive end-of-life care. The authors reported that 33% of patients receiving palliative care had aggressive end-of-life care versus 54% of the standard-care group (P=0.05). • Median survival in the patients who received early palliative care was 11.6 months compared with 8.9 months in the control group (P=0.02).
  • 27. ASCO Provisional Clinical Opinion: Based on strong evidence from a phase III RCT, patients with metastatic non–small-cell lung cancer should be offered concurrent palliative care and standard oncologic care at initial diagnosis. While a survival benefit from early involvement of palliative care has not yet been demonstrated in other oncology settings, substantial evidence demonstrates that palliative care–when combined with standard cancer care or as the main focus of care–leads to better patient and caregiver outcomes. These include improvement in symptoms, QOL, and patient satisfaction, with reduced caregiver burden. Earlier involvement of palliative care also leads to more appropriate referral to and use of hospice, and reduced use of futile intensive care. While evidence clarifying optimal delivery of palliative care to improve patient outcomes is evolving, no trials to date have demonstrated harm to patients and caregivers, or excessive costs, from early involvement of palliative care. Therefore, it is the Panel's expert consensus that combined standard oncology care and palliative care should be considered early in the course of illness for any patient with metastatic cancer and/or high symptom burden. Strategies to optimize concurrent palliative care and standard oncology care, with evaluation of its impact on important patient and caregiver outcomes (eg, QOL, survival, health care services utilization, and costs) and on society, should be an area of intense research.
  • 28. Palliative vs. Hospice • Both focus on improved qualify of life • Both are delivered by specialists • Both have been shown to improve survival
  • 29. Palliative vs. Hospice • Both tend to be delivered by a team of individuals with knowledge of complex symptom management • Both work with the patient’s other clinicians to provide an additional layer of patient care
  • 30. Palliative vs. Hospice • Hospice is a medical insurance benefit, with its own set of regulations • Hospice care is typically provided in the home, whereas palliative tends to be hospital or clinic based
  • 31. Palliative vs. Hospice • Hospice specifically cares for patients with terminal conditions where survival is typically <6 months • Palliative medicine is delivered irrespective of prognosis • Both are provided regardless of diagnosis
  • 36. Involving Palliative Care • Talk with your oncologist • Palliative Care and Medical Oncology work as a team • Use online resources to find local programs • www.getpalliativecare.org • Once arranged, have open, honest dialogue
  • 38. Fight Colorectal Cancer CONTACT US Fight Colorectal Cancer 1414 Prince Street, Suite 204 Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 548-1225 Toll-Free Answer Line: 1-877-427-2111 www.FightColorectalCancer.org Email us: Info@FightColorectalCancer.org